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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The Casino

She flushed and grinned sheepishly at his comment about personal space. "Sorry, sorry. Got all excited was all." She followed them through the doors, picking up her helmet as she went and slinging it over her shoulder - the strap hooked over two fingers. "I jus' got here mah-self. Not sure where everyone is at. Ah, there." She gestured toward Jack and Casper, two people in the know. Two people she hardly knew. It was a confusing thing to look at them and have a set of memories where they did not exist. Would she ever get used to it?

Bobbi was delighted to see the affection bestowed upon Casper from a man who must have been a boyfriend or something. Good. Cute. He deserved it. Right? She pressed the butt of her palm against the side of her head in the hopes of staving off the stupid headache. She really wasn't getting used to any of this. And the lights and sound of the casino didn't help. She approached the bar and ordered her usual whiskey and coke, needing something to soothe the frayed edges of her nerves. The only person amongst the newcomers that she recognized was Wolverine. But if he was with all of them they would-be allies, right? So confusing. She downed the drink and swiftly ordered another.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Guin Stark, Dominika Novikova, and Runa Blake

Location: the Baxter Building - New York
Skills: Telepathy
To say Guin's nerves were beginning to feel a bit shot was an understatement. Pietro had insisted to her that he was fine, but his actions suggested anything but that. Her hair flew into her face and Guin had to push it back, due to the tornado that he had created - luckily, it didn't hurt anyone. A fall from this height would be more than fatal. Her heart stopped for a moment and her ears started to ring as Pietro promised Novikova that he could be a murderer. Those weren't the words of the man she loved - those seemed like the words of a monster. "I know you're staring at me," she muttered, her eyes darting over to Carolina. "Look, Pietro doesn't remember the other world. He's dangerous here. So why don't you all shut the hell up and let me fix things?"

Guin then flipped off Cass and Novikova, even the newcomer Sapphire, as she walked over to a corner of the lab by the windows and took a deep breath, placing her index finger to her temple as she focused. She never had telepathy in the real world and while she did have the mental link to Pietro there, it could be difficult to use - especially when it really counted. Softly, she reached out to him. Pietro.... Come back please?

His reply was quick but crushing: No. Guin bit her lip slightly, remembering something her Aunt Nat had once told her - when people were out of their mind, you needed to approach them from their worldview. And there was one thing constant about Pietro regardless of the reality, no matter how irritating at times it could be - he always seemed to believe that he needed to protect Guin and that without him, she was in peril. I need you, Pietro... No way, not with that person around! That's my point, Piet - I can't defend myself against her and she's pretty powerful. ...You'll be fine...

"Goddamnit," Guin cursed. This approach didn't seem to be working, but at the very least he was calmer. She wanted to get him back here before he did something he would regret - or before Wanda would get to him. Are you willing to take that chance? You'll be fine...Wanda's probably going to try to kill me. I'm alone with the girl who tried to hurt you. And you know I never was taught to fight - so odds are, if something happens, I'm the one who dies. No you won't. I need you Pietro - please, if you love me, come back....Not right now... I need to clear my head for a bit without someone sitting there trying to mess with it. Where are you Pietro? Not at the Baxter Building anymore that's for sure. Please come back, Pietro....Not right now. ....Okay.... Guin replied quietly, sounding sad. There was no further response.

"Great, he's not coming back - so thank you for all of your help, but you know, I think we've got it covered here so you guys can kiss my ass and then go to hell."

Novikova gritted her teeth through the pain. "He is a murderer and we're better off without him here. I don't know who you are or what you can do, but I can see everyone's lives - all of them, no matter the timeline - and when I see that much death and pain, it's a defining characteristic of his soul. If he hasn't started killing yet, it's only a matter of time - and given the tree that fruit came from, I'd say it's already begun."

She managed to get to her feet, her knee badly bruised and already swelling some, but she wasn't about to stay down for long. "As for you, Ms. Stark, I've met a lot of assholes in my day - and sure, I'm one myself - but you take the cake. I've never met someone so deluded before that they make Belle from Beauty in the Beast look reasonable and sane for falling in love with her captor. So sit down while the grown ups talk." She never liked Guin Stark that much. She had the potential to be an Avenger, but instead she was running around playing damsel in distress with criminals. It was pathetic. "As for how we fix everything, we need to get enough people to go take on the Scarlet Witch."

Runa couldn't help but be alarmed at all of the fighting and shouting. She wasn't the type to initiate confrontation - unless it was to get revenge against those who had wronged her, of course - so she decided to hang back. There was so much screaming going on that adding her voice to the mixture she felt would just make it worse. Her eyes darted over towards Lance and then towards the others she had come here with, especially Niah, and she wondered if they would be able to soothe the building tension.

"Who let the knock off Black Widow in here?" Guin growled.

Casper Theriot

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mediumship
"Why wouldn't that be a thing you could do?" Casper asked his boyfriend, a goofy grin on his face. James' story though about fighting a witch and her trying to chop off his hand made Casper worried though - and on some level, he definitely wanted to go I told you so! to Jack about his witch idea. "I don't even remember this world, so your guess is as good as mine... Hopefully this me isn't dating Jinx or anything, he makes me look independent." He still had questions as to why James wasn't in this fairytale life of his, but they could wait for now. His boyfriend was being adorably nervous and Casper gave him a kiss on the cheek - maybe that would reassure him as to how he felt.

Ben waved his hand at James, though he wasn't visible. "Yeah, it does suck being dead - thanks for noticing."

"Ben's here - he says he missed you."

"Did not!" Ben chuckled, shaking his head.

