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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2)
Skills: Transmutation, Persuasion

Trying desperately to ignore the Hulk behind her, Elizabeth hummed to herself as she finished sealing up the door. Soon, there was a nice, almost smooth wall there, rather than the door that stood there before. At this point, she was at least confident that the Phalanx would no longer be able to follow them. At this point, she was forced to deal with Lance. She bit her lip, unsure of how she could help here, not knowing what she could possibly say that might calm Lance down. Subduing him wasn't an option, given the strength he must possess.

Nervously, she quietly said, "Lance... That's your name right?" Truthfully, she didn't know him well at all, and at this point, she was just trying to say whatever might work, "I don't know what's triggered this in you, but please. If you can't calm yourself down now, not only will you put us at risk of dying." She took a careful step towards him, "Or yourself at risk of dying, but you'll put literally everyone on Earth in harm's way." There was an almost pleading tone in her voice, figuring that if she couldn't make a deeply personal appeal to him, the least she could do would be to try to resonate with whatever human part was left inside him, "We have a job to do, and a lot of people counting on us, let's get it done. Please."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: ???

To say that Lance most definitely was not calming down anytime soon. Instead, he more of shot a glare of sorts at Annie when she walked over to him. Then everyone else started moving over towards him, which was more or less probably not a good idea at the moment. He started moving and one of his fists instantly slammed into Annie, throwing her backwards with enough force once again to cause a dent in the wall. Her head would crack against the wall, and even with the suit on, she'd be able to tell that the back of her head was bleeding a lot. If she didn't have the suit, there was a good chance that blow probably would have killed her.

Glancing over at Carolina, he sent another fist slamming into Carolina and easily knocking her away, throwing her to the ground not too far away from him. He let out a roar, glaring at the group, and backing away slightly from them, clearly not wanting to be anywhere near them at all. This sort of thing was not going to be easy to deal with, at all. There were numerous problems that they had to deal with at the moment, one being that they probably needed to stop Lance from potentially punching a hole in the wall and blasting them all out to space, and then they still had to find the device.

Marygold Isley

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

Mary shot up into the air, heading the direction that Guin had indicated that the device was down. They had a lot of problems stemming from this entire situation, and partially because of the fact that they had no idea what really lied ahead for them. She glanced over at Bethany and Allison, who both had some insights thankfully as to what was ahead of them. "...Great, the Silver Surfer is guarding the thing... That is going to make our lives so much easier... Any descriptions of what the two groups or whatever in the other rooms looked like Allison?" she asked her. Her knowledge of aliens and different alien groups was fairly limited and only because of stories she heard and boredom going through a bunch of the files on the mansion computers.

Heading down the hallway that Guin had indicated for them, she touched the ground, and glanced around the area a bit, luckily for them, the area seemed fairly empty, no aliens or anything in sight thankfully. With any sort of luck, they would just be able to move on with things and see about getting the device. They now apparently had to deal with the Silver Surfer, which is the one person on the ship they flat out were told to never run into, as odds were that was the person who would probably kill them if anyone on this ship did. And now he was standing in between them, and the Ultimate Nullifier. Of course. That's how things always tended to go with their luck.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: Sonic Screech, Parkour

Mira was running out of ideas in this situation, the gorilla needed to go down, and needed to go down quickly. The more time they wasted with this thing, the less time they had to go find the device before Earth got destroyed. Time was not a luxury that they had, and she glanced over at the group, wondering if they had any sort of ideas as to how to take down the monkey. She noticed Sara coughing a little bit, and she understood that sort of feeling. It still happened to her on occasion, and she was used to straining her voice and letting out loud screeches like that.

The gorilla was more or less just throwing anything it could get it's hands on, rocks, tree branches, the group and such. Wait what now? Mira's eyes grew wide as she saw that somehow, the gorilla had managed to grab a hold of Iris, the one person who hadn't really attacked him, and started swinging her around. Ever heard of the term Vomit Comet? It would feel like that to her, and then she was thrown straight at Mira, who barely had time to jump away from her, before Iris slammed into a tree. Mira tried to let loose a shriek, but it didn't really sound like a scream, and she started coughing a lot now, clearly the shrieks were catching up to her now.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Telepathy
Guin raised a slight eyebrow as Beth rested her hand on her shoulder, but she didn't say a word. She was more touch sensitive than she used to be, but that was largely because she had only had her mutant abilities for a few years now and one of them was touch activated. But with the clunky yet sleek Iron Man suit, that hopefully wasn't too much of an issue. Or at least, she hoped her father hadn't designed these suits to allow her to switch with people through them. "I thought the Avengers and the Fantastic Four were going to draw out his herald?" Guin cursed. The news they received from Allison and Beth didn't bode well at all.

A brief mental scan of the hallway revealed nothing. Her heart was hammering and she didn't want to go up against the Silver Surfer blind. Using her comm device, she managed to get a hold of the Invisible Woman. "Mrs. Fantastic? I need you to tell me how to deal with the Surfer. He's guarding the device," she said over the comms.

"...The Silver Surfer is not someone you actually want to have to fight if you don't have to. You might be able to reason with him in some way, but to fight him head on would be suicide. You'd need to find a way to either convince him to help you, or find a way to outsmart him."

