Talik “The Fox of Ryloth” Gida, The Rebel
Interacting with: Alanna Blasaw &
Ezali Halkrin
The Liberator - Mandalore Docking Ring
Year Four, After Re-SynchronizationArriving on the bridge in a bit of a hurry, the twi’lek wondered what could possibly warrant a summons to the bridge. Before she could even start to ask about what was going on, the comms officer turned around in his seat towards her and started to report in the situation.
”Ma’am, we’ve picked up chatter regarding the Liberator, seems a droid is rather interested in her.” The man reported, and seeing the girl raise an eyebrow in confusion, decided he should probably elaborate on why she cared to any degree.
”It’s an HK unit, ma’am. I figured you might want to try to hi-“ He said before being cut off by the Mandalorian standing nearby the console. Her uncle, A’den stepped closer and spoke up.
“HK? I know the damned clanker. The thing kept kicking over my astromech when I was taking him to get his servos repaired. Kept shouting something about taking his lunch money and shoving him in a locker. Then he ran off hissing at me when I called him a clanker.” The man said in a disapproving tone as he looked towards Talik. “I know his owner, however, had to call her to get repayment for the extra damage her idiot caused. Damn shame she’s spoken for though.” He said before chuckling and coughing awkwardly as his niece gave a critical look towards him. “Anyways, clanker’s a good fighter from what I’ve heard, might be worth giving her a call and seeing if we can hire him. Less of your people on the line for a personal mission.” He said, tapping at his commlink to pass contact information to his niece.
A few moments later, Talik was standing off to the side of the bridge, her helmet on to isolate noise as the commlink called the owner of the droid, curious to see if she could recruit it to help rescue Vasani.
Sable ran along the streets towards his master with all the gusto of a child running to a parent to show them the cool crayon drawing they did on the new wallpaper. All in his way were pushed aside; young and old, man or woman, they were shoved away. In complete contrast however, was Alanna, casually walking along with Ezali after leaving the shuttle port only being interrupted by her commlink going off.
"The fuck? Who's calling me? Secure line… well this should be good. 500 says Sable's done something again." Alanna placed the commlink in her ear.
"Hello you've reached Sable's owner I apologise for whatever he's broken or whoever he's hurt and I shall compensate you fully." Alanna's tone was monotonous as if she'd done this more than a few times in the past.
Ezali just laughed at Alanna.
”That’s a sucker’s bet and you know it.” In the fairly brief time she’d known the pair, she’d seen Sable start at least one minor diplomatic incident, two riots and more general brawls than she could keep track of.
”Honestly, I’m surprised the Mandalorian lets you keep Sabe online.” ”This is Talik Gida of Clan Skirata, I was given your contact information by my uncle.” Talik said by way of an introduction before continuing.
”We picked up your droid checking out the Liberator on our scans. An HK Model, impressive. I was actually calling you in the hopes I might be able to hire your droid. I know the HK line’s reputation, and I’m mounting a rescue mission for somebody close to my heart. I think I could use somebody along to help with the extraction with an HK’s skill. Are his services for sale?” She asked over the commlink, hoping to get a positive answer in return.
Alanna stopped dead in her tracks, in all her years
No one had ever asked her to hire Sable. She wondered whether this Talik person had ever heard of Sable before or the… antics he's gotten up to.
"I certainly wouldn't be… opposed to the idea. Do you have somewhere we could meet to come up with some sort of arrangement?"Talik nodded to herself and allowed an unseen smile beneath her helmet. Turning, she said something difficult to hear to somebody not on the call.
”Thank you. I’ll be sending a LAAT Gunship to bring you to the Liberator to discuss more. Transmitting the details for your pickup now.” The girl said as she sent the details over to Alanna. The ship would be landing at the nearest landing pad to her, Talik intending to make the trip more convenient for her.