Max then turned the topic of conversation to one of Casper's least favorite groups - the X-Men. The first letter of their name was an ever present reminder of his father's involvement, inspiring only discomfort in the young mutant. "Well, my dad is dead here so... At least he can't be a part of this," Casper reasoned with a sigh. "Alright, Ben and I are in. Definitely agree with Jack on avoiding the ginger twins - they're crazy and honestly the sane one isn't worth the trouble of the other one. Oh, and Jack has a cute little girl he kidnapped!"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: LeBeau Casino
ConjurationUpdated Outfit

"Glad to hear you're in. Honestly, I don't know who all we're looking for, I just used my magic to locate X-men and for some reason you two, Gambit, Rogue, and a whole mess of them appeared right here so we decided to come recruit you all. Oh, also my powers have kinda been...expanded. I've done things I never even dreamed of or just didnt think possible. Whatever this new reality is, it's as if I'm stronger...more...attuned to what I cam do. Though reshaping cosmic energy to create things from my will is still as difficult as ever it seems." Max chuckled a bit giddy at the prospect of his new powers, having the first real moment to let it sink in that the power levels between him here and back in the other reality were not even on the same playing field. He looked over towards where Jack was talking about some psychologically flawed woman with fiery red hair.

"I don't really know who all these people know or who they don't. Especially since who they are here may not be who they were back in the real reality. For example, James was a complete asshole from what I've heard, some elite agent with a penchant for getting things done. Would of thought this sweetheart could even swat a fly? So maybe this girl isn't so bad. Maybe in the real world shes super sweet and good and heroic. We just have to restore her memories thats all." Max was surprised to hear Casper join up so easily with people who brandished his father's name. It did however make much more sense when you realized Xavier died in this reality and so his name meant just about nothing here. What was even more shocking was that not only were they thieves, but Jack stole A WHOLE CHILD. "Ok. I know theres no honor amongst thieves but...a child jack? Really? Why?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Baxter Building - New York
Skills: Precognition

Allison wasn't holding Pietro because she felt he was a danger, but she had to get him off of the girl before a fight broke out. Her vision came true when he broke out of her hold and ran off. She sighed, but perhaps it was for the best. That is, until Guin started getting into it with the girl. Hadn't they just had enough in-fighting before?

"Ok everyone needs to cool it. We're on the same side otherwise we would be at each other's throats already. Now I don't know exactly who you all are, but I am assuming since you know Scarlet Witch is behind all of this you have memories of the other reality? We do too. So instead of bickering about anything else, let's work together to determine what we do going forward? I agree I am not up for having a reality where Magneto is or was a king. But Scarlet Witch isn't about to change things back because we ask nicely. So I am up to changing it back to how things were. If we remain here and just restore memories, people will still remember what occurred during all of this and I don't see mutants and humans holding hands after all is said and done. At least back in the other reality, humans weren't all against us."

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Tinley pinched the bridge of her nose. It was bad enough they had people who didn't remember anything, but now she had to contend with a girl who had her mind split? And why her? If anything. the girl seemed the least problematic. Capable, sure. A good leader, sure. But anything else? "This is above my paygrade which is non-existent at this point in time. Look, your mind got split. I don't know how or why, but what you remember about this reality is not correct. In the other reality, you lead a team called the X-men, a group of mutants out to protect everyone. Is there some part of you that recalls any of that?"

Tinley had a feeling something was wrong, but she didn't know why. Maria wasn't able to restore her memory. "Well either way, not why we came here. So stay here or come with us, either way doesn't matter to me. I just want things back to normal. This reality is batshit."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Ana had been keeping an eye on things, but it was moving quickly. Too quickly. So she decided to get in on the action. "You lot talk about a lot of crazy things, you know that right? Wanda caused a mess? And you are acting like you know this lot? What exact kind of con are you running here? Would someone mind filling me in?" She expected the story to be hilarious. The group looked incapable of crossing a street let alone gathering a force to take on someone as powerful as Wanda.

But she would hear them out. Perhaps this could be fun? After all, she still had her eye on that crown. She knew it was here and if going along with whatever plan they decided to come up with, then she would play along. She had lied before, so what was some more? She looked from one to the other, to see who would speak first. She prayed it was a good story, otherwise, this was a waste of her time and she could be out doing something else. Planning another heist or something, you know, like a Thieve's Guild should be doing.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

Relief washed over James as Casper spoke and he slung an arm around the man’s shoulders, leaning past him to steal a sip of his drink. So four familiar things now. Thank fucking God. “Thanks Max. Let everyone know how awful I am here.” He punched him lightly in the arm, embarrassed at the truth. “We’re here for Rogue and Gambit primarily. I’m not sure if the others know other people who are here but outside of you guys, I don’t really know who else we can snag. We should probably be quick though. The resistance may have started a small scale war on the lawn of the palace and its likely they’re working to hunt us down as we speak. It was amusing watching the Hulk toss Magneto around like a ragdoll. Should have recorded it.” James clicked his tongue in disappointment.

James did take a few moments to stare a Jack, confused but not judging. He definitely didn’t have room to judge after suggesting they use the Hulk to slaughter a city just to burn his bridges with his allies. However, he was also fully aware how his boyfriend enjoyed messing with people and blowing things out of proportion so he did take it with a grain of salt. “I’m going to hope that you didn’t steal her and you just adopted her or something. Do you know her from our reality at all?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Top Floor Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.

Antoinette smiled a bit and looked back at the others. She stayed near Lance, just happy to have another friend around. One she remembered. The room shifted in tension and Antoinette’s eye flared a bit from it but nothing more than that. Even if one wasn’t empathetic, it would be hard not to feel the change in the room. Pietro ran off in a swirl of wind and Antoinette couldn’t help but feel for him. ”His sister did mess with his mind and control him before we all arrived here. He could be reeling from that still,” she reminded them all.
The one who attempted to restore Pietro’s memories in a rather aggressive away continued to be hostile and Antoinette frowned. She unleashed at Guin and that was a bit much. Antoinette wasn’t close with Guin, to be honest she found Guin to be a bit intimidating and maybe she was a bit dependante or Belle to his Beast but still. ”I believe we are all entitled to a say, especially if we want to fix what has happened.” Antoinette nodded in agreement with Allison. They were all on the same side and bickering with each other wouldn’t solve the bigger problem.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.

Niah wiped at her tears. A little tightness in Niah's shoulders relaxed when Susan told her she had already been pregnant before the shift. "Sorry, I just need a vacation I think." She said to Susan, then turned to Reed Richards. "Pleasure to meet you, Doctor."

