Ordinarily, the Hogwarts Express rarely made stops. It was only under extraordinary circumstances that the scarlet steam engine would come to a halt. Yet among those few instances, numbering less than a dozen, never before had the train been stopped
entirely, its passengers forced to disembark and find an alternate means to travel to Hogwarts. There were too many students present for the professors to apparate them to and fro. Portkeys needed to be arranged in advance and even then, the large number of travelers was simply too much. Flying carpets were banned, only some of the students had broomsticks...
With a loud
BANG, a triple decker bus appeared alongside the train. Painted entirely a rather vivid and harsh shade of purple, the Knight Bus was just about the only alternative transport Hogwarts was able to use for its students. Those who had been on the Knight Bus before would know that its seating options consisted of leather armchairs and beds - and that they provided free hot chocolate.
Lyra Burke's voice filled the air again.
"Please gather your belongings and depart the train in a calm and orderly fashion. Headmaster Dumbledore has rented the services of the Knight Bus. It will take you to Hogsmeade Station and the hot chocolate is complimentary." Outside the fogged windows of the train, the students would be able to see the chaperone that had gone along with the bus. He was a gigantic brute in appearance, easily the size of three or four men, with a beard so massive it could cover up a first year student. He was holding a small little black puppy that looked as big as a gerbil in comparison to its owner, as he waved at the train.
Compartment 13 - Talbott let the silence hang in the compartment, shifting uncomfortably. He didn't talk about it much, but those in Ravenclaw House knew that he had been orphaned. His parents, both of them aurors, had been murdered by Death Eaters. His sneakoscope was still singing.
Andre was doing his best to look upbeat and not terrified, poking his head out of the compartment when he noticed a well cut gentleman with tasteful stubble coming down the corridor. "Wotcher, Zelda - is that your pops?" he asked her, looking back. A moment later, they got the update from the aurors - they needed to get off the train and load up onto the Knight Bus. Talbott's things were up at the front of the train and Andre's were across the corridor, so both of them would need to make a quick stop.
Hestia meowed up at Zelda, as if saying
why hasn't Paige come back yet?

Location: Compartment 15 -> Compartment 13
Magic: N/A
Paige's cheeks were still red as Madalyne hugged her, but not from teenage hormones. Elizabeth's stunt with the exploding rat had gotten her covered in the guts and now, they were all over Madalyne too.
"As well as can be expected. Elizabeth conjured up a new perfume - it's pretty grody," she said, gesturing at the rat bits. Barnaby was delicately picking them off of himself and placing them on his seat cushion in a neat little pile. He was awfully sensitive and fond of creatures, probably intending to give the poor little rat a funeral once its remains were gathered.
Chiara was a little more shy, but she smiled slightly at Madalyne's greeting. Beatrice, however, was more outspoken. "Nice to meet you!" Her sister was in the compartment, Chiara was safe and calm, everything was pretty much right in Beatrice's world. The green light and the train being stopped was scary, but she felt protected.
"Oh, thank you but, erm, I'm interested in someone else," Penny answered Elizabeth honestly. She tried her best to let people down easily - usually guys. The boys were always chasing after her, asking if she would accompany them on a Hogsmeade weekend. She didn't really fancy them, preferring to spend time brewing her potions rather than hanging with boys. The announcement from Lyra carried through the air. "My stuff is with Bea and Chiara's near the back. We left it with Bill Weasley and his little brother," Penny explained. "Erm, Fae, would you mind helping us carry some of it? I can probably levitate a few trunks, just worried I might need someone strong."
Barnaby looked a bit confused. "I thought
I was the strong one..." he said, before he effortlessly picked up his trunk and such like they weighed as much as a feather.
"Don't play daft, I know you just like people complimenting your muscles, Barnaby," Paige said, rolling her eyes. She did like looking at Barnaby's muscles.
"I'll see you lot on the Knight Bus? Avoid the hot chocolate. It'll just spill and you'll get burns," she advised, before she headed out of compartment 15 and moved to compartment 13, making it inside right before Frederick Flynn.