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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago

Baraian Paladice

Time: Night
Place: Roshmi slums

The dark elf had watched Kuroi, as the vulpine had gotten the clothing which they needed in order to remain undetected during the night. The vulpine had not disappointed him, and sure enough returned with a couple of sheets and blankets. Baraian offered a soft nod.

"That will do... well done." The voice that came out was dry, mixed with some weariness, coupled with the dark elf's usual monotone manner of speaking. Kuroi had offered to help him up, the dark elf took it. Not willing to spend more time where he was, the longer they would linger the bigger the odds of being found.

"Let's climb up on the roof on one of these buildings..." The dark elf looked up to a building with a flattened roof. This would most likely be a better choice than a tilted roof, where they could accidentally slide off during rest.

"We'll make camp there for the night and set off just before dawn... to Ra Monde. Get some rest for now..." The dark elf said in a suggesting manner as he began to reach up and try scale up the building, but it was tricky with just one functioning arm. The dark elf sighed softly, climbing down and placing himself in the dark then brought one finger up to his face. His form began to become one with the darkness around him, then is a flash of black smoke he popped up at the roof, at the darker side of it's chimney.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Edena, Daka Islamd
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy and Artemis @Potter

Myra was definitely a bit annoyed that Darius was hogging the bed all to himself. Despite all her efforts, he was still sleeping soundly and didn't even make a little bit of effort to move so she could show the bed to Artemis. Looking to Artemis and pouting with an annoyed expression when she said to be careful to not wake up Darius, Myra was about to jump on the bed. If shaking Darius didn't wake him up, jumping on the bed would certainly do it.

Luckily for Darius, the very moment she gave up on shaking him and was going for the plan B, he finally opened his eyes. Just as he did so, Myra tilted her head as she looked at Darius' eyes, confused. Not only his hair was different but his eyes too had a strange color. Leaning forward, Myra sniffed the air a few times, the tip of her tongue darting in and out of her mouth as she did so, wanting to confirm if that was really Darius.

Surprisingly enough, judging by Darius' own reaction, he too was alarmed by the sudden changes in his appearance. Myra gave a step back as he jumped out of bed, running to the mirror that was in the bedroom. As he started to explain, Myra looked at him, still a bit confused about all the sudden changes. Even though Darius himself said it was everything perfectly fine, Myra was still a bit wary about all that. It was obvious to Darius that Myra didn't liked when he mentioned the red crystal that he had smashed on his hand when he first arrived on the castle, saying that there was a weapon and now it was inside of him or something. Needless to say, Darius' incredibly clear explanation didn't help at all to make Myra less wary and worried about that but when he said he felt good, promising that he was fine, Myra ended up trusting him. Of course, she would still keep a close eye on any other changes in his appearance. Going near Darius, she gave a few more sniffs together with her tongue just to be sure, then looked at him with a smile, confirming that everything seemed to be ok.

With that matter dealt with, at least for now, Myra realized that Darius had finally got up from the bed, making her turn towards the bed and immediately jump on it, curling and wrapping herself on the bed's soft covers. Looking at Artemis, Myra got up from the bed and walked to her, grabbing her hand and gently pulling her to the bed, almost if telling her to do exactly what she did with the covers. It was clear to Artemis, seeing Myra's eyes almost shining, that she really wanted her to try and that Myra herself loved the bed and the soft covers.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago


Time: Dusk
Location: Roshimi City
Interaction: @Tae - Torvi, @helo - Bowyn - @Dezuel - Elthrael

Belle glanced at Torvi as she spoke up and nodded in agreement. Her eyes flicked back to the stranger and she raised her eyebrows as he spoke. She began giggling at his first comment and sipped her water while she waited for the narcissist to finally quiet himself. Elleta stared him in the eye, unfazed with her eyebrows raised. His English grammar was lacking. While this was not Earth, she found it hard to believe this was how this man spoke. Finally, once he stopped talking to take a breath, she spoke up. “First, it’s “there are plenty, not 'be plenty'. Also, we could do without you. It seems everyone else in Avalia can as well, since you are spending your time waiting around here for us by yourself."

Elleta then commented and folded her arms with a blank expression. If looks could kill, then this stranger would have been dead. “You couldn’t handle me with all the amas in your bank, boy. You are probably alone with you and yourself at night, just wishing you could find someone who could stand you and haven’t been successful. I do pray that you someone finally takes pity on you and gives you the worthless fate you deserve. And I’m not a cherry, I’m the cake you wish you could afford and have. I think the demons on Daka would be a kinder fate than being with a loathsome cockroach like you.”

Bell glanced at her then had to duck her head to remain expressionless. While she could not see Rosemary, she knew the Elf was nearby. She didn’t know how, but she could sense her. Elleta kept her gaze fixed on the scene, but now and then her head would tilt to one side. As he commented on her beauty and memorizing her, she had to bite back laughter. What a comment to make to someone he just met. This.. man was not right in the head. He was definitely sick. Lucky for her, she’d dealt with enough creeps and had taken care of them too. The gang had its fair share with the local scumbags. “You can memorize all you want, you’ll never have me. I could be much younger and you are preying on me. How disgraceful.”.

When he pulled his disguise off, Belle grimaced. So not only was his personality shit, but his appearance was an eyesore. She didn’t hide her grimace either. No wonder he came in here trying to hit and pick up random women from different species. Beside that, his fake sneeze was shameful. She wondered if they had acting lessons that this moth could partake in to save the pitiful show they were forced to participate in. She smirked nonetheless and commented, ’Wow - a moth fairy. What a dreadful surprise. Fortunately for me, I crush moths. Fly too close to the light and it will sting you. I’ll give you a hint: I am the light.” Elleta rolled her eyes at Elthrael, disinterested and bored. She drummed her fingers lightly on the table and Belle had a feeling she was communicating through it with Rosemary nearby. While they could not hear or see, she knew these powerful Elves were in sync with one another.

Belle listened to him speak and began eating more of the berries that Elle had ordered for her. She wished the restaurant had human food, such as onion rings and pretzels. She could kill for bagel bites, too. She sighed and faced the stranger with an expression of boredom and disinterest. When he mentioned having met a human, she kept her expression neutral. She didn’t know who it was, but perhaps the red haired women who had been in the sky. Either way, she’d find the poor women and console her for having met this pitiful excuse for a fairy.

She remained silent and folded her hands together after finishing her food and wiping her hands on a napkin. When he allowed a pause for breath, she commented, ”Sounds as if you’re heartbroken or butthurt after something. Maybe you faced rejection? Seems you’re the one here with a problem and not this fox-demihuman."

It was Elleta’s turn to stare at her now. Belladonna had not acted so cold in her presence until now. She was bringing her persona from being Little Blue in the gang and wasn’t minding how it felt to be cold and brutal. Belle then added as he poked his nose into Bowyn’s life and narrowed her gaze. He was antagonizing them in hopes of having them leave so he could interrogate Bowyn. She wasn’t letting that happen. This mothball was the least of her worries. She wouldn’t let anything happen to Bowyn or Torvi.

Elleta bit a cherry off the stem and raised her eyebrows. At that moment, Bell felt a tap on her shoulder and forced herself not to jump nor look startled. Rosemary was nearby them now whilst invisible, and she had a feeling she wasn’t alone either. The Golden Death was not abandoning her or leaving her alone to suffer with this miserable mothball. He continued speaking, and Belle wondered if being lost in the woods would be better compared to this nonsense they were enduring.