She didn't want to add her voice to the argument going on around her. Niah didn't know what Novikova had seen, but she trusted that it had been bad. They hadn't known he would react so badly, but maybe Novikova shouldn't have called him a serial killer. They all made mistakes. God knew that they all did. "We shouldn't give everyone their memories back, just those we need to fix this." Niah finally said. "And we definitely need to fix this." They could all at least agree none of them wanted 'King Eric' ruling them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"So... Someone messed with Pietro's mind yesterday, fun. He's going mental at the moment and that's just what we need, a speedster on the loose who seems like he is going crazy, fun. But I honestly do think we might want Pietro on our side, despite what Novikova over there has been kind of saying," Lance said to the group, adding his own voice to the arguments that were going on around them. Pietro racing off was not a good thing, since who knew what the speedster who seemed like he was going crazy would do.

"Yes, that might be for the better. Though it likely would have been better off to potentially ask before you tried to force someone to remember the real world. Especially if there was a chance that they might not want to. Then we likely would not be in this situation to begin with. However arguing with one another is getting us no where," Sue said calmly, looking over at the group around them.

"Actually not that surprising that Novikova would do that, but now we've just got to deal with the aftermath of everything," Flynn spoke up, he'd been fairly quiet up until that point, just processing a few things that were going through his mind. Namely the fact that he was related to Magneto of all people in this universe.

"I think we all already agreed to needing to fix this," Johnny said with a bit of an eye roll towards Niah.

"Agreed, if everyone remembers, then things will ultimately be worse in the long run for everyone. Only those who could potentially aid us in defeating Wanda Maximoff and help to get her to change things back. Unfortunately that might require Quicksilver's help, so we likely need to get him back here rather quickly if possible." Richards said, nodding towards Allison.

"Well who else would we want to help us? I mean really, a lot of heroes who could help out from what I can tell are scattered everywhere... Aside from maybe Stark or whatever here in New York."

"That's certainly an idea, we can go see about having Tony remember maybe, but who knows really..." Lance said with a shrug, before he heard something, a sound coming from down the hallway towards the elevator. Actually it sounded like it was coming from the stairwell. "...Anyone else here that? Sounds like footsteps... You all weren't expecting anyone to really show up here were you?"

"No we weren't," came a response, his clothes were starting to smoke slightly, as Johnny was prepared to light up if need be.

The door opened, and several people came out of the stair way. One was a young man who was constantly messing with a cigarette lighter in his hands, another was someone a bit more obvious, and over by Allison, the color drained from Oshea's face as Sabretooth entered the room, grinning somewhat. The last person who entered from the stairwell laughed slightly as she walked over, "Did you really think that you would be able to run from us? And that you'd be able to fight against the king?" Mystique said. There was the sound of the elevator hitting the top floor, and about a dozen soldiers came out of it. Then from the sound of the stairway again, what appeared to be dozens more soldiers, all of them drawing their weapons and pointing them at the group. "You really need to learn not to anger others."

With that, the soldiers started firing at them as they started moving forward. Sue instantly threw up a force field, protecting the group. However she wasn't quick enough to protect the group from all of the bullets. One bullet ended up slamming into Niah's side. It wasn't enough to knock her to the ground, as the bullet seemed to not hit anything vital, but it would still hurt like hell and it was still bleeding quite a bit. Another bullet had been heading towards Allison, but Oshea grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the way. "Are you okay Ally?" he asked her, before he looked back at the soldiers.

Sue's force field eventually broke from the bullets slamming against it and she stumbled backwards, blood was gushing from her nose. "Surrender now and we might allow you to make it out of here alive," Mystique said with a bit of a smirk.

"Alright, that's it, flame on!" Johnny said, before he took off into the air, completely surrounded by flames. Pyro however had been expecting that, and rolled his eyes at him, before he waved his hand and Johnny went slamming into a wall.

There was a large gust of wind that zipped into the room, and 5 of the soldiers just collapsed to the ground suddenly. Standing not too far away was Pietro. He still didn't look completely sane, and his right arm was completely covered in blood, and next to him as well as what was in his hands was what appeared to be... Human hearts. He had ripped them out in the blink of an eye, and was just sort of glaring at the soldiers group.

"...I didn't kidnap a kid Casper, how many times do I have to tell you that? She's actually my kid in this reality... No idea why I really have a kid here though, but is the fact that I do all that surprising? I mean seriously!" Jack said with a bit of a huffy breath before acknowledging what James had said. "So if you are looking for the X-Men... Now are we talking the original team or the like, current one? Since despite how much I don't like Xavier, I actually do know who currently is on the team roster, as well as the original one... The ginger twins? One of them, the sane one Mary, in the real world is the current field leader of the X-Men, so if you want their help, you might want to go see about talking to her. Though the idea of the leader of the X-Men potentially being insane, is not a happy thought at all. I don't see the sane one though, just the crazy one over by the people you showed up with."

Back over where Bobbi and Wolverine were, he rolled his eyes slightly, "Of course you've met those two, Casper is Xavier's kid and that's his half-brother, met their mother a few times, had more then a few screws loose," he said as he made his way over to where Tinley and Maria were. "Don't think anyone asked you to tag along blondie," he then said to Ana.

Chrysi just mulled over what it is that Maria and Tinley had said and let out a bit of a laugh. "Oh you are definitely mistaking me for someone else. You are actually looking for Marygold, the little Ms. Goody Two-Shoes. Not sure where she is, but fairly certain I can figure out a way to make sure she pops up some time."

"Oh? And how do you plan on doing that kid?" Wolverine asked, raising an eyebrow. He hadn't really heard what had been spoken about before he had walked over to them.

"This," she said as she downed the rest of her drink, before she threw the glass really hard at the back of the head of someone not too far from them. "He did it," she called out as the man turned around, and she pointed at someone else nearby. The man instantly went over to the poor unsuspecting man, picked him up, and threw him into several other people. "Oh how I love a good bar brawl," she said with a laugh as all hell started breaking loose in the area.

