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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Outside -> First Floor: Entranceway
Skills: N/A

James let Sunshine go with a wave but he decided to sit outside for a while. It was cold but he didn’t let it bother him; the snow was pleasant to watch and it made the world look wonderful again. After the incident with Sunshine and Max in the comic shop, the world seemed so hectic, so dangerous and dark. They saved who they could, hide those they couldn’t, tried to keep some semblance of normalcy for their team. James felt oddly pensive as he watched the snow fall, an alien feeling in his chest. Worry and frustration boiled up and then was gone, just a hollow in his chest. James hadn’t quite felt anything like it before, at least not in this reality, and he frowned. Contemplating the beauty of snow wasn’t his thing. He wouldn’t even have noticed something like that.

He shook his head, feeling a little more normal as he shoved that thought out of his head, and jogged back inside. Sunshine probably still felt terrible but at least it was controlled. He couldn’t ask for anything more than that, much less do anything about it. Identifying issues was one thing; solving them a whole other deal. James could patch up someone’s body but the mind was a whole other mess and frankly, one he didn’t want to try and figure out. He didn’t need anyone trying to turn that on him after all.

James paused in the entranceway, originally planning on heading to the dinning room for food before figuring out what he missed in the past week. Something felt… off. Like a sudden pressure against his mind. As quick as it came, it disappeared and instead Luna spoke in his head. James looked around, poking his head into the training room and then into the dinning room trying to find them.

“Luna, what are you doing?” James responded, concerned. He felt his skin crawl at the sudden invasion and he actively attempted to push down any stray thoughts even as worry bubbled up. “Is everything okay?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Old Mutant Hideout
Skills: New Outfit

Absolute shock and awe had riddled Max’s face as Sapphire had told him of Caspers power. All this time he had believed him to be some drug addicted human who the Underground had only tolerated due to his connection with his brother Jack. Even in Wanda’s world he never saw him display his powers, with the exception of speaking to himself which he tended to do a lot. Something Max had written off on drugs. The only possible link would be his claim to Xaviers bloodline, but even that didn’t mean much as the x-gene could skip a generation. He wanted to speak but was literally rendered speechless, unable to have any words come out as they all died at his throat. One of his hands just ran through his golden hair, exasperation shown on his sleeve. ”Honestly, yeah. I assumed he was just a human who spoke to himself due to drug induced hallucinations. But if he can find Waverly’s mom then that’s just that much closer we are to being able to achieve this. I understand the concern about how horribly necromancy is depicted in science fiction, but this isn’t science fiction. We have real powers with real possibilities and perhaps we can use them to save at least one person.

In many novelizations its either the spirit is missing, or lack of love from a creator, or some form of virus. This is different, we can repair her own body, find her soul, and have her reunited with it. Jack is an investigator, part of his job is profiling people and psychoanalyzing them. He can keep watch over her as she recovers, and adjusts. See if she’s fine neurologically and then if he gives the word she can go off on her own.”
Max shifted his weight onto his other foot now, turning to face Callie’s concerns and honestly wondering if he should even bother. She seemed very short sighted and her mind didn’t want to be open to the possibilities. Jumping to illogical conclusions that seemed to fit her own narrative.

He wanted to ignore her, to just allow it to slide and move past it so he can focus on the issue at hand. But he didn’t want to seem rude, and he sure as hell didn’t want to seem cold. Sapphire seemed to be in control of her emotions and he should be as well. He let out a deep sigh before continuing. ”I can’t tell you everything ok? And I can’t speak for her and say whether or not she knew about what they were doing before hand. It is possible she didn’t know and found out sometime around when we did. With how busy I’ve seen her be trying to...trying to create this peace for mutants, its easy to see how she may of been distracted and missed the signs of Shaw and Sinisters betrayal.” It was true he didn’t know the full story, but he also knew every story had three sides. If what Sapphire was saying about Leighton was any indication, then he needed to start listening to all parties before making decisions.

Max wrestled with Waverlys question for a while. He was hoping this subject wouldn’t be brought up, morality and necromancy hardly ever went hand and hand. He couldn’t bring back the world, let alone those she asked of. Erg for one was an especially tricky subject. ”No Waverly...it would just be your mother and that’s it. I the more attempts we do the greater the chance something bad may happen. Besides Erg...He would need an entirely new body, that would take time and experience to craft. Much more than simply fixing your mothers existing one. Besides, she’s human, I don’t really know if Ergs body had any special genetic makeup that functioned with his powers. If I brought him back it he would likely hate his life as he lived the rest of it out like a human...this is a one time offer Waverly, extended only to you but you can call me on it another time if you wish to think it over.” There wasn’t much left to be said to Veil, the concerns of psychological issues having already been addressed earlier on when speaking to Sapphire. It was still a tricky subject but he had faith that he could do this. Max simply nodded at her request to contact Veil. He sat on the ground in his meditative stance, trying to connect the two together. Nothing happened for a moment, his eyes squinting and mouth grimacing. Max pushed on trying once more to establish a connection, feeling a faint tug on her as a static connection broke through. ”Leighton where are you? Are you ok? I haven’t heard from you in some time now


Location: Old Mutant Hideout

Harry leaned into her as Waverly buried herself into his neck. His cheek resting against her coarse unwashed hair that could use as much conditioner as his sisters. He allowed it to lay there for a few moments before looking up at his sister with fear in his eyes, asking her what he should do now. There was genuine conflict inside him now. Greater than anyone could ever know. He’s never been motherly to anyone, well asides from his instincts with his sister but that was different. His free hand patted her shoulder as he tried to comfort her while she spoke through his chest towards the others. He didn’t realize how dramatic this world could be or how much his little sister was having to deal with on a daily basis. The strength she must have to endure this day after day was immeasurable. A new respect forming as the image of the small girl he once knew slowly fading away.

There was a sudden shock as Waverly finally removed her head and looked up. Warlocks proposal gave her something that was dangerous, hope. He wasn’t sure if this was the right path for them, but he knew that if given the chance he would bring back his love no matter the consequences. Tears threatened to ruin his lower eye liner, tilting his head upwards to stop them from breaking through as he took a deep breath in. Harry blinked a few times, whisking the tear away before finally looking towards the group. His duplicates made their way back towards the car, leaning against the doors as they awaited to hear back form Warlocks partner, seeing the tension was dying down and that hands may not be thrown.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Cinnabon > Dunkin
Skills: Psybolt

Man that guy was hot. Both literally and in terms of raw power and attractiveness. It was clear that Leighton and Desiree wouldn’t be getting away now or even have the chance of betrayal. He patted the dog on its head as he spoke to it. ”Who wants to come and cause some Havok? You do don’t you? Yes you do.” He picked the dog up and it cuddled into his arms, making his way towards the limo and opening one of the car doors. ”If candy man can have a fur ball so can I, Butch is coming with us.” Jinx kissed the dogs forehead and placed him in the car, telling it to wait there for him to return. As he walked passed the car he could feel the heat rising off of it and onto his skin. A slight kick of adrenaline and hormones following suit. Jinx watched the fear in their eyes as the flaming hounds scoured the place, as he launched bright pink bolts of energy into the walls. ”Get me an iced chai on the double, oh and a donut while you’re at it. For your sakes i hope you have strawberry.”

Jinx watched Pyro at work, his heart thumping for the flaming mutant as he worked a way to flirt with him. He took a deep breath and shot out another bolt towards the coffee machine, causing it to blow up and smoke where it sat. ”Hey hot stuff, you’re much more fun to work with than those other lame-o’s. Let me know if you’d like a hand while I’m here.” Jinx offered him a wink as he went about terrorizing the employees again. ”Where’s my damned Iced Chai! I’m getting impatient here. Chop chop people.” Pink energy crackling along his hands as he threatened to throw another bolt towards an unsuspecting person.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Training Room
Skills N/A

"You think I actually care about that sort of thing right now Casper!" Jack instantly said towards his brother, he didn't even really notice Ben leave before his attention turned towards Cayden who was asking what he was doing, and he held his phone out towards him so he could see, "I was looking at the stock market, seeing what date I decided to buy some stocks, he said towards him, showing the dates towards the end of 2001, the beginning of 2002, it wouldn't take a genius to know that Jack would have been roughly 10 or 11 years old at that point in time and likely wouldn't have known what the stock market really was.

"Casper, c'est ce qui fait tout à coup sens, je n'avais pas dix ans et j'étais intéressé par la bourse." he said to his brother, walking over, pulling him off to the side a little bit before showing him the phone.

".... Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Casper stammered.

"J'ai voyagé dans le temps Casper, et je pense que Sunshine est Lexi, je pense qu'elle est mon enfante."

"....Sunshine? Tu es sérieux?"

"Sérieusement sérieux, Lexi m'a parlé d'un cauchemar qu'elle avait eu, tournant autour d'elle et de son rat de compagnie nommé Fred, et le méchant était Max. Cela expliquerait aussi pourquoi elle s'est fâchée contre moi malgré qu'elle ait dirigé sa colère contre vous."

