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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, The Cherry Bomb, Basement
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

Callie looked at Veil and smirked a little bit towards her and nodded to her friend. "With pleasure." Callie said as she closed her eyes and then started to build up the energy in her hands. She then shot out a large bolt of lightening from her hands hitting Sabetooth, injuring him pretty badly but he was still standing. Callie looked between Glimpse and Veil for a moment as she started to think of an idea.

"Veil, try and find a sprinkler near him if you can and hit that, and try to make a forcefield to pin him down." Callie said while looking over at Glimpse. "You, keep doing your jedi mind trick thingy or whatever it is you are doing now." Callie said, she still didn't really know what. She just hoped that there was some kind of fire suppression system in here, and she could just electrocute Sabertooth and that could hopefully knock him out.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Amtrak Station, Washington DC
Skills: N/A

Cassandra climbed out of the car with Flynn, Hawkeye, Novikova and Bonnie as well, she drew out her ICER while looking at the group of mutants that were there that caused this huge mess. She noticed the triplet mutants were looking at Bonnie in a weird way and looked over towards her friend. "They seem to like you though." Cass said jokingly before looking over at Hawkeye and the others as well.

"Just turn yourselves in that would be a lot easier, and we can go back home quickly. Before some trigger happy police or Purifiers show up." The whole thing at the train station didn't look to well either, if they did all show up then it wouldn't really be a good thing either at this point.

Maria Smith

Location: Amtrak Station, Washington DC
Skills: N/A

Maria climbed out of the car and stood next to her girlfriend and quickly drew out her bow while looking over at Hawkeye for a moment and the rest of the team. "I wouldn't mind a nice little fight." Maria said as she eyed the four mutants that were getting out of the train car. She was pretty sure that they would be able to take them on without any kind of issue since there were a lot more of them then there were of the terrorist's.

Though Cass did have a point the Purifiers could show up at any point as well, which wasn't a good thing either, though they could take them on but it would probably give these people a chance to walk away. Maria looked over towards her girlfriend for a moment and smiled a little bit. "Mind lending me some of your power for a little bit?" She asked her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Sinister’s Lair -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy -- Binding

”Trying to,” Luna ground out. She was concentrating extra hard on this one as he was greatly pushing back on her. Miracle upon miracle, she was able to push him back a bit more and keep him straining in position. It seemed he had a great healing factor so doing anything on the outside, was useless. ”Spark, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about brain waves would you? Think of the inner workings of a car,” Luna said, playing on their mutual knowledge about mechanics. ”The wires, short circuit him if you can. Nothing we do on the outside will keep him down for long.”
Luna didn’t dare move a step, her complete concentration was on keeping Sabertooth at bay to buy the other two some time in dispatching him. She didn't want to risk stepping forward to use some of her other talents in order to take him down. Luna didn’t even want to try to speak to him to have him stand down or play dead for all she cared. She remained focused on keeping him in place while the others tried to think of a quick plan.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Roundabout Gift Shop - JFK Memorial Hospital ---> Van/Road -- Washington D.C.

Cayden didn’t linger long either, following after the others to get to the vehicle as quickly as possible. He was barely inside when Sapphire floored it and he fell against whoever was sitting beside him before he could right himself and put on a seat belt. Cayden looked behind him at the spasming Magik and the dying Vulcan in the back. ”So medical treatment 101 on the move? Or are we waiting until we get back to the Underground?” There wasn’t much any of them could do about the cop situation other than drive like hell so if there was anything they could do now, Cayden would help, despite him having the urge to push Vulcan out the back and blame faulty locks.
Cayden shifted in his seat, facing forward again and untied the leather piece that was holding his hair back and wrapped it around his wrist again, tying it nicely and securing it with his teeth. His pushed his hair back with his hand and let out a breath, leaning back in his seat as the world zoomed by outside his window. What a whirlwind of activity these past few days. Cayden felt like he could sleep for a week due to all the activity and adrenaline rushes he experienced.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Cherry Bomb Basement (Wardrobe Suite Hallway)
Skills: New Outfit

Havok was a wealth of information, that is if the wealth was a dried up old well with nothing to offer. He had hoped that Jack had dealings with the Underground much like he did the Morlocks, but it appeared that it wasn't very extensive. There was also the thought that perhaps he kept people at arms length, never letting anyone get too close; that would explain his secretive meeting with daddy dearest earlier today. Max blew a tuft of hair out of his face in frustration, annoyed that he was no closer to figuring out what was happening here than where he first started. Shaw owned this bar, they already knew that, a hound was found in the basement, that was to be expected though it wasnt who he expected nor was it some random mutant. Now his team was being divided and trapped in separate rooms to do who knows what kind of experiments based on the jars they had passed before hand. There was a slight shudder to him as he thought on it and decided to focus on the task at hand.

As Havok mentioned that he wouldve liked to have hit him, Max wasnt sure if he should chuckle or be insulted. Sure they clearly didnt get along, but this could be seen as a form of dry humor to help alleviate the tension between them. Max took one look at Havok and decided, it wasn't a joke nor would Havok attempt to diffuse a situation. He seemed more like the type to instigate one just for fun. As Havoks blast was concentrated it blew the door clean off and landed hitting Leighton. Max immediately rushed over to help her up, placing his hand where it had hit her gently and asking if shes was ok. Havoks next words caught his attention however, Emma. The very same woman they had fought not too long ago, though it was clear she wasn't present. Flames threatened to kick his hands as he wanted to ignite the mutant where she stood, but he kept his cool, standing by Leighton incase she needed help. "What do you want Emma. Why are you here?"

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Mexican Stand Off outside of the train.
Skills: Jinxes Galor.

It appeared things were beginning to spice up as two black vans appeared, and an avenger no less, came out from one of them. The would be heros certainly looked interesting, between Hawkeye, a hunk, a cyclops wannabe, mini hawkeye, and finally...a fourth of those twins? Now that was a lovely surprise. Jinx gauged them all, wondering who would move first as he determined the bigger threats among them. His eyes made their way over towards the Three in One, giving them a look as he side glanced Anastasia so that they could open up a 5 way channel of communication between them. Once he could feel theirs minds connected he smiled thinking Oh good, I was hoping youd understand. Anastasia, I'm going to make that hunk of a man more easily manipulated by you ok? Try and get him on our side, as for your new quadruplet Three in One, I'll block out her powers as well as that Strange girl who asked to borrow someones powers. Dont need a wild card like that roaming around.

The idea of having someone who could steal powers was definitely not good. If she got her hands on Jinxs or Anastasia's it could go very poorly. Luckily his didnt have a tell, so she may think his only super power is the annoyance he creates or his Psionic bolts he can throw. As the wind tussled his hair slightly, Jinx blew another bubble, this one rather large going up just beneath his eyes before popping and splattering across his lips. He pooled it back in before talking between chews. "I'm sorry who are you guys supposed to be? I mean him I get, but what are you babysitting nowadays? Oh and what's with the Blondie? Get her at a discount villain store or something? Yeesh." His attention now fully turned towards Flynn as he eyed him up and down. "Listen, I dont usually do this on first dates but uh, hows about we get outta here and you can cuff me back at home. I'll even roleplay with ya so you can pretend to be a big bad hero huh?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 11:20 AM

The Amtrak Station...

Cass' worry about the police showing up was unfounded at the very least - S.H.I.E.L.D. had officially taken control of this operation, with local police being instructed to avoid the area. Novikova gave Maria a nod. "Sure, just try to avoid the eye problem," she recommended, knowing that realistically Maria couldn't pick and choose which of Novikova's powers to absorb. And of course, neither of them knew about Jinx's jinx he had placed on Maria trying to absorb Novikova's talents.

