Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks and Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Shaw Industries - The Training Room
Skills N/A

Leighton took a few deep breaths before she regained herself. As Polaris spoke, the words, the very same ones she had been thinking since she first stepped foot here, reverberated in her brain. She really couldn't trust anyone here. Magneto, the one who was supposed to train them, in a fit of anger, almost killed her. And she hadn't even been the one to piss him off!

Leighton glanced up as Max came over, seemingly feeling better now. "I'm fine. I'm fine, really. I want to help." Anastasia glanced over Max. She had intended to calm him down herself, but he managed to get a hold of his fear, taking care of the blasted bear too. Slightly impressive.

"We will need to leave now then if we have any hope of meeting up with them. They are being pursued so expect resistance. I hope the two of you can handle yourselves in a fight." She directed it more to Max. While she knew she had been, more or less, the cause of it, she also knew from prior experience with him that he was unmanageable and reckless. Leighton, at least, seemed to have a good head on her shoulders. And she handled herself in the training fight as best she could.

Leighton nodded. "Yeah, I can handle myself. Broke a dude's nose before. Where are we heading then?" She asked Polaris this, as it seemed the girl would be their de facto leader, at least for now.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 2:30 PM

The Training Room - Shaw Industries...

While Polaris was definitely the leader of the group, Sage was the one providing the mission details. "Their vessel should emerge along National Harbor with this course projection. You will want to use the Morlock tunnels to reach it. The streets are blocked off for the protest."

Polaris' eyes narrowed at the mention of the Morlock Tunnels, but she didn't say anything to tip her hand. "Got it," she replied to Sage. She carried a decent amount of knives on her at all times, making it easy for her to fight when it came to combat. "You got a map for us or are we relying on Siri?"

"Relaying the information to your mobile device now," Sage confirmed. A few seconds later, Polaris' phone beeped and she pulled it out, before nodding. It was a tracker and map combination, suspiciously looking as if it had been prepared weeks ago and not as a spur of the moment decision. As far as Polaris knew, the Morlocks had only been driven out of D.C. the day before - a decision she was not a fan of.

"Let's go, then," she told her team, heading out of the training room and to the elevator. Once inside, she pressed the button for the bottom floor, waiting for the others to join her.

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean...

"You act like I pay attention to what anyone fears. If I paid attention, I'd be worried if I were you, considering most of the time I tend to trap people within their nightmares, and that is the extent of me paying attention to fears. If I actually decided to pay attention to yours, then it would mean I would have at least tried more then once to keep you trapped in one. But since you don't seem to pay any attention to how anyone else works aside from yourself. You should also known how things work, and you can only depend on your self, are you really so naive to think that anyone truly has your back?" she said, though she did sound a little sad with the last words she spoke, almost as if she was referring to something else more than what happened to Jinx. Her voice was carrying down to where Jinx was, as Wanda continued to use her powers to enhance the speed of the ship.

"Twenty minutes out," Phoebe reported.

"Half the crew of the submarine were knocked unconscious," Sophie added.

"Keep on it, Jinx," Esme requested. "Sage has confirmed - a team will meet us at the rendezvous point."

The Dining Room - Mutant Underground Hideout...

Waverley's announcement instantly got Veil's attention. She snapped her head up, her eyes wide and it gave her a wild look thanks to her untamed hair. She had grown up at the Xavier's Institute and upon graduation, Professor X told her she didn't have the right attitude to be in the X-Men. But just as a student at the school, it was impossible to go without at least one encounter with the Brotherhood - and that meant Quicksilver. She knew that he had joined the team and as much as Veil believed in giving second chances to those who tried to earn them, she also was skeptical.

Quicksilver was Magneto's son. What if this was just an act? What if he was just a spy? And now, he was here, in their secret hideout? Xavier must have given him the location using Cerebro, as they had barely relocated here more than a few hours ago. Her mind was so frazzled that she barely processed the implications of the trackers before they were already destroyed, with Waverley thankfully misdirecting them beforehand. "Sapphire has a medical degree and James has a healing mutation, so I think those two have injuries covered," she told Glimpse diplomatically. Everyone had makeshift first aid experience from just surviving in her opinion, it didn't mean much.

"My gut tells me Sinister isn't as much a problem as the mutants themselves are," she then continued in a hushed voice. "Spark Plug - I need you here, watching them. If any of them get out of control... knock them unconscious, restrain them, and see if there's more of the medication we had to use for Magik on hand." She bit her lip, looking at a sobbing Nightcrawler speaking to a sympathetic and compassionate Colossus. Blink was hugging a small child, doing her best to take away their fear.

"I need to go see about Quicksilver and what Xavier wants - and where the hell is Sapphire?" Veil shook her head slightly, before heading into the entranceway.

Medical (Room 10, Second Floor) - Mutant Underground Hideout...

"You shouldn't waste your blood. There are starving children in Africa," Negasonic quipped dryly, standing in the doorway. Her eyes were a little bit red and misty, her mascara having smeared some as well. Her phone was still in her hand but she wasn't looking at it, staring intently at the injured parties (Sapphire and Havok).

"Do you think you could go one minute without a sarcastic comment?" Havok snapped hypocritically. "Go get the healing kid, James. Pronto."

"What's the magic word?"

"Now damn it!" Havok urged. Negasonic rolled her eyes and left the room, though Sunshine noticed that she was moving rather quickly. Negasonic seemed to care more for people here at the Mutant Underground than she let on, something Sunshine could understand. It was dangerous to get close to people, especially other mutants. They died all the time. They were hunted down like dogs. And then sometimes, they were just the worst like Max. If the world were ending and she had only one guess as to who was responsible, Max would be it.

And of course, since this is Sunshine's fantasy apocalypse trivia sweepstakes, she'd be right too.

"You could try cauterizing the wound," Magik mused, glancing over at Havok. "It would be painful, but it may be a better option than ice."

Sunshine raised an eyebrow. Magik was cool, in a sorta punk/Satanic way. She wanted to learn more about her and she also the inexplicable urge to get closer to her. The old Katy Perry song flickered through her mind and she turned bright red, averting her face from her fellow mutant as best as she could. She doubted Magik wore cherry chapstick anyways. She probably used something cool, like brimstone or solid blood. "Do you need us to get you anything?" Sunshine asked Sapphire awkwardly, her blush still prominent.

The Entranceway - Mutant Underground Hideout...

"Eh, who knows? There are so many superheroes around that it is hard to tell what names are and aren't taken," Pietro said with a shrug towards Waverly as she left the area. He decided based on what he was hearing from Casper, that it was probably better to ignore him for the moment. Hearing Cayden's words, he glanced over towards him. "Uh, no. Cause if you weren't just paying attention to what Waverly said I was sent to play messenger pigeon for Xavier. So sorry for dropping by unannounced or whatever."

