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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground HQ-- Washington D.C.

Luna nodded a bit at Jack’s assessment and need to know everything before trusting someone. She could get behind that to a point. ”You never truly know everything about a person, not unless you exhibit a bit of trust first but in our line of work, trust can get you killed or it can save you. It’s a real toss up of a situation. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew we were coming but at the very least, he does know of us, he will do his research and so we shall do ours. I’ll call my dad and aunt. They’ve had their run ins before, it would be good to have a bit more of an insight into the big bad.” Luna stood up and looked at Jack. Being a telepath had its advantages for sure, but if someone knew how to block or play their own mind games, you were totally snookered and it didn’t matter. ”If you need an outside party to talk to Jack, you know where to find me. I don’t have Darth Vader as a father but sometimes it isn’t easy being Luke Skywalker’s child either,” she noted. Expectations vs. reality as it were.
Luna left Jack to figure out some more stuff if he needed to and she headed back down the stairs. She wormed her way around the teenagers and other kids who had laid claim to the stairs and noted the conversation they seemed to be having. ”Killing is great and all, but it’s the after that you have to learn to deal with or it will consume you.” She glanced at them. They were all so young but they couldn’t afford to rely on the innocence of age. Luna was lucky, she didn’t grow up hunted. She grew up as safe as houses and loved and she still had most of her family. She looked away, feeling a flicker of shame that she would never understand them and yet expected so much out of them.
Luna joined the group on the main floor and shoved her hands into her pockets. She schooled her emotions and facial expressions into her easy face of constant annoyance and curiosity. She cocked her head at Vulcan, thinking over what they could do with him. Beating was an option but you could only do so much before they were more useless than they would be dead. Drugs, she didn’t think was a wise idea since he was addicted to whatever drug had given him all this extra power and lack of control. Truth was, they got all the information out of them they could, he was useless to them now but he was family. Luna looked over at Havok who was watching Vulcan as well. Snookered indeed.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ -- Washington D.C.

”Well I don’t know about you but I work better on a full stomach,” Cayden said and patted his hollow belly. He grinned, smiling at all the somber faces before he leaned up against a piece of furniture. He untied the leather throng from around his wrist and wrapped his hair around it so it was in a bit of a bun on the back of his head. His hair was a knotted mess at the moment, dirty as well. It would be better for him if he kept it pinned out of the way. He looked back at Vulcan when beatings were mentioned. ”I could help with that,” he offered then paused quickly, looking at Havok. ”Sorry man… I didn’t, ya,” he glanced over Vulcan again and then away.
The memory of his face on fire was still at the forefront of his mind as Cayden had never experienced such pain before. It was hard not to feel hostile towards the man on the floor, even if he was someone’s brother, someone’s son. It could have been worse. James was there in time and had been able to help heal Cayden’s face to prevent any kind of lasting damage. An image of his grandmother flashed across his memories and he relaxed a little. She was always telling him to look for the good in a person and to have patience, as that journey was never a steady one.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ

Waverley winced when Negasonic called her on her fib, lowering her head to look back down at her lap. Sure, she had assumed that her affirmation of her wellness wasn't exactly convincing, but she had hoped that it would at least be enough to draw attention away from herself. The sound of a crinkling wrapper was the only reply that was made to Negasonic as Waverley opened the granola bar that had been thrown to her, nibbling on it. She wasn't particularly hungry, but it was nice to have something for her hands to do that wasn't grasping onto her rebar so hard that its ridges dug into her palm.

She ate it, small bite by small bite, as each of the other young women answered her question. First, Colossus' sister went, her words cryptic, made even more sinister by her accent. Waverley didn't fully understand what she meant, but it still caused her stomach to tighten, though she wasn't sure why. Then spoke Sunshine, confessing to actually having committed the crime they talked about, before running through a list of intended victims like some blonde Arya Stark. The girl seemed younger than her, and yet she seemed so severely jaded. Finally, Negasonic made a sarcastic quip, one that caused a small smile to grow on Waverley's face, a choked up laugh escaping her lips.

"And deprive those poor deformed kittens of well-funded shelters?" Waverley replied, allowing her tone to be more jubilant, even if just a little. Hearing from the others hadn't exactly fixed her, but it had helped her come to terms with the dark urge she felt that she was too scared to label. It let her know that she wasn't alone. But as she was about to try to move the topic away from murder, a voice, a British one, spoke up. Waverley looked up to see a blonde who she didn't know particularly well. The smile fell from her face as the woman issued a word of warning, causing Waverley to give a small nod over her half-eaten bar. "Right..." she said, uncertain. It brought a small bit of worry back into her mind.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, the Mutant Underground HQ
Skills: N/A

Callie listened to Havok when he said about calling his brother, and see if he could take Vulcan in which wasn't a bad idea at all either and nodded towards him. "I'd feel safer if he wasn't here at all, and if we have anything to knock him out for a few hours until then that would be great to." Callie said, as she stood up and stretched out slightly making her way back into the other room where the younger kids were.

She watched Glimpse walking down the stairs, she wasn't sure what they all were talking about really and looking over at the others who were there. "Is everyone doing alright?" She asked them, watching Negasonic typing away at her phone, most likely texting her girlfriend or something like that.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Shaw Industries - The Penthouse -> The Training Room
Skills N/A

Leighton didn't need to be coddled like a stubborn child. She knew that Emma wasn't telling her the whole story and that there was more to this than met the eye. As she stated, she wasn't stupid. So far, it was looking like she was right not to trust her own aunt right away. But she'd see more if offered and make her decision. She didn't believe her aunt would just let her go if she decided to leave so she would bide her time and if her decision was to ultimately leave, she'd do so when the opportunity was right.

She stood up and followed Emma to the training room to see who the other members of the higher up crew were. Once inside, Leighton's gaze first hit Magneto and she froze a bit (ironic). Magneto was someone she was familiar with. A known enemy of the X-men, one who sought power for mutants and disregard for humans. If he was one of their members, what did that speak to their morality? Was Magneto turning over a new leaf or was this just another lie?

