Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Camp Half-Blood, Arena:

Rosie looked at Rebecca and smiled towards her and nodded grateful for the help as she sat down on the floating chair with the help of Zeke. "Thank you." Rosie said as she leaned back a little bit as the chair started to move forward towards the arena, seeing the last few campers making their way to the arena as well. "I can take it from here." Rosie said as soon as they got to the arena and made her way down towards the center of the arena where Chiron was, and the last of the equipment was being stored away now.

All of the campers sat with their cabin mates as they were talking amongst each other, about what the meeting was going to be about and it was weird for them to all be suddenly summoned to the arena for a massive camp meeting. Chiron looked down at Rosie seeing that she was alright now. "Are you feeling any better?" Chiron asked her as Rosie nodded slightly taking a sip from her tea, and seeing all of the campers were now seated at this point, and they started to finally all quiet down as well when Chiron raised his hand, as Juan came over to whisper to into Chiron's ear.

"I am sorry for the sudden meeting and calling all of you here from your activities, but we have three important things that need to be announced." Chiron said, as a few more campers started to whisper again amongst themselves. "Not to long ago, one of our newest campers was suddenly killed by her talking skull. We are currently looking into the matter why it suddenly had done that, we will be having a service for her later this evening. If anyone wants to say a few words for her tonight anyone is welcome to." Chiron informed them, as some of the campers started to talk and sounded a little bit worried as well. Rosie looked over at Chiron, and then he gave the young girl a slight nod, as Rosie started to stand up slightly feeling a little bit better but leaned on the floating chair Rebecca had given her.

"I have been given a prophecy for a quest not to long ago, and it is very troubling as well. 'A Child of Sleep, A Child of Wisdom, A Child of Medicine, to stop an army, to seek the mother of monsters.'" Rosie stated while looking over at Chiron for a moment, letting him have the floor now. "The quest requires a child of Athena, Apollo and Hypnos to go on this quest to confront the mother of monsters Echidna, we will need volunteers to go." He told them while they all started to whisper amongst themselves. "And the last thing on the agenda as well, something else is going on, that relates to what has happened and possibly tie into the quest that was just announced. So I would need a number of you to make your way over to our sister camp, Camp Jupiter, and inform them what is going on." Chiron informed the others.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena

"Oh yeah it does get pretty bloody, but you don't have to worry about being killed either." Kristin said towards Janelle as she followed the others to the arena, though she was still showing Jason and Janelle around and decided against sitting with the rest of her siblings. As soon as everyone was seated Chiron started to give the news of recent events that have been going on, and she bit her bottom lip hearing what had happened to Ash was very troubling to hear as well. Though she didn't really know the girl that well for only a week, she spotted Arthur in the crowd feeling bad for him.

Then the second thing that was announced was the quest, she had been on one before a few years ago with Zeke and Leda as well and it happened to have her mother connected as well. She looked over to where her half siblings were who were talking amongst themselves, none of them haven't stood up yet. Kristin stood up and decided to volunteer for the quest that was announced, looking over at Janelle who happened to be a daughter of Hypnos which was weird as well. A part of her wondered who would be going to be visiting their sister camp, she had never been there before and was curious what it was actually like.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena

Kiera looked at Mary for a moment, the quests certainly did sound really dangerous for whoever was going to be going on them, rubbing her arm slightly. "It does sound a little bit dangerous." Kiera said as she looked around, before finding a seat for herself and went to sit down. She started to listen to Chiron as he started to bring up what was important which sounded like a lot had happened, she started to think if she wanted to say something for Ash tonight at her service.

Then the announcement for the quest was said, and that started to get her attention, as she looked around who would be going on the quest, seeing Kirstin was the one who stood up for the quest. The last thing that Chiron announced was they needed some people to head over to their sister camp to inform what is going on. She was curious what Camp Jupiter looked like and she stood up at the announcement for that as well.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda couldn't help but smirk slightly at Arthur and Demetri's pleas that she give them more warning next time. While the circumstances were dire, she got a bit of satisfaction out of their wobbling limbs and slightly green complexions. Andy was handling it much better than the boys from what she could tell, a testament to female strength (and male weakness, Leda couldn't help but muse). "The dizzy spell will pass - it happens to everyone the first time they run with me, well, most everyone," she told them, putting a steadying hand on Arthur so that way he didn't fall down and skin his knee - or worse, summon another undead creature to help him get back up. "You've got some vomit on your chin," she then informed Demetri, figuring he would rather know.