Casper couldn't have been more delighted to hear what Jack offered him - a chance to escape. He couldn't recall the last time he had seen his father in person. Usually Xavier was a figure in his nightmares, typically some sort of stand in for the Devil. He once had dreamt that the founder of the X-Men had sold Casper to a zoo for an exhibit on the frightened, self loathing homo superior. What Casper would give to have had anyone else for a father...

"Yes please!" Casper exclaimed quickly. "Can James come too? He needs to take a shower - not that he doesn't smell wonderful but I don't think eau de Sinister is really working for him at the moment. It's just not vibing."

"Vibing?" Ben scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Slang is so weird... Can we go see a movie or something if we're heading out?"

"Ben wants to see a movie, too, so we should definitely do that," Casper added frantically, trying to think of more activities to take up even more time in order to avoid running into Professor X here. He especially didn't like the idea of his father messing around in his head, examining what progress (or lack thereof) he had made towards sobering up.

"A comedy - not action," Ben specified, as Veil entered the entranceway. She was silent for a moment, staring at Quicksilver like she really wasn't quite certain what to make of him. "So it's true then - you're with the X-Men," she began, only to nearly instantly be interrupted.

Negasonic had appeared at the top of the staircase. "James, Sapphire and Havok are bleeding to death and need you now!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: Healing Factor

Fantastic. Because a visit from someone who locks children in haunted houses and also commands the most well known mutant groups is exactly what they needed right now. Casper started to panic, understandably so, but before James could steer them away from that mess, Jack appeared and it was all James could do to thank his lucky stars. "I don't have to intrude." James said to Jack. Their last interaction wasn't exactly positive, even if Jack handled it with far more grace than James did, so he wouldn't have been surprised if Jack didn't want him in his private space even if he wanted to get away from Professor X too. Telepaths. "Passing out upstairs would probably be better for me anyways. I'm not sure how much longer I can stay vertical."

Everything was a struggle right now. He felt heavy and sluggish and he just wanted to move past this whole nightmare of a day. Did he want a shower, yes. Would he settle for disappearing into the void of unconsciousness? Absolutely. He was a little concerned that he wouldn't have much of a choice soon though and he'd rather be prepared for that when it happened. Of course, he took back what he thought when Nagasonic appeared. Apparently, exactly no one was looking out for them because frankly, James wasn't sure he had enough energy left in him to close a paper cut.

"Oh fuck me." James muttered because of course someone was bleeding out. He forced himself off of Casper, ignoring the disconcerning wobble, and gave Casper a gentle shove towards Jack. "Get out of here before you know who shows up. No need to have a shittier day than you've already had. Negasonic, would you mind giving me a hand up?" He smiled gratefully at her when she did and he tried his best to go as quickly as possible upstairs.

James didn't waste anytime, stumbling over to Sapphire. She was the first priority. Even in the event he couldn't get anyone else patched up, Sapphire was a doctor and she should hopefully be able to get them stabilized. He reached out hesitantly. He wasn't sure if he could handle someone else slipping through his fingers like that. He could feel his fingers trembling but he shoved that thought aside and focused. He felt the familiar sync and with a little bit of a push, he felt skin mend. He let out a sigh of relief even as a wave of dizziness washed over him but he turned to Havok next, repeating the process with reassuring ease. With those two patched up James sat heavily in the nearest solid clear surface even if it was the floor. He cradled his head in his hands as everything spun.

"Gotta go find something to eat soon." James said. "Between Glimpse and you guys, I don't think I'm going to stay awake much longer."

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Entranceway
Skills N/A

"I wouldn't be against you tagging along if you wanted to James," Jack told him with a bit of a shrug, considering the fact that his brother clearly wanted him to tag along. Sure, James had screwed up by giving Casper drugs, but he also hadn't known about that, so he wasn't going to hold that against him at all. He figured, now that he was hearing that Xavier was going to show up, that his brother was going to want to leave and get out somewhere else. Leaving the Underground to get away from Xavier for a little bit sounded like a great idea to him too.

"Well we've got a few other things that I need to do and deal with first, but eh, maybe later we can if you want to Casper see a movie, but I think you are just trying to stall for time or something with that one," he said to his brother, laughing slightly at him clearly trying to find ways to stall for time. Though in all honesty, it wasn't all too surprising that he wanted to stay away from Xavier, looking back on things now though, Jack was almost certain that Xavier had known that Sinister was his father, and that was a thought he wanted to go away. "There are a few things I want to talk to you about too by the way later..."


Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Medical -> Entranceway
Skills N/A

Sapphire didn't even really say anything before Negasonic showed up and commented about their blood loss. "Hahaha very funny Negasonic," she said to her with a small laugh, though what she hadn't expected was that Havok snapped at her about making a sarcastic comment. Havok of all people! Talk about hypocritical much right? Since usually he was the one making comments like that, snide remarks or cracking jokes. "Going to be blunt Havok, you are being a bit of a hypocrite," she said after Negasonic had left the room, before turning to look at Sunshine, "No kid, I don't need anything, just sitting here waiting to either slowly bleed out or to have the kid whose powers are healing to stop the bleeding. Since cauterizing the wound would be extremely painful, and I wouldn't be able to stitch up my own injuries just using a mirror..."

She didn't move much after saying that, until James came up more or less being somewhat carried it seemed like by Negasonic. So clearly they weren't the only ones who had gotten hit pretty hard by whatever had happened in the lab. Though she was incredibly glad that he had managed to heal her injuries so she wasn't going to die from a dinosaur bite. That certainly would have been an interesting obituary. Death by extinct reptile people would probably laugh. "Lay down, I'll see if I can find some food for you You probably shouldn't be moving about too much. I'm gonna see what the others are doing downstairs too," she told James and the others, before she left the room and headed off to see where Veil was.

"Hey Veil, so what's the plan now?" Sapphire asked her friend as she walked into the area, and she instantly noticed Quicksilver there. "Hey, its one of the Maximoffs... What the hell are you doing here?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room-- Washington D.C.

Luna watched Veil walk off after saying they didn’t need anymore help in the first aid department. She worried about James though, hoping he would be able to push through and help the others. He hadn’t been doing very well after he had healed her. Maybe it had something to do with her dying first and him having to bring her back from that. Curiously she wondered what his limits were when it came to raising the dead, like how long they had to be dead for before it was useless.
Luna walked over to Colossus and Nightcrawler, since she didn’t have anything else to do, other than beg Veil to go take a shower, she thought talking would be in order. ”Nightcrawler, can we talk for a minute?” she glanced at Colossus, not minding if he stayed. He had been there after all and he seemed to know Nightcrawler well. She wasn't sure how well this conversation would go but now that Luna wasn't freaking out from being stabbed and trying to get out of Sinister's lair without blowing herself up, she was a little more level headed and ready to talk to Nightcrawler and see what had happened to him and why he had been compelled to stab her. Was it because of the drugs or was it something else.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Enteranceway-- Washington D.C.

