Name: Hayato Arashi
Appearance: a somewhat small boy standing at only about 5'6", with somewhat long (about shoulder-length) snow-white hair that always seems to be sticking out in odd directions, as if charged with static electricity. Sometimes- particularly when trying to look presentable- he may pull it into a ponytail in a relatively vain attempt to keep it under control. In his natural state, his eyes shift in color, glowing with different colors of electricity (from purple to blue to yellow), but typically settle at pale blue-ish white. With his Limiter- disguising him as fully human- his eyes instead appear as a somewhat dull blue-gray. His skin is also covered in pale patterns (similar in shape to the scars left behind when a human is struck by lightning), which are hidden by his Limiter but may glow with electrical light when he is channeling his abilities in human form. Outside of school, he generally wears loose, covering clothing; t-shirts, hoodies, baggy pants, etc.

art by me.
Age: 16
Gender: male
Backstory: it's hard to say if Arashi is full youkai or only half, considering that he is, for all intents and purposes, an orphan of unknown heritage. He was discovered amidst the typical hallmarks of his kind- continuous storms and uncontrolled destruction, in a rural village. Of course, Hunters tracked him down, but quickly discovered that rather than a terrifying monster, it was instead what amounted to a lightning-imbued kitten in search of a warm blanket and some milk. The Hunters took pity on the small, abandoned creature, offering it kindness instead of killing it outright. This seemed to bring its tantrum under control, and thus they chose to take it in, for the time being at least. The young raiju quickly learned to take the shape of a young human boy. Thus they chose to adopt him once and for all- after all, they were unable to conceive children of their own, and it surely would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to closely study the physiology and powers of such a youkai. Thus, he was taken in and named Arashi, meaning "storm."
Raising a powerful youkai child was, of course, no easy feat, but Hunters are accustomed to dealing with children who have magical powers, and their own, in turn, made control of his a bit easier. Either way, he was raised mostly alone, both as most other Hunters didn't particularly like the idea of their children playing alongside a youkai child (wouldn't want them to get too friendly with a youkai, after all), and even though he was mostly well-behaved, he was still a bit too powerful and unpredictable to play with fully human children. Therefore, he was homeschooled for most of his life, though he did have a few Hunter friends. He was never forced into the life of a Hunter, given the option to be raised as normal person, in control of his powers, so that he could simply integrate with human society and live a normal life. As he got older, though, he insisted he be trained so that he could follow in his mothers' footsteps. The risk that any youkai he came across could be his kin never bothered him; after all, it was Hunters who had raised him, and Hunters who he considered his family. Still, the idea of a youkai Hunter was met with some reservation and suspicion by other Hunters, and thus it took a great deal of convincing for Arashi's mothers to convince them to even allow him to go to school with the others.
Finally, it seemed that he had enough control of his abilities- and enough of the other Hunters had been convinced well enough- that he was allowed to enroll in school alongside regular humans and the other Hunter children. No doubt the test isn't over yet, however; it will still take a great deal of convincing to get the others to truly trust him, if they ever do.
Hunter Power: anything related to his natural state as a raiju youkai - control of electricity/lightning, flight (only in his raiju form, quite tiring to do), and the ability to shift into his raiju form- thus, any physical ability expected of a large, predatory-shaped beast (biting, clawing, etc). Though not weak by any stretch in his human form (in terms of electrical control), his ability is far greater in his "true" form, though he tends to try to avoid taking that form in an effort to appear more "normal" or "human" when among Hunters, and he is very sensitive and self-conscious about this form, especially since he was occasionally teased about it as a child (especially in its smaller size). When not wearing his Limiter, however, strong storms or being hit with strong currents of electricity may force him to change, and often times the mere buildup of electricity in his body even from day to day activities may be enough to cause him to shift uncontrollably if his limiter is removed.