While Leda could have gone to go and sit with her siblings, she decided to sit with the children of Zeus and Hades instead. They were all relatively new to Camp Half-blood and grieving from a tragedy - in other words, they could use the emotional support. She took a seat down next to Andy, having bonded with her the most as she had been helping to teach Andy about the mythical world she was now a part of. Chiron's announcements made her grimace - sure, she knew that she couldn't keep the information on how Ash died away from Andy and Arthur forever, but she had been hoping to break it to them gently... Though if she was being honest, she was never intending on telling them the truth around Ash's death. The Oracle's prophecy confirmed more or less what Demetri had told her - and curiously, it didn't involve any children of the Big Three like Leda had anticipated.

"I'll go to Jupiter," Leda volunteered, standing up at that part. She was one of the fastest in the camp and she knew a lot about the different deities - and she had never gotten to see New Rome before.

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Big House/Infirmary -> the Arena
Skills: N/A

"I trust your craft, Zeke - I'd ask that you trust mine in exchange," Rebecca murmured. While there were no lines furrowing on her face and her tone was calm and steady, he likely would be able to guess that she had been slightly annoyed with that stray comment. Rebecca had studied and perfected her craft ever since arriving at Camp Half-blood and she prided herself on her magical abilities. Once at the arena with the others, Rebecca gave Rosie a slight smile. "Blessed day," she wished her, before going to sit with her siblings from the Hecate Cabin.

Rebecca was not surprised by the prophecy, as she had experienced the vision herself and had already discussed it with Rosie, Zeke, Mary, and others. However, the news that a camper had been killed by a talking skull was perplexing. That factoid definitely caught her attention and she had to imagine, due to the high degree of cooperation and balance in the universe, it had to be connected to their prophecy. Yet given the demigods specified by the prophecy, it was not a mission that she could embark on. The journey to Camp Jupiter, to visit the Roman demigods, that was within her power - and Rebecca felt that it was her duty to go as well. She had no doubt that Zeke would undergo the quest and Rosie, their Oracle, would remain at Camp Half-blood. Rebecca then was the only one who had personally experienced the vision who could leave to go share the information with the Romans.

She then rose with the other volunteers to go to Camp Jupiter, smiling slightly as she saw her ex-girlfriend standing up as well.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Arena
Skills: N/A

Mona sat along with her siblings as they announced the plans for Ash. She was a bit taken aback hearing that they would be investigating why her skeleton suddenly did what it did. She had assumed it was a tragic accident, but could someone have altered it to kill Ash? And if so, who? Was it someone at camp or an outside force? She didn't much relish the idea that someone there would intentionally kill another, but then again these were the children of gods. Was that how they handled problem campers?

There was also talk about missions to go on. She wasn't the child of any of the gods listed so it seemed she would be joining the others to Camp Jupiter. She stood up and walked over to the others. It would be a large group going. Seemed overkill to her, but then again this was her first "mission". Perhaps it was always like this. "Anything to expect from Camp Jupiter? Are they a camp like us?" she asked Theresa.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Arena
Skills: N/A

Mary nodded her head slightly at Kiera, "Yeah, they kind of are," she said simply, before making her way over to where her cabin mates were sitting to hear fully what it was that Chiron was going to tell them. Listening intently, she heard him essentially recount the entire incident that involved Ash's death and it involving her weird talking skull, that she had expected to have been included in his announcement. It would have been fairly strange if it hadn't been at the very least mentioned. The next thing he mentioned (well more of Rosie discussed) was the quest.

Hearing that several people would need to go talk to those at Camp Jupiter was an interesting thing. However, it was something that she would likely be helpful in doing, and something she actually could do. Not like she was able to go on the quest. If it had been a child of Demeter who had been asked to go on the quest, she would have volunteered to go. Seeing nothing else she could do, Mary stood up raising her hand slightly to volunteer to go to Camp Jupiter and talk to them there.

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Arena
Skills: N/A

"Okay, that definitely is a good thing to know," Janelle said with a bit of a smile towards Kristen's voice, before they wandered into the arena area. She wasn't too sure about everything that was going on around her, or what exactly Chiron was going to say to them, but she might as well pay attention. She kept her hand on her brother's arm as he led her over to where she could sit down with the others from her cabin who she hadn't really met yet before all of this chaos happened.

Jason nodded his head slightly at Kristen as he led Janelle over to where her cabin seemed to be sitting. It was partially a guess really, considering the fact that he hadn't really seen anyone else from her cabin, he more or less was guessing somewhat on where everyone from his cabin was. Oh the perks of being thrown right into things without actually getting to know anyone. He found his way over to where he was pretty sure there were the Ares kids, and took a seat in order to pay attention to what was being said.