Cayden frowned, not fully sure he believed Quicksilver but it wasn’t his call. Veil walked in and he remembered his tasks. ”I’m not sure where Sapphire is. I’ll go look for her,” he told her, comfortable now with leaving since Veil was here to deal with the Brotherhood mutant. If he was working for the Brotherhood, why would he be delivering a message from Xavier, unless it was a trick. Cayden turned back and glared at Quicksilver before he heard Negasonic. She had come to the stairs, saying that Sapphire and Havok were dying and they needed James. James pushed off of Casper and headed that way but he was a bit unstable as he went.

Wait, did Veil say Quicksilver was with the X-Men? He’s with the X-Men? Since when?” Cayden asked in disbelief.

Sapphire came down the stairs, looking well a few moments later. The more people that joined him in the entranceway, made him feel slightly better about standing with an ex-Brotherhood guy. ”Apparently he’s here to deliver a message on Xavier’s behalf,” Cayden said, filling in Sapphire. ”How’s Havok?” he then asked, hoping everyone was okay other than being sleep deprived and hungry.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, the Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room
Skills: Empathy

Callie looked at Veil requesting her to remain here for the time being and watch over the mutants that were held captive by Sinister, and nodded slightly. "Alright, just be safe alright?" Callie said to her, she didn't like the idea of having Veil, and some of the others going over to Jack's place, who just so happened to be Sinister's son as well. "And call if shit hits the fan or something to." Callie told her, as she watched Veil heading off to the entryway of their new hideout, she didn't want to end up becoming the leader of the cell just yet either if something did happen to Veil if Sinister did decide to jump them. She looked at the others once more, Nightcrawler who was understandably upset and Colossus, and Luna going to him to see if he was alright.

She closed her eyes, as she tried to calm everyone in the room that they saved, but she couldn't really just taking the edge off of what had happened. "I'm going to go find the meds that you guys grabbed earlier." Callie said, as she got up and started to search around the room, before finding what she was looking for. She walked over towards Blink and the child that she was trying to comfort feeling sad for what happened. "Hey, here take this okay?" Callie said, she didn't have any water on her sadly and looked towards Blink for a moment. "Are you alright?" Callie asked her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ (Dining Room Entrance -> Entranceway)

Waverley flinched at Veil's reaction to her mention of Quicksilver being in the other room, the woman's fierce eyes pairing with her undomesticated hair to give off an air that was intimidating to the easily frightened teen. Her shoulders became tense, shrugging up around her ears, worried that maybe she’d said something wrong. But when Veil turned her attention away from her and instead to the others in the room, Waverley relaxed. She watched as the leader of the Underground adopted a commanding presence, telling Glimpse what she didn't need to do and telling Spark Plug what she did need to do. Waverley's eyes followed the frizzy-haired brunette as she walked through the room, right up to the moment that she passed Waverley to exit into the main hall.

It wasn't until Veil was gone that Waverley came to the realization that she had not been told what she needed to do, nor what she did not need to do. She straightened up from her position leaning against the door frame, looking to the familiar form of Colossus. Knowing him as a leader-like figure, her first instinct was to ask him what she could do to help, but when she saw him in what appeared to be an intimate conversation with the furry blue man they'd come back with, she decided it'd do more harm than good to interject for something so unimportant as what she should be doing. She wasn't sure where the others stood in the line of command, and besides, they all appeared to be busy among themselves, with Glimpse standing with Colossus over the blue mutant, and Spark Plug in conversation with Blink and one of the rescued kids. So, as she mentally berated herself for her lack of self-sufficiency, she turned around, following after Veil.

"Uh, Veil-" Waverley mumbled, but she quickly stopped speaking, her entrance having correlated with the Underground's collective reaction to the appearance of Pietro Maximoff - Pietro Stark? No, he wasn't a Stark yet, not until the wedding. As the other members spoke, primarily addressing the peculiarity of Quicksilver's presence, Waverley stood quietly a few meters behind Veil, radiating an energy akin to a lost puppy.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location:Shaw Industries: Training Room
Skills: Perception New Outfit

Relief washed over Max as Leighton said she was fine. Placing one hand over his heart as a sigh of relief left his chest and he closed his eyes. "That's such a relief to hear." His voice lowered as he leaned in a bit closer so that only Leighton could hear. "I really want to help too but...I have a feeling we're not wanted, and even more of a feeling that she'll get me killed ar some point." Max made a motion with his eyes darting them towards Anastasia to signify who he was talking about. He leaned back once more and gave Leighton a smile as Anastasia decided to speak for whatever reason. "I can handle myself just fine thank you. Granted that there isnt some worm wriggling around in my head. Whether you like it or not we'reon the same team here so unlessyouenjoy failure I suggest we work together and you stop trying to manipulate your teammatesminds. "

His attention shifted towards Sage as she called off their locations as well as any more information they might need. She mentioned taking the Morlock tunnels and a pang ran across Max's heart. His eyes glanced over towards Polaris' as he studied her to see how she felt on the matter. It was mentioned previously how she worked with the Underground and Max had seen they're shaky relationship with the Morlocks already. There was anger in her eyes, telling him she disapproved of what they had done to the Morlocks a few nights before. Max could sympathize with her, and truly wanted to learn more about her situation and how she got to be here. "Polaris. After this is all over mind if we talk a bit?" He shot her his most charming smile as he made his way to the elevator awaiting the others.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Guns!!!

Jinx begrudgingly sat in his chair as he grumbled to himself. "I do pay attention to how others works and they're fears. It's why I havent bothered trying to Jinx you or blast you or leave you behind in the Raft. You may not believe that people have your back but I do have your back and I'll help you no matter the cost. You may have the power to warp reality in ways others can't, but you still suffer heartache and betrayal like anyone else out there. Pietro should be ashamed of how he's making you feel and this Guin girl should watch her back as she's got a major target planted on it now." He muttered mostly to himself, not raising his voice loud enough for anyone to hear but just enough to vent out his frustrations to himself. The triplets, quadruplets? How many are there and who was that other one? Not important, what was important was that they were finally twenty minutes out.

"Thank Goodness! I cant stand this tin can anymore, but at least I have a few toys to play with in the meantime. And hey if you liked my previous show just see what I can do when I really try! Alright kiddos the warning shots are over. You decided to follow us even after such a hard hit? Biiiiig mistake." Jinx spun around in his chair and locked onto the vessel behind him. Firing one shot and hitting the hull while shooting off a second to give them no time to evade. The two blasts were enough to sink their submarine and destroy it and they're chances of catching them.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 2:45 PM

Outside Shaw Industries...