".... Que feras tu?"

"No idea," he muttered to his brother, before looking over at Sunshine now, and letting out a bit of a sigh. "Uh... Rookie? We need to talk about something..." He wasn't even sure what he was going to say to her, since everything was so messed up. How the hell was he supposed to tell her what had happened and why he wasn't around? Things were just way too complicated for this thing, he had no idea what to do.

Location: Old Hideout
Skills N/A

Sapphire grew rigid the instant the words that Waverly directed towards her were out of her mouth, and she whirled around to face her. "You think you know what's going through my mind, but guess what, you have no idea. Since guess what? I actually am mad at you, but since you think you are all high and mighty and know what you're doing, then by all means go for it, but I can tell you one thing, assuming you know what people are thinking about is one way you might end up with a fist in your face. So shut up and stop pretending that you are better then me. Because just even thinking about this sort of thing is morally wrong, and you know it, the fact that you need it pointed out says a lot about you."

She then turned to look at Max, and rolled her eyes at his revelation about Casper. "Now see, that's the problem with most people here, they just assume they know things about people, without even thinking, and most of the time your assumptions are crap and totally wrong. Now, might I also point out, and going along with what Veil said about it, the odds of you getting Casper to do it are very slim, so I would just say don't even try. Also, where would you plan to do this? Since you ain't doing it at our hideout. Not to mention potentially being arrested for being a grave robber is not the best line in a news article about why the hell you ended up going to jail. You all are being idiotic if you even think that it is worth trying, it is wrong on so many levels and I for one want nothing to do with it! So just stop, there are so many wrong things, and you know nothing about whether or not this would even work, you are starting to act power hungry and play god to even attempt it."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 20 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ.
Skills: Empathy

Callie just stared at Max, he was really delusional in her mind, thinking that he could bring back the dead there were so many things that were totally wrong with that and she fully agreed with Sapphire and Veil. "You need to get your head out of your damn ass, and think about it you idiot." Callie finally said as she really wanted to punch the shit out of him right now, she looked towards Waverly for a moment she wished that there was a way to bring back her mother. But the dead should remain dead there could be so many things that could go wrong as well. She looked towards Veil it had been way longer than they should be, and Callie didn't like this at all one bit and they needed to find the innocent that the Hellfire Club was so interested in.

Her focus now fully on Max, giving Waverly false hope with bringing her mother back and she couldn't allow him to do his whole resurrections thing in the Underground at all, and he was still a major risk as well to their safety. Callie then focused on her empathy and made Max feel an incredible sense of fear. "If you want to bring Waverly's mom back as a Walking Dead extra go right on ahead, but none of us will have nothing to do with it. And i'll make sure Casper is safe from your sick little fantasy with bringing back the dead, you are playing god and that is wrong completely. Also enjoy the gift of feeling fear while you are at it." Callie said as she turned away and looked over towards Veil for a moment, knowing that she'd probably end up scolding her for pretty much attacking Max. "We should go now, we can find the person on our own, we spent enough time as it is." Callie said making her way back into the car.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks

Location: Strip Mall Parking Lot
Skills Ice Manipulation, Enhanced Flexibility

Her plan had quickly deteriorated in front of her as Pyro sped off, launching his attack on Desiree's car, sending it up in flames. Leighton felt the heat, but was otherwise unharmed. However, Pyro had sped off into the Dunkin' Donuts in search of Desiree. The people there were panicking, and who could blame them? And as if things couldn't get worse, Jinx had arrived with his own brand of mischief and dove into the fray. And all on top of it, as Pyro found his prey, she heard Desiree cry out for her.

Leighton got her into this, she would get her out.

Ana chuckled and Leighton glared at her. "You find this funny?" Ana merely shrugged. "Top 10, at least." Leighton shook her head and ran off into the Dunkin' aware of the choices she would have to make. She sped inside into the restroom, where Pyro had unleashed a fire wolf on Desiree. Leighton tried to send an ice blast at it, but the wolf shrugged it off. She then formed ice around her fists and punched, but the wolf didn't budge. "Ok you fucking wolf. You asked for it." Leighton tried to form ice around her feet, but they quickly melted, but she managed what she set out to do, diving forward and spin-kicking the wolf off of Desiree.

She stood up, feeling hot as she noticed her shoes were now on fire.

Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Strip Mall Parking Lot
Skills N/A

Ana had found the whole situation humorous. It was clear to her that Leighton had tried to betray them and got caught. Whether or not Pyro or Jinx saw it remained to be seen. Ana casually walked inside, seeing Jinx unleash his magic on the poor populace. Inside the rest room, Pyro had managed to get their target pinned, but Leighton had successfully gotten it off, only to be burning from the shoe up. Ana ran over, spotted a fire extinguisher, and put out the shoe fire. It wouldn't serve any of them for her to die.

"She needs to be alive!" Leighton screamed. Ana held up her hand. "Now, now, let's all be calm. You have a decision to make now. Either you and the target come with us willingly back to HQ and we chalk this all up as a big misunderstanding or you watch as this whole place, and everyone unfortunate enough to stay inside, go up in flames."

Leighton was in a bind. She had promised Desiree she would get her a choice, and she was determined to see that through. It just seemed like extra steps would have to be taken.

"Fine, but she remains unharmed"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy -- Scanning; Communication

Luna was still reeling from feeling James in her head and then he responded to her. She shut her eyes for a moment, feeling overwhelmed and confused but the connection was so clear between the two of them. ”I… I don’t know. The last time I was able to connect with someone like this was the first time I nearly died and I reached out for my father…” She was genuinely confused about this as she did actively try not to invade people’s minds and she hadn't even been thinking about James. ”Maybe we can talk when we get back. We should almost be done here. James, I’m sorry.” Luna ended the connection after apologizing. She hoped she didn’t just lose another friend because of what she was.
Luna looked up and heard Max still pushing to bring back Waverely’s mom. It didn’t sound like he was going to win this one though, unless he just went ahead and tried it himself. Luna shook her head, ready to get out of here now with the weight of her recent development on her shoulders. ”What happens if it fails Max and we have to kill her mother all over again? What then? Just because we have the ability to, doesn't mean we should.” Luna did not like the idea of playing with the dead at all.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ -- Training Room ---> Medical Room ---> Outside Training Room -- Washington D.C.

Cayden felt sad when Ben disappeared but it was for the best at the moment. Capser needed the break and Sunshine needed the space. Still, he liked Ben and hoped he would get to see him soon. Snide remarks and all. Cayden looked at the phone Jack showed him and frowned. Why would a kid be buying stocks? ”Oh! Does this have something to do with that alternate world you guys are talking about?” Jack pulled Casper away and started talking to him in French, that much Cayden knew but beyond that was nothing. ”I’ll just go find some tissues,” Cayden said and slipped off to go and find Casper something.
As he left, he passed Sunshine but didn’t see James with her. He gave Sunshine a polite grin all the same before he raced up the steps, taking them two at a time and made his way through public spaces to try and find tissues. He finally found some in their medical room and made his way back as quickly as he could manage. Cayden hummed a little tune to himself, the Pirates of the Carribean theme, as he made his way back to the Training Room. He came across James this time, who was nearly there himself but he seemed deep in thought. ”You alright there James?”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

December 18th, 2020 - 3:10 PM

Penthouse Suite of the Hellfire Club -

Polaris hadn't returned yet, leaving just Reeva and Sage. Ordinarily, Sage would have been allowed to just monitor while Reeva - or whichever high ranking member of the Hellfire Club who was present at the time - would sit by idly, giving further directions. Yet with how long this hunt was taking and the extreme importance of it, Reeva's anxiety was high. She stood directly behind Sage, a single hand on her shoulder. Sage couldn't send a single communication out without Reeva seeing. She couldn't warn the Mutant Underground as to what was happening or where they needed to go.

"What in the world is she thinking?" Reeva said sharply, her eyes narrowing. Sage had hacked into the security feed at the Dunkin' Donuts. The image was hardly as pristine as she would have cared for, but she was able to see what was happening.

Sage silently prayed for Leighton to get out of there, to turn and run before it was too late. "She's preventing Pyro from carrying out the hit, ma'am," Sage answered robotically, not a trace of emotion in her voice. She couldn't dare betray where her loyalties really lied.

"Unbelievable... Such a waste of potential." Reeva's grip on Sage's shoulder had tightened, her nails digging into Sage's flesh. "Send the order - Ice Queen is to be eliminated."

Sage hesitated. "But she's Emma's niece..." she tried to interject, wanting to save Leighton if she could.

"Emma will understand," Reeva said coldly. "Send the command, Sage, or we'll need to have another discussion entirely. Do I make myself clear?"

Sage nodded, her fingers flying across the keyboard. The White Queen, Pyro, and Jinx would all receive text messages with updated instructions: ELIMINATE ICE QUEEN. ORIGINAL TARGET IS STILL WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE.

"Good. The sooner we have the girl in custody, the closer we will be to understanding the Children of the Vault."