"What's his intelligence and wisdom modifiers? Wait, no, don't answer that. Thanks," Guin then cut the line. "Miss Disappear says that we shouldn't try fighting the Silver Surfer. We should try reasoning with him instead or outsmarting him. So kinda like how we were supposed to fight Pietro back at the Power Plant," Guin explained. Her mind briefly came up with the idea of doing Get Help and throwing someone at the Silver Surfer as a distraction.

"...I don't know if I should be insulted by that comment."

"You do realize the plan back then was definitely not to trick you into flirting with me, right? Though... Maybe we should try that here."

"Not my fault you caused me to fall onto you! Also what do you mean by that?"

Guin shrugged slightly. "What if we tried flirting with the Silver Surfer as a distraction? We're all hot girls here, except for Pietro. And while we're busy doing that, we can send Pietro in to grab the device and then Mister Wonderful can beam us all up home."

"...I don't like this idea."

Neil Spellman

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: Telekinesis and Minor Molecular Combustion
Neil was a bit confounded by Iris' behavior. She seemed like she was trying to be a cheerleader or a bard - and he didn't honestly know how to tell the difference between the two of them in this situation. Iris didn't have pom poms, but she also wasn't singing or playing the lute. Sara sent another sonic screech at the monkey, but the gorilla still wasn't down! Maybe there was a different strategy they needed to consider. If just hitting the gorilla wasn't enough to rapidly deplete its hit points, maybe they needed to get creative. They were in a gigantic space ship - odds were, there had to be another level beneath them. They probably weren't at the very last level right about the cold vacuum of space.

It was a stupid idea, but it might just be the type of stupid they needed to get rid of the gorilla before anyone got hurt. Well, more hurt. Iris had been flung around like a rag doll by the gorilla, managing to burn him slightly so his fur was singed. Focusing on the ground around the gorilla, Neil combined his mutant powers. He used his telekinesis to cut in a circle around the monkey, his molecular combustion to blow the circle up slightly, creating a large gaping hole. The gorilla fell on through the hole and Neil tentatively peered down, seeing what looked like a bottomless pit. "...Let's keep on moving, then."

Gritting his teeth, he used his telekinesis to move some of the fallen trees to cover up the hole, hopefully keeping anyone else from falling down and joining the telepathic ape. His nose was bleeding slightly from the exertion of his powers, but he didn't care. They had a world to save.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Galactus Ship (Group 2) -- SPACE
Skills: Illusion Casting

Antoinette could feel the others start to close in around her and she didn’t see boxing in Lance being a very good idea. Lance shifted and his fist came down, throwing Antoinette back. She felt as if she were floating at one point. There was a calm sort of feeling that surrounded her, even as she saw Lance start to attack her friends and then back off. Everything moved in slow motion until her back slammed into a wall and her focus zeroed in as reality hit her. Or perhaps it was her head cracking back against the helmet. She could feel a warmth start to slide down the back of her head and neck as she dropped to her knees on the floor. For this reason, Antoinette was able to tell she was bleeding and as the warmth continued to trickle down her shoulders and back, she knew it was a lot.
Her helmet opened up and Antoniette sucked in some fresh air. She looked up at her friends, watching Lance continue to back away from them. He didn’t have control over the Hulk and it was merely trying to protect him. Them all converging on him had been a bad idea. She touched the back of her head with her metal glove and looked at it to see the blood on her suits fingertips. ”Please forgive me,” she said as she stood.
The head injury was causing some fuzziness but Antoinette’s mental level was clear enough for her to start thinking. Antoinette was used to close combat situations, fighting with her hands before running away. She was a fast runner. In this situation, running would leave her friends stranded and all of them at risk of dying, either from Lance being unable to control the Hulk from protecting himself, or the other creatures of the ship coming after them when they were vulnerable. That being said, Antoinette had learned she was quite good at distractions and her illusions had started to grow in their ability, making them solid and more life-like.
Antoinette pushed herself back to her feet as her purple eye started to glow and she started to conjure an illusion, hoping it would solidify again as she had done with the life-size Hulk in the other room with the Phalanxs'. Her ability was holding strong and Antoinette was able to create a tower or group of falcons. They came from the ceiling and aimed straight for Lance, screeching as they closed in on him. They came at Lance from different angles, diving for his face and eyes to keep him distracted. A few were able to take flesh and Antoinette flinched from the act. She hoped the others would see the opportunity of the Lance Hulk being distracted and somehow take his legs out from under him before too much damage was done.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship: Gorilla Observatory (Team 3 (The Hot Team))
Skills: Pyrokinesis

Iris let out a yelp of surprise as she felt one of the ape's massive hands wrap around her, before beginning to shake her like a human spray paint can, one that was all too ready to pain the inside of her helmet green. As he swung her about, she could feel her heart beat accelerating. Her mind was running at a million miles per second, and yet all the thoughts blurred together into an incomprehensible haze. Then her nose picked up the familiar smell of burning hair. With that simple scent, she was able to pull her thoughts back into a conceivable speed, and the first thing her conscious mind felt was worry. That smell never came before something good.

Just as she had her thoughts back, she felt the feeling of her body flying weightlessly through the air, a feeling that she'd grown more familiar with in this fight alone than ever before. It didn't take long for her body to slam against some hard object, causing her to let out a grunt as she blinked, completely dazed. It took a few seconds for her world to come back into focus, but when it did, she saw the gorilla. Flecks of glowing blue were sprinkled throughout his fur, but thankfully, that was all. The sight lasted only for only a moment, however, as she watched Neil use his powers to break apart the floor out from under the beast, causing it to fall into a massive black abyss. As he covered the hole up with vegetation, Iris stood from her prone position, rubbing her back and letting out a quiet groan. Her whole body felt like it had been put through a giant dryer, and she was sure she was battered and bruised under the shining metal suit. As she walked closer to the others, her eyes caught Mira, practically coughing up a lung.