”I look forward to seeing you in person. I will meet you in the hangar. Oh, and bring the droid if you wouldn’t mind. I’ve never seen an HK in person before.” The rebel added before cutting the line and making her way towards the hangar where the shuttle would be landing. She was flanked by the two Magna-Droids, each eager to see an HK unit and express their superiority. Along with those two, A’den tagged along with his niece, though Talik had a suspicion as to his motivations.
As Alanna had accepted the comm call, Ezali’d made sure to step
out of the holo’s pick up. Seeing ‘The Fox of Ryloth’ appear in the holo and speak to Alanna had certainly raised an eyebrow; while she’d never personally crossed paths with Talik, she’d definitely heard of her, and the more than sizable bounty the Confeds had put on her...though they found it hard to get anyone to actually
take said bounty. There were more than enough mercenaries just like herself, who wouldn’t touch a CIS offered bounty even if it was the only work months, and of the few that she had heard of that tried...nobody heard from them again.
Now she stood beside her friend and SABLE and watched the old LAAT come in to land she wondered just what was up. She knew Talik commanded a sizable force, so if she was hiring more guns something big must be up; that was also why she’d tagged along with Alanna when she went to meet the gunship. Talik’s people shot at the sort of things that Ezali enjoyed shooting, and ‘vacation’ or not she
was still short of credits for the 929 she had her eye on.
Alanna couldn't deny that it was certainly a nice surprise to have someone contact her about Sable and it not result in money out of her purse for once. Though upon seeing her supposed protection droid shove a small child to the floor as he sprinted towards her and her companion she could only pinch the bridge of her nose and hang her head in shame.
"Master, master I bring great news." Sable said stopping dead in his tracks before the Twi'Lek.
"Oh? Is that so." Her tone was dripping with sarcasm.
"Ah… I see you already know. well?" "What do you mean 'well?' Sable you've been listening in on secure channels. In any other situation I'd be getting carted off to prison and you'd be melted down for scrap value. Alanna paused for a second, her rant had began to attract attention from passers by, luckily she was saved by the LAAT landing close by.
"Luckily for you the person you were spying on has instead decided to try and hire your services. Considering you're the biggest idiot I know, I have no idea why she would want to… but here we are. So you're to put on your nicest personality, say please and thank you and if you don't want to spend the rest of your existence with a restraining bolt stuck where the sun doesn't shine you'll keep quiet and only speak when spoken too. Understood? "Might as well just tell me to not be me." "That's exactly what I'm saying Sable. So do you understand me?" "Yes master." Alanna simply nodded her head as the LAAT began docking procedures with the Lucrehulk.
As the Gunship came in to land, on the other side of where Toryn’s own ship had just landed, the small greeting party awaited their guests. The two magna-droids stood to either side of Talik, relaxed in posture after the twi’lek had snapped at IG to stop attempting to ‘T-Pose’ at the HK unit coming onboard. Just to the right of the two metal morons, was her uncle. The man quickly tried to fix up his hair and make sure he looked presentable, considering who was coming onboard. Then of course, front and center, stood Talik herself. Still in her jet black beskar’gam, her helmet was held by IG standing behind her. A way for her to ensure the droid didn’t try something stupid.
As the doors to the Gunship opened up and the occupants were ushered off, the girl moved forward to extend a hand towards those onboard, first the other twi’lek, then the Mandalorian she didn’t recognize.
”Thank you for coming, truly. I apologize for the lack of pleasantries, but I’m on a timetable. What details would you like to discuss as far as enlisting your HK’s services?” She said, all business with a certain edge to her tone. One which betrayed that she was rather personally invested in whatever the mission at hand happened to be.
”And might I ask who your friend is?” She asked.
