Blake's entire reaction to the scene before him, in essence, was
"woooooaaaaah. Cool." Blake had kind of known that Rumi was, like, a mega-genius and all that- he had seen his gizmos and gadgets out and about. But this was another level of cool. Secret bases? Hidden rooms? Cool underground labs? Check, check, and check. Unfortunately for him, HERO was not willing to fund an underground cave called the Firebird-Cave for him. Why did Rumi get one and he didn't? Now Blake was a bit jealous.
Regardless, Blake followed Rumi into his secret lair, complying with his request to give him the collar. He watched, curiously, as Rumi scanned the device and enlarged it holographically, examining individual sections. Jamie
certainly seemed very interested in the whole process, watching and touching the holographic projections with childlike glee, but Blake was just a little more serious as he examined the process, looking for clues. He watched as one of the segments of the collar enlarged, showing a tracking beacon built into the device. He pointed.
"Oooooh! Cool!" He smiled enthusiastically as the holographic machine thingywhatsit began pulling up details about the beacon.
The device would trace the beacon over to a location in Watervale, a large establishment there, called "Sam's Fish Market," a large dockside fish market, fishmonger, and fishing hotspot located in Eastern Watervale on a dockside. Those who were more familiar with the criminal elements of Castleburg would recognize Sam's Fish Market as a Gugliano hotspot for organized crime. Of course, Blake didn't know this, he just saw some neat pictures pop up on the screen along with some coordinates and an address pinning down the beacon's location into a warehouse right adjacent to Sam's Fish Market.
"Is that the place?” Blake asked as he gestured towards the address and coordinates that were pulled up on the hologram.
"Are we gonna have to kick some dino ass? Also, what’s the deal with the dinosaur? Was it Google? Or was it the crime family? It had better be Google, that would be so freaking cool. And much more interesting, frankly.”@canaryrose@Scarifar
"Let’s go,” Grace agreed as Brie zoomed after the Gugliano’s fancy, luxury vehicle in their totally legitimate, legally acquired rust bucket of a car that smelled like a mix between rotten eggs and booze. Brie’s assertion that they wouldn’t be noticed had, thankfully, been correct. The vehicle had not been noticed whatsoever by the mobster’s chariot as the two traveled through Brookside. Grace sighed as she looked at the destitute state of some of the Brookside buildings and people. She reminded herself to donate some money to charity when this mafia thing was all over. If it ended with her alive, at any rate.
Grace watched as the Gugliano’s Porsche entered the gates into a large, impressive villa, or really, more of a compound. While Grace couldn’t hear what was going on, she could definitely tell there was some type of password exchange going on there.
"We need a password to get in, I bet. Any ideas?” she proposed to Tom and Brie.
The password was quickly relegated to the back of her mind as a black car with tinted windows pulled into the middle of the side road, blocking off Brie’s path.
"Stop stop stop stop!” Grace exclaimed suddenly, hoping that Brie applied the brakes in time. The car roughly skidded to a stop as Grace grabbed onto her seatbelt tightly.
"What the fuck…” Grace muttered as she unbuckled, watching as three individuals walked over to them. A tallish, slight man with dark hair, and two women, one a thin brunette, and one an Asian girl with cropped blonde hair. Interesting…
Grace began to formulate an idea as the three well-dressed mafiosos, in suits and shades, surrounded the vehicle like they were some sort of cop group. Grace looked over to Brie as the dark-haired woman leaned over to the driver’s side door.
"These guys might be our ticket in,” Grace whispered, loud enough for both of them to hear but not loud enough for the outsiders to.
"If you’re thinking on my wavelength, that is.”@Danvers@KaijuBaragon

The young girl tilted her head at Will, giggling.
"Aww, well that would be really fun, but I don’t want to do that, because if I did, I would have to capture you before you escaped, and I don’t want to hurt you. Yet," she said, gently patting his cheek.
"You’re like a big blonde teddy bear! Though your eyes are a little thin. Definitely some Asian in there," the girl noted astutely. She tilted her head towards the door.
"Well, it sounds like we have some guests. You stay put right here and I’ll have some guys take you out of here soon, OK?" She didn’t bother waiting for an answer before exiting the room, closing and locker the door behind her. What choice did he have anyway?
