Casper and James

Carnival - September 17th, 2020
Casper had on his nicest outfit, stealing money from his brother's wallet to use a local dry cleaning service for this very occasion. He had "borrowed" from perfume from Sephora and had spritzed himself lightly. His eyeshadow was designed to make him look dramatic and mysterious and thanks to Jack's hair gel (he used a lot of product), Casper's hair was stylishly spiked. He wanted to look his very best for his first date with James. It had been a while since he had gone on a real date with anyone. Usually, his love affairs started as drunken hook-ups and then... well, ended just like that.
"Ben promised that he's going to be quiet, so it'll just be us," he told his partner with a grin.
"Yeah, I don't really want to watch you two make out in a carnival bathroom," Ben commented, rolling his eyes.
"Not my ideal afterlife." "Have you been to a street carnival before?" he asked.
"This one is supposed to be good - I saw an ad for a fortune teller, a sword swallower, a fire juggler... Honestly they're probably all mutants, which is ironic - everyone hates us unless they're bored." James wasn’t one to indulge in shoplifting for anything other than desperate times but reviewing what he had―literally the clothes he came in with and the few others he asked to pick up for safety reasons as he started diving into renovations―James quickly decided he didn’t have anything that qualified as date clothing. Honestly, Casper was nice enough that he would probably let it slide if he explained it but James wanted to make him feel like he put an effort into it so he swallowed his pride and may have made a few things disappear from a goodwill donation express. Those after hour donation bins outside were incredibly easy to sneak into if you knew how to jimmy a hinge. It definitely wasn’t fancy by any means; a black leather jacket, a grey short sleeved shirt, and a pair of grey slacks but hopefully it left a good impression for Casper. Maybe it was kind of silly to think that way after everything they’d been through so far but he wanted Casper to enjoy himself.
“No chaperone? What will your brother say?” James gasped in fake astonishment, bumping shoulders with Casper playfully.
“Guess I’ll have to be good on my own. I’ll have him back by midnight.” James saluted into the air. He had no idea where Ben was but he had made an effort to get on his good side. Can’t have the disapproval of the eternal best friend. Not that it was much of an effort. Assuming half the stuff Casper said was true, Ben’s sense of humor was great and his commentary on events were even better.
“No, I never have. This will be my first time!” James said excitedly.
“I’ve seen them in shows and stuff though. Though, I could kill for a funnel cake. That stuff is like crack and I want all of it. We can share one if you want?” James suggested.
Casper couldn't help but grin widely.
"If Jackie complains at all, then he's one to talk. I'm pretty sure if he ever did one of those 23andme kits, he'd end up with a little gaggle of bastards to pay child support for," he explained. That had been one constant of his life living in New Orleans - the parade of one night stands Jack was either returning from or leading out of the house before their mother got up.
"Ooooh funnel cake, yes we are definitely going to be having five of those," Casper agreed.
"They're not as good as crack - they're better, actually. The high is always great but it's the coming down that sucks. Funnel cakes don't have that problem." It wasn't too long until they reached their destination. It was along the water, with a few basic rides set up on a temporary basis. There was a ferris wheel and of course, a staple - spinning teacups. Various booths had prizes that could be won by throwing darts at a balloon, spraying water at a target, or climbing up a twisting rope ladder to ring a bell. Stands all over the place were selling every type of sugary item, from funnel cakes to candy apples and cotton candy. A main stage area of sorts had been erected where the various performances were going on. Right now, it was a country singer.
James laughed with a shake of his head.
“Perfect! Now I can die happy knowing I’ve only had the best sugar high.” James joked as they reached the carnival. He looked around, the excitement in the air infectious. This was going to be an awesome time, nerves be damned. The tea cups caught his eye and his inner adrenaline junkie peaked it’s head. While not as great as a rollercoaster, he loved seeing how fast he could whip them around the few times his dad took him to DisneyLand.
“This place looks like a ton of fun! Thanks for bringing me.” James grinned at Casper.
“Also, you look amazing today. Makes me wish I had more to work with but at least I get the prize of having the hottest date here.” James brushed his hand against Caspers.
