Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

⚫ Brookside.
⚫ Police Station.

⚫ Evening.

🐻 @DClassified
🏺 @Rabidporcupine
💀 @Shard

Driving into Brookside was never a decision founded in peace of mind. Indeed, Azhar was more concerned about the wellbeing of his car than his own safety. It was quite a decent vehicle, he would admit, one given to him by the company he so tirelessly worked for. Slowly bobbing his head in tune to the music trickling into his pointed ears, Azhar, or Zee, or perhaps even Requiem considering the circumstances, enjoyed the tune from a pair of headphones mimicking the voice of Nina Simone. ’It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me.., Azhar parked his car, large black eyes landing on the police station. Police officers continued undisturbed on their routines, uniformed crime fighters moving in a path towards a constant war against chaos. Azhar often mulled over the thought, what police truly thought of his kind. Not mutants, no, but Heroes. Those who stood up against darkness with powers otherwise unfathomable. Were they an addition, or merely an obnoxious inconvenience.

’And I’m feeling good.., the song continued, Azhar’s hand falling to the door before allowing a path into the evening air. With a deep breath, Zee locked his car and started towards the entrance of this building dedicated to law and order. Occasionally raising a clawed hand as he waved towards a select few officers warranted a small, growing smile that bridged its way across the mutant’s lips. He had come across Brookside’s Finest in the past, and their efforts had not gone unnoticed. Where Heroes found themselves raised to impossible heights, officers were often forgotten. Azhar still recalled his deal with Monster Energy, where he was used in an advertisement. An endearing proposition and the thought called forth a string of laughter from the boy.

Following the directions dictated by officers along the way, the mutant finally found his Heroic friends where they were waiting for his arrival. However, subsequent to the mutant boy’s entrance, Zee felt his phone giving off a sound. Kim Possible, if anyone was able to deduce the strings of beeps. He had been sent a message.

“Hmm, maybe I was just imagining it.” Joseph said, slipping the rune back into his pocket. He’d been sure he’d felt the rune activate, although he was fairly drunk… Well, whatever the case, at least this meant that he wouldn’t have to worry about the cashier, and could focus on tagging along with Sam. Normally, he would be the last person to go out of his way to look for extra work, but it just so happened that he may or may not have accidentally broken a few of the eggs in the shopping bag when he’d dropped the gun in with them. He was lazy, but he wasn’t stupid. There was no way he’d be going back to the Hag with broken eggs. Therefore, he needed to find a good excuse for why he never made it back, and what better reason to give to the old ex hero than hero work?

Before he could speak to Sam and express his eagerness to get cracking (heh) however, he heard an unnervingly familiar ringtone, and turned to see a certain demonic child walk in to join them.

“Oh, hey Az.” He said, sending the kid a lazy wave. “Question, how do you know that ringtone? You darn young folk usually don’t have that kind of respect for anything before your time.”

Samson was patient while Joseph figured out whether his rune had activated or not. It was strange to him, these runes, as it was one of the only things that he encountered that he couldn’t sense. It only displayed that there were powers beyond perception out there, and not all of them were as harmless, or lazy, as Joseph was. All the more reason to get back to the mission. His purpose for being here was done, he had alerted the authorities. Now the hunt began.

As it appeared, Joseph wasn’t in need of his services so he was soon to start back out. When he turned his head though, Azhar was walking in. He had gotten here much quicker than he anticipated. A corner of his lip upturned, but not much more. Hearing the beeping that emanated from his phantasmic friend, his eyes narrowed some.

”You may want to address that or turn it off. We’re taking a more quiet approach this time around.” The hunter suggested, pulling his hood back over his head.

Reaching a clawed hand into his pocket, Azhar managed a sharp-toothed grin as he looked towards the older gentleman. "Yusuf..," the boy began, still clearly unable to pronounce his ally’s name. However, at this point, it was difficult to deduce if Zee was deliberate in his tone, or if he truly could not comprehend the difference between English and Arabic in this instance. "I am three years younger than you," he stated, holding up three claws. "Three," he repeated.

Despite possessing merely twenty-two years of life, Joseph seemed entirely too eager to adopt a disheveled persona. Alcohol, misery, and constant regret. It was an aspect Joseph embodied, for reasons Azhar had been presented, in the past.

There was a slight tilt of the boy’s head, as his eyes fell to the screen of his Hello Kitty draped phone. A message from Thomas. They did not usually communicate, and while Zee had added his co-workers to his device, messages were generally only sent between them in times of peril. He tapped a stylus onto a chat bubble that revealed itself across the screen, the boy’s gaze widening once light was shed on such distressing content. "They’re in big trouble," the mutant commented. "Like, they might die, kinda’ trouble," he continued, a clawed hand gently scratching the back of his head. "Captured by the Mob, huh..?" The boy shifted his attention towards Samson and Joseph, "Sammy," Azhar began, "you take point on this. I’ll back you up." It was a common maneuver between the two. Samson was a hunter and a frontline combatant in a single package. He made the perfect leader, and the giant was certainly someone Azhar could put his faith in. "Yusuf, are you sober enough?" The mutant raised a brow, those black orbs lingering on the alcoholic. Samson and Azhar weren’t the impulsive Heroes their co-workers represented. They were less than eager to work outside of a professional approach.

“Three years is a long time.” Joseph said. “You can miss plenty of stuff in that time. Shows, birthdays, the realisation that your life is going nowhere...”

He paused, his eyes glazing over for a moment before he returned back to the moment.

“I was going somewhere with this, but I forgot where.”

Despite his current attitude, his eyes widened as well when Az informed them that the others were in danger. However, it was only a small change, and brief enough that it was probably unnoticeable.

“Huh. Well, sounds like a good enough excuse to me.” He said. He managed to work up enough false confidence to smirk when Azhar asked if he was sober enough to help. “Nope. But something tells me you’re gonna let me come along anyway...”

A decision had to be made. It was rather concerning that fellow team members were in danger. Considering the scope of the danger was life and death, for heroes of their power level, it was clear what route to take. The police were going to get people out of the area anyway, hopefully. Further, if the threat that has their companions continues on, how many more people will they hurt worse?

With his mind made up, he started walking. With Zee’s suggestion of taking point, Kanati was already trying to map out some kind of strategy in his mind. The mob was no ordinary gang. In fact, from what he had heard, their boss was reputable for killing heroes. Hopefully they wouldn’t be getting there too late. The fact that they didn’t take their cell phones yet was an indicator that they didn’t have them pinned just yet.

Half a mind made him want to call Christina, as she was standing in the director’s place in his absence. Instinct told Kanati that he didn’t need to worry about that. As they talked about Joseph’s eligibility to come along, due to his involvement with alcohol, Sam spoke up.

”Despite his impairments, we may still have use for his versatility. He managed to bring in one criminal today at least. I imagine, from the recency, he was drunk then too. So long as he performs his craft from a distance until fully prepared, he should be fine.” Kanati spoke quickly, simply to end that part of the conversation.

Once outside, he debated for a moment.

”I’m going to opt out of the car ride. I may be able to get to the mansion quicker by my own means. In which case, getting a view of the situation. I’ll meet you there.”

Rubbing his forehead, Azhar managed a sigh. "I’d prefer my teammates to be sober," the mutant stated. "If our leaders followed procedure, Yusuf would likely be on leave." Though the obvious flaws of HERO and its employees had brought several layers of frustration to the surface, Zee’s attention was quickly stolen by a new notification on his phone. This message was not sent by another Hero, but rather, it was an alert.

They had a location, now. A section that appeared to mark itself a notable distance from the Mafioso mansion, their actual target. "Christina notified me. We have an entrance, I think," Azhar informed, his black-eyed gaze turning towards Samson and Joseph before handing the giant their coordinates.

A short pause lingered while those demonic orbs found themselves fixed on the less sober. "I don’t decide what you do." Zee slipped that phone into the confines of his pocket. "Three years is a long time, right? Far be it for me to question my elders."

Azhar didn’t mind Joseph as an individual, but back home he would never have made it into MEDIC. He was in a state of intoxication more often than not. The man was unstable, and as such, incredibly unreliable.

If asked, the dark mutant couldn’t imagine jeopardizing his mission because bottles appeared tempting. Part of him wanted to leave HERO, if honesty found its way to his lips. It was an unorganized, unprofessional, and incredibly destructive attempt at a gathering of crime fighters, but that was irrelevant at this moment. Azhar, or Requiem, had a duty to uphold. His personal reservations would need to wait. Additionally, Samson was correct. Despite current circumstances, Joseph did have his uses, impaired as he may have been. "We’ll see you there, Sam. Let’s go, Yusuf." Azhar finished, before starting towards his car.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Brie held her hands out towards Will as he asked to see them, watching as he began to work on breaking the cord. "You did-..." She began to exclaim as the zip cord snapped, clamping a hand over her mouth when he gestured for her to be quiet. Removing her hand, she mouthed 'sorry' before shooting him an earnest grin. Brie looked much more content now that the restraints were off, apparently being unable to maintain a low mood even under such circumstances. She rubbed at the points on her wrists where the cord had been tightened, a deep red mark present where it had been digging into her skin. Even she thought it was stupid that they hadn't restrained them using something more secure but she wasn't going to question it now.