Max immediately jumped on the offensive before Leighton could speak. She saw Magneto expertly dodge his attacks and come at Max with his own, hitting the boy to the ground. Leighton ran over to check if Max was ok. "I'm not joining this yet. What is he doing here?" she asked Emma about Magneto. "A known anti-human member?" She didn't even address the others in the room.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Shaw Industries - The Training Room
Skills N/A

Ana paid no mind to the aid to those in the Raft. It was their incompetence that got them jailed and if they needed outside help it was their own weakness that allowed it. She had other means to attend to, such as continuing to punish Magneto in training. Ana was about to unleash her telekinesis again before Emma entered the room with two people. One was a raven-haired girl that gave Ana a pause. Her features were not unlike Emma's and she felt an icy coolness from the girl. Another icy bitch? Did they really need more? The other though, filled her with some small amount of joy as she saw the boy, the one who attacked her and the others, with the group. What was he doing here? And was he joining them?

The boy began to attack Magneto and Ana watched with glee as Magneto instantly whooped the poor boy into shape. But really, was that a surprise? "Once again, you enter a room and begin attacking immediately. I see the last time didn't teach you a lesson. Are we to expect the others to come in crawling behind you again? Or are you actually here for training?" She addressed the question to Emma really, but it was for Max. The raven-haired girl she didn't know and had no intention of doing so. If she was aligned with the idiot on the floor, she wasn't worth her time.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: N/A

“Well, I’m probably not gonna be able to fix it up that much but with some hard work and supplies, we can at least get electricity running in here. I think.” James beamed back at Casper. “And hopefully deal with the rats. That’s definitely not something we need if we plan to use this as a long term base. But I’ve got to admit, I’m a little nervous about a supply run after last time we did one.” James led the way into the dining room, pausing to look around real quick. He ignored Vulcan and made his way over to Cayden.

“Hey, how you holding up after everything man? Face working properly?” James asked as he looked him over real quick. He didn’t see any lingering damage but he couldn’t feel it like Cayden might be able to. “So we got a plan for him? We can’t just leave him unattended after he crashed the hospital right? Also, anyone seen Jack? Casper said he wanted to find him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 1:30 PM

The Training Room - Shaw Industries...

Emma and Reeva watched with interest as Max took the initiative and attempted to attack Magneto. "He has raw power, yet lacks control and strategy," Emma mused into her colleague's mind. Reeva nodded her agreement. "We could use someone of his destructive capacities..." Reeva thought. "He's expendable. He lacks royal blood," Emma added, before she dissolved the telepathic connection. She smiled sweetly, using her telekinesis to gently raise Max up to his feet.

"Your niece, I take it?" Magneto scoffed to Emma, before coming down from his heights to the ground to face Leighton. "Miss Frost, you're young by no fault of your own. It is a time that mutants come together, rather than apart," Magneto warned her, before rolling up his sleeve to reveal the numbers the Nazis tattooed onto his skin. "My people have suffered one Holocaust - I will not allow another."

"I think I just got bingo," Polaris muttered under her breath. She didn't speak with her siblings often at all, but she knew her father's tendencies. She had a small bingo card she made up with them in her room, just as a way to pass the time while here with the Hellfire Club. One of the spots happened to be reminding everyone of the Holocaust.

"Leighton and Maximillian are considering joining us," Reeva answered Anastasia, before looking pointedly at Polaris and Magneto. "They're interested in helping to establish a mutant homeland."

"Indeed," Emma chimed in, internally sighing slightly. She sensed that her niece did not trust her and she personally found her objections to Magneto to be a bit hypocritical. "Leighton, darling, Erik is the White King of this group. I understand your skepticism, but it is misplaced. All Erik has done was for mutants, yet the press and the media have labeled him as a terrorist, as it fits their narrative that humans are destined to own the Earth... that mutants must fall."

"Of course, you may wish to speak to Polaris," Reeva recommended. "She joined us recently - she previously ran the Atlanta branch of the Mutant Underground. And I believe you're familiar with her beau, Havok, yes?"

"I don't have time for those with wavering commitments," Magneto snapped. "If what is going on outside these very walls is not enough to convince them, then there is no use in trying to recruit them. They lack the strength needed to build a nation! This boy is undisciplined, sloppy - and your niece, Emma, has never suffered. She doesn't know pain."

"Collars are disarmed," Sage announced, staying out of the spat otherwise.

The Raft - Location Classified...

"Wanda certainly seems to think you're a burden," the Three in One taunted. They knew that their mother dear wouldn't let them rot in these cells, even if she had overlooked them in favor of Anastasia for the position of White Queen. The sun would shine on them again, they were certain. A familiar hum filled their ears as their collars deactivated. "It's time to play," the triplets declared, their eyes glowing the unnatural blue that indicated their powers had activated.

Wanda smirked slightly, noticing that the collars were down and her hands started to have a sort of reddish swirl around them. "This will be fun," she said, before she glanced over at the guards, her eyes glowing. The cell around her shattered entirely, and she sent a flash of red spiraling towards the 6 guards in the area, the red seemingly separating before it seemed to completely surround them. "Anyone ever tell you, never under estimate me." With that, the guards collapsed, as she had trapped them in their worst nightmare.

"Sorry dear, we have to borrow one," the Three in One said. "Open our cell," they instructed one of the guards, taking over his mind. He abruptly stood up and walked over to them, punching in his unique passcode on the lock of the cell, before opening the door. Sophie then took his gun and shot the guard in the head, as her sisters went and took weapons from the other guards.

"Hurry up, Jinxy," they teased. "Lovely work, Scarlet Witch. We've so missed you."

"Try not to cause an explosion as you leave - I'm fond of this cell, boy, and I can't have you move its location one inch. Do you understand?" Doom threatened, not alluding at all as to why he needed his cell to remain exactly where it was. Perhaps there was something more than what meets the eye, but Jinx wouldn't have too much time to question it. He needed to get out of his cell.

New Mutant Underground Hideout...