"Hey, I think you should rest your voice. We don't want your throat getting completely pulverized, and if we run into something else, we can handle it some other way." Iris suggested, laying a gentle metal hand on Mira's shoulder as if they'd been friends for years rather than acquaintances for three months. She then turned her head to Neil as he spoke, giving a small nod in agreement, pulling her hand away from Mira's shoulder as she took a few steps deeper into the forest. "Yep, no reason to wait around."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 26 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Galactus' Ship, Outside of the Phalanx Room
Skills: Astral Projection

Carolina watched as Lance Hulk backed away slightly from them, before he proceeded to punch her best friend, watching Annie flying across the hallway and hitting the wall denting it. "Annie!" Carolina said, before getting the wind knocked out of her, and sent her flying to the ground but not as far as Annie did. She slowly got back up to her feet slightly and stumbled, looking back at Annie seeing the blood coming down off her face a bit when the faceplate was taken off. Then she watched as a flock of falcons coming out and flying at Hulk Lance to distract him.

From what she knew they couldn't really fight against the Hulk at all, and since their suits weren't made to be Hulk-Busters and it wasn't available to them either. She then got an idea, which was probably a really dumb one as well but she'd have to get up and close to Hulk Lance. And she had never done it before either, as Carolina quickly propelled herself forward reaching out with her hand as she astrally projected herself into Lance pushing him out of the Hulk body. She backed up slightly looking over at Annie and quickly went over towards her friend. "Annie, are you alright?" Carolina asked.

Bethany Bell

Location: Galactus' Ship, Long Hallway
Skills: N/A

Bethany looked at the others when Guin went to contact someone from the Fantastic Four, she crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at the others on what they should do next. Allison told them some more information as well there were some more aliens nearby as well which was either a good or bad thing, she wasn't sure if they'd even be willing to help out ether or they were mindless like that Xenomorph. Which was still really cool and horrifying to see, when Guin then gave an idea looking at her like she was a little bit crazy.

"Soooo, you want us to flirt and try and distract him that way basically?" Bethany cringed slightly at the thought of it as well, he looked like a guy and she really wasn't into men either. She looked between Mary and Allison for a moment as she thought a little bit. "Dibs on not flirting with him, I volunteer Mary or Allison to do it. I could shadow travel and grab it if that works?" Bethany said.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2)
Skills: Transmutation

Alright, reasoning with a Hulk wasn't working. Honestly, Eliza should have seen this coming, but since when did things ever go easily for her? She needed to come up with a different plan of attack, and quickly. She knew that the Hulk was currently distracted, so what she was about to do wasn't clinically insane, at the very least. Closing the distance between the two of them, she ducked beneath him, and thrusted her hand on the floor. Metal liquified beneath him, climbing up his feet and solidifying.

Scurrying away as quick as she could, she looked at her handiwork. She didn't necessarily expect Lance to be held by this for long, but she hoped it would at least slow him down. The hardest part was that they didn't want to hurt him, only prevent him from killing them all. Calming down a hulk without using lethal force, in a confined space like this, sounded borderline impossible. She almost wondered if she should have just dropped him down to a lower floor, and let him rage around until he got it out of his system. That idea, while appealing, sounded like it could end badly very quickly, so she wasn't about to do it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Precognition

Allison tried her best to remember how the aliens looked. It was difficult as she had not interacted with many alien species before. "The group of aliens that look ready to fight anyone all have a similar looking face. Some appear like men and some women. Some were wearing armor and possibly have weapons on them. They don't look happy is what I'm saying. The alien being held prisoner possibly looks like a robot almost. Gold or brown with a weird face. I don't get the sense he's dangerous. Perhaps scared?"

It was the best she could come up with. She also tried to see how flirting with the Silver Surfer would work. Needless to say, it didn't seem like a good idea. "Much as I would like to try to use my feminine wiles to aid us, I don't think flirting with him will work. At least, my vision didn't seem to say so. I don't know what else we could do other than see about freeing the one alien. Maybe it could help us?"

Sara Grey

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A

With the giant monkey finally handled, Sara took a minute to catch her breath and rest her voice. She didn't know how hard it was using Mira's power, but it took its toll on her vocal chords. If the gorilla was any indication, their trip on this ship would be far from easy. "I got the sense the Gorilla wasn't here voluntarily, or rather, maybe did not start off that way. I don't think he just decided to make his new home on Galactus' ship. What I mean to say is, we are probably going to run into other things that may or may not try to kill us, but there is an equal chance they may be able to help. In other words, let's not go in guns blazing the whole time."

She felt leader-ish, though that was not her intention. She walked over to Neil to check on him, giving his hand a quick squeeze. "You handled yourself well out there handsome. It was kind of hot." She smiled warmly before she turned and began to walk down the corridor that led past the ape's room. She debated switching powers, but a sonic scream could be useful still, especially as she didn't know the other girl's power all that well and Neil's magic was....unstable, but cool.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: ???