"Oh, Powers didn't pick the team. I did." She replied offhandedly to his comment about the team members as she walked around the small cell, still rubbing at her wrists. "Yeah, I'm sure they'll be fine!" Brie repeated her thoughts from earlier, still having no qualms that the pair would be okay. At the mention of Graces powers, Brie just shrugged her shoulders. All she knew was that she could make portals and as soon as the Korean hero had mentioned that math was involved, she had promptly stopped listening. The idea of actually having to do some sort of mental work in order to use your powers seemed terribly boring to Brie.

"Right. I haven't said this to you yet. You look great, Those heels give you legs for days. And again. I can never be angry with you."

Although she had been momentarily distracted by thoughts of the other heroes, she turned back to Will as he complimented her, a small smile pulling at the edges of her lips. "Thanks!" The abruptness of his praise had surprised her and a tinge of blush began to appear on her cheeks, although she pushed it down before it hopefully was visible. "It's kinda fun to dress up like a mobster. Makes me feel like I'm a spy or something!" This was technically the first undercover mission she'd ever been put on (who knows why) and she couldn't help but take some amusement in the frivolities of pretending to be someone else, even if she had been unable to maintain the facade for very long.

"There is something I want to try...Hopefully it works. And quick. We won't have much time after I start... Can you run? Fuck it. No matter. I'll carry you out of here if I have to."

Brie couldn't help but let out a soft laugh when he offered to carry her. As romantic as that would be, she still had full use of her legs and although she felt a little tired, she knew this would dissipate once the adrenaline kicked in. "It's alright, I can run." She nodded, reaching down to take off her heels. Even without her powers, she was a pretty decent runner but if she made any attempt to do so in these things, she knew she would be face down on the floor within seconds. Holding them loosely by the fingers of one hand, her gaze followed Will as he began to set to work on cutting through the machinery.

"Woah, great idea Will!" She encouraged eagerly, her eyes fixed on the two streams of water. Luckily she had learnt her lesson and made sure to keep her voice down to a quiet hushed tone. "I think it's gonna work!" It was interesting to watch him use his powers, for he didn't flaunt them often. Her own leant easily to everyday use - turning off a tv, recharging her phone, hotwiring a car etc. Brie loved that she could do these things and consequently, she did them a lot. Will, on the other hand, was far less show-offy in comparison to many of the other A tiers, and she found herself being fascinated when he did use them.

@Infinite Cosmos
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

"I am not fat!" Patricia whisper-yelled at Grace's comment, turning away for a single moment with crossed arms and a pouting face. "You're just way too skinny."

Patricia listened to Tom speak, nodding along and following him down the walkway. She did, in fact, feel a little like shit. Breaking out of here would be way easier if she still had her powers- Vinnie's definitely wouldn't protect against hers. And crowd control was always great to have. But stupid her had to go and get caught and jabbed. Now, they had two powers and a suspicious-looking machete among the three of them. Normally, that would've been fine, although not ideal. But now... well, they had to free 3 people from the clutches of an organized crime ring that were working with what seemed to be some of the scariest people this side of the planet. Her power could've neutralized them all in seconds, but all they had were portals and gravity.

Patricia audibly gasped as Tom said that Angie had been captured. She wedged herself into a spot where she could see out of the hatch and looked on in horror. No, no no no... But... Angelica was so smart and covert and responsible. How had she gotten caught? Had it been Patricia who had given her away? They must've remembered that the two had come in together and figured out that Angelica must be a mole, too. Patricia bit her lip. They couldn't let them kill her- no way. She couldn't even imagine the look on Eliza's face if her sister died. The thought made her stomach plummet. They had to save her. The urgency of the situation thrummed in her veins. She wasn't entirely sure how they could beat them by themselves, but they could try.

She nodded along at Tom's plan. In the back of her mind, she thought it was a little reckless and would definitely get them murdered, but... they had to take the chance. She clutched the machete, a look of resolve settling in on her face. "Yeah, of course," she whispered to Tom before he kicked in the hatch and dragged Grace and her down into the hallway. She was about to slash at the goon when Grace hit him with a portal, sending him crashing into a light fixture. At least she had tried Patricia half-scowled, glancing around at the three unconscious people littering the ground. If she had her powers, she could've put them all to sleep easily. And without as much noise.

"Angelica!" Patricia rushed to the woman once the fight was over, worry and relief in her eyes. "Thank God you're okay. Let's get out of here and go free the other-"

Patricia whirled around at the sound of Vinnie's voice, her heart suddenly pumping a mile a minute. Her gaze widened at the sight of the gun. Shit! All the things she had read about Vinnie in the folder suggested that he was not fucking around. And just when they had been about to escape. What a bastard. Both anxiety and fury were swimming around in her chest.

Patricia glanced at Grace, who was kneeling on the ground as he had asked. She should probably follow Grace's lead. The older woman was smart, and responsible, and experienced, but... ugh, she didn't want to! But it made sense. She had half a mind to throw a high heel at his face but knew that he was more likely to shoot her in the head than be distracted by it. And any other angry thing she did would also be met with a shot to the face. So, gritting her teeth, she knelt slowly on the ground next to Grace.


"Christina!" Jamie shouted, a wide smile appearing on her face. She turned to her boss, clapping with glee as Paradox flew away. "Woo! You beat him!" She was happy to see Christina. The fight hadn't been going too well, and her appearance seemed to be just the thing to drive him away. She had been just a little worried that they might not get out of this one whole. She went over to Blake to help cut him free, but it seemed that Christina had already done most of it. So, instead, she listened to the two of them talk, following them into the rubble of the house.

Jamie hung back for most of it, having not been given explicit instructions. She would have helped to clear the rubble, but she wasn't sure if her power would just make it worse or not. She picked up on most of the conversation- that Tom, Patricia, Angie, Brie, Will, and some girl that she didn't know were in trouble. She frowned. That didn't sound good at all. But they were about to go save them, so they would probably be fine soon! She squatted down to sift through the rocks with Blake, blowing a few piles away with a well-placed shockwave. They'll be okay soon, she reasoned to herself, but her stomach was plummeting all the same. She hadn't watched a lot of movies or read a lot, but being stuck in a mansion with mafia people sounded bad. And she wouldn't want any of her friends to be hurt... just the thought made her feel sad.

She wandered over to the hole after Christina announced that she had found it. Peering down it, she gulped. It looked like a ladder going into the abyss. But if this led to her friends... well, she had to save them! She looked up to Rumi and Blake. "Of course we won't, Christina! We'll be fine, don't worry. Um, you guys... I'm going, just to make it clear. I guess... come if you want?" At that, Jamie hopped on the ladder and started to climb down into the tunnel.


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 24 min ago


Starbright couldn't say he had met a girl like this before. It was honestly strange how difficult she was making it to drop stardom on her lap. But an opportunity like this wasn't something he was about to pass up, so he would have to play by her schedule.

"Alright we will play it your way, after schools to work on the song and Sundays to work on your... stage presence." Starbright got up from his seat seeing that the conversation was over. 'She probably needs time to process that she meet the greatest star in the world', thought Starbright. "Oh yeah you mentioned a fundraiser, right?" he spun back around. "That would be the perfect place to announce the song. It will get you some more followers and it will get me hype for the new album. Plus it would rake in a lot more money."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"...Science really has come far if that is indeed his real body," Rumi murmured to himself. "But to augment himself so much... the sheer volume of weapons and design features on his body, and the capability to prevent inertia from destroying his body..." Rumi then shook his head. "Paradox claims to be 'the pinnacle of humankind', but with that level of augmentation, can he really be considered 'human' anymore?" Rumi thought of augmenting his own body on more than one occasion, but every time he chose not to, instead only relying on other sources of aid such as his nanobots and his various gadgets. At first, it was only because he didn't want the hassle of maintaining those parts. Sure, he could automate the maintenance, but it wouldn't last forever. The more he thought about it, though, the more he wondered just how much could be changed before the line between "humanity" and whatever else was out there was crossed.

A beep sounded on his visor, interrupting his thoughts, and a window popped up that revealed the location of the trapdoor. "There it is," Rumi announced, heading over to the site. Once there, Rumi recalled the drones, having them disassemble themselves and revert back to nanobots. After Christina smashed in the trapdoor, Rumi peered down the tunnel. Supposedly, there were Heroes down there in need of a rescue, and the people around him were here for just such an attempt. "We'll do our best, Ms. Lavender," Rumi said, nodding his head. With that, Rumi began following Jamie down the ladder.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Azhar's Car.
💀 Mafioso Tunnel.