Belle started laughing at his comment. What a horrific metaphor. She stopped laughing enough though to assess his body language. While he was relaxed, he was also on high alert. She grinned at him nastily, her eyes shining with malice. ”That comment would have been better off being spoken in a dumpster, which is where you belong. Perhaps you're lonely, without friends and feel the need to antagonize strangers and put your nose in someone elses business. Such a shame." She turned to listen to Bowyn while keeping an eye on the stranger. She nodded in agreement to his wordds, then turned back to Elthrael. She glanced at Boreas and knew instantly if worse came to worst, she’d cause enough trouble to allow Bowyn to escape. She turned back to the mothball, eyebrows raised as if to ask, Well?

It was in that pause that the bartender finally spoke up, having heard enough. ”We all have had enough of your nonsense. You haven’t ordered all day. I thought you had friends coming. I’m going to ask you one time only to get out of the bar and leave these women alone. Got it?” Belladonna turned to face him with her arms folded and waited for what occurred next. Her left hand was in her pocket, ready to grab her knife and defend if necessary. She nodded to what the Bartender and Bowyn had both said.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 1 day ago

Elthrael Vol'Kerno

Time: Night
Place: Tavern

The winter fairy had replied swiftly, claiming that his reason for being so far south was one of sightseeing and recuperation. While the need to rest ones body and mind was known to Elthrael, he found the winter fairy's words strange. The city would burn down? If this winter fairy had such foresight, then he was truly worth looking further into. Most would have expected that the dark elves would qwell any uprising and trouble without having to light the city on fire. But if the price for burning a single city could stop a possible rebellion during it early stages, then it would certainly be worth it to a particular lich king.

"Oh things have indeed gotten dangerous, more than usual at least. If you came here for aid, theres only one person here that can help you and you are talking with him. Oh if my words are enough to entice your company, be it truly worth to have them about? Hm? Sooner or later someones gonna snap." He said in an amused manner, his teeth showing as he looked over to Belle and Elleta.

"Cool off? Oh we'll all be getting there eventually. I always find interest in people of rare talents, providing they have the mind to go with it. Sadly there are also... disappointments." He smiled softly and nodded his head in Belle's and Elleta's direction, not putting his gaze on Torvi for even a moment.

"As for you girls, you hear my words plain and clear, but understand so little why I use them the way I do. An assessment if you are worthy or not, the moment you shown me your little temper was the moment I lost interest. So sorry to tell you, I don't want you." He chuckled softly in an amused manner, he allowed one of his hands to rest on his lap.

The other woman, the taller one had been about as hotheaded as the one with the light blue hair. "Handle you with amas? Oh you are a lady from -those- kind of districts. I see, I have no interest in a public towel. The only similarity of a cake and you is that you look sweet but also contain so much fat." He gave a wide grin, as he tilted his head to the side. His voice not aggressive, but rather amused mixed with a slight bit of disappointment.

"Oh my applogies, oh enlightened one~ I didn't realize they made elves of light in pint size." He made a bowing motion with his torso and arms, in the direction of Belle. The girl had proven to be as useless as Elsea, there was no aid to be gained from her, of that he was certain. The more silent of the three elves and the winter fairy on the other hand did peek his interest. Anyone who was not like Elsea and Kyran would suffice for company and enticing into joining the dethronement of the undead king. Belle had been staring at him with a look more befitting of the dark elves, one of obvious ill intent. Though the moth fairy met her gaze head on, much like how beasts of the wild would size each other up. In his part of the River fairy forest he was the apex, the highest in the food chain. Even in a territory like this one, the natural order would not be disrupted, at least that was his idea of it.

He felt it unnecessary to add further words to their conversation at that point, the winter fairy he would have to find later, providing his current company wouldn't get him killed that is. The bartender finally decided it was time to approach his table, the fairy gave him a sly look.

"Oh look at the time, looks like my friend didn't -make it-. Take a hint of that you four..." He tossed a glance to the other table as he rose up to his feet, giving the bartender a brief look. "Oh thank you for the reminder, I would have thought you too busy serving liquid poisons and gossiping yourself to some form of self-ascension to pay notice." The fairy chuckled and walked past the bartender, looking over his shoulder as he did towards both him and the table with the other people. Then he made it towards the doorway, to vanish out into the night.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Time: Dusk
Location: Roshimi City

“What about the trainer?” Leandron asked as he stood beside Xenelith. Who was overlooking a giant map of Roshimi. It covered several tables put together. The noble’s house had been far more active in dusk than during the day. Threats had grown more serious. Far away from the richer district, the guard barracks had exploded with activity. Every guard got his call of duty. They were all arming themselves to enact Xenelith’s plan: to capture the worst criminals in the darkest streets and bring them to justice. Rebel or loyalist, this night it didn’t matter. The people that would be dragged in were the scum of the earth. Animals whose hands were covered in the blood of all innocents. They wouldn’t be missed.

Still, that left the question of the Usagi family. The mother had been called to the nobleman’s house under the pretense to explain her son’s behavior. Xenelith couldn’t care less for her excuses. He did not intend to talk to her. Instead, he wanted to pass a message. “Tell the woman-“ He stopped for a moment. To any lesser man, the next words would be tantamount to treason. “Tell her that her son must finish the act. When Terneus is dead, his treason will come to light and the Usagi family’s sins will be forgiven.”

If Leandron was surprised by the message, he didn’t show it. “Anything else, sir?”

"No, leave me now. I have other business to attend to." Xenelith said. Leandron gave him a small nod in acknowledgment and went to talk with the trainer. Xenelith's gaze returned to the map before him. He hunched over it. Risa had been spotted various times throughout the day. In fact, it gave her an alibi for the assassination attempt. Perhaps she was looking for Terneus then? Or was she simply roaming the city, gathering supporters? The paths she took, it all looked so erratic. So casual. As if she was prey unconcerned by the hunter. Was she truly so oblivious? No, no she couldn't be. He wouldn't allow her to underestimate her. Still, the very sight of it all vexed him. They were so close. So damned close. Yet impossible to catch. It no longer mattered if they found the house she stayed at or not. He couldn't break down any more doors after tonight. It would disrupt the fragile peace he will have made. That failure left a bitter taste in his mouth though. The clock struck its hour, marking the start of his operation. Yet he had other business to attend to. He rose up and walked away. Leaving the table with black, smoldering marks where his hands once were.

The city-guard captains had been gathered in a small room. Many of them were rather annoyed. How dared a common upstart summon them? And then worse, keep them waiting!? Half of them were veterans of the war a century ago. And since then, they had kept the peace in an animalistic city like Roshimi. At any cost necessary. What would a fledgling dark elf know about that? Of course, the murmur of complaints instantly died down when Xenelith entered the room.

"Sit down." He commanded, motioning to the chairs surrounding the central table. Halastra was already rising. The room had no hearth to be lit, nor candles. Instead, the purple hue of the goddess filled the room. The captains did as they were commanded. Though Xenelith remained standing at the head of the table. "Now someone explain to me how a rebel princess slipped through the gates. No, first, someone tell me how a venerable governor of our great lord could nearly get killed in your city!" Xenelith did not blunt his words. There was real anger on his face. The captains quickly realized what sort of a meeting it would be. The guilty one would be hunted.