His raiju form is that of a somewhat dragon-like creature, with a long, narrow body, slender limbs, multiple whipping, lion-like tails, and a long-muzzled, wolfish face. His body is covered in wispy, almost cloud-like white and storm-gray fur with electric blue markings, and when he becomes agitated it begins to crackle with electricity. Just like in his human form, his eyes glow and shift colors. His size in this form is somewhat variable; when he is calm and it is not storming, he takes a smaller form that looks more like a strange house cat than a dragon. When agitated and it is storming, he is much larger, about twice the size of a large horse. As he draws his power from electricity and natural storms, he has little control over which form he takes; during storms or when there is a great deal of electric energy around him to draw on, or if he has a great deal built up in his system, it will be the larger form, but if not then it will be the smaller.
As a side effect of his electrical abilities, it is very difficult for electronic objects, such as phones, computers, and other complex electronics to function around him. Even simpler items, like electric lights, may occasionally flicker or surge when he is proximity, especially if he is drained of electricity or too powered up.
Techniques: working on them; probably won't have a lot considering he doesn't exactly have family bloodline powers.
Heirloom: Arashi is unable to use his family's heirloom, being a youkai. He does own several swords which he not only uses as mundane melee weaponry, but the metal of which he can use to channel his electricity just like any other metal object. Unfortunately, these are not magical, meaning that he can't exactly carry them around at school, and though sturdy and well-made, they can be broken just like any regular weapon.
Skill: Arashi is pretty typical in most things; he can cook well enough to make mac-n-cheese out of a box; he can tidy up the house but he's not overly meticulous; he can keep up with schoolwork, but he's not an A+ student. Even with his Limiter, he is strong-ish, and a little faster than a lot of humans, but he's still not real athletic. He is, however, surprisingly good at sewing, and within his family is often tasked with repairing or re-fitting broken or outgrown items, or else making new ones if they can't be bought. He is also quite good with plants, and keeps a small garden in his yard at home.
Limiter: a simple black collar-style choker that he wears around his neck.
Theme Song:
Appearance: a somewhat small boy standing at only about 5'6", with somewhat long (about shoulder-length) snow-white hair that always seems to be sticking out in odd directions, as if charged with static electricity. Sometimes- particularly when trying to look presentable- he may pull it into a ponytail in a relatively vain attempt to keep it under control. In his natural state, his eyes shift in color, glowing with different colors of electricity (from purple to blue to yellow), but typically settle at pale blue-ish white. With his Limiter- disguising him as fully human- his eyes instead appear as a somewhat dull blue-gray. His skin is also covered in pale patterns (similar in shape to the scars left behind when a human is struck by lightning), which are hidden by his Limiter but may glow with electrical light when he is channeling his abilities in human form. Outside of school, he generally wears loose, covering clothing; t-shirts, hoodies, baggy pants, etc.

art by me.
Age: 16
Gender: male
Backstory: it's hard to say if Arashi is full youkai or only half, considering that he is, for all intents and purposes, an orphan of unknown heritage. He was discovered amidst the typical hallmarks of his kind- continuous storms and uncontrolled destruction, in a rural village. Of course, Hunters tracked him down, but quickly discovered that rather than a terrifying monster, it was instead what amounted to a lightning-imbued kitten in search of a warm blanket and some milk. The Hunters took pity on the small, abandoned creature, offering it kindness instead of killing it outright. This seemed to bring its tantrum under control, and thus they chose to take it in, for the time being at least. The young raiju quickly learned to take the shape of a young human boy. Thus they chose to adopt him once and for all- after all, they were unable to conceive children of their own, and it surely would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to closely study the physiology and powers of such a youkai. Thus, he was taken in and named Arashi, meaning "storm."