They mentioned a girl dying because of a talking skull, which was beyond weird in his mind, but then again, everything that had happened that day was beyond weird, so clearly that sort of thing was less weird and more the norm around this place. He froze slightly though, when Chiron and the girl he was with mentioned the prophecy. Namely the fact that one of the demigods mentioned was a child of sleep, and his blind sister was the daughter of the god of sleep. When there was mentioned of a group going to Camp Jupiter, he looked more then a little bit confused, not too sure what exactly that was about. However, he did volunteer to go, figuring it would be an interesting sort of adventure.

Janelle was just listening intently to Chiron's words as he mentioned the quest of sorts. Her mind was racing somewhat, and despite not really being able to see the others around her whose father was Hypnos, she glanced around slightly, but she didn't hear any of them volunteering to go. Sure, she knew that she could handle herself in a fight fairly well, but go on some life or death quest? That was a bit insane in her mind, however, a small part of her wanted to go, partially to prove to her brother that she was perfectly capable at contributing and getting around without him. Janelle stood up and raised her hand slightly, figuring what the hell she was going to volunteer for the quest. She was majorly glad that she couldn't see her brother's facial expressions, since he likely was glaring at her or something.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 40 min ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Arena

Demetri stood up straight, wobbling a bit on his way up, as he wiped off the vomit from his chin with the sleeve pulled over back of his hand. "Thanks, but it wasn't your running or speed that did this. I just got one good look at Zeke and couldn't help but toss up what little lunch I had. A common symptom of looking at his face I'm sure." Demetri stuck his tongue out at Zeke before finally turning his attention over towards Chiron. He assumed he knew what the mandatory meeting was all about, the news he had broken to both Hermes cabin and Isis cabin. There appeared to be much more to it than that however. The first matter of business was Ash's death, the circumstances surrounding it, and what appeared to be an ongoing investigation, as well as the funerary services being put in place. As Chiron spoke, Demi wanted to just become invisible. Hide somewhere where he could pretend that these events hadnt happened, but something stuck out to him, a detail no one had mentioned until now. It was her skull that had slain her. He thought back to the black tablet that Thanatos had and how he mentioned it wasnt his time yet. Was it her time? Or was this just as unexpected. He should've asked. But if that skull could be controlled from Tartarus then that could offer up am explanation.

The next order of business had brought upon the Oracle of the camp. She prophesied of the three families whose children were chosen for the mission, and Demetri couldn't help but roll his eyes. He firmly believed him, Mona, and Leda could do a kick ass team. Really him and Mona would make a great team with anyone, but he wasn't sure if Andy was ready for a mission just yet. They hadn't quite spoken much on that subject but perhaps it was time to do so. His mind snapped back to the mission at hand, journeying to find the mother of monsters Echidna and soothe her. Another string to potentially tie towards chatters the skull. After all if you're feeling wrathful, who better than a child of the big three? Why couldnt he be chosen? Was it not his time? That question was soon answered as they pressed on to the final topic. A mission to Camp Jupiter. It was a calmed way of stating what Demetri had told them, but a smart way. This was where he was needed, being the one who spoke to Thanatos directly, he was sure it would help sway the other camp. After all Thanatos essentially works for his uncle, so.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: The Arena -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel glanced at Rebecca and simply nodded, he didn’t think she wanted to hear another apology from him. At least his first apology had been genuine, this time he was simply making a joke and it clearly missed its mark. Demetri and Leda showed up with Arthur and few others in tow. Demetri looked at Ezekiel, looking a little green from his sudden speed run with Leda before he threw up his previous meal on the ground. Ezekiel sidestepped the soiled ground and held back a wicked retort, which in hindsight he should have said because of what Demetri did say. Ezekiel narrowed his eyes on the boy child before shifting his hand, catching the light and bent it into Demetri’s eyes. It wasn’t a blinding thing like he had used in Capture the Flag but it was enough to hopefully shock and irritate little Zeus.
Ezekiel watched Rosie float down in her chair to Chiron before he took his seat, his patient officially out of his care. He made little handshakes with some of his half-siblings as he sat with them before settling in to listen to Chiron. He frowned a little when he heard about a talking skull killing his master. There weren’t many talking skulls here so he was easily able to put two and two together. It was always unfortunate when someone died at camp but for someone’s gift to turn on them, that was bizarre but then again, Hades was bizarre.
Rosie spoke up and mentioned the prophecy, Ezekiel shifted uncomfortably while his siblings leaned in, intrigued by the message and the potential quest of honor. Ezekiel was a little bit more interested in traveling to their sister camp. They hadn’t gotten together in quite a long time and it was always fun competing against the opposite houses. He wondered if this was going to be a joint quest. People started to stand, volunteering and Ezekiel was hardly surprised when Kristen was the first to stand. Little miss perfect princess, of course. It annoyed him to no end that her house was included in this but the upside, none of the big three were included, although that didn’t seem to stop some of them from volunteering to travel to the sister camp. Ezekiel couldn’t completely blame them for that. When you elected to remain at camp year round, one tended to become a little stir crazy.
Ezekiel looked back at Rosie and she met his eyes. He gave her a bit of a look before looking at the other Apollo kids then back to Rosie, trying to get across ‘does it have to be me’ thing but Rosie just simply kept looking at him, not really getting the poor sign language Ezekiel was trying to use. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He was a child of Apollo, a child of sun and a child of medicine, maybe he would be tasked with the job of healing rather than fighting. After a moment more, Ezekiel stood up and volunteered himself for whatever hell he was about to willingly walk into. He would have to ask Rebecca to help him gather as much supplies as he could carry for the quest because they would probably need a lot.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 19 days ago