Bonnie practically gagged at Jinx's jeers. And while she was a bit unnerved at how much she resembled the triplet mutants, strange things had happened before. Captain America had an uncanny resemblance to the Human Torch after all. "You can do better than him," she informed Flynn. "Like really, anyone can do better than that guy."

"Yeah, don't really care about this idle talk," Barton admitted. "Chance to surrender is over," he informed the Hellfire Club. He pulled a taser arrow and let it fly, hitting Jinx dead on in the chest and shocking the mutant severely, enough to knock Jinx down to the ground and get him to see stars. The Russian agent then caused basketball chunks of earth to shoot up from the ground into her hands and she chucked them at Anastasia, grazing the White Queen but not making enough contact to hurt her.

"We can't get into their minds - they're wearing some sort of device to block out psychic powers!" the Three in One whispered into the minds of Anastasia and Jinx. Since Anastasia's powers of morality manipulation functioned by her delving into people's psyches, this would spell trouble for her as well.

Bonnie advanced towards the Three in One with her knives, looking for a good opening but the triplet mutants closed ranks. Bonnie frowned slightly, not wanting to throw the knives since that would greatly increase the odds of a fatality. "Flynn, back me up," Bonnie requested, figuring that with Flynn's flames and her knives, they'd have a good chance of defeating the triplets.

On the Road...

"No one, Ben was being dumb," Casper answered Feedback quickly. They were in the van, they had the medicine they needed for Magik, and Casper had even managed to swipe a pick-me-up for himself for later. Sure, they hadn't planned on bringing Vulcan along too but someone would figure out what they should do with the villain eventually. Sapphire at the very least had the good sense to floor it, especially as -

"Duck!" Ben shouted, Casper reflexively putting his head down as a spray of bullets hit the back of the van. The bullets missed all of the van's occupants - maybe it was their lucky day after all. Colossus turned back into his metal form, feeling a bit cramped but it was better than taking a bullet to the back of the head. "Ve cannot lead them back to Underground," Colossus said. Even though they were getting a new headquarters, it was dangerous to lead the police there. And without Veil, they couldn't just turn themselves invisible.

"Uh maybe Feedback can do her radio thing again?" Casper asked, though he was skeptical. The cops were right behind them and shooting at them from their cars, their lights flashing and sirens screaming. It wouldn't be too easy for them to just get the police to change directions, would it? Angel of the Morning had only worked for so long as well, they'd need another strategy. "Wait, Metal Mind, what powers does your sis have exactly?" Casper asked, wondering if maybe Magik could stop the cops.

"...I am not sure," Colossus admitted. "I can jump from car, distract cops and then you can escape," he offered. As to Cayden's question, that was ultimately Sapphire's call - she was the only one there with real medical experience. But if they wanted to use Magik's powers, as ill defined as they were, then treating her now would enable her to help with the cops.

Sinister's Lair - Sabretooth's Hallway...

Veil looked up, seeing what looked like a sprinkler system. She created another pressurized frisbee force field and flung it up at the sprinkler, hitting her target and causing it to rain down on poor, poor Sabretooth. She then gritted her teeth and made the strongest force field she could, pinning Sabretooth down and preventing him from moving, but of course Glimpse had already accomplished a similar effect telepathically. "If this doesn't work, we might want to come up with a Plan B!" she shouted.

Maybe if they couldn't keep Sabretooth from healing, they could try to just knock him unconscious - or fling him far, far away somehow? But since they were underground, sending him into dreamland seemed like the most practical idea to her. If Spark Plug shocked him just right, they might be able to pull it off - that or Glimpse could change her attempts as well and start trying to telepathically knock Sabretooth around.

Sinister's Lair - the Music Room -> the Laboratory...

Sinister smirked slightly at Jack, seeing the helpless detective sitting obediently. The mind was such a fragile and easily manipulated thing - he was almost disappointed that he hadn't gotten at least a slight resistance from him. "All will be revealed in due time, Jacques," Sinister promised, snapping his fingers and the scenery shifted. They weren't in the music room anymore - no, this must have been Sinister's laboratory. Gigantic cages lined the walls, most of them occupied. Sinister telekinetically pulled Jack along until he reached an empty one and he shut Jack inside, locking the cage firmly. Once inside the cage, Jack would begin to feel slightly ill - there was a power dampening field within the cage, keeping Jack from using his mutant powers to escape.

"Now to find the rest of your little friends..." Sinister murmured, before vanishing.

"Hey, Marshmallow!" Sunshine called out. She was inside a cage next to Jack, a noticeable bruise on her head from her fall down the stairs earlier. "Do you have a lock pick or anything on you?" she asked him without a moment's hesitation. Sunshine was too calm for a kid in this situation, but then again, this was hardly the first time she had been kidnapped by some sort of human extremist. The rest of the cage occupants were quiet and docile for the most part, though some of them were twitching and looked less than sane.

Sinister's Lair - the Wardrobe Suite...

Emma was waiting for her niece's response, though she didn't seem surprised to see Max there. "Mr. Gray, how pleasant of you to stop by... I am here to speak to my niece and while I would prefer to do so privately, if she would like you to be here then that is fine by me."

Havok meanwhile was trying to figure out how to fight an astral projection. He couldn't just send an energy blast at Emma - she wasn't actually physically there. Eventually, he determined that their only real way to fight Emma right now would be to walk off and ignore her. Someone like Glimpse with telepathic powers would be capable of doing more. "Leighton, Max, ignore Emma - she's a snake - let's get back to the others. This place gives me the creeps."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, The Cherry Bomb, Basement
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

Callie looked over at Glimpse asking if she knew anything about brainwaves and shook her head, it was something that was certainly out of her area of expertise. What little she did know that humans did have a small amount of electricity going through them from the brain but that's all she knew. "Never was a doctor so that's out of my area, and that might just blow his brain up or something." Callie said pointing out, seeing Veil using her powers and managed to hit a water sprinkler in the ceiling made her smile a little bit. "Thanks Veil." Callie said.

She used her powers again, but missed the puddle of water that Sabertooth was around, but managed to electrocute him with no problem and with the water it easily knocked him out. Callie relaxed a little bit, as the electricity around her dissipated looking at the two of them for a moment. "Lets keep going, it wont keep him down to long I don't think." Callie said, as she quickly started to move further down the hallway avoiding Sabertooth.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Amtrak Station, Washington DC
Skills: Handguns

Cassandra looked at the weird guy who openly flirted with Flynn and made a gagging motion while looking over at him. "Looks like he really likes you." She said jokingly, as she stared at them all and drew out her ICER, just as Barton fired a taser arrow at the boy who had flirted with Flynn and insulted her friend, knocking him to the floor. She took aim at the triplets who stood there, and fired off nine rounds.

Seeing that only two rounds managed to hit her targets, though one of them was a graze she hoped that it would be enough to knock them out as well. Novikova managed to throw some rocks at the youngest one in the group, but it looked like it didn't hit badly Bonnie had decided to run forward with her knives out. "I'll cover you two."

Maria Smith

Location: Amtrak Station, Washington DC
Skills: Power Absorption, Archery

"Thanks love." Maria said, as she took a glove off of her hand gently resting a hand on her girlfriend's arm, though she didn't feel anything at all. She reached out again to try it letting out an annoyed groan when she didn't get anything at all from her, sure her powers did act up a lot of the time. But she wasn't able to get anything, seeing as the others were going for the triplets, and Barton went out for the guy who flirted with Flynn.

