@BlueSky44@FantasyChic@Achronum@Nallore@Natsu@Kirah@TrainerBlue192@Framing A Moose
September 1st, 1984 - 1:10 P.M.
In the engine room, the battle was in full force. The conductor attempted to apparate away, knowing that his cover had been blown, yet Callum hit him in the chest with a hearty "Stupefy!" and forced him to stumble backwards. The Death Eater recovered quickly though, hissing out "Crucio!" as he took his revenge on Callum. He hit the auror dead on, sending Callum to the ground, withering and screaming in pain.
"Bombarda!" Flynn intervened, blasting the Death Eater and breaking his concentration, allowing Callum's torture to end. The explosion opened up gaping wounds over the Death Eater's entire body. Lionel wasn't as fast as his younger companions, casting "Expelliarmus" yet his aim was not true. He missed - a fatal error.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" the Death Eater shouted. There was a flash of green light. Lionel slumped to the ground, his wand rolling from his hand. It would stop inches away from where Georgina was, hidden by Mary's charm.
Tears welled up in Bonnie's eyes, but she couldn't stop fighting for a single minute. "Petrificus Totalus!" Bonnie cast. "Protego!" the Death Eater countered. Bonnie's spell hit the shield with such force that Bonnie was blasted backwards, hitting her head against the wall. She was still conscious but a trickle of blood had formed.
"Aqua Eructo!" Lyra shouted. A jet of water came screaming from the tip of her wand, slamming into the Death Eater. The force pinned them up against the wall, stunning them momentarily. She didn't dare lower her wand, lest the Death Eater get the chance to escape.
Compartment 1 -
Penny hugged Madalyne back tightly, her face as white as a ghost. Compartments 1 and 2 were right next to the engine room, meaning that they could hear every spell in painful detail. A thin wall was all that separated them from the aurors and the Death Eater. One stray spell and they'd be dead. "We need to get out, if one of the spells goes awry..." Penny swallowed.
Talbott nodded in agreement. "Come on," he said, taking Madalyne and Penny's hands. He dragged the two of them out of the compartment and they dashed down the train quickly, running into the nearest compartment with room. The other prefects, along with the Head Girl and Head Boy, followed suit, dashing into compartments with friends.
It was a good thing they evacuated, as moments later, there was a gigantic sizzling hole in the wall of compartment 1 approximately the size of Hagrid.
Compartment 3 -
From the compartment, they would be able to hear everything going on with the fight. They would see the prefects fleeing from compartment 1, with those in compartment 2 relocating as well out of fear and terror. There was a near symphony of compartment doors sliding shut, doors locking, older students casting protective charms. Someone on the train was crying.
Compartment 13 -
"Nothing good," Andre gulped, his own wand at the ready. He wasn't much of a duelist. He wished that Zelda's best friend was back - Paige was captain of the dueling club, probably one of the best witches at Hogwarts when it came to fights. Three people then burst into the compartment and Andre yelped, peeing his pants a little (thankfully not enough for anyone to notice). "Talbott! Bloody hell, don't do that!" Andre snapped.
Talbott was a Ravenclaw in their year, the other prefect for the fifth year cohort. Penny Haywood, the most popular witch at Hogwarts, was holding his hand. Talbott's other hand was securely around the wrist of Madalyne Crane, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.
"It's horrible, there's a Death Eater on the train," Penny explained. "Have either of you seen Beatrice?" she then asked, worried.
"She's next door, playing Snap," Andre immediately reassured Penny. A visible weight was lifted from her shoulders.
Paige Atwell

Location: Compartment 15
Magic: N/A
Beatrice looked at Fae with confusion for a moment, before her mouth curled into a similar smirk as she understood. She took the pile and split it in half, making Chiara take the quarter. She wasn't about to let her best friend be defenseless, no matter how terrified she was. "We're gonna be f-fine," she whispered to her friend. Chiara just nodded meekly.
Paige was enraged with Fae, wanting to snap at her even more, especially after Fae's physical posturing. Yet she knew that the Death Eater on the train was the far greater threat and she didn't dare turn her attention away from the compartment entrance. She was the best duelist at Hogwarts (her own words) and it was her responsibility to protect everyone. She highly doubted that Fae would be able to cast a defensive spell if her life depended on it. Barnaby's brawn was incredibly useful and she knew he could throw a hex if needed. Elizabeth was decent and dependable as well.
That just left the two first years and Fae as deadweight - at least the first years had an excuse.
Barnaby's eyes widened as Eliza conjured a dead rat, a cinder block, and then blew up the rat. The guts were splattered all over him. He had a soft spot for creatures and he let out a heavy sigh. The world was so sad...
"Ugh, so grody!" Paige complained. She had gotten a decent spray of rat guts all over her too. Her protective enchantments didn't do much about guts and blood. She brushed some of the bits off of her with her free hand, before resuming her focus on the corridor. Elizabeth's cinder block would help slightly at least. She hoped they wouldn't need it - she hoped that the aurors would come out and say this had all been a misunderstanding. "If the arses come, disarm them. Expelliarmus is your friend. They can't hurt us if they can't do magic and most Death Eaters don't have a lick of luck when it comes to wandless spells."
Artemis' voice boomed down the hallway, telling all of them to lock their doors and stay in their compartments.
"Gee, never thought of that..." Paige muttered.