@BlueSky44@FantasyChic@Achronum@Nallore@Natsu@Kirah@TrainerBlue192@Framing A Moose
September 1st, 1984 - 2:00 P.M.
Bottom Deck, Front -
"Thank you for your help, Fae," Penny said with a smile. Penny had managed to handle her and Beatrice's things, leaving Fae to get Chiara sorted. The Hufflepuff Prefect found a clump of seats together in the front of the Knight Bus on the lowest level, figuring that it would be the easiest on everyone. She didn't want to take advantage of Fae and force her to drag up Chiara's things to the top level - that would have been rather rude in her opinion. "Maybe we'll have a class together this term."
Chiara and Beatrice had gone over to Hagrid, doting and fawning over Fang. Even Chiara, the shyest first year at Hogwarts, was petting the dog and whispering quietly to the puppy, as if they spoke their own special language.
Hagrid glanced up, noticing that Georgina had elected to take a seat in the back of the bus - and that someone's patronus had flittered on over to her. "Yer alright, Georgie?" he called out to her, his voice loud and booming. The bus lurched and then there was a loud BANG! as they were suddenly flying along a road somewhere in northern England, maybe Scotland, it was hard to tell. Luggage was flying everywhere, Georgina's stuff slammed painfully into her knee, and Hagrid almost toppled over (which would have squished Beatrice and Chiara, as the two girls fell backwards and landed in Barnaby Lee's lap). Fae managed to keep her balance, though her owl let out a screech of annoyance.
Middle Deck, Back -
The Weasley brothers and Nymphadora Tonks accompanied Apollo, with poor Tonks being forced to lug her luggage along as Apollo had only helped the boys. She muttered something under her breath about things never being fair for girls anyways and her hair turned a vivid shade of violet, her eyes physically narrowing as well until they resembled those of a cat. "Thanks, mate," Bill Weasley said with a smile. He managed to get into a seat, with Charlie and Tonks sitting on either side of him.
As the Knight Bus lurched and POPPED! into a new location, Madalyne was sent lurching forwards. Her luggage would have rolled over but with her feet propped up on it and her quick reflexes from Quidditch, she managed to stop it. Apollo was knocked to the ground, the luggage crashing onto the floor around him as the Levitation Charm ended. Mary was luckier - she just swayed to the side, nearly slamming her head into the chair next to hers. Artemis got the worst of it though. The suddenness of the Knight Bus knocked him to the ground and he landed on his wrist funny, breaking it. It wasn't his wand arm at least but damn... Maybe everyone should've just called off this school year?
Top Deck -
Talbott Winger was still off by himself at the front. Andre Egwu was sitting with most of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team not too far from him, with Talbott becoming increasingly annoyed that they were disrupting his quiet time. No one was bothering Elizabeth in the back, though she'd be able to see Paige and Zelda sitting towards the center. The sudden lurch of the Knight Bus wouldn't phase Elizabeth at all, though the Ravenclaw Keeper's luggage fell on the Ravenclaw Seeker. Ouch.

Location: the Knight Bus: Top Center
Magic: Pocket Sneakoscope
Paige adored all animals on principle. One of her best classes was Care for Magical Creatures and growing up, her favorite memories of spending time with her dad usually involved fantastic beasts in one way or another. Most of those ones tended to be aquatic, poor things that ended up tangled in muggle fishing nets in their home city of Bristol. Kelpies were her favorite - they were majestic, vicious things. "I'm hoping Hagrid lets us see the puppy... Maybe I can convince Professor Kettleburn we need a lesson on handling dogs, specifically puppies owned by Hagrid."
She nodded slightly at Zelda's thoughts on the Death Eaters, about to reply when the bus jolted suddenly. Hestia let out a half scream, half meow. Paige was forced back into her seat, white knuckling it. Zelda hardly even moved, as if the Knight Bus had decided that she deserved a smooth and comfortable ride. Paige glanced out at their surroundings, trying to figure out where they were. Travel with the Knight Bus was funny. In theory, it should have been able to hop straight to Hogwarts and drop them off - but it usually seemed to have to make multiple jumps, with stretches of real driving in between.
"Bloody hell, this bus is a proper nightmare sometimes..." Paige groaned.