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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

And now back to what you actually came here for...

Marygold, Lance and Mirembe

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

"This is once again proof that maybe we shouldn't be sending these kids up there in the first place!" Tony said, waving an arm slightly in Akane's direction. His eyes then went over to Elizabeth, noticing something, namely the fact that she had a prosthetic arm, and not a very good one at that.

Banner shook his head slightly. “After this is over, we really need to talk to Xavier about letting preteens on the team....”

"I'm with you there...' he agreed, walking over to Elizabeth now.

"Can you all stop arguing about whether or not we're actually old enough to really do anything? Seriously, get's more then a little bit annoying."

"Oh, yeah no, trust me they are kind of like that all the time..."

"...That's just a prosthetic right? Not robotic or anything like that? If you want, I can see about putting something together for you that might be a bit better then the one you have, since you know... You are going up on a spaceship where it could be helpful to have two hands you can more easily use..." he asked Elizabeth.

"So, we split up, go up there and see if we can find the device... Whose going to be in what group exactly?"

"Haven't really gotten that far actually. Though I definitely agree with Guin on separating her, Lance and you Mira out into different groups.' Mary commented, thinking about it.

"...I'll go with Guina," Pietro spoke up, looking over at Guin. Sorry Guina... But talking about stuff like that really bugs me... Killing people no matter what is wrong... You people keep saying that sooo... Yeah... I might have overreacted a little bit...

"...Alright, how about this for groups... In one group we'll have Guin, Pietro, myself, Allison and Bethany... Group 2 will be Lance, Thor, Elizabeth, Carolina and Annie... And group 3 will be Mira, Sara, Neil, Akane and Iris... Do these groups work for everyone or what?"

"I'm fine with the groups, but that's just my opinion..."

"...I'm fine with it too."

"Once we get up there, we have to see about finding that thing as quickly as possible... And Sara, something tells me if there was another plan if we failed it would have been mentioned by now. Using the Nullifier to at least get Galactus to leave is the only option, since from what I know it more or less is the only thing that could potentially destroy him. Hence why there doesn't seem to be any other plan. Since nothing else will work." She didn't mention the fact that Sara had in a way said that everyone else wasn't thinking or were dumb by declaring that she herself was "smart". Mary figured it would cause too much of a scene.

"...So how much longer on the suits so we can get this all over with?" Mira spoke up, looking over at Tony now.

"Oh, shouldn't be too long, JARVIS will let us know when they're ready," Tony said, looking over with a slight shrug.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: Telepathy
Carolina at the very least seemed to be thinking along similar lines as Guin, though she disagreed with the choice of killing the Silver Surfer. They didn't have a choice to become Galactus' herald, making them essentially another victim. At the very least by simply mind controlling someone on Death Row, it was a known criminal who had been sentenced to die by the state that was serving as the other casualty with Galactus. However, her attention was then caught by Elizabeth, who professed not being old enough to drive. How old was the new X-Men recruit then - twelve, thirteen maybe? And then with Akane's suggestion of peppers, Guin couldn't help but concede slightly that at least some of the X-Men were probably too young for this sort of thing. The newcomers weren't seasoned veterans like the rest of them.

I accept your apology - and don't worry about it too much, my love isn't fragile, Guin replied to Pietro via their mental link. Okay... If you say so Guina... She nodded slightly at the proposed teams. "Those are good - nice balance of raw power, skills, and experience," she commented. Guin was pleased with her own team of course - she trusted everyone on it and she had done countless missions with them at this point. J.A.R.V.I.S. would probably be done with the suits in a few minutes, meaning that it was just about time for them to get suited up and use Richards' device to get up to Galactus' ship.

She went over to Allison and put a hand on her shoulder, giving her a quick squeeze. "Glad that we get to do this together - maybe give Oshea a call," she suggested gently, before heading on over to her father. He was talking to Elizabeth, but she didn't know how much time they'd have. "Hey Dad, can I steal you for a second?" Guin asked a few feet away from the two, not wanting to be rude.

"Sure Penguin," Tony said, walking over to her.

"I just wanted to say... Y'know, if this stuff goes south and either one of us doesn't make it... I'm glad you're my dad," Guin told him awkwardly, tugging on her hair slightly.

"This is not going to go south, so don't worry about it."

She rolled her eyes slightly. "You realize you can't control the universe, right?" she couldn't help but point out. "If something happens to me, promise me you won't drink yourself into a coma, okay? People need Iron Man more than they do Iron Star."

"Well I know I can't control the universe, so sorry for trying to think positive."

Guin chuckled slightly. "Apology accepted, Old Man."

"I am not that old!"

Neil Spellman

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A
While Neil was old enough to drive, he did realize that most of the other X-Men had way more experience than he did when it came to saving the world. He had only ever really fought against Mesmero, having no recollection of the House of M reality. He wasn't that different from the other newcomers to the team - from Akane, Elizabeth, and Iris. His girlfriend, Sara, was the niece of the legendary Jean Grey, the One True Phoenix - she was badass no matter what. Thankfully, they were sorted into the same group - he even got to be in the same group as Mira, one of the friends he made through Dungeons and Dragons sessions. He didn't really want to be on the same team as Guin and Pietro anyways - those two usually had some sort of soap opera type drama going on that he didn't need to deal with.

