Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

It occurred to Jamie while Blake was kicking in the door that she could easily break it down and save Blake all the trouble of actually using his legs to do it. But, he looked like he was having fun, so she might as well let the guy do what made him happy. He had this little self-assured smile on his face like he actually enjoyed kicking in doors. Why ruin that? And she didn't really want to use too much of her power at this point, either. Jamie had flexed her fingers a little while they were walking through the halls. Upon doing this, she had found that they were hurting a little more than usual, which was generally not a good thing. Especially for someone who accumulated broken bones like a toddler collected scrapes. Which was definitely a very Jamie thing to do.

Jamie peeked her head in the doorway after Blake made a show of his flames, only stepping in once she realized that the room was clear of enemies. She followed Blake over to the Leftover cages and squatted down, starting to look at what she could. Not much was left in the cages after Blake had taken the note, it seemed. Which was fine. Jamie could not read Italian. She thought of petting one of the MWEs, which seemed like a thrilling idea. She stuck her fingers in one of the cages, touching a head. But she promptly took that finger right back when the MWE snapped at it.

She gave the dog a mock-stern look. "Bad, bad dog," Jamie scolded. She waggled her finger at the dog, who just kept growling.

After this failure of an interaction, Jamie turned from the cages to watch Rumi go about his work. It didn't take long for him to finish up, it seemed. He was done with his furious computer hacking and Italian-translating after only a minute or two. Ooh, cool. I bet he's read, like, 500 books, Jamie thought to herself. 500 books was a lot, right? More than she had read. Probably more than Blake had read, too.

She gave Rumi a thumbs-up and an enthusiastic grin. "Great job on the computer stuff, dude! Let's go." Jamie moved towards the slightly scorched door, beckoning for Blake and Rumi to follow. "I can totally drive again if you want. We got here pretty fast if I don't say so myself."


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Blake watched in amazement as Rumi translated the pamphlet into some nice, normal English with ease. it was pretty cool that Rumi was able to switch between Italian and English with so much fluency. Blake could hardly pick up Spanish in high school, and to this day he still only held a rudimentary knowledge of the language, and a good portion of his Spanish lexicon was insults, which while fun are not of much use on secret missions (except when dealing with Latino gangs, he supposed). Blake listened to Rumi's speech intently, taking the info in. So there was some sort of evil cleaning organization on the loose? And they specialized in...wine stains? It was only until Rumi reached the last point that Blake realized that they entire pamphlet was a (very bad) front for some sort of operation. Blake nodded with a grin as Rumi noted the address. "Sounds like a plan! They won't be ready for us at all."

Blake reluctantly followed Jamie out of the warehouse towards the car. "Hey, Jamie, small piece of advice? Don't go over the lines in the road that divide traffic, please. Also, if we miss an exit, we can go to the next one! It's not a problem! You don't have to, like, turn around and go back into traffic." He looked at Rumi warily as he entered the car again, making sure to cross his fingers before Jamie hit the gas.

15 Running River Lane was an establishment only a short jog away from the current Gugliano fiasco, and unlike the gigantic compound located a ways away, the establishment wasn't much to talk about. Located in the more suburban area of Watervale, the house was a small brick townhouse, large enough to support a family for sure but not so large as to be viewed as a luxurious establishment. The building was the current home of Emilio Ranucci, Vinnie's top advisor and consigliere and one of his most loyal attendants. Ranucci was currently inside his office, a large room on the first floor that looked just like any other home office. The key difference, though, was a classic bookcase lever that opened up a hidden passageway. The passageway led underground to the Gugliano compound, allowing for quick communication, transportation, and potential escape for both locations.

Ranucci had come to the location instead of attending the meeting, as he had much more important issues at hand. He looked down at his phone idly, waiting for the important call to come in. At exactly the time it was scheduled, his phone rang, with Ranucci immediately picking it up.

"Dr. Osberg?" Ranucci asked, phone against his ear, as he paced the office. He looked up at the taxidermized elk head on his wall. "A pleasure to finally speak with you."

"As for you," the voice, cool and collected. "Please, though, Peter will do."

"I'm really insistent on formalities. Family things."

"Well, then, I will accept that. Now, Vinnie has told me quite a bit about your work. Says your a very loyal asset."

"Oho, well, I appreciate the compliment from Mr. Gugliano. I've worked for him for a long time. A lot of experience."

"So I've heard, so I've heard. Now, onto business. The Commander promised your organization financial resources, something my colleagues and I have access to in abundance. I've wired a large payment to your chosen bank account just seconds ago. More payments as needed will be delivered in increments."

"Thank you, Doctor." Ranucci paused. "Before you go, though, your boss told us that we would be getting your assistance...we have some heroes at the Compound, your presence would be greatly appreciated-"

"No thank you," the phone man said, cutting Ranucci off. "I try not to align myself with the classic Italian mafia types. Especially the type that leads the enemy...right to their base. Good day." The man on the phone hung up.

Ranucci squinted at the phone, before walking over to the office window, parting his blinds. An old, beaten-up car was pulling up in front of the house. "Well, shit," he muttered, opening his desk drawer and taking out a handgun. "Hero bastards Just my luck."


Grace listened intently as Tom described his own plan of action, as opposed to Grace's (highly pragmatic) plan of leaving and phoning for backup. "Okay, okay, here's what we do. We hide out until the lockdown is over, then we come back out and bust everybody out. Okay? Okay, Angie can probably use her power to make herself look like somebody who doesn't need to be ID checked, or some shit, and then she can cover for Patty. Fuck, if they hurt Patty they're absolutely getting slammed into the ground..."

"Believe me, I'll help you there," Grace responded, her face stern and serious, as she looked dead-on at Tom. "Alright, I know you want to stay and help them, I do too, but I'm just not sure we can pull it off. We'd be better off looking for backup instead. I mean, what type of place can we hide-" She yelped as gravity suddenly decided to flip, with Grace launching towards the ceiling, stopping herself with her feet as she watched Tom, who was also upside-down, open up a ceiling hatch and crawl through. "Yeonglihan," she muttered, looking at Tom with approval, as she crawled over, taking Tom's hand and crawling into the attic space. It was quite dirty up there, and her clothes would get dirty, but she frankly did not care that muuch about that at all.

At his request for a flashlight, Grace rummaged through her pockets. "Nothing, but I can do this..." She opened a small swirling portal in her palm that cast a small amount of magenta light in the area. As Tom closed the hatch, Grace stood, looking around the room, guided by the small light from her palm portal, until she found a ceiling-mounted lightbulb. She pulled on the chain next to the bulb, casting much brighter lights across the attic space, as she clenched her palm, closing the portal.

"Good idea. I guess we'll wait here for a few minutes until the coast is clear," Grace said to Tom, before looking around the area. It wasn't a large space at all, and was mostly storage, with several trunks, chests, crates and boxes lying around everywhere, with most of them covered in thick dust. Grace's eyes returned to Tom. "Thanks for the assist," she said, her voice at a quiet whisper, as her violet eyes locked onto him. "I feel so bad for them. They're...they're probably going to do terrible things," she said quietly. "Awful."

@Danvers@KaijuBaragon@Amethyst@canaryrose@Infinite Cosmos

1. yeonglihan (영리한): clever

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 5 days ago

|| Brookside ||

|| Evening ||

|| @Rabidporcupine; @Shard ||

The Hunter walked across a rooftop in the Brookside slums, heading for the direction of the local prison. The giant had taken the journey from the higher standard living district on foot. While to others the option would seem inconvenient, for Kanati, it was more beneficial. He'd be able to learn the city structure better, as well as avoid potential traffic that could delay his mission's progress. Although his mission took place elsewhere, he took a more conservative approach. A lot of people would likely be involved in this trade, and innocents could be injured if not properly informed. In a calculated maneuver, Kanati jumped from the edge, clearing the street below and landed on the pavement near the door.

Once inside, he pulled the hood of his uniform down so as to keep from looking like a threat in here. The outer officers seemed hesitant to let him pass still, but one flash of the HERO liscense and he was in. The plan was to get in contact with the chief to alert him of the incoming situation and to begin cycling civilians away from the northeast border between Brookside and Watervale.

It was on his way there though, that he heard a more familiar voice. Soon enough, he was met with the sight of Joseph tossing a reptillian criminal to one of the officers. Confronted with the nickname of Tarzan, Sam didn't quite make the connection between himself and the fictional jungle man. Still, the Hunter gave him a nod of acknowledgement. He felt the urge to walk away though when Joseph began to ramble after initial greetings however. Kanati didn't intend to be rude, but more pressing matters were at hand than a crime that his associate had already taken care of.

The only thing that had stopped Kanati from walking off initially, was when he interrupted himself. Well aware of his use of runes for varying purposes. Currently, it seemed Joseph had made one for communicative purposes, apparently for the cashier of the store. Perhaps he did so to keep trace in the event the store was attacked again in the same night. It wouldn't surprise him, given the reputation of Brookside and the gangs that came about. It would seem so if the cashier contacted him again so soon.

Depending on the urgency of the situation, Kanati would be willing to go along with Joseph to get a handle on things. Though, was hard to gauge with how casual his manner of speech was. That irritated him some but while the man spoke into the rune, Kanati looked at one of the three officers who remained.