To say that being pushed out of your own body was a weird feeling was a bit of an understatement. To everyone else, Lance's body essentially collapsed to the ground not moving. That is to say, for everyone else with the exception of Carolina. Even though she wasn't actively using her powers, Carolina would be able to see Lance's astral form, and he looked like his normal self. He had a bit of a confused expression on his face as he looked around at everyone else in the room, despite them not being able to see him, as his mind tried to register what the hell was going on.

His first thought was that somehow, he was now dead or something and that the blast that Carolina had accidentally hit him with had actually killed him. Then again, that sort of thing made no sense whatsoever, so that likely wasn't the right thing. After a moment, he glanced over at his body, and his eyes grew wide a little bit, since that was most definitely something that he did not remember happening. He didn't remember shifting, he barely even really remembered getting out of that room and out into the hallway. His brain was still trying to process what the hell was going on.

"...Did that actually just happen? Please tell me that this did not just happen," he managed to say, as his own body eventually started shifting back to normal. "That is just insane! Also how the hell did I leave my body and how the hell can I get back?"

Marygold Isley

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

"Uh yeah, not just a no, but more of a hell no to that one Guin. I seriously doubt that anything like that would actually work," Mary said with a bit of an eye roll towards Guin when she made that comment. Though a part of her wanted to laugh slightly at Pietro instantly saying he didn't like the idea, since she imagined it was partially because he had a bit of a jealous streak. It was amusing in her mind, to see Pietro fall into one, being a bit over protective, and two, being jealous at a non-human entity.

"Well there are multiple alien races that are hostile or appear to be that for all we know aren't. Looks can be deceiving, no matter what. Though clearly the movies got the whole thing with the Xenomorph right, so anything could be hostile here... Wait... The non-hostile one... Did it seem to have a bunch of wires almost? Like lines of yellow... Bright yellow eyes... Yellow lines on almost a black metallic body? Please tell me that's what it looks like, since I've only heard of two races that somewhat match your description..." she asked Allison. Having read through some of the stuff that they had on file back at the mansion was proving to be somewhat useful. There were only two races that she could think of off the top of her head that was robot like, and she always confused which one came first. One race was completely off its rockers and would try to kill everyone, the other was more of a wild card, and could be helpful if they played their cards right. She was seriously hoping for the second one. Otherwise they'd have another fight ahead of them, and one that likely would not end well, at all.

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: Hacking

"That is definitely not what I expected to happen, but cool, that's definitely one way to deal with the giant gorilla." Mira said, before she did a quick glance around the jungle area, and she noticed something. The fact that the jungle appeared larger then it actually was, her mind was racing through the possibilities, and came to the conclusion that it was a bit of an optical illusion almost. Just a shift of perspective, and the entire illusion disappears. She noticed Iris and shrugged her shoulders, "Eh, it's alright... I've strained my voice way worse then this... But you are right, straining it is probably not the best idea in the world right now. Nice job on using my power by the way Sara, first time I discovered I had it I lost my voice for a few hours. And I agree with you, not everything here might be trying to kill us. We should proceed with caution, not attacking everything in sight, but treating everything as if it was going to kill us... Don't let your guard down, at all."

It had been a while since she had really been in this sort of situation, an unknown world of sorts. For her, the last time had been when she first came to the US. It had been a strange world, with lesser technology for the most part then her home in Wakanda, and she had kept her guard up at all times. Still did for the most part, reason why she tended to be by herself, she wasn't sure what to really think about her time in the US.

"The room is just a bit of an optical illusion. The way it is built, it's meant to look larger then it actually is. Probably to make that gorilla happier or more comfortable I suppose, see how the walls are slanted ever slightly? It's to make the room seem bigger. If that's the case, then it shouldn't be too far along until we reach the door... And theoretically, the door should be on the wall opposite of this one," she said, before she started walking, and fairly quickly, they'd come across a door, and she started messing with a panel that she was able to pry off the side by the door, and with a slight spark of wiring, the doors popped open. "And I give you a door to the next area... Who wants to go through first?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Telepathy
Guin honestly hadn't expected anyone to go for her half-joke of a plan of just flirting with the Silver Surfer to get what they wanted. It was nice of Bethany to go along with it, but she was still a little bit mad at her for the little geek out session she had with Pietro. It was also more than a little bit obvious that Pietro was feeling jealous over the plan of flirting with the Silver Surfer, so it was probably for the best that they scrapped it. Their precognitive wonder had told them they needed to free this one alien anyways. "So basically, we're gambling that this imprisoned alien has the ability to help us steal from the Silver Surfer," Guin surmised.

She had heard worse plans - namely, the one that Akane had suggested earlier at Stark Tower.

Her eyes flickered over to the vital signs monitoring display, her heart freezing as she noticed nothing was being recorded for Lance anymore. It looked like he had flatlined. Her heart resumed beating as soon as her frantic brain provided a slightly comforting answer - he must have busted out of his suit when he transformed into the Hulk. Banner had done it before, so Lance must have done it as well. He wasn't dead, he was just... green.

Guin reminded herself to focus on the mission - that without securing this device, everyone on Earth would die. She shut her eyes and concentrated, trying to locate the alien with her telepathy but she just couldn't find it. I have to be the world's shittiest telepath... she grumbled to Pietro through the mental link. "Hey, let's do a scan for alien lifeforms please," she instructed her Iron Man suit.