"Any tips or advice?" he asked Sara, trusting her with his life and more or less seeing her as the defacto leader of their little team. "You can copy my powers, if you want," he then offered, knowing that telekinesis and minor molecular combustion were pretty decent powers as far as combat went. He wasn't exactly sure how much time they'd have before they'd need to leave - hopefully they could come up with some sort of consensus on a strategy to try for their little group. Working together would make things easier in the long run, right?
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked at the others for a moment, they didn't seem to answer to her idea it was probably stupid and could potentially kill her as well. Feeling her hands being grabbed slightly and looked at Annie and smiled towards her, she was the closest to her on the team and she helped whenever she did get dizzy as well. "Sorry, it was just an idea." Carolina said, as she looked out the window for a moment and then up at the sky. They still had sometime before the suits were all ready, she actually had never gone up into space so that would be really interesting.

She looked at Akane who suggested throwing peppers at Galactus, and she shook her head slightly it was a pretty dumb idea she was pretty sure the World Eater Galactus wouldn't even feel it. "Sooo, who all has been to space before?" Carolina decided to ask, she was pretty sure that the ship did have some kind of gravity on there as well. She was still a little more than excited about going to space and wearing an Iron Man Suit. "The team setup works for me." Carolina said, while looking over at Thor and smiled a little bit more, feeling better with him on her team.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Bethany looked at Akane who made probably a really dumb suggestion she shook her head slightly as she leaned back somewhat as she eyed the rest of the room. Then Mary made her suggestion of teams, she was completely fine with it as well and thought it was a good idea at least they didn't have any kind of newbies on the team. "The teams work well enough for me." Bethany said as she thought for a moment wondering what the suits would actually look like.

She ran a hand through her hair slightly and stretched out, she watched Tony inquire about the new girl Elizabeth's arm, she was pretty sure he was offering her something really interesting with it. She just hoped that they would be able to find it quickly and then get back to scare the big massive giant away.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

The teams satisfied her and she was happy to be working alongside Guin. Guin also had a good idea. She was about to embark on a mission to save the world again. This time, the stakes were higher than ever. She should give Oshea a call. She squeezed Guin's hand before she turned to make the call. She left a voicemail message for him.

"Hey Oshea. I'm about to go on a mission with the others to take on Galactus. In space. Yeah, pretty cool, I know. I wanted to tell you that this is going to be very dangerous. You know the drill. World saving, possible destruction of all we know. Typical Thursday. But it is important we do this. I wanted to let you know I love you and I will see you when we save the world."

After hanging up, she returned to the others. "Ok, since we are splitting up, what's the overall gameplan for our team?"

Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Sara sneered as Mary went off. She gave a mock salute with a bow. "Of course, illustrious leader. Forgive me for thinking we need to have some alternative on the off chance this all goes to hell like every other mission we have had. What would we do without your leadership? I shall follow your command, oh Captain my Captain." Sarcasm oozing off her words, she turned away from Mary, ignoring whatever retort the girl would have for her. She would go along with the mission because she knew she had to if there was any hope of stopping this, but it was stupid in her opinion to not have some other option should things not go to plan up there. Even something simple.

Neil followed her and she took a deep breath, calming herself down. "I am not leadership material, but yeah, I'll copy your powers to have that as a back-up. Other than that we go up, try to find this thing, save the world. Easy right?" She shrugged, but she knew it was more than that. There were so many factors and things that could go wrong. She didn't know what to expect.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Iris' lips pulled up into a small smirk when her friend gave her suggestion. She'd always been a big believer of the no-dumb-ideas philosophy, and, while far out, Akane's suggestion was the only attempt at plan B that had been made. It was better than nothing, which just so happened to be competition. The others in the room, however, didn't seem to agree with that sentiment. When Akane began to cower behind her, Iris flared her shoulders out slightly to more effectively cover the girl. Her eyes shot to the man with the goatee she'd been agreeing with earlier, who now attempted to use Akane's openness with her ideas against her.

"Hey, whoever you are, I don't see you coming up with a better idea. The way I see it, throwing peppers at it is better than just giving up." Iris said, not hesitating to come to her friend's defense. Her eyes then flipped to Marygold as she announced the teams. Despite her relief of being paired with Akane, Iris still felt a little wary of the team she'd been placed in. Best she could tell, the team seemed to lack structure, each either having a chaotic personality, or likely to conform to those with chaotic personalities. Not to mention that with Neil, Sara, and herself, there'd likely be a lot of fire, and no one with the ability to really stop them. But those thoughts were washed out of her mind when Sara went on her short, sarcastic rant, causing Iris to break into a grin, stifling a laugh, raising her eyebrows when the girl even capped it off by quoting Whitman. It might not have exactly been a logical team, but Iris had a feeling she was going to like it. She looked back to Marygold and gave a small nod.

"I'm down for this team," she said, before her eyes drifted back to look at the image of the Galactus-killer. The design was so simple, it gave Iris an idea. She looked back to Marygold, lips jutting out as she let the idea stew in her brain, until finally she had the phrasing worked out enough to suggest it. "Why don't we make, like, a fake one? A replica? We know what it looks like, and if we have the resources to make space suits, we can totally throw some hunks of metal together. We'll go up to try to get the real one, and if we take too long, or don't come back, wave the fake one around. Best case scenario, he falls for it and leaves, worst case, he has to check in with headquarters to see if they still have it, buying us a little more time," Iris suggested.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 19 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Stark Tower -- New York City, New York.