"...Duck!" Jack said instantly to Max, before he managed to push him to the ground as there was the sound of shattering glass that likely would have hit Max in the head if he hadn't done something. "...Is it sad to say that this is not my first time in a bar fight," he added, as he got up from the stool he was on, picked it up, and swung it at someone else, just in time to avoid being hit by someone's fist. Now he was holding it up somewhat, to more of defend himself, as the people near them were starting to fight now, and chaos was all around them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: LeBeau Casino
ConjurationUpdated Outfit

"Look, all I'm saying is that not everyone is who they were in their past life here. You were an ass, Jack's a theif, and some people are dead who should be alive. Besides, I'm sure you're...baby still loves you even if you were still Agent James." Max playfully punched James back. He turned his attention to what Jack was asking, something about the old X-men or new ones? He wasnt quite sure, to be honest he didnt know too much about the group aside from the media portrayals from when he was younger but those always came from far right news stations who painted them as villains or freaks to be dealt with. "I-I don't know to be honest. The group we're with, the underground, they just started listing names of other teams, alliances, or organizations and I searched for them. Given the vagueness of my search I got vague answers. Perhaps the people I found are old, new or have yet to be. There's no telling for sure." Max hung his head low, a bit disappointed he couldnt be of much more help at the moment. His eyes catching a peculiar sight, Jack had a child but no wedding ring.

He cleared his throat slightly before looking back up at Jack's eyes. "You know, Jack, I used to babysit a lot when I was younger. I'm actually really good with kids and dont mind the commit-" Suddenly Jack was yelling at him to Duck before he pushed him to the ground. For a fleeting moment, his body was pressed against him and Max's heart fluttered. He watched as the man lifted a bar stool to prepare for a fight and all he could do was imagine him shirtless. The loud commotion of a bar brawl brought him back and he saw the girl from the Hellfire Club in the crowd. "Jack, that blonde girl over there is a major telepath. She can control people and I bet she created this brawl as a diversion to do something sinister. Dont let her get away. Also...you may wanna lose the shirt it'll only get in your way."
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Guin Stark, Dominika Novikova, and Runa Blake

Location: the Baxter Building - New York
Skills: Telepathy, Russian, Metal Bending, Eldritch Magic
In Guin's worst nightmares, Pietro was murdered by O.M.E.N. agents - the circumstances matching the death of his future counterpart, Muscles. There were the occasional variations, in which a device she made caused his demise or one where the Avengers, deciding to forgo to clemency, eliminated him. But this waking horror brought her heart to a stop and a strangled breath escaped from her lips. "Pietro..." she called out, her voice scarcely above a whisper. "This isn't you. You aren't a killer - you're a good man... Please, stop." Her brain was so frazzled that even as she tried to telepathically take out Mystique, she couldn't focus and her effort amounted to nothing.

Maybe this all was just a dream.

Novikova shook her head slightly, seeing the blood and gore covering Prince Pietro. These people had had the audacity to pretend that he was something else - that somehow, killing and torture did not run through his veins. "Идиоты," she murmured under her breath. And while most of these people here only knew of her talents when it came to dimensional sight, she had other gifts - the ability to control the earth and to bend metal. She was slightly surprised no one had pointed out the similarities between her and Magneto in that light, but no matter.

Stretching her fingers, she dug in deep and began to levitate some of the metallic objects in the room - not too much, practically just a few tools like wrenches and screwdrivers. She then punched her hands forward and the tools shot towards Mystique, hitting the shapeshifter but she hardly flinched. Even as Novikova tried again to hit Mystique with metal, it was useless - her efforts were failures.

Runa didn't recognize those that entered the Baxter Building to attack them, but she didn't need to in order to identify a threat. The silver haired woman seemed to be fixating on the shapeshifter, so Runa figured that she must have been the most formidable foe. She certainly seemed to be the leader. And while restraint was taught on Midgard, Asgardians were ruthless in their conquest. They took very few prisoners. Her sling ring on her finger, Runa started to open up a portal, intent to create it around Mystique's waist in order to cut the mutant in half. It was a difficult process, yet Runa managed to create a thick and deep cut. Blood was cascading from Mystique's midsection yet no organs or entrails.

"All-Father, lend me your strength so that my enemies can die by my blade..." She then took a running start and then shoved Mystique backwards, slamming her onto the ground. She wasn't unconscious yet, which was a shame, but Runa could tell she was hurting badly. Leaving an enemy conscious was a mistake - one she did not intend to make. "You can make peace with your ancestors - perhaps pray for a Valkyrie to retrieve your soul," she instructed Mystique. "But be assured, you will not go to Hel - those who die in battle go to the halls of Valhalla."

Guin felt sick at the sight of all of the blood. The gothic girl that Lance seemed fond of was brutal and cruel, almost savage in her attacks against Mystique. Doing her best to focus through the shock and the emotional pain, Guin locked onto Mystique's mind and knocked the shapeshifting mutant out cold. "She's out, you can stop now!" she called out, mostly talking to Runa. They had Sabretooth and Pyro to deal with too, and while she hadn't fought Pyro before, she had heard so much about Sabretooth... and knew that he had been responsible for the death of Oshea.

Casper Theriot

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's eyes widened with excited glee. "Wait... You were an elite secret agent with a badass attitude? You were Bond, James Bond?!" he exclaimed, looking at his boyfriend with a huge grin. The littlest things could cause Casper's spirits to soar - especially if it meant that focusing on them would allow him to stop thinking about his father and his precious X-Men. "But really, trust me Max... If she's one of my father's students, I doubt she stayed sweet and heroic."

However, he did chuckle a little bit at the description of the Hulk tossing Magneto around - that was definitely something he was going to look for later on YouTube. Did they have YouTube here? He really hoped that they did. He couldn't imagine a world without silly cat videos.

"Ugh, your brother and straight women..." Ben grumbled. He didn't enjoy hearing about Jack's sexual exploits - especially the ones that resulted in a child. Thankfully, his attention was quickly distracted by the bar brawl breaking out - and Max's painfully obvious attempts to hit on his crush. "Really? I'm right here! Can he at least hit on Jack when I'm not around?!"

"You know, this is why raves are better... No one ever breaks out into stupid fights at raves," Casper sighed, deciding to hopefully just stay out of the way and not need to get involved. He wasn't a huge fan of physical fighting for the sake of fighting.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 44 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: The Baxter Building - New York City, New York.
Skills: Astral Projection, Possession

Carolina looked away from Guin for a moment when she snapped at her a little bit, she did feel bad that Pietro wasn't coming back by the looks of it for now. But she did agree with the others that they would most likely need him to help take down Wanda right now as well, she remained pretty close to October still holding her hand. "I agree we shouldn't be fighting against each other, we are basically playing right into their hands if we do that." She pointed out, she looked around at everyone within the room, when she heard the elevator going up turning around she spotted Mystique, Pyro and Sabertooth along with about twenty-four armed soldiers as well.