“So, where do you want to start first?” Casper's heart went into overdrive as James brushed his hand against his. While it felt like an eternity, it was really only a matter of seconds before he took the leap of faith and took James' hand in his own, holding it tight. His fingers were warm and calloused, but what Casper felt mostly was an electrifying jolt that went up through his body.
"See, I think I have the hottest date here," Casper argued.
"How about the tea cups? That way we can get the vomit inducing experience done with before we start loading up on those funnel cakes." James couldn't stop the startled jolt when Casper took his hand but he relaxed into it quickly, his smile growing bigger at the move. James wanted to, absolutely, but he wasn't sure how comfortable Casper would have been holding hands on their first date. He squeezed Casper's hand, relishing the warmth it sent through him, and ignored the flush his compliment brought on.
"I hope you don't regret that decision. Spinning rides are my favorite. The faster they spin, the better." James laughed as he eagerly headed to the ride.
"It’s been so long since I had the chance to get on a ride. I'm super pumped!" "In the words of Stanley Hudson - drive fast and leave a sexy corpse," Casper told James with a bit of a flamboyant flourish. He had watched a lot of Office reruns in his day. It was one of the few shows that Ben didn't mind watching over and over again, as he generally preferred the new stuff.
"I don't regret anything. Except for maybe going skinny dipping a few winters ago... I'm not sure my nipples have ever been the same," he mused, getting into line. The line wasn't too long, so they'd likely get to go on the next time the operator stopped to let people off and then new people on.
“A sexy corpse.” James laughed at that and then immediately looked at Casper in astonishment.
“Skinny dipping in winter? Christ, that must have been awful! I’m pretty sure I would prefer to set myself on fire again than jump in that water.” James shivered as he thought about the bitter cold. Cold weather, yes. Freezing water, no.
“That’s awesome though. What made you decide to skinny dip in the middle of winter? Spontaneous decision or is there a story behind that?” Casper thought for a moment, trying to remember exactly
why he had gone skinny dipping. It then hit him all of the sudden. He had been on a bender with these people - a mutant, an inhuman, and then three humans - and they had just happened upon a lake.
"Honestly? I was pretty turnt... I think we were going to try to become mermaids and have an orgy or something, it's all a blur," Casper answered. He couldn't even remember if his companions had been girls or boys that evening. Come to think of it, Casper couldn't remember what any of them had looked like.
James took a few moments to process that information but once he did, he couldn’t stop laughing. He leaned on Casper a little and squeezed his hand, gasping for breath best he could.
“I’m sorry.” He managed to choke out between laughs.
“I don’t know why but that’s hilarious.” He had to wipe the tears from his eyes as he collected himself in time for the ride operator let the previous people off and let the gate open for the next wave.
“I don’t know how it felt at the time but man, that’s a great story now. He looked over the teacups thoughtfully and pointed to one on the far edge.
“What do you think about that one? Look spinny enough?” He couldn't help but laugh at himself as well, an amused grin on his face.
"It made a lot more sense at the time," Casper shrugged. He was fairly certain that mermaids weren't real - that there was no one living under the sea. He could see there maybe being a few mutants or inhumans with that sort of power, but nowhere near enough to have any sort of society. He then followed James' finger and spotted the teacup, nodding as he practically ran on over to it and jumped inside, cutting off anyone else who had been trying for that one.
"Ha, suckers, we got it first!" James followed close on Casper's heels, throwing himself in and bumping up next to Casper with a smile.
"Gotta sit close so we can get up that momentum!" He said cheerfully. It would actually make spinning the teacup a little harder but James wanted an excuse to sit next to Casper rather than across from him. His hands were ready on the spinning wheel and he nudged Casper with his shoulder.
"Ready to out spin these losers?" "Too bad I forgot the handcuffs," Casper bemoaned. They couldn't really hold hands while spinning the wheel of the teacup, but he locked his elbow with James' before placing his hands on the wheel.
"Oh definitely - we're going to make all the soccer moms and doughnut dads look horrible!" he agreed. A single mom and her twin kids came up for a moment, peering into the teacup as they entertained the possibility of joining them, but one look at Casper's outlandish clothes and his prominent tattoos caused them to turn heel and find another ride.
"You know, if it's just us, there is something else we can take for a spin?" Casper suggested.