Once Antoinette heard that she would be placed on the same team with Carolina, she relaxed immediately. She would have more confidence in herself with a steady presence next to her, not that Antoinette ever completely failed during missions. It was just harder when guns were going off and the last mission had set her back some. Antoinette released Carolina and went and sat down, they still had some time so she figured she would rest and be comfortable while the last details were set out. She was more than happy with the rest of the members on her team. She knew them well and had worked with them at least a few times now.
Iris mentioned duplicating the device they were after, which Antoinette didn’t think was a half bad idea. They did have the technology but that might prolong their departure time and it didn’t sound like they had a lot of time. Even waiting for the suits to be finished seemed a risk but they needed them to get into space and it would all help them in the end to defeat this World Eater. What her dad would say when he found out she went into space. It wasn’t like that was ever on their radar when they were all living in their small town in Ireland. Antoinette smiled a little, picturing her mother’s face as she stood in the living room, watching the birds flying outside the window and explaining each one to her. Soon Antoinette would get to fly. Not quite as a bird but something more.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Elizabeth cleared her throat, "I'm not a preteen, I've been a teenager for two years." She was mildly annoyed with being written off because of her age, especially in an inaccurate way. Her displeasure, however, was quickly replaced with excitement and joy. The Iron man has just asked if he could build her a new arm, better than the glorified lego arm at her side right now for sure. "Hell yeah." She said, nodding her head enthusiastically. That sounded badass, and almost better than having a regular arm.

On the team assignments, she was also quite happy on being paired with the God of Thunder himself. It was almost like a dream came true. After all, what kid didn't fantasize about being able to help out their heroes and make an actual difference. And being paired up with a literal god made that all the better. All in all, this was shaping up to be a very, very, good day, sans the world being threatened of course. But hey, the X-men were on the case, and the Avengers if they failed, things would be alright, right?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold, Lance and Mirembe

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

"We have thought of that, however there is one slight problem with that. That being that the device gives off a bit of an aura, making it fairly obvious whether or not you have the real object." Richards said simply, looking over at Iris.

Tony was more or less ignoring Iris himself, figuring that she probably wasn't worth his time to actually converse with (since to him you'd have to have literally lived underground in order to not know who he was). Instead, he turned to look over at Elizabeth, nodding his head slightly. "I'll see what I can throw together real quick. Check to see what's taking JARVIS so long while I'm at it." With those last words, Tony left the room, tapping away at his watch as he walked away.

Lance wasn't too thrilled at essentially having Thor, who at this point he was somewhat dubbing as "the babysitter" on his team, but he was fine with everyone else there. Though he didn't care much for the fact that his dad clearly wanted to somewhat argue about this where literally everyone on the planet would be dead soon if they didn't do anything. "I still think you are over reacting a bit about this, we're going to all be dead anyway if we don't do something about it. So, yeah, you kind of are freaking out a little bit too much considering the fact that we're all dead if we just sit here doing nothing."

"Buddy, I.... I just don't know what I would do if I lost you," Banner admitted sheepishly.

"I know I'm not typically the optimist, but don't worry, it'll work out and then things can get back to normal... Or as normal as anything can get around here."

"When you're back, I'll help you study for midterms?" Banner offered. "Or um, if you want I can get you snacks or stuff to study with and then leave you be."

"That sounds like it would be fun," Lance said with a shrug. After House of M, he had decided to go back to school, so he was doing that, while juggling the fact that he was with the X-Men and practically had to see about saving the world every few months.

Mary had been somewhat quiet during this entire thing, and she looked over at Sara, somewhat staring at her. "...You are acting like it's my idea, that this was my plan," Mary said, staring right at her still as her eyes started shifting red, and her look turned more into a glare.

"You need to learn to shut the fuck up you bitch. I didn't exactly get a say in the matter of who was going, just who was on what group. How about instead of trying to pin stuff on me, you learn to do things on your damn own. Oh, and say one more damn thing about me and this whole plan towards me when it wasn't even my idea you're going to be in a world of hurt," she snapped, her tone of voice changing somewhatand with every sentence she stepped closer to Sara before she was standing face to face with her, still glaring.

What the hell was that? Pietro said mentally to Guin as he walked over to stand by her, more or less a little surprised. He was the type of person who would go off like that (as had happened not too long ago) so it was more then a little weird. Was this the sort of thing people saw from him when he'd sometimes go on rants or whatever? It was definitely strange.

Mira's eyes grew wide seeing Mary, who typically was a calm and easy going person, just completely shifted into someone else entirely almost. She wasn't too sure if she should say something. "Um... Maybe we should all calm down and actually think about this..." she said somewhat softly.

"Hey, the suits are ready to go," Tony's voice called out as he came into the room carrying something else with him. "Okay, you don't need to have been here to tell that something interesting happened in here. What did I miss? Wait, don't tell me, can just pull up the security footage later over a bowl of popcorn or something," he said as he walked over to Elizabeth. "Here, try this on for size, it's not actually made out of any metal, not really anyway. It also should be able to move and function like a normal arm and do what you want it to. Not the best work since it was a bit rushed, but I did include a few things you might find useful. What those are? You'll just have to find out," he said with a slight smile as he handed her the arm he was carrying. The arm would easily fit Elizabeth perfectly, and for the most part to her it would feel like her actual arm was back again, it felt natural.