They turned on each other within seconds. Yelling across the table at one another, passing the blame and responsibility. For a good minute, Xenelith let them verbally devour themselves. "Silence." He then yelled across the room. The captains did not listen though. So he slammed his fist on the table. "Silence!" The room fell still in an instant. "I don't care who failed what task." He began. "You're all to blame. I have walked this city for barely two days and I can see the putrid rot of corruption around every corner. How many bribes have you taken, or allowed to pass? How many times have your guards turned a blind eye? I should kill half of you for treason." He spat his words and his eyes betrayed a literal truth behind his threat. To him, they had become weak and fat. Being so far from Aklenroth and Daka had turned them soft. To Xenelith, few things were more ugly than a soft, fat, weak dark elf.

He began to walk around the table. The faces of the captains followed him. Many with angry scowls. One spoke: "What do you know of our plight? We have kept Roshmi safe for a century!" He exclaimed. Xenelith pounced next to him.

"Safe? You call Roshmi today safe?" He stared the dark elf captain in the eyes and inched closer. Pushing him deeper into this chair. "The word human is uttered and a house burns down within minutes. A governor was attacked in broad daylight, a rebel princess is still at large and you will tell me this city is safe!?" He pulled away from the captain to look at the others across the room. "This city is not safe."

One dark elf captain got up to protest. But Xenelith cut him off: "Sit! Down!" He stared the captain down again. Who swallowed his words. But apparently one had learned his listen yet. He got up to speak but Xenelith wouldn't have it. He kicked the chair. The dark elf's legs were swept from under him. His head hit the table. Then Xenelith grabbed him and pushed him hard against it. "I am done with your petty defenses." He said. Something dark and deep told him to finish it. To drain the life from the elf and let his hollow husk fall to the floor. To make an example of him. It would work. The others would behave. But at what cost? They were not yet ready.

He released the man, who managed to sit back into his chair. "No more bribes. No more blind eyes. If I find one of your underlings show anything less than a veteran warrior's backbone I will flay him and kill you. Now leave."

The captains got up. Most of them were angry and defiant. He would have to kill one of them for sure. That would be the worst of his tasks: to kill his own kin when needed. Xenelith took no pleasure in killing another dark elf. But he had done it before. He would do anything to safeguard his people. He would make any sacrifice. Even if he had to become a kinslayer.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Darius & Artemis

Time: Night
Location: Edena
Interaction: @13org Myra | @FunnyGuy Darius

Artemis could only stare at Darius with wide eyes. The poor boy was being hoodwinked by these devils here. She stared at his eyes then his hair. As he tried reassuring Myra, she pursed her lips. His voice was panic stricken but he was trying to hide it for their sake, especially Myra’s. He kept referring to a “it,” and a “crystal” he had crushed to “give him a weapon”. Whatever weapon it was, it was not a friend to Darius. She stood up and smoothed her dress down. Arms folded and impassive, she stared at Darius. Skepticism was boiling inside of her but she needed to be calm for him. He was being possessed by something, but what? She didn’t know for certain, but being on Daka had taught her enough about the dark side of the magic in Avalia. She knew it wouldn’t bode well for him. His best interests weren't in the king’s hands. She bit her lip and felt a surge of fury. The only person she had found who seemed genuinely good-nature, was being turned into a weapon to be used against the rebellion.

”I’m sorry, what are you talking about?” She would start out small and draw out details from him. She was thinking of enchanting him to tell the truth if she had too. The protein she had eaten was giving her more energy and she was beginning to feel slightly better. Her happiness though, was dampened by whatever this human was talking about. ”What crystal are you talking about, and what are you seeing?” Her voice was calm and slightly enchanting, though she wasn’t focusing much on it. She went over to the sink when she felt slightly faint from rushing up so fast. Her body and mind were still recuperating from the past abuse she had suffered. She turned the water on and leaned her elbows into it to hydrate herself more. Then, she fixed her gaze on Darius and waited for the human to respond.

"It was small and red. It let me… it let me see some stuff that I still have mixed feelings about. I wish I hadn't seen what I saw, but I wouldn't still be here if I hadn't…" Darius could tell that Artemis may have known more than he did about the item, so he'd try to share more since it meant he wouldn't have to explain too much on his end. "Anyway, I have to speak to Aklenroth about why he would give me this thing before I agreed to remain in Avalia…" Darius moved towards Artemis by the sink and leaned against the wall beside her. "You seem bothered. If there's something you want to tell me, I'm all ears."

Artmeis looked at him and bit her lip. Crystals often contained dark magic, or even demons inside of them. She had seen many people with obedience gems, while others were consumed by the crystals. She had watched herself lose friends and even family from these horrible things. She sighed and rubbed her cheek with her hand with stress forming inside of her. When he finished talking, she spoke up. Artemis was going to be blunt and to the point. He needed to know the truth. They would likely punish her and it scared her to death but she couldn't watch him go dark either. The humans weren’t supposed to be here and those fucking Elves brought them. God, she hated elves. Still, Darius had helped save her and she felt she owed him for saving her life.

”He did that so you would stay and become his weapon, or for lack of a better word, tool.” She stared him in the eye with sympathy now. Her heart felt like shattering again. She didn’t have any luck. All she wanted was some peace and that wasn’t happening. This boy needed her help whether or not he wanted it or knew. ”He tricked you. Aklenroth didn’t want to lose you so he could use you against the rebellion. They are likely to have many humans of their own, so having one on his side would be in his best interests. He’s not interested in you; Aklenroth doesn’t care about anyone but himself. I’m telling you this because you need to stop while you're ahead and don’t let it consume you. It is clearly already changing you, judging by your hair, eyes and body. I have been on this island long enough to know what takes place here. Darius I know I just met you, but please take my word for it.”

Her eyes filled with sadness as she jumped onto the counter to feel more of the water along her arms. Despite her panic, the water was soothing her. She wanted nothing more than to take this boy and the cute demon away from this land of bullshit and have some peace and quiet. "Fuck…" Artemis had seemed to confirm some of his suspicions. He frowned before taking letting loose a sigh. "This is a lot you know?" He went over her words as he folded his arms at his chest. Concern flooded his face.

Artemis stared at him with a furrowed brow and pursed lips. While he didn’t seem to take it well, he did appear to believe her. The catch though would be helping him without getting herself killed. She sighed heavily and looked at the concern written on his face. ”I’m… I'm here for you.” Though it was awkward, Artemis opened her arms to try hugging him. It had been so long that she almost forgot how to hug someone. To her surprise he hugged her back. It was not a very affectionate hug as Darius seemed distracted by his thoughts. It was more so a reflex for him to hug her back. Fortunately for Artemis, the awkward gesture was quick and she was able to let her arms drop from him. Being kind wasn’t something she had done in years. Her heart was filled with coldness now, but the light that was Darius was shining through. Innocent people being hurt was something she hated to watch. However, she could care less about most of Avalia’s citizens. Only a few species or friends came to mind. Her cold heart couldn’t take losing someone else, especially someone who was genuinely good. Artemis could care less about the war and serving the lich bitch. It could all burn for all she cared, as long as her friends and loved ones were safe.

”I.. I am sorry about your circumstances… I think we should sneak out or catch an amora out of here and go to the city or south to keep us safe. It’s much nicer there and pleasant. You need to get that crystal thing out of you.. Someone in the city could probably help you because nobody here will care except Myra and us.” She was careful with what she said and kept her words calm and gentle. Her gaze didn’t leave Darius, though she scanned the room for security purposes as well. They were filled with sympathy and concern, which was something she hadn’t felt in years. It felt odd to her to feel it and she was slightly uncomfortable but trying her best for Darius.

