December 18th, 2020 - 2:20 PM
The Hellfire Club Headquarters - Reeva and Sage weren't moving to leave at all. Sage sent Pyro's phone number quickly to Anastasia's phone, that way she could contact him and ideally rendez-vous with him as well for tailing Ice Queen and the target. Anastasia would have several choices available to her in order to get to her destination. Sage had a tracking device in the target's car and she forwarded the information on it to Anastasia, that way she could track the target as well. Anastasia could take the limo, she could hail a taxi, she could take the metro, she could even grab a bike and peddle her way on down.
"Best of luck, dear," Reeva said with a smile. She waved at Max as he walking on through and took the elevator as well. She didn't know what he was up to, though she highly suspected he was going to help Ice Queen as well. Max will reach the old Mutant Underground at the end of Trainer's post.
Reeva then took out her phone, answering Jinx's call. She frowned.
"Jinx, I need you to shadow them. If the package is lost... then eliminate them both. Is that understood?"Dunkin' Donuts - There are a few people in the Dunkin', eating their pastries and drinking their coffee, but it isn't crowded really. Neither Leighton or Desiree will notice a familiar car pulling into the parking lot, tailing them.
The Mall - Things were relatively calm at the Cinnabon for a moment. Of course, that was until the very next customer stepped up to the counter to be served. Now, you're probably expecting for me to have some sort of poor, everyone is racist against mutants incident to occur? No, instead a far more fearsome foe has arrived on the scene! The customer's hair was blonde, worn in the signature bob of the stay at home suburban mom. She had gigantic hoop earrings and large sunglasses. Standing next to her were two children that looked smothered in the formal wear they had been stuck in.
"ExCUSE ME?!" the wild
Karen screeched. "Do you know WHO I am? I'll have you fucking fired for this, you incompetent twat!" she screamed at the poor cashier. The cashier looked to be about high school aged, with short green hair and a nose ring. Their name tag just said
MORGAN and it was just about impossible to assume a gender for them. If you decided they looked male, suddenly they seemed more female - and vice versa.
"Ma'am, we're all out of the classic," they said with the patience of a saint.
Veil, Sunshine, and Casper

Location: Mutant Underground Hideout - First Floor: Training Room
Skills: Mediumship,
Invisible Energy Manipulation
"It's too bad the person literally named Magik with the magic canceling sword isn't here," Casper sighed. He wasn't exactly sure how Magik would be able to combat Max - maybe she just needed to run around the Mutant Underground with her sword in the air and it would somehow stop him. He was a fan of the old school things they did in movies and shows.
"What if we made a salt line? Or put iron everywhere? Would that stop Max? Or is that just for Fairy Godparents?" "...I'm pretty sure you mean the Fae. Fairy Godparents are like Cosmo and Wanda, the guys who helped abused kids with bad teeth," Ben interjected.
Casper returned James' squeeze, letting his boyfriend lead him from the entranceway and into the training room. Losing a week of time didn't startle him that much. It wasn't the first time it had happened before. Once, he had gotten a hit so pure that he could have sworn it was still July when it was, in fact, August. Calendars were just a social construct anyways. Time wasn't real.
"Wait, Wanda? That can't be a coincidence!" he insisted.
"...Pretty sure it is. Unless you want to call Nickelodeon and ask if they're secretly bank rolling the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants?" "I thought they dropped the Evil part of it," Casper whispered to Ben.
"Now shush, people are crying." Ben threw his hands up in defeat.
Sunshine flinched a little bit as James wrapped her up into a hug. She wasn't entirely used to that level of physical contact. Ordinarily, she would have threatened him with the chicken pox - but instead, the mean spirited young mutant crumpled into his embrace, crying into James' chest. Sunshine didn't know whether or not to tell him what was wrong - that
maybe her odd dream about living in New Orleans and Jack being her father had been real. If it was real, then she didn't know what to think. And if it wasn't real and she told them, she was certain that everyone there would laugh and jeer at her. She couldn't afford to be that vulnerable.
"I'm just really hungry," Sunshine fibbed. She didn't think she could confide in him, nor Spark Plug and least of all
Jack about this. Maybe Max had done this to them and was blaming it on the Scarlet Witch. He was inside of Veil's head. Could he have messed with all of them? Would he be so cruel, dangling a possible identity for her dad in front of her, only to rip it away? Yes, he could, Sunshine decided. He had joined Erg's murderers. He was sleeping with
Nazis. It was all just a mean trick. She lifted her head, seeing the Cheez-Its that Feedback had offered her. She reached into the bag and grabbed a handful, still crying as she shoved them into her face.
Veil really wanted to agree with Spark Plug, to rip Tome and Ice Queen a new one for their behavior. Yet she had promised Ice Queen when they left that she would be there for them if they needed it - sure, it was before Ice Queen and Tome became accomplices to murder, but she had given her word nonetheless. Her eyebrows furrowed, hearing from Ice Queen that she had the innocent Sage had wanted them to protect... and that she needed help getting her to the Mutant Underground. Maybe at least some part of Ice Queen was able to see the blood on her hands, the red in her ledger, and was trying to make amends.
"He's created some sort of magical connection, speaking into my mind," she explained to Feedback, trying to keep her voice calm and steady. She didn't want to freak out anyone else there. Veil's mutant powers were all about privacy - no one could see her if she didn't want them to, no one could touch her if she didn't permit it. To say that having Max reach into her mind terrified her was an understatement. Her pulse was elevated and it took all of her willpower to look neutral and calm, not shaking and unhinged. A letter appeared out of nowhere in her hands. Max's powers must have been maturing rapidly... She made a mental note to speak to Magik about wards for the Underground.
"I don't know if you can break this connection. I don't know if it's truly telepathic in nature, Glimpse." She took a deep, steadying breath, before speaking to Tome and Ice Queen:
"We'll be there.... Things are hectic. It'll be as fast as we can. If you need a place to lie low from Jinx... I can find you one." Veil opened her eyes, quickly scanning the letter in front of her. She hardly had a chance to process it before her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID, surprised to see her brother. Everything was coming at her so fast, happening all at once without pause. Veil wanted to scream.
Instead, she put a hand to her mouth in horror, her eyes wide.
"Echy... I'm so so so so sorry..." she whispered, turning invisible instinctively.
"This day is such a clustofukopolis... I-I wish I could have done something to help you..." she took a steadying breath, wrapping some of her hair around one finger.
"I have to go rescue some kids - they're young and stupid, don't know what they've got into, kinda like us back in the day... If you want, you can find me there at," she gave the address of the old Mutant Underground.
"Or go to our current place and I'll be back as soon as I can," she then gave the address of the current hideout.
Veil forced herself to become visible again. She looked at everyone gathered.
"Spark Plug, Glimpse, Feedback, Sapphire, we're leaving now. James, you're in charge. If a flamboyant Canadian named Echo shows up, let him in. He's my twin brother." She then headed up to where Spark Plug had prepped a vehicle for them, her phone still pressed to her ear.