Maria drew out her bow this time, picking up a taser arrow like Barton had done, and drew it back notching the arrow, and fired it at Anastasia who she didn't know what her powers were, only for it to miss. She was starting to get a little bit annoyed as she looked at the train wondering who was still on the train and who had escaped from it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

Well, this was a shitty situation if he ever saw one. With basically no way out but luck―James sincerely doubted even a professional race car driver could outrun the cops in this van―things were looking a little dicey and staying out of jail after robbing a hospital and being involved in a fight that definitely ended in property damage was high on his list of priorities. They needed to figure out a way to change the terms of the chase and thankfully, this van was full of people who could do just that. “Sapphire, do you think you’d be okay swapping places with someone else and work on freezing roads? Or do it while your driving? If we can slick some turns behind us, it’ll force them to slow down or risk spinning out and give us some breathing room to work on something. I know swapping while driving is risky but hey, we’re being shot at.”

James expected that plan to get ripped to shreds in a heartbeat but honestly, he hated the idea of waking either of these people up. If dastardly duo wanted them dead, trapped in a metal box and unable to get out at high speeds was a fucking holiday gift wrapped up in a pretty little bow. James tsked in frustration since there was basically nothing he could do but spitball ideas. This wasn’t really a situation he could fix real quick with a tool box and a few hours and that annoyed the hell out of him. What else could they do? A distraction would be nice but that was mostly on Feedback. He’d say he wished Max was here because he could do some crazy shit but the last time the guy was being chased, it hadn’t ended well and no one needed more of that.

“Just a thought, and maybe it isn’t good but it’s a last resort. Do we know where the bar the rest of the group went to? We could regroup and if things are as dark the previous info suggested, it might be enough to stall the cops into calling back up and we can slip away through in the meantime?” James suggested with a grimace, not really liking it himself. But if they could stall long enough and regroup, maybe they’d stand a better chance.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: On the Road
Skills: Radio Wave Manipulation

Waverley furrowed her eyebrows at the wiry man's explanation, which raised more questions than it ultimately answered. Who was Ben? She guessed it could be Colossus' real name, though it didn't sound particularly Russian. Not to mention that she hadn't heard Colossus say anything that would warrant being called dumb. Out of curiosity, she was about to prod further into questioning the young man, but was interrupted before she could even start by bullets shattering the back window and flying into the van. Waverley let out a scream, ducking her head in her hands and slouching in her seat in an instinctive attempt to make herself a smaller target.

After the sounds of gunshots stopped for the time being, she sat back up, looking around at her team. Everyone seemed to be fine thankfully, including the drug-addled sister of Colossus in the back. Waverley, having never actually been shot at, was shaken, light tremors taking over her hands. She stared back at the police cars behind her, and, after a few seconds of getting herself together, she closed her eyes, and reached out with her abilities. Despite the stress of the situation, or maybe in part because of it, she managed to grasp hold of the police radios rather quickly.

'Cease your fire on the civilians immediately! I repeat, cease your fire on the civilians IMMEDIATELY! The hostiles are still in the hospital!' Waverley pushed out, and she could feel the transmission successfully go through. She opened her eyes, shaking her head at the healer's and Colossus' ideas. "Don't do anything yet. I managed to get a transmission through telling them to stop shooting, so let's hope they fall for it," she commented, her eyes glued on the cop cars behind them, watching for any inclination they might stop firing and pull back.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago


Location: On the Road
Skills N/A

"We don't have the time exactly to change drivers right now, alright?" she said, almost like she was holding back at snapping at him. She was trying to not bite people's heads off at the moment, since being pissed off at people and driving did not go hand in hand if one planned to get from point a to point b in one piece. "I can easily blast at the road or what not through the front window if I have to. And hell no Piotr, you are not jumping out of this car and acting like a detached anchor to go deal with them, we aren't leaving you behind got it!"

Her mind switched around slightly, glad to hear that Waverly had essentially done something that might stop the cops from following after them. She wasn't going to do something yet to retaliate against the cops, but if they fired at them again she would do something. "Considering how fast we are going not going to recommend someone giving the shot or whatever to her yet, since you might hit something vital and cause more harm then good. As for heading to the bar, we need to get off the road now and lay low, not to mention we've got to help those two out and deal with them first, and for all we know the others could be back at the Underground already," she continued, referring to giving the drug injection to Magik, as well as the fact that Vulcan was still not in the best shape considering his heart attack.

Jack Theriot

Location: Music Room -> Some other room
Skills N/A

"That still makes no sense still, and what exactly are you going on about?" Jack muttered somewhat, though something about Sinister struck him as oddly familiar, as if he'd met someone like him before, but he couldn't quite place it. Then again, considering the fact that he had met a lot of shady sort of characters over the years just about everywhere, so that wasn't too surprising. Probably just reminded him of some random con artist he had met at one point and he just couldn't remember the guy or whatever. It was just a bit strange to him.

Then the room essentially started shifting around him, and they ended up in some other random room that was more then a little eerie and creepy, especially considering the fact that there were large cages that lined the walls and a lot of them had people or whatever in them who didn't exactly look sane. He wasn't really able to fight back as Sinister used telekinesis to pull him along and lock him in an empty cage that blocked out his powers. That certainly was not a good thing. Hearing Sunshine's voice, he turned to look at her and shook his head. "Sorry Rookie, I don't."

Frederick Flynn

Location: Amtrak Station
Skills: Fire Manipulation

Flynn let out a little bit of a sigh, this was definitely not something he truly wanted to be doing, but at this point there likely wasn't going to be any sort of choice. "...You do realize like, none of my clothes are really fire proof soooo... Here Bonnie, hold this," he said to her as he took the leather jacket he was wearing off and handed it to her, before stepping away from her slightly. Taking a deep breath before he managed to light up and become engulfed in flames.

As he mentioned, most of his clothes weren't exactly fire proof, so the instant he did so, his shirt turned to ash and once again, Flynn was left shirtless. They really needed to find a way to prevent that, it was starting to annoy him a little bit, but now it didn't matter so much. He instantly sent a ball of flames flying at the Three in One, and he managed to hit them. He had just expected to burn them or something, but apparently their clothes were decently flammable, as their clothes were set on fire.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Cherry Bomb - Wardrobe Suite
Skills N/A

Leighton listened to her aunt's words and admitted to herself they sounded.....reasonable. Her mother was cold. Always had been. Leighton didn't care too much so long as she was provided for, but it now made sense that her life looked like that. She was sheltered from mutants. Forced away from what she was. Her mother had to have known. Was that why her aunt rarely showed up? Her mother didn't want her aunt filling her brain with ideas? And wasn't that what she wanted to achieve for herself? For Max? For Erg? A world where mutants could be free? To live with each other without fear of persecution? Wasn't that why she was here, trying to save the children?

Before she could ask her aunt, the door burst and hit her head. "Oh fuck!" She clutched the side of her head where she got hit, before Max and Havok ran in. She looked back to her aunt and then to Havok. Then she looked at Max. She felt something deep in her stomach, something that told her a decision was about to be made to change the course of her future.

"No, I want her to talk. She's family. And as much as my biological family has been pieces of shit, she is the first to tell me the actual truth. So I want to hear from her before I decide anything." She checked on Max, seeing if she would stand with her before she addressed her aunt. "Aunt Emma. What does this world look like? What would it entail? And how do you plan on getting there? I want the truth, especially as it pertains to those that are not mutants."

