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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by masterducky
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Time: Night
Location: Art Exhibition, Ember Grove University
Interaction: @princess@Milkman

“Yeah, they are out for blood kiddo. But don’t worry, I got superpowers. So better stay really close to me if you want to draw some more mustaches on these paintings later.” Remy gave Finn a confused look. “Kiddo? I'm this many year old!” She plopped her butt on the ground, took off her shoes, and held up all 10 toes and fingers. Then, she was interrupted in her show of ‘maturity’

"Remy. Go to that fire alarm over there and pull down that lever with all your might. After, get on that skateboard and make a run for the door. You need to get help. Find Sean or Valentin."

“Okay! Ariel! I knew you were a mermaid, that's why you want to pull the fire alarm, you need more water!” Remy responded to Angel. She started to look around to see where the fire alarm was that she needed to pull. It was then she quickly noticed what the man meant when he said he had superpowers! “HE TURNED INTO A DOGGIE! I WANT TO PET THE DOGGIE!” She ran over to the dog to give him pets. “Best. Day. Ever.” She blissfully said.

Remy saw there was also a bunch of torn fabric on the floor that she then collected up with the attention of making a stuffed dog doll at a later point. There was also a cell phone and some car keys as well. She didn't care much for the keys but she took the phone and put it in her backpack. “I bet he had games on his phone” At this point, Remy was so ecstatic she was foaming out the mouth, most people could have mistaken her as the rabid dog in the room. She ran over to the fire alarm and when she pulled it shouting “IMA MAKE IT RAIN!” She was thinking, ‘Ariel is gonna be so happy with me’.

As Remy was looking back to see what she accomplished, she saw there was no way to get out of the gallery people were crowded at the door trying to get out. ‘Meh who needs Sean or Valentin. Remy has just the right thing for this occasion.’ She took The Remy-ton Vamp-B-Gone™ (patent pending), a 16 inch Heritage Rough Rider revolver that Remy just duct-taped a stake to the grip of. So with that, she ran to get in on the action dual-wielding her super soaker and revolver. She heard Angel shout"Everyone! Get behind me and Cujo here!" She ran back towards them to help and jumped onto Finn the dog’s back. “Party time!” Remy shouted.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Sunset
Location: Sorrel’s Apartment
Interactions: @Ithradine Volfango
Mentions: N/A

Helmar had lazily gotten up and moved over to Volfango to smell him, quickly deciding that the man was no threat to Sorrel before also following her around for a moment. He sat himself next to her as she placed the roses into a vase and just looked up at Volfango. Sorrel had been grinning as Volfango spoke, rather impressed with his charm. When he took her hand, however, she found herself stiffening just a bit as she now looked up at him. For a brief moment an image flashed in her mind of another man from many years ago who had been just as charming and used that charm to steal everything from her. It took everything in her to keep from yanking away and taking a step back. She had to silently remind herself that he was gone, she’d made sure of that, and couldn’t hurt anyone ever again. She was much stronger than she was back then and no one would ever take advantage of her like that.

She began to feel silly for her momentary internal panic and felt her cheeks redden in a blush of embarrassment. She hoped, however, that Volfango would merely think it was because of his words and not suspect anything else. Still she could feel her heart racing in her chest as she forced a smile up at him. ”W-well that truly does sound like a marvelous evening.” She stuttered out and quickly cleared her throat. ”Shall we head out then? I’m quite eager to begin this date.” She gave him a playful wink, ready to follow him out the door.

”Be good Helmar and don’t wait up.” She said jokingly to the dog who in turn didn’t seem that amused as he moved over to his dog bed and lay down with a sigh. She grabbed her purse and would make sure to lock her door as they left as she didn’t wish for any intruders to make it into her apartment. She was filled with excitement and nervousness once more as she wondered how the night would play out.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 15 days ago

Time: Sunset
Location: The Pit
Jams: "Aint no mercy in this life, there's nowhere left to runaway..."

The nice thing about illusions is that you don't even need to use real magic to perform them. The mind is not as infallible as many would like to believe and that is something that self-proclaimed magicians capitalize on. A quick word-game, a sleight of hand, and a bit of misdirection and you can have most poor fouls fumbling to remember their own birthday. It is truly frightening the kind of mental gymnastics the mind can do, and Lucius had spent his life testing how far the mind can leap before it breaks. Fire can sear flesh from the bone but it was the illusions he has perfected over centuries that can make an individual question their very reality.

Lucius leaned against the bar wearing one of his many masks, certain that his normal appearance would not gain him the results he needed from tonight. A number of rings, imbued with powerful magics, were worn on his fingers in case of an emergency given the highly dangerous nature of what he was here for. The fake ID was child's play to acquire and needed only a simple spell, perfect enough to fool the bouncer who undoubtedly was a tad buzzed himself. He turned inward to face the bartender, offering a suave smile at the female and displayed the back of his wrist "Well hello there beautiful, one razerac if you would." He stated flirtatiously, giving a small wink while he put on a perfect Yorkshire accent. His identity was that of a foreign exchange student studying at the nearby university. The bartender smiled back and nodded "I'll get right on it."

Casually he turned back around to observe the rest of the club and the dance floor in particular. A semi-famous DJ was schedule for tonight so the crowd was a bit larger than normal, which also meant that the number of sharks in the water would be greater. Lucius also caught the brief gazes of the two men who had came with him, members of his coven to help with tonight's prey. Given that they were on a tight time-frame and had a sizable quota, this would not be the only hunting grounds they visited tonight. The sizable supernatural population here certainly suited his needs, but the number of strategic players present concerned him.