💀 Evening.

💀 @Rabidporcupine

Samson’s words had remained fixed in the young mutant’s mind. Everyone had their uses, despite every flaw. Indeed, perhaps Azhar had been too hard on the man at his side. A drunk he was, but a useful drunk. Joseph Moore was a man with a dark past, and that was an unfortunate truth none could free him of. Zee recalled what the dark Hero had been told on a distant helicopter ride across Mexico, and yet another tale spun over a campfire. Joseph struggled in a manner not too dissimilar to Azhar, himself. Indeed, they were both seeking to outrun a foe constantly hounding them in spirit, mind, and body alike.

"I am sorry," came a soft-spoken statement from the foreigner, his typical Arabic accent trickling through every word. "You are.., going through more shit than people will acknowledge," Azhar continued, his large black gaze maintained on the nightly street before them, his claws gently grasping the steering wheel. It was, at times, difficult to separate the silliness surrounding HERO’s crime fighters, from a more serious disposition. What had come to pass in regards to Joseph’s past, an event he desperately attempted to outpace, appeared almost brushed aside by the others. Yet again, Azhar’s thoughts found themselves returning to a specific conversation held between himself and the drunk.

"I was a bit too harsh on you, I think," the mutant spoke, stopping by a red light as his attention briefly shifted towards Joseph where he sat, in Azhar’s car. "That said..," the boy sighed, "I do not believe that you’ll find the escape you’re looking for at the end of a bottle." A silent pause laid itself across their conversation as if a blanket, strangling further speech until finally, Zee decided to utter himself once more. He had learned that American men rarely spoke of their issues, which was a similar setup to what he had grown used to, in Lebanon. Additionally, Joseph was often reduced to little more than comic relief, an individual others were quick to discredit.

"I am afraid, too," the Middle Easterner confessed, his clawed fingers tightly grasping the wheel. "It’s getting more difficult for me to control myself," he revealed, a recent conversation brushing over his thoughts. A conversation with Astral, the villain. Indeed, Azhar moved through the mind-games with what appeared to be professional grace, but was one to truly analyze the boy, mood swings would clearly make themselves known. "It feels kind of like.., something else takes over, sometimes." Azhar explained, exhaling a small breath. "Something that has no reservations, or insecurities. Something that just wants to..," he paused, the boy’s sharp teeth clenching. He knew what he wanted to say, but it was getting increasingly more difficult to express those words. Yes, indeed, it felt like Zee was harboring two sides of himself, two blatantly opposing forces within his own mind. A side which smirked in the face of adversity, gladly revealing those shark-like teeth in a display of supremacy, and another akin to a whimpering child.

It came and went, as people said. Some days were better than others. However, one thing remained. Every single day, Azhar longed to release his powers, and above all, he wanted to discard that bracelet circling his forearm. That infernal trinket which constantly strangled him, and lulled a supernatural force into dormancy. A force that roared with a single desire. "We’re here," came an end to their conversation. They had reached the destination afforded them by Christina, and the hatch which allowed the Heroes access into an underground tunnel stood on display.

Placing a hand on the door, Azhar turned off his car and proceeded to step outside. It was time to attack this mansion Thomas had spoken of, and save their friends. Perhaps a dangerous prospect, but one Zee was gleefully looking forward to. A notion which terrified the whimpering boy within.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Amethyst


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Interacting: Starbright! @Jumbus

Eliza gawped at him, and how casually he mentioned announcing the album on her stream. Didn’t – didn’t he have PR people, and stuff, handling his image? Wouldn’t he have to – have to ask them, or something?

The color drained from her face, already fair complexion nearly matching the sheets of music strewn around. He really - he thought it would be this easy, to get her ready to be on stage? Really? Three years of therapy and a variety of techniques hadn’t been successful…but the promise of stardom was supposed to be. Right….

As he turned around to face her again, she stared at him blankly. “You want – me to announce the album. Your album. On my stream. I have – I m-m-mean I’d – I’d love to, but – but – I only – I only have two thousand, t-t-two thousand followers!” She could barely get the words out, she was so terrified (and some part of her, deep down, excited). “Won’t your, your – your PR people, won’t they b-be – don’t you have to announce it y-y-yourself?”

In the moment when Tommy’s gaze met hers, his face morphed into some incomprehensible anger, Angie felt all hope leave her body, all of her usual rationality and pragmatics replaced by pure panic. Her arms and legs felt they’d turned to slush, and afforded little resistance to Tommy as he wrenched her arms behind her back, goons falling into line around them.

A liability. The word flitted around in Angie’s memory, lurking somewhere behind her apparently heartbroken stare. She’d done it, again.


Another fucked-up mission. The only kind of mission where she was any good in the field, and she’d fucked it up. Again.

This time, Powers probably wasn’t going to try to get her out. She remembered vividly how angry he’d been, the last time she’d messed up. That rescue had required Division X, and had generally been more of a headache than anyone had been ready for. At least this didn’t seem it would be that bad…hopefully.

Still. She’d thought she was getting better at her job since then… but apparently, not. Thoughts of Blake flitted in front of her mind’s eye – when they’d both been teens, he’d made fun of her for getting caught, and needing rescued. On her first mission, at that. Guilt overwhelmed her, and she glared over her shoulder at Tommy, furious at herself for even thinking to have used seduction for this part of the mission. How dare she betray Blake like that.

So lost in her thoughts was she that she was taken completely off-guard by the nauseating feeling of sharply losing her sense of “down”. As she drifted into a somersault from the force of Tommy’s push, unable to stop herself, she got a very good glimpse of Hero’s own Tom and Tommy struggling, hearing the crunch of Tom’s face behind Tommy’s knuckles. She winced, and then gasped out in pain herself as Tom turned the gravity back on, dropping both of them back to the floor. At least she didn’t fall nearly as hard as Tommy did, she noted, cringing at the cracking sound that came from his impact.

As she struggled to her feet, trying to force air back into her lungs, she glanced to Patricia, her gaze softening as she took in how worried the young teen was; poor thing seemed terrified and overwhelmed. It was her first undercover operation, and all, Angie knew, and she extended a hand and a soft smile in the moment, trying to offer some advice to help the younger girl keep a level head.

All of her reassurances died on her lips, however, as Vinnie Gugliano himself stepped into the corridor, a gun in his hand. Grace hit the floor pretty quickly, she saw, and Patricia soon followed, though the younger girl looked both terrified and furious… That wasn’t good.

She glanced to Tom, then back to Vinnie, weighing her options. Have to buy some time. I have to buy some time. If they separate us we’re done. I – what – what can I do? After what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a second, a thought wormed its way into her mind.

She’d go quietly, alright. Though it was absolutely too late to go un-caught, she put her powers on fully, focused on Vinnie and Tommy alone, as well as any goons who might be about to enter the area. Her hands away from her sides as nonthreateningly as she could, she placed herself between the trio of other heroes and Vinnie, moving towards him slowly, trying not to flinch away from the gun. Her fear and anger and guilt and frustration at herself all bubbled up in the form of tears, spilling over her lower lashes and beginning to drag her mascara and eyeliner down her cheeks. “Please, you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to- you d-don’t have to be this violent.” Her voice shook heavily, the tears and emotion lacing her tone entirely authentic for once. “Please, you don’t have to take the rest of them. It’s my fault we’re even here. Let them go, just take – just take me, and let them go, and we won’t bring – they won’t bring ICOSA down on your head.” She did not really believe a word she said, and it was apparent in her tone that she had no real hope of rescue, but she had to get him talking and his men to not drag her friends away to such horrors as torture and certain death…
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Christina gave a curt nod as the two descended down the ladder. "You going too, Blake?" she asked, though the redheaded young man had already made his way over to the tunnel and had one leg in. He looked up at Christina with a determined expression plastered on his face. "No shit I'm going in. My best friend and my girlfriend are in there. Also, like, my other two closest friends. And also...uhh, Patricia's there too, I guess." Blake took another step into the tunnel as Christina nodded knowingly. "Alright, Blakey. Good luck in there. Oh! And also. This is very important. You have to make sure that you-"

Blake was already gone.

Christina sighed. "He can be such a meathead sometimes."

Blake was descending the ladder into the hidden tunnel as rapidly as he could without descending directly into Rumi's face. As he clambered down the ladder like a chimpanzee, he thought about the situation. He might've been a little hurt that he hadn't been invited on this cool, top-secret mission, but he totally understood why. His powers weren't exactly subtle or suited for an undercover operation, and neither was his personality. Any pain about his exclusion from this secret group was overridden, though, by the pain of his friends being in danger. Tom was the type that was confident in himself and his powers. He wouldn't send an urgent text to Blake without really being in trouble, and Blake couldn't help but be a little worried for his friend. Tom had saved Blake's ass more times than he cared to admit- hell, he had saved his ass just a week ago when they were fighting all the damn Ambleweeds. Blake would be crushed if he wasn't able to reciprocate that when Tom needed him.