In a moment, her suit's heads up display lit up, showing her where all of the aliens were on this ship. It took her a second to notice one little dot a little ways away - likely the imprisoned alien they were looking for. "Found E.T. Do we wanna go spring him and see if he'll help?" she asked her team.

You aren't that bad of a telepath...

I suck at it. Big time. And talking to you like this doesn't count since it's not really telepathy, this is just the mental phone call link thing.

...You also haven't had telepathy for very long. So you haven't exactly had time to develop it.

I guess so.

Don't worry, you'll get a hang of it eventually.

Neil Spellman

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: Perception
The more Neil interacted with Iris, the more he came to the conclusion that she was just weird. He wasn't certain what to make of her particular brand of spunk. "Thanks," he said softly to Sara, squeezing her hand back and giving her a bit of a sheepish smile. He hoped that they didn't run into anymore of Galactus' pets - they had been lucky to defeat the gorilla and live to tell the tale in the first place. And if Galactus' first pet they encountered had been any indication, these weren't going to be cute little kittens. They were going to be killing machines.

He followed Mira and the others through the foliage, watching as Mira then managed to use her skills over technology to open the door. In Dungeons and Dragons, he liked to put the rogue in the front of the party as they could look for traps and hopefully dismantle them. Mira and Sara both needed to rest their voices and they struck him as the equivalent to wizards in this situation, so they ought to go in the middle. Iris had fallen into the role of the bard. This then left the rogue position as being best filled by himself.

"I'll go first," he said, crossing the threshold into the next room. It wasn't really a room, it was more of a hallway. The hallway seemed to go on forever upwards without end. There were two pathways they could take - one to the left and one to the right. The device signal indicated they'd need to go downwards at some point, hopefully without running into the blind and deaf gorilla they had just brutalized. "All clear," he called back to the others, letting them know it was safe.

"...I think we need to go that way," he said, gesturing towards the path to the left.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Galactus Ship - (Group 2) -- SPACE

Antoinette watched the others attempt to bring the Hulk down since he was currently distracted with the falcons up top. Antoinette breathed a sigh of relief, glad her distraction was serving a purpose for her friends. Eliza was helpful in melting the floor to secure the Hulk in place. Hopefully that would be able to hold him in place while they worked on getting Lance back to normal. After he was pinned, she watched Carolina charge the Hulk after being thrown as well and then suddenly, the Hulk was down on the ground.
Antoinette grabbed onto Carolina as she came back to her, her illusion of birds fading out with a final screech from a falcon. ”I’m alright Lina. What did you do?” She hadn’t astral projected herself into the Hulk as Carolina’s body was still moving so Antoinette wasn’t certain what her friend had done. She looked around Carolina, watching the Hulk shrink back to the normal size of Lance and relaxed, leaning on Carolina a bit more. As for her head injury, she was still managing fine other than dealing with some pain from where her head hit the wall.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 26 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Galactus' Ship, Outside of the Phalanx Room
Skills: N/A

Carolina closed her eyes a little bit and sighed, seeing that Annie was doing alright for the most part, still looking pretty bloody at the moment still. She turned her attention when she heard a rather loud thud happen on the ground, seeing Lance Hulk's body collapse onto the ground. Her eyes slowly went up seeing Lance was just floating there awkwardly above his body, it kind of reminded her of her very first out of body experience. "I kind of forced him out of his body I think?" Carolina said, surprised that her idea had actually worked in the first place as well.

Carolina quickly made her way over to where Lance's unconscious body was, and looked up at him since she was the only one who could see and hear him. "Don't worry you aren't dead Lance, I kind of forced you out of your body because you apparently Hulked out like your dad. It was kind of in the spur of the moment, and didn't think it would actually work. But you should be able to go back into your body easily just by laying in it." Carolina explained, that's how she always did it when possessing someone or returning to her own body.

Bethany Bell

Location: Galactus' Ship, Random Cell With A Bunch of Pissed Off People
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Bethany looked at the others as Allison went to see if she could get some more information, she was glad that they didn't actually go with the idea of flirting with the Silver Surfer. There was at least one potential alien from what Allison said that they could maybe help them against the Silver Surfer. And the cell wasn't to far from where they were right now either which was also a good thing to, she rubbed her arm slightly. "Alright then lets break the guy out we will be right back." Bethany said looking back at Mary and gently held onto her shoulder and then she used her powers to transport them out of the hallway.

When they came to the cell Bethany looked around before spotting a bunch of pissed off aliens and weapons pointed directly at them. Bethany held up her arms looking a little bit nervous that they weren't in the correct cell. "Sooooo, I guess this isn't the correct cell." Bethany said awkwardly while looking at her and then the group of aliens. "Hey, guys we can offer you a way out, if you don't hurt us? I'd much rather live and stuff to." Bethany said nervously.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship: Gorilla Observatory (Team 3 (The Hot Team))

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Iris quoted in response to Mira's observation, the words dancing off her tongue with seemingly little thought as she gazed at the floral life of the small jungle room. As the group walked, Iris began to pick exotic flowers from the plants around them. It didn't slow her down much, only bringing her to the back of the group. In the little time it took to get to the other side, Iris was a decent way through making a crown made of the numerous jungle flowers she'd found along the way. She continued as Mira worked her way through the door's panel, and by the time the door popped open, the crown was done.