She really did hate that her powers didn't really have any real combat use other than possessing people and using their powers, or weapons against them. When Susan quickly brought up a forcefield around them, Carolina looked over towards October and gave her a loving kiss and smiled towards her. "Protect me okay?" She whispered before finding a spot for cover, and quickly left her body behind seeing Pyro taking down The Human Torch. She quickly took over Pyro's body, using the lighter in his hand, she managed to get the flame to flicker, before it sputtered out again. Carolina quickly did it again and managed to send a ball of fire directly at Mystique managing to burn her quiet a bit as well. She took a moment and looked over seeing Pietro was now in the room and he didn't really look to sane and seeing the hearts in his hand made her shiver slightly.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Baxter Building - New York City, New York.
Skills: Mission Strategy, Enhanced Condition, Hand to Hand Combat

Cassandra looked at Niah and Novikova for a moment she did know that going about it forcefully didn't turn out to well, and Pietro was now suffering because of it. But she didn't say anything about it, and looked towards her friend Guin when she snapped at her and gave her the finger. She wanted to say something to her friend, but when the elevator came up, and she heard some footsteps coming from the stairwell, Cass stared at the armed soldiers and then Mystique along with Pyro and Sabertooth came out. Susan managed to bring up a forcefield, and tried to come up with a plan but she couldn't really right now.

Seeing Sabertooth Cass cracked her knuckles a little bit, Sabertooth ended up killing Oshea the last time, and he managed to cut her arm quiet a bit as well, still having the scar from their last encounter. "I managed to take you out with an ICER last time, and I didn't even have powers at the time either." Cassandra said before running forward towards Sabertooth and punched him as hard as she could, making Sabertooth stumble backwards. She watched as Pyro suddenly turned on Mystique and quickly assumed that it was her sister who managed to control him.

Maria Smith

Location: The LeBeau Casino, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Skills: Novikova's (Dimensional Energy Perception), Life-force Absorption

"I'm pretty sure that she remembers the other reality somehow, I just got different realities of Mary, and some from our world." Maria whispered to Tinley. She looked over at the girl who decided to get nosey and walked over towards them, seeing that Wolverine had came over towards them. When Chrysi went and decided to start a bar fight flinging the glass over towards the closest patron, who in turn attacked the guy Chrysi had blamed it on.

Maria knew that this version of Mary was going to be a lot of trouble as well, and took a few more steps forward. "How about you just take a little nap?" Maria said as she grabbed onto Chrysi, and attempted to knock her out by using her life absorption powers, which made Chrysi stumble backwards. She started to do the same as she started to feel really sick and dizzy as well, turning her attention to look at her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by eclecticwitch
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eclecticwitch The Effervescent

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: The Casino, Bar


Did there constantly need to be turmoil? Bobbi growled as she hoisted herself over the bar to the other side of it. She grabbed her drink and kept low as she watched the ruckus unfurl before her. People were diving or being thrown or having things thrown at them. Where was Gambit when you needed him? There was an odd little piece of her that wanted to join the fray and fuck some people up. And maybe get fucked up a little. But there was another bit of her battling against it which called for self-preservation and using her brains.

A stool flew over the bar and she had to duck in order to not be hit in the head. Her scowl renewed she took a nearly empty bottle of vodka, drained the couple shots that were left, and then threw it out into the crowd. Retaliation, she couldn't sit idly by while her head was on the line. And her booze. She sipped the drink, slinking down along the side of the bar. She came to the opening at the end and peered around. She found Jack and some guy on the ground. "Oi, love birds. Over here," She gestured toward them. And then at the other pair of love birds - Casper and James. "I've got shielding and liquor." Really, anyone was welcome to join her in her hidey-hole until people stopped attempting to make human origami.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Top Floor Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.
Skills: Illusions

The pleasant mood Antoinette was feeling was quickly lost at the sight of Mystique and then at the sound of gunfire. Antoniette dropped to her knees, covering her ears and took a moment shaking there before she looked up. People were already moving into action, defending and attacking the Palace guards. Pietro returned and Antoinette dropped her hands from her ears in shock as she saw he had ripped the hearts out of guards chests. She tried to believe it was just him defending but the strange woman’s words who came with Lance drifted into her head. She found Guin in shock from it as well but Guin didn’t stay there long as the shield protecting most of them dropped.
The gunfire got loud again and Antoinette covered her ears once more but she knew she couldn’t stay like this. She couldn’t be defenseless and she couldn’t just sit on the floor doing nothing. Her purple eye flared as she thought of several different ideas and illusions she could cast as distractions. An image of something large, angry and green flashed across her mind and she smiled a little as she stood. Antoinette shook out her hands and shut her eyes as she thought of bringing forth the Hulk.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrewss

Location: The Baxter Building - New York
Skills: Telekinesis

Allison had been focused on Guin and the other girl that she almost missed when Mystique and her cohort arrived. Bullets flew, and Allison felt herself get tugged away as Oshea prevented her form being shot. "Yeah, I'm fine." Allison stared them down, but felt a shift from Oshea, looking over to him. She recalled that his memories were intact now, which means he remembered everything. Even his own death. She took his hand and squeezed. "You ok?" He replied, "Yeah I'm fine Ally. Don't worry." She nodded, but she still worried. It wasn't every day to face off against the person who killed you.

Guin and the mystical girl, whoever she was, seemed to have a handle on Mystique, and the others focused on Pyro. Which left beast boy to them. "You ready to take him down?" Oshea grinned and nodded, "It'll be my pleasure to beat him to a pulp." Allison let go of his hand. "I'm going to hold him, you run at him and knock him out." With that said, she ran forward. "This is for killing my future fiance, jackass." She summoned her telekinesis, holding Sabretooth in place. She figured if the man couldn't get to his claws, Oshea would be fine. Sure enough, Oshea ran forward and clocked Sabretooth in the face with a loud boom, knocking the man out. Allison ran up to him and hugged Oshea. "That was so cool!"