Dunkin' Donuts -

Desiree's clothing had caught on fire, the young mutant burning alive but she wasn't dead yet. Her abject fear and panic activated her more primal survival instincts and she tried to push out a wave of deprivation, to plunge everyone around her into darkness and absolute silence, but the pain was too much. The fire was burning each and every nerve ending, her organs bleeding as she screamed in pain. "Hey mate, why don't you get me a Boston creme?" Pyro called out to Jinx.

He then tilted his head slightly at the girls as they ran in, especially since Leighton had kicked his fire wolf off of Desiree. He stopped concentrating on the flames that comprised it and the wolf became just ordinary fire, eating away at the wooden bathroom stall. "Oi, princess, they told me dead or alive. Dealer's choice, innit? And I'm the dealer and I choose DEATH!" He finished with a cackle.

The two remaining wolves of fire merged into one, easily the size of a bull. Pyro directed the flaming beast and it pounced on Desiree, extinguishing her life force. The innocent girl Leighton had tried to save was dead. Flames were spreading rapidly throughout the Dunkin' Donuts. The ceiling integrity was wearing out and a gigantic piece was about to hit Jinx over the head, when someone rushed out of nowhere and pushed him out of the way just in time.

"Whoo, that was fun! Such a rush!" Pyro gushed, the flames wildly out of control but he didn't care. His phone buzzed, as did the White Queen's and Jinx's. He held up a finger for everyone to wait a moment as he checked his messages, before grinning cockily. Like a pyromaniac, he gathered all the flames in the small store, turning them into a gigantic creature with several heads - a hydra. Pyro whistled maniacally as the hydra headed lunged at Leighton, biting her. Her shirt caught on fire and two of her ribs cracked from the sheer force.

"Play with fire and you'll get burned! Hahahaha!" Pyro jeered.


Location: the Old Underground Hideout
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation (Cloaking)
Warlock didn't seem to hear Veil asking him to contact Ice Queen about the innocent. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, tapping on her message history with Sage. The first encoded message had been sent at 1:29 PM, the second had been at 1:52 PM. Nothing had come after that. Her phone informed her of the current time - 3:10 PM. Instantly, Veil's stomach was twisted up into knots as she felt positively sick. Whatever chance they had of helping the innocent, it was long gone. Despite her intuition telling her that Warlock had been truthful, this must have been a set up, some sort of trap.

What was worse, this strongly implied that Sage's cover with the Hellfire Club had been blown. How else would Warlock have known to distract the Mutant Underground and keep them from interfering? She wanted to kick herself for being so stupid and naive. She shouldn't have trusted Warlock for this meet up. She shouldn't have brought her brother here and her closest friends. They were all in danger, the innocent could very well be dead or captured, and Veil had no one else to blame but herself.

Everyone was fixated on this notion of bringing Feedback's mother back from the dead. Veil's eyes flickered over to her twin brother's, communicating a clear but silent message: I fucked up. Had she not come to the conclusion that this had all been a trick, a trap, she would've been angry at Spark Plug for manipulating with Warlock's emotions, especially as he was an unstable person. "We're leaving. It's too late. It's been almost two hours since..." she trailed off, not wanting to expose how they knew about the innocent to Warlock. "I expected more from you than this, Warlock. You talk about wanting peace for mutants, but you probably just got one killed."

She took a deep breath and turned everyone but Warlock invisible. She turned the Mutant Underground's van and Echo's car invisible as well. It was a huge strain to do that large of an area at once, but her feelings of shame and horror were helping to fuel her powers. Once they drove off, she would only be able to keep the car she was traveling in cloaked. But thanks to Spark Plug's fog, she figured their exit would be secured.

"We'll rendez-vous back at base," Veil said. She had texted the address to Echo earlier, so he would be able to get there. Veil then walked to the van and got into the shot gun seat, Warlock unable to see her (though the others would be able to see each other and their vehicles like dim, holographic or ghost like outlines).

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground Hideout - First Floor: Training Room -> Entranceway
Skills: Mediumship
For the first time in ages, Casper was sober and couldn't see Ben at all. It strangely made him feel on edge, like spiders were crawling up his skin and into his ears, spinning their webs all over his brain. His chest was a little tight as well, not from whatever plague Sunshine had given him (as she had removed it). Each breath was a little harder than the one before it and his fingers, they felt as cold as ice. At first, he wondered if it was just that the heating wasn't working properly, with it being winter and all.. yet his chest felt like a sauna, as warm as the sun.

"I'm going to read the room and start my career as a stage musician," Casper said, his voice light and airy though it didn't reach his eyes. "And I'll," he paused, waving his hands in front of his face. He had tattoos on the back of them, saying HELLO and GOODBYE like a ouija board. "make myself disappear!" He then clapped his hands together and skipped on out into the entranceway where James and Cayden were.

He then noticed another strange thing. Even though he had skipped his way on over, his body felt numb - like he wasn't actually moving, but rather watching someone else move. "So just so you guys know, Jackie is about to tell Sunshine that she's somehow his daughter from that incident where Blink sent him time traveling. I know, it sounds like a comic book, but it's real... Aaaand I sense you have some tea of your own to spill, bae, so get spilling and I'll get the paper towels!"

Casper glanced behind his shoulder slightly, expecting to see Ben there, rolling his eyes, but there was no one.


Location: Mutant Underground Hideout - First Floor: Training Room
Skills: Greek
Sunshine rolled her eyes at Casper for his dumb magic trick - her eyes were a bit red from crying. She wanted to run off to her room and cuddle her dead rat, Fred. Sure, she had picked up the rotting carcass purely to annoy the hell out of Max during that supply run, but she was also genuinely attached to the smelly guy at this point. He was like a stuffed animal or a security blanket to her. Maybe she'd find some soap or perfume to clean him up with some, that way he wouldn't smell and attract flies as much.

It was just her and Jack in the training room now. Her anger had left her after the talk with James - at least, the anger towards him. She still had a lot of pain over being abandoned, the horrible situation she had been left behind in. Her father must've been a mutant, she imagined, and he left her behind with a human who hated mutants.

"Στον άλλο κόσμο νόμιζα ότι ήσουν ο μπαμπάς μου. Έτσι ήμουν πραγματικά τρελός σε σένα γιατί ο μπαμπάς μου με εγκατέλειψε και δεν με νοιάζει ποτέ, αλλά συνειδητοποίησα ότι δεν θα μπορούσες να είσαι ο μπαμπάς μου, έτσι είναι οτιδήποτε. Μα εύχομαι να ήσουν επειδή είσαι καλός και όχι φρικτός και όποιος κι αν είναι ο μπαμπάς μου, είναι πιθανώς ένας φοβερός τύπος. Λυπάμαι που είσαι τρελός και χτύπησε τον αδερφό σου, αλλά και ο Casper το αξίζει αφού είναι λίγο αδύναμος και πρέπει να σταματήσει ήδη με τα ναρκωτικά."

She didn't think Jack understood Greek, so she figured that saying those things, well, he wouldn't know what she had meant. It felt good to say it though. "Okay, your turn to tell me something dumb, Marshmallow Man."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: First Floor: Entranceway -> Cayden and James' room
Skills: N/A

The connection dropped and James was just confused. Unsettled as well of course but that was a given; he didn’t like people invading his head in the first place and much less so when he’d barely had time to process all the issues associated with the other world. What happened that she’d made a connection unconsciously? Not to mention the physical distance. He’d assumed she wouldn’t be able to contact him this far away. Apparently he was wrong. They definitely needed to talk when she came back. He’d add it to the list of things to break down about later.

It took him a few seconds of staring at Cayden for him to realize Cayden spoke. He shook his head to clear his thoughts. “I think so. A little confused but yeah, I should be fine.” James offered him a reassuring smile. “I’ll just be glad when we see everyone get back from this issue with Max and the innocent in one piece.” James fervently hoped everything would go fine. He didn’t need another emergency on their hands with everything that had been going on. He should have pulled Casper into a room, locked the door, and pretended it was just them for a bit rather than deal with everything all at once. And speaking of Casper…

James laughed at Casper’s comments and went to respond only for the urgency of Casper’s revelation to hit him full force. Jack was Sunshine’s… In all the chaos, James had completely forgotten about the time traveling incident. To be fair, he’d been rather skeptical of the whole affair and it had been shortly before the mess with the Morlocks and the attack on the original Underground headquarters so it just slipped his mind. “Oh that’s bad. I made a promise not to tell but I’m going to recommend we put some distance between us and the training room.” James said grimly. This could either go two ways: Sunshine accepts the fact he had to return to his own time or she violently rejects it. James had a sneaking suspicion the latter was more likely but hopefully Jack could prevent anything terrible from happening. James wrapped his arm around Casper’s waist almost unconsciously before steering them upstairs towards James and Cayden’s room, gesturing for Cayden to follow. He wanted that area as clear as possible.