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Amtrack Station
Skills Telekinesis, Morality Manipulation

As soon as they got off the train, they were met with a group of do-gooders, and she really hated do-gooders. "Well I did say this was going to easy. Fair enough. Let's get this over with." Jinx went and did his thing, she assumed and the Three-In-One began to target the others. She nearly got hit herself, making a mental note to ensure that the girl who tried to hit her experiences pain slowly. She was about to use her morality manipulation when the Three-in-One popped into her head. So they had something preventing mental attacks huh? Clever.

She scanned them quickly, not seeing anything of note right away. However, upon further inspection, she noted they had earplugs of some sort. That had to be it. She reacted quickly, using her telekinesis on Flynn and ripping them out of his ears. She then tried to enter his mind to shift him but struggled. She chalked it up to the effect of the plug not immediately dispersing. She sent out a telepathic call to Jinx and the Three-in-One, "They have earplugs of some sort. That is what is preventing mental attacks. The literal hot one's are out so do with him what you will, but try to get the others' out too."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Sinister’s Lair -- Washington D.C.

Luna was able to keep Sabertooth bound and kept it up even when Veil pinned him down, for extra assurance. Despite Spark Plug not being able to deduce Luna’s clever analogy, she was able to shock the creature with use of water when Veil destroyed the sprinkler system. Between the three of them, they got Sabertooth knocked out. Luna released her hold and a rush of air and release overcame her. She let out a breath and nodded in agreement to Spark Plug’s idea of getting out of there. ”We should keep trying to find the others and Emma,” Luna said but followed after Spark Plug. They seemed to work better together, she wasn’t about to suggest splitting up.

Luna inched around Sabertooth before falling into step next to Spark Plug. They needed to find a faster way to get to everyone else but that also depended on who Veil wanted to find. ”If you want, I can see about tracking the others but it would work better if you narrowed it down to one or two people you want to find right away,” Luna suggested to their leader. Luna wanted to locate Emma Frost personally but she would hold back her own vedetta.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Van/Road -- Washington D.C.

Cayden automatically ducked down as shots started to be fired, he even hovered over Waverley a little while she hacked into the police radios and hopefully bought them some time. ”Maybe slow down a little Sapphire… I know we are short on time but even though the cops are called off, they might leave one behind since we are speeding…” It was just a suggestion of course, Cayden would do what he could to keep the police from taking the driver out.
Once the shots stopped, Cayden shifted, pulling his arms back from blocking Waverley and settled into his seat. Even though they had two deranged people in the back, he seemed oddly relaxed while speeding through a city that was foreign to him. He didn’t know where a good place to lay low would be, all he saw were back alleys and more buildings. Not much of a, middle of nowhere place, was D.C. Periodically, Cayden would look behind him at the unconscious persons, making sure they weren’t awake and about to stab him in the back or something.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Cherry Bomb Basement (Wardrobe Suite Hallway)
Skills: New Outfit

"Family isn't about your blood. That's something I learned a while ago, it's about those who care for you and lift you when you need it the most. I'll stand by Leighton whether you want me to or not Frost. Sorry not sorry." Max looked at Leighton, his eyes were intense, conflicted, but showed every sign of having her back no matter how she needed it. He then turned to Havok, his voice stern as he kept his eyes on Emma Frost. "I can handle thia from here, there are others that need help, go find Veil and Glimpse, they'll need your help to bust down the other doors."
Havok frowned slightly, but he nodded at Max . "Be safe, man - and like I said... Emma's a snake." He then left the room, running down the hallway in the direction he came from. As soon as Havok had left, Max looked Emma's astral forms up and down, weighing the words she had spoken and taking a critical eye to everything she would say as well. So far she seemed forthright and honest, which made him begin to wonder why she was the enemy.

Max made his way over to two ottomans and pulled them closer to Leighton, placing them next to each other so that they could each sit as she spoke. "I'm here for you Leighton, if you want to hear her out we will...together." he gave her a warm smile before turning a cold stare back onto the woman who had attacked them previously. No, that was wrong, the woman who had defended herself from Sapphires attack previously. He didn't like the situation they were in, but he wouldnt abandon Leighton. "Speak your piece or forever hold your tongue Emma Frost. I wish to hear about this so called paradise, your plans for it, and how it will involve other mutants. Particularly the ones who may not agree with your methods."

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Mexican Stand Off outside of the train.

Jinx dramatically put a hand to his chest as Bonnie practically gagged at his words, bantering back by tell Flynn that he could do better than him. "You wound me-" The arrows came flying at Jinx, knocking him square in the chest and tasing him onto the ground. There was a rush of electricity coursing through his body, his muscles spasming as the contracted and forced his hands and arms to curl in a bit as he shook on the ground. For a moment he wondered if this was how that human felt, the one he had Jinxed so long ago in the rain causing a bolt of lightning to strike him and his umbrella. There was however less scent of burning flesh this time around. As soon as the spasm ended he could see Hawkeye Jr reaching for the others hand. How cute, she actually believed she could absorb powers still. Luckily Jinx was still a ditzed from the shock therapy to laugh at her.

As he lay there he just though to himself wiggle your big toe. Wiggle your big toe. Unfortunately to no avail. He grumbled in aggravation as he tried to get himself back up again. Hearing the hottie say that his clothes were all about to burn off. Now that was a pleasant sight he needed to see. Jinx mustered up all his strength and fought through the taser, getting back on his feet as he looked at the "heros" "You actually wounded me. Now that's rude! Here we are being non hostile and you're off shooting and flaming on and oh hey hottie look at that chest hi." Jinx sent one of his curses over towards Hawkeye, trying to get him to become a bit more clumsy with his weapons but it appeared that it didnt quite land. It was then he heard the Three in One mention the psychic blockers and Anastasia suggesting they remove them. What a frag. "You wanna play hard ball? I'm game." Jinx launched two bolts, one from each hand, towards Hawkeye, attempting to blast out the wretched things. Only to miss wildly. "That was a warning shot for you to back off"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 11:30 AM

The Amtrak Station...

"What? I'm not going to hold your jacket, I'm not a coat hanger!" Bonnie complained, unceremoniously dropping Flynn's jacket onto the ground. She needed her hands free anyways for this fight - thankfully, Cass had volunteered to cover them but she wasn't really sure there was much need anymore. One of the triplets had been shot in the stomach and Flynn had just set all of them on fire. The triplets collapsed to the ground, unconscious from the extreme pain, and the telepathic link they had set up between Anastasia and Jinx vanished. "Cass, put them out!" Bonnie requested, hoping Cass could use her powers to send some water down. They might have been evil, but they didn't need to die.

"Thing is for it to be a warning shot, I need to feel threatened," Hawkeye explained to Jinx. He sent another taser arrow off at Jinx, only for the arrow to whizz by Jinx's ear. "See? Warning shot. Now you try," he quipped.

As Maria was looking for the mutants who had escaped, she would notice Val and Ksenia (David). Val tilted her head slightly at all of them, before letting out a shrill whistle. The whistle was more like a blast of sound however, knocking all of the agents backwards onto the ground. Ksenia smirked slightly at Val, brandishing what looked like claws made out of psychic energy on the ends of her fingers.

"Cat fight!" Ksenia laughed, before pouncing at Maria. Ksenia missed, going a little too wide but it hardly deterred her. She hadn't gotten to have fun in a long, long time.

"Stay away from her, crazy!" Novikova shouted, trying to control the Earth to throw a rock at Ksenia but it didn't work. The Russian agent then tried the next best thing - she tackled Ksenia to the ground.

On the Road...