Iris raised her head just as the blonde boy exited to the next room. As they awaited him to give them the okay to go through, Iris fiddled with the metal suit around her. She managed to figure out fairly easily how to get the helmet down, and did so as Neil called them into the next room. As Iris passed through the open door, she lifted the crown above her and dropped it, letting it land gently on top of her blonde head.

"All clear? What are we, the army? Because if we're the army, I probably shouldn't be here." she joked, a small smirk on her lips as she looked from Neil to down the hall. She gave him a thumbs up at his suggestion. "Sounds like a plan."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Allison and Guin
"...Considering the fact that they haven't said anything regarding what they found on the other end of where they went, not sure if that's good or bad..." Pietro commented, looking at the other two. Guin would easily notice that two more dots were added onto the monitor of life forms as two disappeared from the area they were in. Unfortunately, she'd also be able to tell that the two dots popped up in a different cell then the singular alien one, meaning that odds were that Mary and Beth landed in the wrong cell. Which could be a horribly bad thing all things considering.

"So... What do we do now? We can continue down the hallway or something I guess..."

Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

"Aye, Lance, listen to the witch and return to your physical form. The astral plane is not meant for mortal men," Thor advised. "We must hurry with our quest - I fear our time grows short."

"Your opinion is definitely noted Thor!" Lance snapped, not even really caring that he knew that Thor couldn't hear him at all. He was trying his best to stay calm, but he was finding it incredibly difficult to do so, since he was for one, still floating in an astral form, and two he had freaking just hulked out! Despite the fact that he did have a slightly better relationship with his father, and the fact that when he was 16 it more or less was confirmed that he probably was never going to be able to shift (but that apparently didn't take into account a possible blood transfusion) it didn't stop him from being able to panic a lot regarding the entire situation.

He decided to just try what Carolina said to him, and he went and essentially stepped into his own body and it was almost like falling asleep, or more of waking up in regards to this anyway. Stirring slightly, he put a hand to his head as he opened up his eyes, and he had a majorly splitting headache that was not going away. "Okay, did not need to know how my dad felt after freaking waking up from something like that... Seriously, this is the worst headache in the universe and it really needs to go away..."

Lance glanced up at everyone else, but he was staying on the ground, "Okay, which way do we need to go or whatever, I can't tell for slightly obvious reasons." If someone looked, the tracker for the device seemed to be coming from the right end of the hallway somewhere.

Marygold Isley

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

"Let's go then," Mary said, nodding her head to Beth as she decided to use shadow travel to get around. Her own powers over plants made it so she could do something similar with plant life, but considering they were on a spaceship that made it near impossible for her to do that. However, the one thing she hadn't been expecting was to suddenly be transported into what clearly wasn't a room occupied by a robot looking thing. There was one thing that she did recognize relating to the aliens was the outfits they wore and their faces in a way at least. What she recognized them as was only because of stories, usually relating to the fact that the aliens in question had a long history with Xavier and the mansion in general.

"Uh... Bethany? They um... These are members of the Shi'ar Empire... And no, they are not friendly, ever..." she whispered to her, as she looked around at the group that more or less surrounded them, and they definitely looked pissed off at the pair of them.

"Who dares intrude upon our residence?" one of them asked (it was clearly a man who was speaking to them)

"Uh... We don't mean to be here... Actually I think we were just leaving... Right Bethany?" Mary said, glancing over at her. This was definitely not good.

"You aren't going anywhere," he said, before a few of them instantly stabbed at them with their spear like weaponry. Bethany would get a jab in the side, and thankfully the armor was able to protect her somewhat, however the blade managed to breach the armor slightly, causing a bit of a knick in her side that started bleeding. Be grateful for an iron man suit! Mary only fared slightly better, as she didn't get stabbed through the armor, however, one of them smacked her across the head hard enough to knock her to the ground. "We don't like unknown beings in our realm!"

"Yeah... Knew that already..."

Mirembe Adebayo

Location: Galactus' Ship
Skills: N/A

Mira rolled her eyes slightly at Iris. "Okay, sorry to burst your bubble, but now is really not the time for flower crowns. Since we are currently on an alien spaceship, that could kill us at any turn. So making any sort of flower crown is really really really not a top priority don't you think? And all clear is generally used not just in a military function, but also used in various other ways when one typically does not want to be caught, so maybe you should learn to pay a little more attention," she said to Iris, her accent came through more then it typically did when she spoke.

In truth, Mira was more then a bit annoyed that Iris was more or less not taking this entire mission seriously. Following after Neil in the hallway, she used the suit's internal computer to scan for any nearby aliens, and luckily she only detected them for the moment. "It's just us for the moment it appears. However we need to tread cautiously in order to avoid any more unwelcome surprises. Oh, and Iris, you might want to actually try fighting something, since unfortunately we do not need a bard in the party, especially considering it doesn't really do much in reality. Encouraging people is fine, but perhaps you should actually try fighting. Even without abilities one should learn to defend oneself."

With those last words, she glanced towards the end of the hallway that Neil had indicated. "Let's get going then shall we? We can't stand around here all day."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Electronics and Computers
Guin was a little bit frustrated that Bethany hadn't brought her with, instead taking Mary along to go find the imprisoned alien to reason with. Mary wasn't at her most diplomatic these days, tending to snap at people quickly - probably from her developing mental illness. She sighed slightly looking at the monitor readout, seeing that Mary and Bethany hadn't ended up in the right place. "They're in the wrong cell. So that's bad," Guin told Pietro and Allison. They could go after Mary and Beth, try to get them out of whatever situation they had found themselves in.... but they also didn't have a lot of time. Allison's vision had indicated that they needed to go free that one lone prisoner.