“And Luna just made contact. I’m a little conflicted about that. On one hand, a gross violation of privacy. I hate it when people poke around inside my head.” James grumbled. “On the other hand, apparently the last time she did that, she was dying so I’m a little concerned things aren’t going too well up there. But that’s probably not something I can clear up until they come back. How are you feeling, babes? It looked like it took a lot of work back there.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ - Outside in What Might Be a Trap, or Might Not Be, but Probably is
Skills: Radio Wave Manipulation

Had Spark Plug's forced serenity stayed in effect for a little longer than it had, Waverley probably would've addressed whatever inferiority complex Sapphire seemed to have going through her head in that chillingly calm, un-Waverley-like tone that she'd been employing for the past few minutes. But as Sapphire spoke, that little voice that always writhed in her brain returned, and with it, the desire for approval from those she considered 'higher ups', causing her stony, unempathetic expression to to fade, a small anxious frown finding its way back onto her lips. She shot a glance at Veil, looking for some form of backup, but she found none. She seemed busy enough trying to figure out what to do about Warlock. So instead, she looked to Sapphire, stuttering out her reply. "Fucking Christ, dude, I'm sorry if I offended you. We're all just trying to figure out what the right thing to do is."

With her newly reacquired emotions, she turned her attention to Warlock. Of course his offer would be conditional. She wasn't sure why she'd expected any different. The fact that he was only willing to do it once, for her, made it feel like a deal with the devil. She could have her mom back, and all he wanted her to do was forsake Sunshine and everyone else who had someone they might want to bring back. At first, her anger started up again as annoyance, but it quickly grew as she spoke.

"What, so you won't bring back Erg because it'd be a little bit harder? That's utter bullshit, and you know it! I don't know what you're playing at, but if my mom's the only person you bring back, then I want nothing to do with it. I had my mom for nineteen years! Sunshine had Erg for, what, a day? She deserves more than that. She deserves a dad that isn't an absentee pile of shit. No, no, I can give you my answer right now: no Erg, no deal!" she said, a tone of finality in her voice. She felt a number of things for the opportunity she'd let slip through her fingers; anger, sorrow, hate. But regret was not among them. She could relive the past few moments over and over again for the rest of eternity, and she wouldn't change a thing. She pulled herself out of Echo's arms, and began to sulk over to the van. Being the picture of maturity that she was, she made sure to flip Warlock the bird as she climbed into the van, taking a seat in the back.

She felt tears prick at her eyes as she stared out the window, but they never made it to the falling stage of teardom. She desperately didn't want to process what all had just happened, so she did her best to shove out any conscious thoughts. The fact was, she wasn't sure what she wanted. That is, until the memory of the assurance she'd made to a teary-eyed Sunshine on her way out of the Underground surfaced in her mind: what she wanted was McDonald's. She fumbled her phone out of her pocket, her shaky fingers tapping against the screen, opening up the McDonald's app. She'd had a theory for a while about using her ability to pay for things online without actually spending money, but she'd never tried it. She had always been afraid that if she did try it, it'd somehow be tracked back to her. But at that moment, she didn't much care. She just wanted some food. So she placed an order for eight milkshakes and a ridiculous amount of chicken nuggets. Once it came time to choose a payment method, she reached out with her mind. She felt for the waves the app required, and mimicked them, breezing past the paying part of the transaction. It wasn't as hard as she expected it to be, and when she opened her eyes, she looked back down at the app, which showed a message thanking her for her business.

"I ordered some food from McDonald's," she said to the two in the front seats, her voice raspy and course, her unshed tears audible in her voice. "Don't worry, it's on me."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Old Mutant Hideout
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

That was it. Just like that everything seemed to press on. Max sat there staring at the group in a mixture of disbelief and fear. The primal emotion taking control of his mind and warping the view before him. He watched as Veil had checked her phone, immediately putting it away before blowing up and rendering all but him invisible. "This can't be it Max thought to himself as the footsteps hit the ground and echoed into the empty air. "Why didn't she answer? Was i set up? Am I of no use to the Hellfire Club anymore?" No, something else had to be up. Then it clicked, this was a set up, but by the mutant underground. Veil must've gotten the message that Leighton and Desiree have been apprehended. They must've found a way to block his messages after he sent one to Veil, Magik perhaps? It didn't matter he was played and they were getting away.

The fear ate at his insides as he feared for Leightona fate, his emotions fueling his powers in an explosion of raw power. "What have you assholes done with Leighton?! WHERE IS SHE!?" Huge walls began to form and bend as a massive dome was erected around them all. The van, thr jeep, every single member of the Mutant Underground and him trapped inside a dome. There were patches of ballistic glass acting as windows to allow some light in and offer the Underground something they gave him, false hope. "If you don't tell me what you did to her...I'll bury us all to the ground! You claim to be heros, to do whats right, and here you stand before me, distracting me so you can take her for yourself! She trusted you and this is how you treat her trust?! Have it your way, if you wish to be The Underground I can bury you like I did Waverlys mom but this time it won't be an accident." The fear inside of him was immense and warping his thoughts to darker powers he never wished to use. But a cornered animal in fear was bound to lash out.


Location: Old Mutant Hideout
Skills:Duplication, SoundnWave Manipulation

Waverly left his arms and he willingly let her go. He wouldn't force her hand to do anything, simply standing up as he wiped his pants and began to make his way towards his car. There was a familiar shimmer as he felt his twins power fall over him how it used to back at Xaviers. A tinge of nostalgia running over him as he took a brief pause before entering his car. There was a sudden sound as Max began to yell, Harry looking over to him and his stomach immediately beginning to churn as he felt something was about to happen. This wasn't good. There was darkness enveloping them all aa shadows began forming over his face and as if recreating a scene from Jurassic Park, he stood up inside his jeep and removed his sunglasses to see the area covered by a dome or sorts.

Warlock seemed hurt, troubled, and wielded powers Harry didn't want to be on the other side of. No more lives needed to be taken by this war, no more mutants should be hurt. Harry stepped out of the Jeep and walked around it, hand firmly placed against thr car to find his duplicates. Another one was created and Harry immediately rolled his eyes as Larry once again chose to skip band practice. "Alright boys, Larry's a no show. We need to help my sister fight and as you know we can pack quite the note. So aim high and control your pitch, I don't want a single note out of place got it?. Barry you go straight ahead till you his the barrier, Terry you go towards my right and Jerry go to my left but try and steer clear of the kid. Now boys, let's harmonize." As they each found their place, Harry spoke out to Max, concerned for his well being as he was clearly becoming unhinged. "Warlock, you don't know me but I can see that you're hurting. This fight,this war, its bringing out horrible emotions. I dont want to fight you so please bring down this barrier." Max simply shook his face no at him, sweat now forming on his face as his hair began to deshovel and stick to his face. Harry began to sing, holding a note as the others harmonized with him and used the vibrations of Maxs voice to create a beam of light. It started as a dot with Harry and moved into a beam towards Terry, then Barry, Then Jerry and back to Harry. A bright Square of light was held above them as each of them held one finger pressed against their right ear and harmonized to give the Underground a fighting chance and being ready to strike if needed.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Dunkin
Skills: Psybolt

Jinx looked back at the spot where he previously was and then back towards who saved him and back at the spot. He shook his head in disbelief as he noticed it was Morgan and wondered if they were just a good luck charm. "Either you're a mutant who's power is being at the right place at the right time, or you're following me. Either way I dig it. Now give me a sec I got some work to take care of." Jinx stood up and through a psybolt at an employee, grazing them slightly as it glanced atop their head. "You heard the man I need some Boston Creme stat! By the way that Cinnabon, delicious. Sorry you had to catch me at work."

Jinx made his way over towards Pyro and stood side by side on him. He spoke low enough for only Pyro to hear, trying to make sure Morgan didn'tknow what he was saying. "Man you're hot. If love to play with your fire any day, rawr. Shame we gotta spill mutant blood today, two lost souls who really should've weighed their options better." He turned to face Leighton, arms crossed as he watched her burn. "Sorry kid, I'd say no hard feelings but...well I don't like you. You're no fun unlike Pyro here who knows how to party. So Bon Voyage mon petite chérie." His hands crackled with energy as he began to ready for an assault on the Ice Princess.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Telepathy; Strategy

The connection with James faded and Luna relaxed a bit, feeling better when Veil made the call that time was up and they had to leave. She hadn’t even realized they had been there for two hours. Between meeting Veil’s twin brother and the back and forth between everyone and Max, it was no surprise time seemed to get away from them. Not to mention the telepathic development within her. She looked at Max one more time before she turned around and walked away. She wasn’t entirely sure there was anymore that needed to be said or that she wanted to say. She was about to climb into the very back of the van when Max freaked and dropped a dome over them. Luna paused and looked over at Veil and the others. She could see that Veil had already cloaked them in preparation to leave but Max was in full on implosion mode. Her first instinct was to scream back at him and punch him. Why the hell would he think they had taken Leighton when he was the one who brought them here by connecting Veil with Leighton and him? There was one way to get some answers and so Luna walked around the Van and jumped into Max’s mind.
She felt the intense emotions and fear that Spark Plug was manipulating within him and then heard his thought that The Underground had taken Leighton as hostage. Miscommunication was a strong thing right now and Luna could tell Max was unstable and unpredictable. Anyone probably could at this point.
Luna walked back to the front of the van, knowing Max couldn’t see her movements and whispered to Veil. ”He thinks we took Leighton hostage and Spark Plug is dancing around with his emotional state, which I suggest you stop,” Luna said towards Spark Plug so she could hear.
Luna moved away from the van again and took a few calculated steps before she fell into a relaxed stance, easy for running or for a more acrobatic approach which she was also trained in. ”Warlock. We don’t know where Leighton is, just as we don’t know where the innocent is but if Leighton was charged with bringing the innocent back to the Hellfire club, they may be monitoring her, especially if the innocent is important.”
Luna was poised for a physical take down and was steadily moving closer to Max but if he regained control of his emotions, maybe he would see sense before she would have to take him down. She saw a physical takedown being the best option under the volatile circumstances. Verbal communication may be the last thing he wanted after two hours of going in circles and the manipulation of his mind.