"So... Considering probably could cut the tension in this room with a knife, how about you all get suited up to go, next room over is where they are. You just need to step into them."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: Telepathy
Carolina's question caused Guin to snap her head to the side to look at her in an instant, the reality sinking in that she was going to achieve one of her lifelong dreams - she got to go to space! She had wanted to be a Jedi Princess growing up and this was pretty much the closest she was ever going to get to it, especially since with her telepathy she could do some Jedi mind tricks. Sure, Xavier had been nagging her lately about practicing more, but all Guin really cared about was being able to pull off the entire these are not the droids you're looking for trick. The circumstances of this mission were far from ideal, but at least if she died she got to check space mission off of her bucket list.

Her eyes widened slightly as Sara replied snippily to Mary, as almost simultaneously one of the new kids on the team revealed that she didn't know who Iron Man was - something that Guin didn't even know was possible after all the Avengers had done to save the world time and time again. But that was nothing compared to Mary's hotheaded, emotional, and unhinged response to Sara. I have no fucking idea... she replied telepathically to Pietro. "Hey Mare, how about we go into the next room and cool down before we say and do more things we're going to regret?" Guin suggested, seriously wondering if maybe Mary needed to go to counseling. Sure, Sara had been sassy and rude, but Mary was the leader of the team - she was better than sinking to that low of a level.

But of course, the quiet Wiccan kid had to telekinetically slap Mary. "...Oh I do not want to see this," she murmured. They didn't have time for infighting anyways. "So... Let's go get these suits on, then, yeah?" she asked, grimacing a bit in Allison's direction with a face that clearly communicated what even is going on.

Taking Pietro's hand, she practically dragged him with her to the adjacent room, seeing the silver suits. She took off her gauntlets that she had built for herself and set them aside, before getting into the Iron Man suit. Once it was on, Guin bent down and put the gauntlets on as well, leaving the boots with the thrusters behind (as those were incorporated into the suit). This way, she at the very least would have the weaponized repulsors at her disposal, a plus since her father had mentioned that these suits didn't have weapons in them and her mutation wasn't the most easily weaponized thing. "What do you think about a honeymoon in space?"

"....Why in space?"

"It'd be kinda kinky, you know? Doing it in zero G's? Plus, Star Wars - and Star Trek for you."

"You are ridiculous."

"Is that a no, then?" Guin smirked slightly


Neil Spellman

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: Telekinesis
Neil tried not to laugh a little bit at Sara's retort to Mary, but the humor in the situation soon faded as the X-Men leader got up into Sara's face, yelling and cursing at her. He knew that Sara was more than capable of taking care of herself, but Neil was also a teenage boy. "Hey, you can't talk to her like that," he told Marygold, before using his telekinesis and slapping her. It wasn't nearly as hard as he would have liked, but he hoped that it got the point across. He wasn't the loudest person on the team - and that was easy, given that most of the members tended to be rather loud - but he still wasn't going to let people disrespect Sara like that. Or any of his friends for that matter. Neil stared Mary down for a moment, not afraid of how she was going to retaliate.

But as Iron Man came in and said that the suits were ready, he knew that glaring at Mary to defend Sara's honor (and his own pride as well) wasn't worth risking the Earth. Galactus could decide to eat the planet at any moment. He looked at Sara, nonverbally asking her if she was okay with the way he tilted his head. He paused a minute, before walking with the others over to the other room. The shiny silver suits were dazzling, yet they also felt foreign to him. He had been raised by witches - magic was what he was familiar with and comfortable with, not cutting edge tech like this. Would he even know how to operate an Iron Man suit? What if his powers somehow caused it to start glitching? He was sure that Tony Stark would have factored in that possibility with his design, but Neil still couldn't help but have a bad feeling about all of this as he got into the suit, ready to go take on the World Eater.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salty Spitoon
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Salty Spitoon

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Location: Stark Tower

Akane smiled lightly as she heard Iris defend her stupid idea. She knew it was a stupid idea, or at least knew it was a stupid idea once people let her know it was a stupid idea. But it was nice of Iris to still defend her. Though as things began to devolve into snide remarks and foul language Akane peeked her head out from behind Iris to figure out what was actually going on.

A bit stunned at the tension and volatility in the room. Not wanting to get involved and finally having the suits done she decided the wisest and most honorable next steps were too straight flee the situation. Akane softly tugged on Iris' hand that she still held before releasing it.

"Race you!" She declared with a mischievous grin before immediately bolting towards the room withe suits, feet tapping across the ground in quick, rhythmic patterns as she nearly bounded across the room.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Iris’ lips turned into a small frown when she heard the scientist’s response to her suggestion. Since emerging from the forests of Oregon, she’d seen and heard about so much new technology doing so many things that she would have thought impossible, it was easy to forget that technology wasn’t magic. It had its limits. She gave a single nod in reply.

Her attention was abruptly pulled away from Richards and back to Sara, who now stood there being cursed at by Marygold. Iris watched as the shorter girl spouted obscenities, drawing closer and closer to Sara until they were practically nose to nose. Iris felt the urge to step in, but she wasn’t completely sure whose side she’d be on. On the one hand, while their relationship was a bit tense, she was friends with Marygold, better friends with her than with Sara. On the other hand, Sara had just quoted Whitman, something that carried a lot of weight with Iris. Not to mention that, in this case, Iris felt that Marygold’s outburst was a bit of an overreaction. Unwanted snark and sarcasm, in her opinion, should be ignored rather than reacted to, especially in a role of leadership. Iris eventually decided she’d best stay out of it, but as soon as she made that decision, she saw the chlorokinetic react as though slapped, and it didn’t take much deduction to figure out it was likely Sara’s boy toy doing some of his hoodoo magic. Once things got physical, Iris straightened up, taking a few steps towards the trio.