Tinley Abercrombie

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mind Control

Tinley had about enough of all of this. "This situation is annoying. Let's just go." That was, of course, before the bar fighting began. It didn't take much to see that Chrysi or whoever the fuck she was happened to be the cause of it. Tinley swiveled to face her now. "Big mistake." Maria had already tried to force her to sleep, but seemed to struggle. She patted her shoulder before she stepped up to the plate.

Tinley reached into Chrysi's mind and gave her a command. "You will fall asleep and not wake up for some time." With that command entered into Chrysi's mind, the girl fell to the floor, asleep. Tinley then faced the crowd who seemed to be agitated and ready to fight. She tried to latch on to their minds, but found it difficult to get to them. "I can't get them to stop."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Le Beau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Morality Manipulation

Ana ignored the clawed boy's dig at her. She could make him disembowel himself if she wished, but that was not the way. She had to admit her curiosity over the entire situation was more than her thirst for blood and mayhem. Before she could address the others, she heard the red-haired girl shout that it was someone's fault before people around them began to fight with each other. Ana enjoyed a good show, but this was proving to be more annoying than anything.

She also overheard the blond kid's comment at her. She had never met the boy, but he somehow knew what she could do? Interesting. She would deal with that later. "Hold that thought." She turned to the crowd that was forming for a bar fight before she grabbed their subconscious. The bar brawl patrons would feel her in their minds as she moved their desires around. They would, instead, be opposed to fighting. Almost a fear of conflict. Once out, she looked around. It seemed as though the situation would not escalate. Satisfied, she turned and marched toward the boy.

She raised her palm and slapped him across the face. Hard enough that he fell to the ground. "First, thank you for the compliment as to my powers. But I don't know you and we never met. How the hell do you know what I can and cannot do? I would also warn you to learn how to speak to your betters. I did not cause this, but as you can see, I helped calm it down."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niah Bautista

Location: Baxter Building-- New York City, New York.

Flynn was here. Anger boiled in Niah's stomach, anger that hadn't been there before she had remembered everything. She didn't look at him and bit her tongue. Niah closed her eyes pushing the anger at Flynn away. He had had his memories restored but none of the group who had time traveled remembered the first loop, except Dr. Strange, so none of them knew what Flynn had done. The elevator dinged and she opened her eyes again. She had left her phone in Australia to avoid this.

For a moment Niah didn't feel the bullet and then the pain came crashing around her. It wasn't the first time she had been shot in the stomach, and she was starting to get the feeling it wouldn't be the last. Maybe a bulletproof vest would be a good investment. She considered the thought as she pressed her hand against her side trying to stop the bleeding. It was excessive. But with her hand pressed against it tightly, she was able to slow it down.

Now that she wasn't completely distracted by shock and bleeding Niah looked up and saw Pietro holding what could possibly be still-beating hearts in his hands. The move was so much Luminose that Niah had to close her eyes again. She wanted to forget again, wanted nothing to do with this. Niah took a slow deep breath as fighting broke out. She wasn't meant for the battlefield. She belonged in a lab. On her exhale she drew the ICER at her hip and opened her eyes looking for a target.

Her eyes darted over Mystique who looked like she was well taken care of and landed on the young man she didn't recognize with a lighter. He had come in with the others and therefore was a threat. She shot at him three times in quick succession. Two of her ICER bullets hit him but he remained standing.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: N/A

“Yeah, something like that.” James said ruefully. Not really like that but if it made Casper happy to think of it that way then maybe it was just best to let sleeping bears lie. James gave Max a look at the shirt comment and rolled his eyes. Seriously, now? Of all the times? James was sorely tempted to slap Max across the head but he refrained from doing so. The guy did help him find Casper so he guess he could let his less than subtle commentary slide. Next time though…

James froze as the woman slapped Max across the face. What the fuck was going on here? James helped Max to his feet and then keep one hand on his shouler, knowing how quickly he may be tempted to escalate this situation. “Or we could all keep our hands to ourselves like halfway decent people and not escale things like you apparently want to do. And before you give the I just calmed things down speech, you then proceeded to slap the shit out of someone. How about you just trail along while we do what we need and you can get the story on the way. We don’t have time to be picking up every person we know in the other reality.” James said, pointedly looking at Max. Max needed a task to complete, a goal or objective, or Max was going to escalate this far more than necessary. “Now that we’re closer, think you can find Gambit and Rogue specifically with that tracking spell? The sooner we’re out of here, the better.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Pietro looked over at Guin, and it seemed like he was starting to calm down. Or well, more like he looked like he was less of a murderous psychopath. However, it did not look like he was completely sane still, as he dropped what was in his hands and backed away from the bloody mess around him. "I-I-I-" he stammered out, not really able to say much else. He seemed partially in shock now more then wanting to go on a bit of a murder spree.

Annie managed to bring forth the illusion of the Hulk, in full on rage mode. The illusion let out a loud roar, and the human soldiers that were there instantly panicked, dropping there weapons and backing away from the illusion that she had created. They were clearly terrified of the damn thing, and knew better then to try and actually fire back against the giant green creature.

Lance could tell that it was an illusion, and for once he was actually glad to have the Hulk around. However his attention was drawn to Runa, who clearly just tried to cut someone in half with a portal. "Uh... Runa? We don't do things like that, no attempting to disembowel people with portals, or doing anything like that ever really... Okay?" he said to her, before he turned his attention back towards what was going on.

Richards had taken the opportunity of all the soldiers dropping their weapons to snatch them up and get them far away before the group could even begin to realize that the illusion wasn't real. And just in time too. Unfortunately, with Niah hitting Pyro a bit with her ICER, she ended up kicking Carolina out, so she was no longer controlling him. In fact, Carolina possessing him allowed him to easily see through the illusion, knowing perfectly well that it wasn't real.

"Is that the best you've got?" he asked with a bit of a smirk, before he turned to acknowledge the soldiers behind him, "It's not real you idiots! The Hulk isn't actually here!" Flynn glanced over at Johnny from where he was, as the Human Torch came over.