Cayden Proudstar - Moonwalker

Location: Mutant Underground HQ -- Entranceway ---> Bedrooms -- Washington D.C.
Skills: Empathy;

Cayden smiled a little at that and nodded. ”That is the understatement of the year my friend.” Cayden didn’t think he had been so confused in his whole life. Even after the first time he dreamwalked. Casper joined them out in the entranceway and Cayden got a wave of unease and discomfort coming from Casper. Possibly fear as well but Cayden wasn’t completely sure. Before he could ask about his friend, Casper spoke of Jack being Sunshine’s father in the other reality. And the confusion train just kept on rolling. ”Wait, what? What the hell happened over there?!” This other reality had to be some ride and why didn’t Cayden remember any of it?
He looked back at the Training Room, seeing Jack and Sunshine but followed the other two upstairs. James was probably right about giving them space because as Cayden saw from the stocks, Jack was way too young to possibly father a child. He scrubbed his hands over his face as they walked and drew them through his hair when James spoke again. Now Luna was contacting James? He frowned. ”It has been two hours or so since they’ve been gone… Hopefully they are on their way back now. There are ways to keep certain things out of a telepath’s eye,” Cayden noted. ”When I dreamwalk, there are all sorts of doors, I guess you could say that I’ll need to knock down. Dreaming of course is a bit easier to navigate but sometimes you get an overactive subconscious that chases after you,” he said with a chuckle.
Cayden smiled warmly at the two of them and rested a hand on Casper’s shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Empathy was kind of like mind reading but instead of thoughts, it was emotions which were sometimes more evasive. Especially if the empath knew the person they were reading well enough. Cayden didn’t say anything or ask Casper what was wrong. Casper would talk if he needed to and Cayden had to trust that he would talk rather than use.
”In the meantime, you could tell me more about this other world.” He couldn’t help the curiosity. ”Like how you of all people, ended up in a palace,” Cayden teased Casper and punched his shoulder playfully.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Training Room
Skills N/A

Jack flinched somewhat at Sunshine's words, but he knew perfectly well that he probably deserved the harsh words considering the life that she had had when she was growing up. He wasn't completely fluent in Greek, but he did know quite a bit of it, and he looked at Sunshine, thinking of the best way to actually talk to her. "Ξέρω περισσότερα τότε μάλλον νομίζω ότι το κάνω," he said softly to her, unsure what else to really say to her to start the conversation off with.

Sunshine startled. Since when had Jack been able to speak Greek? Why hadn't he told her that he could understand more than just curse words? He had scolded her for swearing in Greek once but Sunshine had always figured Jack had just learned a bunch of swears in different languages for fun. She took a few steps backwards, confusion clearly written across her face. A small part of her hoped that James was wrong - that maybe, maybe it was possible that... "What do you want to talk about?"

"...It happened a while back, Blink's portal screwed up and instead of sending me to where we were actually wanting to go... I got thrown back to around the early 2000s... Remember after the whole Purifiers thing, the incident that happened before the Morlocks were actually attacked and everything when I brought Casper back down to the Tunnels with me? I came up and hugged you, and people thought I was acting weird... That's because I hadn't actually seen any of you for about 10 months."

"You're always weird though..." Sunshine mumbled, before the weight of Jack's words sunk in. The entire day had been a blur. Jack had shifted into the appearance of Captain America when she first met him, so she figured that he was just a bit mental. She looked away from him, tears welling up in her eyes as she thought about it. Maybe it was all real then. Maybe he really was her father.

"Yeah, but this time I wasn't pulling any sort of joke Sunshine, despite what I'm pretty sure several other people thought... And I got yanked back to the present without any sort of warning... I just... I'm sorry Sunshine..."

"For what?!" Sunshine snapped, before bursting properly into tears. They were hot and sticky as they slid down her face like a waterfall. She crumbled to the ground, hugging her knees to her chest. She couldn't control her feelings, she couldn't keep a stoic expression on - she couldn't pretend that none of this bothered her, that this didn't shake her very core of her being.

"...For not being there..." he said softly, already expecting Sunshine to start yelling at him, especially after the life she's had up until then. He blamed himself for everything, wondering if it might have been better if Blink hadn't brought him back to the present, then maybe Sunshine's life wouldn't have been as bad as it was.

"....Just say it. Say that you're... you're my...."

"I am... At least I'm pretty sure I am in order to actually find out have to do some weird DNA test or something... But I'm pretty sure I am your father... And I'm sorry..."

Sunshine fell silent, her hair hiding her face as she continued to bawl. She didn't know if it made it better or worse to hear Jack apologize - to know that she had been a complete mistake, a quirk in the timeline. She wasn't anything like Jack either. He was nice and kind, sure he was weird but people liked to be around him. Everyone seemed to think that she was a monster in comparison. Maybe she had inherited all of his worst traits.

"...Rookie? Are you okay? Say something please..." he said softly, not really too sure what else to say to the kid.

She just shook her head, continuing to cry. She couldn't even begin to contemplate a sentence, what she could say to Jack... Her father...

Jack wasn't even too sure what to say to her anymore, so he figured why really say anything at all, since anything he could say might make things worse. Instead, he walked over and sat on the ground next to her, before he simply leaned over and gave her a hug whether she wanted it or not.

Sunshine flinched. She briefly contemplated kicking Jack in a rather sensitive area and dashing off. She still wanted to scream and rage, but she wasn't really angry at him anymore. It wasn't his fault. The only one she could really blame would be her mother. Or maybe just the world. The humans. She hesitated, before hugging Jack back, continuing to just sob her emotions out.

"I'm just... I'm just so sorry Sunshine, if I had known... I would had had Blink send me back there... I wouldn't have just left you there..." he said softly to her, before falling silent again, not too sure what to even really say.

Location: Old Hideout
Skills Thermokinesis, Cryokinesis, Ice Attacks

To say that Sapphire was panicking the instant the dome popped up was an understatement. Not many people realized it, but Sapphire was majorly claustrophobic, and she hated any sort of enclosed space where she couldn't actually leave. She started hyperventilating a bit, her breath coming fast as her mind instantly shifted to survival mode as she tried to figure out a way out of this situation. It didn't help that she was an emotional mess, as there was a very large drop in temperature, causing the entire area to turn ice cold as she stood there. Her eyes were darting around and she didn't even seem to register what the hell was going on around her.

Frost started emanating from her hands, before she threw a few shards of ice straight at Max in her state of panic, her mind had registered that he was the one who had created the dome trapping her, but hadn't quite registered what everyone else had done and said. Her shards missed him, but her second round of shards slammed into him, injuring Max fairly well. Shards of ice embedded themselves into Max's chest and stomach, injuring him severely, but luckily he wasn't bleeding out yet, since the ice was remaining frozen. She sent another mob of ice at him, but it missed entirely, shooting wide. Her eyes were wide as she backed up away from the others, seriously panicking a lot.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 20 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ.
Skills: Empathy, Electricity Manipulation

Callie was about to make her way towards the car as Veil made them all invisible again, but she stopped when Max suddenly had an outburst, and a dome started to appear over the area trapping them all together. Her eyes going wide seeing Max she wasn't expecting Max's reaction to be this bad, she was intending to just keep him down cowering in fear while they left. She turned towards the dome, lightening building up in her hands and shot at the dome only leaving a crack in it which didn't shatter at all. Then Luna spoke up this was all her fault, and watching Sapphire going into full panic mode shooting shards of ice directly at Max hitting him really good.