"How many people have you killed, blondie?" Sunshine asked Glimpse defensively. She felt like the pixie cut sporting mutant was judging her, but how could Glimpse even begin to comprehend Sunshine's life? Sunshine had been abandoned when she was just six years old. She had been forced to live on the streets, to fight in order to survive. Her second family was taken away from her and thrown into a Mutant Super-Max, while Sunshine herself was discarded like garbage. She had killed to protect the Morlocks, whereas Princess Braddock hadn't been there when they needed her - when Erg needed her. "Your butler, maybe? Or the maid for not bringing you enough pillows?"

Negasonic smirked slightly, still tapping away on her phone. Magik couldn't help but start giggling. The smile looked unnatural on her face. "Your name is Sunshine, da? So sweet for such viciousness. I like that." Sunshine couldn't help but blush slightly at that.

"Relax, Feedback, he'd heal from it," Negasonic pointed out. "And go back to fucking a freaking unicorn doll..." she then shuddered slightly. "Some things can't be unseen."

Walking out of the dining room and into the entranceway, Havok shook his head. "No need to worry about offending me. Blood ties don't mean you're family," he reasoned. "I kinda want to beat the shit out of him myself anyways. Scott'd probably whine about restraint or something, maybe say X-Men are better than this! but... I don't know. Whoever Vulcan is, he isn't my real brother."

Blink got an idea, after Spark Plug mentioned not wanting Vulcan anywhere near this place. She was still in the dining room with Colossus, but she was close enough to see and hear those on the staircase and in the entranceway. "What if I dropped him in the middle of some city in South America?" Blink suggested. "He doesn't know where this hideout is and it'll take him a while to make his way back... Plus he'll be able to survive there, so it's not a death sentence."

Colossus nodded, liking the idea. He didn't feel right, handing Vulcan over to S.H.I.E.L.D. He'd just break out again or one of the rich and wealthy from the Hellfire Club would arrange for his release. "He is your blood, Havok - your decision on his fate." Sure, Veil was in charge of this operation and Colossus was betting that she wouldn't mind. Once Havok decided, they could even go ask her for her approval.

Casper then followed James on over to Moonwalker, standing in the entranceway rather than draping himself over a couch. He froze for a moment though, as the drugs seemed to reach a low enough concentration in his system finally for his powers to kick in completely. Ben appeared, sitting on the stairs next to Negasonic as he tried to peer at her phone to see what could possibly be so entertaining. Waverley's mother appeared next to her daughter, sobbing uncontrollably.

"N-n-n-no..." Casper stammered, before shutting his eyes. If he couldn't see the ghosts, then maybe they couldn't see him? But he couldn't take his heart pounding, not knowing if the ghosts were coming nearer, and he opened his eyes again. There were more of them in the room now, ones that he didn't recognize. They all were dressed in flapper dresses and fine tuxedos, probably perishing in the Roaring 20's. "J-J-Jackie!" Casper screamed.

Veil then emerged into the entranceway. "...Okay, what the hell is going on with him?" she asked. She was perceptive, but she wasn't a psychologist. And given that they were mutants, sometimes things that appeared like mental illness and hallucinations were just manifestations of their powers. "Spark Plug, give him some happy juice, yeah?" she instantly asked. She couldn't explain the plans if they had a freaking out mutant in their midst. She hadn't really interacted with Casper enough to know what his issues were even.

"JACKIE!!!!!!" Casper screamed again, face to face with the ghost of Sebastian Shaw.

"You can see me...? Excellent. I have a job for you..."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago


Location: Mutant Underground HQ
Skills N/A

Sapphire shrugged slightly, before she followed along after Veil, heading out of the Training Room and into the entrance area. The sort of chaos that seemed to be unfolding in the area was more then a little bit unnerving. Casper was freaking out over something and was calling out for his brother or something, and he was acting really weird. Maybe this was a side effect of withdrawal for him? People tended to act differently depending on the drug and the withdrawal and all, so who knows?

"Hey, relax a little bit," Sapphire said, having switched back from her standard brunette hair color to the typical white that most people saw her with. "Anyway, Veil has come up with some sort of plan for us, so let's see what happens shall we? We need to get moving somewhat before Sinister potentially moves locations," she commented, before she glanced over towards Veil, nodding her head slightly. The teams seemed somewhat balanced, and she trusted Veil to come up with the best solution for them.

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground HQ
Skills N/A

Jack nodded slightly as Glimpse left the room. She did have somewhat of a point, but he couldn't shake too much of a feeling that this whole problem was his sort of fault. Sinister was never someone you wanted to mess with, and now they were going to, and Sinister knew they were around, and knew that they knew what he was doing. Why would he want to stick around for that? Unless of course he had some other reason for wanting to stick around. If he did, who knew what it was that he was really planning. Anything Sinister does is a bit random, he only ever does things for his own personal gain more then anything.

Then he heard Casper's voice yelling out for him, and he let out a bit of a sigh. Here we go again, he thought to himself, before he took a deep breath, pushed his own problems to the side, and headed to where Casper was. He put on a bit of a poker face, in order to hide that there was a bunch of problems racing through his head. Right now, he was more concerned about Casper then anything. When he saw that Casper was having problems, he immediately raced over. "Hey Casper? Look, focus on me okay? They can't hurt you, don't pay any attention to them at all. It'll be alright," he said instantly, he put his hands onto Casper's shoulders and looked him directly in the eyes.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground HQ-- Washington D.C.

Luna glanced back when the one called Sunshine piped up, making comments on Luna’s lifestyle and how many people she had killed. She smirked at the young thing before turning her head and watched Veil and Sapphire walk back into the room. Sometimes it was easier for people to make their own assumptions and live in their own fantasies about people. It wasn’t Luna’s job to make everyone feel better and Sunshine seemed like the type that needed to lash out. Luna would allow her to do what she wished until the time came to correct the mutant in her judgments.
Casper started to freak out again, screaming for his brother. He kept looking around, freaking out and closing his eyes for a moment before opening them again. She was about to tell him where Jack was when he came down the stairs. She looked around the room again, trying to see what he was seeing but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps he was seeing death again. Luna watched Jack with Casper and waited to see if he could get his brother to calm down a little. In a pinch, Luna could try to see if she could make him sleep but she wouldn't enter his mind unless Jack okay'd it.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ -- Washington D.C.

