Marygold Isley

Location: Stark Tower -> Galacus' Ship
Skills: N/A
For a split second, Mary looked like she was about to deck Neil across the face for slapping her like that, but it was almost like something stopped her, her eyes flickered for a moment, before going back to their standard green color and she backed away from the two,
"...I'm sorry,"[ she said somewhat softly, before she more or less headed off to get in one of the suits. Before she went to get into one of the suits, she walked over to a nearby wall and seemingly smacked her head against it a few times. After that, she got into one of the suits, saying nothing to anyone else really.
After that, she headed back out to where Richards was and walked over to him.
"So... Mind sending us up there now or whatever? We need to hurry up already..." "Right, once you're ready we can send you up," Richards said, firing up a machine of some kind.
Mary nodded slightly, waiting slightly for the rest of her group to suit up and come over. Once they were there, Richards activated the device and the 5 of them
(herself, Guin, Pietro, Bethany and Allison) would find themselves up on Galactus' ship. They were in a hallway of sorts, but the hallway stretched thousands of feet up above them. They would be able to see bright lights zipping around the wall, and that the area stretched out for what looked like miles in either direction. The tracker for the device seemed to indicate it was somewhere to their right at the moment.
"...Alright, here we are, let's get going then..." she said, before she essentially started zipping off in that direction. The suits were fairly simple in design when it came to flying them, so no one would have any sort of problems flying them.
I hate these things, Pietro muttered mentally to Guin as he started heading off in that direction, however, Guin would be able to tell that something else was on his mind.
"Hey uh, Guina, I have a question for you...
Lance Banner

Location: Stark Tower -> Galacus' Ship
Skills: N/A
Lance was not too sure what to think about all of the fighting that seemed to be going on around him. It wasn't like he wasn't completely used to people constantly arguing, he was usually the one doing the yelling and arguing. However now was not the time for this sort of thing, and he went to go see about getting suited up and ready to go. He walked back out to essentially see the first group take off on this little space adventure.
"So... Let's get going and get this all over with already, the longer we stand around the less time we actually have to go off and find this thing..." he pointed out, walking over. Once everyone in the group was ready
(Lance, Thor, Annie, Carolina, Elizabeth) the device was once more activated and they ended up on board of the ship.
They ended up in a room of sorts, one that looked like it was covered in wires, or plant life that looked to be made out of technology.
"Well this is certainly a weird room to end up in..." he muttered under his breath, before there was the sound of movement nearby. The signal for the device they were hunting for seemed to be coming from above them. However that was the least of their concerns now as there was the sound of something moving towards them. Several
creatures came out of the shadows, looking right at them. There were what looked to be 8 in total in the room, 3 of them had swords that started shifting from their hands, and the other 5 had their arms shift into guns of some sort.
"...Clearly we ended up in an occupied room... Hey Thor, you wouldn't by chance know what these things are would you?" Lance asked.
"Aye, these are the Phalanx. I recommend not touching them, as they can absorb you and make you part of them." "...Okay, good to know, don't touch them, fun, and they definitely do not look friendly," Lance said as his hands started glowing. The suits that the groups had as Tony had mentioned before would easily allow them to use their powers, so he didn't exactly have any problems with that. Though the light that emanated from his hands seemed to have almost a slight greenish tint to it as opposed to it's typical bright yellow and white light.
Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Stark Tower -> Galacus' Ship
Skills: N/A
Mira went over to see what exactly the suits were that they were going to be wearing, somewhat confused as to why Mary had decided randomly to go smack her head against the wall before she ended up taking off to go up onto the ship. It made her curious as to what was going through her head, but she didn't think too much about it, or more of at the least she pushed that curiosity out of her mind. Right now they had a million other things that they needed to deal with. Namely the giant purple thing that was trying to eat the planet.
"Everyone ready?" she asked after a few moments, glancing around at those who were left in order to see if everyone else was ready to go. Once the remaining members of the team were all suited up and ready to go,
(Mira, Akane, Iris, Sara, Neil) the transporter fired off one last time, sending the remaining team up onto the ship, so now everyone who was going was up on the ship, the groups were just somewhat scattered as to where their locations were.
This group also ended up in a bit of a hallway, but it seemed more like an observation area or something, as there was a giant window that looked into another room, as well as wires of sorts that seemed to lead off to no where in this large area. They wouldn't be able to see into the room, however they would be able to see a nearby door that sort of led into that room. If they tried the door, they'd find that it appeared to have a complicated electronic lock of sorts on it.
"...So, guess we need to get going..." Mira said, waiting for someone else to lead on. The signal for the device seemed to be coming from straight past the room in front of them. Maybe there was a door that led to another hallway on the other side?