Hello, residence of Jump City! it's me, Chester Stevenson, with your daily highlights. Today has shaped up to be a beautiful late spring day with temps in the mid 70's, and sun, sun, sun! The downtown area is, as always, a prime spot for your recreation this afternoon with many of the outdoor cafes setup and ready for the warmer weather. If you find yourself in the waterfront parks keep a look out for the starting of the summer festival! The carnival on Jump City Pier will be opening soon and they love to show off their attractions along the parks. as for traffic in the busy streets we can see some light build ups through the grids, and construction on Main Avenue North in front of the 3rd Street offices and the Jump City Post has that end of town all stopped up. That will cover the highlights of today, but do come back this evening and join us for the latest scoops on the controversial reopening of the Lex Corp Research and Development labs that just two years ago was responsible for the widespread power-grid issues in the suburbs south of the city, and after that the Jump City District Attorney, Gregory Roberts, will be making a statement about the recent case against Pino Maroni and the findings of the investigation into his acquiring of several warehouses that were found to be housing illegal items. That and more tonight!

-Dick Grayson-
-Dick Grayson-
"That is something that we can look into on our side, thanks for the heads up Cy." Robin said sitting at his desk on a call with some of the original Titan members. "I am sure that STAR Labs will have something public to cover it up, but we will see what we can find on the back end." Robin cycled his console through a couple screens of news and business articles as Cyborg signed off before continuing. "Beast Boy, I need your team to look into the images from the Watch Tower of the Congo Basin. It looks like there may be activity around an abandon mine there that were closed off after Deathstroke withdrew. Recon and report back." He sent a few files to Beast Boy and then he too signed off. "Raven, if your team is settled in alright I would really like you to get with Zatanna on the project I sent you. Keep your distance, but I want a heads up if there are any more anomalies." She then signed off shortly after Robin's instruction. That would conclude Robin's review of the overnight reports from the other Titan teams and their monthly briefing.
Powering down his console he leaned back in his desk chair. Looking over some miscellaneous papers and clippings on his desk, he stood up and looked over to "The Wall" as it had been termed in the past. The Wall was a large portion of one of the walls in his room that was covered with bits of news papers, pictures, and other documents that were connected with strings of various colors like a tydie spiderweb. No longer used he kept it up more as a memento to the past successes of the team, and a way to keep vision. Looking over the various pages and plucking some of the strings he thought back on the days when he had last used this web of information now out of date. News articles about robberies, missing property and shipments, and some of sightings of monsters, while others were headlines of the teams victories. He found the most recent article on The Wall: a factory explosion headlined Titans Coordinate Sting to Apprehend Terrorist Cell the article talked about the efforts the team went through over the years to track down, expose, and attempt to apprehend the terrorist villain Deathstroke and those that worked with him. This article was two years old at this point and Robin had yet to hear anything of Deathstroke. the next news article in line with that was one of the Titans recruiting new members with the help of the JLA and splitting up to seed new teams around the globe. The news clipping had a picture of the team; Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg, standing shoulder to shoulder with other young meta humans. That was the last time the team had been all together.
Taking a step back from the wall he sighed. Has it really been that long?. Shaking his head he sat back in his chair a moment. Save for Starfire, the others had went out to help establish and coordinate these other teams. They check in regularly and occasionally make it out for briefings on special projects, but it had been years since they had worked together. Robin gathered some documents and filed them away in an attempt to clean up his desk, forever buried in papers. Reaching for his Gotham High letterman jacket Robin paused a moment before passing it up and leaving his room to go to the kitchen where he would find some food before talking with the team about some leads they would be looking into for the week.