I like surprises.
I personally would like at least one post to gather my.... supplies before we take off. I promise to do so by the end of Friday. If that's too late and everyone else is waiting, you may nag me to get it done sooner.
EDIT: Y'know, it would be nice but not really necessary to get that post. If everyone else wants to move on, it can just be a surprise for later.
<Snipped quote by Raylah>
But maybe the pirates have like, um... a botanical garden? A pirate one?
Okay yeah, maybe Elm isn't super relevant to this one.But a lighter post about what's going on in the rest of the ship could be cool!
<Snipped quote by Jeyma>
Well if you find something interesting, bring it back to the ship, I will plant it somewhere
<Snipped quote by Jeyma>
That's an interesting way of saying "He prefers to grow his own weed."
<Snipped quote by Starlance>
I mean, I'm sure Elm does too.
But wouldn't smoking weed be like, cannibalism to a plant person?
she found this funny, as if Carabello expected her to go on strike and avoid watching particular areas of the ship.
A couple of things I would like to knowbefore I post...for clarification purposes.
1) It's just Rod, the Doc and I in Alpha?
2) Is it ok if I refer to Robin as 3rd in command? It's for posting purposes only. She would be like "Scotty" on "Star Trek" not looking to take command, but if pushed into service she will.
Basically Robin will be giving an order to Alpha shuttle for when she is crawling under the ship.
Actually that brings up a question, about how many non PC crew members are there? Elm has two assistants, and I can imagine Mason having a nurse or assistant of some kind if that's the case.
<Snipped quote by MST3K 4ever>
Yeah. Unless you wanna bring in some NPC Redshirts. A generic pilot or security guard, maybe?
<Snipped quote by MST3K 4ever>
Mmm... that's a tough one. After Carabello and Korax, I imagine that the third in command would probably be Gue'rach, due to his experience, age and administrative background.
But if you need her to give orders, just have her be in charge of Alpha Team. In that group, she's the most experienced and even the most educated.
<Snipped quote by Randomness>
I was honestly trying to avoid this question for as long as humanly possible. I'm still tempted to drop some vague non-answer like "As many as you want there to be."
But alright. This has a lot of Trek influence, and the ship that I used as the Prize's image is a fan-made modification of the Enterprise F from Star Trek Online. I don't know how big that one is, but the Enterprise we see in TNG has roughly 1000 people
1000 folks seems a bit much. But, it would fit with Raylah's post that gave the Prize room for 7 greenhouses. It would also fit with Mason needing medical staff, because there are too many people for one doctor to handle. And finally, that fits my stubborn insistence that we have a shuttle big enough to carry 2 dozen people.
Still, 1000 strikes me as too big. So let's tone it down to about 300, with the space to have greenhouses, shuttles and other yet-to-be-named rooms.
So, TL;DR: The Prize is a massive ship with roughly 300 individuals on board
Everyone cool with that?