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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Cassandra Reed

Location: - The Reception
Skills: N/A

Cassandra started to relax now as Magneto got up and left the reception finally, just leaving them and the rest to again enjoy the party as well. She did want to punch Magneto a few times, but he didn't attack anyone really she was more of the person who would let them make the first move anyway. She went over and gently rested a hand on Guin's shoulder and gave her a slight smile, she wasn't surprised that Guin wanted to punch him a few times either. "Just relax and enjoy the rest of your wedding Guin." Cass said, as she watched Miranda disappear from the others after speaking to Tony.

She thought about going over and trying to lift up Thor's hammer, but she had a feeling that it wouldn't even work at all either for her anyway. "If you don't mind i'd like to join in a round of Cards Against Humanity." She said, looking over at the others, and then over towards Mary for a moment whether she wanted to talk to her privately or not was totally up to her anyway.

Carolina Reed

Location: - The Reception
Skills: N/A

Carolina was relieved as she watched Magneto flying away from the reception she was glad that she didn't really have to get into a fight with him on Guin's wedding day. She watched as Miranda announced that she was leaving to, as she looked over at Guin for a moment, knowing why she did come to the wedding in the first place. She did think about pulling Guin aside, but it was her friend's wedding and she didn't wat to ruin it any further after Magneto decided to crash it. She watched as Annie decided to conjure up a piñata of Magneto's head, she smiled and shook her head slightly, looking over at her sister who decided to join the Cards Against Humanity group.

She decided to go and join her as well and gave a slight smile and wave towards Neil. "If you have room for one more to?" Carolina asked, hoping that it wouldn't really be an issue if they did allow her to join in on the game as well. She looked over at Guin and gave her friend a smile, at least now they can enjoy their wedding without any other interruptions or wedding crashers.

Bethany Bell

Location: - The Reception
Skills: N/A

Bethany crossed her arms over her chest as she watched Magneto deciding to now leave the party and shook her head slightly. "And here I was really hoping to dump him into the pond nearby to humiliate him." Beth said letting out an annoyed sigh as she walked back over towards the others and seeing the other random party crasher disappear as well. "So, what now?" Bethany asked as she watched Annie create a piñata, she didn't really like candy or anything as she thought about going and grabbing some booze or something to drink.

She gave Iris a slightly annoyed look to see what the girl was going to do next, she still found her really annoying and irritating as well and didn't want to be around her really either to. Bethany watched everyone else, there was still that mess that Magneto made when he lifted up all the metal that he threatened everyone with.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: The Reception

Iris watched as Magneto began to float above the reception area. Iris stared, a confused frown on her face as she watched him go, surprised by his ability to fly. She didn’t think on it long enough to realize he was probably just using the metal he wore to levitate. Once he was a few meters off the ground, Iris raised her fist, middle finger protruding from its place on the center of her hand, giving the metal man the bird as he floated off.

”Man, I guess all the magnetic powers in the world can’t get you balls of steel,” she said, watching him disappear into the night sky. Despite the man being gone from her sight, she couldn’t help but cup her free hand next to her mouth and shout, ”YEAH, FLY AWAY YOU WRINKLY ASS PUSSY! I HOPE YOU SHREDDED UP BY A PLANE ENGINE!” Content with her insults, she turned her attention back to the party, where she saw Antoinette had summoned a pinata depicting Magneto’s likeness. Iris scanned the area for something Guin could hit it with. At first, she didn’t find anything, but as she turned her gaze to the bushes and patches of nature at the edge of the party, she saw a stick that looked solid enough to be used as a weapon. She bounced over, a spring in her step, grabbed it, and returned to the angsty bride just as Cassandra told her to calm down.

”Screw that noise,” she began, holding out the stick to Guin. ”There’s a time for relaxing, and there’s a time for beating the shit out of candy-stuffed replica of your dickhead father-in-law’s stupid face. I do believe that this would fall in the category of the latter.”
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Location: The Reception
Skills: N/A

Flying backwards, Elizabeth reflected on the decisions that led to this turn of events. She really needed to learn to think things through, like mot attacking the king of metal. As she fell back on her ass, she grunted, feeling physically fine, if not a little banged up, but she was now angry. She watched Magneto exit, and it was everything in her not to yell at him over it. She did, however, exercise a modicum of self control, and not goad the villain anymore. All she did was glare at him, and grip her fist in a vain attempt to displace her anger into something non destructive.

Brushing herself off, Elizabeth smiled at Antoinette, and said, "Ego's bruised, but I think I'll be okay, um..." She wasn't sure the two of them had met, before saying ,"Antoinette... right?" She'd heard her name tossed around, but this was the first time they had talked, if she recalled correctly. Taking her hand, and pulling herself up, she smiled at her, "Thanks a lot, I probably shouldn't have done that, but I dunno." She fixed her hair, throwing it all back behind her shoulder, "He just really pissed me off, coming here and all. You know?" Watching Antoinette's illusion powers, she gave a kind of impressed look at her and said, "That's really neat." Clearly, Elizabeth was awestruck by this.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

"That's not exactly what I meant... I was more of meaning ignore what just happened, since letting him get to you and not enjoying your own wedding I feel like would be something he'd want to happen... Just saying," Mary responded, shaking her head slightly. She could understand Guin's annoyance at Magneto showing up, but they couldn't really do much about it now. The guy was gone after all now, and she wasn't sure if going after him would be a good idea.