Arthur Stanford


The oddest mix of relief and total disgust was brewing inside of Arthur. On one hand, his sister was not given by name, nor was her cabin, so there was no risk of him being swarmed. On the other hand, however, was the fact that they didn't even think of her enough to honor her with her name. This didn't sit well with him at all, and if he hadn't just lost his sister, he might've taken this up with Chiron personally, but he honestly didn't have it in him right now. As Leda rested his hand on him, he steadied himself, gently removing her hand, and mumbling, "Thanks."

He was not conflicted, however, on the seething anger he suddenly felt upon finding out the details of Ash's death. The skull, that had been given to her as a gift from their father. He was, in his eyes, responsible for Ash dying, without a doubt. Whatever his godly father was thinking, whatever he was planning, he couldn't forgive something like this. Taking the life of somebody he cared about, no matter the justification, hurt him in a way that he couldn't explain. He couldn't be here right now, not in a place built around the worship of these gods. He needed to go, and it seemed he was given an option to do that. "If I can, I'll happily join the group going to this Jupiter." He announced.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Camp Half-Blood, Arena:

Chiron looked at the volunteers to go on the quest and the ones who volunteered to go to Camp Jupiter, he gave them a slight smile and nodded towards them. Though he was really surprised that Janelle had volunteered to go on her first quest despite being in camp for less then a few hours. "Thank you, for those who have volunteered, we will send you all out tomorrow morning, tonight we will have the service for Ash. You all may go back to your duties" Chiron said, and with that the.

Theresa looked over to her half sister when she asked what to expect from Camp Jupiter, having only been there once which was a year or two ago or so. "It's certainly a lot bigger than Camp Half-Blood is, more militaristic as well with how they do things, they have their own university there as well which if we choose to we can go to school there, and New Rome is pretty nice they have families there to and stuff." Thresa told her.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena

Kristin looked over at Janelle when she raised her hand, volunteering to go on the quest with her was a little more than surprising to her. It took her a few years before even going on her own with Leda and Zeke, and seeing Zeke raising his hand to go as well made her eyes roll a little bit. "Are you sure you are okay with this?" Kristin whispered to Janelle wondering how she would actually do, and she'd certainly would need some training as well. She looked over her shoulder seeing Lauryn walking up to them and holding something wrapped up in a cloth.

"So, we made you a new walking stick like you requested." Lauryn said to Janelle, and smiled towards her. "Made out of celestial bronze, so it's way sturdier than the material it was made of before." Lauryn told her and then pressed, she then took Janelle's hand and then pressed a button which extended to a Bo Staff. "Turns into a staff as well to for fighting." Lauryn smiled as Kristin looked at her and smiled liking the work that was done. "I can help you train a little bit if you'd like to." Kristin offered. (Add the Bo Staff to Janelle's inventory.)

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena

Kiera listened to the announcement and she was kind of excited to go out a little bit and visit the other camp, as she looked around seeing those who had volunteered to go to the quest. Seeing the new girl was one to go along with Kristen and Zeke as well, she wasn't sure how the quest would turn out to be. Seeing that she was going with Leda and the others going to Jupiter was pretty nice as well, seeing Arthur as well. Once the meeting was over Kiera decided to make her way over towards Leda, Andy and Arthur as well, she hadn't really seen Arthur since the whole thing with Ash happened.