The happy feeling when Casper locked their arms together disappeared for a moment when the woman so obviously snubbed them after looking at Casper. It annoyed him to no end and he couldn't resist sending a nasty look after her but he wouldn't let that ruin a date with the best guy here. James blinked at Casper's suggestion as he tried to figure out what they could take for a spin inside a spinning teacup. A spin, huh? James felt his face heat up at the first thing that popped into his mind but he shoved that way far back. Inappropriate for this location. He sent Casper a curious look.
"What is that?" James asked.
Casper's mind was firmly in the gutter.
"Oh, you know..." he hinted, as the ride kicked up and he started to spin the wheel viciously. He wanted to see how fast he could get this thing to go
and simultaneously consider to hint to James about rather lewd activities. It was the best way that he knew how to flirt.
"The sort of thing two hot single dudes can do? The reason why paranoid guys make sure they're six feet apart in a pool?" James let out an excited whoop as he whipped the wheel around, pressed against the teacup as the pair pushed it as fast as it could go. James' face felt like it was burning but he couldn't help the laugh that escaped him at the reference.
"I'm not even sure how we'd do that right now." James shook his head as best he could but his smile never left. James wouldn't lie and say he wasn't interested bu th he had other ideas of their first time being intimate.
"But I think I'd prefer to do that somewhere we can take our time, if you don't mind." "Oh, okay," Casper said, taking it in stride.
"I'm guessing the roller coaster isn't a suitable second location?" he asked with a bit of a wicked grin. He didn't mind if they waited to be intimate with each other - and he'd have just as much fun just spinning on the teacups right now at this random little carnival.
"So where did you grow up? And how'd you get to be so swol?" James stared at the grin on Casper's face with his comment about the roller coaster. James didn't think Casper could get more attractive but he was wrong. So, so wrong. He shook his head before he gave it to Casper's ideas, not that he was 100% against it in the first place, and gave himself a second to cool down. Though the follow up question brought him back to earth pretty quick.
"I grew up in Oregon. My family owned an auto repair shop in Asotrio." Even after six years, James had a hard time keeping the lingering sadness ut of his voice.
"As for swol, I didn't really mean to. I used to get kicked out of the garage when my messing around got a little carried away and so I would head out for a run or a swim or just the gym when I needed an outlet. Plus, I just like doing stuff and when I didn't have a lot to so, the gym would call my name. I've spent more hours kickboxing or running than I care to think about." James explained.
"What about you? Besides aspiring to mermaid orgies, what are you into to kill time?" While most mistook Casper for being a complete idiot, he was rather perceptive. He could hear the bit of melancholy in James' voice as he talked about his home and he reached out, giving his hand a quick and firm squeeze, trying to be supportive. He completely understood home being
awful - his own home life had never really been stellar.
"Besides getting high off my ass?" Casper prefaced.
"I really love fashion and makeup - I want to be a drag queen when I grow up." James squeezed Casper's hand back gratefully. He'd been close to his dad and he wasn't sure he'd ever really be over it. He waited for the ride to wind down before replying, taking the rest of the ride to put himself back into a more positive mood. James popped out of the ride and offered a helping hand to Casper.
"Make up and fashion, huh? I'm sure it isn't hard to tell but it wasn't ever quite my thing." James said honestly but it didn't mean he wasn't willing to listen about it.
"What caught your interest in it? And is it more than just the current..." James paused with a thoughtful frown as he picked his words carefully.
"Political climate that's stopping you from pursuing it? Unfortunately, I don't know much about drag queens so you'll have to catch me up on stuff." He accepted James' hand out of the teacup, the world spinning a little bit and Casper paused for a moment, one foot in the air until things set themselves right.
"I think I just wanted to feel beautiful, even if it was only on the outside," he answered honestly. It was perhaps a bit too heavy for first date talk, yet Casper was hardly an expert at what sort of conversation topics were appropriate. He had felt broken almost his entire life - trying on lipstick, using mascara, twirling in a skirt... it was a way to regain some control, some sense of self.
"Honestly... It's mostly that it's a lot of work - and I haven't really been totally conscious long enough to get some high quality stuff together. Jackie'll probably have me shipped off to another treatment facility within a few months," he added, sighing sadly at the last thought. But he didn't want to focus on sad things.
