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Hidden 5 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
United States, Earth
Jan 1st, 2020 - United States of America

The country sat on the edge of an explosion, the tension threatening to boil over and cause absolute pandemonium among the masses. With the explosion caused by Harrison Wells’ STAR Labs leading the way to what was rumored to be the birth of metahumans, many were on edge. Protests were held nearly every day demanding that these individuals be recognized by the government, whether it was to grant them rights or to lock them away like monsters depended on the individual that was asked. Yet to those few who could truly classify themselves as a part of this unique group of individuals life was somehow even more out of the ordinary. Learning about new powers you possessed which others did not, along with what to do with said powers presented a whole new mess of problems for those unfortunate souls. This, accompanied by the rumors among those few metahuman communities hidden in the back alley cities of the government taking these people off the streets resulted in a large amount of tension among the communities.

Even that was only in the quiet cities, as there were a few cities clustered along the west coast where things were already starting to turn violent. People who felt threatened by these newly created metahumans managed to sniff out one or two of the unfortunate souls who were just trying to get by with the newly discovered powers. The ensuing fights between the endangered meta and their attackers was almost always one that quickly turned bloody on both sides. With events like this being covered on the news almost nightly, and spreading like a wildfire across the internet… the tension was almost palpable. As such, people tended to keep more to themselves in these troubling times, locking their doors at night and keeping those loved ones close. Preparing, for what many felt was a storm that would come roaring through the moment the storm passed.

None knew the tensions being created by the current situation better than the citizens living within the triplet cities of Kansas, Keystone, and Central Cities. With the explosion that had catalyzed the world and created these metas occurring in Central City, these three cities were practically the epicenter of the mounting tension in the country. The population of metas was higher in these cities than it was elsewhere in the world, which led to that many more hate crimes, and hate there was for these metas. Many were suspected of being one of ‘them’, a situation many have drawn a parallel to the red scare the country experienced during the cold war. Friends turned against one another, families threw out those that had become one of these freaks. Many found themselves suddenly thrust into terrible situations, whether or not they truly were one of those metahumans.

With the new standards at which they were being forced to live, many of those thrown to curb, meta and non-meta alike, eventually found themselves turning to crime. This, along with the movement of organized crime into the cities in higher portions lately has led to a noticeable uptick in crime rates in the last few weeks. Though the organized crime units have been laying low compared to what one would expect, at least after the initial bloodshed between units following their initial movement into the trio of cities. The rise of crime has increased the edge on the cities, as police forces find themselves being stretched thin between the crime, and the metahumans that may be partially involved within the problem. Add to that problem the rise of the group known only as the Horsemen, a group of supposed metas going about stealing technology and dispatching criminals one by one, many are afraid just to go out at night. Though sometimes these fears are washed away by a lull, or something like a holiday…

Keystone City, Kansas
Jan 1st, 2020 - Bank of America, Downtown Keystone

The streets of Keystone City sat silent, a rare circumstance for the city considering it was around noon and the city usually was roaring with life. Yet, with the festivities of New Year’s having ended early in the morning, most were asleep or otherwise at their own homes taking care of themselves. The recent worries and fears that had been sitting on the forefront of the minds of every citizen in the past weeks had been delayed for a night. Instead, revelry and joy had been the theme of the previous night. As many had remained hopeful for the new year to be better than the previous, as they had just about every year beforehand. Even with that, the tension was still ever present in the air. The issues that had been forgotten for the previous night’s holiday once again tearing their ugly heads. Though attention was quickly stolen from the invisible enemy that sat upon the cities.

Across the Triplet Cities, news stations suddenly roared to life and filled the formerly quiet cities with a cacophony of voices. Everywhere, screens were alight with reports of a heavily armed robbery of a Bank of America in Downtown Keystone. The scene was painted clearly for everybody to see, recorded and broadcast to just about every corner of the cities. The sunlight beat down upon the pavement, casting a harsh light across the only active street in the city. This same light reflected off the metal surfaces of the dozen police cars and SWAT Vans stationed around the bank, all sitting like birds spreading their wings to impose dominance with their doors open. The officers manning those very vehicles standing behind the cover these doors provided, in a tense standoff with an unseen force inside of the building. One watching could clearly see the razor’s edge upon which the peace sat.

In the middle of the street, about four officers in heavy armor that denoted them as part of the SWAT lay lifeless. The holes in their armor betraying the violence that had taken the scene mere moments before the feeds from the news channels had cut in. From outside the field of officers standing ready for combat, a second ring of vehicles and bodies was made about the bank. This one of reporters onsight, all jabbering off on their take of the current situation and pestering the poor officers designated to deal with them for more information. Inside of the bank, several employees who had come in to take care of matters without customers sat on their knees, bound and gagged, just in front of the main counter. The rest of the interior was an absolute mess, fitting the chaos that came with a bank robbery. Stacks of checks and other papers that were normally neatly set up for customers sat strewn about the floor. The ATM was ripped open, and emptied of the cash inside. The offices that various employees worked from sat empty and in extreme disorder. Glass panes separating the offices from the main interior were shattered across the floor. Yet, despite the chaos, there was not a single noise from the captives held inside as their fear for their lives kept them silent.

For those watching the scene through their screens, it seemed as if this, while a tragic event, was simply par for the course with the rising crime wave. That it would end as so many other attempted crimes ended, and they would continue on.

Yet they would not be able to predict just how much things would change after the events of this day.

A loud crash tore through the silence of the held-up bank, causing quite a few gasps of fear and shouts of surprise. Though these were quieted down when a few of the armed men holding the place up came tearing around the counter towards the source of the noise. Yet… then they froze and seemed rather confused for just a moment at the source. In the newly opened doorway, which had previously been blockaded shut, was a young woman who didn’t seem all that threatening. Certainly not capable of breaking through their barricade. With pink hair, and a rather flashy outfit featuring golden gauntlets, a skirt, and even a cape she certainly didn’t look like she belonged in that bank. Yet there was something about how she seemed completely unfazed by the men raising their assault rifles at her that carried a sense of power about her. One of the men, built burlier than the others stepped forward and started to shout something at her, but was abruptly cut off.

Faster than humanly possible, the girl had cross the room and seemingly slammed a shoulder directly into the man. Though it was a bit difficult to see as it was over in a mere blink of an eye, as the man who stood a whole head above the girl and was certainly built stockier than her shot back into the counter. The impact made a resounding thud, and he was immediately out cold as she turned towards the other one. ”Given your buddy’s reaction, I take it you guys aren’t here to let me cash a check.” She said with a small smile towards him, which was answered ever-so-rudely with the man squeezing the trigger on his weapon. The report from the rifle was certainly loud and boomed through the building, along with a slightly panicked noise from the costumed girl. Though that faded moments later when the sound was replaced by metal hitting the floor, and a collective gasp from the hostages. As well as the attacker standing opposite of the girl. Looking down at herself, she noticed first a resounding lack of bulletholes, then the same bullets crumpled and against the floor.

”I’m bulletproof? Holy crap I’m bulletproof!” She said in a voice almost entirely too giddy for the situation, then turned towards the criminal standing before her, even as she heard loud shouts from his friends further back. ”And you’re in danger.” She said as she took the steps to close the distance, grabbing the barrel of his gun and bending it towards the ceiling. Immediately after, a swift underhanded punch lifted him off the ground and send him into the wall opposite their side of the bank. He too fell down unconscious, and the girl could hear his vitals enough to know they were both alive, just unable to continue the fight. She then spun towards those tied up and held hostage, some of who recoiled slightly out of fear for this stranger who seemed able to do the impossible.

”Hey.” She said in a soft, genuine, voice to the hostages. ”I’m here to help. We’ll get you out of here.” She said, focusing for a moment on the wall behind them that led to the rest of the building. The walls seemed to turn a shade of black and white to her, becoming translucent and betraying what lay beyond. She saw various paths branching off to presumably lead to things like the break room and such for employees, yet no sign of anybody else. As she turned, she found a separate hallway that led to the safe deposit boxes, with its heavy door having closing tight with its locks clunking into place. She got a glimpse of a gun before the door had closed, though the door itself seemed fully capable of blocking her sight into the room. Must have closes it while I was focusing on these guys and the two clowns out here. Damn. She swore to herself before kneeling down next to the first hostage and easily breaking the zip ties that bound them. Then she reached up to gingerly pull the rope that had been used to gag them out of their mouths one by one, freeing the hostages.

Getting to the last one in the line, the man grabbed her by the shoulders and frantically babbled out something that didn’t quite make sense. ”Easy, slow down. What is it?” She asked him, trying her damndest to sound comforting, and it seemed to work as the man spoke again in a much more intelligible way this time. ”The manager, he’s my brother, they got him in the safe deposit boxes. They’ll kill him or something!” He said, panic rising in his voice as he went. The girl gave a nod then looked towards the others getting to their feet. ”Everybody get outside! Put your hands up or something so they know you’re innocent, the police can take care of you.” She said before moving towards the heavy door blocking her path to where they were holding the manager.

The metal creaked and groaned in complaint, the metal on either side of the split down the middle marking where the doors split apart dented in around her fingers. Slowly, the doors gave way and started opening for the young woman forcing her way into the small room. Inside, two more robbers were staring wide-eyed at the impressive display of strength, their guns forgotten for a moment at their sides. Though after looking towards each other for a few moments, both came to the same conclusion. Immediately their hands went up to show surrender, the futility of an attempt to fight back against this superhuman quickly dawning on the two. Moments later, the manager was coming out of the front doors of the bank. Followed closely by the four armed robbers, their hands zip tied together to make for a difficult escape. The officers who had reported to the scene wasted no time surging forward to get these criminals into custody.

Then just about everybody gathered fell silent, and cameras shifted up from the bank itself. As the thing from before that had shot through those front doors revealed itself to be a young woman. Yet, even more impressively was the fact that this costumed woman hovered in the air of the crowd. With the wind blowing her cap gently behind her, and the sun high over head casting shadows around her, it was a scene that made her look truly powerful. ”Don’t be scared, I am only here to help. This city has seen enough problems of late, and I want to help put an end to it.” The figure said in a tone that carried a friendly air to it. In response to her statement, the crowd was silent. Then one young reporter shouted out the question forefront on his mind. ”Then what do we call you?”

”Sol.” Came the answer, then the woman shot off into the sky and disappeared from the view of the crowd gathered.

For the rest of the day, the news stations all over the country would be playing coverage of that story. With theories coming out from all over as to what this ‘superhero’, as some had started labeling her, truly was. Alien? Meta? Government Robot meant to mind control the populace? No matter what theory one subscribed to, the same thought was on everybody’s mind that day. That their world had drastically changed in the mere blink of an eye, and only time could tell where that would take them.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Shannon Tower, in the heart of Keystone City, a beautiful image of the family's quest to improve lives through technology as their PR put it. The family's conglomerated holdings generated enough revenue to do exactly that, but the old guard who held the top positions refused that, not in the business of making people's lives better truly, what an absurd idea. The scion, however, James Michael Shannon was opposed to that, he saw the good they could be doing, and though he himself was rather unable to do so, he had found a way to do just that.

A flash of lightning parted the curtain of darkness, revealing the city's many cracks and windows, as well as something that didn't belong. God revealing one of his billions of sons as the absurd oddity he was, crouched atop a building as the rain ran down his shining armored form. The start of something greater, one could hope. For now it was merely one lunatic hoping to find some meaning in his survival.

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might, amen," the fool prayed, that one empowerment allowed to him in these trying times, these times of strife and misery. He was not alone in purpose and will, but in environment alone was the only word that rang true, even if by the technical definition he was not.

Beneath a glass ceiling and next to a pool of equally unspoiled and tainted water were men of lower purpose, trading in things that destroy the mind and rot at the body. Those things god disapproves of, but god can forgive easily, not so easily forgiven is the violation of god's commandment; thous shalt not kill, and in the minds below, one of the men in the room was already dead. A trap sprung without mechanism, a murder plotted as a screenplay.

The signal was made, hands met as substances were traded, but then didn't part, a face of shock, a drawing of a gun, then a crash and the soft twinkling of glass hitting ground and splashing into water. A dark shape crashed onto the floor in front of them, but before they could fire upon it the waters behind exploded as if a fountain. A split second of invisibility, a firing of two rubber bullets, a headbutt and a broken wrist, and the figure stood atop a neutralized opponent, faced by the remaining two, supine as they were. One raced for his weapon to put an end to this confrontation only to meet holy justice at the bottom of his opponent's boot. The last man gave whatever god he worshipped some prayers, good, then turned to run. The dark agent of God was too fast, and suspended him against a wall with his arms.

"You will be a good man, you will leave this life, you've seen how it ends. God has preserved you, now do as he wills, live."

"Y-yes sir I... I will! Please don't hurt me!"

The man was dropped, left to do as he pleased, the rest restrained and left for the police. One good deed done, not a worthy repayment for the life Paul had been given. The night was young, and death was restless. He would be disappointed.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ruby
Avatar of Ruby

Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The EMTs were already there as he pulled up slowly in the Ozark County Sheriff’s Office SUV along the exchange of the highway and Farm to Market Road 1701-A. Crash with fatality was the code. Jared Kineslaucher, the forensic photographer, was already there in gloved and boot covered. The EMTs he knew; Leia Hart and Matt Jones. He nodded at Jared, and began walking over to the EMTs with a flick of the cigarette carefully pursed between his chewed on lips and a hearty burp from the potato and sausage breakfast taco earlier. The forest green Dodge Ram truck was older, and had gone off the road and into a group of oak trees between one of the ramps to the freeway and FM-1701-A. There were no signs of hard breaking that he saw; the deceased just went headlong in.

“Fall asleep?” Asked almost casually as the Sheriff’s Office Deputy reached the EMTs and the oaks. Deputy Luke Murphy forced his eyes open despite the smells that greeted him as he closed in on the Dodge truck. Bits of brain and hair and bone decorated the interior cab of the truck now, the seatbelt had snapped. The steering column was now part of the deceased’s chest. Leia Hart snorted, a fiery and opinionated but kind and compassionate woman. A mother through-and-through that held up a beer can.

Murphy sighed, Matt Jones looking up, his hands covered in what was once a living person. The pain and frustration clear on his face. They don’t pay y’all enough, Murphy thought and not for the first time, then again they don’t pay any of us enough. Daylight was just starting to burn through the southern Missouri cloud cover. Those headed to Branson were luckily on the other side of the freeway, on the other side of the median, but it didn’t leave him much time all the same. They’d have to close the entire West bound side of the freeway because of the death until Forensics did their thing, a white SUV with the Ozark county seal pulling onto the side of the freeway marked their arrival at least.

“Murph.” Joe Tomlin called out in greeting as he and his assistants passed by him. The assistants were new grads, and Murphy couldn’t say he knew them, so he kept his eyes on them as they passed a few seconds longer than usual. Knowing faces had always been part of his natural curiosities, and these days were a boon to his job performance, instead of a thing that might irritate the wrong person as it had in his former life in the US Army. A life nearly fifteen years and twenty pounds of weight added on ago. Digging into his cruiser’s trunk, and lighting another cigarette, Murphy began the job of dropping cones and a few flares. With the last flare the first set of headlights came upon him. It was a black vehicle, looked new, and fancy. A squint and a raise of his hand to block out some of the light revealed why the car looked so new and fancy: it was a Porsche SUV. Not the kind of car you saw a lot in Ozark county, but this one Murphy knew on sight. “Shit,” a low muttering as he took his newly lit cigarette and wasted it by tossing it out.

That car belonged to the Stevens household. Rich people, how rich depended on who you asked. Mark Baker from Missouri National Bank in town said they were the richest people in southern Missouri in the after-Chamber of Commerce meeting drinks and card game a few months back, Murph vaguely recalled. He recalled much more the Scotch Mark had given him a glass of, and even more than that the pot of cash he lost to Jeff Zucker, the owner of the nearby Ford dealership. Pocket Aces, my ass, Zucker. If there was anything that made him nervous, he knew, it was rich people. Not Mark or Jeff rich. They were both millionaires, but Missouri folk. And even they admitted they weren’t Stevens kind of rich. So rich they could afford mystery; the most anyone ever saw of the Stevens was when they’d appear in a nearby town for ice-cream, or pizza, or to take in a festival in a town square.

They always tipped insane amounts, they were always kind and polite, and so everyone loved them. But any cop who wasn’t fresh or stupid knew that rich people were your worst nightmare: they didn’t care about fines, and any threat you made would easily be matched by their lawyers. Worse of all, piss off the wrong rich person and that could very well be your job. As much as those like Mark Baker and Jeff Zucker wanted to be friendly with officers of the law, they’d turn on those officers in a heartbeat if it meant access to the favor of someone as rich as the Stevens. Murphy had met the husband, Dan, supposedly a financial guru if you believed the rumors, only briefly. He was polite and quiet, and was gone almost as soon as he’d appeared in the gas station.

People talked more about the wife, Rachel. A total knockout, Jess at the Sonic had called her. Jose at Quik-Mart had simply said, “those titties, man, and that ass. Sweet Jesus you should have seen her in those jeans, Murph.” The kid was less known. Private schooled, or home tutored, no one was quite sure. The old horse ranch turned palace next to the lake in the shadow of the Ozark Mountains took a while to get to: the very reason Murphy had cursed and put on his best charming smile as he adjusted his gunbelt and headed in the direction of the luxury SUV. The only way to that ranch-turned-palace the Stevens called home was FM 1701-A. For FM 1701-B, the back way, they’d have to go half an hour out of their way. But he couldn’t let them pass into an active crime scene, which it became once the driver of the Dodge truck was pronounced dead by the EMTs.

Getting close enough to avoid the headlights, Murphy blinked at the sight he saw. How a woman could have both brunette hair and blonde hair he didn’t know. Streaks, maybe they called them? Roots? Whothefuckknew. The hair shined even in the dim light of the Porsche’s cab and the morning light peaking between gray clouds. The boys were right; she was uncomfortably pretty. A distraction came from behind her, and a welcome one. Murphy always liked kids. Her blonde son was maybe 8 or 9 years old. And he seemed excited at the sight of a police officer. Murphy tipped his hat to the kid, that best he could muster charming smile offered to the Mrs. Stevens.

“Good morning officer. Is everything alright?

The tone was warm, the voice was pleasant, a big relief for him. “No ma’am, there’s a…fatal,” the word came low and nearly hushed, sensitive to the ears of the kid in the backseat, “accident here. We have to keep the freeway closed until we finish processing the scene.”

“Deputy Murphy!”