His mind drifted away from Tom to Angelica, worry still gnawing at his mind as he thought about the situation. He'd be sick to his stomach if he was too late to be able to help her. The same went for Brie, William, Patricia- they were his good friends, a second family to him, and he would be damned if he was about to let them get fucked up by this creepy-ass mafia organization.

Blake's feet hit the ground as he looked around. It was a dark tunnel with a damp, mildew-y scent to it that ran down straight. With no visible light switch, Blake simply conjured a small fireball in his hand, casting some light over the area, and went first, guiding the trio down the corridor. It looked the way it smelled- damp, disgusting, stone walls, like some sort of access tunnel. The corridor ran for a while down to a steel door with a small, flickering lamp above it. Blake put out the fireball and quietly tugged on the door's handle. Locked, of course. Blake quickly noticed the flimsy door handle, though, and he put his fingers up against the doorknob, sparks flying as he did some makeshift Firebird "repair." Before long, the door handle had fallen quietly to the ground, and Blake slowly opened the door, intending to peek through and examine his surroundings. He saw a small shipping facility area with several large crates sitting there, a few armed men sitting about the room, a couple of them smoking in the corner. Just then, out of nowhere, the villain struck.


The door creaked, very loudly, and all eyes went to Blake's red head that had appeared in the doorway. He frowned as they slowly lifted their guns. Blake gave an annoyed "Shit!" before casually lobbing a fireball at a guard and slamming the door shut. Luckily for Blake, the room was a shipping area for moonshine, and much to Blake's surprise, he felt a wave of heat hit the steel door as the moonshine exploded. When Blake opened the door a few seconds later, he saw no more crates and all the goons lying, literally smoking, on the ground. Blake blinked. Now he knew how it felt to be Jamie.

Blake walked across the shipping facility, stepping over a few unconscious bodies (possibly soon-to-be cadavers) as he made his way across the room. On the other end of the room were a pair of metal doors with windows, and through said windows Blake could see a large open space layered with doors, guards patrolling the open area, most of them armed to the teeth. So this was the main area of the compound. Blake looked back at his mini-crew. "Alright. I'm gonna try and get into the actual mansion itself. You guys look around here. Don't get killed. Sounds like a plan?" And before they could disagree to Blake's non-plan, Blake barged through the swinging doors and lobbed a few fireballs at the unfortunate guards that were closest to the door. Blake leaped for cover behind what appeared to be several large crates of cocaine as the guards were alerted. The facade of stealth had been dropped, but considering the large open warehouse-like area didn't leave much room for sneaking, the facade was likely to be dropped anyway.

Blake lit a few fireballs, lobbing some more, before jumping behind another pile of illicit substances, no doubt. "Don't worry, guys," Blake muttered. "I'm coming. Just hold on. One moment and I'll be there." He smiled as he lit two more fireballs. "One moment and they're gonna regret ever laying a finger on my friends."

@canaryrose @Scarifar

As Grace fell to her knees in submission, she looked over at the other girl, Angelica. Grace had sensed that Angelica was quite reasonable from their limited interactions thus far, and so when she started moving closer towards Vinnie, instead of away, Grace decided that she definitely needed to do a better job on this "first impressions" thing, because Angie was either clearly insane or attempting suicide by crazy mafioso. However, Grace was surprised to see that somehow Vinnie wasn't shooting. Instead, he seemed to be weakening, his gun hand dropping to his side, his body quivering like the mobster was crying.

Grace deduced that she had some type of suppression-based ability, able to inflict some sort of emotional trauma on targeted people. A very useful power indeed. And it was working!

At least, it was working until Grace realized Vinnie was not crying, not at all. He was laughing. The sick bastard was somehow laughing through this, his body heaving as he began to audibly chuckle, his voice echoing through the hallway, like some ugly Italian version of the Joker. And now his gun hand was coming up...oh no...

Grace tried to muster up some more power to open a portal, to do anything, but she was too late as a loud BANG! resonated out from the pistol, the bullet streaking through the air. The shot was luckily not intended to be fatal, instead piercing Angelica's right thigh, slashing it across the side. Grace winced at the sight of the blood, forgetting everything as she got off her knees, running over to Angelica and kneeling by her side. "Shit...hang in there, OK?" she whispered to Angelica, looking up at Vinnie defiantly.

"A lot of gusto to use that power on me. I don't like mind games. Not one fucking bit. And you know what I do to people who play mind games on me?" Vinnie lifted the gun, the weapon aimed at Angelica's forehead. "I blow them to fucking bits."

Grace concentrated as Vinnie aimed at Angelica again. She would have only one opportunity to do this, so she'd have to make it count. As Vinnie squeezed the trigger, Grace opened a small portal in front of Grace's head. the bullet whizzing into the portal instead of turning Angie's forehead to mush. As Vinnie stared, confused, at the glowing purple portal where there should have been blood and gore, a second, even smaller portal the size of a mitten opened up in front of Vinnie's chest, the bullet launching out of the small portal and piercing directly through Vinnie's chest. As both portals closed soon after, Vinnie staggered back, blood splattering over his nice shirt and the nice carpet as he clutched at his chest wound, surprised. Grace pulled Angelica back, hoping she hadn't lost too much blood. She began to shrug off her nice jacket (it would be ruined, but she didn't care) as she looked over at Tom urgently. "T-Tom...kick his ass," Grace said confidently to her ally as she prepared to wrap the jacket around Angie's wound. She ignored the fact that her right hand was stone gray, her veins purple, her skin on said hand flaky. She could get that fixed later.

Meanwhile, Vinnie was livid. The hole in his chest already healing, he found his bearings and began to lift his gun again. "I should have killed you bitches the moment I laid eyes on you," he muttered as he raised his weapon, prepared to take action once again.


Meanwhile, back over at the trapdoor entrance, Christina waved as she saw Zee get out of the car. "Nice seeing you, Zee!" she said with a joyful wave as the deathly mutant got out of the car. "Thank you for coming. We need every hand we can get. And is that Joseph in there?" She raised an eyebrow. "Well, I suppose he's another pair of hands, even if he is drunk. Listen, here's the situation."

"Blake, Rumi, and Jamie went down there already. They've been down there for, what, five minutes or so? Hopefully, they're OK. That tunnel should lead over to their base. Once you're there, find everybody and get out. Be careful, too, don't let them catch you, because I think their morals are definitely off at this point. I've called Division X, and they should be here in..." Christina glanced at her watch. "Ten minutes tops? We'll launch a split push on the actual manor and through the trap door at that time. Director Powers'll also be on his way back, and I'm going to assume he wants a bit of vengeance." Christina smiled at the thought, before getting serious again. "Be careful. The people in there...are no joke." She gave Zee a pat on the back. "They're counting you, buddy. Go give them hell."

Little did she know how seriously Zee was going to take that phrase.


Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 24 min ago


Starbright chuckled to himself as the proposition to announce the song clearly got Murmur flustered."Don't be silly, the album was announced just yesterday. I was meaning announcing the song. Just do your charity stream thingy and then I can pop in at the end and help you announce it." Starbright started shuffling around in his pocket for something. "I realize you still have a way to go in terms of confidence and that will be key when you get on stage in a month." He pulled a business card out of his pocket and handed it to Murmur. It was as cheesy as you would expect, a picture of Starbright's face occupied half of it.

"Either way just ring me up to let me know when and where this charity stream is and I'll pop in at the end. I like to surprise my audience, of course. We will start work on the song after it. That should give you plenty of time to think about it." 'And say yes' Starbright finished his sentence in thought then strutted out of the room with the same panache he entered. Leaving Murmur to her thoughts.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Mafioso Underground - Warehouse.

💀 Evening.

💀 @Rabidporcupine
💀 @Hitman
💀 @canaryrose
💀 @Scarifar

With Azhar’s gaze finding home upon Christina, the boy managed a small smile. She wasted no time in affording him a rundown of the situation, a quick and effective picture painted for what was to come. They were all soldiers in this war, irrelevant of age and experience. Indeed, Azhar had been trained throughout his life to harness the powers within. He had been taught how to conduct himself in combat, and how to best wield his abilities alongside others. Not everyone was afforded that privilege, as more than a few Heroes were plucked from the street. They had as much a reason to participate in this battle as anyone. A desire to protect not only those held close and dear, but everyone. "I’ll do my best," Zee commented, his smile a somewhat melancholy display.

Where excitement for battle had always been present, an unmoving desire resting within Azhar’s heart, it had been replaced by glee. A sensation that clawed at him mercilessly, an addiction which was making itself known, as if withdrawals were choking the boy. Shifting his attention towards a ladder leading into the darkness of an ever-stretching tunnel, Azhar exhaled a labored breath. Something was building inside of him, a warcry slowly working itself towards the surface. One would be safe in claiming that the demonic mutant had completely forgotten about Joseph, despite the man’s presence.