"So! Roller coaster? Or funnel cakes? Which next?" James listened as Casper spoke, more than happy to hold Casper's hand while he waited for the world to settle. It hurt his heart that Casper had so much going on behind that fun loving facade and considering what few details Jack offered up before the last time James snapped unfairly at Casper, it made sense that he would. Once Casper's finished stepping out, James pressed a chaste kiss to Casper's cheek. Hopefully, it wasn't... too quick but the man made James want to smother him in affection. He wasn't great offering verbal comfort but he could wrap someone up in hugs and kisses to soften the insecurities and keep out the cold of the world.
"I think you're gorgeous right now and every way I've seen you." James said as he let go of Casper's hand and wrapped his arm around the man's waist.
"But since you asked, we have exactly five funnel cakes with extra powdered sugar with our names on them and you even have your choice of conversation: insane things I did as a teenager in the name of science or the outrageous and cringe worthy lies I then used to get myself out of trouble for said scientific endevours." James offered dramatically, air quotes and everything.
Casper's eyes widened and his mouth broke out into a wide grin.
"I adore you," he told James, still feeling a bit of a tingle where James had kissed him on the cheek.
"Can I pick both conversation options? But if I have to pick one, things you did in the name of science, bonus points if you also were the kid who would watch Bill Nye and Mythbusters back to back!" James took a moment to appreciate how good Casper looked with a smile. He felt a little silly playing it up a bit but if it earned him that look, he'd keep trying. He took a moment to pretend to consider Casper's question.
"Well, normally I only let special guys get them both but since you're amazing, yes you may have both and I get to start with bonus points? You'll see where I got my terrible ideas from in the first place." James laughed with a shake of his head.
"First and foremost, please don't try any of these. My hormonal teenage self had absolutely no sense of preservation and almost no control over my most valuable assest. Understand that I am 100% okay in every way and I have learned my lessons. Many, many times. So, my dad had this '64 corvette he restored himself. He loved it. I used to joke he loved it more than me. It was to the point, we wrapped our shoes in plastic bags and put towels down if we weren't coming immediately from the house to the car." "I had been experimenting to see how long it took me to patch up more than just some superficial damage in the garage. I had recorded it, written it down in one of those back to school .50 sale notebooks, and my oxygen deprived brain tells me to sit down. So I go ahead and sit on the only available seat, the open passenger seat of my dad's corvette, and I don't know if I didn't patch it up quickly or I nicked myself while I was working and didn't see it but suddenly I realized there was blood smeared across the leather seat of my dad's car." At the time, this was horrifying but now, the memory was hilarious.
"So I froze because I knew I was dead meat. Like completely and utterly dead and I was panicking hardcore. It couldn't have been longer than a few seconds but then my dad opens the door to the garage and before he can even ask me what I was doing, I yell "I'm cleaning it up now! It's just some bodily fluids!" and I have never seen my dad slam a door shut so fast. We never talked about it but my dad didn't let me anywhere near that car unsupervised for like a year." Casper listened dutifully, and at the very end of James' story, he just couldn't help himself anymore. He tried to hold back the chuckle the entire time, but with the tale concluded, it all came out at once - a laugh that seemed to come from the mouth and the nose simultaneously. He could just picture James exclaiming that, and even better, the sort of look that had to be on his father's face. He shook his head, still laughing.
"That's genius!" he exclaimed.
"Have you ever considered writing for sitcoms? You're an amazing storyteller - and an expert at finding yourself in those sort of situations apparently." "Yeah, tell me about it." James leaned his head on Casper's shoulder as they walked, muffling a groan at his misfortunes. He kept talking as they got in line for, talking about how he used to go biking in the mountains and that's when he learned how he really wasn't concerned about broken parts, how his experiences with fire got a little out of hand (he accidentally set fire to what used to be a retention pond in his neighborhood), and how he used to have book after book after book detailing his progressions.
"Honestly, as terrible as it was what I was doing, it helped organize my work a lot. And while I was in college, I used the same set up for my work out routines and clearly it worked." He said as they sat down at a little bench, funnel cakes in hand. He tore a piece off and scarfed it down with a pleased hum and licked the powdered sugar off his fingers.