Murphy blinked away from the luxury SUV’s driver side window. Suddenly there were two more cop cars; unmarked, men in suits wearing what looked like State Police badges walking his way from behind the luxury SUV. “One second, ma’am,” Murphy told the woman with an index finger raised in the air as he walked towards the State cops, confusion plain on his face. “What’s up fellas? Need to get through?”

“We have the scene, Deputy Murphy. You can go. Please advise your Ozark county forensic and medical personnel of the same. State officials will be here shortly.”

That look of confusion grew incredulous, even if Murphy tried to make it polite. “…for a dead kid?” Unless…had Stevens called in friends? Already? Murphy hadn’t seen any phone when he looked in her car.

Another suit just smiled. “We heard the dispatch and picked it up, there’s a State Task Force in operation near Branson and we believe your deceased may be connected. So we have it.”

You’re lying. Murphy had Army friends in State Police, and they hadn’t said anything about his backwoods mountain little section of the state. “Sure, guys, let me just finish with this lady real quick and I’ll let them know.”

Another of the four suits stepped forward. This one was older, a streak of gray in his close cropped brown haired head. “We said we have it, Deputy Murphy, unless you want a formal complaint issued against the Ozark County Sheriff’s Office? Your boss really want that? You wanna look for a new job this soon after you were given your second chance at Ozark?”

Murphy stared, his face empty, his jaw slightly slacked in surprise, tightening in anger as each passing moment went by. “I’m sorry, who the hell are you?”

“Call in the complaint,” grey streak said to the younger first State cop to step forward. The first one got his phone out, and Murphy found himself…laughing. Hands up, palms out.

“Ya know what, fellas, I don’t really care that much. Y’all have a good morning.” He was already retrieving another cigarette by the time he’d begun walking away, back to his cruiser.

“Aren’t you going to inform your county personnel?”

“Your crime scene, pal,” was all he said, muffled as it was as he lit his cigarette, back to them.


“What happened?”

“We’re still finding out,” he said as he reached for the elevator button, saying more only when the elevator door closed both of them into the elevator, “As far as we know there was minor contamination of the subject.”

“Minor?” the silver haired, older man, asked with a rising tone. “There is no minor contamination with this subject.”

The younger man was no young man, he was a former field operative and station chief for the CIA long enough to know more than a little something. “Local county Sheriff’s Deputy spoke to the subject for maybe a minute before our boys arrived.”

The doors opened to the underground level. Government blank walls greeted them, as did armed security wearing black and carrying SMGs. They were both checked, challenged for cards, and waved through. Through frosted doors opened up a bullpen of government issued cubicles and offices lining one wall, a glass wall on the other side revealing an array of server towers. Along the wall at the end there were only a few doors, one of which they entered, a long office with round conference table and chairs closer to the door, large desk with secure computer and a few chairs before it on the other. Once inside they talked more freely. “Is he a nobody?” Silver haired, older man asked as he took his place behind the desk, tossing his briefcase to the floor behind the desk.

“No, not a nobody; former US Army infantry with a few combat tours. Awarded, marksman. Low grade badass.”

“Since then?”

The younger of the two shrugged, “Divorce, ex-girlfriends, removed from a department in Texas for not turning in all the coke from a bust.”


“Recreational, maybe, but sewer analysis don’t seem to indicate it. More likely a result of the divorce going on then.”

“No real connection between the subject and this ‘low grade badass’?”

Unconcerned the other man shook his head. “No. You could probably take him out yourself.”

The glare from the older man was immediate. “…fine, fine. Keep it clean. Put surveillance on him. The subject is back home?”

“Yep. We already have a team on the Deputy. There’s a few ways we can clean that if we need to.”

A knock on the door stopped the conversation dead between the older silver haired man and the middle aged man. A woman younger than both came in, pants suit and flats, “Sirs. I have the update on the subject we brought in.” The silver haired man motioned her forward, the other man closed the door behind her and stayed by the door, silent. “As far as we can tell there may not be a traditional electronic system she can’t bypass or manipulate with enough time and effort.”

“That what the computer modeling is telling you?”

“Yes sir,” she nodded, “both the predictive AI and our own techs confirm more or less the same thing.”

“More or less?”

“The AI can keep the subject firewalled, but it takes a large strain on the overall NITE network.”

“You understand, Ms. Mendoza, there’s no way we can allow this girl to breach that system and find her way into the secure system?”

That made the woman pause. She didn’t know what the secure system was, or was for, but she knew it existed in the depths of the underground facility, somewhere, dug into the Ozark mountains as half their facility was. “Yes sir. The NITE system recommends we remove the subject to a more permanent holding facility, but…we won’t be able to test her as well as we can here. The predictive AI combined with the NITE system…you’re not finding that kind of computing power anywhere else. Nowhere secure enough to do this, anyway, unless the Metahuman Containment Zone is complete?”

The silver haired man simply stared for a breath, or five. “It’s not. Is the subject compliant?”

“As well as can be expected, sure, but every model we run suggests she may be an outlier, disassociated with any mission we’d give.”

“Is she a liability?” The question came hard, and from the middle aged man by the door. Mendoza turned her shoulders to answer it.

“She could be.”

“Get her out of here. We shouldn’t have accepted her here to begin with. This facility has one mission, you start breaking that up into multiple missions and mistakes will happen.”

The silver haired man behind the desk tilted his head, curiously, “Yes, yes I’m aware of that, however we did the overall Agency a favor so that they would in turn do US a favor, or do you not remember the shit show that brought us all here?”

“She’s a liability! ‘Could be’, my ass, that’s analyst speak for ‘probably but what the hell do I know?’ And you should know it.”

“Um,” the woman tried to interject, but was waved off by the man behind the desk.

“Get your shit shoveling boots on, my friend. Mendoza, you secure this subject as much as possible. I’ll request to DC more of NITE’s resources to increase the firewalls around your subject. You have two days to figure out, for sure, whether she is a liability we have to dump or one we can relocate and begin to train for something fucking useful. Clear?”

“Crystal, Sir, thank you.”


“Hello, Tessia,” Miranda Mendoza smiled as she walked in the round walled ‘apartment’; outside the white walls were servers and technicians, the entire apartment built on a platform and placed in the middle of a much larger underground room. Tessia could come and go as she pleased, however she was escorted when going to the lake, or to the woods, or anywhere not on sub-level 1. The technicians working the servers were armed, which as Mendoza had found out, wasn’t unusual even for civilian server farms. The interior of the apartment was modernistic and decorated with art both on the walls and as statues on platforms, mostly impressionist, with a few classical textiles like the rugs thrown in.

“Are you ready to try again today?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Amalyra
Avatar of Amalyra


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Location: The Silicon Strip, Central City, United States
Date: January 1st, 2020

”Thanks for humoring me today girls, and sorry for dragging you two out here on New Years.” The brunette said to her two friends as they walked down The Silicon Strip, draped in the light of the evening sky. Despite the danger that was usually associated with being in the city nowadays, she couldn’t help but gaze around as the marvelous urban metropolis slowly began to awaken for its night shift.

”Don’t worry about it, it was actually pretty fun. And, to be honest, it’s the least we could do after the whole bully thing.” Her curly haired redhead friend replied, looking to Brooklyn with a smile.

”Still, you could’ve at least let me pay for my own stuff, those parfaits weren’t exactly cheap…” Brooklyn replied, a small frown on her lips as she looked back over to her friend.

”But, they were delicious~ And besides, we both pitched in so it’s no biggie. Your help with those bullies is worth way more than some parfaits.” Her blonde friend replied, giving her usual playful smile which always caused Brooklyn to smile back.

”... If you say so… I was just stopping jerks from being jerks though, nothing special. Anyways, you two got rides right? Don’t let me keep them waiting, I know you two wanna get back home.” Brooklyn replied, waving her hand at the two to playfully shoo them away. While she mostly wasn’t too scared to be in the city after dark, she didn’t want her friends to possibly get hurt.

”Are you sure you don’t wanna carpool with one of us? It can get pretty dangerous out late you know…” The redhead asked with a small worried frown on her lips.

”I’ll be fine, don’t wanna take up any more time from either of you two. Besides, the bus stop is just over there and if anyone wants to try something funny, I’ve got my pepper spray on me. Now go on, get ‘atta here!” The bespeckled brunette replied, pointing over to the nearby bus stop before putting on a horrible Bostonian accent as she shooed them away.

With that, her two friends said their goodbyes and went off to wherever their parents’ would be picking them up while she headed off towards the bus stop. ’Another New Years alone huh… Well, I guess it wasn’t so alone this time.’ She thought to herself with a small smile as she leaned against the bus stop. ’Still, guess I can’t blame them, work has been hitting them hard with how things are going… Shawn is off with friends as usual, but that’s just how it’s been for a few years now. Eh, whatever, I just really hope this whole Meta-Human thing calms down so they can catch a break.’ She mused before a vibration in her pocket pulled her from her thoughts.

Pulling out her phone, Brooklyn turned on to see a new trending topic on r/MetaHumans. Looking around to make sure the bus wasn’t here yet, she swiped her phone open to look at the topic. ’Another robbery in Keystone? What is that, like the third or fourth this week? Par for the course I guess… Oooo, but what’s this… Sol huh… Well, she does have the flashy outfit to be a superhero. The pink though… eh, I guess it works well enough on her. Hope she comes over to Central though, people here could definitely use her. Then again, who doesn’t need someone like that in these times?...’ The brunette looked up at the sound of the bus pulling in to the stop and stashed her phone away before making her way to the opening doors. With a swipe of her phone across the payment terminal, she then walked to the back of the bus before settling in with her switch. It wouldn’t be too long of a ride but might as well get comfy.

Location: ???
Date: January 1st, 2020

Brooklyn breathed a sigh of relief as the mission complete banner flashed across the screen of her switch. She knew lunatic difficulty was going to be, well, difficult, but that particular mission has caused her so many restarts in order to get everyone out alive. Too many for a bus ride of this length actually… With furrowed eyebrows, Brooklyn looked up from her switch to find that the bus was completely shrouded in darkness.

”Uh, driver did we miss my st-” Brooklyn cut herself off as she looked across the empty bus, which includes the now empty space where the driver is supposed to be. ”...Fuck, I didn’t get on the wrong bus did I? Is the driver on break now or something?...” She grumbled to herself as she stashed her switch away in her backpack before starting to make her way to the front of the bus to get out and see where the heck she was. When she pushed open the bus doors to reveal a rough stone floor however, she only grew more confused. Pulling out her phone once more, her hopes were dashed as she glared at the no cell service icon. ”Of course… Ugh, I should’ve just carpooled… She groaned with a pinch to the bridge of her nose. After another sigh, she turned on the flashlight on her phone and armed herself with her pepper spray before beginning to venture out of the bus.

Brooklyn moved her light back and forth over her surroundings, noting both the stone walls and stone pillars that surrounded her while wondering if she was in some sort of cavern or underground ruin. ’How the hell did the bus get here?...’ The stone floor was slightly damp, small puddles filling some of its small crevices as she slowly stepped forward and continued to explore her surroundings. The air in her surroundings was also slightly humid to match with its damp surroundings, though the temperature was actually a bit cold. Her eyes focused on something that reflected the light of her phone. ’Is… Is that a caterpillar in a glass jar?...’ She asked herself, doing a double take, and staring at the glass dome the insect was enclosed in with furrowed brows. Her attention was immediately snapped to the other side of the cavern however when a voice echoed out her name. Her eyes peered through an opening in the stone wall which revealed a hall of some sort.

”Brooklyn….” The voice echoed out softly once more, confirming that it was indeed coming from inside the hall. By this point, the brunette was thoroughly creeped out and kept a tight grasp on the pepper spray inside of her skirt pocket. Seeing that the hall was fairly well lit, she turned off the light on her phone before stashing it back into her other pocket and slowly proceeding into the hall.

Unlike the previous cavern, this hall possessed more stonework than just cavern rock. The floor was tiled with squares of smooth stone of various sizes while the walls were lined with stone pillars. At one wall, however, stood seven monstrous stone statues, each with a name corresponding to the seven deadly sins roughly carved into their respective bases. Across from the statues at the other wall stood a small pedestal that held some sort of glowing orb. A loud sound drew her attention towards the end of the hall, where a man in flowing red robes with a lightning bolt emblem on his chest, and a staff in one hand stood. A set of stone staircases led up to the raised platform he stood on, where he was surrounded by a semi-circle of tall stone chairs. Above and behind him stood a wall of carved stone with a lightning bolt icon carved into it, the same icon which was on the man’s torso.

”Brooklyn Taylor-Evans…” The man spoke, causing her to pause at the foot of the stone staircase. The man, who she could now see was fairly old with graying hair, proceeded to meet her the rest of the way while seeming completely oblivious to her hand that was itching to pull out the bottle of pepper spray it squeezed around. The man stopped just a few steps above her, looking down at her with a glint in his eyes. ”Times are changing child, as I am sure you can tell. With these changes, however, certain… forces must react. That is why I have brought you here. I am old and weary, my place in this world is not long. I need a successor. You shall become that successor, Brooklyn, and all you have to do is touch my staff, say my name, and bear the responsibilities tha-” The old man was unable to finish his sentence when a sudden scream filled the room. It was only when he felt the burning in his eyes did he realize that the screams were his own.

Brooklyn, whose face was fighting between blanching in disgust and flushing in embarrassment, continued to spray the old man with her pepper spray for a solid ten seconds before relenting, only to close the distance between them and give a strong kick to his magical foci. ”P-Pervert! Lech! Philanderer! Sleazebag! P-Pedo!!! The brunette screamed as she watched him roll down the rest of the stairs in pain. ”Not only do you kidnap me, but then you try to solicit me to… Holy fuck, that is disgusting! I’m sixteen and you’re practically six feet under already! What the fuck is wrong with you?! This isn’t some weird fucking LARP sex-ring or human trafficking thing, is it?! Holy shit it is, it totally is, well I’m not gonna be some easy target you freak!” She yelled out again, face now red with anger as she shrugged off her text-book laden backpack and began to walk towards the old man’s downed form with it in her hand. It didn’t take long for her to reach him, a dangerous gleam in her eyes as she lifted her backpack, intent on pummeling the old man till he is six feet under where he belongs.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 mos ago

January 1st, 2020, Central City.

You Died

The letters lit up her dark and dreary screen, the only source of light in her room. She sat there in her computer chair, eyes fixated on the words with their stark contrast to the dark drab ruins and the consequences they carried.

"Goodbye one point five million souls."

'Twas a tragedy. Her former death marker laying no farther than a bridges distance from her with only a few dozen skeleton giants to bar the path. Her days of grinding reputation for her covenant had yielded little and cost her much.

She exited the game and glanced at the time. It was already seven in the morning.
"Guess we'll just go to sleep when we get home from school huh?" She asked herself aloud.

"Yeah... If 'ya don't boot up another game session for 'Just a couple minutes' " She answered back in this conversation with herself. This was the third day in a row she's gone with no sleep at all. She had a terrible habit of sacrificing sleep to make more time for the things that mattered to her: Lurking the net and gaming.

Coming down from the New Year's Day festivities she's been putting off sleep especially hard whilst her extended family had visited. She might of been an only child but she had a fair share of cousins, nieces, uncles and aunts spread across the states. Given how they monopolized her time during the holidays she pretty much gave up sleep to make more room for her alone time.

Yup. Three days in a row and there she sat in her pitch black room, curtains taped up against the wall to keep the light from bleeding through the edges. With what appeared to be great effort she hoisted herself from her chair and went to get changed into her day clothes, a dark attire designed to be minimalistic as to remain unostentatious. With a black long sleeved shirt, gray cargo pants and short white socks she drifted warily into the washroom to clean herself up.

Looking in the mirror certainly was a sight, not a pleasant one though. Her hair was bedraggled and the dark rings under her eyes would make a raccoon envious. There was little she could do to improve on the eye situations so she chose to comb and fix up her hair, a task which took a solid half hour to finish.

"Olivia! Your breakfast is ready!" Her mother called up from the stairwell.

"Just a minute mom!" She croaked back to her. Olivia's voice was definitely far from the prettiest. It sounded like it would be more appropriate coming from a frog rather than a young woman. Not a large frog mind you, it wasn't a deep voice at all. It was just kind of... Blegh sounding.

After getting out of the bathroom she made her way down stairs. At the kitchen table a breakfast of cereal, toast and a glass of orange juice awaited her, her mother and father sat down enjoying their own breakfast. She made her way down the stairs, holding onto the handrail for her exhaustion made her wobbly and tumbling down the stairs would make for a terrible start to her school day. She quietly seated herself and began to eat.

"Did you hear the latest news Ani? Some metahuman down in Keystone City dressed up in a costume decided to go and stop a bank robbery." Her father struck a conversation with her mother, not looking up from his newspaper as he spoke.

"Oh dear. I hope nobody was hurt because of it."

"Hmm... No, doesn't seem like anybody was. Still, beating the cops to the punch in stopping some bank robbers hardly makes up for the killings these metahumans have been doing." The mustached man shook his head, frowning behind his paper wall. "I swear whatever science mumbo jumbo they've got has messed with their heads."

Olivia didn't weigh in on the conversation. All too often she found that she got along with others best when she simply chose to remain quiet. Even innocuous statements made by her were like tinder, igniting irritation in those who hear her. She figured her voice was harsh on the ears, accepting this as her fate. After all, some people got to be born beautiful, smart, charming or fit. She got to be born frail and ugly sounding. Totally a fair trade, not at all a cruel slight by the gods.

After breakfast there she was, on the way to school. From the bus she emerged alongside her peers. She trudged through the doors and into the halls, swaying as though the wind could knock her over if the walls weren't in the way. Though she cared little for the others she could hear the conversations of other students around her. It appears the news from Keystone City reached their ears as well as it was the hottest conversation in the halls. Olivia just took a deep breath and sighed.

"How does news of something that minor happening all the way over in Keystone end up blowing up this far out?" she asked herself, muttering just under her breath while glancing about to make sure people weren't listening in on her. Not that it mattered too greatly. She already had a reputation for talking to herself. Just another arrow in the quiver of her bullies.

She reached her locker where an 'oh so pleasant' surprise awaited her. One of her bullies had taped a sign to her locker which read Losre. This simply prompted Olivia to engage a face palm.

"Oh goodie, mean spirited AND dyslexic. You sure do draw the best." She quietly muttered to herself through her palms before tearing the paper off from her locker and unlocking it so she can put her stuff away.

"Maybe today you'll be lucky enough to get run over by the bus, putting you out of this misery for good."

So she turned and left her locker, books in hand as she started towards her first class. Just as she was walking down the hall two boys were shouting from either end of the hall to each other. Nothing new really, the hallways were a constant mess of noise.