His requested drink was placed on a neon-colored coaster on the bar top behind him "Cheers!" He called out to the bartender as he took the drink in his hands to take a sip. The burning sensation as it went down his throat was delightful and its taste was not half bad, though he did miss the beverages of his time in Europe. While he awaited a target to present itself, he pondered how the local art exhibition was fairing. It was tempting to make an appearance to see what Americans considered art these days but such an event was likely to draw the kind of crowd he was hoping to avoid tonight. As these and other thoughts crossed his mind, his eyes connected with a rather attractive red-headed woman who was heading his way. Hidden amidst the sultry and flirtatious looks, were the signs of the primal hunger he had been searching for. It seems that one of the sharks had taken the bait, now it was simply time to reel them in.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Ember Grove University Parking Lot
Interaction with: @Tae Maeve

"You have got to be kidding…" Alexander stopped his car before letting out a low growl. He backed the car into a spot before quickly getting out to look at the windshield covered in what he immediately sniffed out to be a mixture of paint and Chemical V. "A child did this?" Alexander's eyes followed the small figure entering the University… on a skateboard. His eyes narrowed.

"I will kill th-" A soft-spoken woman suddenly spoke at his side. She had been quiet and swift when approaching her leader. His interruption was just as swift.

"No. If the men do their job correctly, whoever that is will find death without your help…" His eyes had remained on the building before facing the female. "Were there any complications?"

"No. We got about a dozen tonight."

"Good. Now grab a partner and get this mess cleaned…" Alexander held a cold look at first before smiling. He tossed his keys to the female. "Then you can have it for the night. I expect it back in New Paeonia by dusk tomorrow." The old vampire informed. He then looked to Maeve's vehicle that was just pulling up. He expected some sort of verbal jab, but instead, she offered to give him a ride. He flashed a friendly smile and proceeded to get into the passenger's seat. "I assume I owe you now…" Alexander glanced at the box truck leaving while two female vampires moved to enter the university in order to get the needed supplies to remove the paint from the windshield.

"I think a nice tip will do to make us even Ms. Brannigan. If you happened to drink the wine back there…" Alexander took an exaggerated deep inhale before exhaling "...and you definitely did. All you would need is to die and voila! Maeve is reborn anew! You would be just like a phoenix. My phoenix of course." Alexander joked, but he wasn't lying either. He respected Maeve and had grown fond of her, but as long as she was not one of his own, he was unable to completely ensure her safety from his and his people's activities.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interaction with: A snack

The Pit was as rowdy as usual. There was some breathing room on the edges of the dance floor, but everyone was practically pressed together at the center of it. That was how it was preferred here, anyway. Ava lurked warily on the outskirts, examining the half-drunk specimens with a feline-esque focus. Her modus-operandi was simple - find someone relatively alone, and intoxicated enough that they won’t remember much the next day. It was much easier, in Ava’s opinion, to convince humans to forget things than to deal with dead bodies.

There was a large group of college students partying together near the bar, collectively mashing to the music and forcing each other to chug from bottles of liquor. As with any large group of friends, the core, popular members were crowded in the middle, wildly distracted by the rhythm of the music and the movement of others. Those less familiar with the friend group were sidelined - no one really paid them much attention.

“Hey there.” Ava positioned herself next to one of the group’s loners who was visibly intoxicated. She wrapped her arm around his. “Come with me.”

The guy looked visibly confused, but complied immediately. “O-okay.”

Ava dragged him to a dark, somewhat less dense corner of the club, and he stumbled as he followed. She herself leaned against the wall, using the man’s larger frame to block her actions from the view of those around them. In a quick motion, Ava grabbed his forearm and sliced an incision across his forearm using a fingernail. A faint red glow emitted from her eyes as his blood spilled outwards from the wound.

“Oh no. You fell down. Poor thing.” Ava placed a gentle hand on his cheek, gazing into his eyes to observe his reaction. He seemed to be persuaded enough that he fell down, despite having not done so.

The streams of blood collected in a flask that Ava kept in her bag. She felt averse to drinking from the source, even if it was more convenient. She hadn’t actually used her fangs in ages, and her intention was to keep it that way. Once the flask was sufficiently full, Ava licked off the streams of blood that ran down her own hand, which she used to make the initial cut. Within the first taste, Ava felt her thirst alleviate and the burning in her throat soothe. She continued with the flask, chugging greedily at its contents.

The man’s arm fell to his side, which redirected the stream of blood to drip slowly onto the floor. He looked dumbfounded, almost like a malfunctioning robot waiting for a next set of instructions.

Ava looked at the thing with pity. She placed a small peck on his cheek, and spoke softly next to his ear. “Thank you. Now go back to your friends.”

She faltered back against the wall as she watched her dazed victim slowly waddle through the crowd to his unsuspecting companions. They hardly noticed he was even gone.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Mentions:@Tae Marius

Flames engulfing a house with ravenous hunger on par with starved hyenas
Smoke billowing into the sky for all the world to see
A scream of ear-deafening despair

There was not much Emelie could do to escape these flashes but it was always that scream that rescued her from them. The hot air caressing her skin felt the same as it had at that moment. She leaned her palms on the counter-top, watching as tendrils of smoke emerged from the pot as the soup heated on the stove. Her hair was tied up in an overly neat bun and a frilly white apron laid over her blue dress. She lowered the heat and took a few steps away from the stove to move to the fridge. The container she pulled out from the back of the freezer did not contain ice cream like one might have hoped. After pulling a glove onto her right hand, she opened the container and took out a small, cold heart.