”Well in terms of details regarding you hiring Sable for whatever job you have planned, well it mostly just comes down to covering any repair costs that he might need when he gets back. I don’t really need payment at all, money… Well it isn’t an issue for me let’s put it that way, but if this idiot gets damaged in any way I’m sure you understand that getting replacement parts for a model of droid that hasn’t been mass produced for a few thousand years is not easy. And while I can handle his internals pretty well anything else has to be custom ordered and made and spare parts don’t run cheap. And as for my friend here, I think she just tagged along because she wanted something to do.””Though I must ask, mostly out of fear for Sable’s safety, is this a blow in through the front door kinda job or would an option to bypass security and or defences be a preferable option?Ezali was glad she’d stuffed her helmet on, as she didn’t need to ‘regulate’ herself as much as if her face could be seen.
Damn...just….daaamn… After a moment, she realized the other two were expecting her to speak up.
”I’m sorry for ‘gate crashing’ your meeting. Alanna is a friend of mine, and I happened to be standing next to her when you called.” She said, giving Talik a more formal bow/nod.
”Ezali Halkrin, ,Keldau’s Reach Banner...though I’m technically ‘on leave’ from them. Alanna’s mostly right though, I tagged along because I can’t sit still and I figured if you’re willing to hire a grumpy tin can like Sable, you may just be looking to hire more pleasant organics as well...plus you folks are well known for shooting the same sort of things I like shooting at.”Hooking her thumbs into her belt, she took a fairly relaxed stance.
”Unlike little miss credit plie,” She added, motioning to Alanna, her smirk clear in her voice.
”Standard rate plus expenses and we’re good...”The young rebel studied the group before her for a long moment.
”Very well. Those terms seem fair, you have a deal.” She said, pausing for a moment to think about Alanna’s question.
”Unknown at this time. The Mandalore has promised aid and is assisting, they have a plan and gave me a place to meet with my people. I can only assume there will be heavy combat, but skills for bypassing security might also be helpful. Are you offering such skills?” She asked, and awaited the answer.
”Well i didn’t have… much planned for a little while. A slight Lekku twitch gave away that there was something deeper beyond her otherwise calm demeanor.
”And I have been called the best engineer on the planet before so in a sense I am. I wouldn’t be needing any other payments, only what we’ve already agreed. Think of this as a thankyou for not reporting Sable’s spying on official comm channels to the authorities. You can as the Paladin himself, he’ll vouch for me and my… skills.””Then I suppose you shall be joining us on this mission.” The Twi’lek said, watching Alanna carefully as her own lekku twitched slightly in a way that betrayed that she knew there was something more going on. Though Talik did not press any further on the topic.
Then turning her attention towards Ezali, addressing the fellow Mandalorian.
”I think bringing along a fellow Mandalorian will do some good to show my boys how to fight. You also have a deal.” She said before tapping at the commlink on her armor’s wrist to transfer data on where to meet for the operation to the two.
”You are welcome to use the Liberator’s facilities if you so choose to prepare. But if there is anything you need to pick up from planet side, your pilot who brought you to the Liberator will take you back planetside. Sergeant Darklighter will be your escort about the ship. I’d play host myself, but I must greet another guest and rally my own forces. Thank you, both of you. You will find mission details in the packets I sent via Comlink.” She said as she stepped away with her little entourage, and a human sergeant quickly came to replace her and see what the two needed.
Talik, meanwhile, tapped a few buttons on her Comlink, dialing the bridge of the Liberator.
”I need 13 volunteers for the mission. Express to them that this is outside their call of duty, and there is by no means an expectation to come along. Those who still volunteer, have them assemble in Staging Hangar 1-B in an hour’s time, ready for departure.” The girl said before looking back towards her Uncle and the droids. The look she gave the man spoke all the words he needed, as the Mandalorian started to guide the two Magnadroid’s away from her. Sputtering something about needing to check their actuators before the mission. With that done, the girl then turned and made her way towards
The Lucky Dog, standing with her arms crossed and a fake look of annoyance on her features at the bottom of the ramp. Though the slight twitching of her lekku betrayed a sense of joy to those who could read such movements.