Seeing what Annie had conjured up, Pietro couldn't help but crack up laughing at it. "Okay, I have to admit, that is awesome. Hey Guina after you take a whack at it mind if I have a go? Cause let me tell you, that would probably be entertaining," he said, giving her a bit of a grin, clearly feeling a bit better now that his father was gone now.

"And is anyone surprised by you wanting to hit that thing too? Not really."

"I mean yeah, I hate my dad, and have never really been able to hit him all too often unless he decides to cause problems, so win win situation here!"

"You know what? That's a good point."

"I hope I don't piss you off enough to have you want to smack a pinata around with my face on it," Tony said, walking over to them. "Are you alright?" he then asked her a bit more seriously.

Mira glanced over at Neil as he mentioned whether or not everyone else wanted to get back to playing the card game. "I'n fine with continuing the game, that's just me though..." she responded softly, before others seemed to be coming over to the group and wanting to see about joining the game. "...If everyone else is fine with it, I'm fine with others joining in..."

Lance was just sitting back, watching all of the chaos that seemed to resolve fairly quickly, and he glanced over towards the group that seemed to be going back to the card game, and he thought for a moment about whether or not he wanted to join in or just sit back and watch Guin take a few whacks at a pinata. Though there was something he wanted to talk to Thor about later, so he figured he might as well go join that group, and he walked over to them. "Hey, can I join too?" he asked, looking at everyone else.

"As I just said to the other two, I'm fine with it, not too mention Cards Against Humanity tends to be way better when you have more players."

"Cool," he responded before he pulled a chair up to the table.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Cassandra Reed
Carolina Reed

Location: - The Reception
Skills: N/A

Cassandra and Carolina both took a seat right next to each other and smiled a little bit, Carolina always did enjoy playing the game online with complete strangers as well sometimes to. "So, whos turn is it to be the Card Tsar anyway?" Carolina asked, looking over a the others and then over towards Thor it was actually really interesting to see him playing a game like this and could be really entertaining to see as well. Carolina looked over towards the group as her friend Annie created a piñata of Magneto's face which was really funny to see and smiled a little bit.

Cass looked over at Lance and gave him a friendly smile and nod as he joined the rest of them for the game as she leaned back waiting for the game to start or if it was going to be another round before they were allowed to actually join in. She watched Guin from a distance and smiled towards her and Pietro who were probably going to be having some fun beating up his head in or something as well to. Her sister did have a good question on who was actually the judge this round as well to.

Bethany Bell

Location: - The Reception
Skills: N/A

Bethany decided to remain with everyone else who wanted to smack around piñata Magneto around a little bit which she though was going to be fun, but she still wasn't into the whole candy thing either. She looked over at Iris as she started to look for something to start smacking the piñata with smirking as an idea formed into her head the girl did get on her nerves quiet a bit as well and wanted to smack something to.

"We could always use your head or Elizabeth's arm as a beating stick for the piñata." Bethany said giving a slight shrug as Iris managed to find a stick easily and shook her head a little bit. "I think my suggestion is a lot more entertaining then just using that though." Bethany said giving a slight shrug however.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: the Reception
Skills: Telepathy (Mental Link)
"Too bad you didn't do that, I would've had to rearrange my mental pecking order of friends," Guin joked to Bethany. She considered her best friends to be Pietro (her husband) and Mary (not her husband). Lance was like a brother to her, although he had grown increasingly distant and he had refused to be in the wedding party. She took the stick from Iris, eyeing the Magneto pinata that Annie had conjured. She wasn't sure if it was real, but her mind decided it was real enough to at least take out some aggression and rage.

"I'm fine, Daddy," Guin said. She forced a smile. "Pietro and I are about to start a new wedding tradition. It's called Smash the Asshole." She then held out the stick to Pietro, not for him to take it but for him to also grab onto, so they could swing it together in unison. It was way more her speed than cutting the cake together after all.

"Oh, this is definitely a new tradition I could get behind," Pietro said with a smile, grabbing a hold of the stick along with her. "On the count of three? Or how are we doing this?" he asked her.

"We have a permanent mental connection, do we even need to count? Can't we just subconsciously anticipate when the other one swings? Also known as you have a way faster reaction time than I do, so if I swing you can swing at the same time before anyone notices," she pointed out cheekily. "And if you love this, you're going to flip for the wedding tradition I invented for this evening. It involves a lot of leather."

Pietro couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly at that. "Yeah but what fun is using the mental link for stuff like that? It would be more entertaining to count off or something so everyone else would also know when we were planning on hitting the thing. In case anyone gets the dumb idea to get within the back swing range or whatever."