She gripped the heart of a frog in her gloved hand soon enough just as tightly as she held on to everything else in her life. In her other hand, she clasped a small bracelet, one of the many trinkets and gifts Marius showered her with. All she had to do now was cast the spell. These were the gifts she had given Marius nightly: dinner and a love spell. With each spell, she could feel a hole in her heart grow with the same force the love hit Marius. His words, his gifts, and his hugs all slowly filled the void less and less yet it felt like stopping would only break her heart into a million pieces. The feeling was like a vice on her heart, squeezing with just enough pressure to bring continuous pain.

Would it be from the dark magic? Or would it be from the fact she had to force this on him?

This was a cold, ruthless member of a vampire mafia. Had he really had ever loved anyone? He could never truly love her. Each time she cast the spell and the man went over heels for her, it was a reminder of that. Their life together was just a hopeless dream that she was too scared to wake up from. Millie had been casting these spells as if she had been taking sleeping pills to keep herself in this dream.

She deserved to be happy. After everything, there had to be someone that stayed at her side. Everyone she had dared let herself grow close to would always disappear even after she gave them everything. Marius seemed happier like this: not hurting anyone and just spending his days in the blissful glow of love. This was better than the violent life he had lived. He lived a life with a girl who would do anything and everything for him.

This is our peace.

Her mind went through the same circles nightly, trying to rationalize a way to run away from the guilt.

Teardrops fell on to the items in her hands, puddling in small clear pearls on top of the heart. "Why am I always hesitating?" She whispered under her own breath. Who was to say this did not count as real? What was real love anyway? If it made them both happier, why was it wrong?

That was when a voice from the past echoed in her mind. "Love is when you are willing to put others before yourself."

Millie bit down on her lip. She had tried so hard to forget that voice and yet here he was, surfacing in her mind to make things harder just as he had always done. Putting the other person hadn't worked out the time she had gotten that advice.

Maybe I'm just unworthy of love.

Glancing down at her shaking hands, she finally threw the heart on the ground and slid back against the island counter to sit on the floor, still clutching the bracelet. There was only maybe another half hour before the spell would wear off on Marius. There was no denying the pain this was bringing her and would ultimately be brought to the man she loved if she continued this selfish charade. The chance he'd just kill her when he found out was there and perhaps that was for the best.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Sunset
Location: Ember Grove University Dorms - Art Exhibit
Interactions: @helo - Elias
Mentions: Angel @princess, Finn @Milkman, @Ducky - Remy

Shay turned to face the speaker. It was a dashing man in a fedora. She felt as if her heart skipped a beat the moment she looked upon him. No one had such an effect on her at first glance before. Instead of letting her eyes widen at the sight of him, she casually smirked, “I could. The question is do I want to…” Her voice trailed off as her gaze fell upon a woman buying the painting of her.

Her heart sank. She couldn’t believe life was working against her yet again. For a moment, she let her guard down and her emotions visually displayed. She quickly recovered and turned to listen to what the man had to say, only to be surprised when the woman approached her and handed her the very painting. “Thank you..” She smiled, pleasantly surprised. She took the card she had given her as well and stuffed it in her back pocket.

Her mood was yet again brought down once Alexander started talking, announcing his leave. Men were coming in and Shay knew there was impending danger. “Gotta split like a banana.” She told Elias and began to make her leave. Once in the hallway outside the exhibit, she turned back around hearing screams. Shay hesitated as the minutes ticked down. She groaned and went outside to hide the painting so she could go back in to help. She placed a ward over it as well so only she could find it.

As soon as she entered, she felt her body slam face-first into the ground, pain going through her body. Her vision slowly began to fix itself as she was turned onto her back to look back into the eyes of Demetri. “Have any last words?” He asked her with a malicious grin. ”Not so witty are you now?”

“Yeah - movere. How’s that, bitch?” Shay telekinetically threw Demetri back into the wall. As she stood up, she transformed back into herself. Shay smirked and flipped some of the hair that had fallen in her face over her shoulder with a smirk. Demetri’s eyes were wide as he watched and recognized her. As she assessed the scene, she turned to see a young red-haired woman stabbing someone in the back. She was very skilled for her age; Shay figured she had to be a hunter. She didn’t display any other supernatural characteristics. Hopefully she could find out. If she worked at Operation Humanity, then Shay might have found her ticket...

Footsteps rang in her ears and she turned and shot a ball of fire as Demetri came running at her with murder in his eyes. He fell to the ground and wailed in pain as he burned. ”I hope you enjoy your time in hell.” The fire alarm started going off to Shay’s surprise and she wondered if that had been her fault. She looked around wildly and set her eyes on another vampire attacking someone and cast another fire spell to light them into flames. ”Light em up, light em up, up…” She sang quietly with a snicker.

She began to look around for the man she had just been talking to in order to make sure he was alright. Her attention was then stolen by the giant wolf in the middle of the room. She hadn’t seen a werewolf up close before, so it was surprising. Nevertheless, he was helping and that’s all she cared about. She turned and watched a kid run behind the red-haired woman and stared with horror. What was she doing here and why? She turned to glance at Elias, now as herself, and smirked.

”Sorry handsome, I’m not your brunette.” She kept him in her line of vision however; she didn’t know what he was. He could have been anything and at this point, she wasn’t discounting him from being supernatural or hunter too. She chanted a protective spell over the red-hed, child, werewolf, and also the man in the fedora. His cross necklace gave her an ill-feeling, and she was hoping he wasn’t part of the Holy Saviors. She was screwed if so.

