@BlueSky44@FantasyChic@Achronum@Nallore@Natsu@Kirah@TrainerBlue192@Framing A Moose
September 1st, 1984 - 12:00 P.M.
Suddenly, the train lurched to a halt. The compartment lights flickered off for a brief moment, before becoming illuminated once more. Everything was bathed in a ghastly green glow. The compartment doors all slid open, a silent whoosh traveling across the train. The air then began to crackle, as if some sort of static electric charge was building up all at once.
"Pardon 'he in'errup'ion, folks," the conductor's voice boomed in an atrociously thick cockney accent, filling all of the compartments at once. "Some auraws from 'he ministry are 'ere 'o make sure every'hin is safe. It'll be a few befawe we con'inue on 'o 'ogsmeade s'a'ion."
The trolley witch grimaced. She had hoped with the downfall of You-Know-Who there would be fewer instances of aurors stopping the Hogwarts Express to search the train for fugitives - it always upset the children. But she also knew better than to protest. If there were dark wizards on the train, she'd rather the aurors chased them out before they reached the village. "All of you, get in your compartments, nothing to fuss about," she said.
Within compartment 15, Barnaby Lee glanced up and couldn't help but be surprised to see Elizabeth wanting to join in. She hadn't exactly been the kindest person to him during his time at Hogwarts. "Uh, sure, come on in?" he said, looking a little bit confused. With the exception of Andre, the other players that had gone out to get food had returned to the compartment.
Paige Atwell

Location: Compartment 13
Magic: N/A
Hearing the conductor's announcement and then the trolley witch's instructions to get back into their compartments, Andre decided to take a leap of faith. Rather than returning to his own compartment to keep on playing Exploding Snap, he entered compartment 13 and took a seat next to Zelda. "You know, I could always make a costume for Goose," Andre mused. "I fancy he'd be a smashing mascot for the team."
Paige rolled her eyes slightly. She knew that Zelda had a crush on Andre and had she anywhere else to go, she would have scooped up Hestia and headed into a different compartment. She almost wished that Merula would come back, as it least it would give her somewhere else to talk to. But she took her seat again in compartment 13 and picked up her n-melt ice cream, taking it out of the plastic packaging and licking the cone as she tried to think about anything but Andre and Zelda flirting in here while she was stuck at the third wheel.
The news that aurors were searching the train was enough to occupy her mind for now. In her opinion, only an idiot would come to the conclusion that they were looking for anything other than the escaped Death Eaters. Maybe Zelda's parents were about to board. They were nice enough, since Paige had met them a few times during summer holidays. "You two chat Quidditch and dresses all you want - I'm chuffed with this," Paige said, licking her cone as she dug her diary out of her bag and began to write an entry. It was pure stream of consciousness, as well as pure anxiety over the thought that maybe dark wizards were on the train.
Maybe her brother was here.
Maybe the aurors would question her and rumors would spread about how she had a dark mark underneath her robes.
Hestia meowed, butting her head softly up against Paige's hand, causing her quill to fly across the page and ink smeared on the side of her palm. "Hessie, why..." she grumbled. The unnatural green light caused Zelda's skunk streak to look mint-green and the pages of Paige's diary to seem mossy.