Time: Night
Location: Art Exhibition, Ember Grove University
Interaction: @princess@Milkman
“Yeah, they are out for blood kiddo. But don’t worry, I got superpowers. So better stay really close to me if you want to draw some more mustaches on these paintings later.” Remy gave Finn a confused look. “Kiddo? I'm this many year old!” She plopped her butt on the ground, took off her shoes, and held up all 10 toes and fingers. Then, she was interrupted in her show of ‘maturity’
"Remy. Go to that fire alarm over there and pull down that lever with all your might. After, get on that skateboard and make a run for the door. You need to get help. Find Sean or Valentin."
“Okay! Ariel! I knew you were a mermaid, that's why you want to pull the fire alarm, you need more water!” Remy responded to Angel. She started to look around to see where the fire alarm was that she needed to pull. It was then she quickly noticed what the man meant when he said he had superpowers! “HE TURNED INTO A DOGGIE! I WANT TO PET THE DOGGIE!” She ran over to the dog to give him pets. “Best. Day. Ever.” She blissfully said.
Remy saw there was also a bunch of torn fabric on the floor that she then collected up with the attention of making a stuffed dog doll at a later point. There was also a cell phone and some car keys as well. She didn't care much for the keys but she took the phone and put it in her backpack. “I bet he had games on his phone” At this point, Remy was so ecstatic she was foaming out the mouth, most people could have mistaken her as the rabid dog in the room. She ran over to the fire alarm and when she pulled it shouting “IMA MAKE IT RAIN!” She was thinking, ‘Ariel is gonna be so happy with me’.
As Remy was looking back to see what she accomplished, she saw there was no way to get out of the gallery people were crowded at the door trying to get out. ‘Meh who needs Sean or Valentin. Remy has just the right thing for this occasion.’ She took The Remy-ton Vamp-B-Gone™ (patent pending), a 16 inch Heritage Rough Rider revolver that Remy just duct-taped a stake to the grip of. So with that, she ran to get in on the action dual-wielding her super soaker and revolver. She heard Angel shout"Everyone! Get behind me and Cujo here!" She ran back towards them to help and jumped onto Finn the dog’s back. “Party time!” Remy shouted.