"Go tell any of your officers near to the northeast border of Brookside and Watervale to keep civilian activity to a minimum. Gang violence may be inbound. I'll promptly inform you when the threat has been removed." The giant informed him before his phone buzzed.

Normally, he didn't answer such things while out on a mission. However there was some time before the supposed 'trade' was taking place, so he pulled out the device. A text from Zee, askng about his current situation. His mind roved for a moment before texting back.

Hey, Sam. Want to hang out? Doing Hero stuff? Need any help?
Mission. I don't mind backup, but I'm in Brookside. Half hour time frame.

Sam quickly pocketed the phone before eyeing the runecaster.

"Do you need my help or are you good?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 11 days ago

William, while waiting in the holding room, began pondering as to the reason why he was brought to this state. He shouldn’t have many enemies on the outside. Aside from the usual criminals that have taken a dislike to heroes in general already. But to be directly brought to the compound of a mobster? There is definitely something bigger at play.

Hopefully H.E.R.O. has noticed his absence and have dispatched a team to investigate.

At the same time as that thought, he mind flashed over to one Brianna Hart. While a very capable, and powerful, heroine, he did not wish for her to be present for the investigation. He feared for her safety. He cared about her deeply, on an intimate level. He did not wish for her to have to see him this way, for fear of tarnishing his image.

In any case William waited. The girl from before mentioned guests. William’s mind went over to the idea of him being made an example of. Sure, he did sign the contract. This sort of thing was exactly what he put pen to paper for. Putting his life on the life in order to save others. He wondered how it would be done.

Torture? Some sort of science experiment where they extract his powers from him? Flaying? Pulling out his nails one by one?

It would be a lie if William was to say he had no fear in that moment. He definitely feared. For his life, for his parent’s and the bad news they would be receiving, for his...feelings for Brie.

Soon, more mob goons came into the room. They hauled him to his feet and dragged him out. While powerless, William isn’t defenseless. He struggled, thrashed, and raged, against the coming of the night. Finally, they were able to drag him into the room where the meeting was taking place.

“Fuck...” William muttered almost silently. He immediately recognized two colleagues from H.E.R.O. Patricia and Angelica... The way they were dressed, it would be one of two reasons for them to be there. One, they’ve actually turned. They’ve betrayed the oath they swore. Or, they are the investigation team that was sent. William hoped that it was the latter. William drew in a deep breath and bit the inside of his lower lip to keep from screaming out at Angie and Patti. While he was glad to see some familiar faces, he still wanted to tell them to leave, that these are not good people...

Vinnie, the mob leader, made a grandiose speech about how him and his family are going to take over Castleburg and the world. How they’re going to get rid of heroes. William chuckled inwardly. As cliche as it sounds, you take out one hero, two more springs forth to take his place. Such it the nature of the people that dedicate themselves to be for the benefit of the many.


William hadn’t said a word and his face was smashed into a bowl of grapes. Such a cliche move. Yeah, a real tough guy he is, William thought. Every breath he took splattered more grape juice from inside the bowl. To be quite honest, this wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened...

Moments later, he heard someone barge through the doors. His heart dropped immediately. There were very few people at H.E.R.O. That would be this brash. Given his feelings and personal connections, his mind went directly to Brie. He lifted his head after Vinnie let go of it and saw his nightmare come true.

“BRIE! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!” He called out. However, before he could do anything about it, the girl from before went and attacked Brie. William struggled mightily against those who would restrain him, gritting his teeth in anger and fury. Muttering under his breath, he swore to have vengeance, to exact his wrath upon those who would harm his beloved.

William grimaced and groaned when the goons stabbed Brie with the needle full of Isolene. These goons would die last, so that they can watch the others suffer first, William thought. He huffed, and glared at anyone that would look at him. When the mobster told his lackeys to check everyone for IDs, he hoped that Patricia and Angie have a good exit strategy...

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Starbright leaned back, listening intently to Murmur's questions. But was a bit taken back when she said she couldn't be on stage, that is all a musician is, right? Either way he composed himself and calmly gave his reply. "I, Starbright, came into this room because I needed to know who was playing that violin."

"You see I have a new album coming out. The final song is about my struggles as a kid with loneliness and insecurity, then rising above it into the star I am today. That violin is just the sound I am looking for, and a young rising hero is just who I need to play it." Starbright smirked for a bit at how perfect the situation was a young shy hero to put on stage would get him a music award, multiple really. Even if the origins of the song are a complete lie. Starbright, insecure and shy, these things never mix.

"So how would you like to be a part in my song? If we start tomorrow we could have you on stage in about a month." Starbright had the tone of a high school teacher hyping up their class for a overseas field trip. Completely ignoring Murmur's shyness and expressing her lack of ability to be on stage. This attitude was out of ignorance and inability to relate rather than anything even slightly malicious.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Azhar’s Apartment.
💀 Brookside.

💀 Evening.

💀 @DClassified

Kanati, or Sam, was more than capable. Known as The Hunter, he lived up to the name, a wise and tactical young man who acted through calculated maneuvers. Truly a survivalist, Sam was an individual who others could look up to, a Hero with Herculean strength which flowed in harmony alongside the balance of a serene heart. One of the few Heroes Azhar felt some notable form of connection to, Samson embraced the persona of a gentle giant, which in itself was an ironic change from the more flamboyant young Arab. The two were opposites in many ways, indeed. A chiseled Adonis, compared to a scrawny, little creature. A handsome warrior with muscles, strength, and humility, where Azhar maintained an incredibly different disposition. A scorpion and a lion, without fault.

‘Oh, I just got back from Brookside,’ Zee typed, the stylus dancing across his screen. It was ironic how this mutant ranked S in terms of power and danger, outside his bracelet, could not even operate a phone without aid. Such was the strife of claws. ’I’ll be there in a moment. Just tell me where you are.’

With his bare, equally clawed feet clicking against the wooden floor beneath his bed, Azhar managed a stretch, which was soon followed by a quiet yawn. As had been established, this was this day off. However, boredom soon settled. There resided a charm in the freedom of simply adopting a lazy demeanor, but this day had been anything other than relaxing. There was a line which eventually found itself crossed, where leaning against a chair, or seeking shelter beneath warm blankets faded in both desire, and longing. It was when adrenaline and pursuit of excitement confiscated Azhar’s every thought.

Indeed, where a common stance on powers strung along fatigue after prolonged use, Azhar’s body was somewhat different. His powers were aching to flow free, and their release was an energizing sensation. Almost intoxicating. Though it might have come off as an oddity, the boy’s biology and his superpowers were one and the same. As if feeling a warm breeze against his skin every time he engulfed himself in that phantasmal, emerald force, Azhar constantly wanted more. Yes, it was one of the reasons why Hugo Powers afforded the young Hero targets of less repute. Those further southbound on the power scale. It was because continuous use of Zee’s abilities demanded gluttony. A desire to break free. Only fools claimed immunity to hunger, especially for power. It was an aspect Azhar was well aware of. He was the ‘Dark Side of The Force’, as an ironic comparison. It was true what Astral had stated, that the boy fought against his very nature, because his nature was to unleash himself.

Inhaling a deep breath, Zee’s black gaze fell to his bracelet, a dim blue light emanating from its circular shape. The boy had behaved well, and thus the trinket wasn’t permanently attached to his forearm. However, he had been warned in the past, where taking it off too liberally would result in consequences. The mutant has, nonetheless, admitted towards a rather critical fact. When he did take the trinket off, it was akin to shedding heavy shackles, as if he was able to breathe for the first time. A feeling one could easily find themselves drunk with, and a terrifying embrace it was, where the risk of reason being discarded in lieu of chaos was far too great.

Getting dressed was long overdue. Taking leave of his thoughts, Azhar slipped into a pair of socks, followed by his jeans and a tank-top. The process found its conclusion when Azhar slid a pair of synthetic, fingerless gloves over his hands. With the sun now set, he could finally stretch his wings beneath soothing evening air. One could easily note that Zee left his suit behind, where he much rather participated in Hero work without obfuscation. He wanted others to see him. He wanted to be known. It was, after all, his goal. A desire to reach a state of fame, not for glory, nor for money, but to express an ideal.

"See you later, sweetheart," Azhar’s Arabic accent trickled through his words, the boy’s lips gently brushing against Dracula’s forehead. A schedule had not been set, and there was no telling when the boy would return home. However, as Azhar stepped outside and entered his car, it was only a matter of time before he eventually reached Brookside.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

St. Petersburg, Russia

8:04 PM
Летний замок
"Summer Castle"

Meanwhile, across the planet, in a beautiful palace in St. Petersburg, Russia, a man was currently sitting in a dining room. He was middle aged, with clear age in his face and pale, gold eyes, and he was somewhat handsome in an almost rugged way. He had a gaunt but handsome face, with a devilish cheek scar, and he had long locks of raven-black hair that fell to nearly his shoulders, with a matching full beard. He was wearing what he would call his costume, but really wasn't much of a costume at all, and was more of an elaborate formal attire, with a velvet three-piece suit, black slacks, a white cravat, and a heavy necklace with a gold chain and ruby core. Draped around his shoulders was a black cape with red fringes, tattered at the edge. His eyes showed experience in them, with a deep, sickly gold color that looked very much unnatural and even more so unsettling.