”Woah, guys, there’s no need for that. Do y’all need to puff and make up? Because I can totally roll you guys up a joint,” she said, her voice calm in attempt to defuse the situation, immediately before the man with the goatee came back into the room, announcing that the suits were done. A small smirk appeared on Iris’ lips when Akane tugged her for a race. “It’s a standing offer, just so you know,” she said to the others, before turning away and beginning to leisurely make her way towards the other room, where a number of people had already begun to put their suits on. Iris cautiously approached one, looking around to see how the others were getting into it. After a few seconds, she followed suit, getting into the scifi armor with little trouble. Once she was in, she looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers in the metal gauntlets. It was...weird. It wasn’t as encumbering as she’d imagined, but it was still so foreign to her. She felt like some sort of insect inside a metal exoskeleton. Not to mention that she wasn’t sure how she’d get to her pockets. All in all, Iris wasn’t completely sure she liked the technology that wrapped itself around her.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Carolina watched as Annie walked over and went to sit down while going to wait for the suits to be built together, her eyes turned towards Sara when she made her snippy comment towards Mary. She didn't think it was a really good idea to piss off the leader, but Mary for the most part was pretty calm. Then a few seconds later Mary's demeanor changed, and was now up in Sara's face, it really wasn't a good time to even start arguing or infighting while they had a world to save. And then her friend Neil went and used his ability to basically slap Mary.

Carolina decided that it was enough now, and quickly walked over between the three of them while looking at Mary for a moment. "Really, the three of you want to start arguing right now?" Carolina said, while gesturing towards the window outside. "In case you haven't noticed the world is going to get destroyed, so if you three want to be petty little kids be my guest." Carolina said.

Sara in her opinion did deserve to get bitched at by Mary. Sighing a little bit, Carolina started to turn around and made her way towards the next room looking over at Tony for a moment and smiled slightly and shrugged when he asked what was going on. She walked over seeing all of the silver iron man suits and couldn't help but smile a little bit, she always did want to try and fly one and quickly stepped into it as well, while looking over at the others.

Bethany Bell

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Bethany looked between Mary and Sara when her friend made a snippy comment towards her, she was certainly going to stay out of it was between the two of them after all. She could feel the tension in the room starting to get a little to tense as Mary started to snap at her friend. Which was something she may have had coming, Bethany stood quietly and just watch it unfolding for a moment when Carolina walked over to try and break it up before heading off to the next room for the suits.

Bethany watched Tony handing the new girl a new arm, wondering what else it actually did, but just started to make her way towards the next room. Seeing the others getting suited up Bethany found one, wishing that they had some kind of color for it, she wanted hers in all black, and maybe a little bit of red. But for now she was content with what was there as Bethany started to get into the suit and she was more than ready to face off against Galactus in his own ship.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 19 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Stark Tower -- New York City, New York.

Antoinette looked back and forth at the back and forth comments between Sarah, Mary and then Neil. It was slightly amusing but also disappointing. Antoniette shifted and stood once Tony Stark announced the suits were ready and in the next room. She went up, standing with Carolina for a minute and watched the trio who were arguing for a moment. ”I do believe this may be one of the concerns others have about sending ‘children’ into space to save the world.” The high stress and tension of the situation wasn’t helping matters of course. Antoinette looked at Carolina and took her hand. ”I do hope we prove them wrong,” she said before following Carolina into the other room.
Iron Man suits lined the wall but they weren’t nearly as dazzling as Mr. Stark’s. They didn’t have the time for the pimped out versions but it was still exciting and a thrill for Antoinette when she stepped into one of the suits and it fastened around her. A screen turned on where the visor sat so she could see and Antoinette looked around the room, seeing everyone in a different light. She could see vital signs and a few other things plus one interesting addition for them that was tracking the object in space. Antoinette took a few steps and the tracker announced she was getting closer. She looked over at Carolina and noted her vital signs. ”Oh Lina! You must try your suit on!” The Iron Man helmet shifted and revealed Antoinette’s head again, her eyes were bright and brilliant with excitement as she waited for Carolina to get into her suit.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Allison could only watch in horror as things escalated between Mary, Neil, and Sara. Wasn't this what the adults were worried about? Granted, she had her own qualms about Mary, but Sara didn't need to escalate things with a sarcastic comment. But also, Neil didn't need to actually attack Mary in retaliation. It was a situation none of them needed at the moment. "Maybe everyone needs to take five a bit. There's no need to feed the situation even more than it already has been." She spoke that to the others who continued to comment on it. Let them cool off a bit.

She glanced at Guin, shrugging her shoulders. They had more pressing matters anyway. Namely: the suit! She walked over to where her suit stood, glancing all over at the sleek design. If there was one thing Tony Stark could do, it was designing a suit. She stepped in and suited herself up, marveling at the interface. "Holy cow, this is so cool!" Like a kid in a candy store, she almost forgot they were on yet another deadly mission against a force called the World Eater. Still, it was a fricken' amazing piece of technology!