"No…" Darius didn't even look Artemis in the eyes. His thoughts had jumped from moment to moment since stepping foot on Daka. Skar, Myra, Aklenroth, the crystal, the vault, Kol, Edena, Artemis… He shook his head as a way to assure that he agreed with his own answer. "Leaving seems easy when you say it, yeah, but that's throwing everything out the window to what? Making it out of the castle at best? Humans are wanted and Aklenroth is the only person with a way for all of us to get back home. They need someone who isn't just going to kill them for cash… amas I mean. And like it or not, that's me right now. People think Aklenroth is lying, but he was about to let me leave with no problem… Sure, he's not a good guy, I'm not stupid, but we both want the same thing. A human-free Avalia." Darius said plainly.

Artemis sighed as she listened to Darius. This boy... She rubbed her face again. She didn’t know if it was true that the lich bitch would have let him leave, scott free. There was always a catch with these situations. She turned to face him and leaned against the counter for balance. Artemis was starting to feel lightheaded from standing for so long. ”Your goal is to go home, which I think is admirable at best. You could, and I don’t want to say it, find the elves of the rebellion and ask them to take you home. Aklenroth doesn’t have the DROMS as far as I know but the rebel elves would. I don’t think he would have let you leave that easily. You’re a human and valuable in this world. I can see why you are choosing to stay here, since you would be hunted down and marked a traitor. But do keep what I said in mind, please. I am sure you are smart enough. I will also try helping you out."

Then, Artemis fell silent and studied him. The poor boy really thought he could help the humans. Most of them, were, if not already, sucked into the rebellion most likely. What if they wanted to stay or were kidnapped by the black market? Artemis massaged her temples. The ball would be a wonderful place for bloodshed and finding humans/allies. She didn’t know what to expect, but it would be a good start for Darius. She didn’t respond and avoided eye contact. How long would it be until Darius was no longer himself until ‘The Crystal’ consumed him? Artemis wondered what it would be like when, or if, Darius and or Myra, left. Thus, she’d be alone, but free to do whatever she wanted whenever she pleased. It sounded like a dream come true. She glanced over at Myra and then back away. For now she would stick with them. It was better to not get too attached anyway. Certainly being alone was what she preferred and used too….

She then moved to sit on the bed to appease Myra’s keen interest in it and sighed with relaxation. ”Myra love, this is amazing. You have great taste." Artemis then gradually pushed herself back up and moved to lay on the sofa. Her movements were cautious and slow, and her eyes kept darting around the room. "Also, Darius, I was wondering if I may use the tub, please? I need to be in more water. I'd like privacy." She kept a distance from them as well, unsure of what to do or say next. Would she wake up the next morning? Artemis sure hoped so. She didn’t trust anyone in this castle and wanted to leave as soon as possible. Hopefully they could catch an amora to Roshmi tomorrow and get the hell out of here!
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by hide on mana
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hide on mana Rusty Veteran Roleplayer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time: Night
Location: Roshmi Slums
Interactions: Baraian @Dezuel

Kuroi had looked up at the rooftop that Baraian had set his eyes on before glancing down at his own leg for a few second. With a heavy sigh, he began to run towards the house to try and build up momentum. Although pain began to shoot through his leg, Kuroi made it a point to keep going, blankets in hand. The vulpine ran up the side of the building, trying to use his good leg to kick up as much as possible while making sure his injured leg had to do little to no work. Upon kicking up with his good leg, Kuroi immediately shot his good hand up to try and grab onto a windowsill that was right above him instead of risking hurting himself even more. Barely having caught himself, the vulpine began to growl and grit his teeth, using his free hand and good leg to try and help him up. No use - maybe if he wasn't already exhausted and both of his legs were in top condition, he would have been able to scale to the top with a single arm.

He slowly glanced down at Baraian who probably watched from below, staring at him blankly for a few seconds. "How can I get up here...?" he muttered to himself before looking back up at the windowsill. He blinked a few times before looking down at his good leg, shaking his head in disappointment. Carefully, he pulled himself up as much as possible while slowly sliding the blankets into the crock of his knees. Kuroi winced a little bit, feeling pain shoot up his leg once more. Although the pain would be nowhere near as bad if he had chosen to use both his legs to scale the building, it seemed that he would have to endure discomfort a while longer. With both hands now grabbing onto the ledge, he began to pull himself up onto the windowsill. Honestly, he should have just let Baraian throw the blankets up to him, but the kinder part of him to him not to make the elf work anymore than he needed to. After all, the elf's injuries were arguably worse than Kuroi, and he would certainly need help scaling the house as well.

After what was a grueling fifteen minutes of scaling a building with only his arms, Kuroi collapsed on the flat roof of the house, panting as he released the blankets from the crocks of his knees. He took a few minutes to catch his breath before he slowly knelt up and began to carefully descend the building partway, stopping at the windowsill where he carefully stood, waiting for Baraian to come up. Signaling him, Kuroi awaited for the elf to do his best in scaling the building. The vulpine waited, staring down at the elf as he waited to assist him up the outer walls of the house.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi
Interactions: @Helo-Bowyn @Potter Belle @Dezuel Elthrael

Torvi had fallen very quiet as the exchange between Belle and the stranger happened. Even Bowyn had piped in a bit, but Torvi had turned into her quiet and deadly self that she hadn’t shown yet here in Avalia. The stranger’s comment about peeling them had caused her hand to drift down to one of her axes at her side. If he tried to touch any of them then he would surely lose a hand. Then her eyes drifted to his wings and a small, sadistic smile crossed her face for a brief moment. Perhaps she’d peel one of his wings off his back. Just one, leave him with the second one so he always remembered what he once had. So he’d look disfigured for the rest of his life.

Belle and Elleta both seemed to have very sharp tongues which she would have found quite humorous if it weren’t for the fact that she was intent on watching the man that made her uncomfortable. He seemed to be quite full of himself, claiming to be the only person who could “help” them. Even if that were true, which she was willing to bet money it wasn’t, she’d rather take her chances with anyone else other than him. He was creepy and far too arrogant for her liking.

Finally the owner came over and requested, or more demanded, that he leave. ”The only hint I’ll take from that is that no one can actually stomach befriending you.” Those were the only words she gave him before he left. She also gave the owner a thankful look for stepping in, though she couldn’t blame him. The stranger would have been costing him money at some point if he just took up a table all day and never ordered anything. She’d be irritated as well.

She let out a sigh once the stranger had vanished into the night and then looked between her companions. ”Well I think before we have any other unwelcome guests trying to overhear our conversations we should retire. Are you two staying here for the night?” She asked Belle and Elleta.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Edena
Interaction: @13org Myra and @Potter Artemis

Darius concealed his disapproval of Artemis' words. It was as if she hadn't heard all of what he just told her, and then there were the inconsistencies with what he thought he knew. Going back and forth wasn't something he was in the mood for and judging by Artemis' changing of the subject, he assumed she felt the same. When she asked about using the tub, he nodded.

"Yeah you can use it… I think I'm going to take a walk, grab a bite to eat and maybe see if we can have amora take you somewhere with some water. You mentioned a place called Roshmi, right?" Darius said as he made his way out of the room. He could tell Artemis disliked being here, even with its better parts like Edena. "I'll be back." Darius put on a smile despite feeling conflicted. He just didn't want anyone to worry and kind of wanted some time to himself.

Once in the hall, his face reflected his true feelings. Artemis could be right. Some things line up, but some of it doesn't make sense. Darius tried to remember it all, as she mentioned quite a lot. Someone like Aklenroth would definitely do some low down shit like making me see images that would make me want to stay… Were they even real?