Cayden relaxed a little when Havok didn’t seem to take offence to his comment and even spoke about him wanting to do the same to an extent. Cayden smiled a little and looked over when James walked up to him. He opened his mouth wide and then frowned before grinning. ”Seems to be alright. No pain. Thanks for that save, it was not fun having to deal with that,” Cayden stated. The burning on his face had been so intense that he felt the rest of his body go cold and numb until James was able to help him and then it was dealing with the shock.
Another suggestion about Vulcan’s care was suggested by Blink. ”That would be an idea! Takes awhile to get back by plane, if he can even get a plane. Maybe he’ll like it there, go on a safari,” Cayden agreed and then they wouldn’t have to worry about him for awhile. Casper started to freak out and Cayden turned his attention quickly to him. It was kind of the same thing he was doing earlier, until James had given him something to calm him down. He nudged James. ”You might need to help him out again.” Cayden didn’t like the idea of drug use but this guy was suffering terribly from the power he had. There were many legends and types of people that Cayden’s grandmother would talk about that could walk among the dead. Communicate with them if they had wanted to. Cayden didn’t want to live with the dead, some saw it as a curse, an end of times. Cayden shuddered and looked away from Casper.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, the Mutant Underground HQ
Skills: Empathy

Callie turned to look at Blink with her suggestion, and smiled a bit it was certainly better than having a person or two stay behind to babysit the guy, but it was ultimately Veil's and Havok's decision to allow him to be transported away from here. "I like it, but it's up to Veil." Callie said, seeing as some of the others including Havok were completely fine with the idea. Her attention turned over towards Casper who started to have a mental breakdown right now, she wasn't sure why he was at the moment but calling out for his brother. When Veil and Sapphire came into the room.

Then Veil asked her if she could calm him down, biting her bottom lip for a moment an addicts emotions were always erratic, especially if they were hopped up on Hound drugs like in Sinister's lair. "I can try." Callie said, as she moved a little bit to the side of Casper and Jack and stared at Casper. "Try and calm down alright." Callie said gently reaching out a hand to touch Casper, who would immediately start to feel like he was high now. Callie took a step back looking at Veil and gave her a nod, hopefully he wouldn't be able to see whatever it was that he was seeing. "He should be fine for now."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: N/A

”Good.That was a nasty burn.” James said when Cayden cleared his worries. He stifled a laugh at Blink’s idea, an image of Vulcan dropping out of the sky onto a random street corner quite amusing. Extra points if they left him tied up. It was literally the least he deserved. His attention was quickly snapped back to Casper and if he had to guess from the panicking, he guessed his high was wearing off and the ghosts were coming back. But Jack was there and he was probably better at handling this episode thing but at least he could explain the situation to Veil before their resident frost queen decided to snap and make the issues worse.

“Casper can see ghosts and he’s scared as shit of them.” James spoke softly, hoping Casper’s panicking would keep him from being overheard by anyone else. He stayed in the room, hovering a little as the situation unfolded. He definitely felt like even more of an ass for his behavior earlier and he hoped Callie could help, even if it was just enough to get him to stop panicking. “Shit, is there anything else we can do to help? Can Ben do anything to help?” Although, once the question was in the air, James immediately regretted it. Clearly, Ben couldn’t do anything to help otherwise he probably would have already.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location:Shaw Industries: Penthouse
Skills: Conjuration-Partition & Clothes New Outfit

Max turned up to look at Leighton as she rushed to his side. It was clear her concerns were the same as his own, but unlike her his voice wouldnt carry much weight here. His actions however, his display of power and x-gene, it could offer leverage if they found him useful, thus giving them a foothold in this stalemate. The telekinetic witch spoke up, tossing accusations towards Max as he just rolled his eyes towards her. "I'm ok Leighton, thanks. I'm sorry blondie, I wasn't aware that a training room was a poor place to train ones abilities. I do believe Mrs. Frost called this a training exercise and told you theee I'd be joining and thus I took the initiative to make myself airborne in an attempt to stun and attack him when my initial blast to knock him down didn't work. But to answer your question no, no one else will be coming in behind me nor do I condone the actions that happened that day. I made that very clear to them as well."

Max could feel his body being lifted and helped to stand upright. "Thanks." He looked over at Leighton as he heard what Emma had to say. It didn't matter that there were telepaths in his vicinity he still felt the need to lower his voice as he spoke to Leighton. "They're not entirely wrong. Just look at the news reports from the day my powers went haywire. They made it seem as if it was a radical attack, like I planned to kill innocent lives when it was just...it was just a failure on my part in using my powers under pressure. I'm not saying what he's done is excusable,but there is a slim chance that we aren't getting the whole story."

Max took a few steps back, eyes glowing as his powers began to swirl around him. At first nothing happened and he grimaced trying again. The next time he tried an ornate partition began to form and take shape around him so that his lower half couldnt be seen. "If you'll excuse me I've got some flaming pants to change out." He removed his pants, tossing them over the partition and away from him as he began to summon another article of clothing. It wasnt exactly what he was expecting, but he would be lying if he said it wasnt cool. His powers swelled and formed around him as the New Outfit was created. "Not what I intended but honestly, I love it."

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: The Raft
Skills: Pickpocketing, Jinx

Jinx clenched his fist tight as the Three in One dared to speak on what they knew of him and Wanda. They were wrong, she was stressed and emotional but that didn't make him a burden to her. As he watched their powers return a sickening smile grew. He walked over to his cell door, attempting to open it only to have his mood dampened by the fact that it was locked. Well this wasn't his first rodeo. He quickly jinxed the locked causing it to malfunction as sparks flew and then finally it unlocked. He took a few steps back and them rammed the door with his shoulder, popping it loose and allowing him to escape. It seemed that Wanda and the triplets from hell had these guards handled, so PJ would make his way further in and try to helps with any further security.