"If they're dumb enough to get into the danger zone, then they deserve to take a bat to the face. I'll even punch them for good measure, make sure they lose some braincells," Guin argued. "But sure, you count us off then, okay? With extra swagger."

"Wow Guina," he said with a bit of a laugh, "Okay, on three then, one, two, THREE!"

Guin swung the bat in perfect sync with Pietro. The stick struck the Magneto pinata and the illusionary target burst open, spilling its candy guts all onto the ground. It was probably the closest thing they would get towards actually killing Pietro's abusive father. Guin was giggling as she turned and pulled Pietro down for a kiss, one hand still on the Stick of Doom.

Pietro smiled when the pinata exploded, and returned Guin's kiss when she pulled him in for one. "Going to be blunt, that was way more enjoyable then it probably should have been, but that was a lot of fun."

"Oooh, maybe we could use the bat to bust up one of my dad's cars," Guin suggested, purposefully raising her voice so that way Tony could hear. They had too many cars anyways and violence was incredibly fun and healing! Plus, it was their wedding day after all. Maybe their honeymoon would be dedicated to smashing things all over the world.

"Hey no destroying my cars!" Tony responded instantly.

"Yeah, too bad, that probably would have been fun."

We'll tell him Banner did it, shhh. I've been blaming the Hulk for things I wrecked since I was ten.

Neil Spellman

Location: the Reception
Skills: N/A
Neil glanced up as other people started to come and join their table. He didn't recognize Cass. While he was close with Carolina, he didn't remember what her sister looked like or anything like that. Tons of people at the wedding had brown hair and peach skin anyways. He wasn't really comfortable playing with strangers, mostly since strangers freaked him out and sent him down this spiral of panic and anxiety. He just sort of nodded at Cass. He dared a smile at Carolina, relieved to see a familiar face at the table, since Sara and Allison hadn't come back. He groaned internally at Lance joined. He figured it was only a matter of time before Lance didn't like how the game was going and flipped the table, sending the cards flying everywhere.

"Just be gentle on the cards," he murmured, looking pointedly at Lance. At least the elder Banner hadn't come on over to ask to play too. He then cleared his throat slightly and looked at Carolina, loosening up visibly. "Um, well, Allison was... but she and Sara seem to busy so... I guess we can just have Thor be the card czar next, if you're up to it?" he asked the Asgardian. He didn't know if Thor would be a good judge, but Neil figured worse case scenario, it would at least be a memorable experience. "Unless you want to, Mira?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Pietro & Guin’s Wedding Reception

Antoinette’s eyes sparkled a little when Elizabeth spoke to her, knowing her name and smiled. ”We all have moments. But you were trying to help someone whom you’ve just started to get to know, that’s pretty brave,” she noted. Antoinette looked back at the pinata, watching Pietro, Guin and a couple other people gather around it. She smiled when she noticed Pietro was amused by it. ”Thank you. I learned how to make my illusions more solid from Allison. She’s around here somewhere,” Antoinette noted.
She smiled softly at Elizabeth again, gesturing for her to join her as she walked closer to watch Pietro and Guin hit the pinata together. She laughed and cheered, clapping as the Magneto pinata exploded from the hit and candy went everywhere. She cheered again when the happily married couple kissed after their victory. It was well deserved and Antoinette thought it was much more fitting for them than cutting a cake. Although she was sure a cake fight between those two or maybe all of them would ensue if they got to that point.
She looked over at the others who had drifted to go and play a card game by the looks of it. ”Should we go join? Or perhaps a drink to help settle the nerves from Magneto showing,” she suggested, looking back to Elizabeth.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: The Reception

"Lemme just say that I'm one hundred percent willing to donate my lovely blonde noggin to the cause," she said in response to Bethany's suggestion, her a smirk on her lips. She even stuck her head out, as if offering it to the happy couple, but they had already taken the stick, so she quickly pulled it back. As the pair of them prepared to swing at the piñata, which apparently took a minute or so of prep work and talking, Iris sauntered back over to the open bar, grabbing another beer for herself. By the time she got back to where she'd been standing, she watched on as the pair counted down, before swinging down the stick on the piñata.

"WOOHOO!" Iris cried out through a cupped hand as candy flew through the air. When the attention on the piñata began to dissipate from the crowd, Iris scooted closer to what remained, taking a handful of the candy and staring down at it. On one hand, she didn't usually like candy; it didn't usually taste like anything, just processed and artificial. But on the other hand, she really wanted to be able to say that she'd eaten something that probably didn't even exist. Eventually, her desire for new experiences got the better of her, and she tossed a few of the candies into her mouth, following them with a swig of her beer. When her mouth was free once again, she raised her bottle and spoke. "Man, if I'd known weddings were so dope, I'd have come to one ages ago!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Things have gone more then a bit haywire since the wedding. Of course, how worse could things get then Magneto showing up to cause problems. Though now everything really seemed to be going whacko, as during the following month, there was a superhero Civil War revolving around a controversial Superhuman Registration Act. Unfortunately, that was the least problematic thing, as the world soon ended up being invaded by a race of aliens known as the Skrulls, who had replaced various heroes and other people around the world with their own.