Sara Grey

Location: Stark Tower
Skills: N/A

Sara had half a mind to continue to ignore Mary. If the psychopath wanted to get in her face to only prove her point, that was on her. However, when Neil stepped up to her defense, she realized the situation was quickly getting out of hand. She also didn't understand how people were grouping her into this. She made a sarcastic comment. She did so all the time. Either way, this was not what they needed before their mission. "Neil, thanks, but there's no need for it. The teams are formed and we have bigger things to worry about. Let's go with the others to get into our suits and formulate a game plan." She took his hand, hoping to calm him down enough to get him to follow her to the suits.

She would apologize to Mary later. The girl deserved to stew in it for a bit. She debated flipping Carolina off for her dumb comment, but thought better against it. No need to piss everyone in the room off. She, instead, decided to check her suit out. It was a great suit, to be sure. Hopefully, it would withstand the pressure of space and their ultimate mission. "This looks killer." The design itself was something to be excited about.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Stark Tower -> Galacus' Ship
Skills: N/A

For a split second, Mary looked like she was about to deck Neil across the face for slapping her like that, but it was almost like something stopped her, her eyes flickered for a moment, before going back to their standard green color and she backed away from the two, "...I'm sorry,"[ she said somewhat softly, before she more or less headed off to get in one of the suits. Before she went to get into one of the suits, she walked over to a nearby wall and seemingly smacked her head against it a few times. After that, she got into one of the suits, saying nothing to anyone else really.

After that, she headed back out to where Richards was and walked over to him. "So... Mind sending us up there now or whatever? We need to hurry up already..."

"Right, once you're ready we can send you up," Richards said, firing up a machine of some kind.

Mary nodded slightly, waiting slightly for the rest of her group to suit up and come over. Once they were there, Richards activated the device and the 5 of them (herself, Guin, Pietro, Bethany and Allison) would find themselves up on Galactus' ship. They were in a hallway of sorts, but the hallway stretched thousands of feet up above them. They would be able to see bright lights zipping around the wall, and that the area stretched out for what looked like miles in either direction. The tracker for the device seemed to indicate it was somewhere to their right at the moment. "...Alright, here we are, let's get going then..." she said, before she essentially started zipping off in that direction. The suits were fairly simple in design when it came to flying them, so no one would have any sort of problems flying them.

I hate these things, Pietro muttered mentally to Guin as he started heading off in that direction, however, Guin would be able to tell that something else was on his mind. "Hey uh, Guina, I have a question for you...

Lance Banner

Location: Stark Tower -> Galacus' Ship
Skills: N/A

Lance was not too sure what to think about all of the fighting that seemed to be going on around him. It wasn't like he wasn't completely used to people constantly arguing, he was usually the one doing the yelling and arguing. However now was not the time for this sort of thing, and he went to go see about getting suited up and ready to go. He walked back out to essentially see the first group take off on this little space adventure. "So... Let's get going and get this all over with already, the longer we stand around the less time we actually have to go off and find this thing..." he pointed out, walking over. Once everyone in the group was ready (Lance, Thor, Annie, Carolina, Elizabeth) the device was once more activated and they ended up on board of the ship.

They ended up in a room of sorts, one that looked like it was covered in wires, or plant life that looked to be made out of technology. "Well this is certainly a weird room to end up in..." he muttered under his breath, before there was the sound of movement nearby. The signal for the device they were hunting for seemed to be coming from above them. However that was the least of their concerns now as there was the sound of something moving towards them. Several creatures came out of the shadows, looking right at them. There were what looked to be 8 in total in the room, 3 of them had swords that started shifting from their hands, and the other 5 had their arms shift into guns of some sort.

"...Clearly we ended up in an occupied room... Hey Thor, you wouldn't by chance know what these things are would you?" Lance asked.

"Aye, these are the Phalanx. I recommend not touching them, as they can absorb you and make you part of them."

"...Okay, good to know, don't touch them, fun, and they definitely do not look friendly," Lance said as his hands started glowing. The suits that the groups had as Tony had mentioned before would easily allow them to use their powers, so he didn't exactly have any problems with that. Though the light that emanated from his hands seemed to have almost a slight greenish tint to it as opposed to it's typical bright yellow and white light.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower -> Galacus' Ship
Skills: N/A

Mira went over to see what exactly the suits were that they were going to be wearing, somewhat confused as to why Mary had decided randomly to go smack her head against the wall before she ended up taking off to go up onto the ship. It made her curious as to what was going through her head, but she didn't think too much about it, or more of at the least she pushed that curiosity out of her mind. Right now they had a million other things that they needed to deal with. Namely the giant purple thing that was trying to eat the planet.

"Everyone ready?" she asked after a few moments, glancing around at those who were left in order to see if everyone else was ready to go. Once the remaining members of the team were all suited up and ready to go, (Mira, Akane, Iris, Sara, Neil) the transporter fired off one last time, sending the remaining team up onto the ship, so now everyone who was going was up on the ship, the groups were just somewhat scattered as to where their locations were.

This group also ended up in a bit of a hallway, but it seemed more like an observation area or something, as there was a giant window that looked into another room, as well as wires of sorts that seemed to lead off to no where in this large area. They wouldn't be able to see into the room, however they would be able to see a nearby door that sort of led into that room. If they tried the door, they'd find that it appeared to have a complicated electronic lock of sorts on it.