Thinking on James' suggestion, Casper wondered if a good idea might have been to wake up Vulcan and toss him out the back - he'd offer a decent distraction to the cops just by killing them all. Feedback seemed to have it more than covered, something that he found surprising given that her mother had been killed in similar circumstances recently. The stray thought though proved too much for Casper, as the ghost of Feedback's mother appeared in front of him, her face covered in blood and he couldn't help but scream, "Leave me alone!! I can't bring you back! No one has that power, so just go away!" His hands were shaking and he wished there was more room in the car - or at least a little privacy - that way he could down some of the pills he had stolen.

"Casper, deep breaths - she can't hurt you!" Ben pleaded. He couldn't stop Casper from hearing the awful cries of pain Waverley's mother's ghost was letting out, cries that no one else in the car would be able to detect. And unfortunately, no one could stop her pain either. Unlike the living, the dead could never really move on - they could never move forward, evolve and change, become better...

"Police are following," Colossus observed. Despite Waverley's transmission, the cop cars were still tailing them - maybe because they were speeding, maybe because mutants were involved, maybe they had figured out someone was tampering with their radio signals? Either way, it wasn't going to be as simple as Feedback sending out some vibes this time.

More bullets were flying, grazing Sapphire and leaving a cut on her cheek. One of them hit Colossus and bounced off of the metal mutant, luckily ricocheting out of the car and just breaking the window rather than hurting anyone else. "We need plan - we cannot bring police to Underground."

To make matters worse, Magik let out a scream of pain, as... something glowing started to come OUT of her chest?!

Sinister's Lair - Sabretooth's Hallway...

Veil nodded slightly, not too keen on the idea of just leaving Sabretooth in the middle of the hallway. Unfortunately, she didn't really see anywhere to stash him easily or anything that they could use to restrain him. Maybe they could have opened one of the doors at random and shoved him inside, yet the leader of the Mutant Underground ultimately decided that just moving on now would be for the best. With their luck, Sabretooth would be awake shortly - and he probably had their scents.

"We need to find Sunshine - she ran down one of these hallways alone," Veil explained. Max and Havok had gone off to help Leighton, so she was covered but Sunshine was all alone. "Jack, too, if we can - I don't know where he went." The private investigator after all had had the infinite wisdom to split the party and she hadn't seen him since before he got into the elevator alone. "Once we find our people, we can either continue to look for information on Shaw or we can leave while we can. We've been here long enough."

She glanced behind them, only to notice that Sabretooth had vanished - eerily like what had happened with Nightcrawler earlier. "Guys? He's gone..." Veil pointed out, but that was hardly the last of their problems. At the end of the hallway, Mister Sinister was waiting for them, smiling like the cat that ate the canary.

"Welcome, Valery, Callie, Luna... I hope you've been enjoying yourself in my humble abode."

Sinister's Lair - the Laboratory...

Sunshine groaned slightly, a bit annoyed that Jack didn't carry a lock pick on him. "What sort of P.I. are you then?" she snapped bitterly. Sunshine then took a slight breath. "Whatever, sorry," she corrected. The other mutants in the cages weren't any help. The ones that weren't drooling were just muttering to themselves and she didn't feel like asking them if they had any tools for escape - and she definitely did not want to end up like them. Well, if they didn't have a way to pick the lock...

Sunshine eyed the lock on her cage. It was incredibly rusty and old. She curled her fingers around the bars of the ceiling and then gave the lock a hard kick, putting all of her bodyweight into it. By some miracle, the lock broke off and clattered to the ground, letting Sunshine swing the metal door of her cage open and she slid out onto the ground, stretching her legs. "Hold on, I've got you," she informed Jack, picking the lock off from the floor and she went over to his cage, starting to hit Jack's lock with her own. It took about a dozen hits or so, but Jack's old lock came off as well, freeing him.

Sinister's Lair - the Wardrobe Suite...

Emma nodded, understanding that they had their concerns. "Incisive questions, Leighton," Emma praised, standing up from the chaise. An image then appeared floating behind her, a telepathic projection to be precise of a tropical island. "While some are fortunate to live in areas that tolerate, perhaps even celebrate mutants, most of our kind around the globe live in fear. To remedy this, I've purchased an island near Madagascar called Genosha. My vision is for Genosha to be the first mutant nation, a place where mutants may choose to reside if they so wish... I wouldn't dream of forcing anyone to travel to Genosha. And the establishment of a mutant homeland brings no challenge to humanity - I am not here to court war, merely to bring peace."

The image of the island faded and Emma walked across the room for a moment, thinking. "It appears you may have gotten a misconstrued idea of what I do... It is true that one of my former associates, Sebastian Shaw... He wished to profit from mutant and human violence. He is no longer a part of my organization, my vision for what Genosha can be."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 days ago

Jack Theriot

Location: Sinister's Lab
Skills Investigation and Perception

"Nice job Rookie. And for reference reason I don't carry lock picks around is because usually I can use my powers to just sort of morph my hand into the right key," he said with a shrug as he got out of the cage. "Come on, we're here, and we came to find some info, so how about we look around a minute before we see about getting out of here."

With those last words, Jack instantly started moving around the lab, looking around the lab trying to find something that was useful or could explain what was going on. There were random vials all over the place, but he didn't pay any attention to them as he found a notebook. "What have we here?" he muttered under his breath as he started flipping through the notebook, seeing what looked to be procedures, as well as pictures of the mutants that were in the cages. He shut the notebook and was about to pocket it, when the name on the notebook caught his eye.

It said N. Essex.

That caused Jack to freeze in place, and internally he was starting to freak out just a little bit. No, there was just no way in hell that this could possibly be true could it? Thinking about it for a moment though, it made a lot of sense, and he did not like just how much sense it was making. Now his mind was racing as he seemed to completely forget that Sunshine was even in the room. He pulled out his cellphone from his pocket and punched in a number, putting it to his ear as he waited for someone to answer.

"...Hey mom? I have a really quick question for you that needs to be answered like, right now truthfully and don't lie to me about anything or whatever okay?" Jack said, sounding more then a little bit rushed, he was panicking more then a little bit, and Sunshine would be able to even tell that he was having problems.

"Mon petit, qu'est-ce que c'est?" Jack's mother responded, concern coloring her voice.

"Is my father Mister Sinister," he asked rather bluntly.

"....Oui, Jacques."

"Merde..." he muttered under his breath, "Really? For once I definitely wish I was related to freaking Xavier of all people. Why didn't you think to tell me that my father was a freaking psychopathic maniac! Sure, knew the guy was a bit of a con artist, shady and probably has killed people but seriously? You do realize that I tended to help the Morlocks while at one point apparently he was trying to wipe them out!"

"Mon petit, ah wanted ta protect ya.... " his mother said softly. "Ah had a brief fling with Nathaniel, that's all."

"Look, that doesn't matter, but apparently he's been kidnapping mutants in DC and turning them psycho, not to mention guess what? I'm now standing in his lab which is how I made this discovery that I really wish I hadn't! Which by the way is where he essentially locked me in a cage, so sorry if I don't see how you not telling me helped at all!"

"....Mon ami, Ah'll call Erik, ask him ta get ya."

"No way do I want the guy you tend to work for anywhere near here, I've got to go, so talk to you later then when I'm probably not in such a pissed off mood about something."

"...Be safe, mon petit. D'accord?"

"Don't worry, at all, about it, got it? I'll be fine." he said, before he hung up the phone and pocketed it, as well as the notebook, took a deep breath, and turned to look at Sunshine. "Alright, let's get out of here."