Luckily for the world, they Skrulls were able to be beaten back from the invasion and Earth was defended. A few things have happened since then that are worth noting, and we are not just talking about Guin and Pietro's honeymoon.

One thing that many around the mansion would note, is that Lance seemingly would disappear for a while every so often, without a word, so when the Skrull Invasion happened, he wasn't actually anywhere near the mansion but off somewhere else. Where he had gone, he wasn't going to really tell anyone that one. A few other things of note would be that Lance's father, Bruce Banner, seemingly disappeared after the Skrulls' attempted invasion. No one knew where he was, and that could be considered a good or bad, depending on how you viewed the Hulk being MIA.

Now it was the beginning of July. A new member had joined the team at the mansion in the past few weeks, Edus Penior, who also is now the oldest member of the group. Things had quieted down regarding world ending things, which was a nice thing. However, that wasn't going to be the case much longer. As if from out of nowhere, a box appeared on the front steps of the mansion, as if waiting for someone to find it.

Location: Outside Garden
Skills: Chlorokinesis

Mary wasn't really doing all too much, considering the fact that for once they had around a month of quiet, without the chaos of someone trying to blow up the mansion. In her opinion they were getting a bit overdue for another instance of it, but she was really hoping to have it not happen at all and to just skip a year for it. The past few months had more or less been hectic. There was supposedly a mutant nation that had been founded called Genosha, a superhero civil war, and an alien invasion, all in the span of a few months. Things were definitely more then a bit strange.

At the moment, she was outside in the garden, since typically it was a rather calming thing for her, not to mention during the warmer months it needed to be taken care of more, since the plants tended to dry out and die quicker. She waved her hand over a few of the plants, the flowers perked up from their wilted state and burst into full bloom. With nothing really going on at the moment, there wasn't much else really to do.

"Maybe we should see about doing something, cause let me tell you, this whole situation right now? It's insanely boring! I mean yeah, being in the garden is fun and all, but it gets so boooooring!" the voice in the back of her mind started saying to her.

"Well you could stay quiet and just leave me alone for once in your existence."

"But where is the fun in that? Oh right, the things I say are fun to do you have to always be the goody two shoes boring person and hate them and think they are dumb!"

"Yeah, because you always want to go on a murder spree and kill people."

"Well duh, half the time you are around idiots!"

Location: Electronics Lab
Skills: N/A

Mira was more or less trying to be off by herself for the most part, since there was at least one person she actively avoided at the mansion (cough cough Iris) and she figured that the electronics lab was the last place most people would go. Well, except for Guin really, but she wouldn't mind it if Guin stopped by. Their friendship was sort of drifting away, since she hadn't really spoken to Guin in a long time just the two of them, but that didn't really matter. Sure they were a bit distant friends more then closer like they used to be, but no matter what she'd always consider Guin to be her friend.

Currently, she was messing around with a few different circuit boards that she had, not really sure what she was going to do with them quite yet or what piece of tech they were destined to be a part of. However it was rather calming for her, and it gave her something to do that was away from everyone else. Otherwise there was a chance that she'd punch someone, a particular person who was a bit crazy and high all of the time instantly sprang to mind. Mira wasn't one to go pick fights, but if Iris showed up right now and started talking to her she probably would start a fight and beat her to a pulp.

"Ouch, die een het seergekry," she muttered under her breath as she accidentally caused a circuit to fry and it zapped her. She instantly went about fixing her mistake, and hoping not to make another one like that again.

Location: His Room
Skills: N/A

To say that the past few months had been hell for him was a bit of an understatement. He still didn't tell anyone where it was he went off to whenever he disappeared for a little bit, and he was planning on keeping it that way. Lance had just gotten back from another disappearing act the day before, and he had been staying more or less in his room, alone. In the weeks that had followed the Galactus incident he had been doing better at controlling his temper, to stop himself from smashing the mansion apart and all. So that was something good that had happened.

Then his dad decided to pull a disappearing act of his own, and no one knew where he was.

He hadn't even been in the area when the Skrull Invasion and superhero civil war happened, but when he got back, he was told that in the aftermath of everything, his dad was gone, just completely gone. Losing track of the Hulk was not something people strived for, SHIELD literally kept tabs on him constantly it seemed like. So how the hell was he just able to disappear like that? Lance had no idea, and it didn't help anything at all, considering the fact that just in the past few months he had been repairing his relationship with his dad, and now the guy was just gone. He couldn't help but keep asking, why?

