Allison and Guin "...Considering the fact that they haven't said anything regarding what they found on the other end of where they went, not sure if that's good or bad..." Pietro commented, looking at the other two. Guin would easily notice that two more dots were added onto the monitor of life forms as two disappeared from the area they were in. Unfortunately, she'd also be able to tell that the two dots popped up in a different cell then the singular alien one, meaning that odds were that Mary and Beth landed in the wrong cell. Which could be a horribly bad thing all things considering.
"So... What do we do now? We can continue down the hallway or something I guess..."
Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A
"Aye, Lance, listen to the witch and return to your physical form. The astral plane is not meant for mortal men," Thor advised.
"We must hurry with our quest - I fear our time grows short." "Your opinion is definitely noted Thor!" Lance snapped, not even really caring that he knew that Thor couldn't hear him at all. He was trying his best to stay calm, but he was finding it incredibly difficult to do so, since he was for one, still floating in an astral form, and two he had freaking
just hulked out! Despite the fact that he did have a slightly better relationship with his father, and the fact that when he was 16 it more or less was confirmed that he probably was never going to be able to shift (but that apparently didn't take into account a possible blood transfusion) it didn't stop him from being able to panic a lot regarding the entire situation.
He decided to just try what Carolina said to him, and he went and essentially stepped into his own body and it was almost like falling asleep, or more of waking up in regards to this anyway. Stirring slightly, he put a hand to his head as he opened up his eyes, and he had a majorly splitting headache that was not going away.
"Okay, did not need to know how my dad felt after freaking waking up from something like that... Seriously, this is the worst headache in the universe and it really needs to go away..." Lance glanced up at everyone else, but he was staying on the ground,
"Okay, which way do we need to go or whatever, I can't tell for slightly obvious reasons." If someone looked, the tracker for the device seemed to be coming from the right end of the hallway somewhere.
Marygold Isley

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A
"Let's go then," Mary said, nodding her head to Beth as she decided to use shadow travel to get around. Her own powers over plants made it so she could do something similar with plant life, but considering they were on a spaceship that made it near impossible for her to do that. However, the one thing she hadn't been expecting was to suddenly be transported into what clearly wasn't a room occupied by a robot looking thing. There was one thing that she did recognize relating to the aliens was the outfits they wore and their faces in a way at least. What she recognized them as was only because of stories, usually relating to the fact that the aliens in question had a long history with Xavier and the mansion in general.
"Uh... Bethany? They um... These are members of the Shi'ar Empire... And no, they are not friendly, ever..." she whispered to her, as she looked around at the group that more or less surrounded them, and they definitely looked pissed off at the pair of them.
"Who dares intrude upon our residence?" one of them asked (it was clearly a man who was speaking to them)
"Uh... We don't mean to be here... Actually I think we were just leaving... Right Bethany?" Mary said, glancing over at her. This was definitely
not good.
"You aren't going anywhere," he said, before a few of them instantly stabbed at them with their spear like weaponry. Bethany would get a jab in the side, and thankfully the armor was able to protect her somewhat, however the blade managed to breach the armor slightly, causing a bit of a knick in her side that started bleeding. Be grateful for an iron man suit! Mary only fared slightly better, as she didn't get stabbed through the armor, however, one of them smacked her across the head hard enough to knock her to the ground. "We don't like unknown beings in our realm!"
"Yeah... Knew that already..."
Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A
Mira rolled her eyes slightly at Iris.
"Okay, sorry to burst your bubble, but now is really not the time for flower crowns. Since we are currently on an alien spaceship, that could kill us at any turn. So making any sort of flower crown is really really really not a top priority don't you think? And all clear is generally used not just in a military function, but also used in various other ways when one typically does not want to be caught, so maybe you should learn to pay a little more attention," she said to Iris, her accent came through more then it typically did when she spoke.
In truth, Mira was more then a bit annoyed that Iris was more or less not taking this entire mission seriously. Following after Neil in the hallway, she used the suit's internal computer to scan for any nearby aliens, and luckily she only detected them for the moment.
"It's just us for the moment it appears. However we need to tread cautiously in order to avoid any more unwelcome surprises. Oh, and Iris, you might want to actually try fighting something, since unfortunately we do not need a bard in the party, especially considering it doesn't really do much in reality. Encouraging people is fine, but perhaps you should actually try fighting. Even without abilities one should learn to defend oneself." With those last words, she glanced towards the end of the hallway that Neil had indicated.
"Let's get going then shall we? We can't stand around here all day."