She switched her readout view from life signals to the vital signs of the team. Beth and Mary's were both perfectly fine. And they were members of the X-Men - they had been in tight spots before. She didn't like leaving them behind, but Beth could shadow travel them out of there. Maybe they were busy trying to free more aliens to help them against the Silver Surfer. "Their vitals are fine and stable, so let's go spring the alien you mentioned, Allison," Guin decided, taking up the defacto leadership role. "The jailbird's not too far," she added, kicking off and using her suit to quickly fly down the hallway until she was outside of where the alien was being held captive. She ordinarily would have just asked Pietro to phase her through the door, but after feeling like a useless telepath, she wanted to actually do something useful for once by herself. She fiddled with the locking mechanism for about a second, figuring it out with ease, and the door opened up. She couldn't help but smirk. "Boo-yah!" she cheered.

The room was surrounded by computers and robotics, a breathtaking sight that made Guin pause for a moment. The captive alien looked more like some sort of artificial intelligence to her, made out of a golden black metal with what looked like wires for hair. "Uh, hey, we come in peace," Guin blurted out. "If you help us, we can get you out of here - first class ticket to wherever in the galaxy you want to go. I can even build you a girlfriend - or a boyfriend, if you prefer."

Neil Spellman

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A
He wasn't even sure if she should be surprised or not to see Iris reappear with a flower crown on her head. She was seeming more and more like a real life bard to him, to the extent that he was waiting for them to run into another alien creature and have Iris try to seduce the monster instead of fight it. He could tell that Mira was getting fed up with her, which he guessed made sense. His friend came from the warrior nation of Wakanda - and she tended to be a bit more on the serious side than the others on the team. She was right though - the entire planet was in peril. They didn't really have time to stop and pick flowers.

Neil gave Mira a nod as she said it was time to get going, walking down the path he had indicated until he reached the end of the hallway. He barely managed to catch himself in time, as at the end of the hallway the ground suddenly dropped off - like they were standing at the edge of a cliff. "Uh..." He checked the device tracker - they needed to go down. He was about to tell everyone this was a dead end, when almost smacked himself over the forehead. They were in Iron Man suits. Their suits could fly. Thank goodness for Tony Stark. He just hoped they wouldn't run into that gorilla again there. Taking a deep breath, Neil stepped over the edge and gently and cautiously began to fly down.

It felt like an eternity before he reached the bottom.

His legs were trembling slightly as he finally touched solid ground, finding himself in a circular room of sorts. There were five paths that split off from it. From what he could tell, the two paths to the left were their best shot. He didn't know exactly which one to take, but he wasn't going to head off until the others got down here anyways.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: Galactus' Ship (team 2)

A wave of relief crashed through Elisha as Lance collapsed. She didn't totally understand what had happened, but one less raging hulk was exactly what she needed in her life right about now. As he shrank back down to being a regular person, she finally let go of the last bit of tension, Things it seemed, were back on track.

"Let's go then." She said, clapping her hands together. She was mostly doing that because for the for the first time in a long while, she could. "Tracker says go that way," She pointed, "So let's do it." Focusing on the mission, for her, would be the easiest thing. She didn't know any of these people particularly well, but the spaceship of an silent monster didn't seem like the time to fix that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 26 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Galactus' Ship, Outside of the Phalanx Room
Skills: N/A

Carolina looked over towards Thor when he called her a witch, which she shook her head slightly she just used her power to take someones soul out of their body basically. But she didn't say anything as she watched Lance's astral form going back into his body, eventually coming back to now which was a good thing now. "Again really sorry for that, I didn't want you to run around as the mini hulk and start trashing the ship somewhere that would suck all of us out into space or something." Carolina said softly while she turned her attention back towards Annie, still really worried about her friend as well.

Carolina looked at the readout on the HUD of her Iron Man Suit, she used the tracker and saw that it was somewhere on the other end of the hallway. "It's somewhere directly down this hallway." Carolina pointed out while looking over at Lance for a moment seeing his torn clothes. She wasn't sure how Lance would be able to move around quickly now that his suit kind of ripped itself apart when he hulked out. "Do you want my suit or something Lance, or carry you?" Carolina offered.

Bethany Bell

Location: Galactus' Ship, Random Cell With A Bunch of Pissed Off People ->
Skills: Shadow Manipulation

Bethany turned her attention towards Mary and gave a slight nod. "Yeah, we were just about to leave." Bethany said awkwardly when one of them, spoke up probably the leader telling them that they weren't leaving. She let out a slight yelp when one of them stabbed her with a spear like thing. Luckily she was wearing a suit which probably was what saved her, she just hoped it wasn't poisoned or anything otherwise that would really suck. "Hey, I just got this suit." Bethany said as she pressed her hand where she had been hit, feeling a little bit of blood.