At the moment he was sitting in his room, the lights more or less off and he was sitting at the desk in the room with his arms fold and his head resting face down on them. His hair over the past few months had grown a bit longer then he typically had kept it, and it fell in front of his face. Lance had a book under him that was opened and it was what his arms were resting on. He didn't seem to have a care in the world regarding everything else, and seemed to more or less just want to be alone.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Xavier's Institute - the Roof -> the Garden
Skills: Engineering Design, Problem Solving
Guin had missed a lot while off on her honeymoon. A superhero civil war had broken out - aliens invaded and tried to topple world governments - and Magneto apparently purchased billboard ads for the mutant only nation of Genosha. When she learned all of this, she expected Professor X to send them off on countless missions, but the opposite had happened. They just stayed at the X-Mansion, training in the Danger Room and finding ways to waste time. It had given her the chance to finalize work on the Mark 1 Iron Star Armor and ensure that the F.R.I.D.A.Y. operating system was functional. She hadn't gotten the chance to test the armor in combat yet, but she supposed that flight tests would be in order first.

To that end, she was currently standing on the roof of the mansion, doing a final system's check. "Lay it on me, F.R.I.D.A.Y. - we ready for this or what?"

"Do a flip, lass," the AI replied, her voice filled with snark.

"I'm not going to yeet myself off the building, you're way too morbid - maybe I need to go mess with your settings," Guin rolled her eyes. "Okay, just a simple lift off, in three... two... one..." The repulsors and thrusters fired up, as Guin effortlessly flew up about five feet into the air and maintained a near perfect hover. It helped that she had experience with Iron Man suits and running with Pietro, as she managed to keep her balance without wobbling too much. "And descend," she said, before touching down gently onto the roof of the school.

"You don't need to say everything - I ken figure out for meself what needs to happen," F.R.I.D.A.Y. complained.

"Yeah, but it's way cooler if I say things during these tests," Guin pointed out. "Let's try some horizontal movement next. Just going to the left, not off of the roof. In three... two... one..." Her repulsors and thrusters fired up again, sending Guin rapidly over towards the edge of the roof. She tried to course correct in order to avoid the edge, but something went wrong and she ended up being flung over the side, heading towards the ground face first. "Fuck fuck fuck!" Guin exclaimed. Her repulsors and thrusters were off, leaving her in a free fall.

"FRIDAY, activate thrusters now!!!" Guin screamed. The AI must have been taking her sweet time, as Guin's fall was broken when she was just a foot above the ground. It looked like she was lounging or lying down in the air, all of the repulsors going off at full power just a few feet away from the flower beds. "Kill thrusters," Guin then said and the power went off, causing her to fall the final few feet and hit the ground.

"I give that a 6/10."

"Shut up or I'll make you into a toaster," Guin grumbled, popping the helmet up. "Hey Mare - how's it going?"

Neil Spellman

Location: Neil's Room
Skills: N/A
Neil had brought Sara to meet his family that solstice, hoping that they would love her as much as he did. He knew that his upbringing had been unorthodox and strange, but Sara's aunt was the Dark Phoenix. If anyone could understand that not all dark magic was really evil and wicked, he thought it would be her. Instead, she had dumped him and then left the X-Men entirely, as if he were a stain on her soul that needed to be blotted out. The first day he had cried almost nonstop, leaving her texts and calls begging for her to give him a chance to understand - she never answered. The second day he had burned all of the things she had left behind in his room. He destroyed the pictures of her he had drawn.

But it wasn't enough. On July 2nd, his heart was still aching for her and Neil couldn't take it anymore. His aunties had sent him instructions for a spell that even someone like him, without innate magical talent, could attempt. He had gotten two candles - one a soft blue, the other pink. The blue candle he had carved his own name into and the pink candle, he had carved Sara. He tied a long piece of string to the middle of the two candles, sitting in his room at the X-Mansion in absolute darkness and silence. "This is what blocks me from moving forward on my path. his is what keeps me from receiving all that I have been asking for," Neil recited.

He thought about his favorite things about Sara - how vibrant and alive she was, the way her smile made her look like a dizzying radiant goddess, her courageous bravery. He meditated on dates they had gone on together, the sessions of D&D they would play. Tears fell down his face as his thoughts turned to her violent explosion at his aunties' place - her accusations that his family were wicked, evil, and vile. Her anger that his aunties drew power from Satanism.

"I release the ties that bind. I claim that which is mine. I move forward in light and freedom. So be it," Neil whispered, picking up a knife and severing the cord. The flames of the candles flickered brightly. He didn't know if the ritual had worked or not. Unlike the rest of his family, he didn't have any magical skills or talent. And he felt the same after it was done. He sighed. He just wanted to feel whole.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: - Carolina's Room -> Neil's Room
Skills: N/A

Carolina was sitting in her room just reading over a book that she had bought not to long ago, with everything that had been going on around the world lately had been a little bit more than crazy. Though she had heard somethings from her sister with the whole superhero registration act thing which started the whole civil war thing that had gone on, and the alien invasion as well as Genosha to. Carolina finished up reading her chapter, and decided to go over and check up on Neil. She had heard of the breakup with him and Sara and she felt bad for him, Neil was one of her best friends after all alongside Annie as well.