"Hey Arnold! You forgot your textbook! Here, Catch!"

Then it hit her.

Footsteps, shoes on smooth tile floors, talking! Voices, voices! Talking, shouting, crowds upon crowds! Heartbeats! Thud thud, the meaty twisting of intestines, lungs heaving, tongues slapping within the caverns of their mouths! Chalk on chalkboards, locker doors shutting, clothes shuffling, cars, buses, engines roaring, horns blaring! Blood squishing about in their veins! Vocal cords vibrating to the tune of words, the words! The voices!

It all came in a calamitous eruption. Every sound around her was louder than could be fathomed by even the wildest imagination. She swore she should of gone deaf but she was incapable of it. Her eyes vibrated as the feedback pushed her mind to it's limits and beyond. She clutched her head and tried to suppress her screams for their noise hurt her further still but it was impossible to resist, her voice boiling out from her body in a primal cry of agony.

The world around her had shifted in an instant. She could no longer see properly for the colors of their sounds flooded her vision. She could feel it all, like being submerged in an endless ocean of her own fingertips. Even that description fails to aptly describe the very alien nature of this intangible phantom limb of hers. It was sound, all sound. Every vibration, every wavelength, it was all part of her now.

The vastness of it was overwhelming, her mind taking in a vast flood of sound without any resistance like a hole the size of the ocean floor swallowing up the ocean in an instant. The nearest sounds rang through her mind at volumes many magnitudes greater than even the most powerful atomic bomb's explosion. It was like compressing all the sand in the Saharan Desert into a single grain of sand.

As the pure torment of this exposure wracked her body the tension it was under was simply too much for her frail constitution. She collapsed to her knees, her cries cut off as vomit gushed forth from her stomach, flooding her mouth as it splattered across the floor beneath her in an explosive purge.

She grew faint as the last dredges of her stomach's contents evacuated her mouth. Whilst the experience laid entirely within her mind the strain her mind's exertion had put her body through was a test her body was failing. Between her insomniac lifestyle and this deluge of mental input the world grew dark and her arms turned limp. She collapsed into the pool of her own vomit.

Her eyelids pulled close, drawing the curtains to this scene.

She could still hear it all though. The sounds never went away. It won't stop.

It won't stop.

It won't stop.

It won't stop.

It won't st


From an outsiders perspective after being struck by a heavy textbook that was poorly thrown by some student this girl just gave a bloodcurdling scream whilst falling to her knees before throwing up copiously and passing out, collapsing into the pool of bile. Needless to say the crowded hallway cleared out around her, a nice wide ring of bystanders formed around her listless body.

Pushing through the crowd of dumbfounded teenagers was one of the teachers, an older woman with brunette hair that was faintly mottled with flecks of gray. She knelt by the body, her face etched with concern at this sudden emergency, and rolled poor Olivia onto her side. She passed a hand in front of her mouth to check if she was breathing. Her labored breaths were shallow but breathing she still was.

The crowd quietly whispered to each other as they spectated the scene before the teacher stood and pointed straight at one of the students standing at the front of the crowd.

"You there! Go get the nurse here immediately!"

The student, briefly stunned from being so suddenly put on the spot, quickly nodded and pushed on out through the crowd to do as he was told. Shortly after that the boy returned with the school nurse in tow. She joined the teacher by the fallen body of Olivia, examining her for injuries and symptoms.

"I can't tell what happened to her. We probably shouldn't move her in case she sustained any injuries from the fall."

"Should we call nine-one-one?"

"We should contact her parents first. Go inform the office, I'll remain here to keep apprised of her condition."

The teacher stood up and went off to pass the word up the chain as to what happened while the nurse remained by Olivia, making sure she was stable.

Meanwhile in a busy stock exchange floor her father worked, observing the recent stock trends to map out his investment strategies when his cell phone rang.

"Hello? Samuel Babbage speaking." He answered the phone, standing by impatiently as he took this call. His expression darkened over the course of the call as they filled him in on what had happened to his daughter.

"No, that's alright, there's no need for an ambulance. I'll come pick her up immediately. Yes. Thank you, goodbye."

With a tap he hung up and started briskly power walking off towards the exits. While it would set him back to miss a day this family emergency demanded his immediate attention.

Some time later her father arrived at the scene, the nurse keeping tabs on her condition while directing student traffic past the scene of the incident. Sam strode up to the prone form of his daughter, frown chiseled upon his stony face.

"What happened"

"As far as we can tell she fell down and passed out. She hasn't sustained any visible injuries but the fall could have injured her head or neck."

"Damn. Just what I needed today." He spoke with a gravelly note of irritation. He reached down to pick up his unconscious daughter but the nurse cut him off.

"We shouldn't move her, it could worsen whatever injuries she might have sustained. We should call an ambul-" Before she could finish Sam interjected.

"Like hell we are! The closest hospital isn't covered under our health insurance. Just the cost of the ambulance charges will bleed us dry right now."

Disregarding the nurse's objections he wrapped his arms around Olivia and hoisted her over his shoulder where she draped listlessly upon him like a damp towel.

"I'll be taking my daughter now. Goodbye."

While the nurse wanted to object to his brusque handling of his potentially injured daughter the last thing she wanted was to quarrel with her parents and wind up getting reprimanded by her boss for it. With reluctance she held her tongue as Sam carried his daughter off to his car to drive on down to the hospital.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Athol
Avatar of Athol

Athol Safety Factor 7

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kansas City, December 31, 2019, 7:30 pm

He stood in the storage loft of his shop, which did double duty as his bedroom, with his phone pressed to his ear. ”Yes G I’m sure…I’m not being a ‘stick in the mud’, you know I’m not a fan of crowds, especially when you and Stacy would be the only people I know…yes, yes I know…hey how ‘bout I meet you two for breakfast on Saturday? You can bitch at me for being a shut in in person then.” He let out a sharp bark of laughter. ”Love you to, say ‘Hi’ to Stacy for me, and Happy New Year to you both.”

Ending the call, he stuck the phone on charge and set it on the arm of the couch that was his bed. Stretching a few more times, he finished getting ready for his nightly ‘patrol’…though saying that, even in his head, sounded ridiculous. Sneakers, jeans and a long sleeved shirt, all second hand and easily replaceable; when he first started heading out he wore a bandanna to hid his face, but after the third time someone he was trying to help thought he was going to rob them, he stopped.

Ready, he headed for the shops rear exit and stepped into the growing night.

Kansas City, January 1, 2020, 2:00 am

He was surprised at how ‘quiet’ a night it’d been. Sure there were New Years revilers, many of them hammered, but no real crime. Yawning, he walked along, eventually pushing through the doors of a 24 hour corner store. ”Morning Azi…Mr. Nasirian?, what are you doing here?” He asked, shocked to see the older Iranian man behind the counter of his store at 2am. ”Where’s Aziz?” Mr. Nasirian raised a hand and yawned. ”Good morning to you to Arty,” Came the heavily accented reply, accompanied be another yawn. ”My clumsy fool of a son tripped and fell down the front steps…he’s fine, twisted an ankle and got a few good bruises, but I think his ego took a bigger hit than he did. The painkillers knocked him out so I had to cover.”

With another, larger, yawn he stretched. Allah knows I love my boy, but he’s a walking disaster.” Arty laughed with Mr. Nasirian as he poked through the deserted shop for a snack. They’d met when Arty had interrupted a robbery, and after he’s got into a patrol routine, he’d met Aziz. Snagging a couple of protein bars he headed for the counter. ”Hey, can I borrow your head?” Mr. Nasirian replied with a yawn and a wave of his hand towards the back of the store.

Early on he come into the store while out to grab a snack, and had interrupted a robbery. The wanna-be gangbangers had unfortunately already beaten the hell out of poor Aziz, and were looting the place before they bolted when he showed up. Catching them off guard, he beat the ever-loving shit out of the pair before calling the police and seeing to Aziz, staying with him until authorities and Mr. Nasirian arrived. Since then he’d become friends with Aziz and his family and made a point of stopping by the store a few times a night with he was out.

"HEY YOU HAJI SAND NIGGER, HANDS UP AN’ OPEN THE FUCKIN’ TILL!” The harsh demand cut through Arty’s wandering thoughts as he was finishing up and washing his hands. He felt his adrenaline spike, fueled by intense anger, as racial slurs were hurled at one of the nicest men he’d ever met. Stepping out of the back room, his hand up and free, he saw two skin-heads standing in front of a terrified Mr. Nasirian; one had a bat and the other a cheap looking small caliber pistol. They both snapped their attention to him.

”Hey now,” He said, far more calmly than he felt. ”There’s no need for that, Mr Nasirian is just trying to run his bus-” He got cut short by the bat armed asshole driving the end of it into his stomach; he saw the blow coming and his powers took all the force from it, a surge of energy feeding his adrenaline amp’d nerves. ”My cous’n in lockup ‘cuz of this terrorist lookin’ asshole…he owes us!” The gunman spat. Still faking how effective the bat had been, Arty slowly straightened; he had a good 4-6 inches in height over either of the racist idiots and a sever mass advantage. ”It wasn’t him,” He replied with a fake gasp. I beat the shit out of that turd…” Though before either of the would be robbers replied, he raised a placating hand. ”Why don’t we take this outside?” ”You wanna die in th’ gutter with th’ rest of th’ trash? Fine…”

He was roughly shoved out of the small store, and as he staggered onto the sidewalk, he heard the hammer of the gun cock. His ‘stagger’ let him turn enough to see where his assailants were standing, the both of them standing side by side at almost point blank. He let the power flow and he snapped around with a kick far harder than he’d ever use in a spar or a bout; his shin connected with the bat-thugs side with enough force to almost fold him in half and drive him into his buddy. At the same time the gun went off, pain shooting through Arty’s chest, while simultaneously making him feel more energized than he’d ever been.

Recovering the kick he stepped into the gun-man, who’d stayed upright when his friend had hit him, and threw an elbow strike that shattered the fucker’s jaw and sent teeth flying. Arty’s other hand flashed out and snatched the gun away, breaking several of the thugs fingers as he did so. All-in-all, the whole ‘fight’ took only a few seconds, both targets were down, one sobbing in pain while the other was out cold. Arty’s hands now went to his chest, expecting to find a gunshot wound he couldn’t feel yet…but there was no blood…a hole in his shirt, and a spot that was already started to bruise sure…but no blood. Holy shit…

Mr. Nasirian rushed out the door moments later, as surprised as Arty to not finds him bleeding out on the dirty sidewalk. ”Arty…are you…are you alright?” ”I think so…” The power crackling through him was dissipating, along with the pain from getting shot. ”You should go home son, you’ve done enough…I’ll see to these bisho'ur.” He patted Arty on the shoulder and held eye contact until he was certain what he’d said had gotten through. Arty nodded and headed off.

Kansas City, January 1, 2020, 9:30 am

Music blared through Columbus Park Automotive as Arty, dressed only in trunks, worked a heavy bag. There wasn’t even a bruise now from the bullet, and though he hadn’t gotten any real sleep once he’d gotten home he didn’t feel tired from it, though the workout he’d been at since 8 was staring to get to him.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
Avatar of rusty4297

rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Matthew Webber

December 31st, 2019

"Aaaaand... action!"
Matthew was surrounded by three thugs, moving the second they heard those words. He felt the wind rush past his face as the first hit forced him to adjust his footing, his head turning with the punch. The man that had sent the first punch stepped back to give the other room for a donkey kick, first mistake. Matt twisted just a little, bending over just enough to let the kick go by. He grabbed the leg, tossing the man backwards, into the next one that had been getting ready to take a shot at him. A straight punch out of nowhere caused him to drop to his hands and knees.

A weight pushed harshly onto Matt's back, almost making him have to lie down, but he was stronger than that. Everything he represented was stronger than that. The foot on his back lifted for another drop, but this time, Matt rolled to his side, grabbing the leg and twisting it with him. "FUCK!"

"Cut! Cut!"

Matthew let go, immediately sitting up and looking to the man he had just twisted the leg of "Yo man, you alright? Sometimes I don't know-"
"Yeah... Yeah, I'll be fine, just do it lighter this next time. You owe me a drink for that one, man."
Matthew stood up, reaching down a hand to help the man up, "I'll buy you ten if you're coming to the bar with us." A quick nod of agreement, a smile between work friends, and an accepted gesture, and everyone was back up in the room. A mess of activity filled the apartment, cleaning up of the scene for the next take. "Hey!" Matt raised his hand at someone by the door, "Can you toss me a water bottle?"

"Cut! That's that for today. See you all next year!"

Matthew gulped down the last of his water bottle. "You that thirsty Matt? Or are you trying to drink yourself into the bathroom all night to avoid those drinks you owe me?" Shaking his head, he glanced towards the one he owed a ten drink debt, "Alcohol's gonna dehydrate us, better store some extra water first. I'm thinking wings when we get there too, think they'll have them?"

"This isn't everyone... where's Jamie? Ben? Uhh... there's probably someone I'm forgetting."
"They bailed. I heard Jamie say something about those metahumans or something."
"What!? Someone call them, there's no chance we'll see any at some little bar by the river. Come ooooooon."

"Uggghhhh... how much did I have to drink last night...?"

January 1st, 2020

Matthew rolled over, reaching for his blanket that he must have kicked off during the night. As his hand touched the ground, his eyes shot open, and he gasped. There was no bed, no blanket, and no room. As he realized where he was, he began to hold his breath, looking around at the fish swimming casually nearby. With all the strength he could muster, he pushed off the riverbed, there was no way he had much time left before he passed back out from lack of oxygen.
Wasn't the river supposed to be deeper than that? Was there supposed to be that much of a splash as he surfaced? Was the riverbank always that visible- and with a second splash, he fell back into the river.

Matthew swam himself back to the top, spitting out the water that seemed to fill his entire lungs before taking a deep breath of fresh air. "How did I end up on the bottom of the river?" He looked around the river, searching for any signs of people, his friends, anything. We went out for drinks... I bought Liam a couple rounds... It was already dark out... so why's the sun up? His attempt to make sense of what a mess the night before had been came to an abrupt stop as he realized it wasn't night time, he wasn't still drunk, he hadn't had to cough up any water, and that the river was definitely as deep as he thought it was.

He swam to the edge of the river, a little faster than he thought he was trying to go, but that wasn't the important thing to focus on. What happened last night? He grabbed for his phone, hoping that it both hadn't been destroyed and hadn't been swept away while he... slept. Fortunately, although a little dirty, it was still there, he knew better than to try to start the thing after however long right under water, so instead, he'd get answers face to face. Ben should be living out this way, he'd probably be willing to call someone to ask how the night went.

Rap tap tap
"Yo Ben, it's me, Matt, open up."
"Gimme a sec!"
The door opened, a very confused man standing there.
"It's not raining out, what happened?"
"I fell in the river, also can't remember much of last night, can you call someone who went with me?"

"Yeah, Matt's right here... Looks like he tried to offer some fish a drink, but he seems alright... Really? You guys got that wasted with the whole metahuman thing happening? ... Yes, I know it's New Years- just, whatever, I can't stop you from doing crazy stuff... Alright, see ya." Ben dropped the phone onto the counter, looking to Matt, "You guys got drunk off your asses, went to go home, and then you fell in the lake. You're lucky to be alive, man. Plus you caught me before I left. You need a ride to your place?"

"If it's alright, yeah. Thanks Ben, you're a lifesaver."

With a wave, Ben's car pulled out, and Matthew went back up to his apartment, looking forward to a shower and some clean clothes.

"-the day. Some are calling her a superhero, some an alien-" The TV clicked off as Matt shook his head, "No news except for that bank thing. Whatever." Despite his previous desire to have the news on in the background during his shower, apparently all he'd be hearing was the same story on repeat, so might as well just listen to some music.

With a plop, Matt landed on his couch with a glass of water, and a bag of rice with a side of phone. Hopefully the rice'll get all the water out of his phone, but at least that was the only real worry he had. He set down the bag, letting the rice work its magic as he looked at the water. "Alright... time to either find out I'm a 'superhero' or cough like a madman who just tried to breathe in water... He exhaled about halfway, and then shoved the cup to his face, trying to breathe in the water slowly. The stupidity of his actions almost made him stop, but he had to be sure since weirder things were happening lately.

After holding the breath of water for a moment, Matthew exhaled the water back into the cup. "I... guess I can breathe water then. Huh. Jumping off the bottom of that river was faster than I usually swim too. Wonder if I'm bulletproof... Like hell I'd try that." He smirked, lying down on the couch. "I wonder what I can do. Fly? Shoot lasers? Move things with my- I can test that one."

"Okay... flight, lasers, telekinesis, telepathy, and invisibility seem to be ruled out... Unless I can still see myself when invisible, but probably better safe than sorry. Am I just a glorified submarine man? I gotta be stronger than normal, right? Only reason I could jump out of the water like that... Even if all I can do is breathe water and jump really high, I gotta use this stuff right, right?" Maybe it was just the intense feeling of energy he'd had ever since waking up underwater, but he figured what better time than now?

With a stretch, he stood up, "Alright water boy, let's see what I can do." He grabbed his now dried but pretty beat up shoes, "Just... after I grab a new pair of shoes, that is." The now ragged shoes slipped on with a little resistance. He reached for his phone, but stopped himself as he saw the bag and rice. "I'll leave that until tomorrow" He grabbed his wallet, hoping more than anything, that nothing was damaged, but too scared to look for now. A new pair of shoes, maybe a little testing of how strong he actually was, and then he'd be off to stop some purse snatcher or something.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Paingodsson
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Paingodsson A Dreamer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Caleb `The Judge` Rodrick

Location: Central City Stadium. January 1st, 8:15pm

The camera went over the crowd as people in a packed arena in Central City that were waving signs and screaming and yelling as the announcers could be heard. "What a night it's been so far Cole, everything from the woman's championship match which absolutely blew the roof off this place, to The Fiend's creepy match against Brock Lesnar, where... have you ever seen, anyone. Absolutely dominate Lesnar, as the fiend did?"

"I have not Corey, we have surely had a large night thus far, and we are about to have an even bigger one, as sparks... are about to fly. Next, The Judge goes up against Johnny Gargano. And Corey, this rivalry isn't just aggressive, it is deeply personal.

"Personal indeed Cole, Gargano tried to end The Judge's career. But since The Judge came back, he has been taking out every single one of his friends, and he finally has his sites on Johnny Gargano.

The crowd hushed as the lights went down and the Titantron flickered. It showed a black and white picture of the judge and a heading: *6 weeks ago*. Cole's voice could be heard, "The Judge says he has some special news and his next, what he calls victim. Here tonight!" The titantron would show The Judge walking down towards the ring amidst a cheering crowd and grabbing a mic "Johnny Gargano, it's time, you and I settle this. So come on out here!"

