[Vrex Camek]

Initiate Trials
Vrex's Initiate Trials were conducted at the Temple of Eedit on his homeworld of Devaron. It was overseen by the temple's caretaker, Jedi Master Halsey. It consisted of a mental test, combining meditation with verbal answers to questions design to test the initiate's knowledge of the Code. After this was a physical test of saber skills, first against remotes, and then in sparring matches against other initiates taking the trial. Vrex managed to pass in the end, having been one of only six who had passed among the twenty or so who took the trial.

The saber's color, when ignited, is a bright golden yellow. The color traditionally used by Sentinels and Temple Guards.
Vrex trained in Forms I, III, and V of Lightsaber combat. Form I because it is considered the most basic and fundamental of Lightsaber combat forms, and Forms III and V because their emphasis on defense and counterattacks made them suitable for a Jedi perusing the path of Sentinel. Having grown up on a jungle planet has given Vrex a natural talent for scouting and surviving in the wilderness, and an interesting talent for traversing narrow treetop paths by way of parkour and occasional use of the Force.
Force Abilities
The basic Force Push and Force Pull were among the first powers that Vrex became notably skilled with, particularly when utilizing them in Lightsaber duels or combat. Vrex has also shown a capacity for Force Lightning and even Force Grip on occasion, though he has not tried to master either power, both being seen by most as Sith powers rather than jedi powers.
Vrex can be overly hard on himself. He takes his duty as a fledgling Sentinel very seriously, and seems to fear failure more than anything else. This has caused him to lash out with the aforementioned powers of Lightning and Force Grip, usually out of desperation if he perceives himself to be in a losing battle.
Character History
Like many of his species, Vrex grew up never really knowing his father. Of course, he was never given a chance to know much of his family at all after being taken by the Jedi, but few of his species ever grow up knowing their fathers very well. Vrex learned early on that his father was a small time crime lord, running some kind of smuggling ring out one of the outer rim territories, but nothing else beyond that. Vrex's childhood was spent in the Temple of Eedit, where he trained alongside a selection of 20 total younglings under the care of Master Halsey. Eventually they were given the Initiate Trials and Vrex was among the six who passed and became full fledged Padawans.
Vrex didn't stay on Devaron for much longer after this. He was assigned to a Master, a Correlian named Jeris Tharn. He traveled alongside Master Tharn for a time in order to train under him, even serving alongside him when the Clone Wars had started. One such excursion resulted in Vrex being trapped behind enemy lines after faulty communication lines prevented his next set of commands from reaching him. Surrounded by battle droids and uncertain that he could fight his way out, Vrex's emotions got the better of him and he lashed out, using Force Lightning for the first time to take out the droids in nearly one fell swoop. When he reported to his Master, Tharn was glad Vrex made it out alive but also warned him not to rely on that power, saying that it could lead to the Dark Side. After this, Vrex decided he wanted to walk the path of a Jedi Sentinel, and devote his training to defending the very Temple he grew up in on Devaron, perhaps out of some form of penance for dipping his toe into the Dark Side, however brief it was. And so, when the time came, Master Tharn recommended Vrex's readiness for the Trials to the Council. By this time, the Clone Wars had been in full swing, and so the Council could not afford the luxury of testing Vrex the traditional way. Instead they looked at Vrex's record serving in the War and decided his actions through out were enough to convey to him the rank of Knight. Vrex was knighted and as he had hoped was assigned to guard the Temple of Eedit.
Vrex didn't spend all his time at the Eedit Temple, however. The nature of the Clone Wars often required him to occasionally relocate to other Temples in danger of attack from the Separatists. But while away news reached Vrex of an attack on the Eedit Temple. A rogue Force User named Savage Opress successfully attacked the Eedit Temple and allowed it to become occupied by the Separatist Forces. Master Halsey and Knox, two Jedi whom Vrex had known quite well, fought back but were ultimately killed by Opress. Vrex couldn't help but blame himself, convinced that had he been there he could have done something to help, and that Halsey and Knox would still be alive.
New orders soon came to Vrex, however. After a recent battle that took place just over Coruscant, the Council had decided it would be best bolster the security of their main Temple in Capital City. And so Vrex once again relocated, this time to the Temple on Coruscant. He vowed to himself to not allow any Temple under his protection to suffer the same fate as his home temple had.