His royal-ish appearance was further enhanced by his surroundings- he was currently sitting in a very elaborate dining room at the end of a long, equally elaborate dining table, etched with various depictions of the world being destroyed. In front of him was a large bowl of thick red borshch. He held a golden spoon in his hand, and was just finishing up his meal, when a man entered the room. He was elderly, with combed gray hair an spectacles, dressed in a tuxedo, and he spoke with a curt British accent. "Sir, you have a call from Sir Paradox."

"Put him on the line," the man at the table said to his butler, who nodded. "Immediately." The butler walked out before returning moments later with a black device, which he placed on the table in front of the man, next to his bowl of hot borshch. As the butler exited the room, the device projected a green holographic screen into the air in front of the man.

"Commander Zero. I hope this isn't a bad time."

"Provided this is important news, it is never a bad time. I presume this is on the status of the Gugliano venture?"

"Astute as always, sir. It seems the Guglianos have captured another HERO, according to their most recent reports. Apparently, she was trying to rescue another hero currently in captivity, but failed."

"Interesting, interesting. Well, the more, the merrier." He took another spoonful of borshch. "Do the Guglianos know who these heroes are?

"Not a clue. But it's been a simple matter for me to download their surveillance footage and run it through a facial recognition database. The girl is Static, or Brianna Hart. Young hero, maybe a year in?"

The Commander looked up at the ceiling, in thought, as he pushed his bowl of borshch aside and began to snack on a lovely roasted leg of lamb. "Never heard of her. Unlike Hugo to put a pawn like her up first when he has much stronger pieces up his sleeves for sure..."

"Indeed. The Guglianos don't know it, yet, but I've located two other heroes using the facial recognition software. Codenames Wish and Aria, or Angelica Alexander and Patricia Donnelly."

He continued to chew. "That first girl seems like another no-name, but Donnelly..." He swallowed his food before chuckling. "If she's grown up anything like her father, her powers might be effective for undercover operations. Speaking of fathers, how's my little angel doing?"

"Malady is currently present in the same room with them. She incapacitated Static a few moments ago."

"She's grown up so fast," the Commander reminisced, before returning his attention to the glowing green screen. "I imagine you won't be disclosing any of this to the Gugliano family? Yet, at least?"

"No...I enjoy watching Vincent Gugliano suffer."

"As do I, sometimes. But if the operation is put in jeopardy, make sure to shut them down. The Gugliano mission is not a priority for us, but every hero we can get in this phase of our plan is helpful towards our end goal."

"Can do, sir. And one last thing? Assassins are en-route to the palace."

The Commander chuckled as he stood, slicing the empty bowl, bare plate, and single leg bone forwards. "Oh, Paradox. Such a spoiler. It would have been infinitely more interesting had I not known in advance. Well, Godspeed, Paradox."

"And to you," he responded, before hanging up.

Commander Zero strolled towards the large wooden doors that led outside the Dining Room. He pushed them open, looking out into the corridor. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking down at the floor. "Whoever you are, I can hear you in the air vents. Come out and face me like a man."

As if on cue, the air vent in the corridor smashed open, and a man jumped out. He was in all black, a hood over his head and a mask on his face. He landed on the floor, ice crystallizing around his landing point, before he turned to face the Commander, a sword of ice forming in his hands. Zero seemed utterly disappointed as two more heroes dropped down from the vents in the dining room- a tall girl with a blonde ponytail and green eyes and a bald man with thick stubble and a bulletproof vest that was wielding an assault rifle. Commander Zero shook his head. "This is truly, truly sad. This is the best you could come up with? Pathetic." As he spoke, around his body, a strange fog, almost like clouds, began to form, spreading out among the room quickly as he sighed in disappointment. "I would have thought MOSCOW had better hero assassins at their disposal instead of you Three Stooges. Truly shows how far ICOSA has fallen, no?"

The ice sword hero pointed his sword at the Commander before thrusting towards him at high speeds. Without blinking an eye, Commander Zero raised his hand and blasted the ice sword hero with a blast of lightning, sending him flying down the corridor, smoke rising from his body, until he stopped, lying unconscious on the ground down the hallway. Commander Zero turned around to the other two flabbergasted heroes. "Next victims?”

Eventually, the woman hero decided that she would act, charging at Commander Zero, fists raised, but with a simple swipe of his hand a strong gust of wind carried her across the room into the wall (very hard). The other hero raised his gun but was promptly shocked by a beam of lightning, sending him crashing into the table. Commander Zero shook his head. "One of these days, I long for a true challenge again. Reinhardt, clean this up,” he called to his butler, before walking back to the corridor again, raising his nose as he glanced down the way.

"I’m going for a quick stroll. By the time I return, I expect a nice glass of Bordeaux waiting for me.”

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Nice recovery, of course, but you aren't fooling anybody, intruder."

"Eh, it was worth a try." Brie pulled a face of wry amusement at Vinnie's words, her shoulders shifting in what was a very half-hearted shrug. The air around her began to crackle with the hum of electricity but before she could even attempt to use her powers, a strange red mist had begun to surround her. The rest happened quickly; her body going into a spasm of pain, whilst a wave of nausea overcame her. "Shit..." Sinking to the floor, Brie let out a groan as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. She was aware that Vinnie was still speaking however it all became a bit of a blur as she tried to focus on not vomiting everywhere.

Just as she became pretty certain that she was going to throw up all over their fancy looking carpet, she felt an extremely sharp pain in the back of her neck. "Fuck, that hurt!" Brie yelped as she tried to turn around to see what had just been stabbed into her. She was relieved when the excruciating pain and nausea wore off but this was quickly stamped on, as she realised that she could no longer feel the sensation of electricity running throughout her body. She absolutely hated the feeling of not having her powers. Electricity was literally a buzz. It felt thrilling and invigorating, and without it, well...everything seemed just that bit duller.

Frustrated, Brie struggled against the goon as he hauled her to her feet. Her body felt weak though and the best she could do was give him a feeble elbow in the ribcage."Can you take a step back or something? Your breath smells really bad." Brie muttered instead, shooting the goon a mocking smile. It probably wasn't a good idea to taunt him but she just couldn't help herself. "I can recommend a good mouthwash if you need one." She continued in this fashion until he had led her over to Will, her focus quickly snapping to him instead.

"Surprise, that file wasn't about my parents!" Brie smiled at Will cautiously as she was placed next to him, hoping that he wouldn't be too mad at her for basically sealing their fate. It was an obvious thing to state but what else was she meant to say? Sorry for possibly getting us both killed? Maybe, but that seemed far too depressing to say out loud. "Are...you okay? I mean, obviously you're not but like, did they hurt you?" Brie questioned clumsily as she looked him up and down, trying to ascertain if they'd done anything else to him aside from try to make wine with his face.

@Infinite Cosmos @Hitman @Canaryrose @Amethyst
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by taylorquest


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Driving home, Vivien thought again about the lighthouse. How long had it been since she had used her power for something other than research or a mission? Months? Years? She didn't want to use it at HERO One. She knew everyone there and there were probably unsavory imprints that she would rather not see. Instead she went to a large park in Kingsdale nearby her loft. She grabbed a Raspberry White Mocha from the Starbucks across the street and tuned into the time stream.

Most imprints were recent. Events that haven't been scrubbed off by something more important. Sometimes you get something that sticks for a long while. It's always sticky when two imprints are in the same spot. If they are far enough apart in time it's easier to determine which event happened first. The ones that are closer together are trickier. You have to know what you are looking for to find information. Other times its like you are standing somewhere with a radio that is picking up two signals. You hear a little bit of both songs but neither of them are clear.

Parks usually contained the sweeter moments of everyday life. As she passed a park bench she saw a young dark skinned man with a narrow face and short tight curls. He was on one knee presenting a ring to a young dark haired woman with olive skin and fierce brown eyes. She smiled and nodded her head. The two kissed and smiled. They walked away hand in hand speaking affectionate words in Portuguese. That was one of the things she loved about Castleburg. It was a city rich with diversity of culture. You heard languages spoken all over the world in the streets. The music scene was eclectic. The fashion was colorful. And the food... The food was what Vivien liked the most.

However, with a city this diverse, sometimes cultures can clash as she saw in the next imprint. A young black woman walked on the dirt path of the park holding her arms close to herself. It was dark past 3am. She was cold. Based on her dress she looked as if she were out at a club. Her clothes were dated. Late 70s, maybe early 80s. The imprint was powerful. She had bruises already on her arms and was crying. A few white boys came out from the trees. They started catcalling and throwing racial slurs. "Listen, I don't want any trouble. I had a tough night as it is. Let a girl just get home" she said trying to push past them.

The biggest of the three moved to get in front of her. "You get to go home when we tell you to." He pushed her to the ground. The boys started kicking her and she screamed into the night-

Vivien wretched herself out of the imprint tears streaming down her face and breathing hard. An older woman walking a dog passed by. "Are you okay miss?"

"Yeah." Vivien stood up once her breathing slowed.