"I had a bit of an invincibility complex when I was younger. I've grown wiser in my old age." James joked.
Casper scooped up a piece and shoved it into his face, grinning a bit mischievously before
booping James on the nose, leaving a powdery impression behind. Casper's mouth was full as he chewed though, so the grin was a toothless one - making him look almost like the poor man's Cheshire Cat. Swallowing thickly, he was tempted to go for another piece, but James' joke amused him way too much.
"Now that you're old, what's next then?" he teased.
"Are you going to retire in the Bahamas? Get a lawn and yell at kids to scram? Get elected to Congress?" "Sleep. So much sleep." James deadpanned, thinking about all the sleep he's in his life time. His eyes crossed looking at the powder of his nose and he chuckled at it as he wiped it off. He picked some off off the paper plate it was on and flicked it playful at Casper before taking another bite and closing his eyes as he savored it. The funnel cake was a blessing compared to the usual fare they had to scrounge up at the Underground, not that he wasn't grateful but the funnel cake was a plus. He'd have to bring some back to split with Sunshine.
"If I get the chance to retire, I'm heading into the mountains rather than the Bahamas. I've always wanted a little cabin up in the forest to disappear to every now and then, you know?" Casper grinned devilishly, taking a moment to try to calculate how pissed off at him James would be if he smashed one of the funnel cakes into his face. On the one hand, it would be pretty hilarious and would make a lasting impression - on the other hand, James
could find it to be obnoxious. Yet he hadn't run off scared so far, right? He hadn't been startled by the mermaid orgy story?
"Sleep is my kink," Casper agreed.
"Oh, a cabin in the forest? Much better than the alternative - a cabin in the woods," he joked, before he just couldn't help himself. He scooped up a handful of funnel cake and then smooshed it onto James' nose.
"Tag, you're it!" James froze when Casper smooshed more than just some sugar on him. He turned his head slowly, staring blankly as Casper for a few moments as he wiped off the mess before he couldn't help himself. He tried to keep back the laughter but he knew the shaking of his shoulders gave him away so he returned the favor, tearing off a piece and smeared it across Casper's cheek.
"Tag!" He laughed. Casper was silly and James was absolutely head over heels for it.
Casper giggled.
"This definitely isn't the white substance I usually have on my face..." he joked. Once again, his brain fought briefly against his poor impulse control. Yet given how James had taken the start of this game in stride, Casper figured it couldn't hurt to take things up a notch. They had bought five funnel cakes anyways - and he fully anticipated James to return the favor again. Picking up the half eaten funnel cake, he then gently smooshed it up against James' face.
"Tag! No tag backs!" he then insisted.
James nearly spat out the piece of funnel cake he had started eating when Casper said that, somehow managing to swallow and cackle without choking. His face heated up again at the comment but he quickly shut that out of his imagination.
"You're a menace, Casper." James said fondly, grabbing Casper's wrist and pulling Casper towards him. James leaned in as if he was going to kiss Casper again but at the last second rubbed his cheek up against Casper's, smearing cake onto Casper. He did leave another kiss, stealing a taste of some of the sugar he left behind, and sat back.
"Since I can't tag back, I thought I'd share instead." Casper faked a gasp, clutching his free hand to his chest.
"My stars and garters, I do declare that my Jane Austen like sensibilities have been offended! But yet I cannot help but feel this magnetic force connecting us, as if it were fated by the skies above - oh, how will the good people of this street carnival view us? What of our reputation and dignity?" he asked, trying his hardest not to giggle. He was positively enamored by James' company.
"And what would my father think? And the good Count Prince Man? Prince Charming? Charming Knight? Shining Knight? Oh, whatever his name is." "But it doesn't matter," Casper said dramatically.
"I have never asked something like this of a man before... but would you do me the honor of puking our collective guts out together on yonder roller of coaster?" James couldn't hold back the laughter at Casper's theatrics, taking to his feet and holding out his hand for Casper's and pressed a kiss to it.
"It would be my greatest honor to partake in the puking of our collective guts." James replied, pulling him to his feet. So far, James thought the date was going amazing. Casper had a great sense of humor and it was easy to relax around him. He couldn't help but smile fondly at the man and squeeze his hand a little tighter as they man their way to the rollercoaster.