"...Betting he can't stop both of us. One of us should be able to get some sort of hit on him..." Flynn suggested, and Johnny smirked slightly as he was engulfed in flame and took off into the air. A moment later, Flynn was on fire as well, but he was still on the ground. The pair both sent fire flying at Pyro, who seemed to just hold his hand up and most of the fire seemed to dance harmlessly around him.

Only most of it though.

Who knows who sent the fireball that actually hit Pyro, it likely was a bit of a group effort between the two of them, but a blast of fire slammed into Pyro, sending him flying backwards and into a wall. He didn't move for a moment, but he started to move slightly, as if he was trying to get up.

"...Well surprisingly that worked... So now what?"

"Well, glad to see that ended rather quickly, also, a bit obvious with the flirting much? That is definitely not really the way to go if you are trying to get someone to take their shirt off," Jack said to Max with a slight laugh, before he set the chair down. His eyes widened when Anastasia walked over and just smacked Max across the face. "And word of advice, you probably should watch what you say, otherwise who knows what'll happen..."

Turning to face Ana, he figured he might as well try and address the situation. "Um, well I thought it was kind of obvious that the insane psychopath over there was the one who started it, but that's just me..." he said calmly, choosing his words rather carefully. He didn't trust Ana at all, and the fact that it sounded like she was trying to get them to trust her or something didn't help either. "So how about instead of fighting, we try and find a reasonable solution. After all, you might end up causing another brawl in here if you aren't careful... Which will make it so you stopping the entire situation a bit pointless..."

"What the hell is going on over here?" a voice called out, and if Maria and Tinley looked over, they'd see another red head who looked identical to the one that Tinley had just knocked out. "Did Chrysi cause problems again? Apologies for that, she's probably still annoyed that she wasn't able to murder anyone yesterday," Mary said as she walked over to them and looked at Chrysi.

Maria would start to feel a little bit dizzy, and her skin started going a bit pale, but she was still on her feet and Mary looked over at her. "...Are you okay? You kind of look like you are going to be sick..."

Wolverine looked a little confused about something for a moment, before shook his head and addressed Mary, "She tried to knock her out with her powers of Life-Force Absorption, similar to Rogue's." he responded simply. Mary's eyes grew wide and she took off, before returning a moment later with a bottle of water.

She pulled out a plant seed from her pocket, and it started sprouting into an herb plant of some kind. Plucking a few leaves from it, she crushed them up in her hand and dropped them in the water, before swirling it around. "Here, drink this... Odds are you got poisoned, my sister and I, we have a poisonous touch and it usually is fatal within an hour at the most, so I would recommend drinking this quickly..." she said, handing the bottle to Maria. She definitely was sounding more like the Marygold that they had met back at SHIELD then Chrysi did.

"Whatever you say kid, where's the swamp rat?"

"...Who?" she responded, sounding a bit confused.

"...Gambit, and his girlfriend," Wolverine responded. It was obvious he wasn't too used to actually saying Gambit's name, generally for the most part sticking to the nickname.

"Oh, Remy and Rogue? They're downstairs, I can go get them if you want to talk to them..."

Jack glanced over from where they were and leaned over somewhat so that Ana wouldn't be able to hear his words, "That's Marygold Isley, she probably can tell you where Gambit and Rogue are, probably would be a bit better over all if you just ask her about it then to use a spell or whatever to try and track them in this place. It's kind of like a maze in here."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 44 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: The Baxter Building - New York City, New York.
Skills: N/A

Carolina was about to attack the soldiers using Pyro's body she noticed the illusion of the Hulk and some of the soldiers dropping their weapons, when she felt two shots hitting her in the chest, she was instantly kicked out of Pyro's body. Which instantly caused her to be forced out of his body, and quickly moved back to her regular body groaning a little bit looking over at Niah. "Friendly fire much?" Carolina said, as she slowly got back up to her feet leaning up against October slightly as she watched both Flynn and Johnny taking on the man she had just taken control of and knocked him against the wall.

Allison and Oshea managed to take out Sabertooth with no problem and then the others taking on Mystique with no issue at all either as the Red Guard's guns were taken away from them by Mr. Fantastic with no issue, she looked at them all for a moment they managed to take down their heavy hitters by the looks of it with no problem as well. Looking over towards her sister, and then the people that Cass had come with as well.

Cassandra Reed

Location: The Baxter Building - New York City, New York.
Skills: Enhanced Condition, Hand to Hand Combat

Cassandra looked at both Oshea and Allison and gave them a nod as they both knocked helped take down Sabertooth with no problem at all, when she heard a roar, and the illusion of the Hulk was there within the room. The fighting in the lab seemed to continue as the others took down Mystique with no problems at all, and both Johnny and Flynn taking down Pyro who called them out on the Hulk being an illusion which wasn't good. He was slowly getting up to his feet and quickly ran over towards him and gave him a very hard punch to the face knocking the guy down to the ground.

She turned around to look at Flynn and then the others in the room, and then the soldiers she was pretty sure that they would get the courage again to attack. "We need to get the hell out of here, The Red Guard knows we are all here they will just keep sending more after us." Cass suggested she wasn't sure if there were more men outside right now either and she wanted to make sure that everyone made it out of here safely, as far as she could tell they had everyone's memories restored except for Pietro's.

Maria Smith

Location: The LeBeau Casino, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Skills: Novikova's (Dimensional Energy Perception)

Maria started to feel really dizzy, but she managed to keep on her feet right now when she heard a familiar voice and turned when she noticed it was actually Marygold coming up to them. The bar brawl seemed to be dying down now when was good and Chrysi was knocked out thanks to Tinley. She gave Tinley a slight smile as she patted her on the shoulder, and went to go lean herself up against a counter top, she wasn't sure why she was feeling really sick either. "No, not really.." Maria answered her as she heard Wolverine telling Mary what happened, and the redhead quickly ran off to get some water.

When she came back with some water and some kind of herb broken into the water, she wasn't sure what it was but she chugged the glass of water down instantly which she started to feel better right away. "Thank you." Maria said as she lifted up the glasses a little bit and held Mary's hand. "You are going to feel weird just so you know." Maria warned her as she used Novikova's ability on Mary to restore her memories with no problem.