"Hey, how are you guys doing?" Kiera asked, she hadn't really spoken to them and she wanted to try and fix things up, she was a little bit shocked earlier at what had happened as well. She also looked at Leda, and gave her a slight smile they would all be traveling together as well which would be interesting.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈 and ✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Arena
Skills: N/A

Leda decided that she and Demetri were going to be the best of friends from the moment that he decided to not to subtly insult Zeke. It was tantamount to him expressing his love for rainbows and tie dye. Her day became simultaneously better and worse as Zeke volunteered for the quest. It was going to be him, Kristin, and the new blind girl... It wasn't a combination that inspired confidence in her. And given that she had gone on a quest with two out of those three before, she had to wonder if Rosie was just replaying the greatest hits at the moment. At the very least, she wouldn't have to deal with those two for a while... but then again, the fate of the world was in their hands and Leda wanted to vomit at the very thought.

They had a larger group than she would have liked for going to Camp Jupiter, especially since demigods tended to attract monsters and she was certain they smelled like a tray of biscuits if not an entire store filled with them. Her ex-girlfriend was in the group which was definitely a negative, and she wasn't too sure how she felt about Kiera being there. She was still slightly crossed with her and everyone else for how easily they had just swept aside Ash's death. "Hullo," she said politely, before biting the bullet. "Erm, Arthur, I want to introduce you to Rebecca... daughter of Hecate. She's got powers over the dead too, maybe you could work with her or something?"

Rebecca smiled, extending a hand to Arthur. She wore a lot of rings, most of them having some sort of ritualistic or spiritual significance. "It's nice to meet you," she said softly. "Leda's right - I'd be more than happy to work with you on your gifts as we travel to Camp Jupiter." Rebecca didn't buy into the rivalries of her mother. She knew that Hecate had helped to light Demeter's way as she searched for Persephone when her child was stuck in the Underworld and that technically, it meant her mother sided with Demeter and not Hades... but her mother was the goddess of ghosts and Hades the god of the Underworld. They were connected and if she could help someone so young master such an awesome power, why not?

"Alright, well, we ought to get back to working on those funeral arrangements..."

"Oh I can help you, if you'd like Leda," Rebecca offered sweetly. She cherished the time she had spent with Leda and saw the daughter of Iris as a friend, even if they were no longer romantically entwined. Besides, Rebecca figured she could help provide any herbs that would be needed - some of them had special significance, thought to help the dead with their journey. And even if her particular skills were not needed, she was certain she could find some way to be of use.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Leda replied, shaking her head.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: The arena

Andy was thankful to learn what had caused her friend's death. But angry about what had caused it. Her emotions mirrored Arthur's though she didn't know that. She was furious at Hades too. How dare he. When asked who would go to Camp Jupiter Arthur volunteered so she did too. She had no desire to be alone and both her brother and now best friend would be gone so she might as well too.

She reached over and put her hand on top of Arthur's, not having seen Leda try to pat his head. She could tell that Leda was uncomfortable about Rebecca though she didn't know why. Why bring her over and ask if she could help Arthur if she didn't like her? That was something older people did all the time, be friendly with people they didn't like. And she never understood it.

Andy did give a half-hearted smile to Kiera though trying to put on a brave face for her. "We need to gather some stuff before we... You knew Ash at school too right? You might know what she would like for her..." She trailed off, hating how hard it was to say funeral.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Arena
Skills: N/A

Mona wasn't sure what to make of Camp Jupiter. It sounded bigger than their camp, especially if they had their own university and town where families lived. Were there other camps besides those two? Camps that claimed that other gods existed. It made her head spin and that wasn't something she should be going through before a big mission. She needed her head cleared. And Ash's funeral plans weren't helping matters.

"So there's a school there too. I guess it's something to consider. I hadn't even thought about school." Ever since she got there, her mind was more focused on her powers, what she would do at the camp, the missions, and the fighting. She forgot she was still a teenager and, technically, still had to attend school. And what of college afterward. Would she have to go to that university because it would be the only one to accept her? She didn't like feeling tied down like that, but how would she explain to any other college that she attended a camp after she was forced out of her high school?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 40 min ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Arena

Demetri caught Ezekiels hand beginning to move, wondering what the boy blunder would do next. Suddenly he could see a pale light hitting his face and then shining against his eyes. It wasnt exactly blinding or anything which made Demetri wonder if straight laced was flirting. His hand moved down towards his pocket, reaching for his phone with the intent to shine a light back when a thought crossed his mind. Was now the best time? He opted not to pull his phone out, simply sticking his tongue out before turning to speak to the others near him. There was a daughter of Hecate, she looked rather cool and her vibe was...relaxed? Dead? Hard to tell but she was definitely calmer than most of the campers he had met so far.