Polaris arched an eyebrow at Max, wondering what he was playing at. Everything about him was extreme. "Sure, kid," she ended up answering. "Try not to set anything on fire," she then added. Once they reached the bottom floor, she exited the building, immediately seeing the large crowds marching for Stryker. They were bearing anti-mutant signs and wore Purifier shirts. They had megaphones and little kids raised up into the air. "Fucking Christ..." Polaris cursed.

She quickly made her way over to the nearest alley, trying her best to keep her head down so that way her green hair wouldn't attract too much unwanted attention. Just as she was about to open up the sewer grate so they could descend down into the tunnels, a rock flew at her and hit her in the back.

"Hey, you!" a voice in a crowd jeered. "You aren't welcome here, fucking mutie scum!"

Polaris turned on her heel, her eyes blazing. "Oh you are going to regret pissing me off!" The sewer grate flew up from the ground and snapped into Polaris' hands, before she lobbed it at the crowd like a frisbee, knocking them to the ground. The metal disc then flew back up into the air as Polaris got ready for another blow.

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean...

"Good, I can't stand to be in this machine any longer myself." Wanda muttered, still using her powers to enhance their speed. "Wonder whose going to be on the team that meets us there, just pure curiosity on my part.

"Actually, I can answer that," Phoebe said with a smirk, walking over towards where Jinx was manning the torpedos and the corridor where Wanda was. They both would be able to see her. "Your darling sister - not the one who betrayed you all for S.H.I.E.L.D. No, the bipolar one - Polaris."

"Oh? What is Lorna doing? Thought she much like the rest of my family it would seem was off playing hero. This certainly does make for an interesting situation now doesn't it?" she mused at the thought, nodding her head slightly in response to her.

The submarine began to slow finally as they reached the Washington D.C. Waterfront. Sophie joined Phoebe, leaving Esme to continue to pilot the sub. Shaw had his yacht, the Luxury, parked at the waterfront so they could wait there until the team meeting them arrived. "Right, daddy dearest didn't tell you - Polaris joined the Hellfire Club," Sophie explained. "He named her the White Rook, his second in command."

"She's what?" Wanda said, sounding more then a little bit annoyed with that news. Unlike Lorna, she had been by their father's side the entire time, and he named Lorna as the White Rook? She said nothing more regarding it, but it was more then a little bit obvious that this seriously bugged her.

"Relax, Wanda - I'm certain you're still his favorite," Phoebe reassured her with a smirk.

The Dining Room - Mutant Underground Hideout...

Colossus glanced over at Glimpse, surprised that she wanted to talk to Kurt - and a little bit worried. She hadn't made the most favorable impression on him of the newcomers to the Mutant Underground. "Kurt, do you want me to stay?" he asked his friend gently.

Kurt shook his head, taking shuddering breaths. "I will speak to the fraulein alone, Piotr..." he told him softly.

Colossus hesitated, before nodding and he stepped away, heading over towards where Spark Plug and Blink were working with the kids. The kid gulped down the pill from Spark Plug without needing water, as if they were used to routinely dry swallowing medicine. With the work done on them by Mister Sinister, they probably were.

"...I thought hiding with the Morlocks was the answer," Blink admitted to Spark Plug. "I can't help but wonder if I hadn't left the Atlanta Underground, if I had stayed... Maybe I would've been able to do something to help," she sighed. "I come from a long line of some seriously messed up mutants... I should try to give back, to right their wrongs... To at least protect kids."

Medical (Room 10, Second Floor) - Mutant Underground Hideout...

As James brought up the mention of food, Sunshine's stomach started growling. She couldn't remember the last thing she had eaten for a moment. Had it been food at the Cherry Bomb earlier? Her mind went to fantasies of chicken fingers and french fries, of cherry cokes and apple pies. She wanted nothing more than to eat everything in sight like a human Pac-Man. "Get me something too!" Sunshine called out after Sapphire, as she left to go find some food for James.

Havok was quiet for a moment, before he clapped James on the shoulder. "You're a real bro," he told him, giving him a grin. He didn't consider James to be a newcomer anymore. He was part of this crazy family and from this minute onwards, Havok decided he would be there for James if he needed him, no questions asked. "I owe you one - I'll see if we can get you something better to eat than whatever's lying around here."

"You mean dead rats?" Negasonic quipped.

"They taste better than spiders, at least," Magik replied. "...I'm going to go talk to Piotr," she announced, leaving the room. She knew that she had been brushing Colossus off and she probably owed him a little bit of an explanation. She loved her brother, even if she didn't show it.

"James, here," Sunshine then spoke up. She had cleared off a dusty cot of sorts for him - it was the closest place they had in here for him to sleep. Sunshine had grabbed one of the blankets set aside for the sick too and she held it up for him, figuring he could use it to keep himself warm.

The Entranceway - Mutant Underground Hideout...

"What do you think Jack wants to talk to you about?" Ben asked, a little bit curious. Quicksilver hadn't really given up any new information, whereas Jack was being fascinatingly melodramatic. Casper shrugged at his un-dead friend in response. He had no idea what Jack was going on about. Maybe he needed some recommendations on how to stop using so much Axe body spray? Or maybe he was going to ask Casper for ideas on where to find the best raves in D.C.?

"Sure, Jackie," Casper said. "And Ben really does want to go to a movie, I'm not lying about that."

Pietro thought for a moment before he held up his hands and looked like he was counting something, before responding to Cayden's question. "For 1 year, 8 months and 2 days, since the Hansen Power Plant blew up, joined them then after the whole debacle," he said with a bit of a shrug before he pulled out yet another Twinkie and offered it to Veil, "Want one? I always stash a bunch of food around since super speed and a normal amount of food do not mix at all. Anyway, as I was telling Waverley here, Xavier is going to stop by later to essentially check up on what you people are doing or something like that. I don't know, wasn't really paying attention since since the old man tends to drone on and on about everything."

Veil jumped slightly, seeing Sapphire come down the stairs, drenched in blood. It was a horrific sight and Veil instantly felt responsible for it. She had been the one to lead Sapphire on the mission into hell. Her brain short circuited from pure stress and guilt for a moment, before she realized she needed to say something to Quicksilver. "I'm good, thanks," she told him with a forced smile. She didn't even hear Waverley try to call her attention from behind her.

Her eyes narrowed for a moment, sizing Pietro up. "I need a favor from you, however. As you can tell, my family's been through a lot in the last few hours," she began. She was taking a leap of faith here. Xavier trusted him and she trusted Xavier. "I need you to go buy a bunch of pizzas and beer," she told the speedster. She wrapped the money in invisible energy and yanked it out from Jack's pocket, the bills flying into her hand. To those who didn't know her, it wouldn't look all that different from telekinesis.

"$200 should cover it," she said, holding out that amount to Pietro.

"Uh, sure, I can do that, give me a few minutes, be back soon," he said, before he took the money she gave him and he took off in a flash.