Without another word, Azhar proceeded onward. He slipped down the ladder, every motion bringing him closer towards the darkness beneath, his exposed skin responding with a dim glow. A Ghost in the shade, a Devil approaching through the blackness. Irony was not entirely discarded, however, as Azhar’s glow was more akin to that of an Angelic being, no matter how dimly he shone.

It did not take very long for an imminent battle to ensue, ahead. The sound of explosions rattled the tunnel, and with wide eyes, Azhar picked up his pace. Weightless steps brought him further through the damp darkness, movements soon accelerating into a jog, which in turn formed itself into a sprint at the sound of combat. "It’s begun..," Azhar clenched his teeth, the boy’s heart beating against his ribs like a jackhammer. He didn’t know who was behind him, if Joseph had decided to come along, or not. He didn’t care. Only one thing mattered. With every single step, the rising adrenaline took complete control. A reasonable question would, however, be in regards to what that addictive sensation truly was. Adrenaline, or a base, natural desire. Time and time again had Azhar been called a Devil, or Shaitan in Arabic. A slur he decided to own, one he claimed and wielded. Monster, Devil, Demon, Abomination, each one a term Azhar embraced wholeheartedly. However, with calm serenity replaced by something else entirely, statements of what Azhar had decided were endearing may have shifted, if only for the moment.

A short string of time passed before Zee finally saw the outline of people, in the distance. He was lucky to have been blessed with greater sight in darkness, a tradeoff for his hampered gaze beneath a sunlit sky. Unable to prevent the aura of Spectral Energy now blanketing him as if a reflexive maneuver, a sharp-toothed grin bridged itself across Azhar’s lips. Jamie, Rumi, and Blake were all present. Goons had been blasted through, and with a large warehouse stretching itself across the continued interior, Azhar laid eyes on Blake who was yielding to a defensive stance, avoiding bullets heading towards him with furious speed.

The deathly mutant was not a physical individual. The sprint he had performed would have tired him out, was it not for the peculiar emotion confiscating his every desire. Bloodlust. Extending a clawed hand, Azhar conjured forth a devastating wave of Necrotic Force which swallowed the mobsters attempting to riddle Blake with lead. Not a moment was spared to catch his breath, and he barely registered Rumi’s, nor Jamie’s presence.

If one was to listen, a massive slew of footsteps were aimed at the underground warehouse. Blake’s arrival had made sure of that. However, where Azhar previously shook his head in response to abandoning caution entirely, he now stood trembling with excitement. Phantasmal Force licked itself across his body endlessly, as if a second layer of clothing. Every single breath exhaled a gust of continuous Deathly Energy, those large, black eyes fixed on the direction confessing to an influx of incoming enemies. "Go..," Zee spoke, his ghostly voice embraced by heavy breathing, an otherwise mystical voice with Demonic tones elevating its latter presence. "Save your friends," he continued, clawed hands trembling in delight as the Necrotic Powers coating him began to swirl in a dance around Azhar, akin to a violent wind. "I’ll stay..," that shark-like grin widened, a long breath revealing another gust of Necrotic Energy leaving Zee’s mouth, as if desperately trying to infect the very air around him. The blue light emanating from his bracelet began to flicker before eventually, fading entirely.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 24 min ago

About an hour before present time:

Doppel finished eating dinner this late at night and begun heading to bed to crash. The thing was that his phone was still buzzing, very unusual considering it was his burner phone. With confusion he slowly approached it picking up to read the message, his heart sank.

A text from Louis:

Got a hero problem at the mansion.

Come over and help us take care of them or else you'll be next.

It's time to test your loyalty to the Guglianos.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Doppel had no idea which one to pick. He only knew that there was a wrong decision and that was to stay put. He rushed to sling on his jacket and took the quickest route he could to the Gugliano mansion.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tom glanced down at his nose to find that Tommy's punch had indeed caused it to bleed a fair bit. He had been so hyped up by the fight that he'd hardly even noticed, and when he wiped some of the blood away with his sleeve he winced as his nose was now painful to the touch. Maybe it was broken... but that was the least of Tom's concerns right now. Now they just needed to get out of there and this whole nightmare of an operation could finally be over. They just had to escape the complex, hide outside and then watch as Division X busted the whole place up. Tom turned on his heels, about to run. They just had to vamoose before Vin-

"You get what? Caught?" Ah. Shit.

Tom whipped around in time to see the hulking and chunky form of Vinnie Gugliano pointing a gun at Patty, Angie and Grace, demanding that Tom get on the ground. He looked at the girls for a moment, considering attempting to fight. But if Vinnie felt any change he could easily fire off a bullet, and then someone could be killed, and it would all be Tom's fault. So Tom gave Vinnie a look of pure malice and knelt down, feeling his nose drip blood again and cautiously wiping it as he looked up at the mobster, before looking around at Patty, Grace and... Angie! Angie was walking over to Vinnie, and by the looks of his reaction she was attempting to flex her powers on him. Tom was hopeful, but he knew deep down that it wasn't going to work. And those suspicions were confirmed when Vinnie fired a shot straight into Angie's thigh.

"Fucking shit!" Tom audibly cursed, as he stumbled forward closer to Vinnie. The next couple of moments for Tom were a bit of a blur. He heard Vinnie saying something, and Tom very clearly heard Vinnie talking about blowing something to bits. Then Tom heard the gunshot and stumbled forward again, expecting to be covered in the blood of his best friend's girlfriend. But instead, there was nothing except a red wound on Vinnie's chest. Tom pushed himself forward again, Vinnie seemingly distracted by whatever had just happened. Tom really didn't know what just happened, all he knew was that Angie was somehow miraculously alive. He suddenly heard Grace speak to him, and he realised he was now standing right next to her. "T-Tom, kick his ass!"

Tom walked a couple of steps forward again, now becoming aware of the fact that he was standing right next to Vinnie, who was threatening and beginning to raise his gun, seemingly unaware of Tom standing right next to him. He saw the gun being raised and knew he had to suddenly act. So he did the first thing he thought of, and flipped gravity upside down. Vinnie, the much heavier man, picked up a lot more velocity and went crashing through the ceiling into the attic above. Tom, meanwhile, was not concentrating properly and hit the ceiling hard on his shoulder, floating back down and hitting the floor lightly, grabbing his shoulder and looking up at the massive hole where Vinnie would surely soon come back through.

He hurried over and looped Angie's arm around his unhurt shoulder. "C'mon Grace, help, we need to run!" After lifting Angie to her feet, he began to attempt to hurry down the corridor, calling after Patty too.

@Hitman @canaryrose @Amethyst

Meanwhile, across the city, equally disturbing scenes of criminality were taking place. Caustic - or Nicholas, whatever - swung open the door to the bathroom to survey his latest quarry. The quarry in question was an ICOSA agent, currently hanging upside down and unconscious in the shower. On the cabinet was an object Caustic had taken out from the agent's jacket pocket. It was a small tablet-like device, sleek and black. He strolled up to the agent and gave him a few firm taps on the head. The agent soon awoke, looking around, spotting the gask mask clad figure above him, and immediately started yelling. Caustic clasped a pale hand over his mouth. "Not a good idea. If you decide to scream, I can just kill you and find myself another agent." The agent quickly stopped yelling. To demonstrate who he was, Caustic grabbed the man's sunglasses, which he had also set down on the side, and dissolved them away into nothing before the agent's eyes.

Getting to this point had involved a couple of hours of solid work on Caustic's front. He had spent about half an hour staking out Bob's Tuna restaurant, a spot that Caustic had on good knowledge that ICOSA agents often frequented. That half an hour had been spent waiting for a suitable target. Soon enough, he spotted it - a young agent who made the stupid move to park his car up a secluded alleyway next to the restaurant. The villain then headed up the alleyway, melted a small hole through the car window, then stuck his hand through and opened the car, slipping inside. From then it was about 50 minutes until the agent returned, who quickly had a chloroform rag clasped around his mouth. Caustic then hopped into the front seat and driven the car to an apartment building. The spot he had killed stinger at earlier was only temporary, and Caustic had been tracking this building for a while, as it was in a prime location. When he noticed that a family had gone on vacation, it was time to move some stuff over here and set up a new temporary location for a week or so. From then it was a simple matter of taking the agent inside and tying him up.