Carolina left her room and started to head down the hallway, things at the mansion had been fairly quiet as well which was a good thing to, she eventually made it over to Neil's room and knocked on the door. Carolina leaned herself up against the side of the door as she waited patiently for him. "Hey Neil, it's Carolina did you want to hangout or something?" Carolina asked him knowing that he was hurting quiet a bit as well and she wanted to be there for him to.

Bethany Bell

Location: - Front Door -> Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Bethany had just left her room and made her way down the stairs, having the room to herself after Sara had decided to up and leave after breaking up with Neil. Beth had enjoyed the DnD sessions with Neil as well with some of the others, as she was about to head into the kitchen she noticed something just outside the door. As she opened the door Bethany could hear drums coming from it which she thought was really weird as soon as she picked it up it went rather quiet.

She started to shake it slightly to hear if there was anything rattling inside there wasn't really, before taking it inside and made her way towards the kitchen. She set it down on the kitchen table and proceeded to open it, and flipped the open box over to reveal another box seeing it instantly reminded her of the game and movies that had come out rather recently. "Okay, who the hell even ordered this?" Beth asked mainly to herself.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Kitchen

The last few months had passed in a bit of a whirlwind. There had been so much change in the world, so much unrest. Antoinette’s empathy had been a little all over the place and so most of the time, she shut herself up with her art. She seemed to be creating more fiercely as of late and quite dramatic art pieces as well. Although she did make a beautiful one of Guin and Pietro from their wedding.
Antoinette walked into the kitchen, hands and forearms covered in splotches of paint. Her hair was pinned back, small pieces falling out and fly aways everywhere. During one of her shut in days she had decided a change was in order and cut off most of her hair, leaving it just to cover her neck. It had turned out well and made her look older than her seventeen years.
She opened the fridge and fished out what she needed in order to make a sandwich. She was in the middle of the act when Bethany walked in and plopped a box on the table. Antoinette poured herself a glass of apple juice before she drifted over and peered inside.
”Jumanji? Like the movie?” Antoinette peered close at the box. ”Did you order the game for everyone to play?” She looked at Bethany closely, she didn’t seem the type to get the team something for all of them to do. Unless there was some sort of catch to it.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Ed's room -> Outside

Ed was pacing in his room. He had been reading one of his reference books. While things had been quiet at Xavier's mansion since he had joined, the rest of the world was under a lot of turmoil. He had joined the X-men hoping to help the world so he was a little irritated that they hadn't been sent anywhere to help out.

Then there was the drama of a bunch of people living in close quarters. He was picking up on the social pecking order. He liked Neil and the kid had just had his heartbroken. Ed wanted to support him, but he felt like if he did he would be a bit of a hypocrite. Sara had broken up with Neil because she thought what his family did was evil. Ed partially agreed. Sacrifice was a big no in his book, but he also had been doing his best to keep his family's ways as his family's and not pressuring others to follow. Heck, here he was in the home of a telepath, which was a huge no in his family's laws.

Ed sighed. He was frustrated. He was feeling useless. Ed left the room, he needed a cigarette. With his pack of cigarettes and lighter Ed exited the house. He heard Guin's voice and walked the other way. He did not have it in him to have her insult him yet again.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Elizabeth Flame

Outside Garden
Skills: N/A

In the time since the wedding, Elizabeth had found a sense of peace. She'd joined in on a DND campaign, taking the role of a bard, something she wasn't initially ready to do, but playing an outspoken, excitable murder musician really helped her work through some of her shit. That, and she'd managed to claim one of the plots of flowers as her own, giving her quite a lot to keep herself occupied with. She had some lovely purple hydrangeas, inter-spaced with light blue lilacs. It felt really good to create something for herself, these plants were her babies, and she loved them to death.

She wasn't too far away from Marygold, and sighed a bit as she was able to have flowers sprout up around her. Elizabeth had been looking into ways to make her gardens better with her transmutation, but she'd had mixed success. Gardening was simple enough, but biochemistry was hard, and something that was still a tad bit beyond her. Calling over to Mary, she said, "You've got the edge on me now, but I swear, my patch will be just as good as any of yours in time!" She called over playfully. She wanted to get closer with her, it'd be nice, she thought, for her to have a gardening friend, and Mary just seemed like a cool person in general.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Iris Rivers

Location: Living Room -> Kitchen

Iris had spent a majority of her teenage years cut off from society, and, as such, she had never really needed to know much about current events. Her mom and her got all the urgent, world-threatening news when they went into town, but for the most part, they let it fly over their heads. Despite now being in the 'civilized world', Iris had, for the most part, kept that habit of ignorance. It wasn't as if she was actively avoiding news from the outside world (with the exception of her father's show). She simply didn't pursue it. As such, she got the gist of the outside happenings from her housemates: some supers in spandex were having a a spat, and there was apparently a new super nation. That was all she knew, and all she needed to know. So how, pray tell, was Iris making use of her free time? Well, for one, she was attempting to somehow sing different classic poems to the tune of Nena's 99 Luftballons as she waited for her candied pecans to finish in the oven.