"Oh! You're the lady from TV. The smart one. I'm so glad we have folks like you to keep us safe." She smiled and walked away.

Safe. Right? Are we doing enough? Vivien shook her head determined not got to go down that rabbit hole. Still, she thought of Powers away trying to prove that we are doing just that. Keeping people safe.

She threw away her half empty mocha and walked back to her apartment.

It would be a while before she used her powers recreationally again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Amethyst


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Angelica batted her eyelashes at the pretty man who settled beside her, taking the offered business card with a flirtatious comment and biting down on the guilt she was feeling in regard to Blake as she slipped the card into her bra cup, the only pocket that she had. Sorry, cupcake. It’s just for a mission. Tommy Gugliano, her knowledge supplied...an important contact to have access to, for certain. She just pretended she didn’t feel awful, meeting Patricia’s gaze very very briefly and trying for a sweet smile.

She tried not to flinch at Vinnie’s treatment of Will. don’t blow your cover don’t blow your cover. She was mildly reassured by Tommy’s discomfort, at least, glancing to him sympathetically, trying to relax back into her flirty persona.

All sense of peace and comfort completely shattered as Brie’s voice echoed in from the next room over, and then she stalked into the room in an awful facsimile of calm. She internally flinched, casting a brief, panicked look at Patricia before slamming her mask back into place, peering up at Tommy flirtatiously and steadying her breath, a hand resting delicately against her low neckline at a convenient height to draw the gaze. She pretended to be unfazed by Vinnie’s posturing, the cruelty with which he had Malady handle Brie and the goons dragging William away, forcing herself not to pay attention to anything except her racing thoughts.

She had to buy herself some time. She couldn’t compromise the mission... she had to do this right. She had to get their intel, and get Brie and Will and then, eventually, herself out - it would take her a LOT of time, and care, but if she was careful enough she could... she could make this work until Grace and Tom and that could get to them and help. She had no idea how to tell Patricia what she was thinking; she just hoped the younger girl was good at rolling with the punches. Ideally, Patricia would try to get herself out, discreetly, while Angie tried still to get in.

Adjusting her posture to lean in towards Tommy, letting her sheer wrap fall off a shoulder flirtatiously, she glanced up to him a bit bashfully. ”Had I known this event was so exciting, I would have come more prepared,” she murmured to him, a bit embarrassed. ”I don’t have an ID on me,” she gestured to the skin-tight outfit she wore and the lack of a purse or wristlet, ”But I am here on an invitation from Martino Bernadino...he can’t keep his mouth shut when he’s, ehem.” With a soft, flirty laugh, she mimed raising a drink to her lips, adjusting her posture again. ”Talking about all kinds of money and grandeur and excitement and even, this business of dealing with heroes... it’s enough to enamor anyone, I’m sure you understand. And so I asked to tag along and see what all of this was about.” Once again she trailed off, biting her lip and trying to size up Tommy’s reaction under the guise of briefly, somewhat modestly checking him out.

”I fear Mister Bernadino might be - feeling his drink, a bit; he excused himself to the washroom when we got here and I haven’t seen him since. Would it be possible that you could...vouch for me, in his stead? While I might appear to be a simple escort, I assure you, I have plenty of ...assets that may prove invaluable.” She bit her lip, deliberately letting some of her very real nervousness seep through and offering a smile that was equal parts sweet and sensual.

Sorry, Cupcake. I’m so sorry. She tried and failed to convince herself that she didn’t have to feel bad for acting like this while trying to salvage her cover. It’s just for a mission. Just a mission. I don’t want anyone but my Cupcake. I don’t want this. It’s not - I’m not cheating, am I?
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

The blood in Patricia's veins turned to ice as Brie burst into the room. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkk... Her eyes bulged out of her skull, and she had to try hard not to scream. What the fuck was Brie doing?! Patricia wasn't sure if the unpleasant buzzing feeling was fear or anger. Maybe both? She, like everyone else in the board room, had heard her cry out outside. And had seen her burst into the room, knocking over the mafioso. She tried desperately to keep her mask up- a cold, uncaring woman- but her hands trembled in her lap, and she glanced around the room uncertainly. It was all she could do to keep from visibly panicking, but her breath hitched all the same. This was definitely the last time she trusted Brie for anything work-related, for sure- if once they got out of here, she was going to throttle her.. She made sure to glare at the girl as she passed by, gaze furious.

But first, she had to actually get out of here. Patricia took her ID out of her pocket, fingering the eagle on one of the corners. It had been enough to get her into a bar, yes, but to a discerning eye, it was blatantly fake. It had been a rushed job- only meant to get her into a bar, not to pass an inspection that her life might count on. She almost dropped the ID, her hand shaking like a leaf. Glancing to Angelica, it was clear that the other girl wouldn't be much of a help. Angelica clearly had a good angle going. Patricia wouldn't screw it up just to save her own hide. After all, the information getting out was the important part. And Angie could get it from Tommy Gugliano... yeah. She'd just have to try a riskier angle.

God, she hoped this would work. She hadn't been counting on getting tortured today.

As one of the mafia goons approached, Patricia extended her ID lazily. She leaned back in her chair languidly, unzipping her jacket and looking at him through hooded eyes. She ran a hand through her overly-hairsprayed hair. But her hands still shook slightly, and her breaths were coming a bit faster. "I hope everything is up to standards, sir," she said in her best imitation of a purr. She internally winced at her own voice.

"This is clearly a fake," the goon grunted after a moment of examining it.

Patricia's heart pumped. Fuck. She had been seriously hoping that would work. She batted her eyelashes up at him again, but he had no reaction beyond a slight reddening of the cheeks. Her seduction skills were not particularly good when the guy wasn't old and desperate, apparently. She cast a desperate glance to Angelica, who seemed to have a good thing going. Okay. Okay! She'd just have to do something a bit riskier.

Patricia bit her lip and stood from her seat, squirming around nervously. The goon watched her suspiciously, hand on his pistol. "W-well... I do have something to say, but I don't want to say it in front of everyone, y'know? Here, I'll whisper it in your ear..." She leaned in abruptly, not giving the goon a chance to shove her away. With her lips close to his ears, she quietly started singing. "La, la la la laaaaa..." If that worked, she'd then tell him, "My ID is real. There's nothing suspicious about me. I'm clear."

@Hitman@Amethyst@Danvers@Infinite Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Tommy Gugliano turned towards Angelica, looking at her with a fond smile. "Uncle M's not here? Figures. He's a good uncle, sure, but he's a drinker for sure, among other things...well, don't worry yourself, I can vouch for you." His smile was quite unlike the others at the table- it had a certain warmth to it, though that warmth was countered by a smidge of cunning and thoughtfulness as well. That being said, it was clear to see his heart was much wider than the rest of the mafiosos, even if that wasn't all that wide. As a grunt approached, he held to his word, waving his hand. "She's with me," he said simply, waving his hand at the grunt who had come over to check. "Don't bother." The guard, understanding, scuttled away quickly. Tommy looked back at Angelica. "It's not really safe here for you, without an ID. They can come at any minute and-" He was interrupted by a loud yelling noise near him, followed by the slam of a person hitting the hard wood table and the ringing of silverware.

"Eugh! Get your face away from my ear!" the guard yelled, overly loudly, as he grabbed Patricia and practically slammed her into the table, pinning her arm behind her back as he did so and twisting it, not enough to do any damage but enough to keep her from going anywhere. From his belt he grabbed the small syringe full of isolene that a new influx of cash had paid for, and he rammed it into the "BOSS! This random girl has a fake ID! And she tried to...I think sing in my ear? She's gotta be some sort of crazy hero spy."

Vinnie chuckled, currently chewing on a fat cigar. "Another mole? I have to say, I'm impressed. Ol' Powers didn't do a half-bad job here. If the one girl didn't mess up royally, that is." He laughed again, his pudgy, ugly face displaying telltale signs of amusement. "You loaded her up? Good. Bring her down to the compound with the other two. And make 'em talk. Use the pliers if we have to. Pretty young heroes aren't so pretty with no teeth, right? We'll make them squeal-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Vinnie."

All the grunts and other criminals in the room turned to look at the young girl who had spoken up, still sitting at the edge of the table, looking awfully smug. Her red eyes were focused on vibrant as she rested her chin on her knuckles, her elbow pressed against the table as she looked at Patricia. "She's with me."

Vinnie did not look all too thrilled with this revelation. "She's not with you, you dumb bitch, she's a fucking spy! She probably tried to do some crazy hero hypnosis on my men! You better believe I'm going to make her pay!"

"Let me repeat myself one more time." Katharine stood, walking around the table, her fingers trailing on the edge, as she made her way over to Patricia. The guard that was holding Patricia down, knowing that standing around her was a bad idea, stepped back instinctively, letting Patricia go. "She's. With. Me. She's an agent with my father here to check up on you. Needless to say, you're going to fail. Badly." Kat flashed a cutesy smile directly at Vinnie, though it was clear malice was underlying everywhere. "Now, are you going to listen, or are you going to regret?"