Location: On the Road
Skills Cryokinesis

"I'd slow down but knowing how horrid our luck is they'd chase after us anyway!" Sapphire said towards Cayden, getting more then a little bit annoyed with everyone constantly thinking of ways that they could potentially get out of this situation. Everyone talking at once was making her brain go crazy. Glancing back slightly, her eyes grew wide at what was going on with Magik. "Any idea as to what is going on with your sister Colossus? Well whatever, we need to be able to get back to the Underground now."

She rolled down the driver's side window, her left hand was glowing with a white frost once more. Her eyes seemed to flash with a bit of ice as suddenly a bit of a whirlwind whipped up almost. Ice slammed into the road behind them, causing the cops behind them to spinout, but that wasn't the only thing she had done. A blizzard appeared behind them, but not around them, and it didn't effect the world in front of them. The blizzard was obscuring them from view entirely and she pulled the car down a side street, and once they were off the main road the blizzard disappeared and she slowed down the car and pulled back onto a different main road, her hair going back to brown and she rolled the window back up.

"Alright, back to the Underground we go then," she said simply.

Frederick Flynn

Location: Amtrak Station
Skills: Fire Manipulation

"Okay, you are starting to get a little bit on my nerves dude," Flynn said towards Jinx, rolling his eyes slightly. The guy really was starting to sound more then a little annoying, and he almost laughed at Hawkeye explaining what exactly a warning shot was. Though part of him was wondering if that actually was him covering up that he was missing. Either way it was more then a little bit hilarious, and he decided to say screw it and go along with that idea as well.

"Well, there is a big difference between warning shots and actually hitting your targets," Flynn added to what Hawkeye said before he sent a blast of fire at Jinx, missing him. "See, another warning shot." Shooting fire at him again, this time he managed to make him stumble backwards from his hit, "See, not a warning shot." Then he sent one more blast at Jinx, this time setting his clothes on fire. "And now you are on fire, see how this thing sort of works?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Cherry Bomb Basement (Wardrobe Suite Hallway)
Skills: New Outfit

Max still felt very uneasy about all this. He was new to this world, and media did tend to warp perspectives to fit their own narrative and this could be nao different. Was Emma Frost actually one of the good guys? And if her partnership with Shaw truly has ended, then why is she here in one of his facilities? There was still so much that he didnt understand, and the visions of what they had done to an X-men, Nightcrawler, it wasn't right. However if she was telling the truth then that meant that she had nothing to do with the hound project, and Shaw was the only one to blame. He clenched his fists as he looked onwards towards Emma, taking in all that she had to say.

There were still more questions that he had, and he looked towards Leighton before speaking up. "If you knew that he was profiting from this war then why not stop him? Hes hurting countless mutants through both his own hands as well as with the war in which hes profiting from. If you say that our perception of you is flawed then help correct it. What exactly is it that you do? And if you're not aligned with Shaw anymore than why are you here? Well as here as you are that is. I don't see how you can speak of peace when these hounds are running around, hurting inside as well as others."

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Mexican Stand Off outside of the train.
Skills: Jinx, Psybolt

Peej was getting more annoyed at the constant picking that these so called heros were doing. He felt the breeze blow by as an arrow narrowly missed hitting him. Hawkeye called it a warning shot, but wasnt that just a waste of limited ammunition that he had? Pathetic, but if it'll help weaken him further then he could take as many warning shots as he would like. Flynn spoke up next, launching a ball of fire as Jinx felt the heat against his skin from the miss. If he caught on fire one more time oooooo boy they were gonna get it. First that bratty blonde, now Jercules? Another shot flew towards him, his feet stumbling slightly as he began to catch on fire. The flames that licked his clothing hurt, but his desire to defeat these lame-o's was greater. Hopefully Anastasiacould kick some dirt on him to put him out. "Didn't your parents ever teach you to not play with fire?" He said as he wagged a finger towards the man. Jinx pulled out one of his guns and handed it to Anastasia, if her powers weren't working then at least she could shoot a fucker.

Jinx didn't say much as he handed the gun to her, keeping his eyes fixated on the enemies while he did so. "Oooooh I see, I think I get it now. Here let me try it out." A wide grin spread across his face as two pink bolts formed in his hands. PJ simply shrugged his shoulders as he laid a nasty Jinx on the whole squadron of Agents. Each one would begin to feel the dizzying effects of a drunken stupor, They would feel as if they were drunk themselves. He launched one towards Hawkeye, missing, then another at Flynn, also missing. "I see, so you see those were warning shots. Oh, and that feeling your might start to get. That's not a warning shot. Feeling threatened now? Ksenia, Valentine, let's wrapped this up shall we? Dispose of the flaming blunder over there but dont kill him; thatd just be a waste of meat."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 6 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: On the Road
Skills: General Idiocy

Waverley, still tense from the shots the police had been firing at her and her team, was startled by the scraggly man’s outburst. She flinched away from him, ducking behind the seats out of pure instinct. Her look of horror that had been constant since they began this chase with the authorities changed slightly, getting a smaller amount of confusion added to the mix as well. She looked at the man, eyebrows furrowed, unsure of what to say. She reached out a hand, placing it on his shoulder in an attempt to possibly comfort him. Another person freaking out wasn’t going to help anyone.

“Uh, are you, like, doing okay?” She asked, still in a general state of panic, which didn’t exactly improve her sympathizing skills. Though her manic state quickly led her away from Casper when she caught wind of Colossus’ comment. She turned around to look behind them, her hand slipping off Casper’s shoulder and onto the back of her seat. Colossus was right: it didn’t seem like the police had any intentions of backing off. Waverley, perhaps in effort to sooth her hyperactive emotions slightly, suggested to herself that maybe the police were simply following them because they were speeding. And perhaps it would have fulfilled its purpose if the thought had not been immediately followed by another shower of bullets, which caused Waverley to shriek and duck once again under cover. Unless there was a new law in place that Waverley had not heard of, police would definitely not open fire on someone for speeding.

Fantastic. The one thing she knew she and she alone could do didn’t appear to be working in the slightest. The familiar feeling of uselessness began to seep back into her mind, accompanied by inner words of self-hatred. God, how she hated being so utterly, completely useless. She rose back up when the gunfire momentarily stopped, her eyes turning back to the scraggily man who shook with even more fear than she felt within herself. And from what she could gather, it didn’t seem to be because of the cops. She turned to face Sapphire, in the driver’s seat.

“Hey, Sapphire, this guy-“ she began, pointing a thumb at Casper, before she stopped herself seeing the position Sapphire was in: window rolled down, one glowing hand hanging out. A series of images flashed in Waverley’s head, where police cars spun into deadly collisions with one another, where ice covered the vehicles, trapping the occupants inside to freeze to death, and even one including a massive nail made of ice crushing the cruisers. With wide eyes, Waverley reached an arm out towards Sapphire, yelling out, “Wait, don’t-“ but it was too late. Waverley watched with horror as the van left an icy road behind them. Her eyes followed the icy road back to where the police had been, to see the damage of the attack, but all she could see was a snowy white blizzard, covering their trail. Waverley could only hope that all the officers were alright.