The picture flicked to a man with an absolutely fantastic physique short brown hair and standing about 5 foot 10, he had a beard but not one that would show that it had extra hair, more or less like he hand shaved it down to where it was a few centimeters long. But it was a full beard nonetheless. Johnny Gargano walking down the ramp with a long blond-haired man about his height maybe a little taller. "Well that's Johnny Gargano and Buddy Murphy. I wonder what this is about?"

The screen flickered to Gargano with a microphone. "What do you want Caleb?" he asked using his real name as he spit it out with what seemed like venom. The Judge seemed to look down at the two, being almost a full foot taller than both of them.

"It's simple I knew that this coward wasn't going to come out unless he had you as his backup." The Judge pointed at Buddy murphy as a sound of confusion from the crowd roared. "You see, The Judge knows for a fact that this blonde little bitch wouldn't have the balls to come out, because he's almost as much of a snake as you are Gargano"

"How about you get to the point Judge, before we proceed to lay you out" Buddy Murphy would say as the Judge smiled.

"1 year ago, you and your 'friends' decided it was time to take me out because you wanted to make... a point."

The titantron flickered over and music began to play:youtube.com/watch?v=mE6uIHsuoSA and it showed a scene where Johnny Gargano, The AOP (Two large men who stood at about 6 foot 3 and were obvious powerhouses, Buddy Murphy, and Seth Rollins a man who stood 6 foot 1 with long black hair and a t-shirt with black leather pants were stomping on The Judge. Cole's voice could slightly whiny voice could be heard. "This is what Gargano calls a statement?! Just because he's facing off against The Judge's former partner this Sunday?! This is SICK!" The film continued as it showed them putting a chair around The Judge's next as each person had a turn stomping on it. It quickly flickered back to The Judge talking to Gargano and Murphy.

"You all put me out for 4 months, so after I came back, I made a decision... I would take you out... but that wasn't good enough for me. I was going to dismantle you; not just take you out. So over the last 5 months, if you haven't noticed Ths Judge has eliminated every friend of yours!" The screen showed a picture of the two members of the tag team AOP (Rezar and Akem) Laid out on a car as The Judge and another man with a 'Fight Owens Fight' shirt stood over them. The film showed then The Judge turning on the car and letting it drive off the pier they were fighting on into the water as he laughed as it went and sunk into the water.

"Seth Rollins" The Judge would say. As the movie changed to a picture of The Judge spearing Seth Rollin's through the stage wall as an 'Oh my god' could be heard over the music.

"Even old alliances." The Judge would say as it swapped to a person bald and a large beard being powerbombed through the ring leaving a hole.

The picture swapped back to The Judge, "Now it's just this rat that is left." The Judge would say. The screen flickered to show *4 weeks ago* It shows Buddy Murphy against The Judge at an event called SummerSlam. The music would stop for a moment as the video played. 'The Following is a last man standing match' the announcer yells as the video begins to show different parts of the match between Buddy murphy jumping off the top rope to the outside of the ring landing right on The Judge. The next part of the video showed The Judge beating Buddy Murphy with a Kendo stick over the back. The next video of the fight showed Murphy being shoved up against the entrance's wall. "Oh of course and there's Gargano!" Cole's voice echoed, "Coming to his friend's aid like a good man!" Corey's voice could be heard. The video showed as Gargano slammed a chair on the back of The Judge as him and Buddy Murphy were both beating down on The Judge one with a chair, the other with stomps. The video continued as Buddy Murphy waited for the Judge to get up once he did he charged the Judge but would find The Judge's hand on his throat as Gargano charged him The Judge threw buddy to the side and put a boot into Gargano's chest pushing him back.

The climax of the song began as the music started again.
The Judge then picked up Buddy murphy and choke slammed him off the stage just as Gargano was getting up, sparks flew as fireworks were lit and sent off as The Judge turned to look at Gargano who looked in awe and in shock as he began to run.
The video showing the next 4 weeks of action, between Gargano, hitting and running, or being found and thrown into a wall by The Judge. Another one Showing Gargano bringing a sledgehammer to The Judge's skull. The next one showing Gargano running as The Judge just barely missed grabbing him from leaving the ring. The Judge's voice could be heard now as "Gargano! YOu have no one left to run to! No one left to be your partner, no one left to hide behind! And at Hell in a Cell, there will be nowhere to run! You put me out for 4 months, so The Judge will end your career! At Hell in a Cell, it'll be you... me... in a HELL IN A CELL MATCH! Oh and one more thing... this match will not be stopped for ANY REASON.."

"If the Judge thinks I'm going to be intimidated I'm not, I have no reason to be afraid because I am the one who always comes through in big matches, I'm the one who always wins at the big events. I am Johnny wrestling, and I will not be beaten by some overgrown man who speaks about himself in the third person!

"Johnny Gargano! This Sunday when I get my hands on you, you will find out that I am The Judge, the jury, but most importantly YOUR executioner. And This Sunday will be your JUDGEMENT DAY"

The titantron flickered off as the crowd began to roar in cheering, and then it could be heard, three sounds of a Gavel slamming down and then the music hit youtube.com/watch?v=zBUx6zTxr98. As the Crowd roared when the Judge came bursting out and running to the entrance of the Ramp as the crowd cheered him on.

20 minutes later.

They had put on a spectacular show thus far, the crowd was into it and nearly deafening, they definitely had to speak louder to each other to be able to coordinate their moves. It didn't help at this point they had been on top of the 20 foot tall chain-link cell for the last 3 minutes, and people were going nuts every bump he or Gargano took. The Judge and Gargano locked up, Gargano quickly and quietly spoke, "you throw, clothesline."

The Judge quickly spoke before pulling off the sequence, get up, hip toss, spinning hurrican (hurr-i-can(short for hurricanrana)), crucifix, into DDT" They spoke quickly and clearly it didn't take more than a couple seconds and the sequence began. The Judge shoved Gargano, as he instantly got up and charged The Judge, the Judge clotheslined, him as the crowd cheered as Gargano hit the top of the cell. But he quickly got up, The Judge came right after him again, but this time, Gargano Grabbed his arm and dropped, as The Judge, jumped over Gargano flipping and his back hitting the steel as it bent to him and the crowd seemed to gasp all at once. The Judge got up quickly though as Gargano ran at him, The judge picked him up as Gargano Spun around his arms and crossed his legs around the Judge's neck as he began to spin around. The Judge would move around as Gargano tucked his head and went under The Judge's legs as the Judge flew forward into the cell once more, another gasp of the crowd as the cell bent to the weight of the Judge. But The Judge was slowly getting up to a knee.

"STAY DOWN" Gargano yelled. He ran over and put The Judge into a Crucifix hold making it look like he's pulling on his neck and arms, but The Judge continued to stand up Gargano Swung around The Judge's body putting him in a headlock and pulling down. But he botched the move slightly, he was supposed to bring his head down onto the chain link that bent, and Gargano's back was supposed to hit to make it bend while The Judge's head was supposed to appear like it hit. But from the moving around, Gargano's back his some chain but The Judge's head slammed right into a stud.

The ref instantly came over grabbing at the Judge's hand as he laid motionless, the crowd had gasped from the move and went nuts as they realized that The judge had landed on a metal stud. The Judge was acting it out though, he laid motionless but barely squeezed the Ref's hand a sign that he was okay. "Time for the spot boys." the ref said as he got up and started talking to Gargano who moved the Judge onto his back and pinned him. The ref counted, as the crowd roared out, "1, 2." The Judge shot an arm up. As the judge got to his knees the ref held only 2 fingers as the crowd roared in cheering that their face was still in this match. Gargano looked angry as he yelled at the Ref, The Judge slowly got up on his Knees as Gargano looked and waved his hands as if asking The Judge to move up, he then ran towards him, trying to superkick The Judge's face.

The Judge moved to the side standing up and grabbing Gargano and tossing him forward. Gargano would get up acting like he had shaky legs as he stood next to the edge of the Cell. The Judge thought about it and took a deep breath, here it was, the big spot of the night, the spot that would steal the show. He ran forward toward Gargano, as he went for a spear Gargano ducked out of the way, and The Judge felt his feet leave the cell as his body began to fall 20 feet down. His heart now racing as the crowd cheered and roared.

His body smashed into the announcer table below as the crowd roared, instantly there were 5 refs around him making sure he was okay, but the crowd was roaring in cheers as Gargano looked down and seemed to look shocked at what happened. The Crowd began to chant, "Holy Shit, Holy Shit, Holy Shit." over and over again. little did they know he felt very little pain from that fall, even though one of the announcers forgot to remove the iPad that was currently broken underneath his abdomen.

If you had been listening and watching at home the announcers would have been freaking out, you would have heard "Holy shit he just missed Gargano falling 20 feet into the announcer table! That must have broken him in half!"
The other announcer speaking: "That's gotta be it! Holy cow! I can't believe what I just freaking saw! Someone check on him, someone make sure The Judge is alive!"

Gargano finally had gotten down as he grabbed The Judge by the hand and tried to lift him up but the judge let his hand go as dead weight to the ground. Gargano began to laugh as he yelled, "Gonna end my career huh? Gonna make me pay huh?! Look at you, you sad sack!" His head got closer and closer to The Judge as he laid there now on his back from being rolled over. "Come on Judge! Where is yo-" He'd be cut off as the crowd roared as the Judge got up quickly. landing a punch at the top of Gargano's head sending him stumbling back to the cell. He was in the right spot, it had been marked where the fans couldn't see, but this part of the cell had been cut and weakened. The Judge Charged forward spearing Gargano, as they both took a chunk of the chain-link off the cell. As Gargano was speared laying on the chain-link as The Judge slowly got up, the crowd cheering again, this time it was more deafening as ever before, the chain had made a small ramp to the inside of the ring. The judge was soaking it up as he walked around the cell to the door as Gargano, acting hurt as he climbed up the chain link and into the ring.

The second The Judge got into the ring Gargano was barely to his feet, but he jumped up and super kicked the judge, slapping his leg as the Judge's head went up and looked at the ceiling, the crowd deafening now as they really weren't sure who was gonna win, The Judge fell back bounced off the rope as Gargano ran at him and The Judge charged him and completed his finisher, a running STO that shoved Gargano to the ground, a thud as the crowd yelled "OHHH" and cheers began to come, The Judge tiredly covered Gargano, as the ref counted, "1, 2, 3" The crowd went wild as the bell rang and The Judge stood up. "Here is your winner, Theeeee JUDGE"

If anyone had been watching on tv they'd be hearing the announcers talk about the match, saying things like they aren't sure how The Judge was able to get up, or even how Gargano was able to as well and about the destruction of the match.

As the Judge got back behind the curtain he was met by Vince McMahon. "That was some good shit! Good job! I was thinking, for the next spot, what would you say, about getting in a car accident on camera? What would you say about it? We could have Gargano do it to keep the rivalry going, or do you think you could fall 30 feet? What if we had you fall 30 feet to the ground?!"

The Judge laughed slightly, "Vince, I appreciate it boss, let's talk tomorrow about what we want to go through, for tonight." he took a deep breath, "I'm pretty exhausted." Vince grinned, "That's fine, I'll call you tomorrow, don't forget your interview later tonight as well!" Vince shouted out. The judge turned around and gave a thumbs up as he was giving each wrestler behind the curtain a high five. Gargano came through the curtain as The Judge turned to look at him. "There he is! The man who helped me steal the damn show! The Judge said as he walked over and Gargano was still holding his stomach slightly as he gave The Judge a hug.

"Damn, I don't know how you keep doing it, but you always take the craziest of spots dude. I freaking love it."

"Hey I do what I have to, you know? I'm just happy we made each other look really strong tonight, hey I can see a title run in your close future my man!"

Gargano laughed, "Once you and I get done, it's a possibility! But you'll get that World title run!"

The Judge just laughed, "Nah, I don't need a title run, and I don't want to be pushed down the fan's throats, I think I'll have Vince have me lose my next rivalry, then segway into heat with Brock."

"Ah, I see you like 5-minute matches then!" Gargano joked as The Judge chuckled, "Well regardless, I'm gonna get showered up, I'll see you later Caleb!"

The Judge waved goodbye to Gargano as he began to walk to his own dressing room. It had happened again today, his head, and his neck, and let alone his whole body should be in intense pain, especially after that both on the metal stud. But, he felt.. fine. He felt okay like there was a minor pain but it was more like that pain had you accidentally scratched your skin slightly too hard; he was more exhausted than anything, but he was happy that he could make the crowd cheer, he hoped he made someone's night, despite all the critics he knew that they absolutely stole the show. The number of spots, the high paced action, the curiosity of who was going to win all the way up to the end. It was one of his best performances yet.

(A few hours later (about 10:50pm)

The Judge would be walking toward his car waving goodbye to all the stagehands after he helped them tear down, it was late, about 11:00... He got into his car and wondered if he could find a bar somewhere, or someplace to get food because he was absolutely starving. Starting up his little red 2012 Chevy Cruze he began to pull out of the garage and was on his way.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Utrax
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Utrax 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖉

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Samantha Haynes/Hexfire

January 1, 2020 | Keystone City
@Crusader Lord

Samantha locked herself in her own world. A daily ritual alongside her steaming cup of coffee. She sat at one half of her makeshift workstation, a small desk in the corner of her room. Papers, writing tools, and her computer littered the surface with a big mess. Deep in thought, she stuck the pencil end in her mouth. Her hand adjusted her glasses as she studied the sketch book more. Several low detailed images of a single exhibit littered the page. She lowered her pencil then tapped on the paper with the point.

Once...twice... thrice.

A small breath passed through her lips before she set the pencil down. Samantha glanced to her mug, noticing it was nearly empty. Time to get more. She pushed her chair out then stood up, taking her mug with her on the short walk from her room into the living room.

Despite degrees in Design and Art, Samantha's apartment remained simplistic and messy. She blamed her laziness and personal choice. Some days were so rough, she barely stopped herself from sleeping on the sofa some nights.

She skirted around the current project on her wooden floor. Plastic lined the middle with splatters of paint and plaster chunks, a stone as the focus. Its surface covered by a runic symbol from scattered pictures for references. It reminded her she had to call Scarlet soon to help finish the props for set up tonight.

As Samantha pulled over to the coffee maker, she glanced outside. In the streets below, flashes of police lights and ambulances caught her attention. She frowned as she turned her machine off then returned to the living room. Drawing close to the sofa, she bent down to retrieve the remote and clicked the television on. It took a moment or two to completely turn on.

With a soft plop, she took a seat. She sipped the bitter liquid warming her from the inside out. Her legs stretched out and settled on her coffee table nearby. She found her cell while the news flashed in the background.

She paused long enough to watch in awe horror as events of the bank robbery unfolded. Her thumb flicked through her contacts, finding Scarlet's number. Pressing it, Samantha held the phone to her ear. Anxiety filled her with each passing moment until she heard Scarlet answering.

Not waiting for a 'hello', Samantha spoke with a worried tone.

"Hey, Scarlet, are you all right? I just spotted the bank robbery on the news and got worried."
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Crusader Lord
Avatar of Crusader Lord

Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Firand'r/Scarlet ("The Crimson Comet")

"Scarlet! Scarlet!!!" a young, brown-haired girl called out as she ran down the long school hallway.

The pink-haired Tamaranian, dressed in comfortable black stretchy pants and a red tank top hidden underneath a black, hooded, and zipped up sports jacket, seemed to perk up as a familiar voice came to her ears. Scarlet stopped where she stood in the hall, a couple of books and a binder stuck underneath her right arm, and let a wide smile come to her face upon seeing who it was. Rachael Cross, all around geeky nerd, straight 'A' student, and ultimately the first person to be nice to her rather than make yet another "idiot redneck and incest-indulging hillbilly" joke on her first day at a new school. Not that some hadn't stopped making those jokes after a 'small' incident and one jock boyfriend's broken right arm.

In truth, the disguised alien girl almost had no idea how her and Rachael had kicked things off after that, but safe to say it felt better to have found some kind of friend here in the last year. Especially when they knew some juicy new manga to read online at night...

"Ey Rachael!" Scarlet said, throwing up her left hand in a casual, lazy wave as her friend approached in a seeming hurry, "What's tha' rush?"

"You have NO idea!" Rachael said, a worried look on her face as she scrambled to catch her breath and speak more, soft blue eyes looking back up at her, "A freshman girl collapsed in the hall earlier, threw up everywhere even, and no one knows why! Someone said they saw her father take her out, but the teachers aren't saying anything! Then apparently there's a bank robbery...but someone looking in the teacher's lounge just saw someone crash in through the roof like a superhero!!!"

Wait. What.

"Wow there," The green-eyed girl said, putting up her hand for a moment as she visibly tried to process what she had just been told in such a hurry, "So a freshman girl just kinda' collapses on tha' ground without any warning, and some woman jus' went in full Might All on a bank robbery?!"

Rachael nodded hastily, before straightening her back and looking Scarlet in the eyes.

"I mean, I think they are. Its makes no sense, but then I went and saw the TV to make sure! The teachers can't even keep everyone away from the lounge because everyone is pushing in there to see! The video is even online right now!" Rachael said, pulling out her phone and hastily pulling up the video of what was going on in front of Scarlet's face.


For a moment, the Tamaranian had hoped that it would be a normal day...though as she watched the video a million thoughts felt like they were running through her head. Rachael wasn't one to cock up some kind of idiot rumor, her friend was wanting to be an engineer for pity's sake! But other than herself and her mother, which was just one of the dark secrets her family had basically, she'd never seen anyone else who could fly...or bend gun barrels and all of that. It was like a shot out of a superhero movie, or big-shot anime like "Hero Class Academy", but more than that it made her curious...

...Was someone else like her out there? Her mother had explained her situation to her a time ago, which frankly she thought was a heaven-send to avoid falling into some trope-ish pitfall there, but even so she had only ever seen herself and her mother with abilities like that. At all. Even her human Pa' was not that strong for sure, and he'd been a navy seal!

Not to mention that the figure in that attire felt 'familiar' somehow, at least visually, and it was like the answer was caught on the tip of her tongue.



The teen snapped out of her train of thought for a moment, noticing the video was over with and Rachael looking at her with some level of concern. With a sheepish grin, Scarlet rubbed the back of her head and put on another smile.

"Eh, it's nothin'," the Tamaranian said with a dismissive wave of her hand, "Was readin' some chapters last night an' got reminded of em' is all."

Rachael let out a long, drawn out sigh as the duo noted the rapidly depleting crowd in the hall. Seemed everyone else was happy to get moving after the bell. Crap. She couldn't be late to her mom driving her home again!