Darius stopped in his tracks. He was now in a corridor he was not familiar with. It was the same one Kol had carried his unconscious body through. Concern filled him before a bit of reason took hold of his mind.

Even if the visions were false, the possibility was real. The rebels used the DROMs to bring people here at random without concern for who was brought in and where they might end up… And it seems strange they'd put all this effort to bring us here to remove Aklenroth from power, but then just let us go back to Earth if we asked? They do have the DROMs though… but I don't think they can send people back or else Aklenroth would have threatened them to do it. He threatened them to surrender and kill us if need be. And if he has the only way out… Then once they dethrone Aklenroth, they can send the humans home no problem. Darius pondered this as he absent mindedly roamed the castle. By now he was in the less pleasant part of its enormous makeup.

Both sides are using us and both are fucked up in their own right. Aklenroth might be worse, but his side has the advantage. He rules Avalia, he has a way back to Earth… or claims to, and he didn't almost get me eaten by a fucking troll! Then there's the issue of that crystal. Malgormuun is a problem if what Artemis said was true.

Did anything that fish spout seem true to you? She is the true deceiver… Darius almost jumped upon hearing Malgormuun's voice in his head. The demon spoke with venom, which told Darius that he wasn't a fan of Artemis and what she had said. Tell me, why would I show myself to you if I sought to take you over? Better question. Upon discovering her, why did she not reveal herself as what she truly was until you gave her what she wanted? Even now she keeps the whole truth from you… She is no typical mermaid, Darius. Her song belongs to that of a siren, slayer of the seafarers she lures in with the power of her voice… I'm sure you remember hearing it and how it grabbed your attention. Think back, Darius… Alas, I will allow you to make your own decisions regarding her, but we have a deal. Keep your end and I shall keep mine.

Darius didn't answer and instead thought about Malgormuun's words. He made a bold claim about Artemis, and backed it up with their first meeting. Darius shook his head in denial before turning back through the corridor to return to Edena. He moved briskly, filling the empty halls with nothing but the sound of his hard footsteps as he headed to Edena's dining area.

It was there that he spotted not Zorrah, but a pink-skinned humanoid with two cuved horns and the same bright yellow eyes as Zorrah. She was dressed in a white robe, appearing as more of a servant than Zorrah ever did. Another demon… Great.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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O'Ner Faister

It was morning and O'Ner was once again pretending to be a flower shop owner, His carriage once again filled with colorful flowers coming in all shapes and sizes. He had a few customers and was glad to take the money being given to him, the money would be used to fund his collection of books and garden tools. While he was speaking with a potential customer he notice a young boy trying to look over the carriage to see the flowers, After O'Ner had sold a single flower to the customer he was speaking with. Turning his attention towards the young boy, "Hello is their anything that caught your eye?" He said bringing a stool for the boy to stand on. "Ummm well i don't know, i wanted to get something special for my mom. To show her that i appreciate everything she's done for me" The boy was scanning the many colorful flowers O'Ner had.

"Ah how very thoughtful of you, i think may have something she will love" O'Ner turned his back walking over towards a certain flower. This flower had six pedals with two of each pedal was a luminescent blue, "Here is the flower, it's called a Glowflower in the common tongue. But in it's native language it is called a Juvian Zat. It glows in the dark and is said when given to a love one, it gives the person good luck" He said placing the flower on the counter of his carriage. "Wow it's really pretty, but ummm how much is it?" The boy asked with a worried tone in his voice, "Well how much do you have?" O'Ner asked the boy who was fishing though his pocket and presenting 5 coins to the disguised undead.

"Well since you are giving it to your mother i think all of your coins will do" He said with a sweet smile on his face, His hand stretched waiting to be paid. The boy's face seemed to lightened up when he was given an amazing deal. "Here i will even include a free card to go with the flowers, Now what is your mother's name?" He asked getting a card and pen to write. "Her name is Anya Faister" The boy said which made O'Ner drop his pen onto the floor. "Oh that's a beautiful name, sorry about that let me get my pen" O'Ner said trying not to give away anything, After picking up his pen and looking the boy dead in the eyes.

It seemed this boy was the grandson he was told about form his spies, the boy named O'Ner who strangely looked like himself when he was a young boy. Seeing the boy made the undead general feel tears welling up in his eyes, quickly turning around so the boy could not see the tears. Quickly writing her daughter's name and a quick lovely message, Handing it back to the boy keeping his back turned. "Here you go, i hope your mother enjoy the gift" The boy took both the flowers and the card with a confused look on his face, 'Umm thanks mister, have a good day" He said slowly getting off the stool and walking away. O'Ner meanwhile was wiping the tears form his eyes feeling immense joy finally getting the chance to speak to his grandson.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Edena, Daka Islamd
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy and Artemis @Potter

Myra didn't understand what was happening and why both Artemis and Darius had a strange expression on their faces. Darius said everything was fine but apparently, it wasn't? As Artemis started talking to him, it became evident even to the innocent Myra that it really wasn't everything ok. She was a bit confused about it. If the crystal that Aklenroth gave him was the problem that meant that they shouldn't have trusted him to begin with, just like Myra tried to tell both Darius and Skar.

Artemis was saying a lot of things, but Myra knew, both by her tone of voice and looking at her that she wasn't lying or that she was a bad person. For some reason, she seemed to be genuinely worried about Darius despite meeting him just recently. Even though Myra didn't understand most of the things she was saying, she did understand at least part of her message... Aklenroth wasn't someone they should trust... Something that Myra herself agreed with.

When she was about to get up and approach both Darius and Artemis though when they had finished talking, Artemis approached her to see the bed that Myra had wanted to show her earlier. Forgetting about the talk for a bit, Myra looked at her with a big smile on her face, glad that Artemis did like the bed. When she asked Darius about the bathtub though, Myra remembered that Artemis was a mermaid and needed water. Soon after, Darius said he was going out for a bit, probably he needed some time to think about all that. Myra looked at Darius with a worried expression as he said that, turning her head almost as if silently asking if he was ok, but she did understand he needed some time.

Without anything better to do and with a lot of things on her head to think about, Myra simply got back to the bed again, laying down to sleep a little and relax. When Darius came back she would try to calm him down and see if he was ok.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Edena
Interaction: @13org Myra and @Potter Artemis

Vessia was the name of the demon Darius had met in the dining area. She came off as a much more conservative individual. Short and direct in her answers, but delivered them with a soft tone. As she provided a meal to him, Darius asked about what she thought of Aklenroth. The demon claimed to be indifferent to the Lich King and that many demons felt the same. Aklenroth had essentially conquered the demons by defeating their queen and mother, Lilith and sealing her away. Most demons accepted this as power is a law amongst their kind, but there were few that couldn't stand to lose their mother and still despise Aklenroth for it. Darius was honestly intrigued by the history he was hearing from Vessia.

Skar had shared what she could about Avalia to him, but there were times she lacked knowledge or lacked the drive to share the information. Vessia however had a well of knowledge… a well that never smiled or frowned at him. Her neutral stance on things was almost relieving, so relieving that he went ahead and asked her about Malgormuun. What Vessia told Darius… changed things.

Once Darius returned to the bedroom, he found Myra still loving the soft bed and Artemis sleeping in the bathtub. Her pink tail was hanging limply over the edge.