As he made his way past the guards Jinx snatched up one of their keys and IDs to help get his way through other security doors. "Thanks Bozo's. Maybe next time you'll give me a damned knife when I ask for one." Jinx skipped his way down to a hallway with ten guards that lead to an underwater hangar. He made quick work of half their weapons, jamming them with his Jinx and worrying about the other five. He wasnt bulletproof after all. "Woah you would not believe what just happened. Apparently I'm getting let out for good behavior! I mean it's hard to condemn a guy that was being mind controlled am I right?" He slowly began to make his way back, walking backwards never letting his eyes fall off of the guards.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ, Delinquent Staircase
Skills: Pop Culture Knowledge (Failed)

The way that Sunshine spoke to Glimpse gave Waverley pause. It sounded like the younger girl was teasing her about growing up wealthy, which struck her as odd. An underground bunker with a mutant vigilante group wasn't exactly somewhere you'd expect the rich and famous to be found. Waverley's eyes turned to slits as she looked closer at the blonde woman, who was at this point walking away from them. She tried to place the woman in her mind, scanning her mental directory of heiresses that ended up on the covers of magazines. But she couldn't place it. After a few seconds, she stopped, accepting that she was probably just the daughter of some successful stock broker or something similarly out of the spotlight.

She smirked at Negasonic's remark, still not entirely used to the codename, but gradually getting there. She was about to respond, when Vulcan exiting the dining room caught her attention. It wasn't hard to work out what they were discussing: what to do with their unwanted guest. Her eyes flicked over to Blink as she made her suggestion, a frown of uncertainty adorning her lips.

"I mean...That's just a temporary solution. We'll have to deal with him again at some point. What if the next batch of kids he laser beams doesn't make it?" She pointed out, her eyes dropping to the ground for a moment as she hesitated. "Couldn't we just turn him in?" her suggestion was presented warily, not sounding entirely sure of her own words. She wasn't exactly an advocate for the system - her videos were tangible evidence of how broken the system could be. But she wasn't sure what else they could do. They weren't fit to keep him there, and teleporting him somewhere else would put people in danger, including their future selves. Her eyes then changed position again as Casper began to freak out, her gaze turning to him.

"Hey, what's...what's his deal?" she asked, her voice low, in almost a whisper, so that only those on or closest to the stairs could hear. "In the van, I heard him mention something about ghosts. Is that someone's codename, or is he just...not all there?" She struggled for a moment to figure out a polite way to say 'out of his fucking mind,' which was what first came to mind, but she managed.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 1:40 PM

The Training Room - Shaw Industries...

"It's Ms. Frost," Emma corrected Max. She wasn't married and she had no intention on it. She enjoyed carnal pleasures, yet she detested the idea of allowing a man to have power over her in any shape or form. Emma gave him a curt nod as he thanked her for using her powers to lift him up. She didn't care much for him, finding that his loquacious nature was rather vexing.

Magneto looked positively livid at Max's display of his powers. Mutant abilities were not supposed to be toys - and they most certainly were not for playing dress-up with. The Hellfire Club was meant to be establishing the mutant nation of Genosha, yet how could they achieve that with such poor new recruits? He had supported Emma's leadership after Shaw's demise earlier, chiefly because he spent more of his time working with the Brotherhood than the Hellfire Club. Perhaps he was wrong to have done so. Not all mutants were worthy of salvation.

Reeva's phone then began to ring. She took it out and smiled slightly as she saw the caller ID. "I have to take this - it was lovely meeting you both," she said to Leighton and Max, as she exited the training room, answering the call and holding the phone up to her ear. "Benedict, what a delicious surprise..."

"They've made it to the hangar," Sage announced. She didn't enjoy helping them escape, but it was part of her duty. Professor X had asked her to infiltrate the Hellfire Club as a spy, since her thoughts were all in binary - telepaths couldn't read her mind and realize that she was a traitor.

"Erik, I am the Lord Imperial. It is my wish that you allow these two to train with you today. And my wish is most certainly a command," Emma threatened.

"So be it," Magneto sneered, taking off into the air again. "You want to see real power?" he scoffed, looking down at Max as Leighton hadn't engaged in the session yet. "Here's your first lesson. Dodge." Magneto then flicked his wrist, sending dozens of metal rods flying at Max. Magneto's eyes were glowing slightly, perhaps from rage or from the use of his mutant powers.

Polaris sighed. She hated it when her father's ego got the best of him - which was almost always...

The Raft - Location Classified...

Wanda followed along after Jinx, more annoyed than anything still by his existence at the prison at the moment. He had brought up Pietro, and clearly proved that the only place he lived, and belonged in, was in a place under a rock. She easily threw the remaining guards backwards, knocking them out except for one of them, who she then proceeded to just entirely annihilate by ripping the poor man in half. Her eyes were glowing before she glanced over at Jinx, "Annoy me, or get in my way, and that will happen to you."

"She's lashing out because of her brother - don't take it personally," Esme whispered in Jinx's mind. She tended to be the peacekeeper of the Three in One, the only one really with sympathy and compassion. Phoebe and Sophie tended to be rather cruel and uncaring.

Once they reached the end of the hallway, they arrived in what could only be described as an underwater hangar. There were two options for vehicles. The first was a helicopter, which would require them finding the control to raise the entire Raft above the ocean surface. The second was what looked like a small submarine. To use that, they'd need to find the control to allow them to manipulate the "air lock" so to speak, since otherwise the entire Raft would be flooded.

"We'll drive," the Three in One said instantly. Their eyes glowed blue for a moment as twenty guards rushed out towards them. "Handle them - we'll find someone with the knowledge on how to operate the submarine." The triplets then clasped hands, locking onto the mind of an engineer in the control booth area and they started to siphon the knowledge from him.

New Mutant Underground Hideout...

Casper couldn't even focus on Sapphire, too alarmed with the bloodied ghost in front of him. Shaw's spectral form was covered in knife wounds, staining what had once been a crisp white suit. Casper's eyes were darting about wildly as Jack put his hands on his shoulders. Everything was just white noise in his ears. He couldn't even identify the ghost in front of him as Sebastian Shaw in his state of complete panic. "J-Jackie, he wants..." Casper began to stammer, only to suddenly relax as Spark Plug manipulated his emotional state.

It wasn't a true high, so the ghosts didn't vanish from sight. Yet just as there are good trips, there can also be bad trips. Everything around him felt out of focus and he couldn't concentrate on anything. "You're going to go to a man named Essex. Have him make me a new body. And then, Spirit Seer, you're going to restore my soul," Shaw ordered.