"Shit!!! Gotta go, talk to ya' later like usual?" Scarlet said, a light panic coming over her face as she began to run away from her friend and shouted a final message back.

"I'll call you tonight! I still need to finish my project for Mr. Henderson's class for after the break!"

...Though as she ran towards the exit doors at the end of the hall-



When her phone began to ring, the teen had been distracted in her haste...and run face-first into a locker at the end of the hall. The girl seemed to sit there, having fallen back flat on her butt, for but a moment before she looked around herself. Good. No one around to see that one, at least. Yet as she stood up, she noted her head was fine...yet the undeniable effect on the locker was obvious. One big dent in it, like some guy had come by and hit it with a baseball bat.


Scarlet cursed under her breath, before scrambling to the right with her books and heading into the nearest girls' bathroom close by. She ran into a stall, locking the door before fumbling with her jacket pocket to get the still-ringing phone out. Yet when she saw the number, a light wave of relief seemed to come over her. Whew. Just Miss Sam. Nice lady to be sure, almost made her glad her mother had made her volunteer at the museum for 'extra educational opportunities' (not that she hadn't walked in on two interns making good use of those 'opportunities' in a different way a couple months ago).

After pushing to answer the call and holding the phone to her ear, though, she couldn't even speak before the voice on the other end seemed to come out quickly.

"Hey, Scarlet, are you all right? I just spotted the bank robbery on the news and got worried."


"Doin' alright for tha' most part, Sam, school just let out early for ah' winter break. My friend Rachael just showed me what's goin' on tho. You doin' alright? Nothin' got to ya' from all that mess?"

While she tried to keep positive, some worry did come into her voice as she spoke to the woman she worked with in her volunteer work at the museum.

Sophia Andersen ("Titan")

...STAR Labs. A place that shone as a light of scientific innovation, engineering progress for future times. Yet those months ago, it had been the epicenter of an event that shook her life to the very core.

She'd avoided this place for those following months, mainly due to having to learn control over herself to be able to go outside at all. It had all been such a surreal experience, and yet her last visceral experience as a 'fully human' individual had been here. Research, long nights, and then an explosion and flash of light. The most frightening part was what she could remember, however, all of it down to her rescue and the pain were so easy to recollect in vivid detail that it sent a chill down her cyborg spine. Yet at the same time, she felt she could not escape this place either. She wanted to return, to do research, and just see if she could grasp that bit of work she'd...that she'd made for herself before all of this.

Sophia's hand reached in her work jacket pocket, pulling out a keycard that still had some obvious melting and marring on it, before letting out a long sigh.

"Gotta see if they cleared out my desk and called me dead anyways...," Sophia muttered to herself, before walking into the employee entrance door with her card in hand.

She hoped today would be well.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
Avatar of Fallenreaper

Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Samantha Haynes/Hexfire
Firand'r/Scarlet ("The Crimson Comet")

January 1, 2020 | Keystone City
By: @Fallenreaper@Crusader Lord

Samantha blinked for a moment then glanced at the clock on her TV. Silently she cursed herself. She had forgotten that Scarlet still went to high school, and they didn’t normally release this early. Too late now, she thought. Her attention shifted back to the conversation.

"Oh, sh-crap Scarlet." Samantha immediately corrected her language midway.

"I forgot you were still in school. Hope I didn't get you into trouble. And yeah, I'm currently at home. I need your help with the props if you're able to make it here safely."

The young Tamaranian sat there on the toilet seat for a few moments, thinking over the somewhat pressing issue that Sam had just presented her with. With the robbery and all, and the odd stuff going on, it wasn’t like she could just walk down there entirely...right? Not like she was limited to walking though, as she’d been well aware of and made use of for some time (albeit not predominantly due to ‘reasons’). Indeed, as the idea came to mind she seemed to perk up as the gears in her mind clicked and whirled away.

”Oh! I can make it, just gotta’ get mah’ Ma’ to drop me off somewhere nearby safe an’ all. Don’t worry though, I’ll be there!”

As she spoke on the phone, Scarlet stood up and began making her way out of the stall and bathroom once more. Despite the positive tone in her voice, however, her mind was just hoping she could have plausible deniability for...denting a locker with beyond human stuff. Yes. Her mom would not like that, and it was probably good that she’d overheard the teachers noting that the school’s camera system was on the fritz and had been turned off since a couple of weeks ago.

She could likely make it to the door pretty fast if she booked it, and thus avoid suspicion, which was basically the plan at this point.

“You sure? I don’t want you two risking your lives. I don’t know how close your school is to downtown and the police and ambulances went by my apartment not long ago.” Sam stood up and skirted around her current project, once more heading for the kitchen. She needed to check her snack supply.

“It’s no trouble at all!” the teen rebutted as she gently pushed open the exit door, a small feeling of relief washing over her once more as she swiftly let the door slam shut and bolted for where she’d be meeting her mom, “Not like ah’ can leave ya’ to do it all alone, after all! It’ll take a while, if ah’ remember last time correctly.”

“All right. Stay safe and tell your mom hi for me. I appreciate the help. I think you'll like the current display theme. It’s about witches, demons, and stuff.” Samantha smiled, imagining Scarlet’s excitement.

“I’ll see ya’ there then, Sam. Don’t get yourself possessed by a demon before ah’ get there though!” Scarlet said jokingly in return, her legs pumping as she noticed her mother’s car in line to pick her up, “See ya later!”

With that, Scarlet would hang up on the call as she neared the passenger side door of her mother’s car. It wasn’t hard to identify the big yet old blue Ford truck they had been making use of by this point, but it still did its job well...especially after her mother had gotten her hands on it for some ‘upgrades’. It was also not hard to identify her mother in proper disguise, sitting there looking like the brown haired and glasses-wearing human woman she played herself off as.

Pulling open the door in a hurry, the teenager simply flopped into the seat and let her books fall into the seat space next to her with a long sigh. Her mother, however, seemed to let out a sigh of her own as well. Ah.

“With the bank robbery today, I came earlier to get you and have been waiting here a good while. Did something happen?”

Crap. Not like her mother didn’t worry about everything, but at the same time it wasn’t like she wanted to admit denting a locker in with her head.

“Ah...well Rachael was tellin’ me about tha’ bank robbery, and ah’ got a call from Sam to remind me ah’m coming to help paint some displays. She says ta’ tell you hi as well.”

“Ah. I had almost forgotten, but with traffic as it is I am not sure we can get down there to drop you off-”

“No worries! Ah’ can get there safe if ya’ just drop me off a few blocks away!”

Scarlet could feel her mother’s eyes looking at her, a somewhat knowing look on the disguised Tamaranian woman’s face as she opened her mouth once more.

“How so?”

“Umm...well, I was going to be walkin’ there. Sam told me bout’ an alternate path to get ta’ her place.”

Nailed it.

...She’d managed to get her mother to agree to dropping her a few blocks away from Sam’s, but even so Scarlet felt the pressure. She could already hear the words that hadn’t been said: “No flying in public”. It was something the teen had heard many times in the past, a warning repeated on and on and on like a broken record. Albeit, she did make use of it behind her parents’ backs sometimes. She could fly generally well at least, but it wasn’t as if it was her common mode of ‘transportation’ at all anyways.

But the way to get there was honestly a pain today.

Scarlet ultimately took a winding route through some alleys, and alongside little bursts of flight between rooftops and to get up higher the Tamaranian girl had eventually made her way over to where Sam’s house was. Well...like a block away, really, but it wasn’t like she was trying to be seen either. Or perhaps her mother’s and stepfather’s warnings were getting to her by the time she got that close. Either way, she had supposed, she was getting to Sam’s place without the added hassle at least.

Eventually Sam would hear a knock on her door, a somewhat familiar rap on the door followed with-

“Hey! Ya there Sam?”

Samantha promptly opened the door, checking the individual outside. Seeing Scarlet, she exhaled in relief then stepped to the side.

“I’m glad to see you’re safe and sound. Come on in, I think I got some hot chocolate and chips for a snack if you’re hungry. Careful of the stuff in the center of the room.” She turned on her heel as she closed the door behind Scarlet.

The teenager seemed to smile back softly at Sam, before giving a nod as she came inside. Albeit at the mention of the things in the center of the room, Scarlet could not help but somewhat pause and take a look at it as she stood there in her casual attire. A large ‘stone’ tablet that lay on a plastic tarp in the room, paint buckets and brushes, splatters and drips, and the usual assorted artistic arrangement (mess) beyond that which she’d come to associate with Sam’s work. Honestly speaking, it was far from the first time she’d been here to help as well in the last year’s worth of time.

“Lookin’ good today, Sam, and ah’ don’t just mean the art,” the teenager said with a cheeky tone and a friendly grin, before setting a small bag of her things down on the sofa casually.

Samantha chuckled, “All I got on is a shirt and jeans. Usually I only get dressed for company, otherwise I would be in my pjs. I got a nice set of comfortable pajama pants.”

She moved around the project mess and toward the kitchen. “So, interested in some hot chocolate or want to get started on this project first?”

Scarlet chuckled to herself as she followed Sam towards the kitchen, a light rumble of her stomach making the idea of warm hot chocolate and snacks tempting. Not that it hadn’t already been stupid cold around her though...not her favorite aspect about living this much farther north. A warm, mild winter was something she had been mostly used to, at least here on Earth.

“I can understand that, this mornin’ I was wishin’ ah’ had somethin’ to snuggle with due to how cold it’s been. Ma’ says she’s got some more blankets today though,” she said, unzipping her jacket in order to not over-insulate in the warmer apartment as she spoke, before walking over and lightly setting her jacket over the couch as well.

Samantha nodded, filling a mug up with the hot liquid. “I’ll get you a few blankets and grab the space heater. We need to make sure to keep it away from the project. It took me hours to get the right shape and for it to feel natural.”

“No problem Sam,” the younger Tamaranian said, letting out a small chuckle before walking over behind her friend and surprising her from behind with a hug.

Sam was a good person, that much Scarlet knew for sure, and the two had been bonding before over little art projects like these and such. That, and at least for the giggles it was too fun to tease her like a good friend should. It was not much of a surprise to the teen that Sam was ‘single’, as it were, though while the teasing was all in good fun she never held Sam’s relationship status or seeming obliviousness against her at all either. Frankly, it was just nice to have someone to relate to over some kind of artistic or such pursuit.

Samantha jumped in surprise. She didn’t expect the affection at first. The older woman gradually relaxed, letting the younger girl hug her. “If you want this, you’ll have to release me, so I can give it to you. I also still need to get those blankets and the heater.”

“Haha...ok, ok, I don’t wanna miss out on some hot chocolate.

“But for tonight I think what I want to work on first is some of those ‘rock’ textures, if you’d let me. Left side is looking pretty good, but if we can hit that right side I can get it to match better. Made a costume with some textures like that for KeyCon 2019.”

It was enough joking around for the moment anyways, so the teen felt, before letting out a small sigh and releasing Sam. Hot chocolate was a welcome source of warmth in these times, and frankly speaking she wasn’t worried about burning herself on it either. Being an alien had its perks...or...ah...alien princess with experimentation done on her? That had been an odd thing to learn a few years ago, among other things.

“I hate rock textures. I did well on the first side, but I doubt I can repeat that success and make it natural. So you’re welcome to it.” Samantha stated as she skirted around Scarlet and moved toward her room. She opened the closet and pulled out about three thick blankets, placing them on her bed. Her body moved around her bed to pull the space heater free, ensuring she unplugged it first, then placed it on the blankets. Collecting everything up in her hands, she walked into the living room once more.

“Need a little help. Can you grab the heater and set it over to the wall? I’ll toss the blankets on the couch and you can bundle up. Then I’ll set the heater up so it won’t catch the art on fire.”

Scarlet silently walked over and took the heater from Sam, before moving back over toward the spot near the wall. From there it was simple to plug it into the wall, though while her friend wasn’t looking the Tamaranian felt the heater to make sure it was going to warm up just fine. For a normal person that was asking to burn a hand, yet for her it was more like touching a comfortably warm cookie fresh out of the oven. From there she simply did her best to try to adjust the heater herself, noting the position of the art and using what little experience she had with this thing when she’d visited Sam before.

“Ah’ll let you get it fixed up the rest of tha’ way, but I think ah’ got it as close as ah’ can.”

Samantha looked to spot Scarlet checking the heater. Her expression fell into worry and concern as she spoke. “Don’t burn yourself. I don’t think I have any burn ointment. It’s on my shopping list.”

Already she had started to set the blankets down and spread them out, enabling Scarlet to wrap herself up in. Feeling satisfied with her efforts, she shooed the girl over to the couch.

“Let me see if I can get it positioned so it’s still blowing on you, and not the art. I don’t think we want a house fire. The insurance won’t cover it.” She moved toward the small upright rectangle heater.

“If ah’ fire happened, we’d be in some ‘hot water’ to say tha’ least. But if ya get cold at all ya’self, Sam, feel free to join me over here ta’ warm up too.”

The teen seemed to be concerned for a brief moment as she spoke, despite her attempt to interject some humor at first. Yet even with her own dislike of extreme cold, it wasn’t as if she didn’t extend the same courtesy to her host. Didn’t want a friend shivering cold while they worked after all.

“I’m pretty comfortable right now. But let me grab my laptop and I’ll show you what we’ll be working on.” Samantha once more walked back into her bedroom and retrieved her laptop. When she came back, she flopped on the sofa and gently shifted the device on her lap. Her finger touched the mouse pad and clicked on her notes. Immediately windows of ritual tables, witchcraft, and more in various browser tabs.

She offered the computer to the younger girl. “What do you think?”

Scooting over closer to Sam on the couch to get a better view, Scarlet took the laptop carefully and examined the designs and various browser tabs. Her face seemed to shift into a look of notable concentration, as if her eyes were caressing every detail of ideas lying before her eyes. Taking out her phone, the girl began to pull up some of the pictures as she could find them, even taking a look over the laptop and phone to make sure to pull up ones that her older friend had already started on.

“Hmm…,” the teenager said, giving off a light hum as she collected her thoughts and looked over to Sam right next to her, “All looks good ta’ me conceptually, but a couple ah’ these things are ah’ tad’ redundant.”

Scarlet turned off her phone and put it back in her pocket, before turning the laptop and pointing out what she was saying to Sam.

“Tha’ magic circle you’ve work on so far stand out more than this design from the Goetia, so ah’d say go fer’ this one over tha’ other ta’ avoid gettin’ too redundant visually. Ah’ can help finish it off and touch it up as well, along with those rock textures, if ya’ want..”

Samantha nodded, then explained. “Some of these will be for the display items. The whole exhibit is one on witchcraft and magic. These..”

She pointed to the runes and pendants. “... are all foci for the spell casting rituals. We need to be able to showcase as many as possible. Though we could break it up into three sections to make it less crowded.”

As two continued their conversation, they managed to wrap up the props and exhibit design plans. It took numerous hours as Samantha paused long enough to order a pizza. One large for Scarlet and a small for her. As they waited for the delivery guy to arrive, they began to shift the stuff to the side and haul it to the truck. Things were running smooth and half the work down when they broke for lunch.

After finishing the last of their meal, Samantha began to start up the truck, and they headed over to the museum. Upon pulling into the drive way in back, a short and well-dressed woman exited the loading doors. She looked at her clipboard then waved her hands. Her high heels clicked on the pavement as she walked briskly to the truck. She kept her dark hair cropped into a straight, pixie hair cut with the bangs stopped short above the eyebrows. The dress suit had a white and blue theme giving her a professional look.

“Ms. Haynes! Slow down. I need to tell you something!”

Sam did as she was told, gradually slowing then halting the truck out of traffic. She peered out of the window, her arm rested on the door frame. “Yes, Mrs. Garret? What is it?”

“Can you and Ms. Straussen take those to the storage room? You can set them up later tonight.” The director commented, looking up from her board.

Samantha nodded. “No problem.”

“I expect it done before midnight. I also need you to update the site and email copies of the pamphlets to Mr. Edison before tomorrow morning.”

The woman sighed as she settled back into the seat. “Yes. I will try.”

“No, it’s not try. It’s do. You will do it.” The director corrected her as she twisted on her right heel and walked away. Her eyes focused on the clipboard as she scratched off some things on a list and continued back into the museum itself.

“This is going to be a fun night. Goodbye sleep.” Samantha sighed, starting up the truck and pulling closer to the loading doors.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hellion
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Hellion Nulla Dies / Sine Linea

Member Seen 5 mos ago



When the time is right.

At least that’s what it was being framed as when the pencil-pushers and various nutjobs who ran the Science and Technology sector continued to assure the young woman that she would eventually be able to speak with her parents again. But this would never be the case only after a few short weeks of being held in some unknown government-run facility in the middle of fuckall. Tess wasn’t an idiot. Small signs here and there, data imprints from files they thought to be buried in their system were only too easy to recover with enough persistence. The truth was, her parents no longer wished to see their “monstrous” child. Not after what had happened in their home. Not after the embarrassment of their friends, colleagues, and neighbors finding out that their little girl was one of them. Those meta-humans who would one day tear the world apart with unchained powers no one could ever understand.

Or so it was sadly assumed.

It wasn’t as though she had much time at all to explore the abilities that manifested shortly after the “big explosion”, her mother and father worried for not only their child, but their own self-preservation and future livelihood. Of course the only reasonable solution to the problem was to pass it on to someone else. To pass their only child into a world that would merely chew them up and spit them out. How could seemingly loving parents do such a thing you ask? Perhaps it was out of fear. But their daughter believed it was simply not wanting to deal with a problem they just didn’t fully understand. And who could blame them? Tessia saw herself as an abomination in the worst of times, and simply a “lost soul” in the best. Was there a middle ground? A happy medium? Solace in knowing she could exist and live a normal life?

But who the hell knew what normal was. Certainly not the institution that took Tess away from everything she ever knew, threw her into a test tube environment, and basically pushed and prodded her until real results transpired. At least, results that the scientists and researchers were satisfied with. Their main testing ground seemed to come in the form of the NITE framework. A virtual world that sometimes seemed more real than could ever be imagined. An ethereal experience that had all the sights, sounds, smells, and a myriad of other sense-driven aspects which could cause anyone tapped into to lose all sense of what was actually “real” anymore. A framework that seemed to have way more questions than answers, as each day since arriving, the young woman would jack into and travel the binary playground. Tinkering. Exploring. Breaking what wasn’t essentially bolted down, only to hack through and uncover things that were most definitely not for her eyes.