"What the… I guess that's what's comfortable for mermaids… sirens." Darius almost whispered the last word with how softly he said it. He noticed Artemis' head was resting where the wall and the edge of the tub met. "Probably not that comfortable." Darius made his way to Myra with a smile to show that he was in a good mood. He grabbed a pillow from the bed and carried it to the tub. Then he gently propped it under Artemis' head. "Good night, Artemis." He said softly before making his way back to the room and dressing down. "Myra. Remember when we first met?" Darius plopped down on the bed beside her. "It was kinda like this... We were out in the forest instead and you poked and pinched me until I woke up tho…" He faced Myra with a warm smile. "This is the more comfy version..." Darius then softly pinched Myra's cheek. "Where I poke and pinch you!"

Darius cherished these moments where he could forget about what was going on and talk to Myra. At times he wished she could talk back to him. Tell him what she thinks of things or about herself. How old was she and how did Aklenroth know about her? Why does she not have anyone? Why can't she speak? Darius was sure not even she knew why. He grasped her hand and squeezed it. Everyone he had met had their motives and stakes in this world. Some were upfront while others concealed their intentions, but Darius knew that Myra was there for just him and he appreciated it more than anything that this world had to offer.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago


One full day and an afternoon into the third day after our week skip
Ball Day

The clock strikes 4 pm on the day of the lich's masquerade ball, located in the grand hall of Roshmi in the center of the fortunate demihumans. Only one more hour remains before the ball will commence. Folks of all species who were able to afford the thirty ama tickets now are finishing up readying their appearance in fine gowns and masks, a task some have spent all day on. Masks are required for the event. Events of such nature were held with great respect and happened very infrequently.

The masks will be a great advantage for you, humans, but also potentially make finding each other more difficult. It is imperative some of you find each other before the wrong people do. Spend the next hour preparing, humans. You're in for more than just one dance and you're not the only ones with a plan prepared.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Location:Kyran's Home


Two nights ago, Risa had run into Corvina and Rei outside and the three had been able to exchange information and get to know each other a bit. A plan was devised for Risa, Elsea, and Kyran to meet with Corvina, Rei, Malachi, and Kenia the following day. The morning of that day before the two groups met, Risa had to give a tearful goodbye to Dionaea in hopes she'd get well soon. Hades was to lead her back to the Flower Fairy Kingdom. A fairy had accompanied him on his trip to Roshmi to fetch Dionaea and brought Risa a very special crate containing the dress of her grandmother, one that much of the older fairy folk and even some non-fairy folk were familiar with. She had to think about wearing it for a while but eventually did decide it would be her decision and she'd be upfront with her lineage.

The groups were then able to speak to each other for a short time period somewhere secret in order to discuss plans. Risa found most of them to be nice but she thought Malachi was a bit cold and distant. However, she felt she could trust them. They decided that Kyran and Elsea would aid Risa in a secret plan whilst Kenia's group would concentrate on locating other humans as well as allies and spreading information for them all to meet in a port town up to the northwest that could be located by following the coastline west from Roshmi. The more humans and allies they could get together, the better. They were going to need numbers.


Risa stared at herself in the mirror, her gems on her gown shimmering under the light. Kyran's mother stood behind her, giving her a complex hairstyle with braids that kept her hair back away from her face and carried a regal elegance. However, the dress was what Risa couldn't keep her eyes off. It was one of the most beautiful things she had ever worn.

She'd stick out like a sore thumb and be making a bold statement to emulate her grandmother, the former queen of River Kingdom. Surely, many would pick up on it. Risa was not going to turn back. This was a risk she was willing to take. They were trying to push her into hiding as they feared the power of who she was and Risa would not hide that any longer. She was going to put herself out there and she was ready. Many statements had been made by the enemy and it was time to move her chess piece.

As Kyran's mother put on her headpiece, her eyes locked with her reflection, her eyes framed by a sparkling, gem mask. The girl who spent her days shopping and fooling around stood there no longer. Whether she liked it or not, she was helping to lead a war and there were lives on the line. Every move was critical from here on out. She thanked his mother and moved to find Kyran and Elsea within the home to see how far along they were to being ready.

Dionaea, Jean, Cloud, Helio... I won't give up. Don't worry.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: Edena
Interaction: @13org Myra, @Potter Artemis, @Eviledd1984 O'ner (mentioned), @Tae Azriel (mentioned), @Alivefalling Aklenroth (mentioned)

Preparation for the Ball

If the first day on Daka hadn't been a long one, the next day made sure to make its claim. Kol started Darius early for training, right before breakfast. This time, Darius avoided getting pummeled as badly as the previous day due to Malgormuun increasing his physical capabilities. Throughout the day, Darius remained friendly to Artemis despite what was said about her. He even carried her in his arms to help her get around since her ability to walk wasn't the best.

Then came the time to stand before Aklenroth, king of Avalia. He wanted to see Artemis for himself as well as introduce Darius to some of the prominent figures of his military. During this time, Aklenroth shrouded himself by wearing a cloak and employing a mysterious fog that provided more concealment around his figure. Darius was sure Artemis and Myra showed their aversion to the Lich King, while he stood firm.

One of those introduced was the tall and quiet General O'ner Faister, an undead who could change his form. Darius knew Myra wouldn't be a fan, so he kept his distance from him. Another was a large floating menacing demon known as Umber. Darius kept his distance from that guy too, because fuck that! Keeping his distance did limit the view of what Darius could only describe as an angel with black wings. Her name was Azriel, Umber's partner. They held no official rank and were simply referred to as Wraiths. Even if Umber was absent, the woman's amused grin was something to be wary of. Lastly, there was a red-headed light elf that was an outlier to the others in appearance, General Airdan Vasys in his radiant armor that resembled quality silver. He and Darius seemed to get along immediately as the man seemed excited to be helping Darius and his friends prepare for a ball that was supposed to have key players of the rebellion in attendance. Darius was informed that it was unlikely for any humans to show at the ball, but it was possible. Darius' job was to identify rebel figures using himself as a means to draw them out. He was also briefed on not giving away their allegiances or identities.

Once that was over with, it wasn't Kol who was the babysitter, but Airdan. He was kind of a breath of fresh air compared to Kol, though Artemis still scowled at him from time to time due to him being an elf. Airdan took the group south in an amora to Moon Elf Village to meet with a tailor he knew of. The trip proved to be interesting for many reasons. People stared at Darius and Myra but kept their mouths shut as they were in Airdan's company. The most eventful moment was finding Myra something to wear, but in due time the group figured out what worked best for the demon. And despite Artemis' reluctance to leave Moon Elf Village, she chose to stick with Darius and Myra. The group spent time shopping in the village's market while waiting for the completion of their outfits and masks. Darius managed to purchase a memory glass and get a haircut before the group returned to Daka. Up until leaving for the ball, Airdan tried to instill as much knowledge on ball etiquette as he could as well as how to dance to the music that would be played at the ball. Aidan proved to be a great help and a real standup guy, even if it was all an act.

Day of the Ball

Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Amora headed to Roshmi City
Interaction: @13org Myra, @Potter Artemis

"This day came around way too soon. I still need to get used to these ears." Darius tugged on his pointed ears a few times as he sat in the amora flying smoothly over Avalia. Everyone was dressed and ready to attend. All they needed to do was arrive and partake.

"Don't fret Darius. You are going to fair well if you follow my lead… Red irises, dark skin, and that sparky personality give you quite the exotic appeal. And with the precious Myra at your side, many may consider you a demon yourself. A demon couple with…" Airdan looked to Artemis. "...their servant? It makes the most sense. That or a slave, but your beauty at this moment makes that seem unbelievable at best." Airdan was a flatterer. Humility was easy to play for an elf who had nearly all he could ever want.