Casper couldn't help but giggle slightly. "You just made Magneto's son be your delivery bitch!" he exclaimed. The giggling didn't stop. It was infectious and Casper's body just couldn't fight it off. He stumbled backwards slightly until he was up against the wall, still just laughing his head off at the image.

"Sapphire, mind giving me an update on... well, the blood?" Veil asked, ignoring Casper.

There was suddenly a gust of wind as Pietro came back, stacks of pizza were in one of his hands, easily balanced and not falling, and stacks of beer as well as soda for some of the younger kids in the other, still not falling. "Here you go, just got standard cheese and pepperoni pizzas, and figured some soda for the younger ones around here who can't legally drink and what not," he said as he set them down.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: N/A

“Thanks.” James said as Sapphire left, his attention turning to Havok at the touch to his shoulder. He returned Havok’s smile with as much of one as he could muster at the moment. “You don’t owe me anything dude. We’ve got to look out for each other here, right? Not like anyone else is going to do it for us. I’m just glad you were in good enough condition for me to patch you back together.” James shook his head. “That being said, I’m definitely not above that food offer but don’t work too hard at it. Apparently, Professor X is stopping by and I can only imagine that’s going to cause some ripples here shortly.”

His smile got a little bigger at Sunshine’s direction, hauing himself off the floor and onto the cot. “Thanks, Sunshine. I really appreciate it.” James said sincerely as he took the blanket from her and wrapped it around himself. He took a moment to look over here, checking for injuries but he didn’t see any. A little guilt shot through him when he realized he hadn’t checked in with her since the whole Morlocks incident. She’d finally found a place and chose to take their mark only to have it torn away from here. “How you holding up in all this, Sunshine? It’s been a fast, exhausting couple of days. I didn’t realize when we ran from the police we’d get caught up in all this but here we are. Saving mutants and kicking bad guys’ ass. Well, you guys are doing the kicking. Probably better than I could.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks and Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Shaw Industries - The Training Room -> Outside Shaw Industries
Skills Morality Manipulation (Ana), Ice Manipulation (Leighton)

Leighton stood up, brushing herself off. "I'm fine. Let's get going." She said it a little harsher than intended, but if she was going to go along with this she needed to be stronger. Better. Polaris' words, while hard, were true. She couldn't trust anyone really. She trusted Max, but who else did she have? She trusted Erg before and now he was gone. She couldn't even trust her own family and that was a bitter pill she'd have to swallow soon if she had any hope of surviving.

Ana merely smirked at Max's words. "Say what you will, little worm, but I barely had anything to do with that. It's surprising how some people, with just a little push, show their true colors. It's almost like I'm not needed. But I'm sure the both of you will figure that out eventually." With that, both Leighton and Ana went on the elevator and down to the alleyway.

Once there, Leighton heard someone call out to them, the term "mutie scum" almost slipped past her. Protestors on the street began coming towards them. Polaris turned on her heel and before Leighton could stop her, she picked up the grate and flung it at the man, knocking him to the ground. "We don't need to fight to confirm their fears!" Ana merely shook her head. "As I said, a simple push." With that said, Ana entered the minds of two of the protestors, shifting their morals around. Once out, they began fighting the others. "That'll stall them, but not for long."

Leighton ran forward, forming an ice blockade to fill the alleyway. It would be hard to cross and, hopefully, they would be well enough away when it dissipated. "That will stop them. Let's get going before it melts." She walked towards the opened grate, waiting for the others, especially Polaris, to go in first. She would not see them continue to fight humans. If she wanted Genosha to succeed, it meant that humans would not be intentionally harmed also, even if they threw around curses and insults.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Entranceway -> Outside
Skills N/A

Jack rolled his eyes slightly at Casper's comment about Quicksilver. He wasn't one to really judge though, and if Quicksilver decided to go off and play hero then so be it, he could if he wanted to. "Come on Casper, let's go," he said to his brother, before grabbing him by the arm and dragging him outside, figuring that he wanted to be far away from Xavier. Once they were a little ways away, he let go and turned to look at him. "So... We've got a few things to talk about... Which would you prefer? The weird, the bad or the really bad?"

Casper thought for a moment. "If this is about your lack of a dating life, I could set you up with Pillboy? He's pretty cute. And I'm sure he'd like your entire bad boy thing you've been branching into."

"This is actually serious Casper, and has nothing to do with my dating life at all so stop joking around!"

"Alright, alright, it'll break Pillboy's heart but he'll find love again...."

"Casper... Okay, going to start with the really bad part and get it out of the way... Would have told you this earlier but you kind of were high so... David got kidnapped, and they nearly kidnapped Val too, but Val's with SHIELD now and I had to make arrangements for her to be moved from their custody..."

Casper's eyes widened and somehow, his face paled even more. "....Dave's gone?"

"Yeah... I found that out right before we went to Sinister's lair..."


Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Entranceway
Skills N/A

"Well I mean, he's still a bit of an idiot, so based on that, I suppose he's doing alright," Sapphire said with a shrug towards Cayden. She wasn't too sure what to think about Quicksilver being there, and today seemed to be a day for throwbacks to her days with X-Factor, first Lady Mastermind, and now Quicksilver. Her attention turned towards Veil, and she thought for a moment about the best possible response to the question about the blood. "Three words: Velociraptor's chew toy."

"....Come again?"

"My neck was quite literally used as a dinosaur's chew toy... And not going to be rewatching Jurassic Park anytime soon."

"...Good to know, good to know."

"Yup, 10 out of 10 would not recommend,, oh, and we ran into Sinister at one point and I might have accidentally stabbed Havok with a bunch of pieces of ice... So yeah, we've had a grand ole time, how'd things go with you people? While we were dealing with dinosaurs and all that fun stuff." she asked, glancing around at everyone else and more or less ignoring Quicksilver's existence at the moment. The guy was more then a little bit annoying in her mind then anything else.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, the Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room

Callie watched Nightcrawler and Glimpse for a moment, wondering what the two of them were going to talk about, though Glimpse did have a really bloody shirt which didn't look good at all. But she was pretty sure that James managed to heal her at some point during their mission in Sinister's lair. She turned her attention back towards Blink, seeing the little kid dry swallowing the pill she had done it a few times and it's not really fun without any water. "If you ever need some kind of help let me know, I joined the Underground initially so that way I could help the little man. I wasn't really good enough to be an X-Man anyway in the first place." She said to her, the DC cell pretty much was her family now at this point and she'd do anything to protect all of them.

"I'm sure that the Atlanta Cell would take you in still, if I remember right Polaris is missing to from what Veil said earlier." Callie suggested, she reached out and gently patted the kid on the head and smiled sadly and probably had gone through a lot while in Sinister's lab. Callie slowly got up to her feet looking at Colossus and gave the big guy a friendly smile, she was glad that he was doing alright as well. "I should give these to the others." Callie said as she started to hand the drugs out to the other mutants that were saved.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room-- Washington D.C.