"...So, guess we need to get going..." Mira said, waiting for someone else to lead on. The signal for the device seemed to be coming from straight past the room in front of them. Maybe there was a door that led to another hallway on the other side?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Stark Tower -> Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Telepathy
She smirked slightly, hearing everyone fawn over the suits her father had designed. Yes, they were amazingly cool and unlike the rest of them, Guin was certain she would wear one of these again - and probably soon, even. She was fully intending on bragging about it but Richards' device beamed them up onto Galactus' ship before she got a chance to. The ship was massive - they really hadn't been kidding about the dimensions on this thing. The bright lights zipping around the walls reminded her of SciFi movies in general - maybe Star Trek more than Star Wars?

You didn't seem to hate them when we had our first kiss in a pair of Iron Man suits, Guin reminded Pietro, kicking off and flying towards where the tracker indicated the device was. What's up? she then asked.

I still prefer running, anyway... You probably know Mary better then most people... Does she have any siblings? Since if not why did she have a twin in the reality that Wanda created? I never thought about it until now...

There had been a lot of weird inconsistencies in Wanda's reality. Pepper had been Guin's biological mother there. Pietro had had another brother named Flynn - an older brother. Mary had a twin sister, yet she also was the younger sister of Gambit, one of the old X-Men. I don't think she has any siblings - but also there was a lot of things in that reality that didn't make sense... Like that woman, Miranda? She was your biological mom there. Pepper was mine. And Gambit was Mary's brother.

Yeah, but Guin... Mary just acted a lot like her twin from that reality. Like a lot like her considering I thought personally she was going to at the very least smack Sara or something...

Okay, but she's been kinda acting like that since the entire O.M.E.N. thing... Remember how she blew up and screamed at everyone? She's my best friend, but... She isn't exactly someone I would call mentally stable these days.

Guina, what I'm trying to tell you is I actually think she might have a split personality. One is the normal person we've known forever, the other somewhat being a psychopath.

Guin glanced over towards Mary, thankful that the suit's mask was hiding her expression. She didn't really want to believe it, but there did seem to be a lot of truth in Pietro's idea. Ever since Wanda's House of M reality, Guin's own powers had been expanded to reach a little more of their potential. Her mind switch ability turned out to just be one aspect of her telepathic powers. Concentrating on Mary's mind, she probed it gently, hoping to not find extensive mental damage...

But then she heard two voices in Mary's mind - one was the old Mary and the other was Chrysi. She took a deep breath. You're right. Fuck. We can't have her here on this mission - we should ask Richards to send Mare home. Get her a psych eval.

She then started telepathically communicating with Beth and Allison. "Hey guys - bad news. It turns out Mare's got a split personality that wants the world to end. So... I think we might want to send her home, since this isn't the best place for a psycho to be - especially with us trying to keep the world from ending."

Neil Spellman

Location: Stark Tower -> Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: Minor Molecular Combustion
Neil glared at Carolina slightly. She was his friend, but he didn't see himself or Sara as being in the wrong here. Mary was completely out of line and he had done his job to defend Sara's honor, as any good boyfriend should. "We're not the ones being kids - she is," he mumbled to Carolina, referring to Mary. But he nodded as Sara told him that they could let it blow over, especially since they weren't going to be on the same team as Mary anyways - he didn't care that she apologized after the fact. He liked his little team. Yet with the Iron Man suits on, it wasn't too long before his group was transported up into space, ending up in what looked like some sort of observation deck.

While the end of the world was nigh, he couldn't deny how breathtaking the ship was. "Woah..." he said softly, his eyes wide with astonishment. They were on an alien spaceship, something he never expected to do. He had no idea what any of the wires might have been for. He walked on up to the door and tried to open it, only to find that it was locked. "Um, stay back," he then advised everyone. He didn't use his powers of combustion too often. It took a bit of concentration but he managed to explode the lock on the door, allowing them all access to the large room. Opening up the door, Neil's shoulders slumped slightly in confusion.

There was a jungle on the other side. "Uh..." he muttered uncomfortably, not really wanting to be the leader or anything. He really hoped someone else would take charge.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Stark Tower -> Galactus' Ship (team 2)
Skills: Transmutation, gunnery, investigation.

Elizabeth eagerly took the arm from Tony, hyped up to replace the useless hunk of plastic off her arm, and replace it with something much cooler. "Sick!" She grinned, her smile only widening at the promise of surprises. She was gonna be playing with this for hours to find all it could do.

In the time before they made it to the ship, she had been exploring the new piece of hardware on her arm. The coolest discovery she made, once she got it on, was that she was able to use the arm as a computer, with a tiny holographic display popping out from it after a few minutes of toting around with it. Using it, she'd be able to access the mansions databases, something that could prove useful later on.

Aboard the ship, she was excited, and terrified to be in space, on a mission. Kids literally dreamed of this, and now she was about to find out if it all lived up to the hype. Taking a careful few steps through the room along with the others, she jumped back when the Phalanx showed up. Ready to get in a fight, she approached one of them, and stuck her hand out, about to turn it to copper, "Let's see how you fight when you're a hunk of-" She started, before realized it wasn't working. However, her arm suddenly shifted into the blaster, curving off into a barrel, and pulsing with a purple energy. "Well." She started, mildly surprised, "When life gives you lemons..." With that, she fired off a blast into the gunner in front of her, leaving a nice dent in it. From there, she dodged behind a console, taking cover to start laying down fire against these things.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Stark Tower -> Fucking Space Motherfuckers! (Team 3 (The Hot Team))
Skills: Nature Knowledge and Survival Skills

Iris was pulled from her stupor over her new metal shell when the first group was zapped away, lifting her head up to look just after they had disappeared. She watched as the next group all gathered together, and were similarly sent through space in the blink of an eye. Iris wasn't sure what she'd been expecting, but it definitely didn't meet the criteria. In her head, she'd pictured something closer to a...giant elevator of sorts. Turning the thought over in her mind, she realized that that didn't really make sense. Once the second group was sent off, the somewhat scattered members of her group were all that was left, besides the 'grown ups' who were staying behind. Iris took a step closer to the center of the room, turning her head to look at Mira when asked if she was ready.