Back in the bathroom, Caustic turned around and grabbed the small device, switching it on. "This website gives you access to the ICOSA databse, does it not?" He took the agent's silence as a confirmation of that, and continued. "And I also know that each agent has a personal password to allow them into the database. If you haven't realised already, I want that password.". The agent struggled for a moment before shaking his head. "No. And I know you can't kill me, because if you do you'll never get in!" Caustic chuckled. "I don't have to kill you to get you to give me it. Why don't we see how much it hurts to have your toes or fingers slowly dissolved. Or better yet, what about your eyes?" Caustic slowly moved his hand toward's the agent's face, who thrashed for a moment, fearful, before relenting. "Okay, okay! My password is Mesopatamia."

Caustic began typing the password into the device. "Your resolve is truly remarkable." He said sarcastically, as the screen of the device loaded in, and then flashed up with a second screen. "Hm. It seems a thumbprint is required." Caustic acted quickly, freeing one of the mans hands. "Hold your thumb out." When the agent refused, Caustic laughed. "If you don't, I'll just remove your thumb from your hand. You might as well just comply." The agent did indeed comply, as the device now loaded in properly, allowing access to the ICOSA database. Caustic set it aside. "You were right though, I couldn't kill you. If you go missing they'll just track that thing, and ICOSA sending forces into Brookside wouldn't be good for anybody, hm?" Another chloroform rag was plastered over the mouth of the agent.

A few hours later, the agent woke up behind a dumpster in the East Flank. The experience had been horrific - but Caustic had surely slipped up - he had revealed the location of where in the city he was! The agent quickly ran off to report the whole thing.

Meanwhile, in New Athens where the apartment building actually was, Caustic settled down in front of his laptop, plugging the ICOSA device into it. He quickly copied the files for the database of Castleburg powered individuals, then held the device in his hands and melted it down to nothing, just in case it could be tracked. Then he went to do some research. He was looking for a few specific files. He had accessed the file for Blade on many occasions, but that was always a good thing to peruse - an extremely minimal file, even ICOSA knew nothing. He also pulled up his own file, of course, delighted to watch as "last known location" became "Brookside" as he was looking at it. He was also carefully looking for some other files. He eventually found them all - Director Powers, Starbright, Rainbow Dancer, Sea Serpent, Mr. Impressive and Seraph. These specific files were extracted along with Blade's and Caustic's own into a separate folder.

The nucleus of an idea had been formed. Time would tell when this idea could become a plan, and when that plan could be acted on.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by DClassified
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DClassified Kung Fro Killa

Member Seen 5 days ago

|| Watervale ||

|| Evening ||

|| None ||

The Hunter had taken note of where the others were going, albeit from a distance. Deciding to take a double fronted assault, he decided to go through the more frontal entrance, as there'd surely be less focus there with the attack coming from within. Thus, he dodged the searching eyes of the few that remained on one of the mansion's four watchtowers. This place was like a prison, opposed to a comfortable living quarters. Perhaps that is what the man was compensating for. Well, if the night was successful, Gugliano would get what he wanted.

Kanati scaled up the bricks with agility much unexpected of a man his size. Once near the top, he peered at the duo of men occupying the tower from between the bars of the walkway. They both seemed to be near a control panel of sorts, possibly receiving directions from inside at the moment. Holding with one hand, he pulled one of his taser arrows from its place and hopped up. Creeping around to the doorway, he knocked once on the ground.

With a palm to the ground, he could feel their footsteps shifting on the ground. One was closer than the other, and he timed it in his head. Standing up, he caught the first watchman before he could fire the first shot by tripping and slamming him to the ground with one hand. With the other, he threw the taser arrow with just enough force to stick to his armor. The shock incapacitaed that one, and he planted a foot on the first one's back. Preventing him from warning anyone else, his other foot contacted the side of his temple to knock him out.

With the duo quickly taken care of, he pushed the other body inside of the enclosed area, atop the trap door leading down. While not the most tech savvy, he was able to determine through their intercom system, that there was an explosion below. Somewhat unsurprised, given the presence of Quake and Firebird, Buck retrieved his arrow; stepping back outside quickly. Using the new blind spot in the exterior defenses to his advantage, he hopped over the railing to the inside of the mansion's premises.


Several unconscious guards later, he managed to get inside of the building. This place seemed to be in something of a frenzy, with many footsteps and gunshots that his hearing could pick up, as expected from the intrusion. While his first impluse would have been to follow them to the action, he wanted to make sure that none of his allies were still here. Among his exploration, though, he caught sight of a drop of blood on the floor. Heading down the hall, Buck touched it and put his fingers to his nose.

There was an odd humidity to the scent. An abnormal level of water, reminiscent to a lake; William was here. The blood obviously wouldn't be a good sign. However, with being able to lock onto his scent, the hunter could follow the trail to him. Walking down the hall, the smell seemed to be leading towards the sounds of conflict. Hopefully, those who were here didn't fare too badly.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The light slowly receded as Jamie descended into the tunnel. Rumi and Blake's bodies partially blocked it, yes, but as they went further and further down it got darker and darker. And smellier. Jamie was going down as fast as she could, but she stopped momentarily to plug her nose. Then she kept climbing down until she reached the bottom of the tunnel. She hopped down from the ladder then, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. But then, Blake lit a fireball, so all was good! She trailed him through the tunnel, looking around as she did so. Pretty cool underground tunnel! She moved a step forward when Blake opened the door but stepped back when she heard the whoosh of fire. She then followed him through the room, poking the unconscious and very burnt people with her foot.

Jamie gave him a thumbs-up. "Got it! We'll see what we can find." And, before she knew it, Blake had burst through the doors. She followed after him, on the offensive as soon as she went in. With a little exertion of her power, the room began to tremor. A few light fixtures went crashing to the ground, crushing multiple gun-wielding gangsters under them. Seeing some of the guards come in, she held out her hands and sent out a bone-crushing blast, sending several falling back into the corridor and on top of each other. Seeing an opening, she rushed towards one of the doors, throwing it open. Maybe this room would have something...

Jamie paused, blinking. "Brie? Will? What are you... oh! You're the ones we're saving. Got it. Yeah, yeah, lemme just..." She blasted the guards who had followed her and then turned to blast the box Will was trying to destroy. Blood started to trickle out of her nose. "I'm so glad I found you guys."

@Hitman@Scarifar@Infinite Cosmos@Danvers

Patricia watched Angelica make her move, raised hands trembling horribly. Don't die, don't die, don't die... Patricia immediately understood what she was trying to do- to emotionally appeal her way out of this. She prayed it would work, and for a moment, she thought it had. Vinnie was... crying! Crying. Angie had done it. A smile bloomed on her face for that split-second. But then it dawned on her that he was not crying, but laughing. And his gun was coming up, pointing at Angelica, and then...


Patricia instinctively winced as the gun fired, her hands going to cover her ears. But then, Angelica was on the ground, bleeding out of her thigh.

"YOU BASTARD!" she screamed at Vinnie, standing and rushing over to Angelica. She chucked off her heels, kneeling next to her and Grace. "You're gonna be okay, okay?" Her eyes went wide when Vinnie aimed the gun at her forehead, but she slumped when Grace portalled the shot away.

Her brows knit when Grace applied the jacket to Angelica's thigh. Her hand was... gray, and flakey. And kind of purple. This seemed like something for later, given that their friend had just been shot, but it didn't look as it had a few moments ago, so Patricia felt the need to call it to Grace's attention. "Grace, your hand-" she started but was soon interrupted by Tom hefting Angelica up and around his shoulders. She stood, too, running down the hall with them and away from the mobsters.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 24 min ago

It wasn't a nice journey to the Gugliano mansion. The streets were cold and dark, only interrupted by the blinding lights of cars that drive past. But it gave Doppel some time to think, even if his heart and mind were racing at a million miles an hour.

Why was this happening? No clue he hadn't got so much as an inkling from HERO nor the Guglianos that anything like this was going down. What heroes are even involved? Again no clue maybe some S tier ones where the knowledge is above Doppel's pay grade. The thought had crossed his mind that there are no heroes and the whole thing was just to test his loyalty. God he hoped that was the case, he didn't want to 'take care' of anyone in his life let alone heroes. But he knew Louis, this was no test. When he came to that conclusion, Doppel didn't want to think about it so much. He tightened his jacket and picked up the pace a bit, praying he wouldn't have to use his baseball bat tonight.

Going through the gate he met Louis at the door. "Alright, lets get this over and done with." Louis glared at him for a second, then loosened his posture. "I was starting to think you were gonna show up. Guess the boys were wrong calling you a HERO insider and such, you just made me about a clean hundred." "Yeah, yeah, whatever Louis I was eating dinner when you texted. Give me some forewarning next time will ya?" "Sorry about that we sorta got the trouble out of nowhere. Follow me." Louis led Doppel into the mansion. But when the mobster started leading Doppel below ground he got anxious, this is how people wind up dead. "I'll leave my clone outside to watch the mansion perimeter." Louis seemed to have little problem with it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 11 days ago


Joseph had been getting steadily more worried for a little while now.