Luna watched Colossus walk away and sighed a little before she looked over at Nightcrawler. ”About earlier, I know I was rather harsh but my main concern was getting us all out of there and not accepting an apology from someone who just stabbed me. That being said, I’m alive and incredibly grateful for it and I do accept your apology and don’t hold anything against you for it. I’ve been mind controlled before but nothing what you are going through I’m sure but if there’s someway I can understand better, please let me know. I’ll admit I am curious about the whole ordeal, what it felt like, were you consciously aware or completely taken over... . When you’re ready to talk, I’m eager to listen,” Luna confessed.
She gave Kurt a small smile before she looked away and could smell pizza. Her stomach grumbled loudly in response and she put a hand over it in the hopes that would silence it. She was glad they had found some money at Sinister’s lab. A good meal would be excellent for everyone. ”In the meantime, is there anything we can do for you? Someone we can call or anything?” Luna asked, looking back at Nightcrawler. Of course she assumed he was probably hungry, as was everyone in this building but if there was anything else he needed, she would try to accommodate as long as it was within her power to do so.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Entranceway-- Washington D.C.

Cayden eyed Quicksilver and his impressive numbers of when exactly he switched sides. He knew of that explosion and new DC had briefly lost power because of it. It hadn’t been a little thing. His eyes widened when Quicksilver mentioned Professor Xavier was going to be coming here. The X man himself. First Captain Britain's daughter and now this. Cayden felt as if he had died and gone to heaven.
He looked at Veil when she asked the speedster to do a favour for them. Well, if Veil was comfortable with Quick, then so was Cayden. While Quick was gone, Cayden just kind of stood there with the group, his tasks were now completed with James having gone to help Sapphire and now she was standing with the rest of them. He smiled when Waverley joined them and gave her a bit of a wave before Quicksilver came back with food, pop and beer for the older mutants. ”I’ll take a couple of these to the kids,” Cayden volunteered and took a couple of pizzas and some pop from Quicksilver once he was stable. ”Thanks Quick!” he said cheerily before heading into the room with most of the kids to deliver them sustenance.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - (Entranceway -> Medical)

As Waverley quietly waited behind Veil, her she saw Cayden, a smile finding itself on her face at the sight of him. She lifted her hand, returning the wave. Her smile quickly faded, though, as a surprised expression fell over Waverley's face, hearing Veil ask Pietro to grab them some pizza. This was her life now. Her boss was the kind of person who could casually ask a famous superhero - and a soon-to-be Stark - to make a food run, and have him accept. It was a lot to take in. Of course, stranger things had happened in her short time there, but that little gesture was like a bow that wrapped around all of it.

Waverley's eyes flitted to Sapphire as she recounted what had happened to her and by extension, Waverley assumed, the rest of Gamma Team as well. She felt a twinge of guilt as the silver-haired woman spoke, though she knew that the guilt was entirely unreasonable. Waverley knew that, even if she had been there, there was nothing she could've done to protect her peers from actual, living, breathing dinosaurs. But that didn't do anything to push away the feeling inside her. It was like she was guilty that she didn't suffer right alongside them. She turned her gaze downward, before her attention was caught by the gust of wind entering the room. Quicksilver stood back before them, arms full of pizza, the scent of which caused Waverley's stomach to grumble. Her brain didn't feel like eating, not with the near-constant knots in her stomach, but it seemed like her body thought otherwise. But she knew that she didn't come first - the heroes returning from their mission did. She stepped forward, grabbing one of the pizza boxes out of Pietro's hands.

"Thanks," she mumbled, a small polite smile on her lips as she gave the young man a nod. Without saying anything more to him or anyone, she took the pizza and marched up the stairs. It didn't take long for her to find the others, the room they were in being the only one on the second floor with voices coming from it. As she neared the door way, her shoulders tensed. She tentatively entered. Not many people were still there; just James, Sunshine, Negasonic, and Havok. She lifted the pizza box up slightly, offering it out to them. "We got some pizza, if you guys want any," she started, unsure on where the group stood with her. She couldn't tell if they were upset that she wimped out, so she decided it'd be best if she acknowledged it rather than waiting to see their reactions. "Sorry for, uh, bailing earlier. When we got assigned the mission, I mean."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location:Shaw Industries: Training Room > Sewers
Skills: New Outfit

Max opened his mouth, and then closed it. Wanting to make a remark on her comment about fire and then choosing just to let it go. His powers were untamed and uncontrollable at times. He knew this, and yet everyone he met managed to only jeer him about it rather than help him gain control. Leighton was different in that respect, she understood and she didn't make remarks on his failures. Max simply smiled and nodded at the green haired mutant, dropping the facade as soon as their backs were turned. For a split moment he recalled James, how he also tended to look on the other side of Max's powers and had mentioned how difficult it must be to have his skillset. A pang of guilt hit him as he wondered how the cheery healer was doing.

Once outside that all changed. The protesters were loud and obnoxious. Their cheering rants reminding him of the night he was forced to flee home from persecution. Max's fists tightened in nostalgic anger as he heard the words "mutie scum" just as he did back then. Polaris was quick to act and launched a heavy disc of sewer grate at the crowd, Anastasia following suit by forcing two people to fight and quickly changing Max's ire towards them. "She's right. We don't have to become the monsters they perceive us to be. They can take the low ground, we can take the high." Ironic given the fact they were literally about to enter the sewers. Leightons ice wall had bought them more time and one by one they slipped down the drain, Max following in last and creating an obnoxiously heavy grate to help keep others out. Once inside he began to conjure some lanterns, but ofcourse life was hardly that kind to him and instead snow globes began to float around them. They depicted a scene in which Wolverine was Santa Claus, with Cyclops as a reindeer and Jean Grey being a sexy elf. The scenery was in from of Xaviers Mansion and Max couldn't help but run his hand down his face in defeat. He shook one of them and Britney Spears "Oops I did it again" began to play as he pushed it aside. "It was supposed to be lanterns to help us see..."

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Guns!!! > Bridge?

There was a loud whistle coming from the gunning area as the other submarine began to blow. Jinx clapped his hands once before saluting to the debris and finally standing up, making his way back towards the others. "Now THAT was a load of fun. Always nice seeing something blow up. Especially when it's full of normies who deserve nothing more than to grovel at the superior race." Jinx bent backwards, cracking his back and moving a bit lower than most people tended to before snapping back up and continuing to stretch. He listened in on the conversation between the girls as he made his way towards another area of the ship where he could he seated but within the same room.