"To go to space? Probably not, but let's do it anyway," she replied, straightening up and bracing herself. Just like the others, between one second and the next, she found that the Stark Tower that had once surrounded her had been replaced by a massive, sprawling, futuristic observatory of sorts. She looked down to find her feet planted on the metal ground, and bounced slightly on her heels. There was a lot more...gravity than she'd been expecting. Everything she'd heard about space throughout the course of her life lead her to believe that it'd be a lot more floaty. Perhaps it was just some sort of techy artificial gravity, or perhaps space was just weird. She couldn't be sure.

After she came to terms with the lack of floatation, she lifted her head to look around the room. It appeared the signal was through the next room, which was blocked off by a techy door. Iris watched wordlessly as their wizard walked up to the door, Iris stepping back when he told them to. She raised a hand in front of her face as he blasted the door open, before lowering it. "Ey, nice work Wizman!" she said, her voice hyped, her smile audible in her voice. She looked in through the door, and was astonished to find some sort of jungle. She walked forward, going through the door. It wasn't an act of leadership, in fact, the thought hadn't even crossed her mind, as she didn't see any need for a leader. It was instead, quite simply, an act of curiosity. She looked around at the plant life around her, before looking back at the others.

"This jungle seems, like, African or something. That's kind of funky for a space jungle, don't you thi-" she said, before her head snapped back to look back into the wilderness. She heard some sort of rustling a ways away, and it didn't sound like a pleasant little woodland creature. And whatever it was sounded to be making its way towards them. Her stance changed from her normal relaxed posture to a more alert one as she backed up out of the jungle room and back into the observatory. "Something's coming this way. And it's a big something." she said, her eyes narrowing, watching the jungle through the door.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 34 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Galactus' Ship, Phalanx Room
Skills: Astral Projection, Possession

Carolina looked over at Annie as she got into the suit and smiled, it was really cool to be in one of them as she looked around at the HUD that was setup as well. "This is really cool and awesome." Carolina said to her friend, as she followed the others into the next room to where Reed Richard's was. "Ready to get beamed up." Carolina said looking over at Annie for a moment and smiled, before they were being transported up into the large ship. She looked around seeing the signal for where the device was that they needed was above them somewhere though it seemed to be really massive. "The signal is above us I think." Carolina said, seeing some creatures coming out of the woodwork they looked really terrifying.

Elizabeth decided to try and touch it but her new arm turned into a gun of some sort and started to attack she looked at the others this would slow them down but they were a threat. "I'm going to cause a little chaos among them." Carolina said looking at Annie and smiled slightly before leaving her body and went to possess one of the Phalanx, but got an immediate shock. She tried again, and managed to possess one of them and aimed its arm canon at one of it's own and fired off a shot killing the creature.

Bethany Bell

Location: Galactus' Ship, Long Hallway
Skills: N/A

Bethany was getting used to the suit and then followed the others who were going in as the first group, though she noticed before Mary hitting her forehead slightly worried about her. She would maybe check in on her later, before meeting up with Reed and then they were quickly beamed up into Galactus' ship. Bethany looked around the very long hallway wondering how exactly someone could navigate this place, but quickly followed behind Mary and started to fly which was really cool, doing a little barrel roll just for fun which made her smile.

Bethany felt Guin entering her mind which felt a little weird as well, but she didn't say anything looking at Mary the information was pretty concerning. She wasn't sure it was the best idea to keep her in the ship as well though she didn't know the details on the whole split personality thing. "Wouldn't she turn on us the moment she finds out or something?" Bethany asked telepathically, though they could use the numbers if they did remove Mary then the search might be a little bit harder.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 19 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Stark Tower ---> Galactus Ship - Phalanx Room (Group 2) -- SPACE
Skills: Illusion Casting

Antoinette looked up as they were transported to the ship but she didn’t see much of space on the way up. Once on the ship, she looked around and saw that they were surrounded by odd looking wires and machinery. Her suit started to beep a bit, a beacon telling them where the device they needed was. Antoinette took a couple steps ahead, ready to fly up towards where the beeping icon told them to go when the Phalanx’s appeared. They were rather unique looking creatures, made of gears, wires and metal rather than flesh and bone. Antoinette took a step back and looked over at Carolina who smiled at her before her suit went still. Antoinette was able to guess she had inhabited another body when one of the Phalanx’s turned on the other. That would certainly help them if she could keep a hold of the body.
Antoinette returned her attention to the Phalanx’s and created an illusion behind them in hopes to split their attention from her and her friends. The illusion was executed well but the Phalanx’s didn’t seem to care. All but one remained focused on the true Iron Man suits so Antoinette turned and focused on the distracted one. Antoinette switched gears with her illusions and moved them into a more offensive position before sending them one right after the other towards the distracted Phalanx in hopes to overwhelm it into shutting down or running off. Her first attempt had no affect on it but her second round of illusion attacks proved fatal for the Phalanx. She let out a squeal of triumph before turning to see how the others were faring. At least there was only eight of them.
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