With that thought, and the sound of a scream, her eyes suddenly shifted downward, landing on Colossus’ sister. Waverley’s eyes widened with shock as she saw the light that seemed to emerge from her chest. Waverley didn’t know anything about a lot of things, magic being one of them. She knew it, to some degree, existed, and that this girl, who had seemingly pulled the Sword of Godrick Gryffindor out of thin air, seemed to be, in some way, magical. And when something glowing starts to come out of an unconscious magical somebody, it, most likely, should be put back in. Waverley wasn’t sure what it could possibly be; whether it was her soul, her life essence, her magic power, or even her fancy glowing chest excrement. All she knew was that she couldn’t just sit there watching a girl suffer and possibly even lose part of herself. In a moment of panicked, half-assed logic mixed with the horrible feeling of uselessness that overtook her, Waverley unbuckled her seatbelt, reached her upper body over her seat, and pressed her hands down on Magik’s glowing light.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Van
Skills: N/A

It took approximately two seconds for James to change his mind. The situation wasn’t bad before. If anything, it was mildly inconveniencing because now it was an absolute disaster. Casper just started screaming, Sapphire cause whatever was going on behind them now, things were just appearing out of the woman’s chest, and frankly James was starting to get there feeling he was way out of his league here. He just came along after getting caught up in Sunshine and Max’s mess, decided to try and help out, and in the past 48 hours brought someone back from the brink of death, put a ton of children back together, and was now being shot at while attempting to save the people who caused the issues with the children in the first place! Thank whoever neither Sunshine nor Max where here. James could only imagine the chaos either individual would have added to the disaster of a mission or whatever this was.

Casper’s screaming cut through the overwhelmed daze James found himself in―mental note, avoid Sapphire as much as possible now―and he turned his attention to the panicking man. James had absolutely no idea how to handle this or what he was even carrying on about but he could try. “Casper, Casper. What’s going on? Can you focus on me? Can we help you? Who’s botherin’ you?” He reached out to him but he froze. Maybe touching him would make it worse? Maybe it would help? James wasn’t an expert in people and he once again felt way out of his depth. He just wanted the screaming to stop; the panic and fear was palpable and maybe it was something he could do in a situation he felt powerless.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, The Cherry Bomb, Basement
Skills: Electricity Manipulation

Callie looked over her shoulder and noticed that Sabertooth was gone now as well, which was really weird wondering where he had gone off to, but they were free now. He was a guy that probably would never change sides, but they wouldn't have to be dealing with him anymore which was good. "At least we don't have to deal with him anymore." Callie said, she was more worried about their own people and those who were held captive like Nightcrawler. She thought about trying to get a sense of where they were with her Empathy, but after dealing with Nightcrawler she thought it was a pretty bad idea.

Then at the end of the hallway Callie stopped staring at Mister Sinister standing right before them, she didn't like him at all as she glared at him. "Oh hi there Creepy Uncle Lester, totally loving your creepy ass underground dungeon you've got here." Callie said, holding out her hand and shot out a little bit of lightening at him, but it missed. "Totally a warning shot, just give us back our people and those you have down here, and we can be on our way. Oh, and your room that you made for me? Yeah I crashed a car into the door, might want to think about getting that fixed to." Callie said sarcastically.

Cassandra Reed

Location: Amtrak Station, Washington DC
Skills: Season Manipulation

Cassandra watched Flynn handing Bonnie his leather jacket and shook her head slightly, seeing the triplets were well taken care of at this point, they were all on fire now. She looked at her friend and nodded at Bonnie as she closed her eyes and started to make the area start to rain covering everyone in pouring rain. She then heard a rather loud whistle causing her to fall onto her back letting out a slight groan as Cass rolled onto her side a little bit.

She slowly got back up to her feet, looking at her fellow agents and seeing Novikova tackling one of the escapees to the ground and then over at the others. "We should stop fucking around and take the rest of them out." Cassandra said, getting a little bit more than annoyed with these people, and then she started to feel a little bit dizzy looking at the boy who constantly kept flirting with Flynn.

Maria Smith

Location: Amtrak Station, Washington DC
Skills: Hand to Hand Combat

Maria stared at Val and Ksenia seeing the two escapees, and then hearing a loud whistle before being sent falling back, and then a heavy downpour of rain as well. She started to get back up to her feet when Ksenia launched at her, nearly missing those claws and then her girlfriend tackling Ksenia to the ground. "Novi get away!" Maria yelled as she started to draw an arrow out, but she couldn't get a clear shot at all without hitting her girlfriend.

Maria started to feel dizzy as if she was drunk, but tried to clear her head and shook it a little bit and ran forward only to stumble onto the ground. Letting out a slight groan as Maria tried to get back onto her feet again, her vision still really dizzy and she couldn't really see what was going on due to her head spinning.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Sinister’s Lair -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy - Psionic Shield

Luna glanced back around when Veil announced Sabertooth was gone. He didn’t even seem to make a sound and that was a little off putting. ”Brilliant,” Luna commented before she looked back around. She was about to hunt out Sunshine’s location when she saw a man at the end of the hallway. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, rather than disappear like Sabertooth did. What was this place? Some sort of fun house? Luna eyed the man in costume and then slowly realization of who this was and where they were dawned on her. ”Mister Sinister, we must have missed the map of the funhouse at the beginning of our tour,” she said and crossed her arms. She wasn’t even going to attempt to get into Sinister’s head, there was no guarantee that she was going to even get close to that, nor did she want to see into the sick twisted mind of the man who tried to wipe out the Morlocks many moons ago.
Her aunt, the one who she shared her middle name with, knew a few things about the man that now stood in front of her. Luna had no idea she would be running across him while here. Carefully, Luna placed a block over her mind and reached out to do the same with her companions. She was able to block Veil just fine but Callie was another story. Luna shifted, half her body shielding Callie, at least Veil had her actual shields should something occur.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Van/Road -- Washington D.C.

Slowing down was definitely not an option, what with the cops still firing off shots at them. This was becoming a common occurrence, trying to outrun cops and Cayden really wished he had some sort of well developed mind power in order to attack them from afar. His Dreamwalking was only good for someone asleep as Cayden had yet to develop it to use while awake. The bullets kept coming at them and another one bounced off the metal man and Cayden ducked, not seeing the one graze Sapphire but he did hear Casper freak right out. He thought the mutant had been hit but what he was saying was not in context with what was happening. ”Casper, hey man, just breathe alright? We’ll be home soon.”
Soon wasn’t soon enough when another cry sounded and Colossus’s sister started glowing, well more of a glow coming from her chest but there was definitely some sort of light show going on. Cayden didn’t need to say anything to announce they were in trouble, everyone knew that and Sapphire was able to get them out of the cop situation. Cayden shifted and reached out for the door handle, ready to throw the thing open and bail out with Waverley should things go south with the glowing girl. Whatever was happening, it didn’t sound like she was enjoying herself.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 11:40 AM

The Amtrak Station...

A strange look came over Legion's face, seeing the flames and the torrential rain all around them. Ksenia faded into the background of his mind, as the personality of a small, traumatized child came to the front of his mind named Tommy. "M-M-Mommy?!?!?!" Tommy screamed, trying to get up to run away from Novikova but almost instantly tripping and falling to the ground.

"I don't take orders from you," Valentine warned Jinx. "Great, Tommy is in control. He's useless. Wets the bed."

Novikova stumbled to her feet, hardly remaining still as she was swaying all over the place. "Look, if ANYONE is going to beat him..." she mumbled. "Well, her too - it's 2019... Wait, no... Whatever... I'm going to Magneto them," Novikova slurred, trying to send metal shards flying at Jinx and the others, but the metal didn't even move.

Bonnie's face was bright red and her head was spinning. "They can't have done things to us mentally, since we still have the psychic blockers in!" she exclaimed, hardly able to hear his own voice. "So it has to be another type of approach - maybe it's magic? Or chemical or bio systems manipulation? Hmm maybe somehow they were able to change the drugs inside our body, flush us all with alcohol in order to take us out easily. But is it real? Wait it can't be a placebo, since again, that would be mental and we should have that blocked out..."

