@BlueSky44@FantasyChic@Achronum@Nallore@Natsu@Kirah@TrainerBlue192@Framing A Moose
September 1st, 1984 - 2:50 P.M.
The Hospital Wing -
To reach the Hospital Wing would require walking down seven flights of stairs. It was located on the first floor, not too far from the Great Hall. As it was the beginning of the year, no one was resting in the beds inside. A few students were being given some calming draughts to aid with their anxiety on the train - one of them being a first year with white hair that hanged to her shoulders and a large moon pendant necklace.
"Miss Lobasca, you'll wish to speak to Professor Snape," Madam Pomfrey told her. "I can assure you, Hogwarts is perfectly safe... Mr. Harrington, what on earth did you do? My goodness," she chided. She moved on over to Artemis, her robes sweeping along the floor as she walked. Chiara gulped down the potion Madam Pomfrey had given her. Madam Pomfrey tsked her tongue slightly, before casting the bone mending charm, healing Artemis' wrist instantaneously.
"There, now try not to break another bone before the start of term, hmm?"
Gryffindor Tower -
"Oh, my summer was smashing! I got to play with the Holyhead Harpies this summer, my mum was in the same year as their captain," Skye gushed. "We gotta nail the cup this year. I hope you and Mintfree are ready, we've got to be absolute mad women if we're gonna win... And we have to." Her family was legendary for their Quidditch abilities, even having invented the famed Parkin's Pincer. It was a move used by chasers, where two chasers would come up on the opposing chaser on either side, allowing the third chaser to fly at them head on and steal the Quaffle.
"My dad got us tickets to see the Chudley Cannons," Bill chimed in. The Weasleys were incredibly poor and they couldn't afford to go to expensive matches - the Chudley Cannons were the worst team in the Quidditch League and tickets to see them were rather cheap.
Skye didn't look really impressed. Her father was a member of the Wigtown Wanderers. "Anyways, what about you, Crane? Mintfree? Get loads of practice in this summer?"
Ravenclaw Tower -
People were coming into the tower, heading off for their dormitories and getting changed. In the fifth year girls' space, Rowan Khanna was feeding her cat, Fuzzclaw. She was a bit of an oddball even amongst the Ravenclaws. She had a habit of growing her hair out to an extreme length, only to turn around the next day and chop it all off. And since there were some magical spells for hair growing, this happened more or less on a weekly basis. Whenever her hair was short, she seemed to be in a bit of a grumpier mood, though she had moments of extreme joy whenever someone mistook her for a boy.
"Oh hullo, Mary," Rowan greeted. "Congratulations on making prefect - I know you're going to be brilliant at it."
Down in the common room space itself, the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team was slowly assembling. The players had gotten changed into their robes and they swarmed Zelda like a bunch of needy kittens, with Andre Egwu smirking slightly. Kyle, a Beater, was the twin brother of Philomena, one of the Slytherin Beaters. He was a third year. The Keeper, Josefina, was a sixth year and the seeker, Audrey, was a fourth year.
"So Zelds, you got your eye on anyone to play Chaser and Beater?" Josefina asked curiously. They only had five members of the Quidditch Team returning.
"Maybe Keeper too, if Zelda decides to fire you," Audrey teased, sticking her tongue out.
Hufflepuff Basement -
Penny Haywood came out of the dormitory space for the fifth year girls, her hair done in two braids at the front and the rest of it allowed to flow. She was wearing her school uniform. "Oh, hey Georgie," she greeted warmly. "I'd stay to chat, but I have to go help with the first years... But let me know if you need anything, okay? Or just want to talk?" The two of them had been living in the same dormitory for five years and Penny was a perceptive person. She knew that Georgina was feeling upset over what had happened earlier, only she didn't have the specifics.
More people were coming into the common room now, heading off to get changed into their robes. Once they were changed, they mostly came back into the common space, finding a seat and talking with their friends. A few of them were glancing over at Georgina as they whispered.

Location: the Dungeons - the Slytherin Common Room
Magic: Pocket Sneakoscope
Donning her school robes, Paige left the dormitory and went into the common room. The green lighting and furniture contrasted richly with her wild ginger locks, her hair looking almost like fire in comparison. A few Slytherins had started some games of Wizards' Chess. Others were sitting by the roaring fireplace, discussing the events on the train. Most students in her house had some connection to the Death Eaters - and at least half of them were related to each other in some fashion due to centuries of intermarriage amongst the pureblood families.
Her eyes moved over to the trophy case, grimacing slightly. One of the trophies it contained had her brother's name - Simon Atwell. He had let Hogwarts bring out the worst in him, using his magical skill to terrify innocent people and attempt to establish a racist new world order. Paige's worst nightmare was that she would end up like Simon. No matter how many people assumed she was a bigot just because she was in Slytherin, Paige strived to not just give in and become other people's perception of her. She wanted to blaze her own path - and hopefully win the Order of Merlin, First Class (she was a Slytherin after all, being ambitious was part of the game).
The sneakoscope in her pocket was silent. Maybe it really was busted, as Merula and Ismelda were laughing it up over by the fireplace and it wasn't making a peep.
"Paige!" Barnaby hollered, gesturing at her to come over to where he and Liz Tuttle were sitting. Liz was a fourth year student completely obsessed with magical creatures. She had a bit of a mad scientist sort of vibe to her, wearing thick circular gold glasses.
Paige smiled, tearing her thoughts away from Merula and pureblood supremacy as she wandered on over, taking a seat next to Liz. "What's up?" Paige asked. "Oh, you guys wanna sit together tonight and make bets on who gets sorted where?" she then added. It was always a bit of a fun game, guessing where someone would be sorted just based on their name.
"You'll never believe what Kettleburn is doing this year," Liz gushed, her eyes sparkling. "Therapy cruppies! The OWL students - and me, since I bothered him nonstop about it last year until he wore on down and agreed to do it - are going to raise them and then they'll help out students with anxiety and depression."
"Aww, that's sweet," Paige replied. "But what if we end up wanting to keep the cruppy? I'm not sure I'd be able to raise the little thing and take care of it and just let someone else play with it. Or do you think I could convince Kettleburn that I'm mental?"
"Paige, don't worry about that, just think of the cruppies! I could finally realize my lifelong dream of having a cruppy bath! It's where you have a lot of cruppies, enough to cover you - so more than two - and you let them pile on top of you until they're just a big mound of fluff and cuddles and wiggles!" Barnaby exclaimed.
Paige giggled. "Cruppies poop and pee unexpectedly, you know... Is Kettleburn gonna make us cut tails off so they look like muggle dogs? I always thought that was barbaric and cruel. I'd hate it if someone cut off my arm just so I'd look normal."
"Maybe we could make a petition," Liz suggested. "If enough people signed it, maybe Kettleburn'll have to concede that it's creature cruelty to do that."
Paige's mind briefly darted over to what Dumbledore had mentioned - that he might bring Newt Scamander to talk to them. She wanted desperately to tell Liz and Barnaby about that, they both would have died from excitement, but she didn't dare. Dumbledore had already more or less threatened to tamper with Artemis Harrington's memories. She didn't want to give him a reason to kick her out of the Scamander Society and do the same.
"I'm so excited for the cruppies!! I'm gonna name mine Spot!" Barnaby said, too excited to focus.
"What if it's a girl?"
He paused for a moment, deep in thought. "I think Spot works for girls too."