Vinnie made a few mouth noises, chewing his cigar angrily, glaring at Kat, having already gotten to his feet. After a few moments of silent contemplation (it looked like he was going to actually blow up), he removed the cigar from his mouth, spitting down at the ground. "Fine. FINE. Leave the girl. Take these two." He gestured with his cigar towards Brie and Will, who were currently flocked with goons and being held tightly. "You had better believe I'm going to tell your dad about all this."

"If you want to piss him off, you should go ahead. Come on, Daphne." Kat tugged on Patricia's arm, guiding her out of the room, shooting one last glare at Vinnie before exiting into the corridor.

Tommy sighed as the exchange happened, shaking his head, his arm having snaked its way around Angelica at this point to awkwardly hold her at the shoulders. "I can't believe they're making my dad of all people kowtow to this random teen girl! This definitely isn't my father..." He sighed, shaking his head, his curls bouncing in front of his head as he did so. "Sorry, I shouldn't vent to you...this isn't your business. We ought to get you out of here before Vinnie kicks you out, or worse. Or maybe you can hide somewhere, lay low for a few. My bedroom is open..." He said quietly, looking at Angelica thoughtfully. "My dad's on edge right now. Sorry for all this trouble."

Meanwhile, Will and Brie were roughly led from the room by a squadron of mafioso goons, taken away from the action down a narrow hallway into what looked to be a room chock full of wine. One of the goons, a hairy, muscled one that seemed to be more in charge, clucked at them. "Don't look, heroes," he said jokingly, before pressing his palm onto the lone barrel of Sangiovese. The wall rumbled before the hidden mechanism propped open a door, which Will and Brie were promptly dragged into. The room they were hauled into was a large, warehouse-looking space, with gray stone floors and steel walls, armed goons patrolling the open space and large crates of god-knows-what stacked against the walls in huge piles. Will and Brie were (roughly) escorted down the large open space over towards a large steel door. The goon-in-chief quickly tapped in a passcode, the steel doors opening revealing a medium-sized, empty room, like a small storage room in a warehouse.

The goons escorted Will and Brie to the center of the room, a large square in the middle. "Energy cage," the chief goon explained as Will and Brie were sat down in the middle of the metal square, where there were definitely some bloodstains along with a Hero ID card belonging to Richard Stevens, AKA Thundering Whisper. After being thrown down hard onto the metal floor, four glowing walls of some type of plasma energy sprouted up, connecting to a metal piece on the ceiling and thus sealing (haha auditory pun) Brie and Will to their fates. The head goon gave a cheerful wave. "Good luck in there!" he shouted, before walking out of the storage room, the heavy metal doors closing behind him with an ominous 'clang.'

Back in the manor itself, Katharine had guided (basically yanked) Patricia upstairs towards a guest room on the second floor. She tugged Patricia into the room, which was just like a normal bedroom, mostly bare-bones except for a small-ish bed and dresser drawer. There was a crimson suitcase full of clothes that was lying to the side of the room, and on what appeared to be some type of parrot stand was Katharine's Spectator, Bellatrix, who was (thankfully for Patricia) asleep and not exerting her insanity-inducing effects on Patricia. Katharine closed the door, before turning back to Patricia. She looked at her. "Patricia Donnelly," she said coolly after a momentary pause, staring at Patricia eerily, before suddenly and quite unexpectedly rushing towards her, pulling Patricia into a hug.

"It's so nice to see you again!" Kat squeaked as she held Patricia in a friendly hug, rocking her back and forth excitedly. "I haven't seen you in the flesh since...forever! You look super pretty, I couldn't even recognize you until you tried to hypnotize that asswipe!" She said all of this in a squeaky, high-pitched voice, almost like a fangirl, as she let go of Patricia, no longer looking like a murderous villain but more like a fairly normal teenage girl. "I mean, you probably don't remember me. We met when we were, like, toddlers. Our dads were very good friends!" She beamed happily at Patricia. "Ooh, Daddy's going to be so excited when he sees you...well, enough of that for now." Kat bounced on her toes. "Sorry about the isolene, some of the grunts here are very...piggish? They're pieces of shit, is what they are. Do you want me to fetch you something to drink? I know that sometimes the isolene can make you feel a little woozy."

@Infinite Cosmos@canaryrose@Amethyst@Danvers

As the vehicle pulled up by the suburban-looking house, Blake stepped out, putting both hands against the side of the car and taking some deep breaths. "Jesus...Jamie...how...the...fuck...did...you...pass....driver's....ed?" he panted a few times before regaining his bearings, turning towards the house. "Uggh...I guess this is the house? Looks...pretty normal. Almost too normal." Blake stepped towards the house, walking up to the front door. He knocked a few times. "Hello~? I want to rent some cleaners or something? Heard this was the place?" Blake then moved his hand to the doorbell and rang it once, before ringing it about 12 more times a moment later.

After waiting, with no response, Blake shrugged. "Guess nobody's home..." he muttered, looking over at the well-trimmed shrubs in the ground near the door of the house. Weird, why was the shrub wearing a hat? It then hit him.

"SHIT!" Blake yelled as the Emilio Ranucci popped out of the shrubs like a jack-in-the-box, pistol raised. Blake, luckily, had realized in time and jumped aside, throwing himself out of the way of the bullet and into the well-trimmed lawn, with Ranucci's blast instead shattering the neighbor's car window. Not missing a beat, Ranucci turned to face Rumi and Jamie, gun raised. "Move and you die!" he said forcefully, waving the pistol.

"Oww..." Blake muttered.


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tom dusted himself off and stood up, but cursed quietly as his head bumped the ceiling, the space not high enough to accommodate his full height. He looked around at the piles of boxes and trunks, before his eyes flickered back to Grace, looking at her as he crouched back down. "No problem." He cursed and then paused for another moment. "Like hell anything bad is going to happen to them, because we're going to bust them out and then get them the hell out of this fucked up mafia complex. THEN, we're gonna come back with reinforcements and free any other heroes that these sickos may have trapped here!" He tapped his food as he gave his quiet rousing speech to Grace, but paused as he heard some commotion below.

Tom crouched down further to the floor, and spotted a small hole big enough to look through. When he did so, he spotted a sight that made his blood run cold - Patty was being forcefully dragged through the corridor below him by a girl with black hair, who he did not recognise at all. He supposed it was just another mobster, but it was odd that they chose this girl to do it, there were surely enough big hulking mafia enforcers to drag Patty. This girl looked about the same size. Something was clearly off here... but he didn't have time to work out what it was as the two quickly vanished out of sight from the small hole in the floor. Tom sat up, putting his head in his hands for a second. Fuck... They have Patty. They found her."

He looked down through the hole again, expecting to see Angie being dragged along a few seconds later. However, all that came out was just a steady stream of heavily muscled informers and old Italian men, no Angie. That must mean she didn't get found out! Well, that was one more ally in Tom and Grace's new mission to bust everyone out. But he had to find a way to get Angie up with them. Tom left the hole alone and started rooting about behind the boxes, off to the direction of the main hall. "Come on... There's gotta be one, there's no way that this could be the only part..." Tom didn't let Grace in on what he was looking for, but soon it spoke for itself. After he moved a bright red trunk out of the way, he spotted another hatch at the side of the attic. Bingo.

Tom leaned down and gave it a tug, which opened it up nicely. Tom then went rooting around in a few of the nearby boxes, looking for a flashlight, eventually finding and old looking one which took a couple of tries to turn on. He then gestured to Grace, and crawled into hatch. The torch revealed that Grace and Tom would find themselves in a massive, dark space which was evidently above the main hall. He could hear a cluster of noise down below, but it was a lot less than before. He shined the flashlight about for another hole, which, luckily he found. He turned it off and looked down it.

Angie was able to be spotted immediately with her head of jet black hair. Some mobster had his arm around her. Ah, so that's how she was managing to remain in the room undetected, using her powers to make this . Poor Angie though, Tom thought. She must be absolutely hating this right now. Tom was just glad Blake wasn't here, or he was certain that all hell would break lose. Tom stood up and turned to Grace, turning the flashlight on and accidentally shining it in her face for a second. "Oops, shit, sorry." He whispered, moving the flashlight back down.

"Grace, you need to portal Angie out of there right now." There was a strong tone of urgency in his voice. "Please, they won't see where the portal has gone and they'll have no idea we've gone up here, come on Grace, portal her up here, then we can go in and free the rest!"

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

After pulling up and parallel parking on the side of the street, Jamie turned off her car and opened the door, stepping out. The car door slammed behind her. In her opinion, the drive had gone great. Google Maps had said it would take fifteen minutes to get here, but they had made it in only ten! She internally patted herself on the back for good driving. Glancing at the gasping Blake out of the corner of her eye, Jamie smiled. "With hard work, of course! It totally paid off, even if I don't drive exactly like they showed me." She patted him on the head and followed him up to the house, nodding along. "Maybe they're just cleaners, after all!"

That kind assumption was quickly dissuaded by a mobster jumping out of the bushes and aiming a gun at them. Jamie's heart skipped a beat as she threw her hands into the air. Her brilliant blue eyes widened, staring down the barrel of the gun. This guy was pointing a gun at them- something that Jamie did not appreciate. While having a strong power, she was definitely not bulletproof. And guns are things that kill people. He was trying to kill them! That obviously made him a villain- right? Right? And she could hurt villains. And she could totally do so without moving, and, as such, not getting shot!