She walked out into the main corridor to see Martino Bernadino walk into the hallway, holding two girls by the waist. Kat frowned as he walked down the hall, looking at him with disapproval. She did not like Martino Bernadino. He had tried to hit on her when she was first tasked with working with the mafia group, and the poor, clueless girl had ended up in his bedroom and had run out, squealing, when she learned his ulterior motivations. She looked over at the Spectator on her shoulder.
“Bellatrix, go away,” she whispered, and the creature wordlessly took off, fluttering down the hallway like a little pigeon, albeit a very demented, one-eyed, bat-looking Leftover pigeon.
Kat stepped up to the man, forcing on a smile as Martino sauntered down the hallway, ladies in tow. Kat cleared her throat, looking at him.
"Mr. Bernadino. I see you brought some company!" She looked over at the two girls.
"I didn’t know about this. I’m not sure if Mr. Gugliano knew about this either."Martino laughed.
”Well, I was figuring these two ladies could accompany me back to my room after the meeting was over. Maybe you could care to join us? The more, the merrier.”Kat did not like that answer, and her face showed it.
"I’m not so sure about that, Mr. Bernadino. These girls look…young." Her dark, crimson eyes scanned the two girls. One of them was not quite so young, probably a college girl, albeit a very pretty one, but the other girl was probably around her age, heavily dolled-up, and vaguely familiar-looking. Kat normally didn’t feel bad for people, but she felt bad. Just a little. Hopefully Daddy didn't find out.
”I’m sure it’s all fine,” Martin said.
”Come on, Katharine, I know you want in. Just say yes already.”Kat stepped in, glowering at the man. She was a bit shorter than him, with her standing at about 5’5” and the older Mafioso clocking in at a few above 6’, but somehow the teenage girl was vastly more intimidating than the professional criminal could ever hope to be.
"I think you should excuse yourself, Mr. Bernadino. Maybe head to the bathroom for a little while.” She lifted her arm, her fingertips glowing a burning crimson, and tapped the man on the nose.
"Excuse yourself for a moment.”Before Martino could even question what the hell this random girl was talking about, he gagged very loudly, audibly making a terrifying choking noise, as his hands left Angelica and Patricia’s waists as his arms instead retreated to guarding his stomach. He glared venomously at Kat (who, mind you, was smiling brightly), but his face had already turned a squeamish shade of green and instead of taking retribution, decided to take Kathy’s advice and scuttle off down the hallway to the nearest bathroom. The door slammed shut behind him, but even still the faint sounds of a man puking his guts out could be heard from the other end of the hallway.
Kat smiled with the two girls.
"He’ll be back after he feels better. An hour or two.” She waved at them.
"Well, I shouldn’t keep you from the meeting! Come with me.” She guided them down the hallway with a skipping gait, past the bathroom door, where the sounds of a man vomiting loudly could still be heard. As she musically walked down the hall, she spoke casually to the two girls.
"You guys are assassins or something, right? I didn’t get hooker vibes or anything from you two, but you’re both dressed to the nines, so I’m thinking some sort of hero napper or something? Very cool,” she said, turning back to them as they reached a large set of oak doors.
"Sorry about Mr. Bernadino. I hate him too. I think everybody does.” She read their expressions like an open book as she opened the doors, showing a half-filled conference table in a large space, with velvet carpets and a golden chandelier. Some of the seats were filled with some scary-looking mobsters, tats and rings and all manner of crazy expressions, though there were some that looked fancy and pristine, similar to how Angelica and Patricia were dressed.
"You two take a seat. I’ll go fetch the guest of honor.” She turned back.
"Oh, never mind! There he is!”Will was being led down the hallway, still in handcuffs of course, by two bulky-looking guards. He was escorted into the boardroom at the intrigued looks of some of the mafiosos- one of them audibly muttered something about “Tempest, huh?”
Kat smiled.
"Anyway, you two get comfortable. The meeting should start in a few. Mr. Gugliano was taking a call, but he’ll be back any second now, and then the meeting can get underway!”@Infinite Cosmos@canaryrose@Amethyst