She used another fire spell and lit her hands up with flames. ”Who wants some more?” Shay called and glared at the vampires with murderous hatred.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Road 69
Interaction with:

Sean sped down the road in a black Operation Humanity owned SUV muttering every now and then about what Trotter had said. The last thing he wanted to be when he signed his contract with Operation Humanity, was a babysitter.

The SUV was equipped with a communications unit that pushed out relevant information across different stations. Sean was tuned into the station that provided information on Ember Grove.

"Intercepting Ember Grove University fire emergency from local units… Assets are active in the area and a WCD picked up a single howl. Need available hunters and mock fire unit to respond immediately."

"You've got to be kidding me." Sean grabbed his phone and dialed Angel…. Voicemail. "Of course. And I'm 15 fucking minutes away." Sean stomped the accelerator pedal, attempting to cut the 15 minutes down and mentally prepared himself to put down a werewolf.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Evening
Location: Ember Grove University-Art Exhibit
Interaction with: Shay @Potter

As the artist announced his departure Elias noticed caught sight of a small group of men who entered the art showing. Some of the men dispersed through the crowd without a word to each other, while others remained at the front doors. Although it was possible that they were additional security his instincts told him they were not; adrenalin shot through him and a bad feeling set in. Everything in him was on alert, his instincts screamed danger, and he kept tabs as best he could on the men who traveled through the crowded showing. A woman he’d seen talking with the artist approached them offering the painting to the mysterious art lover he’d tried to chat with, which was a lovely and generous act. Her choice of words seemed to confirm the bad feeling he had gotten only moments ago. His eyes glanced at the men who had just arrived as the redhead spoke the very deliberate phrase of ‘there are wicked things that like to come out to play.’ Something bad was about to happen, not too surprisingly as it was a Friday night in Ember Grove. He glanced down at the business card she’d handed them for a place called The Witches Brew and chuckled slightly. He’d heard of it but had never been there, Father Xavier had always chastised it for being filled with demonic sympathizers. Seeing as he was now also a ‘demon sympathizer’ he just might have to check it out, no sense turning down a free treat either. He offered a quick thanks to the woman who quickly made her exit.

His attention turned back to the mysterious brunette who seemed incredibly attached to that particular painting and he couldn’t help but smile to see her get what she’d wanted. He gave a slight wave as she left, clearly sensing the heavy aura of danger that filled the room as well, and was momentarily relieved that she’d be spared the sight of whatever was about to happen. Then the screaming started. The men that had given him a bad feeling were, unsurprisingly vampires, and they sprang their attack on the dozens of helpless people in the room. Three of them blocked the main doors, slaughtering those that tried to flee, while the other vampires in the room fed on the confused masses. A howl erupted from a man as he transformed into a werewolf in the midst of going after the vampires. The redhead he’d seen earlier, most likely a hunter, and a small child joined the fight was well. Though Eli had a lot of questions about why a child had a gun and a pet werewolf, he didn’t really have time to think about it. He was more than pleased to know he was not alone fighting about a dozen vampires in a packed and panicked room.

In the midst of the action he spotted the woman from a few seconds ago returning only to see the man, well, vampire, who had been selling the paintings attack her. Eli quickly drew his gun, which was loaded up with the UV bullets as vampires were often the biggest threat lurking around town and went to take a shot at the vampire. But the woman, who he now knew to be a witch, threw the vampire across the room and transformed into a completely different person. Since she clearly didn’t need his help, he turned his attention back to those who did, firing a shot at the nearest vampire as it lunged for a victim. Despite the attempt at carnage by the vampires the whole scene had a sort of beautiful unity to it; hunters, a werewolf, and a witch all working together to protect innocent lives. While many people sought protection by sticking close to the wolf, hunter, and child many others still rushed towards the doors. If the strange trio were handling crowd control it was clear that he needed to prioritized those by the door in order to get people out.

”Sorry handsome, I’m not your brunette.” He heard the witch address him causing him to immediately grin like an idiot.

“Nah, Super-Witch, I’d say this look really suits you.” He answered back, unable to stop himself from stealing the occasional glance at the witch as she fought, absolutely enamored by the warrior witch who was lit up like a goddess by flames that engulfed her fists. It was, admittedly, incredibly stupid to allow himself to be so easily distracted. A hard right hook to the face reminded him exactly how stupid it was and as he staggered back a bit, a hungry vampire lunged at him. Though his reflexes were fast, they certainly weren’t vampire fast. Before he had the chance to aim and shoot, he was flung to the ground but somehow, likely a magical somehow, the vampire was unable to tear into his skin. The impact of being knocked to the ground had left him struggling to regain his breath but he managed to fire a shot into the vampire’s chest as the creature struggled to break through the invisible force that prevented it from turning him into a blood meal. He wasn’t entirely sure how he kept managing to come by so much good luck as it certainly wasn’t from his own karma.