Jamie subtly angled both of her hands at Ranucci- one at the hand holding the gun and the other at his leg. Glancing at her friends, she started to speak. "Woh, woh! Let's not get too hasty here, sir... I'm sure we could work something out!" She flashed him a smile before blasting the shit out of his gun hand and his hip.

The pistol went flying out of his hand and into the lawn. The mobster's wrist was snapped, his hand now in a position it definitely was not supposed to be. Likewise, there was an audible crunching of bone from the hip hit. Jamie grinned and walked over to the now disabled mobster, beckoning over her colleagues.

"Um. Do you guys have any questions for him or anything...?" She gestured to Ranucci. She certainly didn't know what to ask.


Patricia cried out in pain as her face was slammed into the table and her arm was wrenched behind her back. Motherfucker! That had not gone as well as she thought it might. She saw the needle coming for her neck and tried to squirm away unsuccessfully, only managing to tense up and make it hurt even more. This time, she yelled, trying (and failing) to kick out at the goon holding her down. As soon as the isolene entered her bloodstream, she started to feel nauseous. She turned green, swaying on her feet. This was accompanied by the furious, fearful beating of her heart, and the terrified tears welling in her eyes. She listened to Vinnie's speech mutely, crushed into the table. No teeth? Pliers? Tom and Grace had to come to save them because there was no way that that was gonna happen. Or else... or else... she'd never be able to kiss again! Or at all. And singing required her teeth.

She had just been about to shout out something very offensive at Vinnie before Katharine intervened. Patricia stared at her, bewildered. Who the hell did this girl think she was? She was definitely not with her, and the girl had actually seemed quite discerning. Patricia also backed up instinctively with the goon when he let her go, but had to put her hand back on the table to balance herself. Her eyes widened in fear, and her hands shook. What was going on? This wasn't how Brie and Will had been treated, and they obviously knew she was a hero by now. The idea of torture terrified her, but so did this girl.

Patricia tried desperately to pull her arm away from the other girl but found that she had a vice grip on her arm. She wasn't getting away any time soon. Before being dragged out of the room, she cast Angelica one last panicked look. Luckily, the older woman seemed to be getting on pretty well with the mob boss. After this, she would get the information she needed and bring back-up. These 'Zero' people would hopefully be taken seriously enough to warrant a full-out assault on the Gugliano manor- and she would be saved. She tried to keep these hopeful thoughts in her mind as she was unwillingly dragged through the manor and into Katharine's bedroom, keeping those tears from spilling from her eyes.

She entered Katharine's room and immediately braced herself for something bad. Torture. Sickness. Anything except what actually happened- a fucking hug. Patricia's mouth hung open in shock. At this, the tears spilled over. As Katharine let her go, Patricia backed up to the wall of the room, now crying. Her eyes were wide with fear, and she held out a hand in front of her to keep Katharine away. She did have to put her other hand on the headboard to keep herself from falling over, though- isolene combined with heels was not going well for her.

"I-I- don't- who are you?!" she whisper-shouted. The mention of her father made her blood run cold, and only made her more afraid. If this girl's father had been friends with her dad... that could only be bad. "What- what are you talking about? I don't know you, why did you do that- st-stay back!" Patricia shook like a leaf, crying with fear. "You- you're not going to k-kill me, are you? Oh God, please d-don't... why did you take me here? Instead of with the others? What are you going to do to me? I- I- oh God." Patricia looked she was about to faint, her face gone white from fear.


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Grace listened closely to Tom's very rousing (and quiet) speech. "Like hell anything bad is going to happen to them, because we're going to bust them out and then get them the hell out of this fucked up mafia complex. THEN, we're gonna come back with reinforcements and free any other heroes that these sickos may have trapped here!" Grace couldn't help but crack a thin smile. "At least you have a plan," she said hopefully, crawling over to where Tom was looking. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough hole space for her to look as well, so she simply hovered by Tom's side. When he stopped looking, she could tell by the expression of his face that what he had seen was not good. She shivered as they said that they had found Patricia. Poor girl.

"What are you...ah, smart," Grace commented, crawling after Tom and following him into the new dark space, one that she presumed was above the main hall where the meeting had taken place, crouching by the other peephole that Tom had found. Tom then turned to her, shining her in the face with the flashlight, causing her to fall back quite stupidly. She blinked a few times, regaining her bearings, as she listened to his request. She quickly grew mortified. "Tom, no, I can't do that! It's too dangerous, they'll go on alert, they'll find us, and they'll probably kill us on the spot. And plus, I'm a little low on energy right now..." She held out her palm, a small portal flickering in and out of existence. "And I can hardly see. This is going to probably end badly..."

Grace rolled up her sleeve. Her watch was PHANTOM standard gear that allowed her to send communications to others quickly and also contained an abundance of other features. Unfortunately, it had been connected to her phone, which was currently dead as a doornail. She turned back to Tom, taking deep breaths. Her normally clear-cut English was replaced by a Korean accent, and she tripped over a few words as she spoke. "We should really get help..." she whispered to him as she nudged him out of the way, looking for the peephole. "We can't fight a whole manor of people alone. Use your phone and call your Director. Or anybody. Please," she whispered to him, looking down through the hole again and running through some mathematical equations in her head. She took one more prolonged breath and raised her hand. A swirling portal appeared in front of her, but it seemed shakier than usual, the portal flickering in its shape and size and spewing purple sparks. The portal only lingered for a few moments before it spontaneously burst, releasing a shower of purple sparks everywhere along with a loud "pop" and a blast of strong purple light.

Grace fell back as her portal quite literally exploded, falling on top of Tom, looking quite distraught. "I'm sorry, I'm just out right now...sending those people so far across the city was a bad idea," Grace said to Tom, her thin eyes watery and looking up at him like a baby rabbit. "I think I might've given us away, too...ugh, I am so sorry," she repeated, wiping her face with her sleeve as she tried to recollect some steel in her voice. "Is your phone still working? We should call somebody. Jen-jang." She closed her eyes, taking some deep breaths, trying to regain some energy. She should've had enough to portal one person up one floor, but the stress of the mission was getting to her, which was unusual. Grace normally managed to stay calm. This, somehow, was foreign. Perhaps the thought that her new compatriots, all much more talented fighters than her, were practically all screwed over already. The girl shook her head, pushing these thoughts out of her mind, as she tried to muster up some confidence.

As she did so, little to her knowledge, her watch was still functioning; it was on low-power mode, but it was still alive. While it didn't have enough power to make a call, its other function, the tracker, was still alive, and if Grace was looking, she would've noticed a suspiciously, very high-power threat (possibly S-tier?) moving at very high speeds towards Watervale.


1. jen-jang (젠장): cathartic swear, roughly translates to "god damnit"

Kat watched closely as Patricia backed away, tilting her head like a curious animal. That wasn't quite the reaction she had anticipated, but she supposed that she could understand why. After all, this would be a confusing series of events had their positions been reversed. Kat patiently waited for Patricia to stop talking, before stepping towards her tentatively. "Don't be silly. I'm not going to kill you. I brought you here so that you wouldn't be killed. Or have your teeth pulled out. Your teeth are very nice, by the way." She approached Patricia cautiously, attempting to pat her on the shoulder. She shushed Patricia. "You're going to be OK, promise. I just didn't want Vinnie to hurt you. He does that to people sometimes, especially heroes. Hurts them. Badly. Sometimes with pliers. Before he sends them off. He's a little mean, I guess."

Kat grew closer to Patricia, trying to maneuver around her extended arm to get close to her. "I just figured, you know, maybe we could be...friends?" she offered hopefully, the word awkwardly falling out of her mouth. "I've never really had one before," she explained quickly. "And I just remember seeing you a long time ago, as a toddler, and you know, there were some memories there..." She trailed off for a moment, before quickly snapping back to reality. "I mean, if that's OK with you. I just, you know, wanted somebody my age to talk to. All of my colleagues are old and I never get to see any real teenagers."

She looked over at Patricia hopefully. "So that's why you're here, and not in the torture room. By the way, I guess you're stuck with the name Daphne until you get out of here. It's not that bad of a name, I think. Not as good as Patricia, though. That's a really pretty name," she said, a soft tinge of red falling upon Katharine's snow white cheeks. "So, like I asked you before, can I get you something to drink?" She reached down into her luggage. "Hold on...I have...a-ha!" she exclaimed with glee, yanking out a bottle of expensive mineral water and extending it towards Patricia. "This should help!" she offered to Patricia, looking at her with surprisingly innocent eyes.


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

As Katharine moved towards her, Patricia put her hand down and wrapped her arms around herself instead. She stared at the black-haired girl as she spoke, eyes wide. When Katharine's hand touched her shoulder, she flinched but didn't move away. Despite her terror, she managed to listen to the girl's speech attentively. Friends? Patricia had never heard anything so absurd in her life. It was so absurd that she chuckled a little but quickly stopped herself. Her fear receded. This girl seemed genuine. Even if she was clearly deluded. She took the water bottle gratefully, hands still shaking a little, and took a long drink. "Thanks," she said.

