Disclaimer: While this RP is based on the magical world of Harry Potter, we do not condone JK Rowling's transphobia.
Location: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Time Frame: 1984 (Saturday September 1st and onwards)
Skyrose Multiverse: Earth-713
Rp Tags: Fandom, Magic, Mystery, School, Slice of Life, Quest, Secret Society, Harry Potter, Mischief, High Casual, Randomization, High Dedication, Romance
Type Of RP: This roleplay follows a group of unique students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, recruited by Dumbledore into the mysterious Scamander Society. Characters can and will die, be unjustly punished, expelled, and corrupted - you have been warned!
Goal of the RP: Complete the Alchemist's Quest and identify the remaining Death Eaters at Hogwarts - and pass your classes, of course.
Character Requirements: One character per person. Characters must be between the ages of 11 and 17 to begin the RP (18 year olds can be made, but they would have been held back a year at Hogwarts). All characters are Hogwarts students. No exceptions.
"I knew I was different. I knew I was special. Always, I knew there was something."
Less than three years ago, He Who Must Not Be Named visited the quaint village of Godric's Hollow to kill the infant son of Lily and James Potter. In a twist of fate, baby Harry survived the Killing Curse, defeating You Know Who as the Dark Lord vanished, never to resurface again. You already know the story of the Boy Who Lived. This is not his story. No, this is the tale of those missing years - between the First and Second Wizarding Wars.
The Death Eaters have largely disbanded, thanks to the efforts of the Ministry of Magic. Some of them were convicted of their horrible war crimes, sentenced to Azkaban for life. Others pretended to have been under the control of the Imperius Curse or cut a deal, naming their fellow Death Eaters in order to obtain immunity. The majority were simply never caught, integrating back into society, hiding their Dark Marks underneath the fabric of their cloaks. They have gone back to their jobs at the Ministry, they're running shops on Diagon Alley, they are the concerned parents writing to Headmaster Dumbledore at Hogwarts, asking for some safety equipment to be required during Flying Lessons. The world has moved on from its darkest hour.
Unfortunately, another threat has been growing in the vacuum left behind by You Know Who. Called the Chimera, no one knows anything about this rising Dark Lord. The Ministry does not wish to believe they are real, but the Auror Office has dispatched a team to specifically apprehend and bring in Chimera, before this new foe can bring about another war. A new term at Hogwarts is beginning, with students eagerly and nervously heading to the scarlet steam engine to take them to school. All of them remember clearly He Who Must Not Be Named's reign of terror - and it darkens their days with nightmares, just as the magic and camaraderie at school brings them light.
Is this just the calm before the storm?
- Georgina Locke - Fifth Year / Seeker (F0B6E5 @FantasyChic)
- Artemis Harrington - Fifth Year / Prefect (gold @Achronum)
- Apollo Harrington - Fifth Year (6699FF @TrainerBlue192)
- Mary Winthrop - Fifth Year / Prefect (3333ff @Kirah)
- Zelda Flynn - Sixth Year / Quidditch Captain / Chaser (AF2AFF @BlueSky44)
- Paige Atwell - Fifth Year (41700D @Morose)
- Elizabeth Flame - Sixth Year / Quidditch Captain / Seeker (limegreen @Natsu)
- Madalyn Crane - Sixth Year / Prefect / Beater (7FFFD4 @Nallore)
- Fae Mintfree - Fifth Year / Beater (orange @Framing A Moose)
- Bill Weasley - Gryffindor Third Year
- Charlie Weasley - Gryffindor First Year
- Skye Parkin - Gryffindor Seventh Year / Quidditch Captain / Chaser
- Ryland Leveret - Gryffindor Third Year / Chaser
- Angelica Cole - Gryffindor Fifth Year / Seeker
- Nymphadora Tonks - Hufflepuff First Year
- Penny Haywood - Hufflepuff Fifth Year / Prefect
- Orion Amari - Hufflepuff Seventh Year / Quidditch Captain / Chaser
- Beatrice Haywood - Hufflepuff First Year
- Chiara Lobasca - Hufflepuff First Year
- Tom Sterling - Hufflepuff Sixth Year / Chaser
- Karma Arbutus - Hufflepuff Fourth Year / Chaser
- Washington Squabs - Hufflepuff Third Year / Keeper
- Barnaby Lee - Slytherin Fifth Year
- Merula Snyde - Slytherin Fifth Year
- Ismelda Murk - Slytherin Fifth Year
- Liz Tuttle - Slytherin Fourth Year
- Elijah Gulls - Slytherin Seventh Year / Chaser
- Nora Oleander - Slytherin Fifth Year / Chaser
- Philomena Staghart - Slytherin Third Year / Beater
- Joan Crooks - Third Year / Beater
- Jeanette Hammers - Seventh Year / Keeper
- Andre Egwu - Ravenclaw Sixth Year / Chaser
- Talbott Winger - Ravenclaw Fifth Year / Prefect
- Niah Bautista - Ravenclaw Seventh Year / Head Girl
- Kyle Staghart - Ravenclaw Third Year / Beater
- Josefina Hill - Ravenclaw Sixth Year / Keeper
- Audrey Steele - Ravenclaw Fourth Year / Seeker
- Rowan Khanna - Ravenclaw Fifth Year
This roleplay is a part of the Skyrose Multiverse - but since it is set in Earth-713, it does not have any direct connections to the other roleplays! It is in its own universe, meaning that if you have played with me previously and want to reimagine a character of yours as a Hogwarts student? Go for it! If you are new to our community and want to read more about this multiverse, please click here to read the lore guide.