Callie ran over towards Max, using her empathy on Max, he would instantly be calmed down again. "Listen we didn't do anything to Leighton, i'm really sorry what I did to you, we can get James to patch you up just let the dome down." Callie said, turning to Sapphire as she tried to use her power on her, sensing the major panic from her as she tried to but Sapphire wasn't able to calm down at all, hoping Max would release them from the dome that he had made.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leighton Brooks and Anastasia Reinhardt

Location: Dunkin' Donuts
Skills Ice Manipulation (Leighton), Telekinesis (Anastasia)

Leighton had feared it would come to that. There was no way the Hellfire Club would let her walk away Scott free. What was worse was that Desiree suffered for it. Leighton kicked herself for bringing the girl into danger, but either way, she had bigger things to worry about as Pyro sent his fire wolf on her, biting into her. She could feel her ribs crack from the pressure as she let out a scream. She would not go down so easily. Summoning all she could, she focused her ice on her center, sending it outward towards her now enemies. What formed was large, ice shards, hitting the wolf and pushing it off of her. Though it missed Ana and Jinx, it went right through Pyro.

Ana was not surprised Reeva would give the order to have Leighton killed. Even if she was the niece of one of their leaders, Ana figured the Hellfire Club held their own to a higher degree. She also expected Leighton to fight back, which she did. Ana narrowly missed the ice shards, but Pyro wasn't so lucky. Ana tried to force Leighton back, but she couldn't get a hold on to the girl.

Leighton took initiative, summoning more of her power to form an ice blockade in the doorway. She used Desiree's dead body as a push, forming a 6-foot ice wall, blocking them out. She had precious little time, seeing the window on the back. She walked towards it, checking to see if it was plausible she could escape. The window, however, was painted on and no way to open it. She would have to destroy it if she had any hope of leaving alive.

Ana was impressed the girl, being as injured as she was, could form such a huge ice wall. If only she used her powers for them. Pyro was injured, the ice shard melting and his wound opening up would cause problems. Ana used her telekinesis to cling on to the shard, gently pulling it out and staunching the bleeding. "Try not to move too much or it will open up again." With that, hopefully, Pyro could get the wall down. Leighton had little to go, being as injured as she was. "Jinx, we'll need to deal with the authorities soon. A mutant attack on a civilian business is going to attract attention."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

December 18th, 2020 - 3:20 PM

Dunkin' Donuts -

One of the terrified employees brought over the entire tray of Boston creme doughnuts, kneeling on the ground and offering them up. His head was bent down, exposing the back of his neck, and every muscle in his body quivered. His pants were clearly soiled, likely out of fear. "Th-th-these are all we have, s-sir," the employee stammered.

If Jinx were to look back, he wouldn't see Morgan anymore - they had vanished. The interior of the Dunkin' Donuts was shifting in illumination, shades of red and white. The police had finally arrived on the scene, although Pyro didn't seem to care at all.


Pyro was laughing diabolically, not even phased by his wound. It helped that Anastasia had stitched it up with telekinesis. His attention momentarily waned from the fiery hydra he had created and the flames became wild and untamed, setting all of the bathroom stalls ablaze. The smoke was getting thick, making it difficult to breathe but it didn't bother Pyro at all. Leighton was sequestered behind an ice barrier that was six feet tall, though her only option for escape was a window about ten feet up. It was tiny, by no means big enough for Pyro but Leighton or Anastasia could conceivably wiggle on through... if the window hadn't been painted shut and jammed.

"This is even better than when Emma took me to Disneyworld!" Pyro cackled. He sucked in a big gust of flames and breathed them out like a dragon, trying to melt Leighton's barricade but it didn't work. The maniacal mutant then got another idea. He transformed some of the flames into a gigantic serpent and directed them over the barricade. The flaming beast coiled around Leighton, pinning her arms and legs.

"I TOTALLY STARTED THE FIRE! IT WAS ALWAYS BURNING SINCE THE WORLD'S BEEN TURNING!" Pyro shouted gleefully. The sprinklers in the Dunkin' had activated, but they were nothing compared to Pyro's flames. They couldn't quench them. "You know Jinxy, me and my bro Quicksilver used to jam out all the time! You should kick it with me later."


Location: the Old Underground Hideout
Skills: Invisible Energy Manipulation (Cloaking)
Veil maintained the cloaking cover as Feedback entered the van. She turned in her seat and reached on back, putting a hand on Feedback's shoulder and she squeezed it comfortingly. "I'm so proud of you, Feedback," she told her softly. "And not just because you ordered McDonalds," she added, hoping that a little bit of humor would help to lift Feedback's spirits. She couldn't imagine being presented with the choice to bring a loved one back from the dead. It must have been like reopening a wound that had barely begun to heal.

What happened next took Veil by surprise. Suddenly, they were trapped in by a gigantic dome, a patchwork thing made out of concrete and glass. Warlock's voice was booming and vicious, the sort of scream that a trapped animal would produce. Her eyes widened as Warlock threatened to kill them all if they didn't tell him what they had done to the Ice Queen. She opened the door of the van and jumped on out. Everyone was still invisible, so they had that advantage up against Warlock at the very least. Her brother had produced some sparkling light and Veil's heart was pounding like a stampede of rhinos. She didn't need Glimpse to tell her what Warlock was thinking - he had just said as much himself. "Glimpse is right, Spark Plug, stop it," she agreed quietly.

Sapphire took the direct approach, lashing out with ice at Warlock. The already chilly area was incredibly frigid now, enough to give everyone a severe case of frost bite. Her best friend was extremely claustrophobic. If they didn't get Sapphire out of the dome, Veil doubted she would stop attacking. Warlock may or may not listen to reason. It was a gamble then. Should she trust that Warlock would come to his senses and stand down... or should she take it into her own hands to ensure that he did?

Veil eyed the glass Spark Plug had shot with lightning. She conjured up two discs of pure invisible energy, like two frisbee sized force fields, and she threw them at the glass. The discs bounced off of the glass without doing much damage, only now they were heading right at Warlock. In the blink of an eye, the discs whizzed over his head. Any closer and he would have been scalped.

"Shit - Warlock, are you okay?" Veil shouted. She let out a breath and everyone became visible again. Now, with all of her concentration, Veil repeated the trick. Her force field discs slammed into the glass, their power drastically increased over the previous ones, and the ballistic glass shattered. "Sapphire, make an ice slide and get out!"

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground Hideout - First Floor: Entranceway -> Second Floor: Cayden and James' Room
Skills: Mediumship
As James guided him up to the second floor like a proper gentleman, Casper was hopeful that Ben would emerge in Cayden and James' room to join in on the conversation. Ben had never vanished before in Casper's lifetime when he was sober. From what Ben told him, it was more interesting to follow Casper around and provide essentially a director's commentary track than the options usually given to ghosts. He felt ashamed for a brief moment. He had seen ghosts for ages and he never really had asked Ben where he went when Casper wasn't summoning him. He had no idea what the afterlife was like for Ben.

"Wait, Princess Luna is in your mind?" Casper's eyes widened, a fierce protectiveness growing within him as he put his arm around James' shoulders possessively. "Tell her to get out, that's just plain rude, or we'll be calling the Thought Police on her." His father was the most powerful telepath in the world after Jean Grey. Casper had some bad experiences with telepaths messing in his mind.

"Oh right, you don't remember it Cay-Cay... Well, I'll give you the easy to understand version. The Scarlet Witch is crazy. She has waaaay too much power and rewrote everything in the universe, kinda like those episodes of a TV show where all the characters suddenly are in this make believe fantasy world. Magneto was king there, because I guess Wanda wasn't that creative? I don't know. My dad was dead, one of the best parts of that reality. Umm... Oh, Jackie and I worked in a secret basement of a casino for some thieves! There was this psychopath blonde girl and another psychopathic ginger girl. I guess it wasn't a great year for women's mental health? James, anything you wanna add babe?"

"Oh and I'm fine, I'm more worried about Ben... He's probably off sulking that he can't taste Nutella. He never got to try it when he was alive."


Location: Mutant Underground Hideout - First Floor: Training Room
Skills: N/A
A rip in the fabric of reality opened up, as three mutants jumped on through. Magik had started coming into her own recently, wearing large black spikes in her hair that contrasted with her long flowing black locks. She had on a skimpy black armored top with spiked shoulder pads and her left arm was covered in shiny silver armor, holding her Soulsword. Her brother Colossus still wore his X-Men uniform, perhaps clinging to the glory days when he had worked in the elite all mutant squad. Negasonic had grown out her hair, wearing it up in a mohawk of sorts, and she was wearing a black and yellow uniform with an X on it.

"Hey, Loser," Negasonic greeted Jack. "Sunshine," she then added. Sunshine, Magik, Negasonic, and Feedback were the youngest mutants in the Underground. They tended to end up clumping together at meals and such.

"This is bad time," Colossus observed. "Magik, Negasonic, help me unload supplies, da?" he prompted, before leaving the training room. He had a large sack over his shoulder, as did Negasonic and Magik. He was making his way upstairs to the supply room.

"Do I need to kill someone?" Magik asked Sunshine.

Sunshine shook her head. She had managed to calm down slightly, no longer crying. She untangled herself from Jack's hug and stood up to her feet, holding her head high. She didn't know what she wanted from Jack at this point. It was still shocking enough to know that he was her father and that she actually had blood relatives who cared about her, something she never thought was in the cards for her. "Nah... Marshmallow here is my dad," she told Magik. "So you can't hurt him unless I say so, got it?"