"Anyone lived in a pretty how town, with up so many floating bells down," she softly sang, her voice a bit offkey and pitchy, her hands lightly bopping down on her bongos which sat snuggly on her lap. It took skill to keep her joint in her mouth as she sang, but it was a skill that she was quite proficient in. A cup of tea sat in front of her, next to her old phone with a timer counting down. It was down to its last few seconds, and as she sang, it went off. She looked down at it, eyebrows furrowed, before a look of recognition dawned on her face. She grabbed her tea, leaving her phone with her bongos as she pranced over to the kitchen. Inside, Annie and Beth stood around something that Iris didn't get a good look at as she stepped inside. She quickly made her way over to the oven, slipping on an oven mitt as she did so. No matter how much time past, she still thought it was bullshit that she was only immune to the heat of her own fire. Popping open the oven, she nabbed out the tray, plopping it down on the counter not to far from where Annie and Beth had hunkered down. Her eyes finally landed on the strange box they were both looking at.

"Cool box. What's in it?" She asked, before taking out her rolled cigarette, picking up a candied pecan and tossing it into her mouth. She waved a hand over it, looking over at the pair. She spoke as she chewed, "Oh, and feel free to take as many as you want."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Outside Garden
Skills: Chlorokinesis

Mary glanced over at Guin when she nearly crashed into the flower beds. "You should probably not be doing stuff like that cause what would have happened had you actually hit the ground Guin?" she said to her with a bit of a laugh when she turned to look towards Elizabeth and what she had said. "You wish Elizabeth, also question how you planning on keeping the flowers alive during the winter? Thought I'd ask that one," she said with a laugh before she waved her hand and more of the flowers around her burst into bloom. Mary was only really teasing Elizabeth a bit, but it was a fairly valid question, since she could keep the flowers alive all year round.

"So Guin, what have you been up to aside from clearly falling off of rooftops?" she then asked as she dusted her hands off which were covered in dirt as she stood up off the ground and looked at her. She was a bit curious as to what it was that she had been up to lately, but it seemed like she had been working on her suit of armor or something. "Or I also guess working on a suit of armor that apparently likes to fall from the sky?" she was teasing her friend of course, but there wasn't too much else she was going to say about that.

Location: Electronics Lab -> Outside
Skills: N/A

Mira was getting a little bit bored messing around with the circuitry (it also didn't help that she zapped herself again) and she set what she was working on down, and began to put things away. Unlike Guin, anything that she messed with she preferred to keep organized and clean somewhat. She couldn't really stand a mess of sorts in her work area, but sometimes it was hard to have a work area that was somewhat organized when other people in the mansion didn't really have much to be able to do that. Grabbing her laptop off of the counter when she was finished, and headed out of the room.

When she walked upstairs, she walked by the kitchen and overheard the conversation regarding some weird box with a game inside, but she didn't really care too much, since she instinctively made a face regarding the fact that she heard Iris' voice. Ignoring them entirely, she stepped outside and went out back, heading to the shade of a tree and she sat down underneath it, setting her laptop up and started messing with it. She didn't see Edus, who she wasn't too far away from now, she was more or less focused on just paying attention to some coding on her computer. Having gone outside to just be away from Iris' annoying voice for five minutes.

Location: His Room -> The Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Lance wasn't too sure about even leaving the darkness that was his room for a little bit, but he figured that he might as well, before someone came to bug him. Managing to get up from his desk, his hair was somewhat sticking out somewhat at a few odd angles, but he didn't really care at all. He opened the door to his room, taking a minute for his eyes to somewhat adjust to the light (a bit ironic given his abilities) and he stepped out into the hallway, and started walking down the hallway, seeing Carolina talking to Neil through the door to his room, and he walked down towards the kitchen area where others seemed to be gathering.

He wasn't really want to interact with too many people, since for the first time in what felt like a few days, he actually was somewhat hungry. "What are you all going on about?" he muttered somewhat to them as he opened up a cupboard in the kitchen, looking around for something. His skin was somewhat pale, as if despite not being around the mansion all too often, he hadn't been outside in the sunlight. After a few moments, he pulled out an apple or something and leaned up against the counter, looking at the group. "What's with the box?"

Bethany will notice tucked on the side of the board game box an envelope. Seemed like whoever had sent the game had sent a letter or something for it. Maybe if she looked at it she'd see who the game was for and who had sent it?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Guin Stark

Location: Xavier's Institute - the Garden
Skills: N/A
Guin couldn't help but be slightly impressed - and annoyed - at how little Elizabeth cared about her dramatic entrance, falling from the roof of the school and tumbling near the flower beds. If she had done this every day in the Iron Star suit, then sure, she guessed that she could understand Elizabeth not caring at all... but this had been the debut flight test! Couldn't Elizabeth have screamed? Come to think of it, Mary's reaction was a bit lackluster too and Guin frowned. She didn't need a lecture on safety. She wanted some praise and applause. She wanted her name on a building in the sky.... Oh wait, she already had that.

