Marygold Isley and Lance Banner

Location: Galactus' Ship - Central Room ->
Back to EarthSkills: Chlorokinesis,
Mira unfortunately was still unconscious, Guin had managed to stabilize her for the moment, but the problems with someone who has heart issues is that could change in an instant no matter what you did. So she wasn't out of the woods yet when it came to that. Thor took the hint from Elizabeth, and sent his hammer flying at the Silver Surfer, his leg smashing as Mjolnir collided with the metal and smash it apart. Lance meanwhile sent his fist slamming into the Silver Surfer as well, knocking him backwards before he more or less stumbled back and away, and started shrinking down somehow back to normal.
"...You don't even know how to use that, you have no idea how much power you hold in your hand. Perhaps that is for the best... However... I will not stop you... You think this combat was difficult, you have not seen anything yet," the Silver Surfer responded to the comments that everyone else said, almost like he was sad about something.
"In reality, I have never been here. I am truthfully on Earth, right now. There are better ways to die then how you almost did, suffocating in a box, however you might be able to have a better death against me on Earth, or perhaps you will be able to save your planet." When he spoke, he looked at Sara, before his form more or less shimmered slightly, and he disappeared from the room.
"Wait a minute..." Mary muttered, her mind racing as she thought about what he had just said.
"...If he was never really here then... Crap we have to get that thing back now!" she said quickly, before she went to try and establish a connection with someone,
anyone really back on Earth. They had been fighting the Silver Surfer in a smaller room, with no way to easily move around. But on Earth? He'd have the run of the entire world to fly around and wreck havoc. Based on how hard of a time they had fighting him here? She didn't even want to think about what the Silver Surfer could do on Earth.
"Ow my head hurts... So what's going on? Where'd he go?" Lance asked, a bit dazed from the whole Hulking out thing. It made his head spin, and he wasn't too sure what to really think about the Surfer suddenly disappearing, it took a moment for his head to clear somewhat so that he could hopefully pay some attention to what actually was going on.
"Surfer man disappeared, he's on Earth!" Warlock spoke up, entering the room, he had not been too sure about potentially fighting against the Surfer here, but to him Earth was a beautiful planet, so he was not going to stand by all too much when it actually came to protecting the planet.
"Hey can anyone hear me? What's going on down there, cause we have the Nullifier!" Mary instantly said into the communications. There was a bit of static from some sort of interference, and everyone would be able to hear the person who spoke in response, as Mary had set it so that everyone would be able to hear whoever answered it.
"Good, we have a bit of a situation down here, but I should be able to transport you back, give me a moment!" Mr. Fantastic's voice responded, but he sounded a bit rushed and a little bit out of breath.
"Once again, mind telling us what's going on so we know what to expect when we get down there?" "The Silver Surfer is here and is not going down very easily, but I also assure you that Galactus likely is not going to stand by much longer. So you all have impeccable timing regarding the Nullifier!" The group would be able to hear a rather large boom coming from somewhere nearby where he was.
"So, the Surfer we were fighting was just a distraction, stalling us from getting the Nullifier and returning to Earth quickly..." "Just get us back there already! Oh, and we might be bringing someone else back with us, a Technarch named Warlock," she said these last words as a bit of an after thought.
"I have a lock on your signals, taking into account that Lance no longer has one of the suits and your friend there. No guarantees that you'll land at Stark Tower because of some interference, but I'll get you as close as possible!" with those last words, the communication cut out.
"...Based on what he just said, I'm guessing New York is probably not in one piece anymore..." "Yeah, that is a bit concerning..." "We either need to get that thing to someone who actually knows how to use it once we're down there, or hope someone in our group here can actually bluff and is brave enough to actually go right up to Galactus." I veto you volunteering to potentially do that. Warlock wandered over to where people were over by Mira and picked her up, looking at them. "There are medical facilities on Earth if self remembers correctly that can help her correct?" he said simply, before there was suddenly a flash of something that enveloped the group, and they instantly were transported down to Earth yet again, with Neil still able to hold onto the Nullifier.
They ended up actually landing pretty close to their intended destination, right outside of Stark Tower, but considering the chaos around them, that was a small miracle. There was bits of burning rubble from broken buildings scattering the streets, people were running for cover to try and get out of the city's tall buildings. Glancing over at the building that they were by, Stark Tower hadn't escaped everything unscathed, as there were large gaping holes in the building, and a few floors of the building had smoke coming from them. There was glass that scattered the streets, and they'd be able to hear a loud booming sound coming from somewhere off not too far from where they were, but there also was the sounds of fighting coming from up above them in Stark Tower itself.
"...So, this is pretty bad... Alright, we need to get that device to someone, or find out where the best vantage point in the city is for potentially threatening a giant purple planet thing with a device that is fairly small. Some of us need to head inside Stark Tower see what's going on up top, others need to go see what's going on off in the rest of the city... And maybe we should see about making sure that the civilians who are still on the ground get off the streets," Mary said instantly, before she pulled her mask and helmet off of her head as she looked at the chaos. This was insane, it looked almost like a war zone in the area that they were in at the moment, and she was more or less panicking, however they had to do something since this time, they literally were saving the entire world, but then again, they had done some pretty big things in their time as a team.
They managed to stop Magneto from killing all humans on Earth, averted an apocalyptic future that would have destroyed the world, managed to not kill each other and stop a powerful telepath, and managed to get a reality to switch back when most of them hadn't even remembered who they were. They had a long list of accomplishments, so why not add
actually saving the world to it? She just hoped that they actually lived to potentially add more things to that list of things that they have done.