Magik tilted her head. Negasonic was busy texting on her phone, not paying attention. "I don't see the resemblance."

"So? He can change his face. He probably doesn't actually even look like this," Sunshine pointed out to Magik. She really really liked Magik and for whatever reason, it was important to her that Magik didn't try to murder Jack in his sleep or stuff his pillows with spiders and snakes.
February 16th, 2021 - 4:00 PM

George Washington University -

Located in downtown Washington D.C., George Washington University was just a thirteen minute walk from the Lincoln Memorial and half an hour to the Capitol building. As it was in the midst of the capital of the United States, there weren't very many green spaces on campus. It was more a collection of buildings amidst crowded streets, with bakeries next to a law auditorium for instance. Most of the students at GWU were there to study politics or international relations, so the lack of a traditional campus experience was definitely made up for in terms of connections. About half of the graduating class that year were the children of government and military officials, not just from the United States but from Europe and Asia as well.

Its Lisner Auditorium, a tall grey stone building, was even considered a historical landmark. Flyers and posters around campus reminded the students that Dr. Maya Hansen, one of the top scientists at Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) was there to give a talk at 4:00 pm. Food and refreshments were complimentary and all students were encouraged to go ask Dr. Hansen questions about her latest breakthrough in genetic engineering.

Weather wise, it was a rather chilly day in D.C., with a high of about 46 °F and a low of 27 ° F. It had been snowing on and off throughout the day, with plows routinely going through the streets to try to keep the roads clear. The cafes had given up on using their outdoor seating options, the metal tables and chairs covered in a fine layer of snow at least six inches thick. It was about two hours before sunset, so lighting at the very least wasn't much of an issue.

Of course, it wasn't the best time to be a mutant. A mysterious disease had emerged a few days ago across the world called M-Pox. The disease had only been around briefly but the death toll was already sickening (no pun intended). And while S.H.I.E.L.D. was supposedly developing a cure, it hadn't been released to the public yet. Hate crimes against mutants had spiked. The news reported on them hourly, showing horrifying footage of two young children in Arkansas hanged on a swingset, all because they were mutants. In D.C., mutants were vanishing and later found turned into stone, with an X carved into their forehead.

Coming around the corner near the entrance to the Lisner Auditorium, a masked man carried a strangely glowing blue knife. He wore a long black jacket that looked more like a cape and had thick gloves on, the sort that a blacksmith might own. Covering his eyes were what looked to be night vision goggles, making it hard to tell what he was looking at. The students walking by gave him a wide berth, rightfully terrified by the stranger with a knife.

The man hadn't noticed Kristina or Andy. He was walking straight towards Zarina.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Old Hideout
Skills Cryokinesis

Her mind was racing as she put her hands to her head and just sort of tried to control her breathing, but she was continuing to find that sort of thing to be difficult. She just couldn't calm down, and it was a bit ironic that she was a member of the Underground and was claustrophobic given what they were called. It definitely did not make anything better given what was going on and being said around her. It took a few moments for her to register that Veil was talking to her, her words sounding like they were coming out of a bad radio, as it finally clicked what she was being told, and that there was a way out of this situation, and she took it.

Using her powers, she created and ice slide for herself that allowed her to slide away from where everyone else was, and she eventually managed to find her way a little ways away from everyone else, and she instantly started trying to take deep breaths. Sapphire leaned against a wall and slid down so that she was sitting on the ground as she was trying to slow her mind down, convincing herself that she wasn't trapped in a small area anymore. It was hard for her to do it, but slowly her mind was starting to calm down, but it was hard for her to stop herself from really crying from what happened.

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Training Room
Skills N/A

Jack glanced over at the group that showed up and stood up off of the ground, "Hey there Colossus," he said with a slight wave towards the giant mutant. He acted as if it hadn't really been a week since he had seen that group, since afterall, not too many people really understood what had happened with the whole House of M reality. Odds are that it was going to be discussed with everyone and not just a few small groups or whatever, but that was a conversation for another day. Right now they were just waiting around until everyone else showed up.

He glanced over at Sunshine when she called him Marshmallow, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly at the nickname, though to be fair, he was used to it by now. It was either that or Hufflepuff for some strange reason, but then again he called her Rookie constantly, so it was to be expected. When Magik asked if she needed to kill someone and Sunshine instantly said no to killing him, that made him feel a little bit better. "I am glad that there is the whole not hurting me thing, but I actually do look like this since looking like anyone else aside from a joke of some sort can be a little bit boring at times and really weird, but I will do that sort of thing if necessary."

Location: George Washington University
Skills Technopathy

Zarina wasn't even too sure where the hell she even was, all she knew was that supposedly her device had transported her to the area she needed to be, and some weird time that was important to what she had to do. Unfortunately for her, that meant nothing considering the fact that she had absolutely no idea what it was that she had to do. Instead, what happened was she was lost and confused in a place that actually resembled her home in a way, cold with lots of snow. That was nice, and unlike a lot of people, she was used to the cold and preferred the snow to the heat, it was a hundred times better if you ask her. Zari had only been there for a whole 20 minutes, not just in the place she was in, but in the time era that she had found herself in.

"Well Mr. Eyeball, seems like it's just you, me, and Mr. Jaws," she spoke out loud, holding the robotic eye in her hand before she found a place to sit down, brushing the snow off of the seat so she could sit and setting her bag down next to her, pulling out Mr. Jaws as well as her journal and setting the eyeball onto her bag.

"01001001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100110 01101001 01100111 01110101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110111 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100110 01101001 01110010 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 01100110 01110101 01101100," came the eye's response through her mind.

"I know that, just how am I supposed to do that? You know as well as I do that the Norns are never very specific with their prophecies... I barely was able to figure out the dates roughly that I needed to go to! I have no idea what to do, and I'm all alone..." she said softly, before she started tinkering with the robotic head in her hands. The first page of her journal had the prophecy that the Norns had decreed, written in Norse of course so that no one could immediately tell what it said.

"01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01001001 00111111 00100000 01000011 01101000 01101111 01110000 01110000 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101100 01101001 01110110 01100101 01110010 00111111 00100000 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01110010 01110101 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100001."

"I guess you're right, I mean... I've always got you... Guess I just miss my parents a little bit... I've never been off on my own, even when training with the Valkyrie. I always had some other human person, er, well not really human I guess all things considering. Ooooh maybe I could find my parents, not tell them who I am of course, that would be dumb, but just to see what they were like before I was born!" she said happily, a smile coming to her face as she thought of the idea. It definitely would be an interesting thing. Growing up both of her parents taught her very different things, and to her they actually seemed like really different people. Guess they might be right about opposites attracting. Of course she wouldn't know anything, having never been in any relationship really herself.

"01001000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100110 01101111 01100011 01110101 01110011 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100001 00100000 01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101100 01101111 01110101 01100100 01110011 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 01111001 00100001!"

"So nice Mr. Eyeball! I can day dream, you are so ruuuuuuuuude sometimes!" Zari responded to the eye. Currently she was blissfully unaware of the man who was coming towards them.

"01010101 01100111 01101000 00101100 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 01110011 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110111 01101111 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101101 01100001 01110010 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101...
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

James Kingston

Location: Second Floor: Cayden and James’ Room
Skills: N/A

“I think it was unintentional? Luna seemed as surprised as I was. She did say the last time she did it was because she nearly died.” James explained to Casper and Cayden. “But that was with her father. Why would she…” Speaking the thoughts out loud must have made something click because suddenly, he very clearly remembered what she thought would be her last request. James shivered at how easily she accepted it, how terrifying brushing against death felt, how empty everything felt. James never really paid attention to just how much motion and energy there was in everyday life but after what happened with Luna, it made him notice it everywhere. His hand went up to the back of Casper’s head, absently running his fingers through his hair as he considered the question.

“The others we were with suggested the Princess rewrote reality so mutants could be happy and in her mind, that meant twisting all of the prejudice and hatred onto the nonmutants. The world wasn’t kind to them, wasn’t kind to anyone who would have stood against Magneto unless they took our memories.” James added. He felt the panic seep up again as he spoke, the issues that distracted him no longer demanding his immediate attention. “It was awful. I’m glad to be home.” And away from everything he did and stood for but he didn’t mention that. He didn’t need more people to know what awful things Sapphire and he both did over there. Didn’t need them to know the creative skill set he’d acquired during his time with the Red Guard. Didn’t need them to know he was going to trade all of the lives in a city just to make it easier to catch the Hulk.