Patricia put down the water bottle after half of it was gone, hesitating to speak. "I-I- that's not how friendship works." Her voice trembled. "I-I mean. I'm a hero, and you're a villain. You know that, right? Even if we met when we were- what, 5? Once? Maybe then, we were friends, but now... you said your father was a friend of mine, my father is a convicted serial killer, that's really not the best family connection." Patricia said all this gently, not in her usual blunt tone. Normally, she would've been much meaner, but she had enough presence of mind to understand that cussing out the villain that had just saved her from torture would not be a good plan. If she wanted to get out of this with her teeth intact... well, she had better play her cards right.

"B-but, you know, friendship does usually start with talking..." Patricia shrugged and took another shaky sip of the water. Her heart pumped fast in her chest. "S-so... um. After this. What are you guys going to do with us- with the heroes? Why? Where are you sending us?" she asked, voice going high at the end.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"...Why did I agree to get in this car again?" Rumi asked to himself, clenching his seat belt like his life depended on it. Rumi didn't drive himself very often, but he was very certain people were not supposed to drive like an irresponsible lunatic. Rumi started to doubt the authenticity of Jamie's driver's license, but soon came to the conclusion that she both couldn't and wouldn't make a forgery, which only made the topic even more concerning. Fortunately, the ride had ended, so Rumi could relax a bit now. Taking a moment to calm himself, Rumi then looked out the window, looking at the cleaners' business site. It was unimpressive, and just as dreary as the other drab establishments around it. In other words, it was a perfect camouflage, as no one would look twice at this place. "Let's see if their 'cleaning services' are up to par," Rumi said, stepping out of the car.

Hardly any time had passed, however, before they were ambushed by some punk with a gun. Rumi was stunned. Not by the fact that they were ambushed, but by the fact that only one person armed with only a small caliber pistol thought he could take on three heroes. His point was further proven when the poor mobster was quickly dispatched by Jamie. Looking down at the man, Rumi shook his head, disappointed at their first encounter. "If he's still conscious, I do have a few," Rumi said, pressing a button on his utility belt. A small blue field emerged from it, enveloping him before turning transparent. This was a barrier designed to deflect fast-moving projectiles, capable of stopping short bursts of bullet or laser fire, but would not last any longer than that without recharging. He also ordered his nanobots to form pieces of makeshift armor, mainly protecting his chest and limbs. Crouching down, Rumi reached out and grabbed Ranucci's neck, keeping him down on the ground while using just enough pressure to keep him down while not choking him. Rumi began to order, "Hey, stay awake now. We need you to answer a couple questions. Who's the boss here, and how many of you guys are here?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I-I- that's not how friendship works...I-I mean. I'm a hero, and you're a villain. You know that, right? Even if we met when we were- what, 5? Once? Maybe then, we were friends, but now... you said your father was a friend of mine, my father is a convicted serial killer, that's really not the best family connection."

Kat pouted. "We can be, like, cross-organization friends? I dunno. Or, even better, you can join us! I'd love to have you. You can be, like, my top lieutenant. Some of the older villains have, like, mini-squads that work for them! I mean, I don't have to be your boss, y'know. We can be partners! Your power is really cool, by the way. I haven't heard firsthand, but I've heard you have a really pretty voice." Kat, now that Patricia was listening, seemed to be chatting up a storm.

"B-but, you know, friendship does usually start with talking..." Patricia took another sip of the very high-quality water. "S-so... um. After this. What are you guys going to do with us- with the heroes? Why? Where are you sending us?" Kat smiled happily, looking over at Patricia with wide eyes. "Ooh! I can tell you, but no telling your other hero friends, OK?" Apparently oblivious to the fact that Patricia, as a hero, was undeniably going to tell all of her hero friends ASAP, Kat continued to ramble on. "So, basically, after Vinnie does his terrible stuff, the heroes get sent to ZERO HQ. I'm not a fan of the torture, personally. It's really cruel. I mean, they are heroes, so they do absolutely deserve it, but I try to keep a moral high ground," Kat said, before quickly adding, "You're not bad though, Patricia! You're basically one of us. You should be, anyway," Katharine said, giving Patricia another quick hug (she really liked hugs) and totally ignoring the fact that this statement would likely mortify her before continuing.

"Afterwards, we bring the heroes to the Ultra Death Machine. Well, it's not called that, of course, but that's what it looks like. Using the machine, we give the heroes a 'quick, merciful death.' At least, that's what Daddy told me," Kat said, pausing to think for a moment. "Though I always found it strange that they scream when going into the machine, if it's so painless and merciful. But anyway, it's a really cool machine. It's, like, really big, and it looks like one of those CAT scan machines! So anyway, what the machine does is-" Her speech was cut off by the sounds of "How Will I Know" by Whitney Houston emanating from her phone on the bed. "Oh, sorry, Patricia," Kat said, reaching over to grab the smartphone and picking it up, putting it against her ear. "Paradox? What? I can't hear you...it sounds like you're moving really quickly right now!"

There was a pause, before Kat spoke again. "What? No, no way! You can't see me! There's no cameras in here!" She looked around frantically. There didn't seem to be any cameras in the room.

Pause. "Wh-what?! No! I'm not a traitor, I swear!"

Pause again. "St-stop! N-no! Don't do that!" Katharine was tearing up at this point, water brimming at her eyelids. "Pl-please! I'm n-not!"

Another pause. "Y-you're so m-mean to me, Paradox!" she practically shouted into the phone. After another pause, she yelled, "Shut up!" before hanging up. The poor female villain was in tears, curling up on the bed. "I hate him...I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him..." she repeated over and over again, for the first time not trying to actively grab Patricia as she sunk into a little ball, head between her knees, as she began to sob. "Why does h-he always choose me?" she asked, probably not to Patricia. "J-just because of who my father is he does this. Nobody else! He only ridicules m-me! We're s-supposed to be on the same side b-but he just...h-hates me! I don't know wh-why!" She continued to sob heavily. Evidently either this Paradox person was a really horrible human being, or Katharine was just an incredibly sensitive person. Or perhaps both.


As Blake wiped the dirt and grass from his elbows, he watched the now-downed Ranucci, who was currently in a lot of pain. Blake shrugged. "Was that just me or was that possibly the worst assassination attempt ever? Like, he had the element of surprise and he didn't even hurt one of us. That's pathetic." Blake chuckled as he walked over along with Jamie and Rumi, watching Rumi put on his magic shield and armor. Blake smiled. "He already got disarmed, Rumes. His gun is in the shrubs right now." Blake pointed to the shrubs, before looking back to Ranucci, who began to respond to Rumi's inquiries. "Vinnie's the boss...and there ain't nobody in there, please, just lemme go!" Ranucci yelped, reverting to a hillbilly Southern accent. "The heroes are in the other building, through the trapdoor..."

Blake leaned in. "So in the end, he wasn't even a real Italian! That's weird. So, terrible assassin man, what's the deal with these captured heroes?" Blake leaned in, hoping for an answer from Ranucci, when the man suddenly began to shiver, before then full-on thrashing in Rumi's arms, like he was being electrocuted. Blake first went to Brie, but of course the girl wasn't there, and probably wasn't anywhere near the area, so Blake ruled her out. Little to Blake's knowledge, inside his chest, Ranucci's defibrillator was going wild, before eventually it stopped, Ranucci's eyes closing as his heart stopped as well. Blake watched in shock and a bit of horror. "Rumi, check his pulse. Is he actually...shit, man, what the hell happened? People don't just die like that. Did you stab him with some...science juice?" Blake asked accusingly, a little unsettled. The man did just try to kill him, and Blake was not exactly mourning, nor would he chalk up any plans to attend the man's funeral, but nobody deserved to die like that. He had to admit that he was just a little disturbed by what had transpired.

He was about to be a lot more disturbed.

Blake sighed. "Let's go inside...ooh! Airplane!" Blake pointed up at a soaring object that was zooming through the sky. "Hold on..." Blake muttered, scratching his head. "That's definitely not a plane...that's...no way...."

The word Blake was thinking of was "person" as said "person" came crashing down in a nosedive, smashing directly into the house and causing the small, unimpressive building to crumble like a cookie. Blake coughed as dust and probably asbestas launched outwards in a plume of smoke and dust. As the smog cleared, Blake observed the man standing in the ruins of the house. He was tall, very tall, but his most obvious feature was that the man appeared to be wearing some type of robot suit or something. Polished metal covered every inch of his body, up to his face, which had a strange helmet look to it. Across his silver-black body were lines that were currently pulsing green. The man/creature(?) looked at the three.

"Firebird. Quake. Sir E. Brum." the robot/man said in a decidedly robotic voice, as he appeared to be scanning the trio. He stepped forwards, two large pieces of metal emerging from his back that Blake could only assume were bazookas "My name is Paradox. You are outgunned. Surrender now or be annihilated."