At first, it had just been because he may or may not have fallen asleep briefly while Az drove, and had woken up at some point during the closing lines of what had apparently been a pretty hefty talk. However, now it was a little more serious than just trying to pretend he knew what he'd said. From the little bit he'd heard after waking up, it sounded like he was worried about something slowly taking him over. Whether what he was talking about was just his own repressed emotions, or some deeper, more sinister facet of his own powers, Joseph wasn't sure.

Already, he could see it in the boy's behavior. The way he moved seemed... tenser, maybe? As if something was welling up inside him, waiting for a chance to be released. These concerns only grew when Joseph noticed Az's skin, which had begun to glow as they descended into the darkness.

Before long, he found himself running behind Az down a tunnel, the sounds of battle clear ahead. For a brief moment, Joseph heard him whisper something to himself, before quickly accelerating to a sprint.

"Damn it!" He grunted to himself, before trying to catch up with the demonic boy. Something was driving the kid, pushing him beyond what Joseph was able to keep up with. What he would've been able to keep up with even if he wasn't drunk. Still, he pushed himself as hard as he could, managing to arrive in the warehouse not too long after him.

Right in time to watch him send a literal cloud of death at a number of mafia members, wiping them out.

This was bad... Joseph knew that, even if they were their enemies, Az was clearly not in his right mind just from that. When he came back to his senses, the memories of his actions were going to hit him hard. As he got closer, he watched Blake running further into the warehouse, and from the looks of it, he was going alone. While he wanted to stick around and make sure Az didn't lose himself any more than he already had, if someone didn't go to back Blake up, he could die. So, Joseph was forced to make a decision.

Running over to Azhar, he pulled out a few runes, one of which being significantly different to the others in appearance.

"Az, listen carefully. These three runes here are necrotic. Use them to heal you if you get too beat up. And this one," he said, holding up the different rune, "this one should help you if you slip any further. I need to go make sure Blake stays safe, but I can already see that you aren't yourself. If this gets any worse, promise me you'll use it, ok?"

Without waiting for an answer, he ran to join Blake, falling into step behind him as they made their way into the mansion proper. He still didn't understand the situation all too well, but what he did understand was that if whoever these idiots were were planning to hurt his friends, they were in for a particularly miserable surprise...
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Blake pressed his back against the large assortment of crates, knowing that they wouldn't last long. Blake could practically hear the cocaine spilling out from his shelter behind. He peeked out to see that a few of the guards had been downed somehow. Blake looked over to see Zee. Weird, he didn't remember Zee having come into the warehouse, but he was certainly not complaining about the newfound company. Blake nodded over to the younger death creature, giving him a thumbs up. Heat poured around his body as he made a break for the door, the air igniting into fire around him as he rushed towards the door. There were two men that had just come out with assault rifles, but obviously shooting the speeding fire man was above their pay grade, so they instead leaped to the side in fear as Blake ran over to the door. The door was thick metal, but luckily for Blake, some poor idiot goon had opened the door right as Blake was there. Blake charged directly into said goon, ramming his shoulder into their face, and sending them spiraling into the wall, their clothes scorched.

Blake stepped into the chamber as the metal doors clanged shut behind him. The room was modestly sized, with steel walls and plumbing running around the area, and a steel door sitting in front of him. Next to the steel door was a green pad that was glowing softly. Examining this, Blake reached down and picked up a lead pipe that was laying on the ground, twirling it in his hand. He assumed that there would be more goons en route, and for once, his assumption was correct. Just a moment later, a goon holding a pistol ran out of the metal doors, and said goon was promptly thwacked in the face with a metal pipe, causing him to fall to the ground, the pistol falling to the floo with a clatter. Blake grabbed the man roughly by the collar. "Where are the rest of the heroes?" Blake asked demandingly as he planted the man's hand against the green pad. The man quivered as he spoke. "Up-upstairs...V-Vinnie was going to finish them-"

"Shut your piehole." Blake pulled the man back and smashed his head into the wall, letting his body drop to the ground. He stepped into the now-open doorway, ascending the stairs. "Let's see how well this Vinnie guy handles fire."

He stepped out of the hidden staircase into what appeared to be a wine room with two men pointing guns at him. Blake blasted them both directly with a burst of fire, sending them sprawling on the ground, scorched, before looking at the door to the wine room. Fire welled around his hand as he began to burn his way out. There was nothing that was going to stop him. He looked over his shoulder, noticing that Joseph caught up. "They're in trouble up here," Blake muttered, stepping back as he had burned the lock clean through. He took a breath, getting ready to engage.

@canaryrose @Scarifar @Shard @Rabidporcupine

Grace couldn't help but crack a faint smile as Tom promptly thrusted Vinnie into the attic, but her attention quickly turned steely again as she tightened the jacket around Angelica's leg before helping Tom hoist her to her feet. She looked at Tom nervously. He had hit his shoulder while tussling with Vinnie, and though his injury was less of a priority than that of Angie's, Tom was the only one of them with any fight left in him, so having him be awake and in shape was a highly important in this situation. Him talking snapped her back to the gravity of this situation- Angie had been shot. Grace had never been shot before, but she could imagine it was a highly unpleasant and precarious situation to be in. "Right," she responded to Tom as she helped Angie to her feet and began to rush down the hallway. She turned towards Patricia, giving the girl as strong of a smile as she could muster. "Patricia, uri gangaji, Angelica was just shot. We have more important things to worry about..." She trailed off as she looked back to where Tom had blasted Vinnie into the ceiling. Strange, Vinnie would have surely come down by now. The only way that he could still be up there is if he was inside...

Grace blinked. "TOM HE'S IN THE CEILING!" she called out just as the ceiling directly in front of Tom literally splintered open as Vinnie cannonballed out from the attic, landing with a crash on the ground as though this had been his plan all along. Grace instinctively grabbed Angelica and pulled her back as Vinnie took hold of Tom, grasping his neck and promptly throwing the young hero roughly into the floor. Grace winced as she pulled Angelica back, looking in horror and taking a deep breath. She felt genuinely bad standing back from the fight, but Angelica had just been shot, which was a bit more of a concern to Grace at the moment. She stared as Vinnie cracked his knuckles, standing over Tom. "Just give up already. I beat your boss mano a man; your chicken shit ass is just asking for a beating." Vinnie reeled his fists back for another devastating punch. He might not have had the most devastatingly offensive power, but damn was he strong.


Meanwhile, upstairs, as Samson walked towards the sound of conflict, he found a man standing in his path. The man was not tall, probably standing at a fairly dismal 5'7" or 8" compared to the hulking form of Samson, but the man was also very well-built, immensely so, and several prominently scars on his unsightly face indicated his experience. The man, Sal Gugliano, the heir to the Gugliano Empire, drew a knife from his jacket. "Listen here, punk," he said with a sneer, twirling the combat knife in his hand. "Your hero ass is going to be hanging from the balcony by the time I'm done with you."

With those simple words, Sal threw his combat directly at Sam, the blade spinning as it sliced through the air on a warpath towards Samson. Not wasting any time to see if it hit or not, Sal jumped towards Sam, winding back a punch and throwing it directly at Samson's chin. He grunted as he did so, his face angry. He would protect his family's legacy, or die trying. Most likely the latter.


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

💀 Mafioso Mansion - Underground Warehouse.

💀 Evening.

💀 @Rabidporcupine

"Slipping..?" Azhar blinked, his thoughts circling within the confines of the boy’s mind, as if a swirl of distortion. He had not afforded Joseph an answer, but rather lowered his gaze towards the runes resting in his hand, the mutant’s head tilting as he proceeded to gaze upon them. "Am I.., slipping?" Zee continued, attempting to center himself, but to no avail. It had been as if Joseph spoke someone incapable of understanding the man’s words. Indeed, he would be correct in assuming the fact. Rather, Azhar raised his attention to guards who were charging in his direction, towards all of them in the Heroes’ many, scattered locations. Gunshots rang throughout the warehouse, deafening sounds forcing a frown to Azhar’s features, before it was soon replaced by frenzied glee. The runes between his claws were far from the boy’s mind, worlds away.

The scent of burnt flesh, the screams of those crushed beneath debris, and chaos unfolding, it was the scenario surrounding Azhar as his feet brought the small mutant further into the warehouse. A slow stride, one where every sensation soon found itself replaced by emerald damnation. He noted how Jamie, the other S ranked individual in their company, had made her way deeper into the large, underground building. Was he to turn, the boy would likely have seen Blake making himself scarce in an unhindered stride towards the mansion where his girlfriend and further allies found themselves.

Irrelevance happily replaced concern, however. Thoughts of the man he had arrived alongside, Joseph, faded in response to rising excitement, with Spectral Force now extending its reach from where Azhar was standing. The very air encircling him brimmed with Necrotic Energy, an outstretched hand conjuring forth a chaotic wind which proceeded to pass through an incoming threat.