Demetri wasnt sure what he should bring to Camp Jupiter. Nor was he really sure what to expect. From the sounds of it, he had thought them to be some rival camp, one that wouldnt willingly accept them and may cause a fight if called for. Perhaps it was more of a friendly rivalry instead? Regardless of the fact, he knew he would bring some weapons along with him, not as a show of force but as a means of protection against the monsters they may encounter along the way. He looked over towards Andy, rubbing his ear where his earring hung, and wondered of this may be too dangerous for her...for Arthur. The death of Ash was fresh in their minds and it could lead to hesitation in battle which could lead to death. But that just means that he needed to keep a closer eye on them while they were out.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Arena
Skills: N/A

Mary just looked more or less at everyone who had volunteered to go to Camp Jupiter. It made sense that a lot of people would want to go off and leave this place behind for a little while, even if it more or less was probably not going to be a walk in the park to get there. When you stay around at the camp all of the time, you would do just about anything to get out of there, or to go off some place else that didn't involve staying at the camp. That was one of the main reasons why she wanted to go to Camp Jupiter.

She walked over to where several others had gone after Chiron had finished talking about everyone heading out in the morning and that tonight they were going to have the funeral for the daughter of Hades. It made sense, right now she was fairly certain that not everyone in the groups would be all for taking off places right now. She looked at Leda as she talked to Arthur and Rebecca, and couldn't help but try not to laugh slightly at the conversation between Leda and Rebecca. It sounded a bit awkward to her to say the least, but considering the fact that they used to be together that made some sense. Though now was not the time to laugh at that sort of thing, and she managed to hold back her laughter.

Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Arena
Skills: N/A

To say that Jason was not too thrilled to see that his sister had volunteered for this sort of thing. He didn't think that she should be doing anything relating to this sort of thing. Especially considering they had just joined the camp, and were just now being somewhat brought into the idea of Greek Mythology being a real thing. Why the hell would she want to do that? Or why she thought that she'd be able to deal with this sort of thing? Sure, he knew that his sister was more then capable of taking care of herself, but still!

Janelle nodded her head slightly, hearing Kristen's question. "I am sure... I mean yes, I haven't been here very long, but I do know a thing or two about fighting... And no other child of Hypnos seemed to be saying anything regarding it, so I thought I might as well see about volunteering..." she said simply. It was true, and she knew that others were probably surprised that she had volunteered to go, she fell silent now as Jason came over to her.

"Really Janey? You know this might not be the best idea at all! You just got here, just learned that monsters are real essentially, and you are off to go do something that's kind of insane?" he said, shaking his head slightly at her. He worried that something was going to happen to her, especially considering what the quest seemed to sound like to him. Did not sound like the best thing in the world for someone brand new at all of this to be doing.

"You worry too much," she responded as Lauryn came over to her with a new cane. She took it in her hand, and smiled slightly when Lauryn showed her where the button was to have it pop into a Bo staff. "Thank you for that, it certainly seems to be a lot stronger," she said with a smile, twirling the staff around a little bit before she decided to answer Kristen's next thing about training. "...Learning how to effectively use the staff in a fight might be helpful..."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: The Arena -- Camp Half-Blood

Once they were dismissed, Ezekiel walked down to where Rosie was, still in her floating chair. He would have to give his props to Rebecca. ”If you need to head back to the infirmary to rest some more, do feel free to do so. It’ll be quiet and closer than your cave of wonders should you need anything. I’m going to check in with team Echidna before I head back to the infirmary,” he told her before splitting off to go and do just that.
Ezekiel walked up to Kristen, Jason and Janelle and nodded to them all. ”Hello team and Jason and Lauryn. Care to head over to the armory and pick out what toys we would like to bring along so the metal heads can have them ready to go for us by morning?” It was pretty standard to spend the day before leaving for a quest to prepare what they might need. Weapons, clothes, rations. Ezekiel was pretty well set with his go bag tucked away under his bed but the weapons check was a must, plus it would give the three of them time to vibe off of each other. Not that he needed nor desired any more quality time with Kristen. But here they were.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Camp Half-Blood, Arena:

Theresa looked at Mona and smiled slightly. "When i'm finished here I do intend on applying to school there, much safer than any regular university." She said, as the campers started to disperse and went to go and help with some of the other prepartions for Ash's funeral service. "Anyway, going to go and tend to some other things around camp." Theresa said as she turned around and started to leave and tend to some other things that needed to be done around the camp.