He shoved the scream vampire off him as it began to burn from the inside out and jumped back to his feet. Eli made eye contact with Super-Witch again and gestured towards the door. “Whatda say we clear the exit?” He suggested.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interaction with: Ava @Pink Khione

Noah caught the scent immediately; fresh blood filled the air of the club and had his eyes not been hidden beneath the dark glasses anyone who saw him would notice they were bright red. The hunger peaked again, he needed blood, he could smell blood, and from the second it was in the air it was the only thing that consumed his mind. He moved towards the scent, barely even aware that he was moving, but stopped when he caught sight of a woman collecting blood into a flask. The compelled man staggered back to wherever he came from leaving tiny drops of blood along his way. Noah’s head tilted to the side with curiosity as he starred at the strange vampire who had let her meal walk away from her. He wanted to rip out the guys throat with his teeth right there and, every instinct within him screamed at him to do so, the hunger was almost unbearable. He would have to do this later though, not only to quiet the hunger but to ensure that this man didn’t live long enough to remember that he’d seen a vampire. Every muscle strained as he forced himself to resist his instincts and approach the vampire rather than the follow the smell of the blood. Right now though, there was something Noah wanted more than blood, he wanted to know how to compel.

”I know what you are.” Noah sang softly as soon as he was within earshot of the other vampire. He flashed a quick grin, exposing his own fangs before willing them to retract. It didn’t take much for him to infer that this vampire was older than him, she showed a great deal of control in the way she had collected the blood, not even biting the human, and the ability to compel so completely was not one he’d often seen. ”Tell me how you did that.” Noah asked, intensely curious, acutely aware that there was so much to being a vampire he did not know. He had been taught very little, and he had decided that his sire’s failure to teach these things must be some sort of test, if he learned them all without her then it would only make him more worthy in the end. ”Please.” He added quickly with another smile, remembering that he needed to show due respect to other, more powerful, vampire. He had nearly forgotten this in his excitement to meet her, and he was almost certain that this vampire was even stronger than Silas, who he’d never seen compel a mortal. The wheels in Noah’s mind began turning as he thought of all things he could do if he learned such a skill. The thought of compelling Drake’s witch pet back to New Paeonia fixated into his mind, how impressed his master would be if he could accomplish such a thing.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interaction with: Noah @Helo

”I know what you are.”

The sing song voice was drowned out by the electronic music, but Ava’s sensitive ears caught on to every word. Her eyes shot up from her flask, and caught immediate attention of the bright red hair that she saw earlier in the alleyway. The faint smell of blood lingered on his clothes, paired with the perfume of the recently deceased. She hardly needed the view of his pearly, sharp smile to know what he was as well.

As he approached through the throngs of partygoers, Ava kept herself on guard. He seemed young, but something about him seemed off. He obviously had a callous take on human life - most vampires did, anyway - but it wasn’t just his skewed moral compass that kept Ava on edge.

“Tell me how you did that.” He paused. “Please.”


He was one of those. Some new bloods had a tendency to become drunk on the power and superiority that came with the change. They relished in the fact that they had become stronger, more beautiful, undying beings and gleefully exercised their newfound supremacy over humans, who were too weak to fight back. Ava didn’t exactly find joy in torturing those weaker than her, but she wasn’t virtuous either. She felt indifferent to the violent actions of other vampires - after all, they, and herself, were evil by design. Nonetheless, the young redhead seemed to want to learn more tricks in order to entertain his morbid hobbies.

Ava sighed and tightened the cap on her flask. She assumed he caught the sight of her using compulsion on the human when she took his blood. “Let me guess…it’s been a few years for you, or a decade maybe?”

Compulsion wasn’t something Ava was able to learn overnight - she only noticed she even had the ability in the most recent century of her life. Even then, it didn’t work all the time. Intoxicated victims worked the best, because, well, their inhibitions were already impaired.

“Try again in a few centuries or so, child.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interaction with: Ava@Pink Khione

Noah tried to focus on her question thinking hard with a furrowed brow but her question was difficult for him. Time was difficult for him, sometimes it went by so quickly he couldn’t really keep track of it and other times it seemed to crawl along, so slowly that he wasn’t even sure it was moving forward at all. He tried to remember exactly how long it had been since he’d become a vampire; he certainly remembered being given the gift but after that it was just darkness and hunger with the unbearably long stretches only broken up the blood, when he’d been given someone to eat. “Years, yes, that sounds right. A decade no, not that long, I don’t think so.” Noah answered slowly becoming more agitated as he thought about it.

Why was she asking about time anyway? He didn’t understand why it mattered, what use was time to something immortal. Time was boring and human. He didn’t want to think about time anymore and was even more annoyed when she told him to ask again in a century. In a century the witch might already be dead, or Drake would find something new to play with, and he didn’t want to wait. Noah hated waiting almost as much as he was discovering he hated thinking about time. “I learn quickly, they let me go out on my own now. You don’t have teach me, just tell me how to learn it. If I do better, she’ll come back for me.” He said, wondering why she didn’t just tell him how. If he impressed Drake by compelling the witch back then maybe his sire would hear about what a worthy vampire he was becoming. But this vampire didn’t seem to want to help but, maybe, she had other helpful secrets he could learn.

“Hey do you know my sire? She has eyes like a demon but a voice like an angel and-” Noah abruptly stopped his unhelpful description. He didn’t like that word, it reminded him of something, something bad and human that he wanted left forgotten. He wanted the memory gone, he wanted blood; to wash such things out of his mind once more and to replace the foul taste in his mouth that the word had left. He looked back over his shoulder, his eyes scanning The Pit for the human who had the smell of blood on him and a low growl crept from his throat. Noah quickly forgot about the other vampire and his thoughts returned to finding someone to eat.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interaction with: Noah @Helo

The strange red-headed boy intrigued Ava more as he responded to her words. Her initial wary feeling about him seemed to be accurate, given how he seemed a little out of touch with reality. He didn’t seem to recall just how many years had passed since he turned, but it seemed like he would be clear-minded enough to at least know what year it was. Vampires didn’t typically just forget when they turned, but Ava could see how that may happen. The memory of her early years as a vampire resurfaced in her mind - she spent several long years drifting between moments of clarity, having fallen as low as Stage D in those times. The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth.