If one was to maintain vigilance, the sight of an ever-growing horde was amassing in the warehouse. It was impossible for the young mutant to dot the source of their increased numbers, but as his black gaze laid witness to skin, meat, and bone shredded into naught but emerald particles following a gesture, Azhar’s sharp-toothed grin widened.

”M̴͓̆o̴͚̚ṟ̷͆ḙ̴͝.̴̘̍.̵͔̕.̴̮͂” Zee’s distorted voice howled, his clawed hands rising in response to further approaching enemies, or rather, victims. Gunshots continued to roar, bullets whisking past him where the mutant stood.

“I can’t see anything!” Came a scream, a response to the now massive swirl of Necrotic Force surrounding Azhar, as if a twister, a tornado engulfing him and his surroundings. Opening his mouth, the dark mutant exhaled a long breath, ecstatic bliss washing over him as bullets proceeded to fly past the creature now a the mercy of his own growing insanity.

"B̷̰̿ô̷̡w̴̢̔ ̵̹́t̴̯̋ó̷̙ ̸͕̓m̵͕̀e̸̦͝,̴͉̄ ̵̢͆ǐ̴̱n̵̘͝ṣ̸̅e̸̩͌c̴͓̓t̸͇̎s̵͉͂!̸͚̇" Azhar screamed, his phantasmal voice rising in volume, which in turn was echoed by the chaotic storm of Ghostly Power, following suit. The boy was unsure of how many goons had answered the call, but he most certainly had the ability to hear their screams. With another swipe of his hand, Zee willed a second wave into the storage building, swallowing several shapes in its hungry embrace. "E̷̞̓v̵͉̈́e̴͕̚r̶͉͂ÿ̷̭t̸̒ͅh̸͕́i̶̥̕ṅ̷̘g̶̮͛ ̴̬̿n̵͍̍e̶̺̕e̵͖̓d̴̡͐s̴̨̀ ̸̡̀ṯ̶͠o̷̟̾ ̴̥̈́d̴̺̎ȉ̴̥ë̵̳́.̷̱͠.̸̹̍.̵̤͐” Laughter emanated from the epicenter of chaos, the nexus of Azhar’s herculean storm which was engulfing the main warehouse, and in turn, an equally massive gathering of mobsters sent to end a threat beneath their mansion headquarters.

Throughout the growing emerald hurricane, Zee noticed the retreat of some who had not yet been swallowed by its wrath. A notion he found unacceptable in this current state of insanity. Again, he proceeded to laugh, a large blast of Necrotic Force swallowing the escaping goons with bodies erased beneath its weight. Extending his power’s range to the underground exit, one designed for truck-loaded deliveries, Azhar spared no expenses. As if a dance, the mutant moved his body. Each motion of those clawed hands, in their fluid gestures, conjured yet another wave which found itself whipping out from an ever-growing tornado of death, each one overtaking another gathering of goons now attempting to fall back.

Friend, or foe, it mattered little. The deathly mutant could only consider himself lucky that no allies were present within range of his frenzy. Indeed, Azhar had developed into little more than a blood-crazed beast. His demonic, echoing laughter proceeded to slip past the boy’s lips. It was no longer a mission aimed at rescuing allies, nor was it one designed to apprehend a high-standing mobster. Zee was indulging in a single sensation. Massacre.

Screams bouncing across walls and traveling by air soon faded. A warehouse previously filled with mobsters stood empty, countless collections of clothes riddling the floor haphazardly across its massive interior. It was only when Azhar allowed his berserker storm to lessen that those black orbs witnessed the erasure, without obfuscation. "Ṁ̷͖ō̶ͅr̶̫̒è̴̜.̸̜̏.̴̫̑,̶̰̈́ ̷̭͝I̶͕̒ ̷̟́w̸̏ͅa̷͔̒n̴͎̆t̶͇̾ ̶͓̈́m̶͇̉ỏ̷͉r̷̰̆e̸͔̎!̴̱̈́" The boy, or Demon shouted, taloned claws digging into his palm with enough strength to draw blood.

One could compare it to a halt in time, the very fabric of reality stopping inside the mutant’s mind. He had pressed down on Joseph’s rune, the gift so utterly disregarded upon reception. A rune that sent a calming wave over the young Reaper’s senses, piecing together what had previously been shattered. A mirror rising to reveal what was glaring back. A mother’s voice beckoning.

Silence. Azhar stared ahead at the devastation he had caused, a scene taking the shape of absolute emptiness. No corpses, no remains, but rather clothes once draping themselves over actual human beings. "Wh-..," Zee tried, his body trembling with breathing growing ever-heavier. "No.., no, no..," he pleaded. Taking a single step forward was enough to push him to his knees. Green, spectral particles began to fully fade, leaving Azhar in the shape he had assumed long before chaos took charge.

Again, the boy desperately turned to scrutinize his surroundings, tears trickling down his pale cheeks. Easing those clenched fists, Azhar saw how Joseph’s runes fell to the floor beneath him, one of which had been activated. ’You aren’t yourself.’ The man’s words echoed across the recess of Azhar’s fractured thoughts. Unable to manage another utterance, the mutant screamed. A loud, terrified, and most certainly heartbroken expression where he sat, in the middle of abyssal emptiness.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 11 days ago

"You'd be worth the jail time, if you were a mobster..." William said, working up a weak smile. The intense focus needed to first drive mist out of an air vent against the current and then to reform the dissipating gas back into high pressured jets of water was very draining. It could perhaps be the most intensive use of his powers he has ever attempted.

Not to mention the fact that he was trying to get things done as quick as possible. Couple that with the internal pressure of 'If I fuck this up, Brie is going to get even more hurt, or worse'. He was under the utmost pressure unlike anything he has experienced. He gritted his teeth, occasionally turning to Brie and offering the most reassuring smile he could muster. All the while beads of sweat formed around his forehead, arms and back.

The shells in which the electronics were housed in were indeed tough. As they should be. William, even with using nearly all of his powers, was not making much progress. By this time, he had hoped to have cut open at least one of the machines, and thus disabling the plasma cage. However, he was only able to make a 2 inch deep incision into the shell of the machines. "Fuck, this might take longer than I want... I can't do this for much longer either..." A sudden wooziness came over him and he stumbled slightly, landing on his knee softly as he did so.

William exhaled and relaxed his focus slightly. The jets of water pulled back from the original position as he did so. As he gathered and refocused himself, the doors to the room that they are in were thrown open. William stood up and shielded Brie instinctively and the jets of water turned to face the person that opened the doors, ready to strike.

William then recognized that it was Jamie that had burst onto the scene. "Jamie! What are you doing here!" He exclaimed. The jets of water slowed down and slowly started to dissipate. He drew in and exhaled several ragged breathes. Seeing Jamie shatter and break the machines that once held them, William folded like a lawn chair onto one knee, taking slow, deep breaths. He had regained his powers only a short time ago, and to use them to such extent would have been taxing under optimal conditions, much less the shape he was in. "You... You're over doing it. Slow down. We need to get Brie out of here... She lose her powers for the time being... Did... Did anyone else come with you?" William asked of Jamie, between breaths as he worked on recuperating.

Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

They were entering enemy territory now, and Rumi was currently keeping an eye on their surroundings, attempting to prevent anyone from ambushing them. His right hand was currently covered by a energy blaster designed to stun would-be assailants, raised and ready to fire at the first opportunity. There didn't seem to be too much of a need, though, as the first room they attempted to enter was immediately blown up by Blake, effectively destroying any last hope they had of stealth. "Well, that's one way of eliminating them," Rumi remarked, staring at the charred bodies. As Blake continued on his flaming rampage, Rumi took cover and wondered why he even bothered coming.

Chaos continued to ensue as Zee made his dramatic entrance, dark energies swirling around him, and Rumi wasted no time rushing ahead with the others. He gave a silent nod as a greeting to Joseph, and the group continued on, with Rumi following along as they dispatched the next goons they came across. Eventually, they came across a room that held Will and Brie prisoners. Rumi stepped back to prevent any water from getting onto him, and soon came forward once the stream stopped. "I'm here, too. We're here to rescue you guys from trouble. Y'know, again," Rumi said, giving a wave and a smile. "Glad to see you're all... still alive. Firebird's run off, I'm assuming to rescue the other Heroes who were captured by the Guglianos, and we ran into Azhar and Rune on the way here. You guys are gonna be just fine."

Turning to Jamie, Rumi was about to say something when he took note of her nosebleed. "Quake, you're taxing yourself too much again, aren't you?" Rumi asked. "We can't have you damaging yourself any more than necessary." Looking back at Will, Rumi said, "You're not looking too good yourself either. We should evacuate. I'll lead the way." Rumi went out first, taking a different path than the one they came from. Normally he would've gone back they way they came, but considering the state he saw Zee in, he was reasonably confident he did not want to face whatever was happening back there.
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