"Burn in hell!" Blake shouted, before releasing a pillar of flames where Paradox stood. The flames enveloped Paradox as they rushed towards the sky. One palm raised, guiding the flames upwards, Blake looked over at the two with a smile. "A lot of really pathetic villains," he noted with an arrogant grin, before allowing the fire to cease. "Well, that was easy-..." Blake blinked as he noted that the man was still standing there, shoulder bazookas out, as he was currently surrounded by a pulsing green forcefield. The forcefield vanished as Paradox's mood lights turned to blue. "I accept the terms of your surrender," Paradox noted with an eery robotic laugh, before firing two missiles at high speeds, one at Blake and the other at Rumi. Blake was expecting to be eradicated but instead, the missile released a net that ensnared Blake and pinned him to the ground- he could only assume the same was happening to Rumi. Blake struggled against the net- they weren't isolonic, thank God, but they were very tough and heavy, and he would need some time before he could burn free.

Meanwhile, Paradox turned to face Jamie. "Quake categorized as S-Tier hero. Field testing and data collection authorized by Command-1." He spread his arms, his voice as robotic, monotonous, and choppy as possible. "Hit me with your best shot, hero."

@canaryrose (again), @Scarifar

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 11 days ago

William was hauled to his feet, along with Brie. With both of them dosed with Isolene, and then restrained, there was not a whole lot he can do. William huffed in anger, over the treatment Brie is received. "She is a lady goddammit. You fucking Italians are supposed to have respect for woman, no? What would your nona think about this? You hug your mother with those hands? I'd be fucking ashamed if I were you fucks." William cursed out.

"Nevermind about me. We have got to get you the fuck out of here. These fuckers get hard off of seeing other people suffer." William said, while struggling mightily with each step he took against his captors. When the muscly goon went to stick his hands in the wine barrel, William chuckles. "Ah. Is that supposed to be a dig at me having my face pressed against some grapes? Laugh it up. Go ahead. As soon as this is over, I'll make sure something else is pressed to your face." William said, nodding his head once confidently at his groin area. "Besides, the wine that is in that barrel is probably some back alley swill that not even pigs would drink, you tiny dicked steroid addict." There was definite venom behind his words, unlike Brie have seen from William.

Once led inside the storage space, Brie and William were essentially tossed into a plasma holding cell. "I hope you have something better. This little shit is not enough to hold me back. Trust. Do you even know what my power is? Do you?" William said, voice hissing with malice. "I'd suggest you let me out this instan-" The goons waved and exited the space, the metallic doors closing behind them.

"For fuck sakes. Brianna, are you alright?" William turned to her, his voice soft with concern and emotion. "You shouldn't have came charging in like that. And you lied to me. A shitty lie at that." He let out a soft chuckle that showed that he was more sad than amused. He did his best to move around and visually check on Brie, to make sure she did not sustain too much injury. "Alright. I think my dose of isolene might be wearing off soon. Hopefully. When I get my power back I'll get us out of here."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Jamie could only watch, horrified, as the life faded from Ranucci's eyes. Her blue eyes widened in shock. Why was he... what? Had her hit done this? The thought must've disturbed her significantly because she went mute, just staring down at the body. She had never killed somebody before- not even a villain like this guy had been. It was a terrible feeling- like a big rock in her gut, weighing her down and rooting her in place. Of course, if Jamie had taken even a moment to think about it (which she rarely did), she would've found that she couldn't possibly have been the direct cause of his death. After all, she had deliberately hit the parts of him that wouldn't kill him if smashed. A broken wrist and hip, while painful, wouldn't've caused a death like that. But Jamie was too busy thinking about how she had just committed her first murder to think about that.

Jamie half-heartedly stood, putting her hands by her side again, and cast her gaze to the sky when Blake pointed up at something. An airplane? Airplanes were fun, she guessed! Even if she was permanently banned from three major commercial airlines. But... why was the plane falling? This realization quickly replaced her concern about murder. "Holy crap, you guys, the plane's CRASHING-"

She was interrupted by a silver-black, vaguely person-looking thing crashing headfirst into the house. Debris and smog went everywhere. Jamie popped her goggles on and put her face in her elbow like she was about to cough. She did, in fact, cough, but tried her best not to breathe in the smog. Once it cleared, she would move towards the house to check on the person who crashed. I hope they're okay! That was a weird-looking plane, though... But her concern abated as she found that this crashed guy was not a guy at all- he was some kind of robot? She stepped back, cocking her head. She had to wipe the dust from her goggles to see fully, but... he looked odd. An unsettled feeling joined the guilty one at the bottom of her stomach.

Jamie's eyes narrowed at the man (Paradox's?) demand for surrender. Who the hell did this guy think he was?! "Surrender my ASS!" she screamed, just before Blake shot a huge pillar of fire directly at him. She had had her hands raised and a blast prepared but instead shot Blake a big thumbs up. She grinned. That had been easier than she had thought-

Or maybe not. Things happened almost too quickly for her to comprehend. Paradox literally rose from the ashes with a weird green forcefield around him. She simply blinked at this. Maybe he'd take a bit more firepower to take down than she had originally thought? But then both Blake and Rumi were shot down. She turned to Blake, panicked, before realizing that he had simply been netted. Not properly shot, thank God. She turned her gaze to Paradox, eyes now deadly-looking.

Nobody fucked with her friends.

Ignoring his choice of words, Jamie started to use her power at full-throttle. The ground began to tremble violently, sending white-picket fences around them falling. "GO TO HELL!" She raised up her hands and simultaneously aimed two intense blasts of vibrational force at Paradox. Her face was twisted up into a snarl. Playtime was over, it seemed.


"We can be, like, cross-organization friends? I dunno. Or, even better, you can join us! I'd love to have you. You can be, like, my top lieutenant. Some of the older villains have, like, mini-squads that work for them! I mean, I don't have to be your boss, y'know. We can be partners! Your power is really cool, by the way. I haven't heard firsthand, but I've heard you have a really pretty voice."

Patricia's face twisted up into a scowl at this. She had always despised being called a villain- especially by actual villains. But, of course, she immediately smoothed her face back into something that only slightly resembled angry. She had to keep this girl happy. For the mission. "I-I'm not a villain. I'm a hero. I like my job. B-but thanks. For the compliment, I guess."

When Katharina started her ramble about what Patricia actually cared about- the information- she listened, nodding along. "Ooh! I can tell you, but no telling your other hero friends, OK? So, basically, after Vinnie does his terrible stuff, the heroes get sent to ZERO HQ. I'm not a fan of the torture, personally. It's really cruel. I mean, they are heroes, so they do absolutely deserve it, but I try to keep a moral high ground. You're not bad though, Patricia! You're basically one of us. You should be, anyway," Katharine rambled on, oblivious to the disgust building on Patricia's face. She almost interrupted Katharine to say that she was, in fact, not one of them, and would never be, but closed her mouth when Katharine started talking again. This girl was either really lonely or a blabbermouth. Probably the former.

"Afterwards, we bring the heroes to the Ultra Death Machine. Well, it's not called that, of course, but that's what it looks like. Using the machine, we give the heroes a 'quick, merciful death.' At least, that's what Daddy told me."Katharine paused for a moment at this. Meanwhile, Patricia looked absolutely horrified. Her hands flew to her mouth and her hazel eyes went wide as saucers yet again. Ultra Death Machine? She had to be messing with her. But this girl didn't seem like the type to be messing with her. She sounded so nice, but she talked of killing casually as if it was artful. A mercy. Patricia was immediately reminded of her father. But she swept away the thought. This girl's father was the monster.

"Though I always found it strange that they scream when going into the machine, if it's so painless and merciful. But anyway, it's a really cool machine. It's, like, really big, and it looks like one of those CAT scan machines! So anyway, what the machine does is-" Katharine's disturbing speech was interrupted by a Whitney Houston song blasting from her phone (good taste). Patricia felt vaguely frustrated at this interruption. The girl-villain had just been about to get to the important part. The part that she needed to bring back to Director Powers, to get Division X on them and stop this entire insane thing.

Patricia mostly zoned out during the whole phone conversation, staring at the wall in horror. It didn't sound like 'Zero', whoever they were, was going to use this 'Ultra Death Machine'' on her- Katharine had reiterated several times that she wasn't going to kill her. But Brie, and Will, and Angie... Patricia couldn't just let them die. She had to get out of here somehow. Maybe the door-

Her inner planning was interrupted by Katharine's sobbing. "I hate him...I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him..." she repeated over and over again, sinking into a little ball, head between her knees, beginning to sob. "Why does h-he always choose me?" she asked. "J-just because of who my father is he does this. Nobody else! He only ridicules m-me! We're s-supposed to be on the same side b-but he just...h-hates me! I don't know wh-why!" She continued to sob heavily.

A thread of empathy pulled at Patricia's heart. She found that she could relate, in whatever insane capacity. Maybe this 'Paradox' guy was like her Seraph? She could definitely understand being targeted because of lineage and for no other reason. Patricia found herself drifting to the bed. She hesitantly sat and put a hand on Katharine's shoulder. The door was locked anyway, and the goons would definitely shoot her if she made a break for it. Maybe she could convince Katharine to let her go. "There, there..." Patricia was not the best at comforting. She patted Katharine's shoulder awkwardly. "I-I get it. Some of my older coworkers do that to me all the time. Insult me, that is. You wouldn't believe some of the things they've said," Patricia chuckled humorlessly. "You just... you have to remember... you're your own person. N-not defined by someone else. He just hates you because he's bitter. Or, well, I don't know. Th-that's just how it is for me."

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