Rosie looked at Zeke as he walked over towards her and smiled slightly shaking her head a little bit. "I should be fine, just going to go and rest a little bit but i'll be back later, if you want to talk or whatever you know where i'll be." Rosie said, using the floating chair that Rebecca had given her and headed back to her little area within the camp, her cave was actually nice on the inside if anyone ever did enter the cave.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena

Kristin wasn't sure if it was a good idea for Janelle to go in the first place, but she made the decision all on her own and she couldn't force her not to go. She looked at Jason and understood his concern and worry for her as well for their quest which was pretty dangerous for the most part. "I'll make sure she's safe you have my word Jason." Kristin said, she knew that Janelle could fight when she did fight against the imposia from earlier with her old walking stick. Then she closed her eyes a little bit, Kristin wasn't really confident with working with Zeke on yet another quest.

"We should get some supplies, and stuff just in case usually there is a whole lot of traveling while on a quest." Kristin said mainly to Janelle, looking over at Jason he was of course more than welcome to help them get geared up for the quest as well. "Hows Rosie doing?" Kristin asked looking at the oracle as she went and left the arena and turned to look over at Zeke. They would have to work together and train to whenever they could with Janelle while they traveled. "We can train a little bit now or something if you'd like to." Kristin offered. "I hate being called a metalhead.." Lauryn said grumbling slightly and looked at Zeke, and nodded. "We can get some supplies set up."

Kiera Donovan

Location: Camp Half-Blood, The Arena

Kiera looked at Andy and gave her a slight smile and nodded. "Yeah, Arthur, Mona and I all went to the same school with Ash.." Kiera answered, she was friends with her and always did hung out with her after class. She looked between Leda and Rebecca seeing the two of them and Rebecca offered some help. She wasn't really sure what was the issue between the two of them, but decided not to really ask, and then felt a little gust of wind coming by, and it was Tammy again holding a dark grey colored blanket in her arms.

"Managed to get the shroud done before the meeting." Tammy said as she unfolded the shroud a little bit to reveal the symbol of Hades embroidered onto it along with Ash's name into it as well. Kiera looked at it for a moment seeing the shroud looked pretty nice as well and looked over at Arthur and Andy for a moment. "Were you two planning on saying anything for her during the service?" Kiera asked, feeling a little bad that Leda rejected Rebecca's offer for help.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 19 days ago

Arthur Stanford


Arthur was surprised for a moment by Leda, who was taking now to try to help him control his powers. He nodded weakly as Rebecca introduced herself, and meekly took the moment to shake her hand. "I'm glad you'll be able to help me." He said, looking for something similar to an appropriate response. On literally any other day, he'd be visibly eager about the opportunity, but today was a day like no other. "I'm Arthur, yes. I'm... not sure at all how to use these powers properly, so any help I can get would be appreciated." He agreed.

He didn't know much about who Hecate was, that was a goddess he didn't think he'd ever heard of. "Erm, sorry, is your mother a death deity as well?" He asked. He didn't like being ignorant, so he went straight to asking. As far as the funeral went, he weakly nodded at Leda. "Let's get on it then." Honestly, he wanted this to be over more than anything. He knew it would hurt a lot to put on the funeral, but he hoped that once they were past it, things would get better.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈 and ✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Arena
Skills: N/A

While Leda had gone on the little trip to rescue the demigods from that school, she hadn't really realized that Kiera had been close with Ash. There was a large age gap between them and Leda had anticipated that would have killed any social interactions. It only made Kiera's lack of reaction to Ash's death even more perplexing. Was she heartless or something like that - to not care when her friend died? She wasn't about to ask her what her damage was, as tempting as that might have been. Leda still found her to be attractive, objectively speaking. Catching Mary's laughter, Leda turned and glared slightly at her friend, giving her a clear signal to shut up.

Tammy provided a welcome distraction, showing up with a shroud for Ash. "Great, thanks sis," she said, her eyes darting over towards Rebecca slightly. The shroud looked great, featuring the symbol of Hades - Ash's father - prominently and included her name as well. "Okay, let's head on to the Cabin and fetch her things then, yeah?" Leda asked, wanting to more or less get a move on. She was a speedster, so her impatience was only natural and just amplified by having her ex-girlfriend there. If Arthur didn't need a mentor in terms of necromancy, she wouldn't have spoken to Rebecca at all.

