Camp Half-Blood, Arena:
Rosie looked at Rebecca and smiled towards her and nodded grateful for the help as she sat down on the floating chair with the help of Zeke. "Thank you." Rosie said as she leaned back a little bit as the chair started to move forward towards the arena, seeing the last few campers making their way to the arena as well. "I can take it from here." Rosie said as soon as they got to the arena and made her way down towards the center of the arena where Chiron was, and the last of the equipment was being stored away now.
All of the campers sat with their cabin mates as they were talking amongst each other, about what the meeting was going to be about and it was weird for them to all be suddenly summoned to the arena for a massive camp meeting. Chiron looked down at Rosie seeing that she was alright now. "Are you feeling any better?" Chiron asked her as Rosie nodded slightly taking a sip from her tea, and seeing all of the campers were now seated at this point, and they started to finally all quiet down as well when Chiron raised his hand, as Juan came over to whisper to into Chiron's ear.
"I am sorry for the sudden meeting and calling all of you here from your activities, but we have three important things that need to be announced." Chiron said, as a few more campers started to whisper again amongst themselves. "Not to long ago, one of our newest campers was suddenly killed by her talking skull. We are currently looking into the matter why it suddenly had done that, we will be having a service for her later this evening. If anyone wants to say a few words for her tonight anyone is welcome to." Chiron informed them, as some of the campers started to talk and sounded a little bit worried as well. Rosie looked over at Chiron, and then he gave the young girl a slight nod, as Rosie started to stand up slightly feeling a little bit better but leaned on the floating chair Rebecca had given her.
"I have been given a prophecy for a quest not to long ago, and it is very troubling as well. 'A Child of Sleep, A Child of Wisdom, A Child of Medicine, to stop an army, to seek the mother of monsters.'" Rosie stated while looking over at Chiron for a moment, letting him have the floor now. "The quest requires a child of Athena, Apollo and Hypnos to go on this quest to confront the mother of monsters Echidna, we will need volunteers to go." He told them while they all started to whisper amongst themselves. "And the last thing on the agenda as well, something else is going on, that relates to what has happened and possibly tie into the quest that was just announced. So I would need a number of you to make your way over to our sister camp, Camp Jupiter, and inform them what is going on." Chiron informed the others.
Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena
"Oh yeah it does get pretty bloody, but you don't have to worry about being killed either." Kristin said towards Janelle as she followed the others to the arena, though she was still showing Jason and Janelle around and decided against sitting with the rest of her siblings. As soon as everyone was seated Chiron started to give the news of recent events that have been going on, and she bit her bottom lip hearing what had happened to Ash was very troubling to hear as well. Though she didn't really know the girl that well for only a week, she spotted Arthur in the crowd feeling bad for him.
Then the second thing that was announced was the quest, she had been on one before a few years ago with Zeke and Leda as well and it happened to have her mother connected as well. She looked over to where her half siblings were who were talking amongst themselves, none of them haven't stood up yet. Kristin stood up and decided to volunteer for the quest that was announced, looking over at Janelle who happened to be a daughter of Hypnos which was weird as well. A part of her wondered who would be going to be visiting their sister camp, she had never been there before and was curious what it was actually like.
Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena
Kiera looked at Mary for a moment, the quests certainly did sound really dangerous for whoever was going to be going on them, rubbing her arm slightly. "It does sound a little bit dangerous." Kiera said as she looked around, before finding a seat for herself and went to sit down. She started to listen to Chiron as he started to bring up what was important which sounded like a lot had happened, she started to think if she wanted to say something for Ash tonight at her service.
Then the announcement for the quest was said, and that started to get her attention, as she looked around who would be going on the quest, seeing Kirstin was the one who stood up for the quest. The last thing that Chiron announced was they needed some people to head over to their sister camp to inform what is going on. She was curious what Camp Jupiter looked like and she stood up at the announcement for that as well.