The way the redhead mumbled on in his attempt to learn compulsion revealed to Ava more about him. He belonged to something or someone, and whoever it was, they were strong enough to control a vampire and keep a tight leash on their pet. Until now, anyway. He spoke as if he was desperate for the approval of this other party, and his desperation brought a smile to Ava’s face. Sure, Ava didn’t find joy in torturing those weaker than her, but vampires were a different story. If I do better, she’ll come back for me. It amused her to see that the dog had been trained to expect rewards.

Ava reached up and lightly stroked a few strands of his hair as if petting a small animal. “It’s not something you can learn right now.”

Something running through the boy’s mind seemed to displease him, and he immediately caught the attention of something else. That’s when the smile disappeared from Ava’s face. She realized what he was after.

As soon as Ava heard his low growl, she clenched his arm in her grasp and dug her nails through his clothes, pressing against his skin. Her eyes glowed faintly red and directed a sharp glare at the young vampire. The last thing she wanted was to deal with whatever baggage the unhinged pet mutt came with.

“He was mine. Don’t. Touch.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Evening
Location: Home
Interactions: @princess Millie
Mentions: N/A

In a dimly lit abandoned warehouse outside of town congregated a small group of men. One of said men was currently cleaning blood off his hands with a rag. In the back the other men were cleaning up a mangled body that was quite the gruesome sight. ”Conner make sure this all gets cleaned up properly and that there’s nothing left behind. Then let Catherine know that things have been taken care of and Danny isn’t going to be spilling any secrets to Operation Humanity ever.” Marius said to one of the men, having quite the authoritative air about him.

”Sure thing boss, but don’t you think you should come back and inform people yourself? Everyone has been wondering where you’ve been.” It was a mistake to say and Conner soon realized this as he was grasped by the throat and the snarling face of Marius was in his.

”Just do it before I lose my temper on you and you end up just like poor Danny over there.” His voice was filled with so much murderous intent that Conner found himself gulping and nodding quickly. He didn’t dare try to say anything else as Marius let him go and he scurried off. Marius took one last look at the group before silently making his way out of the building.

Now he was on his way home, having stopped at the store briefly to buy Millie some flowers and her favorite white chocolate along with some other groceries as he’d claimed to be going out to run some errands. The past few weeks had been wonderful with the witch, avoiding doing too much for the clan, but Marius knew that he’d have to get back to things if he wanted to keep in good graces with them. So when he was approached to take a job that was a simple interrogation and disposal he took it. He didn’t inform Millie, however, as he didn’t want to upset her. So he had to keep it secret and hoped that he could distract her when he got home with pretty little trinkets.

Entering the house he could smell the food cooking and he smiled to himself as she silently crept through the house, planning on surprising his love with the flowers. The sight he was greeted with in the kitchen was the pink haired witch holding something and debating on putting it in the pot. He could smell the salt from the tears that fell and decided to remain there silently watching to see how things played out. There had been a part of him that suspected for a while that she’d been casting a spell on him, but he had yet to question her. He’d been curious if she’d keep it up or if she really cared about him and it seemed like right now he was about to find out. Would he be mad if she continued to cast the spell? He wasn’t entirely sure, but what he did know is that whatever she’d been casting had worn off on him about an hour ago. It had been in the middle of the interrogation and he’d realized that he was able to focus more as his mind wasn’t absolutely consumed with thoughts of Millie. She was still there obviously, but he could focus a bit more on the job at hand.

She threw the object on the ground and then slid to the floor, clutching a bracelet he’d given her a while back. She’d made her choice and something about it made him smile a bit to himself. ”Silly girl.” He said, shaking his head as he finally entered the kitchen. He stopped to pick up the heart and examined it for a moment before tossing it in the trash. He then moved over to Millie and knelt beside her. ”Oh little Emelie, have you been casting spells on me?” He asked as he gently took hold of her chin and made her look at him. He smirked at her as he shook his head while he tsked at her. ”Now, now, that certainly won’t do. How shall I punish you for doing something so vile? Oh I know.” He grinned, bearing his fangs as he moved in closer to her. He then pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly and sweetly. After a moment he pulled away, still grinning. ”There, that should be sufficient punishment. Now don’t do it again.” He watched her face closely, waiting to see her reaction as he was sure she was most likely expecting the worst.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by role model
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role model Drunk With Odd Memory, High On Knowledge

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Pit


@Pink Khione

The inside of the squad truck was leather and manila. The wheel was laced with wood grain, the audio system was connected to the Internet and satellite radio and had speakers emplaced in eight places, and there was bucket seats in the front of the ride with a large capacity standard truck seat in the back of the ride. Outside it was jet black with a fire flame painted on the both sides and the license read KILL. The license plate was colored red with a charcoal gray set inside of the frame on the back of the truck. The truck was jacked up with 22 inch rims and operated a HEMI getup under the hood. The rest of the truck was bells and whistles, including fog lights, multiple drink holders, and safety features.

The driver was Mr. Adrian Schulz. He had brushed back wavy black hair that adorned him in a wavy maze and hooked at the temple and ears and looked charming. He had a great name pure gold wristwatch strapped around his right hand, which also housed a 2 ct. diamond and gold ring that was nestled around his ring finger. His fingernails were neatly trimmed, unlike many other undead people who had said Fuck it a long time ago. His skin was a soft color, and did not like anything eating from it like UV rays or bullets or creatures. He kept it well hidden. And besides his orb shade blue eyes that he could stare into a soul with he was wearing a very nice silk button down shimmering charcoal shirt and he had on fitted black colored slacks pant and, although not entirely linear with his outfit he was rocking a pair of $200 Air Force Ones.