It was the breadcrumb trail that was sorely overlooked by the higher-ups. A specific meta-human, or so it was presumed by Tess, being kept deeper within the facility under much heavier security guidelines. A “menace to society” as one line of code read. It wasn’t merely lock and key, but layers upon layers of firewalls, system protocol rewrites, and a myriad of other security placements that made the teenager wonder just what was so special about this particular person.

News of the heroine known only as “Sol” was certainly an interesting article to come across, almost around the same time information about the mystery project had been discovered. Coincidence? Perhaps. Or was this the same person? Although another name emerged as well...


The short greeting and question from Miranda Mendoza came as almost a dream. Had the government agent been standing in the apartment long? Was she early or late? Tess was wrapped up in her own mind as usual, but rather than burning away the remaining hours of down-time on video games, the young woman was curled up with a paperback book in one corner of the cushy leather couch situated in the middle of the living room. The sounds of Vivaldi's The Four Seasons filled the remaining nooks and crannies of the modern living space.

There were a few moments of awkward silence before Tessia began to speak, not once looking up from the engaging book as she did so, voice fairly low, but loud enough to be heard across the room.

“'Among other things, you'll find that you're not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and even sickened by human behavior. You're by no means alone on that score, you'll be excited and stimulated to know. Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You'll learn from them—if you want to. Just as someday, if you have something to offer, someone will learn something from you. It's a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn't education. It's history...'”

Tess paused and tilted her head up as she glared with a deadpan expression at the pantsuit agent standing a few meters away. “...It's poetry.” She concluded, closing the book and placing it in her lap.

“Pardon me?” Agent Mendoza arched an eyebrow as she stepped into the living room proper, and stopped just a few feet away, crossing her arms and trying not to seem too amused at the random comments coming from the other.

“The Catcher in the Rye.” The seated girl responded. “It’s a book.”

“I know that.” The Agent snickered. “I haven’t read it though.”

“And why would you?” Tess shrugged. “It’s message goes against everything you and your colleagues are striving to fight for.”

“And what is that?”

“Oppression.” She said plainly. “Essentially stripping away what freedoms we might have left and any semblance of childhood innocence, just so you all can play God.”

Agent Mendoza sighed. This wasn’t the first time she’d heard this kind of rhetoric from the girl. The insane conspiracy theories that built up in her beautiful and intelligent -yet troubled- mind generally had a very circular pattern, always ending with a “coverup” of some sort of another. Always placing blame on government machinations, and the people behind it all. But, the Agent also was not a least bit surprised considering how much information Tessia had acquired in such a short amount of time from their mainframes alone. The girl’s innate abilities to tap into and travel at great distances secured computer networks with the right amount of time has been a cause for concern.

“Tessia, I don’t have time for this right now. Just please eat something, get dressed, and meet me in Studio-C in one hour.” The woman, clearly a bit put-off by the conversation, turned on her heel and headed for the door.

“Who’s Rachel?”

Shit. With fingers wrapped around the handle, Miranda stopped just short of opening the door, pausing for a moment and hoping that the flushed feeling in her face would go unnoticed. While it was one thing that the nineteen year old meta-human could telepathically link and read countless computer systems, the Agent at least felt a small comfort in knowing she couldn’t read minds.

“That is no one you need to be concerned with.” Mendoza finally said, opening the door and stepping through. “Please be on time.” Her stern voice echoed as the door closed.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ginnungagap
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Ginnungagap Merger of Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thomas Q. Rose

Keystone City, Offices of Thomas Rose Investigations LLC
January 1st, 2020. 10:24 PM

The office was dark, the only light coming in through a shuttered window that could not hope to illuminate the frames on the walls. There was an air of mystique to the arrangement, but its sole occupant at the moment sort of ruined the effect.
Thomas Rose's hand tapped the top of his desk impatiently, anxiety flowing through him. He knew better than anyone today would be a quiet day, it was after all, New Years. Nobody needed an investigator on New Years Day, certainly not someone who was quite unproven, even if he was selling himself as something special.

In a little flicker of motion, he flipped through one of the old paperbacks he'd set down on the desk last week. He knew it shouldn't have been possible, that the room should have been too shady to just casually read the text on those creamy-hued pages, but then again the fact that that sort of impossibility had become the norm for him was why he'd decided to do this begin with, wasn't it.
He held open the first page, words springing forth...
"Yes, sweetheart?" he asked of an Effie Ferine who could not answer.
"A customer?" he asked, as if the mute air had answered, "Shoo her in, darling, shoo her in"
His eyes skipped down a few lines as he stood up from the desk, laying the book back down on top even as he mockingly gestured to the chair on the other side. "But I knew it wasn't going to be as simple as going 'Now what can I do for you, Miss Wonderly?', now didn't I."

He took hold of a bag he'd set by the door on his way out. The little plastic sign up front flipped back to say 'Out Until'. A little marker pulled out and, with a moment of consideration, a big exaggerated "3" was slapped underneath. If one business was going to be quiet today, the least he could do would be to work for the other side after all. And while the city wasn't as festive as it was two weeks ago, there were always new shots to be taken somewhere.

The Rooftops of Keystone City
January 1st, 2020. 11:57 PM

This though, this is what Thomas lived for. Central City was so much prettier when you could take in the whole image at once. Star Labs, which had looked so pure and sterile six months ago, well it was alive now. Alive and yet, it slept. Another lens, a tiny adjustment to the exact angle of the camera. A different exposure. Check the viewfinder. Adjust the tripod. Viewfinder. Click. The subtle sound of someone ascending the maintenance stairs behind him. Off the tripod. A chance look through the viewfinder and another click. Steps rising further. Tripod folded up, in the bag. Bag zipped shut, shoulder strap on. His own feet crossing the rooftop. The click of a latch, hinges swinging.
And for the woman who stepped onto the roof, the sight of no one up here. The reassurance of a smoke break that would go uninterrupted.

As for Thomas, he had memorized where the fire escape was before he'd even set up. Walked the distance to test how long he would have. He could disappear before anyone got on the roof. And even still, his work did not stop. Even though he was a bit lower down now, he still had quite a view of the skyline. And he'd be down here for at least few minutes anyway. So planning out the next shot would be simple enough...
Across the city, his eyes traced a sudden movement through the sky. A blur that couldn't have been a bird, nor a plane.
A metahuman? Flying in the open like that? In the middle of the day? Well, I guess some people have some lofty resolutions this year. he thought, putting his back against the wall as he considered the reverse-shooting-star. Well you go on rocket man, fly high. Looks like Keystone just got its own blur to challenge Central with.
Just wish the rest of us could be like you, could just fly around without a care in the world.

The sound of footsteps onto the smooth surface of the steps leading down was all the sign Thomas needed though. A few seconds, the roof access being closed back up with another swing of hinges and a click, and he climbed back onto the roof, his camera pointed downtown now. That blur might have been too fast to get a picture of it, but at least he could get something of downtown today. He wasn't sure exactly where that blur had popped up from, but certainly pictures of downtown on the day someone flew up up and away would be worth something. And he still had a good hour and a half of work to do before he left this spot anyway.
This was the day the world changed, but for Thomas, it was just another day of work.
Business was slow after all.
Maybe he could spin by the courthouse tomorrow, once they were opened. Talk to people. Get his name and face known. Hand out business cards.
Canvassing, that was the word for it.

"Tomorrow. This city awakes tomorrow to a brave new world."

Keystone City, Offices of Thomas Rose Investigations LLC
January 1st, 2020. 2:56 PM

Thomas watched the video play through once more, footage that had been circulating the news for apparently most of the day. Footage of what had happened just before he'd seen that blur. Just what he needed, really. The city would be in an uproar for weeks after this.
And what was she wearing? What kind of ridiculous outfit even was that. What kind of person even owns a cape and is ready to just slip it on before flying off to stop a bank robbery.
Then again, it wasn't really fair to judge that, was it, considering what had informed his own fashion sense going into this new business.
"Actually, I wonder how long she spent working on that outfit. Doesn't look like the sort of thing you just get off the shelf."

"Can't really pay too much attention to that though," he considered aloud, swapping back over to actual work, pulling pictures from the camera and picking out which ones had turned out the best, what would go out on offer from him, "Though I do have to say, Sol, you have made sure the future will be interesting for all of us. They can't exactly call you the bad guy here after all."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 3 days ago

Keystone City, 34th Bush Street Shopping Center
January 1st, 2020.

As with all cities, there are areas that simply fall out of favor and are generally abandoned by everyone who can afford to be anywhere else. Bush Street Shopping Center was one such area. Once upon a time it had been a filled with store fronts and businesses, but as the economy tanked a few times and its inability for most of the businesses who had been there to compete with more well known competitors in better locations, the only storefront that remained that didn't have a 'For Rent' or 'For Lease' sign in the window of the otherwise empty buildings was a cake shop that had proven time and time again to supply high quality cakes and other desserts while benefiting from the relatively low rent of the area.

Twitchy the Rabbit had made his home in the back one of the empty buildings. Getting in hadn't been too hard, since the cameras had long been damaged and no one clearly cared enough to have them replaced and the back door had used a handle found in the door knob itself... which had shattered as soon as he had applied just a little more pressure then average.

It was a relatively humble little lair; A small pile of blankets and cushions to snuggle up and let his host rest during the day, several piles of books sorted into different subjects that either interested him or where fields of study he wished to pursue, a tub and piece of line that he washed himself, his host and their cloths with... and a metal bar that he jammed the door so that he didn't need to worry about someone stumbling in on him randomly.

Truth be told, his host didn't seem to require rest or sleep... but Twitchy liked doing it anyway. After all, his ability to move around and function depended on his host and even if they didn't have a mind anymore, the least he could do was ensure that they laid down and got a good days rest. It wasn't like they had anything better to do during the daylight hours either; He had figured out fairly quickly that operating during the light of pure day was more hassle then it was generally worth... so bunkering down was kind of a requirement.

Today he was studying a book he had borrowed from a library a bit further out then the ones he generally visited after hours. It was a rather informative documentation on a series of known Loa of Louisiana Voodoo; Who they were, what signs and rituals they were generally connected to and how to recognize them once they possessed a horse. It was a fascinating subject, if for no other reason then because ever since he had started to look into the magic that had brought him and Mortimer to life, the possibility of them being Loa was clear to see... but despite it being early days he hadn't located information on who either himself or Mortimer might have been before their awakening.

Of course, there was always another page to be turned. New secrets and information to be uncovered. So while the rest of the world passed him by, Twitchy the Rabbit contented himself with the pursuit of knowledge as his human host laid there, wrapped in blankets on a pile of pillows with their eyes closed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Humming Panda
Avatar of Humming Panda

Humming Panda

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Central City - Approximately 2 PM.

1st of January, 2020.

Emily Brown

Leaning against the wall, Emily watched what unfolded up ahead. The buzzing liveliness on the small plaza that she was nearby had brought some people to a small 'stand' if you were so nice to call the large carton box the equivalent of a stand. A man of somewhat Persian origin stood behind it with three black plates. He kept showing three round plates, each as dark as obsidian. One of the plates had a white marker on one side, which almost already explained the basic but cunning game.

"So, are you going to do it?"
The rough voice of the man next to Emily rang, accompanied by the aroma of a cigarette.
Emily didn't respond, her gaze locked on the unfortunate young woman that was lured into playing the odd game of the 'stand'. A shame, Emily mused to herself, that the woman had lost the mere moment she had agreed to play and pay.
The Persian man started to explain the game, with the additional promise that if she would win, she would earn double of what she had placed in a bet. A sweet promise that seemed irresistible from annoying assholes that thought they knew and could do all, to innocent fathers that wanted to show their family that they could do it.

"Maybe, depends on the pay," Emily replied to the man. She shot a glance at her side. "I am not fond of doing anything that could get me attention. From either gangs or the feds."
A scoff was given at first but Emily's attention was back at the 'stand'.
It seemed that the Persian was shuffling the black plates at a rapid pace - but yet a pace that most people could follow. When the Persian started to lay the plates, Emily's lips curled into a smile.
The trick was to make the victim believe the white-dotted plate was where they wanted it. But it was all a trick, a sleight of hand that made the white dotted one be placed a position later.
And much to Emily's expectations, the young woman would point out to where she imagined the white dot was laid out. Only for the Persian to offer a disarming smile, revealing that she was wrong.

"Are you even listening?"
The annoyance that emitted from the man's voice was obvious. It provoked Emily to throw once more a look at the man. He was much around the same age as her, roughly between his twenties and thirties. The rugged look that he had adopted would likely make many stay away from picking a fight or argument with him but Emily knew the man better. Thomas was nothing but a big bluffer, that would start running the mere second he figured that he couldn't talk his way out.
"Barely. Okay, okay," Emily would turn half towards Thomas, an apologizing smile accompanied by the simple gesture of Emily's hands raised up slightly. "I am all ears now, hit me with it."

"I would love to do that," Thomas grumbled before he would start over again. "Anyhow, the target is some box. It is likely some fun stuff that could be better sold by Nick's fellows, you know." Thomas started to explain.
Emily frowned as she started to become more serious. So far there wasn't anything odd about it. It was about to get her hands on what was likely a package of drugs and then bring it to Thomas, who would sell it to another 'acquaintance'. A business that had some risks to upset a couple of people but bring up a nice amount of cash.
"You think that you got that? I didn't make a promise with Nick but this could make us be settled for a good bit," Thomas finished with.

There were two things that didn't sit well with Emily. First, it was the fact that the target item was in a warehouse with likely not a lot of security. It seemed a bit too easy, for a package of 'fun stuff'. Usually, that was moved fast or had quite some more trouble to it.
Then there was also something to the whole matter of the amount of dosh she would get. It seemed nearly twice as high than usual.
Thomas spoke up as if he could smell her worries. "This might let you get something nice, you know. Maybe even move to a nicer spot than you are tarrying now."
Emily slowly nodded, though she hadn't voiced her agreement yet. There were some thoughts moving through her mind at high speed, trying to figure out if this was a nasty setup or a golden deal.

"Fine. I can get it."
The response of Emily caused a smile to dawn on Thomas's lips. "Great. You know where and when to drop it?"
"Yeah, of course. Same place, same time."
Thomas would get up from his sit and pat Emily's shoulder.
"Good, talk to you later."
"Mhm, later."

Not moving from her spot, Emily's gaze moved back to the Persian and his 'stand'. Crossing her arms out front of her arms, the doubts kept gnawing at her. Refusing to let Emily think about what she should get for lunch or even have for dinner. Squeezing her own arm for a moment Emily desired to kick a fuss - to distract herself.
Pushing her back from the wall Emily would start to close in on the 'stand'.
There was a young man that had decided to place a bet and participate in the crooked game. But instead of losing, he seemed to win - much to the amazement of others. What seemed genuine was nothing but a show.
These 'operations' were rarely done by a single person. A small group usually worked closely together. A spotter or two was stationed on strategic positions, with earplugs connected to their phone - able to alert each other rapidly in case of spotting cops or other problems.
Then there were the few people who seemed to lose or win - making the 'stand' look fun and drawing the attention of others. After all, humans seemed to be drawn to certain matters. And winning or risking money seemed to draw a lot of people.

"Hello lady, you willing to play?" The question by the Persian went along with a certain confidence, a tone that radiated his trust in thinking that he could reel in another victim.
Deciding to act a bit innocent, Emily showed a wry smile. "|Sure, I suppose so. How does this work?"
There was a glint becoming visible in the man's eyes, seeming innocent but yet having something ominous about it. It reminded Emily of the neighbour's cat, whenever it thought it could get away with something.
The Persian explained the game and even allowed Emily to play a test run, which she won - much to the joy of the Persian and other present people.
"Now, lady, we play seriously!"

The Persian started to shift the black plates at a rapid pace, yet clearly allowing Emily to follow what was the winning plate. Staring at what was clearly the wrong black plate, Emily's hand went towards it, only to quickly change.
The Persian's eyes went from narrowed eyes in delight to shock.
Within five seconds, shouts started to erupt, voicing their dislike and disdain.

Letting herself fall on the mattress, Emily stared at the ceiling. Today hadn't been an awful day. It was pretty mediocre, the repeating of many days of her current life.
Placing her hands behind the back of her head, she did consider what she could get with the promised money. It would be just enough to get out of her current 'home'. A nasty, cheap apartment that had the great benefits of free 'pets'. Who didn't appreciate the likes of cockroaches, aggressive cats and rats? Exactly!

Groaning Emily closed her eyes as she wagered other options. Yet the allure of money seemed to be an influence she couldn't get out of her mind.
"Well fuck... "
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 1 mo ago


Then the second one was fired. He heard it, and returned fire from the nearest hostiles on ground level. The hostiles on the opposing roof were at a bad angle, and of course it had been them that fired the second rocket. The RPG put a whole through the shitty little concrete and bad tile little house, or apartment, or whatever, that they had ducked into when they realized it was an ambush by a dug in and well armed enemy first. Diggs and Preston were dead. Penna had been shot in the arm dragging Diggs out of the street. They felt okay until the first rocket. The second rocket he only recalled white haze and ringing.

The little house, or apartment, or whatever across the small dirt road exploded with small arms fire as the ISIS fighters pressed their advantage. Garcia kept speaking as calmly as he could yell into the radio, and he himself would chime in when appropriate. But he was too busy shooting. Every time a burst of fire came it became a new target for him to aim at. His M4 was warmed up and his shooting was true. That's why that had started in with the rockets. The first shoot he thought they missed, but during a reload he realized that it hadn't missed.

A bullet had grazed him with a sudden metal sting.

The second hit came a clip later, after the fire from the ground floor began to die down. It was a three round burst, two of the three rounds slapped right into his left shoulder. The shock and force sent him to his ass. Then it seemed like the world exploded again, grenade outside, maybe. Not big enough to be a rocket, he felt. Then things got even louder, far as he could tell. It all sounded like he was at the bottom of a swimming pool, and it was all going on above the water over his head. The sudden silence was stranger, then someone shouted something. Something that sounded happy, and then there was a hand on his good shoulder.

When he looked up he saw her: white and black and gold glittering. She was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, but that was almost missed in the moment he first saw her glowing in Iraqi sunlight. "Sarge," was all she had said to him, a soft smile and a long look at his shoulder. Her cape was dusty and settled in the breezeless Iraqi home, or apartment, or whatever. And she still looked perfect to him. When she turned and spoke to the rest of his squad, that smile. That air of absolute invincibility.

The medical teams got in fast, it was easy. The official report said that Charlie Squad came in as heavy relief. What actually happened was a miracle from heaven, as far as he had been concerned. His squad told him about how there was a golden blur, and then all the shooting stopped on that street. A few minutes after she touched his shoulder, shooting around the entire block of this Iraqi city had stopped. The operation was the lowest death total for combined Coalition forces in years, and far less than had been expected with how dug in the terrorists had been.