"Shut up, leave him alone!" Ben snapped at Shaw.

"Quiet, boy," Shaw ordered, before sending a blast of ghostly energy at Ben. The dead mutant went flying backwards, falling through the wall that divided the training room from the entranceway.

"Stop it, leave Ben alone you dick!" Casper shouted at Shaw. The high Spark Plug had given him was giving him some courage and he ran forward, trying to kick Shaw in the balls. Casper wasn't properly aware enough to even understand the implications of what happened - his foot connected. Shaw dropped to the ground, clutching his ghostly jewels in pain.

To Veil, all she (and the others) had been able to see and hear was Casper shout at the air and then kick it. James' explanation that Casper's mutation allowed him to see ghosts was incredibly helpful, but she wasn't really sure what they could do with that to help. They barely had standard medical supplies available to them, much less inhibitors. And as much as she felt for him, they didn't have the time for this. Their window on being able to handle Sinister was closing rapidly.

"Ghosts are real," Magik told Feedback without another thought. "Dangerous, too. They can possess people at will, make them their playthings."

"Thanks, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina," Negasonic quipped. "Will everyday be Halloween with you around?"

"If it is, there better be candy," Sunshine commented.

Veil cleared her throat. "Stretch, can you handle your brother?" she requested. She really couldn't waste any more time. "Havok, speaking of brothers, yours?" she then asked. They also couldn't afford to just let Vulcan destroy their new home. They had been lucky enough that Negasonic and Blink managed to find this bunker in the first place. Veil doubted they'd be lucky a second time.

"Let's tie him up and drop him in the Savage Land," Havok said. He picked the Savage Land in order to address Waverley's concerns. No one really lived there. It was far from civilization, but not an impossible place to survive. Hopefully, they'd never have to see him again.

"...Alright. Blink, can you take care of that? After I discuss assignments."

"You got it."

Veil then took a breath. "This might be a suicide mission. Some of us might not come back. If you aren't ready for this, then you're staying here. Mister Sinister and Shaw have been kidnapping mutants and turning them into Hounds. Our job today is to save the captive mutants and destroy Sinister's lab. It's a maze down there and you should expect resistance. Stick to your group. Groups are the following..."

"First one - me, Jack, Moonwalker, Spark Plug, and Blink. Second one - Colossus, Casper, Glimpse, James, and Negasonic. And third one - Sapphire, Havok, Sunshine, Feedback, and Magik."

Blink nodded, heading into the dining room for a moment. She made sure that Vulcan was tied up as best as she could, before shoving him unceremoniously through a portal into the Savage Land. Once she closed up the portal, she hurried back over and rejoined the others.

"Newcomers - I want you to look onto those who have been with us for a while during this. Those of us who have already been in Sinister's Funhouse today, I expect you to step up as well," Veil then looked around the room. "Blink and Magik, open up some portals to the Cherry Bomb. If you step through the portal, you're on the mission."

The two mutants then did just that. Through each portal, the basement of the Cherry Bomb was visible. The secret elevator was in plain sight, with the rest of the basement looking more like an old library or study lounge than the basement of a bar.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Shaw Industries - The Training Room
Skills Ice Manipulation

Leighton still didn't feel right. Even if Magneto altered his ways, what of the damage he did cause? Forgiveness was one thing, but turning a blind eye was another. Max appeared ok, save for his pants being on fire, but he quickly changed out of them and tossed them aside. "I like the style." She watched as the other woman left to answer a phone call, unsure of what to make of her. Max and the platinum blonde girl seemed to have history, which meant she must have been in the building when Max and that group attacked. Max defended Magneto, but Leighton wasn't buying it. "Then someone better start telling the whole story. I'm sick of half-truths and lies."

However, before they could get anywhere, Magneto launched an attack on Max, flying metal rods at him. Leighton wasn't having that. She sprung up and summoned her ice powers, forming an ice shield about 3 feet wide, 6 feet tall. She was impressed at herself for that alone. Three rods embedded themselves and stopped, but Magneto curved the others around. "Max, watch out!"

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Shaw Industries - The Training Room
Skills N/A

The liar-liar-pant-on-fire boy had an attitude problem that needed permanent adjusting. He came into the room and immediately began attacking one of the most powerful mutants around and she was the one in the wrong. She couldn't help but laugh as he made clothes appear and changed out of his burning pants. "Wonderful use of powers. Can you pull a rabbit out of a hat next?" She glanced over at Magneto as he began to fight the newcomers. The raven-haired girl shot up to the defensive and put up an ice wall. So she was an ice manipulator. Good to know.

She didn't join in the fray, she wanted to see how the newbies handled themselves. Sage spoke about the team in the Raft, having heard they escaped. She supposed she should be grateful, but she couldn't care less. Jinx would probably blow something up or get himself killed. The Three-in-One was capable and she couldn't be bothered with the others. She stifled a yawn. She wondered how the idiot would handle Magneto's attack since it worked gangbusters last time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Sapphire and Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground HQ
Skills: Perception

"Well this is a bit weird to watch," Sapphire commented, looking at the entire situation that was unfolding around her. To say the least though, Havok seemed just a little bit brutal with his choice of words of where to send Vulcan off to. She had no idea what sort of place it was, or where it was located, but just the name, Savage Lands sounded like a horrible place. Now she was glad that no one was pissed enough at her to send her there. "Uh... Who is he yelling at? Since he clearly named someone with that last outburst there."

"...He was referring to Ben, a friend of his who died years ago... And yes, his powers involve seeing ghosts," Jack responded, but there was something else that he didn't mention to everyone right off the bat, figuring that he'd at the least question Casper about it later, and that was unlike what seemed to be several people, Jack had actually seen Casper's foot connect with something. So, that led to two different possiblities. One, there was currently someone invisible there, but he seriously doubted that no one had noticed someone there by now or there was the other thought. The idea of Casper actually managing to physically hit a ghost. That wasn't something he had been able to do before now, but damn it would kind of be cool if he did.