Adrian was in club scene traffic. The truck stopped and accelerated two or three times before it passed through a traffic light. He didn't have a destination but he did have a goal. While he was stopped on the street he removed his cheap Moto smartphone from his pocket and siphoned through his numbers list and found one Mr. Noah Beaumont. He selected it from the small, thin monitor before he looked at the rolling cars and trucks, then he placed the smartphone next to his right ear. It was ringing. After it alerted him that the line was active it connected and Mr. Schulz and Mr. Beaumont spoke to each other.

"Hey Noah. Where are you? The Pit? I thought. Yes! That's what I called to tell you. I spotted two hunters sitting at a cafe not too far from here airing out their business and I wanted to fucking eat them! Ah huh I agree. . . Really? You toasted some witches?. . . Relax, Noah. We'll catch them, OK? OK. Let's eat some fucking hunters." And the conversation completed.

He emplaced his phone back into his pocket and rolled about 50 yards before he arrived at The Pit. The college pimps and their harlots and the thieves and the drug dealers were everywhere. He smiled at the Happy Meal menu and circled around the back of the club and exited and walked into the side entrance. He passed by a hooker that had breasts hanging over the top of her dress and a man capitalizing on the benefit of a club and sex and drugs and money. Then, he entered the auditorium and looked at the first thing he smelled, which was a young girl excreting virgin fumes from her ass. After he smelled her he sniffed around and captured a vampirical aura and that is when he found Noah. He approached him and his friend.

He walked up to Noah and elevated his hand and rested it on his friend's shoulder. His eyes entered Noah's mind, and the older vampire danced around a little to charm him, and he said hello to him. "You are not being a motherfucker are you? Could you not have inhaled that corny old smell that I detect? Hunters and virgins are so much better." He laughed.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interaction with: Ava@Pink Khione, Adrian @role model

The all-consuming hunger held Noah’s focus with enough intensity that he barely noticed the older vampire petting his hair. Her words vaguely registered but he understood that she was not sharing her secrets with him. His gaze only left the human when he felt the nails of the other vampire digging into his arm. Her grip was strong enough to hurt and his attention snapped back to her. Noah turned his head back towards the other vampire with an amused smirk. He found that the calm and indifferent vampire he had first approached now had eyes that shone with ferocity. He immediately realized his mistake, he had thought her done with the human but clearly, for some reason, she wanted it left alive. While he knew he wasn’t supposed to leave those who could identify them for what they were alive, he also knew it was not his place to question his elders either. Her claim was made and Noah respected that.

“Yours, won’t touch.” He agreed and nodded his head, a bloodbag was certainly not worth invoking the wrath of one far more powerful than he. He thought briefly about asking whether this command extended past this one human and to the others at the club, but decided that if he didn’t know then she couldn’t be cross with him about whoever else he decided to kill tonight. Besides, while she may be old, and Noah could certainly sense that, she was nothing compared to the age and power of Drake, and all of Ember Grove was most certainly his.

Then the cell phone in his pocket rang, and, seeing the name of another vampire named Adrian, Noah answered it. As Adrian talked about finding some hunters to eat the younger vampire couldn’t help but grin. He’d already done something more exciting than that and he couldn’t wait to brag, knowing that the other vampire shared an appetite for destruction.

”You missed out, we had a nice little fire in the woods. Burnt up a witch but the other one wasn’t very helpful. They didn’t know where Shay was, but I’m gonna find the right witch.” Noah told the other vampire all about his exciting adventure earlier in the night, gleefully reliving the memory as he spoke. The mention of hunters peaked Noah’s interest, they were much more fun to kill than the regular humans, a stronger light to extinguish. ”Can we go find the hunters? I’m hungry.” Noah asked his tone full of excitement. Not only at the chance to hunt hunters, but hunters might also have something useful he could learn, like where to find sneaky witches. With his phone call ended, Noah’s attention then turned back to the other vampire.

”Hey, you don’t happen to know any witches do you? I’m looking for one, she’s all lost and far away from her cage. She has eyes like a hurricane and hair like a raven. It’s very important that we find her.” Noah asked, his tone suddenly serious. While he waited for her answer Adrian made his presence known, drawing Noah's attention from the other vampire.

”No need to be so crass, Adrian, this one has power.” Noah said as Adrian put a hand on his shoulder and Noah shook his head at his friend’s choice of words. Poor Adrian, he hadn’t had a proper sire, not like Noah had, his friend had no one to teach him things. His sire would never tolerate such insolence from him, he was trained better than that, Noah was taught to respect power above all else. But the word hunter had floated back into his mind and he was really getting hungry.

”I have to go soon, there are hunters that need dealt with.” He told the older vampire with malicious grin. ”Unless you want to have fun too?”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Sunset
Location: Ember Grove University
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Alexander

Did he owe her now? In Maeve’s eyes this would make them even as he was kind enough to give her the advice to leave when she did in order to avoid whatever was about to happen in that library. She didn’t say this out loud, however, as he decided to give her another tip. As he spoke of the wine and how if one drank it and died they’d be born anew, her heart dropped a little. She realized immediately what he had done and it made her a little sick, but she didn’t show it. Instead she kept up her playful persona. ”I thought the wine tasted a little salty.” She said with a small laugh as she began to leave the University and head towards Alexander’s home. ”That’s quite a clever trick, quite impressive. I suppose it’s a good thing I always take precautions when leaving my house to protect me from death.” She sighed and then smirked at him a bit. ”Because I don’t think I’m quite ready to become one of Dracula’s brides.” It was a cheeky, teasing remark, but it held the truth.