"Among other things, yes - she's the goddess of ghosts," Rebecca explained to Arthur patiently. And while she did not share Leda's discomfort at being in the same environment, she wasn't dumb. She was aware that her help was not wanted here at the moment. "I'll begin teaching you afterwards, then," she told Arthur, referring to the funeral. He hadn't said the word yet, something that Rebecca picked up on. There was much to do in preparation for journeying to Camp Jupiter in the morning. She needed to ensure that she had the most frequently used potions prepared, as well as a variety of common herbs at her disposal.

Bowing her head slightly, Rebecca figured that she ought to check in with Zeke and the others going on the quest to see if they needed anything. She walked over to the group, waiting for a pause in conversation before interjecting herself. "Is there anything you'd like me to brew for you all or prepare?" Rebecca asked them, smiling slightly. "I could fetch some crystals to help direct your energies, as well, though I find that they are more effective if used over long durations and not just for short periods of time..."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 20 min ago

Ezekiel Kel

Location: The Arena -- Camp Half-Blood

Ezekiel stuck his tongue out at Kristen when she seemed hesitant and annoyed with his presence. Guess what sweetheart, you have to suck it up and deal, just try not to drool this time. He crossed his arms and smirked at Lauryn, sure it wasn’t a great nickname but at the very least he wasn’t the only one who called them that. ”Ya we could all train together. Helps when we need to fight and we know how to play off of each other,” Ezekiel added. As much as he disliked being locked down in another quest with Kristen, at least he knew how she operated. That would keep them safe in the long run. Janelle was the wild card so they needed to get a better feel for her and what she was comfortable with.
Ezekiel started walking again, pushing the group towards the armory when Kristen turned to him and asked about Rosie. ”She says she is fine. We made her some tea to help her feel relaxed and with the after headache. I might go see her after just to double check.” He didn’t really have to tell Kristen any of that but he took pride in his job.
Rebecca came over and asked if there was anything the group needed made. The infirmary was fully stocked so Ezekiel planned on taking some supplies from there to keep them going. ”Perhaps herbs for wakefulness, stamina, things of that nature. I’m not totally sure what we are walking into. We have things for pain, burns and other medical needs like that at the infirmary I plan on stocking us up with. I’m not totally convinced on the crystal thing,” he informed her. That seemed a bit much to him. Rebecca was a gods send, well, all of the Hecate children were but there were some things that just crossed a line when it came to them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: The arena -> the cabins

"I don't even know what to say at a funeral. I've never been to one." Andy confessed. And even if she had, she thought, she wouldn't know how to act at a Demi-god funeral. She hated that. Hated not knowing. Hated not having Ash here to defuse the attention from herself by asking the questions they both wanted answers to. She wasn't mad at Ash, her death wasn't her fault. But she was mad. Rage at the situation and how she had gotten comfortable and all that had been taken from her. She couldn't hide behind the boisterous personality that was Ash anymore. Kiera hadn't answered the other part of her question though. Andy had wanted to know if she had known anything that Ash might have wanted with her.

Irritated and angry at it all she started walking toward the cabins. She'd collect what few things Ash had had here, and maybe get a pretty bow from one of Mona's siblings. At least Tammy had made a beautiful shroud. It looked like something Ash might have liked, but Andy couldn't be certain. The two had only known each other a week. In all Andy's life, she had never allowed herself to get close to someone that quickly. And now she was hurt because of it. She wanted to yell that at Ezekiel. He had been trying all week to get her to open up more and all it had done was what it always did. Hurt.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Desdemona Pemberton

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Arena -> Aphrodite Cabin
Skills: N/A

Mona watched as her sibling left her to do pretty much nothing. Mona wasn't quite sure what to do. It wasn't like they were going on their mission yet. She idled around a bit before deciding she wasn't getting much done and headed back to her cabin. As she did, her mind wandered a bit back to Ash, thinking about the girl and what might have been if she were still alive.

The camp was taking things well. It seemed like death was something they were used to, which made sense given their recent battle at the gate. Was this to be her life from now on? Going on missions, fighting to defend the camp, playing capture the flag with powers and weapons? It was all a bit too much, but perhaps this was the change she needed. Desired even. School had been boring up to this point. Her life was full of meaningless things. Now, she had something to go off of, even if it wasn't what she would have picked for herself.
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