"Well whatever, we need to hurry up and get moving. That place looks both creepy and kind of cool, so come on kids, let's go." Her tone of voice and the slight smirk she sent towards Havok made it obvious she was referring to the group that she was in, and included Havok in the whole "kids" thing. It was a small jab towards him, and in her mind it was amusing, however she wasn't too thrilled with the idea of playing babysitter for the group. That would not be fun at all, and she stepped through one of the portals into the basement area.

"Also, uh Casper? Good for you telling off the ghost who was picking on Ben by the way," Jack commented, once again not sure whether or not that Ben was able to hear him. Though knowing everything that he did about the ghosts, he probably had. "...Feeling better? Cause we've got to get going, okay?" he said to his brother, once again more of taking on the role of the older sibling looking out for the younger one, despite the fact that Casper was older. Sure, Jack had a whole bunch of things running through his head, but he pushed them to the side as he usually did to focus on everyone else's problems. He looked at his brother for another moment, making sure he was alright or something, before he went through one of the portals as well.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Online

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground HQ ---> Cherry Bomb Basement (Group Two)-- Washington D.C.

Luna watched Casper start to freak out and kick air, she frowned a little but didn’t say anything. She wasn’t certain having Casper in a group without his brother when he was tripping would be such a good idea but if she had to, she would subdue him in hopes to keep him calm, out of harm's way and out of their way. She also noticed that she would be the senior one in the group, since she had been on the Cherry Bomb raid earlier. She looked over at Veil and gave her a smirk. So, this was the test.
Luna walked over and organized her group. She watched Jack walk away before looking at Casper. ”You will need to keep up as best you can. I can’t give you anything but if it gets to be too much, I could potentially block the ghosts but that will divert my attention from the mission at hand. I encourage you to think about all of us on a whole. Believe in yourself Casper and the rest will follow.” She looked at the rest of her group and up at Colossus. Realization dawned on her that she wouldn't exactly be in charge and now she felt childish for smirking at Veil like she knew some secret. Luna would be knowledge on this mission as well as muscle, nothing more as Colossus was the senior ranking member of their group. ”The best advice I could give it to stay close to each other. The place was a maze with tricks and deceptions to isolate people from the group. Oh and be on your toes, expect the worse," Luna said with a nod before she walked through a portal. She waited a few feet from the portal for the rest of her group.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ ---> Cherry Bomb Basement (Group One)-- Washington D.C.

Cayden looked around at the others, making sure they had all seen Casper freak out and kick air. It seemed strange to him but the guy could see ghosts so was it really that strange? After all, Cayden could walk through people's dreams and alter them and that was rather strange. Cayden turned his attention back to Veil when she explained the game plan and listed off the groups. He grinned, excited to be in the group with their leader. He had yet to work with her and was more than excited for it. He had worked with Spark Plug at the very beginning of his life with the Washington underground but he had yet to work with the others and was looking forward to the learning opportunity.
Without much ceremony, Cayden walked through the portal and stepped into the basement of the Cherry Bomb. He looked around, expecting liquor to be everywhere and maybe a bathroom but all he saw were couches and the feeling of being in a cozy library or book shop. Rather odd for a bar basement. There was an elevator though and that did seem out of place here. ”So what task are we doing? Saving or destroying?” Cayden asked his group or whoever was listening.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, the Mutant Underground HQ -> The Cherry Bomb Basement.

Callie looked towards Casper, who was still freaking out but Jack answered the question he was seeing ghosts apparently because of his mutation. Callie watched Casper kicking at the air raising an eyebrow a little bit, she knew that he had a drug problem but it still looked a little comical to see. She had never seen a ghost before, but she was pretty sure that they existed anyway, as she listened to Veil giving everyone their assignments and that they were going to be taking down Mister Sinister. "I'm ready for round two. And every day kind of feels like a suicide mission anyway to, so you know i'm in." Callie said the last time she missed hitting him, before he sent his minions after all of them.

Callie looked to those who hadn't gone to the mission with them earlier before speaking. "Like Veil also said, don't wander off from your assigned group. If there is a good do not enter it alone, or Sinister will lock you in." Callie said as she walked over to the portal that Blink had made and quickly jumped through it as well, looking around at the very familiar basement.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location:Shaw Industries: Training Room
Skills: Hat Trick New Outfit

Max smiled and nodded warmly towards Leighton, thanking her for her kind words about his outfit. There appeared to be some tension between Magneto and Emma Frost. Something that Max couldn't tell if it was good or bad. On one hand it meant that they may not see eye to eye and that perhaps she truly didnt tolerate scum like Magneto. On the other hand it meant that the leadership was shaky at best and could get in the way of their so called mutant homeland. Before Leighton could be answered, Magneto began his assault. This time it seemed to be targeting only Max. Leightons quick thinking and work created a wall of ice that block most of the incoming attack, giving Max the time needed to refocus and get his head back into the game. "I'll see what I can do for your blondie, maybe I'll pull you out of the hat instead."

Max braced himself, legs apart as he watched the metallic rods approach him. He tried to create a top hat so that the telekinetic witch would eat her words but it appeared his powers were not on his side. Panicking he decided to create a barrier around him, to help keep himself from getting struck while not allowing Magneto to manipulate whatever it is that he was conjuring. There was a slight glow and then nothing once more. Damn it, gotta think fast. If he dodges Magneto will just redirect them to attack him still, no he need to redirect them himself. He would try the hat trick once more. A black top hat appeared between the mutants hands and Max quickly turned it and began to suck the rods in one by one, warping them towards Ana as a fair warning to watch her tongue. There was the sound of three rods impaling the hard ground and then another that sounded like it met some other material, and Max dared not turn around incase he impaled another person and taken their life.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: The Raft
Skills: Jinx

He wasn't sure if Esme was still poking around in his head, but never the less he offered her a thank you within his mind. She didn't have to tell him that, he already knew what Wanda was going through and that the vitriol she was spewing g wasnt exactly what she truly meant. Wanda was prone to these emotional breakouts and perhaps now was the best time to have one given the number she just did on the guards. But despite all of that Esme took the time to be reassuring and helpful towards Jinx and for that he greatly appreciated her. Maybe they weren't all that bad, or at least she wasnt. "Given that it'll probably take longer to lift this based up than it will to pilot a submarine, I saw we take the sub."