The memory played again and again, as if it were suddenly free to roam his mind.

He wasn't in a safe place to be in the present either. Not by five miles in any direction. This deep into the woods of Missouri and there were no cellular signals. There was a Dollar General that they'd built before the last flood. Folks were surprised when it reopened, even though LeAnn Walter, the manager, had been telling them they would. LeAnn wasn't from this particular stretch of back country Missouri. According to one ATF report, "the compound may be the most heavily armed stretch of Missouri outside of military sites." There was a sneaking suspicion that the report was lowballing it. There was a tail almost immediately after the crash scene.

Grey SUV, windows dark, sunglasses, rarely close enough for any of that to be seen. Good thing the tail had been there after he left the Sheriff's Station, again after he left JR's BBQ shack at lunch. It hadn't mattered as much to Murphy as had the revelation. Only with meat sweats from lunch, and a few beers, combined with the anxiety of that grey SUV and the guy with the sunglasses showing up again--only at that point did it hit him. At first it came so sudden he laughed, big and loud and until tears threatened his brown eyes. Then he had to try to call someone, but he couldn't.

There was no one he could reach out to if they were following him and he was right about his revelation. They'd be tracking him. So that just left him the options of places to go, moves to make. Favors to call in if things were desperate. He would have felt better about it if it had all made sense, but it still didn't. Was what he had done this morning really worth all of this? There wasn't a good answer he could think of, and it just kind of pissed him off. Like he was a Private Second Class getting screamed at for something as stupid as being five minutes later all over again.

There was a reason he had left the Army.

Technically the name for the compound was Greystone Ridge. Everyone around the area, even ol' LeAnn Walter, knew it by the name Greycoat Ridge. The group had different names; the KKK part of them was some Knights of the...whatever it was, the Neo-Nazi youth movement it's own dumbass moniker, they even had a brand of Motorcycle Club. They were professional criminals, the lot of them, and they had always been happy to assist Missouri law enforcement any time it was needed. They were also extremists and conspiracy theorists. Entering the compound wasn't something he just did. He had to approach, give his name and his business. What he said almost didn't get him in, but it did get him in, and that was the part of the gamble that had spooked him the most. The drive to the chapel was the easiest part, heavily covered by the canopy of trees and bush as the entire compound was, the first day of the year warmer than expected and bright and sunny.

"Lucas." The sound of his name on the old gray haired man's tongue sounded as much greeting as it did warning to him. The old man stood in the doorway of the chapel a beat or two, before slowly shutting the door behind him. He was suspicious. George had never been a fool. Grand Wizard, Grand Pappy, just ol' Grand; whatever title you wanted to give the man that wasn't used in polite company. You're not that large a factor and that long a key player without being a shrewd operator, Lloyd had told him a few times before. "What the hell are you here for?" Murphy almost blurted it out before Lloyd added on,"Is this about Jimmie?"

Murphy smiled down at the Deputy hat he held in his hands as he sat on a pew halfway down the small chapel. The ceiling was tall, the windows were tall things that let the natural light the trees filtered flood in with a hint of green. For a lot of racists and psychopaths they could sure build a pretty place. "I remember her, now." I've seen her before. The smile that burned from that return of that memory to his mind flickered and faded as the weight of Lloyd's gaze grew heavier with each passing moments. "Yeah, it's about Jimmie. I got to call that favor in."

The words came to Murphy breathless, like he'd knocked the wind right out of the old man. "What did you bring?"

Murphy turned in the pew, looking up to Lloyd now. "I'm being followed. Do you know anything about metahumans in the area?"

"That damn lake facility. We only know it's heavily guarded and watched in every way you can think of. What do you think you did to set that place off? Pull over the wrong government suit?" It was a snide remark enjoyed with pleasure by the old man.

"I remember her. I didn't do anything, but I remember her, and I think maybe they know...that I might remember her."

"Who?" Lloyd was at the end of the pew now, age spotted hand resting roughly on the woodwork of the pew.

"The Sentry."

"Never heard of them."

Murphy smiled, bitterly. "They followed me here. The lake people, probably, I wasn't too far from there when I saw the woman at the accident scene."

"What you done for Jimmie...he's alive because of you. But you bring government to our door?" Murphy shifted to his feet. Lloyd didn't let him interject, his old hand coming up into the air quick to silence the cop. "We're even after this, Lucas, and next time this compound sees you we will sees you just the same as we see any fucking cop or government suit. Get a gun or get out."

I was kinda thinking both. He almost said it, if not for the sudden burst of fire. Mile or so north, where the mountain meets the fence and the entry gate with it's dual guard towers. Lloyd was already gone before Murphy could say anymore, but at least he had a chance to lose the tail, and slip out with a target in mind: the facility at the lake was too much for him alone.

But if that facility and it's manpower was busy with Greycoat Ridge he might just have a chance at Rachel "Stevens" and the horse ranch she was at. Whatever her name was, if anyone could give him an answer, or at least keep him from dying because of the government men all around them, it was the Sentry. A four door Jeep Wrangler and a rifle with a very big scope in the back awaited his service revolver and him near the side of the compound that was only mountain road, and the road part of that was probably best liberally applied. But the Jeep with the lift and it's four doors was his way out.

The increase in firearms sounds and the air chopping noises of multiple helicopters above the trees was his cue. "Thanks Lloyd."


"I'll stay."

"You will be dead. She will kill you."

The eldest man with the thick head of white hair scuffed and readjusted his glasses behind the cherry wood desk. "No she won't."

The other man just looked blank, suited without the tie or jacket. He'd been at the lake facility for longer than he had planned. Too long. "I'll find the cop and kill the cop."

"An American on American soil?"

The blank look was the only response given, at first, "Let me explain to you something: we have a unmitigated disaster perpetuated by a man that has acted as dangerously as he has selfishly. I bet you all the money in my pocket against all the money in your pocket this cop knows something. Whether he's private, or he's state sponsored hardly seems to matter to me right now when we have DEAD BODIES." His appearance had ceased being blank; now pale white skin had turned flush and red, his nostrils flared, and his brown hair stood up to the point where a heavy hand was glazed over his head and his hair to make it go back to something approaching normal.

Omar stood in the corner trying not to piss himself. He was a physicist by training, which had led to software engineering, which had led to working in the field of Q-Bits; Quantum Computers. Omar loved his dog, and missed his parents, and he really didn't want to die. Imagine, he thought, being the poor schmuck who's there to answer some very specific computer questions before suddenly CIA Black Site drama begins to explode in front of your eyes?

Oh and:


Omar was having a hard time focusing. The scariest guy in the room suddenly wasn't the site overseer, the Deputy Director of Computational Intelligence. The black site was always this big attempt to take hacked data and government coercion and turn it into the kind of network focal point needed for a nation wide range of experimental computers and server arrays. None of them, none of the techs, knew the reason they built the facility here, at this location in southern Missouri. The real reason for the place to exist, for the entire network to exist; it was a woman. A kind and pretty woman. He had ran into her accidentally twice, and one time he accidentally bumped into her and nearly knocked her over. She was so nice about it.

He was a klutz. All he could do was breath and not move.

Omar didn't agree with that. Omar didn't think that she would kill the Deputy Director. He was old, and he was just a middle man. Or even if he was evil, why kill him? She was too nice for that. She had a kid, he even wanted to think, but deep down he knew better. There was enough in the servers he had access to only for server maintenance (but hacked his way through the rest) to tell him the real truth of that.

But she was a mother.

The Special Agent was now putting his suit jacket on, slow, the sweat on his forehead shined in the overhead light of the office in the bunker, brownish silver hair slicked back and short. "I'll tell him when we have the cop. Mendoza, handle your business." The Special Agent walked out, and suddenly Mendoza was staring daggers at him. She was cut-throat and cruel, but she wasn't a bad person. It's just what had become of her. There had been kindness in Mendoza, and before recently he even almost liked her. Outside the office she leaned into him and threatened his life.

"If you ever repeat what was said in there, you will never see them coming." And then she turned on a heel and marched off down the corridor, calling behind her, "I'll meet you down there."

His first thought had always been the tunnel. It was the middle obvious place. The most obvious was the back exit. It lead to a nice place with firm land. It was a breeze if you got to it and no one was there, but there would be armed men there, more than likely. The second most obvious place was the front entrance, or was that reversed? Either way, they were obvious but bad ideas. The loading dock wasn't a bad idea at all, but their security was great until you got past the big yellow blast door. Then it was just mostly assumed you belonged. There were cameras and guards, but they never seemed to be watching too closely. Or were and knew better than to act on anything minor.

The worst option was the large hangar platform that was used only for emergencies.

The middle option was the water cooling pipe for the big server farm in one of the sub-levels. It would flood the servers which could affect...Omar just couldn't know for sure. His guesses were bad, and some less so, and it was all a gamble. It would allow them to slip out and not be totally full of water. It was a middle option. Least resistance, best chances all things considered...

Getting there first became a problem. Server Farm Water Cooling Flow 2 was the goal.

When the door to the Habitat slid open he had maybe five minutes. Probably not there. "They're going to kill you. There's a person named Rachel, she's your best shot. Server Farm Water Cooling Flow 2, you'll have to follow the computer to find it, but once you do you have to override the controls and flood the server room you'll be standing in...but Flow 2 leads out. You'll have time to make it pretty far before water comes rushing up behind you. If you can't find an access point out of that tunnel you'll end up on a stretch of the Ozark lake that's privately owned. Her house. If you do find an access point you'll be in the woods on her property. Find the house. Find her."

It was word vomit, and he was literally tugging and pushing at her. He was a thin and nerdy American Indian guy but he knew what he was talking about and he knew that they didn't have time. The worst part was from the Habitat to the elevator. It was maybe twenty five feet. Omar felt like he was going to pass out, or vomit, or both, the entire way. That Mendoza wasn't waiting for him when the elevator door opened made him laugh with shocked relief.

One miracle down! All they needed were three or four more. Before the elevator door closed the shot rang out. Omar hit the elevator wall blinking fast. Pain and failure cascaded through his various biological systems as bullet that could have gone through body armor shredded into his chest. The door closed. When it opened the sub-level with the server farm was dark, just shapes and various colored lights staring for nearly infinity before them. The tunnel was five minutes right and along the left wall, with barely a label.

"Go...please be a good guy, man..."

They were his last words, as his fixed on the next direction even in death.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hellion
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Hellion Nulla Dies / Sine Linea

Member Seen 5 mos ago



Petrified with fear, Tessia was pinned against the cool metallic wall of the elevator while watching the one and only person she considered a “friend” in the entirety of the facility bleed to death. Omar’s chest was riddled with bullets that had slipped just past the closing elevator doors with ease. But not as though that would have made much difference. They were designed to destroy virtually anything in their path as small clean holes could be seen in the thick steel door. The man’s thin frame convulsed on the ground as the last few breaths of air escaped his damaged lungs. It was as though he was trying to say something, but any semblance of a word were buried under blood that gushed from various penetrated arteries. The young girl stared in disbelief that any of this was happening. To her. To him. But it certainly was the case, and tears streamed down her face faster than she could wipe them with the sleeve of her black “Nine Inch Nails” hoodie.

Seconds that felt like an eternity had passed, as the elevator car came to a halt on the sub-level, and the door opened to darkness. Tess didn’t dare move though, as she had no idea what was to come out of the depth of the server room. She knew of the men in black, the soldiers with assault rifles and cocky attitudes who kept her in check. She remembered faces but ever names. Except maybe one. “Glenn”. A flirtatious type who overstepped boundaries more than once with the girl, those few times they passed in the hallway as she went to and from the Habitat. He had wanted to know her more, but Tessia didn’t like him. She rarely liked anyone once finding out about them. Their life. Their past. It was all saved on a hard drive or cloud server somewhere. Nothing was safe once she poked and prodded enough. The girl knew her shit, knew how to circumvent security protocols, firewalls, hidden folders, and the like. It was the thrill of the digital chase that got her heart pumping; that made her feel more alive than any human ever could.

Glenn was an asshole as they all were. But not Omar. Tess really liked him, yet he was gone and she was alone with thoughts that never stopped. She watched as a bony arm reached out with the last bit of life that it had, and pointed toward the direction that had been mentioned to her only moments earlier during their conversation.

“Fuck Tess, move your ass.” She muttered under trembling lips. Standing around wasn’t going to help her. She wanted to be the “good guy” Omar hoped for. He was so optimistic sometimes that it made her sick.

Why did you have to die?... She thought, kneeling down to pick up his keycard, marked with the guys own bloodied fingerprints.

Without another second wasted, Tessia slipped through the door and into the darkness, hugging the wall and row of servers, feeling the vibrations and pulses of the machines as though a cacophony of song were taking place within the large room. She still had a hard time tuning out certain frequencies, and the stronger the machine’s processing, the more likely she would hear it, as undecipherable and digitized whispers. There were days that it just became downright annoying. Sleep was lost most of the time, and it seemed the only rest was under an administered sleep aid. But the girl was definitely awake, as there’s nothing like the possibility of death to keep one alert and on their toes.

”Server Farm Water Cooling Flow 2” continued to echo in her mind though, which was a good thing considering that was her objective. Or, at least one of them. Staying alive long enough to talk about it was probably the main goal. She followed the seemingly endless racks of servers and backup battery stations for at least a few minutes, every-so-often staring at the strobing red alarm lights along the walls and ceiling that were obviously just for her. A bit of a smirk crossed her lips as she continued to walk at a hurried pace though, thinking about how on more than one occasion she had been able to disarm the security system to the entire east wing of the building just for shits and giggles. Anything to piss off the top brass for treating the girl like she was nothing but livestock. Tess discovered more about the place and its staff than they ever expected her to be able to gather, but it was the layers upon layers of firewalls she had peeled back like an onion to uncover the one known as “Sentry”. And, perhaps coincidentally, the name “Rachel” continued to surface within those same folders and sub-folders.

Who were they and why were there so many who wanted to kill to keep it secret? Part of her didn’t care, but the other more inquisitive mind still had these questions considering “Rachel” was the name Omar had mentioned. She needed to find her. But why?

In her reverie, Tessia hadn’t noticed that she was standing near a small room which housed the controls for the water cooling systems, an elaborate setup to ensure that all server temperatures were properly regulated for peak performance. This was the place. ”Override the controls and get the hell out.” She knew what had to be done, but it was a matter of jacking into the mainframe, and that meant finding a terminal that could act as a gateway in a sense. She quickly surveyed the room until a small console near the corner was spotted, where she took a seat at the rolling office chair and looked over the many buttons and switches that covered the face of the control panel. She didn’t know what anything meant on the outside, but once she could meld with the system itself, causing her mind to be intertwined with the network, then it was a different ballgame.

However, in her rush with Omar to get out of the Habitat, she had forgotten the cranial interface device that allowed her to more easily connect to these types of systems while maintaining control and a way out. Without it, sure, Tess could still connect via a USB simply by holding the other end to her temple, but the results were erratic and the telepathic transfer of her mind into the digital mainframe was exceptionally more painful. But she didn’t have time to think about it, and quickly plugged in a coiled up data transfer cable to the computer and held up the other end to the side of her head, and closed her eyes, allowing her thoughts to focus, as difficult as it was considering the amount of external noise and looming danger not far. But before long, the outside world disappeared momentarily, making way for a binary highway of sorts, as her mind’s eye searched through the streams of information before landing on what was needed. Thankfully, the control protocols were not hidden, in fact, they were plainly seen, most likely due to the fact that she had already been in a fairly secure area of the facility. But either way, the triggers were there, and one by one, she switched them off, unsure of what would actually happen, but knowing that at least by doing so, would override the coolant flow and cause a flood inside the server farm.

The disconnect was painful, and Tess hadn’t noticed the blood slowly running out of a nostril, which wasn’t unusual for such a mental endeavor, especially one which was unprotected and chaotic.

Things began to set in motion, and at the blaring of the alarms, Tess knew something was about to happen. Something big even. Get the hell out. Her mind urged her, hearing the dying voice of Omar echoing once again in her thoughts. Tess stood from the chair, her vision a bit blurred, and balance, all but steady. She had to hug the walls to keep herself steady as she made her way out of the small control room and down the corridor that headed for the access tunnel. Every server in that place seemed to ramp up its processing in alert status, and the girl could feel it, as though they were all crying out to her to end their miserable lives. But they were only computers, right?
The door to the access tunnels was locked, and it took a few tries for Omar’s key card to even work before the magnetic locks released, and Tess could slip through and make her way down the long corridor. Her head was beginning to clear once again, but it helped to be away from the tireless servers. Thousands of them. All working to appease their masters until their watery demise. Why the girl had such empathy for a computer was even beyond her sometimes. Perhaps they were no different than she. A tool to be used and abused until no longer needed or relevant.

“Where is this place?” She whispered to herself, as she continued to hurry, trying to keep her wits up as the darkness of the tunnel made it that much more difficult to traverse. Rushing water could be heard, through a myriad of pipes that ran parallel with the tunnel, and the blaring of additional alarms, strobing lights, and a recorded voice stating “EMERGENCY PROTOCOLS ARE IN EFFECT. PLEASE EVACUATE WATER COOLING FLOW 2” which was on an endless loop. The noise drove the young woman mad, she needed out and her legs were tired. Legs that would hopefully get her to freedom, or die trying at least. The tunnel’s vibrations became more prominent as water began its journey through the tunnels on its way toward the server room. Tessia’s heart raced and the level of anxiety was becoming more than she could handle. She was going to die in this place and no one would ever know or care. What about her parents? Would they ever be informed of anything regarding their daughter? Or would she simply be another statistic? Lost to the chaos engulfing the world already.

“Shit.” She exclaimed, as the water could be heard but not seen. It was close. Where the hell was the exit? As she ran she continued to frantically survey, her eyes darted from one side to the other, looking for a sign or something. And then there it was, an “Emergency Hatch” which had been her only recourse, and could be the difference between living another day and drowning. The hatch was all mechanical, and manually driven by a single lever that Tess used all her might to lift and flip over to the opposite side as it released the sealing clamps. And as she opened the hatch that led into a dark abyss, the rush of water from behind caught her unawares, hitting her like a ton of bricks which caused the girl’s head to slam into the open hatch and blackout, as her unconscious body fell downward into the void.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

United States, Earth
Jan 1st, 2020 - United States of America

The refrigerator door made a slight thud as it closed with a bit of force, accompanied closely by the sound of somebody humming along happily to herself as she made her way away from the appliance. Of course, said sound was caused by a rather happy young woman by the name of Kara Davis, as she made her way towards her living room for the small container of cookie dough ice cream clutched in her hands. Plopping down on her couch, the woman turned on the news as he took a large scoop out of the container and popped it in her mouth. The girl watched quietly as the news covered the very incident that she had taken part in earlier that day. Curious about how the media was taking her actions, though she supposed it didn't particularly matter how they felt given that she didn't really have any intention of stopping. After all, things had been going rather badly over the recent months as far as crime and the whole situation with metahumans like herself. The world needed a hero right now, and that is what Sol would be to them.