Since this roleplay is set in the 80's, we are avoiding running into the events of the main Harry Potter series. However, if you need to look something up, Harry Potter Wikipedia is an excellent resource. Your GM has read the books numerous times but I can often be forgetful, so please do look here first. Unless I say otherwise, everything up to 1984 is cannon!
Lastly, I have made a resource for you all - since this is a school roleplay, your characters will know different amounts of magic depending on their age. I have placed below all of the magic and such that is known to be taught at various levels. This list is NOT exhaustive. If a spell you want to use isn't listed below, contact the GM - most likely, I will assess where it fits best and add it here, so do consider these guidelines and living documents!
*Rules are enforced and you will be removed if you break them.
- Applications:
- Post the CS in the OOC for review.
- Change the color code to a unique one (i.e. not in use by a current character). Please try to avoid colors that are very similar to the eye as well.
- Choose a faceclaim for your character that is not currently in use - if you're not sure if someone is using that FC, ask the GM. Faceclaims must be real life images - not drawings.
- The GM can refuse a concept for any reason, yet will generally work with you to fix up the character until they can be accepted.
- Talk to the GM if you want your character to have established connections (i.e. if this were a Star Wars RP and you wanted to be Baby Yoda's cousin, talk to the GM in advance for approval).
- GM approved character sheets should be posted in a hider in the Char tab.
- The GM will check posting history / previous RPs - you've been warned.
- Once CS's are approved, relation sheet will go up and must be completed and added to CS
- Under Extras in your CS please post a link to a post you have done in the past to show you have read the rules. If You submit a CS without this it may be declined.
- Special - To New Comers To The Guild - Pm The Gm for a tid bit to add under extras instead
- Post Content
- No use of racial slurs in posts. Sure, you may be playing a racist white guy, so just use asterisks - you'll convey the same idea.
- Nudity needs to be run by the GM before posting. In general, this is PG-13 when it comes to romance, sexual interactions, exposure, and so forth... Violence wise, anything goes. This can get gross.
- Fade to black for things that verge into the area of smut/other taboo subjects. Seriously. Your post will be deleted otherwise.
- The world and NPCs and events are controlled by the GM. If the GM says it's raining, then it's raining. Results will be randomized per dice mechanics.
- Posting & General Behavior
- Follow all of the rules of the forum - they're the law of the land.
- If you need an extension or you're struggling - or even if you just aren't certain what to do - please reach out to the GM! Communication is key.
- All posts are backed up on the back up forum after they have been posted - the GM will provide the link for this forum. It only takes a few seconds and it ensures all your hard work is preserved!
- You must post once every 7 days - once your last post on RPG reads as 8 days ago you will be removed from the RP.
- If you need an extension, ask!! Extensions should be requested no matter than when your last post reads as 6 days ago. If an emergency comes up on day 7, of course come and talk to us - we'll be more than happy to work something out. It's very rare that an extension request is denied.
- You may NOT copy and paste something from someone else's post and add it to your own. This includes dialogue.
- Minimal 2 posts between your last
- No editing posts without GM approval.
- Each post should include two well developed paragraphs (please don't make me define how many sentences are in a paragraph. If they're long sentences, then sure 5 is fine - if they're shorter, maybe 15 is best).
- Read all posts! Seriously, people are reading yours so spread the love and read theirs!
- No tagging for interactions in your post - people use this as a crutch usually to get away with not reading everything.
- Other:
- Character deaths will happen, no one is safe - it will be randomized and you will be notified when your death approaches. (This does not mean you are out of the RP, it will mean however you need to make a new character should you wish to continue - I recommend having Back Up Characters Ready)
- The GM reserves the right to make decisions as to how much additional time, if any, will be granted to post if the forum is glitching. A week to post is plenty of time even if the forum glitches a day or two. But usually, I do tend to be pretty generous about it...
- Rules and character sheet will be added to and changed as need be depending on problems or points that come up.
- Under Extras in the CS also mention your Hogwarts House so I know you at least skimmed this...
- Check the discord chat once a day. Invite will be provided by the GM.
Please read through these codes carefully. It's a bit of a different style than I usually use for my roleplays, but I am hoping that it will allow for us to have smoother gameplay. If you are confused as to what to put, please send me a PM and we can chat!
For the relations code, you are required to have at least one best friend and one enemy. If you can't find anyone among the PC's to fit that role for you, please contact the GM - I have tons of NPCs to fit just about any situation. (Now why do I require a best friend and an enemy? This is Hogwarts. They're teenagers too. It seems to me to fit the situation. If your character is going to be so isolated as to not have a best friend, how are you going to enjoy playing them in a heavily teamwork based story as well?)
- Hedwig's Theme by John Williams
- Sisters of the Moon by Fleetwood Mac - Paige's Theme
- Call On Me by Starley - Georgina's Theme
- Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran - Apollo's Theme
- Learnin' to Fly by Pink Floyd - Mary's Theme
- Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill - Zelda's Theme
- Ain't No Mountain High Enough by Marvin Gaye - Artemis' Theme
- Count On Me by Default - Madalyn's Theme