Jinx glared daggers at the guards that began rushing in and cracked his neck from left to right. "why don't we all relax a little ok? There's no need to have you guys shoot at us, just calm down and this will all be over." As soon as he caught eyes with the guards he began to work his magic, Jinxing 12 of the 20 weapons that were being carried and hoping the other eight wouldnt be a huge issue. "Minor hiccup here, Wanda mind taking out those 8 over there? They seem like they're gonna be a problem." Jinx crouched down and crossed his arms across his chest, building up his Psionic energy in each hand as he was about to release a wave to trip the soldiers. As soon as his hands crossed each other the energy fizzled and died away causing nothing more than a light show. "Well fuck."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ

Magik's words sent a shiver down Waverley's spine, though it seemed to do that with every word the girl said. She spoke with a certain cynic wisdom, as if she'd reached into the cosmos and had her hand bit. But these words, her assertion at the existence of ghosts, had a certain effect on Waverley, more so than normal. She seemed so confident, without a hint of humor or hesitation in her voice, like she knew without a shadow of a doubt that the dead walked among them, and for a moment, Waverley believed that she just might. As the other girls quipped among themselves, her eyes slowly fell back on Casper, kicking his foot at something only he could see. Could he really see ghosts? She couldn't be sure. But it was worth looking into.

She was snapped out of the stare when Veil began her speech. To call it a pep talk would have been inaccurate. There was very little pep to be found from her words, only a dismal warning at what was to come. Waverley had known only the basics of what had happened in the Cherry Bomb, and even it was enough to intimidate her. Learning they might not make it back made it infinitely more terrifying. She watched as Blink and Magik split the seams of reality, on the other side of which was a bar basement. Waverley stood from her place on the stairs, walking down them and towards the teleporters' creation. But halfway there, she stopped. Veil's words replayed in her head over and over, and they made it feel like her feet were stuck to the floor. She couldn't do it. She couldn't go through. She could've justified it, saying that she didn't want her family to lose her too, but honestly? She was afraid. No, not afraid. Afraid was normal for her. She was absolutely, undeniably terrified. She was scared for her life. She turned her face to look at Veil, and changed her direction to go towards the woman, stopping in front of her.

"Hey, uh, boss?" Waverley asked, her voice awkward as she addressed her superior. She hadn't directly talked to the woman much, and wasn't entirely sure how to do so. It took her a few seconds to get her words together, before continuing, her voice slightly lowered. "I...I joined the Mutant Underground because it's the best I could do. Even though I'm not particularly...super, I knew that here, I could do my part, however small, to keep people safe. But this...this is a lot. I'm not a warrior. I'm not a superhero. I'm just some girl from Greenbelt." She hesitated for a moment, and when she spoke again, a layer of guilt and anxiety was draped over her words. "And...I'm not sure if I can do this. I want to, but I'm not like you guys. If someone with so much as a sharp knife in their arsenal comes at me, that's it. Game over for Feedback."

Veil nodded. She once had tried to join the X-Men when she was young, only to be turned away. In her travels around the world, she had seen so many innocent mutants persecuted, many of them unable to defend themselves. Waverley's skills could be combative one day, but they weren't today. "If you aren't ready for this.... ready to risk your life.... Then you should stay here," Veil told her gently. "If the rest of us don't come back, someone needs to carry on and keep the spark alive."

A small smile formed on Waverley's lips, replacing the frown that had previously been there. Her worst-case-scenario-oriented brain had prepared her for anger or disappointment from the older woman, but instead she found only understanding. It was considerate for Veil to even label staying behind as a sort of a duty. She gave Veil a nod. "Thank you..." she said, and was about to turn away, but stopped herself. She dug out the radio from her pocket, and held it out to Veil. "If anything goes wrong, send word my way. I may not be able to do much, but I'll try to do what I can."

Veil took the radio from Waverley, before giving her an affectionate squeeze on the shoulder. "I'm sure you're capable of more than you realize."

Though Waverley wasn't entirely sure the woman's words were accurate, she gave an appreciative nod, grateful for the encouragement. "That means a lot, Veil. I mean it," she said, before taking a few steps back, her eyes shifting from Veil to the others as they one by one slipped through the portals. She raised a hand and waved towards the members of the Underground as they went, silently wishing for their luck and safety.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: N/A

James watched things unfold and calm… down? Apparently Ben could do something but he probably got into something over his head by Casper’s reaction. Watching Casper lash out at whatever entity was bothering him was an odd sight but if that’s what it took to make him feel better, then who was he to question it. James watched with just a prickle of satisfaction as they booted Vulcan out of their immediate area. He was loathe to think of what the savage lands were though. They mentioned somewhere in South America earlier but he really didn’t have a point of reference. Hopefully, it was far enough away that he wouldn’t be making his way back anytime soon. He turned his attention to Viel when she spoke about the mission.

Shit around this place got serious real fast didn’t it? Ever since coming here, it had been a non-stop action packed adventure and while that sounded like a great time, James would like to chill for a few days. Even if they still had stuff to do, nothing life threatening would be nice for a while. He wouldn’t even be upset if it was just a day at this point. Ever since he got caught up with Max and Sunshine, it had been a rollercoaster and only one of them was still on the same ride. He refocused on the mission, putting those thoughts well aside because they didn’t have time to unpack all that, and nodded his understanding at the group assignments.

A suicide mission, huh? Well, good thing Colossus and Negasonic were there. He felt more comfortable with the heavy hitters around. James could hold himself decently in a fight and Casper was a really clever dude but neither of them could clear a room or take a few bullets if they needed to. And Glimpse he hadn’t really had the opportunity to get to know so she was kind of a wild card for him. All things considered, James felt that their chances of survival were pretty good. At least, he hoped they were.

James stepped through the portal and cocked his head curiously at Cayden. “Viel said the job is both. Rescue the captives and destroy the lab.” James reiterated Veil’s comment for him. James bounced on his heels a little, ready to get going. Hopefully, Veil’s warnings that not everyone may come back turned out to be wrong.
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