"So a bunch of hillbilly aliens who don't like kids on their lawn pretty much, awesome." Bethany said sarcastically. Bethany quickly grabbed a hold of Mary while looking at the Shi'ar. "You all might want to work on your guest manners or something." Beth saud, before shadow traveling out of the cell with Mary, and came back to the correct cell that everyone was about to enter. "Hey, whats up guys?" Bethany said as she followed Guin into the cell and started to look around the room.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Galactus Ship - (Group 2) -- SPACE
Skills: Intuition

The bleeding for Antoinette’s head wound had finally stopped and other than feeling sore from where she hit, she wasn’t feeling any ill effects from having been slammed into the ships wall. Antoinette sighed in relief as Lance returned back to his body, thanks to Carolina. He seemed to be holding it together although he was still upset and now in pain from a headache. He seemed to think it was an effect of hulking out and Antoinette selfishly hoped it was that and not the flock of birds she sent flying at his head and face.
The others were mentioning that the device was down the hallway on the right. Antoinette still had her helmet off but had that slip back into place and saw the blinking light as well. ”Welcome back Lance,” Antoinette said tentatively. It was rather unfortunate that Lance had lost his suit due to the Hulk. That was going to be a new problem they would all have to deal with after this. Due to the new vulnerability, Antoinette used her intuition to check the area but was getting no real read off of anything. That wasn’t to say something wouldn’t come up but she didn’t have to warn Lance of anything to be extra cautious about.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Allison Andrews

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 1)
Skills: Precognition

Allison nodded at Mary's description of the alien robot thingy. "Yeah, that's him. How..." Before she could ask her question, things came in almost rapid-fire as Beth shadow transported them forward. She landed in a hallway, but she noticed that Mary and Beth were not with them. Guin noted that too and quickly explained what happened. If they were in the room with those other aliens, they were in trouble. "How do we get them out then?" Vitals be damned, at this point, those aliens looked mean. But Allison followed Guin along as she led them to where the other robot alien was being held.

Guin flew to the door and got it unlocked, along with an added booyah for effect that Allison couldn't help but smile at. "You're such a nerd." Once inside, Allison spotted the alien and noted that it looked more robotic than anything. Perhaps even AI. Guin tried to appeal to the thing and Beth and Mary soon appeared again. "Hey, we found the robot. We're..."

Soon, Allison was hit with a vision. But not one of the future, but one of the past. In it, brief glimpses showed her the robot in front of her along with some man in uniforms. Not only that, but the robot appeared along with something else she recognized. She heard its voice countless times before. The AI for the mansion and the voice in the danger room. And, if Allison could be so bold as to judge, it looked like the two of them were very friendly.

She came back and walked up to the robot. "My friend is right, but I saw you. Saw where you came from. Warlock, right? I saw a man call you that multiple times. We come from Earth, from the X-Mansion. I feel you know where that is. I saw you with Danger. She is our AI back home. You two were very close. You don't know us, but we are here trying to save our planet, our home. We need help. There is a being preventing us from going farther. We'll free you, but we would like your help, if possible."

Sara Grey

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)
Skills: N/A

Sara followed the others as Neil led the charge, appreciative of his somewhat eager leadership. As they walked, she noted the new girl picking flowers. Sara scoffed, but Mira beat her to the punch. "I don't know, perhaps with the world ending soon, now is the time to have a flower crown? When in Rome, right?" She didn't appreciate Mira's somewhat true attack on Iris and her abilities. After all, she was still new to their group and was now on task of saving the world. That wasn't something you immediately lept into.

Sara followed Neil downward before they came up to multiple corridors. Sara tried to get a sense of where to go, but nothing here made sense. "Ok, no. We are not splitting up. There are too many unknowns here and classic horror movie tropes have people splitting up and being killed. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the Xenomorph from Alien showed up down one of these things. So if anyone else can find a reasonable way of figuring out where to go, be my guest."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Galactus' Ship (Team 3)

Iris' default dopey grin fell from her face as Mira spoke to her, the critique on her jubilant behavior causing the blonde's lips to curl into a small frown, lips jutting out ever so slightly. As they walked, she looked at Mira, though not with her usual joy and mischief, nor with anger or even annoyance, but rather with disappointment glazed over with light confusion. After Mira was done, Iris didn't say anything for a few moments, her eyes only drifting up to her flower crown at the top of her peripheral vision. The displeased look in her eye softened at Sara's defense of her, but even then, she kept silent, letting the light ache in her chest gurgle as she turned words over in her head. Once the group got to the deep pit, she followed the others down, the slow descent allowing her to put her feelings into words. Once they'd gotten to the bottom, Iris turned directly to Mira.

"Positivity brings positive results Mira." She said, the lighthearted tone that usually dressed her words absent, replaced by one more genuine and earnest. "Or at least, I've always believed it does. Whether it's true or not, being all serious won't make me any better at this X-Men stuff. There's no one right way to save the world. You can do it all somber or you can do it in a flower crown. Sure, I'm new and I've got a lot to learn, but I don't need a new attitude. I have problems, but my tendency to make flower crowns when inspiration hits isn't one of them. I won't belittle the way you save the world. But I've gotta ask that you have the same respect, okay? Okay," she finished, letting out a breath and holding her head up a little higher as she turned to face the two potential paths. "As shitty of an idea it is to split up, I think it might be our best shot. If we risk our lives splitting up, that'd save us the time of having to go down one hallway only to find that it isn't the right one, and then having to go all the way back and down the other one. And time is a resource we don't have a lot of," she said, adopting a mocking impression of a no-nonsense military woman. She then broke into her normal grin, and looked back over at Mira. "Not to mention that I think a couple of us could use a one on one bonding experience so that there's no negativity hanging around us."
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