Raising a powerful youkai child was, of course, no easy feat, but Hunters are accustomed to dealing with children who have magical powers, and their own, in turn, made control of his a bit easier. Either way, he was raised mostly alone, both as most other Hunters didn't particularly like the idea of their children playing alongside a youkai child (wouldn't want them to get too friendly with a youkai, after all), and even though he was mostly well-behaved, he was still a bit too powerful and unpredictable to play with fully human children. Therefore, he was homeschooled for most of his life, though he did have a few Hunter friends. He was never forced into the life of a Hunter, given the option to be raised as normal person, in control of his powers, so that he could simply integrate with human society and live a normal life. As he got older, though, he insisted he be trained so that he could follow in his mothers' footsteps. The risk that any youkai he came across could be his kin never bothered him; after all, it was Hunters who had raised him, and Hunters who he considered his family. Still, the idea of a youkai Hunter was met with some reservation and suspicion by other Hunters, and thus it took a great deal of convincing for Arashi's mothers to convince them to even allow him to go to school with the others.
Finally, it seemed that he had enough control of his abilities- and enough of the other Hunters had been convinced well enough- that he was allowed to enroll in school alongside regular humans and the other Hunter children. No doubt the test isn't over yet, however; it will still take a great deal of convincing to get the others to truly trust him, if they ever do.
Hunter Power: anything related to his natural state as a raiju youkai - control of electricity/lightning, flight (only in his raiju form, quite tiring to do), and the ability to shift into his raiju form- thus, any physical ability expected of a large, predatory-shaped beast (biting, clawing, etc). Though not weak by any stretch in his human form (in terms of electrical control), his ability is far greater in his "true" form, though he tends to try to avoid taking that form in an effort to appear more "normal" or "human" when among Hunters, and he is very sensitive and self-conscious about this form, especially since he was occasionally teased about it as a child (especially in its smaller size). When not wearing his Limiter, however, strong storms or being hit with strong currents of electricity may force him to change, and often times the mere buildup of electricity in his body even from day to day activities may be enough to cause him to shift uncontrollably if his limiter is removed.
His raiju form is that of a somewhat dragon-like creature, with a long, narrow body, slender limbs, multiple whipping, lion-like tails, and a long-muzzled, wolfish face. His body is covered in wispy, almost cloud-like white and storm-gray fur with electric blue markings, and when he becomes agitated it begins to crackle with electricity. Just like in his human form, his eyes glow and shift colors. His size in this form is somewhat variable; when he is calm and it is not storming, he takes a smaller form that looks more like a strange house cat than a dragon. When agitated and it is storming, he is much larger, about twice the size of a large horse. As he draws his power from electricity and natural storms, he has little control over which form he takes; during storms or when there is a great deal of electric energy around him to draw on, or if he has a great deal built up in his system, it will be the larger form, but if not then it will be the smaller.
As a side effect of his electrical abilities, it is very difficult for electronic objects, such as phones, computers, and other complex electronics to function around him. Even simpler items, like electric lights, may occasionally flicker or surge when he is proximity, especially if he is drained of electricity or too powered up.
Techniques: working on them; probably won't have a lot considering he doesn't exactly have family bloodline powers.
Heirloom: Arashi is unable to use his family's heirloom, being a youkai. He does own several swords which he not only uses as mundane melee weaponry, but the metal of which he can use to channel his electricity just like any other metal object. Unfortunately, these are not magical, meaning that he can't exactly carry them around at school, and though sturdy and well-made, they can be broken just like any regular weapon.
Skill: Arashi is pretty typical in most things; he can cook well enough to make mac-n-cheese out of a box; he can tidy up the house but he's not overly meticulous; he can keep up with schoolwork, but he's not an A+ student. Even with his Limiter, he is strong-ish, and a little faster than a lot of humans, but he's still not real athletic. He is, however, surprisingly good at sewing, and within his family is often tasked with repairing or re-fitting broken or outgrown items, or else making new ones if they can't be bought. He is also quite good with plants, and keeps a small garden in his yard at home.
Limiter: a simple black collar-style choker that he wears around his neck.
Theme Song:
oops I had forgotten to put it in a hider