She was instantly bombarded again with the other realities of Mary one where she is killed by Quicksilver by being shoved out of a window at some boarding school. She seems a similar version of the same vision from earlier where Mary is surrounded by fire and then going away completely. And Mary sitting on the top of the Empire State Building in the middle of New York City where the city isn't on fire, Maria quickly put the glasses back on and shook her head slightly looking over at Mary still unsure what she had seen. She moved closer towards Mary, she thought that she should know later. "We should talk later privately." Maria whispered to Mary before taking a step back.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: LeBeau Casino
ConjurationUpdated Outfit

Max's cheeks went red as Jack told him that wasn't how to got someones shirt off. Thinking on the embarrassment of what he'd just said and done, but if there was anything about Max now, was that he'd try and double down on this already horrid situation. "Then how would you go about getting someone to-" before he could even finish his sentence, the blonde bitch from the Hellfire Club has made her way over to the group and smacked him so hard he fell to the floor. In that instant there were two flashes of power. The first was when she made contact with his cheek, his eyes glowed as they tended to do when using his powers, however I stead of removing Jack's shirt it was his that went missing. The second, was when Max hit the floor. In a reactionary response his magic had gone awry and lit Jack's shirt on fire as he went tumbling down. It wasn't apparent at first, not till after James helped Max up did the fires begin to lick up on Jack's top.

Max had every intention on removing Anastasia from the playing field, he knew she was dangerous and for a brief moment contemplated how much better the other reality would be if she wasnt in it. That thought was however railroaded when flashes of memories hit him again, the loss of the cops and the blood on his hands. His stomach churned for a moment before it passed. Right. Murder was never the answer, there was always a high road, a way to do things right. Max picked his cane up as he allowed himself to be lifted by James, using it as a crutch to help him up. He let the dopey mechanic speak for a moment and then Jack, each thinking of a different solution for how to find Gambit and Rogue. "I think Jack's got the right of it at this time. My powers just went haywire and I'm not sure what'll happen if my spell does more than just fail. As for you." He glared at Ana with fiery eyes as he spoke. "It seems this version of you isn't the same as the one I know. Stick around and perhaps we can work together. After all we could sure use your skillset on the upcoming fight. Now let's go see this Mary about a swamprat."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Guin Stark, Dominika Novikova, and Runa Blake

Location: the Baxter Building - New York
Skills: Telepathy, Metal Bending, Eldritch Magic
October nodded, standing over Carolina's fallen form as she used her powers of astral projection. There were so many people present with the ability to control fire, with October being the only female in that group. She had no doubt in her abilities to defend her true love if she needed to. She smiled slightly, watching Allison and Oshea take on Sabretooth together. Love really was a powerful force. "Hey, it's okay... Just take a deep breath, you're okay," Guin told Pietro softly, hoping to calm him down slightly but they didn't have that much time to discuss feelings in the middle of a fight. Annie had created an illusion of the Hulk, Pyro had been knocked out, and Mr. Fantastic had disarmed the human soldiers.

Putting a hand to her forehead, Guin put out a simple telepathic command to the soldiers - "Sleep." It worked like a charm and the soldiers collapsed to the ground, fast asleep. Novikova didn't want to risk them waking up again and she took a breath, reaching out with her powers of metal manipulation and she created metallic restraints, keeping the soldiers from being able to move or fight back if they were to wake up from that telepathic sleep. "Might I recommend we vacate the premises? They'll come back with more if we stay here," she pointed out. Magneto would know that his soldiers had been defeated soon enough and Novikova didn't want to wait around to see who else may come their way.

"Once I take care of that one," Runa muttered to Novikova, before she tried to open a portal up underneath Pyro to drop him in the ocean. Unfortunately, the portal failed. She was getting tired, especially with the ruthless and brutal magic she had used on Mystique. She didn't doubt that the mutant would die with wounds like those, yet she was surprised by Lance's words of caution. It didn't make any sense to her - why leave enemies alive? It was just giving them a chance to come and attack you once more, to kill those you cared for out of revenge. Dead enemies were never something to fear. Their stories had concluded. "That may be how you handle things on Midgard, but I'm not a Midgardian," she reminded him.

"Kid, don't waste your energy," Novikova then told Runa. "If you kill them here, pretty sure they'll come back to life in the real world. So there's no point. But again, we really ought to leave. It won't be long until reinforcements come and I doubt they'll be as easy to defeat the second time."

Guin then moved over to Pietro, putting her hand on his gently. "Hey, are you alright?" she asked him softly. They had a little bit of time now, since all of their enemies were unconscious or bleeding out (or both), and she wanted to make sure that he was fine. He had had a mental break or something of the sort and she loved him. She didn't want to see him in pain. Some of the blood on his hands was now on hers and she tried not to feel sick at the thought.

Casper Theriot

Location: the LeBeau Casino - New Orleans
Skills: Mediumship
Bobbi had taken up shelter behind the bar and she was beckoning for them to go on over and hide there with her. "Ugh, tell her that Jack and Max are not dating!" Ben begged, more than a little bit jealous of the magical mutant and his ability to tell Jack the way he felt. That was one of the worst parts of being a ghost - you never could move on. You never had the opportunity for growth and change, you just stayed the same for all eternity. A small blonde girl marched on over and slapped Max across the face, eliciting a cheer from Ben.


"You know, that does sound really crazy come to think of it..." Casper mused, as his boyfriend gave a partial explanation for Anastasia that really explained nothing of the sort. And while the others didn't seem to believe that Anastasia had a right to information, Casper decided that it was up to him to explain to her what was going on. "Someone changed the world and took your memories - made you think that all of this is real but it's not," he explained. "... Max, the fuck?" Casper couldn't help but exclaim, seeing Max's shirt vanish and Jack's catch on fire.

"Ugh he's so bad at this..."

Though from what he remembered, it wasn't that unusual for Max's powers to go haywire - he reminded him of the Scarlet Witch in some respects. His brother's shirt was now off, so it seemed that Max had gotten his way for the moment. "Jackie... Do you want me to get you a new shirt or something?" he asked, figuring his brother might be cold.
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