Jinx snapped his fingers a few times at the mention of Polaris and her ascension withing the Hellfire Club recently. "Oh yeah, that happened not too long ago. Man feels like ages to be honest. That was the same day that Emma Frost gave me Clamydia. Still not sure about that one but hey I'm sure it'll work out in the end." Jinx raised his legs onto the table, leaning back to hopefully relax and try not to think about the small space he was in. Focusing on what he could only imagine were the sounds of the screams of dozens of normie lives lost in that last battle. "You know, I hadnt really realized how many of his kids switched to the side of Xavier. I dunno about baldy but his kids cool though."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 day ago

Washington D.C.: September 10th, 2020 - 3:00 PM

The Morlock Tunnels...

Polaris took a deep breath, slowly relaxing the muscles in her hands. She forced herself to imagine a peaceful island, the waves coming in and gently washing over the warm sand as her boyfriend, Havok, walked over to her in the nude with a gigantic smirk on his face. "Sorry," she forced herself to say, having gone through the sewer grate opening with the others. "I have bipolar disorder," she explained. She made herself take another breath, trying to force her mood to stabilize.

"Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me?!" she then snapped aggressively, seeing the hilarious display of Max's abilities. "How the hell do you go from lights to snow globes? And why is Marvel Girl a freaking elf in this? Wolverine's the short one!" The metal blades she kept on her started to shake and rattle, an audible reminder to Polaris that she needed to calm down - that she couldn't let the mania control her.

"...I meant to say that... I'm sure your... thing... is good," she grumbled. She looked at the little map that Sage had programmed for her. "Come on, it's not too far, but we'll want to hurry." She then started making her way down the tunnels, heading towards the grating that would let them out at the waterfront

The Luxury - the Washington D.C. Waterfront...

Esme shook her head at Jinx, not amused with his implication that their mother (genetic template, really) gave him a sexually transmitted disease. "I'm not sure you're man enough for the Lord Imperial anyways."

"But kudos to you for even knowing what Chlamydia is," Sophie and Phoebe taunted in unison, snickering. Esme slowly brought the submarine up to the surface, opening the hatch so that way everyone could disembark and board the Luxury.

"Wanda, if you wouldn't mind sinking the submarine once we're on Shaw's yacht?" Esme requested.

"Fine, I can do that," she grumbled, more then a little bit annoyed still with how the conversation seemed to be going, and the fact that people kept mentioning that Polaris was the White Rook as opposed to her.

The triplets made their way out off of the submarine and gracefully onto Sebastian Shaw's yacht. It was unmanned at the moment, meaning that they would have no issue simply waiting here until the rendez-vous with the extraction team. Of course, the Three in One imagined that there wasn't really much need for them, thanks to Jinx's work taking care of the rogue submarines. "Champagne, Wanda? Sebastian kept his yacht well stocked," Sophie offered.

"Or perhaps you'd rather a martini?" Phoebe suggested.

Wanda didn't respond immediately after getting off the sub, instead using her powers to easily sink the submarine. "I don't feel like anything," she said, shaking her head at the three of them, more or less wanting to ignore their existence, she was contemplating leaving before Lorna showed up.

"Very well, I suppose that's for the best - Lorna may want something to drink after all," Sophie smirked cruelly.

The Dining Room - Mutant Underground Hideout...

"You're right," Blink told Spark Plug with a smile. "Thank you... It was Spark Plug, right?" she asked, wanting to confirm. Everything had gone by so quickly. It hadn't been that long ago that Blink and the Morlocks were living peacefully beneath the city. She couldn't help but see the faces of the Morlocks in the victims that Spark Plug administered medicine to. It seemed to help them all almost instantly, allowing their movements to become slow and peaceful.

Magik had entered the room as well, pulling Colossus aside. They were speaking to each other in Russian quietly, before the siblings finally embraced each other.

Nightcrawler was silent at first, his heart heavy. He didn't want to tell Glimpse what it had been like for him - it was an ungodly experience. "Fraulein... I do not want to talk about what it was like," he told her softly. "I am so sorry for what I did to you... It was unspeakable... an affront to god..." his words drifted off as Cayden came into the room with the pizzas.

"I can make my way to my home. I just need rest," he then said.

"Is that... pizza?" Magik then asked Cayden, raising an eyebrow. "Give it here or I'll send you to hell."

"Illyana, that is not way of X-Men," Colossus scolded. "No threats."

Medical (Room 10, Second Floor) - Mutant Underground Hideout...

"Wait, Professor X is coming here?" Havok asked. He couldn't help but be astonished. In all of his time with the Mutant Underground, Xavier had never visited the Washington D.C. operation. He communicated to Veil maybe once a month at the very most. "Huh. I guess we now know the bare minimum it takes him to get his wheelchair bound ass down here - Mister Sinister and Shaw have to turn mutants in rapid zombie soldiers."

"Are you really that surprised?" Negasonic asked dryly. "X doesn't leave his little paradise garden."

"...Wonder if my niece is coming," Havok commented absentmindedly. He considered Sara Grey, his sister in law's niece, to be his niece as well - technicalities be damned.

Sunshine shrugged her shoulders at James. Her life had never really been easy and it rarely ever made much sense. She had been kicked out of her home when she was just six years old, since her mother believed that mutants were the children of Satan. She had found a family on the streets of New York, only for aliens to invade and force them to flee from the city. They had barely made it to Washington D.C. And just when things had calmed down, just when they were all living in a crummy studio apartment, Purifiers showed up and burned the place to the ground. Sunshine and her family were blamed for the crime. She was lucky, only going to juvi - the others went to a Mutant Super-Max.

The destruction of the Morlocks was another tragedy in her life. Erg was another father figure ripped away from her. "I have a bed here - and food to eat - and that's more than I normally do," she answered him. "I want the assholes who hurt Erg to suffer... And I think I helped to make that happen today. So that's nice and all... The last time I had a bed was in juvi, I think."

Her stomach then growled ferociously as Waverley entered the room with the pizzas. "Fuck yeah, pizza!" Sunshine cheered, grabbing two slices and folding them together like a sandwich, before shoving the food in her mouth.

"It's cool, not everyone is cut out for superheroics."

"Yeah, you're a shining example of that Havok!"

The Entranceway - Mutant Underground Hideout...

"I see you all have had a rough time," a voice called from the entrance way and Professor Charles Xavier rolled into the room, except he wasn't alone, as right behind him was Havok's older brother Scott, better known as Cyclops. Cyclops had been the leader of the X-Men for several years, being quite possibly one of the most famous members - even though these days, he pursued domestic bliss with his wife, Jean Grey.

"Anyone know where my little brother has run off to?" Cyclops asked, before looking over at Veil. "Hey there Veil, it has been a while."

Veil forced a smile onto her face. It was a little weird seeing Xavier outside of the X-Mansion. His wheelchair conveniently hovered a few inches off of the ground, as if the dirty floors of the hideout were figuratively and literally beneath him. Cyclops was even weirder to see - he had taught her during her time at the school, even trained her. It was like seeing her high school teacher show up at her place of business. "Professor, Scott," Veil said, nodding politely. "I think Havok is upstairs... How about we move into the dining room?" she then suggested.