"Demon couple?" Darius looked at Myra with a questioning as if to ask if she was okay with it even though she might not have even completely understood Airdan's words. "Want to be my date?" Darius presented both of his index fingers apart and then pushed them together. He wasn't sure if Myra would understand. He honestly didn't even know if Myra could be intimate. She was intelligent, just… Tarzan and Jane made it work, so why couldn't we… No. Myra is my… I don't know. She's my friend so I shouldn't think like that, right? For some reason, seeing her with her outfit on made him see her differently at the moment or maybe it was just Airdan's words getting to him.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago


Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Roshimi City

Killing your own kin was a despicable act to Xenelith. To have the blood of your own people on your hands constituted a terrible sin in his eyes. Something utterly unforgivable. Yet the day after he warned the City-Guard captains, that very afternoon, he had stood on a platform amid a large plaza. The crowd had gathered and he had given his little speech about security and betrayal. One of his Guard-Captains had failed to straighten himself and his people out. It was then thus that he had to prove his words to be true and prove he did. With a grand blade and one fell swoop, the Dark Elf’s head rolled off his shoulders. After that, he retreated into what he had turned into his sanctum. To meditate. Yes, he had done something that could not be forgiven. He did not want forgiveness. He was already doomed three years ago. He settled for peace of mind. Knowing that what he did was necessary. That the sins he committed would be his and his alone to bear. That truth kept him going now. Even in his darkest times when his companion whimpered out from the crystal hanging around his neck. Not once did he think of removing it. These were his hardships to bear.

But then the day of the ball had come and the city still stood. A testament to his own ability to instill order in the chaos. Would it last? Probably not. The ball would be suspiciously devoid of Dark Elves as well. Xenelith had sent the richest and most influential ones away. Under the guise of vacation or business elsewhere. Meanwhile more and more reinforcements had arrived. The Commander had turned the city-guard inside out. Posting them on exit points like sewers or gates. Checking everyone who was leaving yet not caring who entered. When the city would burn, the rats would flee right into his trap.

“Close them.” Xenelith commanded. He stood not in his sanctum but within a shop. Several Dark Elves of his own cohort were stationed outside with hands on their weapons. They would not abide rioters. The shop itself was that of a tailor. One of the greatest tailors in Roshmi. The place was filled with the finest silk and dyed wool. The tailor himself was working tirelessly on refining Xenelith’s ball clothes. It was an intricate black tunic. Yet not so intricate that it would stand out from the rest. Most certainly some peacocky demi-human would easily outdo himself. Let him, thought Xenelith. What was vanity in the face of complete destruction?

Before him stood a rather more refined black cat demi-human. “Excuse me?” She said. “I’m sorry I think you just said… close the Transport Centers?”

“I am not in the habit of repeating my orders,” Xenelith said. Eyeing down the demi-human. In the last 48 hours, everyone had become a lot more obedient. Though apparently not absolute obedient. “You have your task, now go. Make sure that by midnight tonight, there are no more vehicles to hop on at the centers. Or tomorrow I will have your fur as a rug.”

The demi-human swallowed deeply and removed herself from the shop. The tailor, an older demi-human gentleman, did not seem to care. Not until Xenelith moved. “stop fussing.” He said as he straightened the Dark Elf out again. Xenelith didn’t move anymore. Twenty minutes later he came out of the shop. There was one more vitally important difference on him: his hair was dyed entirely ashen white.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Edena, Daka Island
Time: 4pm
Interactions: Darius @FunnyGuy and Artemis @Potter

Summary of the last two days

After the talk Artemis, Myra and Darius had two nights ago, Myra spent more time than usual watching Darius. Even though it was boring to simply watch him, she was still a bit worried about him and what was said by Artemis. He spent a lot of time training with a lot of different people. Most of the times, Darius was always incredibly tired and exhausted after the training. She still didn't understand very well what exactly was happening or why Darius, despite being a human, was helping Aklenroth to fight against them, but she wouldn't simply abandon her friend and run, even though deep inside, was what her mind was telling her to do. The fact that she didn't trust Aklenroth was a given though, as it became evident when Darius, Artemis and Myra herself had to go see him again. It was clear to not only Darius, but anyone who looked at her that she was incredibly agitated, reacting to every movement, no matter how small, was made by those present in the room.

Not all moments were filled with puzzling, grim or worrisome thoughts though. Zorrah was still the same kind woman she had met in her first days and always loved to prepare her some food, many times making her taste different things which were, sometimes tasty and sometimes not. Myra had also managed to sneak outside the room a few times to explore and run around the castle. She did lose herself a few times, but she was always able to find the way back thanks to her sense of smell and her tongue. Ironically enough, no matter how fearsome of a predator Myra is or how silent she was when prowling, sneaking or even running, she wasn't being exactly 'discreet' or careful when exploring. A few times, statues and other decorations through the castle halls and corridors would be found either broken or missing a hand or something small. Not only that, but the day she sneaked inside the beautiful garden that was shown to her a while ago (despite the fact that it was told her to not enter), even though she was sure to not dig or do anything to make her presence obvious, in the next day, the maids and those who cleaned the castle would find a trail of mud and suspicious footprints, leading straight to Darius' room. There wasn't any doubts on who those footprints belonged though.

Day of the Ball

On an Amora, heading towards Roshmi City

It did take a good while and a lot of work to make Myra wear her cute outfit and her mask, especially the mask since it felt strange in her face, but the result was surprising, even for Myra herself, making her stop and look herself on the mirror when everything was finished. After a few moments of admiring her new 'appearance' it was almost as if she had forgotten her entire aversion to clothes, looking to Darius and Artemis with a smile in her face, giving a small hop and looking at her clothes, then at them, almost as if showing to them how pretty she was. Darius was too, incredibly different. The first time Myra saw him after he was ready for the ball, she was a bit wary and had to sniff him to confirm it was really him, since he was incredibly different. His eyes, his clothes and even his ears were different, it was almost as if he turned into a completely different person. She didn't knew how Airdan, the dark elf who was helping Darius to get ready, did that, but it was indeed almost as if Darius was a different person... On appearance, that is.

Despite that, Darius was still a bit worried about his disguise, judging by what he was saying and the tone of his voice. Airdan was saying a few thing to tranquilize him, looking at her and then Artemis. When Darius himself turned to Myra, repeating a word the elf had said which Myra herself didn't understand and making a gesture, putting his two index fingers together, she looked at him, confused. Myra didn't know what 'koupl' was, but the gesture he made was almost if he wanted two things to be together. Did he meant them? But they were already together, since Myra was always near him, right?

Still a bit confused, Myra looked to Airdan then to Darius, turning her head with a puzzled expression, before opening her mouth for a bit and then closing it, almost if she was trying to say something. She hesitated a few times, as if she was repeating the word in her head, practicing it or considering if she could even try or just keep silent.