Of course, the news she was watched covered other various events beyond her own. With a worried look, Sol witnessed the events unfolding in Kansas City. Only a mere hour ago, the scene had been rather busy. A protest against the media's treatment of metahumans had occupied the park outside of the city's capitol building, the girl hadn't even known there were that many metahumans or people who supported them living in the area. Thankfully, at least in Kara's mind, the tensions in Kansas City have seemed to avoid bubbling over as the protest seemed to be going on rather peacefully. The girl could most certainly understand why the people were angry however, with the sentiment towards metahumans being rather negative on average. Certainly, since the last few months had been filled with stories regarding the rumors of metahumans being real, and often times painting them as criminals. With elements such as that strange blur and the criminal group associated it acting out though, she couldn't exactly make strong arguments against alot of the sentiment.

Flipping away from the protest, the channel went about displaying other headline stories that occurred during the day. A story involving some shootout at a compound somewhere relatively nearby quickly played across the screen. Though almost as quick as it came on, that story was pushed off the air as if trying to be covered up. Instead, the pink-haired girl watched another event of heroics happening on this day. Except for this time, it wasn't the incident she had been involved with. She watched with a mild interest for a few moments until the camera got a good view at the man performing the heroics. Instantly, Kara's eyes shot open wide as she stared at the man on screen. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" The girl suddenly yelled out at the very recognizable figure on the screen. Then in a blur of motion, the girl was suddenly gone from the house, with her costume on, and tearing high into the sky to see if her enhanced senses couldn't find the boy she had seen on screen. She had some... questions for him.

Meanwhile, across town in a run-down motorcycle bar, two men stood about three feet away from each other. Both fit the part of your standard 'thug', wearing sleeveless leather jackets, with tattoos running all over their arms and built beyond belief. The kind of men that if you saw on the street you might clutch your belongings a bit tighter and cross the street to get away from. The two were locked hard in conversation, seeming a bit animated about something or another. Though eventually, the one closer to the door of the building seemed to calm himself down and become visibly less animated. "That damned broad wearing the costume ruined the job earlier, and one of your boys is likely going to talk. The fuck ya gon' do about the heat we are about to have on us?" He hissed at the other man, who seemed to be subservient to him. The other tried to come up with excuses while the one who had just spoken glared down at him. For but a moment, things seemed like they might be calm, but then the one who had spoken previously suddenly moved forwards and swung a fist towards the other. Moments before the fist would hit, a sort of shockwave in the dust floating through the air could be seen traveling from the fist. The moment it hit the one would have been punched, it was as if he were hit by a truck directly on the side of his head where the punch would've landed.

The scene was one that would be rather messy as one could come to expect from such an impact. Turning towards the exit, the living man turned over his shoulder and shouted at the empty. "Clean this shit up! Ringo, that number that called with an offer last night. Send it to my cell, we might need to make a new friend to recover from this damned mess." He growled, as a scrawny man appeared from behind the bar and nodded eagerly. Then he moved to comply with his boss' orders as the man left the bar, heading out to try to clean up the mess created by that damned hero girl.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Matthew Webber

January 1st, 2020

Matt bounced around a little in his new, waterproof shoes. They fit well enough, were comfortable enough, and most importantly, they wouldn't get destroyed if he put them through a little motion in water. Now, to find some jerk trying to take something that isn't his... or hers, either way. He began to look about, walking through the city and looking for more dangerous areas. Unfortunately for him, crime's never been on a precise schedule that the common citizen would be privy to. Having taken about an hour just trying to find some crime (and frankly, not being too experienced doing so), his extended energy began to dwindle. Maybe his best bet would just be going back to the river to try out how he felt underwater and learning to control it.

With a cannonball back into the river, Matt's energy seemed to spike again. With a little bit of swimming, and a whole lot of energy, he found himself somewhat close to the nearby police station. A smirk betrayed his realization before he jumped out of the water, now dripping wet. "At least I sort of expect to end up standing out a little if this works out anyway." Despite some weird looks, he made his way over to the police station just in time to see a duo rush into a car, heading towards some unknown crime.

By following the sounds of the siren from a slight distance, Matt found himself approaching what appeared to be a domestic dispute. He sighed quietly to himself, sure the police could handle it until a gunshot rang out, one of the officers dropping to the ground and the other rushing to pull him to safety. Shit, was that a gun? Can I handle something like that? What if I'm shot- They won't expect me, the police are clearly having trouble, I have to help. He took a couple deep breaths, taking off at a sprint faster than he thought he could go. He heard the officer calling for help from behind their car, scrambling to retrieve his gun. The woman inside who had fired the revolver turned it on the other woman in the house. Time seemed to slow down and speed up at once, feeling slow and meticulous while seeming to have passed all too quickly to comprehend. A single bullet hit the asphalt past Matt as the shooter rushed to shoot at him. With a loud swish, Matt threw a trash can into the air at the shooter, obscuring her vision and causing a minor panic. With the newfound advantage, he sped into the shooter, tackling her and restraining the hand with the gun.

With all the adrenaline and the situation, Matt didn't think about anyone else that might be in the house. As he took a brief moment to just hold the shooter down and collect himself, he realized someone was hitting him in the back with something, but it didn't hurt. He raised an eyebrow as he looked over his shoulder, seeing a man attempting to beat him with... a bowl? The bowl crashed into the side of his face, breaking, and probably should have hurt more than just a little like it did, but hey, he was ocean man or something now. He wrenched the gun from the girl's hand, letting the man continue trying to hit him while he found how to release the cylinder.

The sounds of bullets hitting the floor or some of the trash still strewn about, some rolling out onto the stairs and causing a little more noise, Matt stood up, glaring at the guy who'd been hitting him repeatedly. "You see the news today? Craziest thing, a bank robbery got stopped by one of those metas. Flew in and bent gun barrels. Real cool. Shame you get to meet a copycat." As the man took a fighting stance, he said "You're gonna pay for hurting my sister. Don't care if you're a freak or-" with a loud crack, he fell onto his back, Matt having just given him a firm headbutt. He looked to the girl that was about to be shot, "You'll be okay now, just don't give those two any trouble." He grabbed the unconscious man, tossing him over his shoulder, then grabbed the shooter girl's wrist, taking them over to the incredulous cops. After helping the uninjured officer get the two attackers into cuffs, he nodded to the officers, "When your boss asks, call me something cool relating to water... tide? Nah, that's a detergent. Wave? Let's go with Torrent." With that, Matt took off at a sprint, hoping the police officer would count his lucky stars and not try to have him detained to explain anything. Fortunately for him, the officers were too in shock and worried about the bullet wound of one of them to worry about a random passerby who saved the day.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Alfhedil
Avatar of Alfhedil

Alfhedil What do you see Kaneda?

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: ???
Date: ???

You shall become that successor, Brooklyn, and all you have to do is touch my staff, say my name, and bear the responsibilities…

The call rang out across time and space like the tolling of a bell, signaling a change in the status quo. Someone had finally been chosen, and whether it was because they actually were found worthy or it was desperation that drove the Wizard to selecting this person did not matter. Already forces were at work elsewhere in the universe, awoken by the stirring of the arcane currents. It began with the soft pulse along the leylines. A single beat like that of a long stilled heart. Once. Then twice. Even without her acceptance, the currents had responded to the Wizard's choice and his own activity. Now, there was but one thing left to do…

It began just as the girl's foot connected with the aging magister's crystal balls, sending the already weakened man down the stairs and vulnerable to the next assault. Fires lit just behind her, sprouting from five points in space seemingly with nothing but the air to combust. The points flared up as more and more power flooded into them, a roaring inferno filling the rear of the chamber as lines formed. Each point connected to the other with a blazing string of dripping fire, sizzling pops and cracks sounding as each droplet melted the flagstone and it began to run in a single path just between the legs of the five-pointed star that had been formed. A surreal sound began to build just beyond the fiery design, like the screaming of thousands of souls in torment, and then the full pentagram formed.

With a shockwave that burst forward with a heated pulse the portal formed between the points of the star. Two titanic hands reached from the depths of hell, clinging to the edges of that tear in space with claws digging into what seemed like nothing at all. They wrenched the gateway slowly open wider, a demonic face leering from the torments of hell itself, the fires of the damned burning across the horizon of the world beyond. It seemed for a moment as if the demon was pull itself through, its shoulders pushing past the burning pentagram and the horned crown of its skull leering down upon the pair just before it. Then just as the fanged maw opened, it too caught alight and let loose a keening call that shook the foundations of that mystical place, dust falling from the ceiling as flesh turned to bone and the portal was complete.

Between the sharpened teeth of the lower jaw a distinct path had formed, and just beyond two men made their way from what surely have been the domain of satan himself. Strangely enough though, both were quite well dressed and seemed to be speaking amicably to each other. That much was evident even as they casually strolled through the darkened hall of the demon's throat, and when finally Armani shoes touched down upon the relatively more normal stone.

"Well." Began the one to the left, smoothing down the gray jacket of his three-piece suit and taking a quick look to confirm that the relatively plain cuff links on each sleeve were undamaged. "Here we are Raymond, at least I certainly hope so. This looks something more my father's style if you don't mind me saying." He spoke in a genteel manner, his accent distinctly British even if he had just stepped out of the mouth of a demon.

While he might not be immediately recognizable, his counterpart was more so by a considerable margin. Raymond von Luneburg, the rather eccentric and reclusive multi-billionaire who had made a living in recent years pioneering weapons and energy technologies. His face had previously been plastered across Time magazine 2018 as their man of the year for his sponsorship of scientists across almost every field and the college he had built in Central City. What exactly he was doing here though…

"Always a pleasure Lucifer." Because of course making deals with the devil came with perks it seemed, something his opponents had been rather fond of accusing him of. Then again, with him standing next to someone named Lucifer and having stepped out of the mouth of a demon it might be a bit harder to argue against such sentiments next time, at least to one person. "But I am fairly certain this is the place… Ah, that it is. Excuse me for just a moment." Then his attention turned to Brooklyn right as she was about to drop about thirty pounds of education on the dusty old man at her feet. "If you wouldn't mind, we still need him alive for at least five minutes, so do hold on beating the last vestiges of life out of him."

"Oh, she is quite the fiery one isn't she. Got quite the spirit, though a bit young." That earned Lucifer a hard stare from Raymond and before the girl in question could have something to say about it he held up a hand to pause both. "I might be the devil, but I've got standards so don't even go there. Either way, I did my part, so you two do have fun. I have a meeting with an Austrian in five that I would prefer not to miss. Still have to figure out where to get the pineapples though…" And then the well-dressed fallen angel turned and began his walk back into the depths of hell, a single wave given behind his back as the portal closed behind him.

Raymond barely cast a glance in the direction of the departing devil, only acknowledging that he had left before taking an easy step closer to the other two occupants of the room. "Right, now that that is settled, let's talk about you. Might want to have a seat on the stairs, as it may be a little much to take in. Our friend here was a little sparse on details, preferring to just throw the title at whoever seems closest to worthy and hoping it sticks. Personally, I like to ensure that the chosen knows exactly what they are getting into."

"So with that said, shall we see to explaining all this?"

Location: Central City East
Date: January 1st, 2020

Today will be a normal day.

The thought came as she awoke early as usual, the sun not yet peeking over the horizon. It had been a bit of a rough two months but now that she was home and settling back in, things were slowly getting more and more normal. First had been the relatively short physical therapy under the absolutely ruthless girls that claimed themselves to be scientists. V personally thought they were drill instructors in a former life and wondered how something so small could be so loud and demanding. Yet they were thorough in ensuring that she awoke from what had been a nine month coma in decent physical shape. For that she was thankful at least and made sure they were aware of her appreciation. Not at all because they could light on fire at a moment's notice. No, of course not. In truth she kind of missed having them around all the time, smiling softly to herself as she went about her early morning routine.

Clothes first as always, something light and easy for the midwest morning. Sports bra, a light vest, some sweat pants and she was all good to go. Soft steps brought her down the stairs from her room and into the lobby where she made sure she had everything else for her early morning run. "Let's see… Phone, check. Headphones… Check. Shoes?" Verra paused for a moment as she looked to what she thought was her usual spot for her shoes but found them missing. That was odd, they were usually right there… A slight surge started along her body, energy coursing through her and static rising from her skin as for that instant she very nearly relied on her abilities. "Normal day Verra, normal day." She reaffirmed that to herself, taking a deep breath and thinking on what she had done the previous day like any normal person would have done.

It would have been so much easier and faster to turn the place over in search of her running shoes of course. A single second could have passed and she would have been able to look through the entire house from top to bottom. But that wasn't what normal people did, and that wasn't part of a normal day. Even if she had these powers she was determined to use them responsibly, if at all. So many people had been inconvenienced at the very least by what had happened six months ago, a plight she could sympathize with even if it seemed what she had been gifted with was all positive. Well, at least she felt it all was with her natural optimism. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sight of a pair of white running shoes with a little pink lightning bolt on each heel. "Ah! There you are!" She exclaimed, bouncing over to slip them over her sock-covered feet and finally be ready to head out.

"Okay! Four-AM run ready!"

And then she was off, out the door and locking it behind her as she jogged across the street to the sound of Prada's Still Fly and her playlist running. Here out on the eastern side of Central it wasn't as big a deal to make sure the door was locked, but her mother had instilled the practice in her early, teaching her that it didn't matter how safe an area was, it was best to be prepared just in case. That didn't hold with her in every respect, but she made sure the door was locked every time she passed through it just to know it would make her rest a little easier. A few others were out jogging as well, mostly the other early-morning people, but she recognized a couple as those she had encouraged earlier last year to give it a shot and put their all into it. She gave a smile and a wave at a couple who had committed to losing weight together, looking as if they had been determined to do so and cheerfully waving back to her.

"Hey Verra! Good to see you around again!"

"Good to see you too Mr and Mrs Allen!"

The jogging paths through the park across the street from her house were sparse as usual, just the calls of the birds through the music pumping in her ears. Of course because of her newfound powers this was hardly much of a workout anymore, her heartbeat a steady adjusted 50 or so. That adjustment calculation had been done by the pair of firecrackers in the employ of Harrison Wells, along with a lecture on appropriate exercises to keep herself better fit. She had kind of glossed over the former, but the latter had actually helped significantly in keeping down her caloric intake and keeping to a normal diet. That was a downside, she decided that now. Running fast always made her hungry and she still felt bad for getting her and Thea kicked out of that buffet, especially since it was one of the best ones this side of town. She really did love a good General Tso… Especially nice and fresh with extra sauce… Vee sighed as she found herself getting hungry already and it was only a half hour into her run, not even five yet.

Still, she was committed to taking things at a normal pace! She wasn't going to skip ahead and get home early no matter how hungry she was, and… Verra stopped as she looked over to see two figures struggling in the darkness near one of the park bathrooms. One looked to be a younger woman with a purse, the other an average sized man clutching at the latter. Normal day… Normal day… Normal day… She sighed as she couldn't just let that go, a surge of energy going through her body as she stepped just off the path and near a tree.

It all happened in the span of a single half second, so fast that in the time it took the woman's fingers to leave the cloth of her purse's strap it was all over. Verra let the speedforce engulf her, breathing out as the rush came over her, time seeming to slow down as she took one step after another. It was dark enough that no one would have seen her disappear from the side of the tree, but light enough that she was able to see as she came up next to the would-be mugger and take a moment to figure out how best to deal with this. Physical violence really wasn't her thing, so hitting him was right out especially since she had tried hitting things at STAR and there were some… Concerning results. The one tech said something along the lines of severe concussive force or something? She didn't remember offhand, but it wasn't something she was willing to do to someone who was just making a really bad choice. That and it would have been rather obvious that the red streak that had been talked about so much lately would have been involved. So, after a moment's thought on the matter, she decided, did her thing and returned to the tree where she had originally stepped off the path.

The momentum of the tug that caused the woman to lose her grip on the purse had carried through, the mugger smirking in the shadow of the grey hoodie over his head. Without even thinking he went to take that first step that would see him sprinting off into the darkness, but something went critically wrong. Instead of completing the step, his foot was caught partway, sending him head into concrete with a pained groan and losing grip of the purse. Both the mugger and the woman paused in confusion, looking down to see the man's shoes tied together by their shoelaces and thusly ending his criminal attempt. Verra gave a little laugh as she took back to the path, starting to put the earbuds back in her ears as there was a loud shout of "Pecker!" And then a man screaming in panic as the woman rewarded him with his efforts with pepper spray.

She was pretty confident the rest would solve itself, going about her morning jog just in time for the local officers to come onto the scene. There was a brief wave between them and all was good for the next little bit. Everything else had gone pretty smoothly as she came back home, just a little worked up but not by much, feeling a bit hungry and wondering if the chinese place down the road was open yet. Probably not, she decided, heading back inside and finishing up her morning routine. Workout clothes off, rinse off, shower and then get dressed in house clothes for what she was hoping to be a pretty lazy day. She even got out the extra sugary cereal for today, feeling that little bit of a craving as she watched the morning news and started texting her morning buddies to see what was going on. First of course was Thea, who she was sure was already up and active.

Hey! :D
Just seeing if you're up, having a super normal day today and hope you're having a good one too! :D
Date night on the fourth! Don't forget! ;o

And then it was Kara, who she was sure wouldn't be- Her thoughts were interrupted by the news at noon, a breaking report from Keystone. A bank robbery had just happened, the police on scene and news cameras rolling as they were updating as the situation unfolding. Okay, so not entirely ideal but it looked like everything was being… No, she was confident the police could take care of this. She didn't need to get out that costume her and Kara had made for her, and she was sure her best friend wouldn- Well. As she watched the scene on the TV changed rather dramatically, a woman descending from the sky and making a spectacle of handing the would-be bank robbers' butts back to them one by one. Of course she knew who it was almost immediately and just sighed as she wrote off having a normal day. Things had been going pretty well too…

Omg Kara
Kara >:|
I know you have your phone on you, that thing never leaves your pocket >:|
And I know you still text and fly! There's a hole in one of the billboards along the river! D:
All I wanted was a normal day Dx
Just one normal day! Dx
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