Pietro glanced over at Xavier and Cyclops, he made a bit of a face seeing Cyclops, and didn't talk to him at all. "Hey there Professor! Since my work here seems to be done, I'm heading off, see ya some other time," he said with a slight wave towards the group before there was a gust of wind and in a blur of silver he raced off.

"If you wish that Veil, I agree, it likely is not best to talk in the entrance area..." Xavier said, nodding his head towards her, before heading towards the dining room.

"Alright, I'm going to head that way and let you two talk a little bit," Scott responded, before he headed off, heading towards the stairway. to go upstairs.

Aboveground - Mutant Underground Hideout...

Casper was pacing back and forth, trying to process the information that Jack had given him. To make matters worse, he could plainly see the Blackbird nearby. His father was here - and by some stroke of fortune, Professor X hadn't seen the two boys as he went into the hideout. He started tugging at the ends of his hair, wanting desperately a hit of something, anything right then. Casper loved his siblings - and David was hardly all there. He made Casper look perfectly sane.

"Oh we are so fucking screwed Jackie," Casper moaned. "If Dave is missing, bad things are going to happen. You were too little to remember this I think, but once he turned our nanny into a plate of pancakes! And ate her! If he was just a normal crazy person that would be one thing, but he's an omega level mutant.... at freaking power manifestation! We're all going to die. Our sibling is going to cause the apocalypse again."

"That's probably why your dad is here with his plane actually..." Ben pondered. "The Underground is his top info source in the DC area. Someone here might know something."

"Shush, Ben, stop trying to be helpful!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: The Mutant Underground's New HQ
Skills: N/A

James wanted to reply to Sunshine but his attention was diverted as the smell of pizza filled the room. His mouth water and he barely waited for Sunshine to grab her pieces before quickly following suit, putting one on top of another and tearing into them. “Oh thank god.” James mumbled around his food. His stomach rumbled pleasantly as he swallowed and flashed Waverly a thumbs up. “You had the better of the jobs. It fucking sucked all the way around.” He shoved another bite of pizza in his mouth, feeling like he couldn’t eat fast enough. “I don’t think pizza has ever tasted so good. Nothing like your heart stopping to add a little flavor, I guess.”

His slices were finished faster than he cared for. He wanted to snatch up another slice or two but he knew it’d probably be better to let this food settle anyways, not to mention he really needed to let everyone else grab some. He wasn’t the only one today was rough on. His mind jumped to the feeling of Glimpse going still for that second―god, was it really only a second? It felt like an eternity―and he felt the flash of panic he felt when Glimpse stayed on the other side of the portal. Everything could have gone so much differently. That brief feeling of nothing… James gave an involuntary shiver but shook his head to clear the thoughts. He was here and safe, no one was wielding a sword, no one was bleeding out, Glimpse was… “Oh hey. Did you see Glimpse downstairs by any chance?” James asked as nonchalantly as he could, forcefully ignoring the tremor in his voice as much as he could.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Washington DC, the Mutant Underground HQ - Dining Room

Callie looked at Blink and gave her a smile and nodded towards her. "You can call me Callie if you want, or Spark Plug whichever you prefer really." She said, she used both her human and mutant names a lot of the time and didn't mind whichever someone used she'd respond either way. Seeing the people starting to respond after she had given the drugs to the victims of Sinister, that would make them feel a little bit better. She watched Colossus and Magik going off to talk to one another nearby, though she didn't understand Russian at all really but seeing them hug each other it was touching to see the two of them finally reunited with each other.

Then Cayden came into the room with a few boxes of pizza, she was really hungry right now and it was a really nice thing as well and lift everyones spirits. Seeing the soda and beer as well her smile grew even wider, as she quickly stood up and made her way over towards the box pulling out three slices. Callie then quickly made her way back to Blink and the child she was comforting and gave them the two slices of pizza. "Here you guys go." Callie said giving the two of them a slight smile, while seeing Glimpse and Nightcrawler talking to each other. When she took a bite of the pizza, and forgetting to grab herself a beer and snagged herself a bottle and started to chug it down she stood up slightly when she noticed Professor Xavier coming into the room. It had been awhile since she actually did see him, and gave him a slight nod towards him. "It's nice to see you again Professor X." Callie said.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Jack Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Outside
Skills N/A

"Don't you think I don't know that this is a bad situation? I've had a really really bad day from a lot of things, including hearing about that. I mean, yeah I know it isn't the best situation but maybe it won't end badly at least try and stay optimistic!" Jack said, looking at his brother. He wasn't too sure what to even say in response other than that.

Casper clasped his heads together and swayed to one side slightly. “Okay, positive, positive....” He blew a raspberry. “At least dear old dad doesn’t need to pay for Dave’s treatment now.”

"...Well at least your dad, and Dave's and Val's, hasn't actually tried to kill you..." he commented, saying nothing else after that, looking down at the ground and shoving his hands into his pockets.

Casper nodded, spinning around slightly. “True, he hasn’t tried to do that today - I should go remind him!”

"...Sometimes you are so blissfully unaware of what's going on around you, sometimes I find it amusing... Because unlike you, my dad has tried to kill me today, he's tried to kill a lot of people today... Because for once in my life I envy you for having Xavier for a father, since my dad, of all people, turns out to be Mister freaking Sinister. And no, I'm not joking, I am being dead serious."

“....How do you know?” Casper asked, insanely confused. “You don’t even like capes.”

"I just do okay? You know what? Forget I said anything alright? It doesn't matter, let's just get to my office and away from here, I really need a cup of coffee at this point, and maybe some donuts too," Jack said, shaking his head slightly at Casper before he started walking along again.


Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Entranceway
Skills N/A

"Well I didn't expect Xavier to show up," Sapphire commented. She actually had never really met the man, only once or twice in passing, as she had never gone to the mansion or attended his school. Cyclops was something similar, and someone she had never met. However she had heard more then a few stories over the years, considering when she was with X-Factor at one point and Gambit would on occasion more or less rant about some of the insane things that had happened with the X-Men over the years, and that was about it. This was not something she had expected, especially considering the fact that she just found out that Xavier was coming. No one said anything about Cyclops tagging along too.

Glancing over as she saw Xavier heading towards the dining room, she wasn't too keen on heading that way either, and she moved towards Veil for a moment. "Hey, I'm going to head back upstairs to see how people are doing up there," she said to her friend, before she walked over, grabbed a beer, and headed upstairs after Cyclops as she popped the drink open and took a drink of it. This was shaping up to be one crazy day, that was for sure, though the real reason she was heading upstairs was to see what Havok's reaction would be to seeing his brother show up to the Underground.
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