"Koou...pl?" Myra said after a while, turning her head with a puzzled expression. It was the first time she had said anything. Her voice was surprisingly beautiful, if not a bit... 'wild' and exotic. The noticeably... 'exotic' traits in her voice were probably due to her sharp teeth, tongue or even her physiology... Or maybe because she was only trying to repeat the sounds she heard and because she really didn't use her voice for anything else than hissing or growling.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: 4 p.m.
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction with:

After a night of failing to locate any rebels, Umber found it best for he and Azriel to return to Aklenroth's castle in order to recollect themselves and prepare for the ball they would attend the following evening. Aklenroth had briefed the roles of himself, Azriel, and O'ner since they were conveniently available. That was the first time he caught sight of the other human aligned with Aklenroth. And to Umber's surprise, this human was just as interesting as Jack. Darius lacked Jack's malice and his bloodlust. His emotions were disgusting to the demon, but his company would raise the brow of any Avalian. A demon… no, two demons and it was said he had also been accompanied by an orc previously. Then there was the demihuman mermaid. Her emotions could be a treat. She held so much back that he was tempted to snatch her away. The demon decided against it, or perhaps he would pick another time to inflict pain on her.

At the moment, he stood at the entrance of the Roshmi Grand Hall in his chosen appearance for this occasion. Tasked with the duty of greeting guests, the demon needed to look presentable and Aklenroth used his magical prowess to make him so. Azriel despised his appearance, but he just instructed her to use his temporary look as fuel for her rage against the rebels when the time was right. The body he stood firmly in was that of an elderly light elf wearing black suit, a decorative gold vest, and a black and gold beaked mask that resembled that of a plague doctor. He definitely fit the bill of Azriel's most desired target.

Umber smiled with his new face. It had taken him hours, but he was able to become proficient in making desired facial expressions using his lips. He now knew why Azriel loved to smile. The expression seemed to increase his excitement. He'd greet the guests with a performance of joyful glee as he thought of the possibility of breaking one their minds into many pieces. Azriel was positioned within the grand hall as an early bird attending the ball.

"Are you as excited as I am Azriel? It is a rare occasion... Where our prey literally walks into our grasps... How easy this will be… I will be sure to whisper to you and the others of the most delicious guests in attendance… Perhaps we will finally see Elsea… my next potential project."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

LOCATION: Roshmi City

The demoness spent the last day hanging around with her newfound friends. The addition of the timid Ilan and his stoic companion was not in her original plan but she decided to just roll with it. She figured that she might have a use for the duo. She wasn't going to lie though, she honestly did enjoy spending time with them. It was a huge breath of fresh air for Sakura to be able to communicate with people who's vocabulary wasn't limited to the likes of 'kill' and 'murder'. Their group decided to individually get ready in preparation for the Ball and meet up there instead, assuming they could recognize each other with their masks.

Although, Sakura was beginning to get sick of Roshmi City. She missed the good old days, where Aklenroth would order her to do missions that allowed her to travel and explore other places to meet and kill new people. Instead, she's stuck in this huge and boisterous city with nothing to do except laze around. She even ordered her shikigami to postpone their mission until further notice. She didn't tell them why and she imagined they were secretly furious at her decision but Sakura's reason was simple: it was because of the Ball.

Grand events don't just happen regularly in Avalia and she wouldn't even think of one happening especially in the midst of the arrival of humans and the rebels becoming more active than ever. Still, who wouldn't say no to a chance of playing dress-up with fancy clothes? Sakura might even have the chance of meeting her soulmate at the Ball. Oh, just the thought of it made the demoness giddy with excitement.

Most importantly, however, all the citizens of Avalia knew this event was spearheaded by Aklenroth the Lich King. She knew her father has something up his sleeves especially when everyone and their mother were attending it, including the humans and the rebels. She wondered what her father had in store not just for them but for everyone going there.

'This just keeps getting better and better!', Sakura thought to herself as she prepared for the Ball.

She liked to think her outfit for the Ball was very different compared to the other women attending it, but she didn't care because she fell in love with it the first time she laid her eyes on it. Sakura thought it perfectly captured her aesthetic, was very pretty without trying too hard, and she felt very beautiful in it so she didn't care if she looked different to the rest.

After fixing the flowers on her shoulders, Sakura turned to the elf at the corner. "Well, Utsuro? How do I look?"

Utsuro wasn't the name of the elf as it was the name of one of Sakura's shikigami. Utsuro just used the poor elf as a channel of communication between it and its Master. Its completely grey, lifeless eyes looked at Sakura and the elf bowed as it spoke like someone was speaking through a big and hollow cave, its voice booming and echoing. "You are beautiful as ever, Master."

"Figured you would say that." Sakura cheerfully said as she continued to fix her outfit. Utsuro spoke again through its channel. "Master, about the mission-". She raised a finger to silence it and Utsuro became respectfully quiet. "I understand all of your frustration. I know you were all looking forward to helping me and to fulfill your duties but I ask that you all trust me. Besides, have I let any of you down?"

Utsuro's channel looked down. Despite not showing any emotion, it seemed to give a look of apprehension. While they knew their Master was very merciful and kind, they knew they should not push her any further. "No, Master. You were always generous to us as you have taken good care of us all these years. We owe you a huge debt of gratitude."

"Thank you for your acknowledgment. In fact, all of you should go get ready by now. The Ball will be happening in an hour tonight and even I don't know what's going to happen there. Best if you all are prepared to join in the fun just in case. Forget your original mission, I'll deal with that on my own instead. Oh, and by the way, tell the siblings to call another one. That is all." Sakura said with a wink and a wave.

The channel's eyes widened and it bowed deeply to Sakura. It then left her room which allowed the demoness to fully finish her preparations. She put on her mask and she deemed herself ready for the Ball and whatever else lied ahead as she made her way to the grand hall.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 8 days ago

Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Cadence @Helo
Mentions: Sakura @baraquiel, Ilan @dreamingflowers

Summary of the last two days

Thanks to the coincidence of having encountered Regulus and Ilan, Ayita, Cade and Sakura were finally able to make more allies. They continued to use the greenhouse for their meetings, both regarding humans and fighting against Aklenroth and to just talk to each other. Thanks to Sakura's disguise too, Ayita was able to walk around Roshmi without many issues, saving the times some people were a bit too 'incisive' trying to hit on her, but Cade was quick to send them away whenever that happened. Cade also knew Roshmi very well and was able to guide her to many interesting and beautiful places. Knowing more not only about the city, but it's people and their culture was indeed an interesting experience for her.

Preparation for the Ball

Since Ayita's sense of 'fashion' wouldn't exactly be something that would be used in a high society ball, she resorted into trusting into the fashion sense of a good tailor. After asking around for a while and thanks to Cade's knowledge of the city, they were finally able to find a good tailor to order their clothes, after all, they simply couldn't hope to go undercover in Aklenroth's ball wearing something that would make them stand out like a sore thumb...

"Is it really good? I'm not really used in wearing formal clothes... They feel a bit... tight..." Ayita said, asking for the woman that worked on the store as she looked herself in the mirror, appreciating the beautiful dress. She couldn't help but feel that the woman she was looking at, the reflection in the mirror was from someone else, not Ayita. She would never use such formal dress normally. The mere feeling of having her movements restricted by the long dress would be uncomfortable for a free spirit like Ayita.

Despite the rather uncomfortable feeling of having her movements restricted by the clothes, it was undeniable that Ayita was really gorgeous in that dress. Even using the disguise spell Sakura had used on her, she was still beautiful. She gave a small smile as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, indicating with a nod to the girl that the dress was perfect.

"I can't wait to show this to Cade and Sakura!" Ayita said with a small giggle. It definitely wasn't something she would normally wear so it would certainly cause some surprised stares from both of them. Not only that but she was also curious about the clothes they would wear to the ball.

"Cade, I'm ready! Where are you?" Ayita said as she got out of the dressing room, looking for Cade. He had probably finished getting ready a while ago and should already be waiting for her.
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