"I appreciate all that mumbo jumbo you're trying to think through, Chase, but y'see I never finished high school, but I learned that what matters is muscle memory," Hawkeye lectured her. "Why do you think Flynn is so good at hitting them? He made his name hunting mutants!" He then let an taser arrow fly, missing Jinx completely. He let another one go, missing - but the third one hit. Jinx was already on fire and with the blows from the taser, this was going to be just about too much for his system - he'd collapse soon enough.

"Eh, third time's a charm or whatever."

On the Road...

Thanks to Sapphire's blizzard, the cops were unable to continue to pursue the Mutant Underground members. While Waverley's nerves were understandably frazzled over the situation, there weren't any radio messages relayed about officers being down - so most likely, they were all fine. "I do not know," Colossus answered Sapphire grimly. "Wait, stop!" he shouted as Feedback pressed her hands down on Magik's chest.

The glowing didn't stop - if anything, it only grew more intense as the Soulsword materialized and Magik opened her bloodshot eyes. "I need a hit NOW," Magik practically growled at Waverley, her eyes fixated on her. "Give it to me or spend eternity in Limbo, girlie."

"Illyana!" Colossus scolded. "You do not need drugs - you are strong, da?"

"Shut the fuck up, Piotr, this doesn't concern you!" Magik shouted, the light of the Soulsword growing more intense.

Meanwhile, Casper was doing his very best to block out all of the noises around him. He didn't know James very well, but physical contact had always helped Casper to calm down before in the past and if he didn't calm down soon, he was pretty sure his head would explode. He could hardly breathe and the son of X instinctively went and curled into James, shuddering. "It's her mom - she won't go away," he whispered, though Feedback would be able to hear him. "I-I-I c-c-can't bring her back and I-I-I-I can't.... I c-c-c-can't...."

"I'm sc-sc-scared of ghosts," he then stammered. Ben had vanished for the moment, something that Casper was not going to complain about due to his severe sensory overload. He just wanted to curl up in a ball somewhere dark and warm for a little while. At the very least since they lost the police, Sapphire would be able to get them back to the Mutant Underground soon.

Sinister's Lair - Sabretooth's Hallway...

Sinister stared at Spark Plug for a moment, before chuckling. "Oh, my - I do admire your spunk," he commented, the words dripping from his mouth with a poisonous ease. "Although Luna, if you are going to trade in quips, you're wasting your time. A good threat carries far more weight, provided that you mean it." The master geneticist smiled and snapped his fingers, as three figures appeared behind him. "I always have adored a bit of theatre... This is my lovely lieutenant, Arclight, a veteran of a recent Middle Eastern conflict. Her abilities over shockwaves allow them to shatter your bones completely."

"Riptide, of course, can move his body at unnatural speeds to generate tornadoes - and fling out deadly shurikens in the process. In such close quarters, this will likely prove fatal to his targets. And oh, I am certain you recognize the poor soul the lovely Malice is inhabiting - the lesser of the Summers brothers, Havok."

Havok was staring at them with a cruel smirk on his face, a strange black choker necklace around his neck. "Handle these three, my Marauders," Sinister instructed, before vanishing into thin air.

"Odd choice of jewelry for Havok - how much do you want to bet we take it off, he goes back to normal?" Veil muttered to her comrades. That was all she was able to say, before the fight began. Malice sent off a blast at Spark Plug, narrowly missing the electricity manipulating mutant. Arclight extended her hands and sent a gigantic shockwave at Glimpse, sending the daughter of Captain Britain flying backwards into one of the walls, hitting it hard. Riptide spun himself rapidly, generating a cyclone and sending shurikens out but Veil threw up force fields quickly, causing all of the shurikens to hit the fields and fall to the ground harmlessly.

Sinister's Lair - the Laboratory...

Sunshine practically gagged at Jack's description on how he morphed his hands into keys normally - that was disgusting. She didn't even want to know what happened to his bones when he used his powers. The more she thought about it, the more she had to hold back the urge to vomit all over the laboratory floors. Trying her best to focus on the task at hand - knowing that it would lead her towards getting vengeance for Erg and revenge for her latest abduction - she started moving around the lab. Awkwardly, she couldn't read the signs on the cabinets. Her English reading skills were very much practical and functional - words that she saw repeatedly, like on traffic signs and the such, definitely not things like corrosive acids or hazardous waste.

"Hey, Marshmallow, what does--," Sunshine began to ask, only to turn around and see that Jack was on the phone. He was asking about someone called Mister Sinister, a name she hadn't heard before but it didn't sound great from context, especially with the revelation that Jack's father killed Morlocks or at the very least tried to. She hesitated for a moment, wondering if she could trust Jack given who his father was... but for all Sunshine knew, her father could easily be evil as well. She couldn't judge Jack for things someone else did. Besides, he was too nice to be evil and to secretly have a hand in Erg's death.

"No way, not yet - we still don't know why they killed Erg," Sunshine pointed out to Jack, crossing her arms. "You can run away if you want to, but I'm not leaving until these Nazi fucks pay."

Sinister's Lair - the Wardrobe Suite...

Emma was doing her very best to be patient with Max - she was here for Leighton, not him, yet she sensed that he was important to her niece so she was attempting to humor him. "Child, I have stopped him," she corrected Max. "He will no longer be a threat to anyone - you have my word." Emma then walked back over to the chaise, lacing her fingers in front of her. "Beyond running a Fortune 500 company, I am the leader of an organization that is attempting to create a mutant homeland. I'm here for my niece as I wish to protect her - and this facility is not mine. The both of you need to leave immediately. I can have a car sent to you to collect you if you wish."

There was then a meow as a black cat darted out from underneath the sofa, hissing slightly at Leighton and Emma. The cat had three eyes instead of two, the three eyes forming a triangle rather than a straight line.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: The Cherry Bomb - Wardrobe Suite
Skills N/A

Leighton listened to her aunt's words and she had a hard time refuting any claim she had. The sheer idea of a place where mutants could live out their lives without fear of persecution. Of death and destruction. It seemed almost too good to be true. And if what her aunt was saying was true, then humans could also live and would not be harmed. Max seemed skeptical though, which was probably smart. "If you want me, you take Max too. We are a team. He was there for me from the get-go, whereas my own family abandoned me and didn't think to reveal themselves until right now. So if he wishes to speak, he will."

Her mind struggled. Where should she go? She had no ties holding her to the Underground. They may have provided her a home, but even then it wasn't as if they accepted her with open arms. She still imagined Erg and what he would do. He deserved to see mutants live without fear, without needing to be in the sewers. So perhaps her aunt had the right idea.

"All right. I decided. I'll come to see you, but as I said, we are a team. Max comes with me. And I reserve the right to leave if I do not feel it is my place. Do we have a deal, aunt Emma?"

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Amtrack Station
Skills Telekinesis, Morality Manipulation

With everything almost quite literally burning around her, it seemed Ksenia, or whoever he was now, had reverted to a form of a small child. Ana rubbed her temples as Jinx sparred with words and was knocked out. However, to his credit, he seemed to disorient them a bit, which she would use to her advantage. She called out to Valentine, "If you wish to remain free and not somewhere worse off than you were, I suggest you keep an eye on your brother and fight back."

Ana faced off against them now. She struggled a bit, but she managed to latch on to Maria's devices in her ear and yank them out. She quickly entered the girl's subconscious and shifted her morals around. Maria would now be on Ana's side. Once that was done, she returned her view to the fire guy and entered his mind as well, shifting things around. Flynn would be on Ana's side as well. With two of their numbers on her side for now, she felt a bit better about her chances, but she was prepared to retreat if need be.
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