“Ben’s missing? That’s strange.” James frowned at it but shrugged. “Maybe he’s off hiding in another room because he doesn;t want to talk to anyone about setting Sunshine off.”
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: Old Mutant Hideout
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Harry watched as shards of icebegan flying towards the blonde kid. Many of them missing but at least one of them finding purchase inside his chest. The air around them began to chill and he couldn’t help but shiver in his thin silk shirt. This looked bad, Warlock was unhinging and now both Sapphire and Veil were attacking him. Sapphires was a clear and blatant attack though he couldn't tell if his sisters was just an unfortunate accident that was lucky enough to miss. Harry looked to his left and right watching the others hold their note and await his signal to attack. Damn it, when did everything become so screwed up?

Max stood there, fear in his eyes as he heard the members coming back out. It was faint but a few of them seemed to speak and say something. The air suddenly dropped amd became cold. His sweat crystalizing slightly on his face as his loose strands of hair stiffened in place. There was a glint of light as a shard of ice flew past him, another glint and then the sensation of cold pouring into his chest as he looked down and saw the grevious wound Sapphire had done to him. There was a shivered cough as he looked at the irony of the situation, how moments ago she said she wouldn't impale him and yet here they were. The attacks did nothing but allow the fear in him to grow, taking some steps back as his wild eyes shifted around looking for the assailants.

Harry watched as Callie bolted towards Warlock. His shoes dug into the ground as he held his position wondering what they would do next. She seemed to be able to get through to him, hearing her offer to aid him and repair the damage done. He wasnt sure who this Leighton was but he was certain his sister hadnt taken her. She wouldn't be capable of something like that, right? Watching the boy calm down, Harry ran towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey kid its alright, we've got you. We'll help you ok? Spark Plug, is there a medic we can take him to? Or bring here? I'm not sure how long he's gonna last if we have him wait for someone to arrive on the scene."

Max took another step back, hearing the approaching footsteps of someone running towards him. "Stay back! I'm warning you!" Suddenly there was an abrupt wave of calmness taking over his mind. Every tensed muscle in his body relaxed, his shoulders dropped, and his expression fell. His eyes just stared vacantly for a moment as he looked at what he had done. Suddenly all he felt was pain in his chest and the sense to be serene. Someone had grabbed his shoulder and Max allowed himself to fall in that direction, Harry catching him. Tears streamed down his eyes as his face stared onwards towards the wall and where the vans had been. "Im so sorry...I...I dont know what got over me I just...am I a hound? Am I losing control? I...I'm not safe, I can't be safe anywhere..." His voice was calm and the tone was non-existent as he just stared blankly ahead. When asked to go have James heal him he simply sniffled and nodded his head in agreance. "Id like that Callie...Id appreciate James healing me." He spoke through coughs as the pain grew more, one hand holding onto his stomach, wanting to feel the wound above. His hand lifted up, fingers outstretched as he slowly lowered it down, the wall disappearing as his hand lowered and leaving them how it once was.

Peter Jackson Bernard

Location: Dunkin
Skills: Psybolt

Jinx grinned from ear to ear as he watched the pathetic human grovel before him. At least he knew how to present himself and his food, though the soiled pants just wreaked. Jinx grabbed the tray with one hand, noticing Morgan was gone and wondering if he had scared them off. He made his way towards Pyro, placing the tray onto the table bear him so he could eat at his leisure. "Here you are hot stuff. A whole tray of Bostom Creme for ya." Ofcourse the cops had to show up and sour all the fun just as Ana had predicted. "Man you really know how to be a buzzkill huh Ana? Its fine I'll deal with them. You keep Pyro patched up and make sure the target doesn't escape. Unless you want another lovely text coming out for your head due to incope-in...being bad at your job!"

Jinx placed himself back to back with Pyro, shielding him from the cops that were now before them. The vantage point sucked and he was forced to move away from his newest crush. Jinx made hisbway outside and tried to unleash a wave of Jinxes, but nothing happened. That wasn't good. Jinx placed both of his palms together, trying to build up a charge large enough to sweep the team of do gooders and when he went to release there was only sparks before it fizzled out. Now he was getting irritated. He wasn't expecting nor wanting to have performance issues in from of Pyro, though luckily Morgan wasn't there to see this. In anger Jinx threw a psybokt towards one of the cop cars fuel tanks, causing it to explode in an attempt to harm the nearby cops. "Well that was all unexpected. Let's take care of this quick so we can get out of here. Rather not go to the raft twice in one year."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: George Washington University

It was cold. Andy wasn't wearing a warm enough jacket. She just had the leather jack that Jamie had given her for her birthday. Andy frowned thinking of him hurt still, and she doubted it would never stop hurting. Jamie had been like a father to her. She didn't have the paperwork to prove they were going to adopt her. That was lost when the shop had been lost.

She shivered, less from the cold and more from the memories. Andy couldn't do anything about the memories, but she could at least get out of the cold. She saw the poster advertising free food and coffee. Caffeine. Sweet blessed caffeine. She changed the direction she was headed to make her way to the event. Andy didn't particularly care about the event itself, but she was not going to snub her nose at free coffee. Especially if it was hot.

Andy didn't care for DC. It was cold, and there was a heavy presence of drama. The Purifiers were in force here. And those guys scared her. She wasn't certain how organized they were if they were she worried that maybe word of her had gotten from Rochester to here. Her time running from the school had made her hate staying in one place for too long. She had let herself settle in Rochester and it had lost her the first people who had ever actually loved her.

To top that off DC had those scan things where walking through would set off an alarm letting everyone in earshot know she was a mutant. At least those scanners were mostly in the high-end places, and she avoided those anyway. Lastly, DC was where she had been when the disease hit. At least she hadn't caught it so it wasn't obvious she was a mutant if she kept to herself. Her power was only obvious when she got into a fight (and used it). She had been careful since Rochester and avoided getting into fights as best she could. But Andy knew herself well enough to know that could only last so long.

The tension was high in DC. There had been so many incidents that had hit the news that had started in DC. It made sense though. DC is the Capitol. She didn't know what side she felt more for. She had been a mutant almost as long as she could remember, so she had been scared and hiding almost as long. Andy longed for a day when she didn't have to hide who she was when she could just be herself. But Jamie and Ash had taught her that other people mattered. Other people could care and love each other over the divide of human or mutant. Heck, they hadn't even known Andy was a mutant, at least at first. Jamie figured it out when he was teaching her self-defense. But he never made a big deal about it. He just sat her down and had Ash show her what she could do.

Andy tried not to cry as she thought about them, but she failed, her make-up was now ruined. She wiped her eyes and scanned the crowd. Making sure no one was paying attention to her. She liked being near the college campus, even though she wasn't old enough, or enrolled in the school, or anywhere near smart enough to be if she had wanted to anyway, most people didn't look at her twice. She blended in better here. And blending in was important. She needed to find a bathroom to fix her make-up. The building with the event probably had one. She could duck in there, clean up her face, and then get coffee.

Her attention stopped on the man with the night vision looking goggles, and a knife. A part of her brain said 'fight him, you could take him' another part, the Jamie part, said 'Get out of there, he has a knife don't be stupid'. She followed the Jamie part. And ducked into the hall she had been heading for. Andy knew he had seen her, but maybe she could disappear in the building. She hated crowds, but sometimes they worked to her advantage, and maybe she'd get lucky and he wouldn't follow her into the woman's bathroom.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 20 min ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ.
Skills: Empathy,

Callie relaxed somewhat when Max started to calm down, she knew that she needlessly escalated everything and she would take the blame for everything. "He's calmed now." Callie said towards Veil, she looked over at the ice shards imbedded into Max's chest. "Call James and get him here as soon as possible, or we take him back with us." Callie said looking over at Echo, and nodded slightly Sapphire was also medically trained but whether she would help Max or not was up to her. "Sapphire could in the meantime if she's willing to.." Callie said as she felt the temperature was dropping really quickly, so bad that her fingers were hurting really badly from the cold as well.

Callie turned and started to look around for Sapphire, and started to look for her finding her not to far from where she had made her ice slide to get out of the dome Max had made. Callie went and sat down next to her and used her empathy to calm her down looking over at her, she felt partly responsible for Max's actions creating the dome over them. "I'm really sorry, I didn't think I would have ended up making Max freak out that bad it's my fault." Callie said softly.

Kristina Smith

Location: George Washington University -> Lisner Auditorium
Skills: N/A

Kristina had spent most of her time in class, the day had been really cold as she adjusted her winter coat over her shoulders and made her way down the campus to Lisner Auditorium. She wasn't really interested in anything to do with genetics, but there was some free food and coffee which she couldn't really turn down at all. Kristina looked at the strange girl who was talking to herself on a nearby bench and she wasn't sure what to think about it right now. Kristina had remained pretty low since tensions in DC started to get much worse now, she had been paying close attention to the news going on and the weird pandemic as well that was affecting mutants. She knew that her sister worked for SHIELD but she hadn't been able to get any replies back from her really either.

once she entered the building itself Kristina made her way over towards where the food was, she was pretty hungry as Kristina looked around seeing her fellow classmates around chatting Kristina grabbed herself a cup and ordered herself a cup of coffee. She closed her eyes as she enjoyed the nice hot coffee after walking around in the cold as Kristina looked around the area wondering when the speech would actually start.
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