Drake had come to her in the past, wanting her to be a part of his clan, but she’d refused as she had responsibilities to her coven. Besides she wasn’t quite bored with casting magic even though she’d been doing so for over 1000 years. ”Perhaps one day when I tire of this life I’d like to try something new, but for now I have far too many responsibilities which I’m sure you understand.” She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t considered what it would be like to be a vampire for a brief moment. It certainly would be something new and exciting, but that was also the problem. It would be something new. She’d become so familiar with magic and mastering it that it was a comfort, a safety blanket for her. She wasn’t sure what she’d do without it. The thought actually frightened her a bit.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Pink Khione
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Pink Khione

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Time: Night
Location: The Pit
Interaction with: Noah @Helo, Adrian @role model

Much to her surprise, the redhead, who seemed ferocious with hunger in the moment, almost immediately backed down upon hearing Ava’s words of warning. His expression effortlessly switched into a smirk as he complied to her orders. Despite how unhinged he appeared, it seemed that he had some degree of control depending on the situation.

Ava released her grasp on the young vampire’s forearm and relaxed her posture, but maintained a degree of vigilance in his presence. He broke off from their conversation to pick up his phone, which presented Ava with the opportunity to finish off the remaining contents of her flask. Once the last drop of blood entered her system, her mind was no longer plagued with the urge to assault every patron in the building, human or otherwise. The trail of blood left by her most recent victim remained intensely inviting but it was easy to ignore - much like catching the scent of a home cooked meal, though deciding to not eat.

Once the redhead finished his call, he caught Ava off guard with his sudden, serious tone of voice. In their short exchange alone, he must’ve gone through an encyclopedia's worth of emotions. His words now carried weight, as if finding the mentioned witch was a matter of grave importance.

“I have only been in Ember Grove for a week. I haven’t met any witches yet, but I’m sure they’re easy to come by in this mysterious little town.”

Before the inquisitive vampire had a chance to respond, he was interrupted by the arrival of another vile creature, cloaked in hubris, who slithered through the shadows to greet his friend. He spoke crudely and laughed, as if he found his own indecency amusing.

Ava stared at the newcomer in such tremendous disbelief that if she were not concerned with maintaining decorum, she might’ve rolled her eyes so hard they would have fallen out of their sockets. She ascertained he must’ve had some form of amnesia to not be aware of his own advanced age, in order to be so willing to mock hers. She sniffed out his senility as easily as he had done to her.

“Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped,” Ava muttered, fully aware that the two vampires could hear her. “Well,” she continued, speaking clearly now, “I will have to decline, I'm not very interested in hunters.” A glint of light shone from her eyes as a sly smile found its way on her face. “But perhaps, I may feel like vampires for dessert.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 15 days ago

Time: Sunset
Location: Sorrel's Apartment >>>> Ember Grove University-Art Exhibit
Interaction:@Tae - Sorrel
Jams: "All my life on my head...Feels like I'm Goin' insane..."

Volfango had lowered his hand so that Helmar may sniff it when he came up to smell him, doing his best not to appear intimidating to the dog. The fact that he hadn't growled or barked at him meant that, for the moment, he had the mighty beast's blessing to be around his master. There was much going on inside of Volfango's mind and he was so enveloped in Sorrel's beauty that he failed to notice the split-moment in which she tensed up at his touch along with the mile-long stare. He did perceive the rosy bit of color that came to her cheeks and attributed it to his silver tongue and masterful use of words. Volfango's knowledge of the supernatural world was limited to movies, novels, and the bedtime stories that his father used to say to him when he was little. There was no way he could have predicted how close to the truth that this night would bring him.

"It pleases Volfango to hear so! Let us depart so you may continue to grace Volfango's ears with your voice!" With Sorrel's wink, he was certainly feeling more confident that tonight would be fun for the both of them. He proceeded to open her door and walk outside once more, waiting for her to lock it before escorting her to his ZR1 Black Corvette. Voflango unlocked it as he approached the passenger side and opened the door for Sorrel, offering his hand for her to press on as the seat was lower than most cars "Allow Volfango to assist." He said eagerly, waiting until she got in the corvette to close the door and get in the driver's seat on the other side. The interior of the corvette was a sleek, black leather with red accents and was kept in pristine condition. The roar of the engine cause the whole vehicle to vibrate some as Volfango turned on the ignition and the inside was casted in a soft, red glow from the front panel. A wide grin creased the Italian's lips as his foot touch the gas pedal and off they went towards the University.

It didn't take very long to reach the parking lot closest to the Art Exhibit since Volfango had taken the time to scope out his selected date sites beforehand. Once he put the corvette in park, he took the keys and quickly exited the vehicle so he could once again open Sorrel's door. Once again he offered his hand to help her out of the corvette "Volfango is looking forwa-." Before he could finish his words, a blood curdling scream filled the air that wouldn't have been heard if he didn't have his improved hearing. Color seemed to drain from his face a little as he immediately turned around, forgetting for just a moment that Sorrel might not have heard it. It was faint so perhaps he had just imagined it? "Pardon Volfango, he thought he heard something but it must have been the wind. Let us enjoy the festivies!" His voice had no hints of the real fear that briefly entered his body.
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