Never mind.

"So are you guys doing the Great Florist Bake Off? Or is this going to be more of a Nailed It type of situation?" Guin asked the Flower Girls. She never was into botany. It took a lot of patience that she just didn't have. "I've just been working on the Mark 1 y'know, arguing with FRIDAY, fighting a craving for a German chocolate cake, just a typical July day, refusing to leave the suit since it has AC while I'm outside as it's fucking boiling out here... What about you two?" She had to wonder how Mary was doing. She seemed to have her good days and her bad days. If this was one of Mary's bad days, then Elizabeth and Guin needed to run. Mary was surrounded by plants - a recipe for a flowery version of the Hulk to emerge.

"Oh! I've been playing some old Pokémon games. I'm trying to get a team of just shiny eevees. It's gonna be so cute - and fucking deadly. I'm naming them all exclusively after Bad Popes - like the one who ordered the corpse of the old pope to be dug up and put on trial. Wild."

Neil Spellman

Location: Xavier's Institute - Neil's Room
Skills: N/A
Neil jumped slightly, hearing a knock on the door. While he didn't have any sort of magical talent, his cousin Rebecca did. His aunties taught her everything they knew and Neil inevitably picked up a thing or two. Hearing a knock after attempting a spell was never good - it usually meant that some sort of wayward spirit wanted to come in. He braced himself for a fight with a demon or something monstrous as he opened the door, only to find the exact opposite - it was Carolina, arguably his best friend in the entire world. "You're not a demon," Neil blurted, a bit stunned. He really had been expecting something to come and maul him to death.

His eyes flickered briefly over towards the candles he had carved, the flames still burning. Maybe the ritual had worked. He knew that a lot of witchcraft ultimately came down to intentions - or asking the universe to play nice for once. After his pleas for closure and to move on from Sara, Carolina had appeared outside of his room, asking to spend time with him. Were the forces that be trying to tell him something? He imagined an Uncle Iroh like figure urging him to focus on the present and to not dwell on the past - that while Sara was not going to be a part of his life anymore, he still had good friends like Carolina. "Erm, I mean yeah, that'd be fun."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ed Penior

Location: Outside

Edus lit his cigarette and leaned against the railing. He noticed Mira working on her laptop and considered saying hello, but she looked deeply involved in whatever she was working on. He could hear Guin, Elizabeth, and Marygold talking, but not what they were saying. He did break his silence to tell Mira, "If my cigarette smoke is hitting you let me know. I'll move farther away." Ed didn't like his habit bothering other people. He tried to be considerate.

He also hoped none of the other residents of Xavier's manor thought it would be a good idea to pick up smoking. Ed had considered quitting, but that was not an easy task. Maybe if his sister were still alive, she could have helped him through the withdraws with her magic. Since her death, he had been trying to heal like she had, but so far it was just beyond him. It would come in handy if he could figure it out though. Since her healing had been powerful and nearly instant. Most of the time she hadn't even needed the components.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 35 min ago

Carolina Reed

Location: Xavier's Mansion - Neil's Room
Skills: N/A

Carolina waited for a moment, until she heard Neil's voice on the other end and opened the door up and gave him a friendly smile. "Last I checked I didn't have red skin, horns or a spaded tail or hooves for feet." Carolina said jokingly and giggled slightly as she noticed that he looked back into his room, curious she looked in as well seeing the candles that Neil had made and were still burning. A part of her did remember a little bit of October, she had been really into witchcraft like Neil was as well.

Carolina missed her and she had been so happy in Wanda's reality that she had made and October was alive and well back then to and they were married, a part of her really did miss that as well. "What were you doing anyway?" She asked Carolina, she thought for a moment Sara did hurt Neil really badly as she turned to look over at him and smiled. She didn't really have anything in mind and things have been really uneventful as well.

Bethany Bell

Location: Xavier's Mansion- Kitchen
Skills: N/A

Bethany looked over as she watched Annie coming into the room and gave a slight shrug she didn't order anything at all, and the letter just randomly appearing on the doorstep just didn't make sense at all. Unless someone else ordered it as well that was also a possibility as well. "Nope it wasn't me who sent it." Bethany answered her as she walked over to the cabinet she grabbed herself a glass of water and started to fill it up. When Iris came into the room, internally groaning to herself Iris just annoyed the hell out of her she was just to perky and way to carefree as well in her opinion. And then Lance coming into the room she hadn't seen him in a really long time and seeing him looking a lot paler then usual like how she was.

"How have you been Lance?" Bethany asked, she wasn't going to really poke him on where he had been which wasn't really any of her business either as well, when both Iris and Lance asked what was in the box. "A game by the looks of it." Bethany said, as she paused for a moment and saw an envelope inside of the box and picked it up and started to look at it before opening the letter itself and read through it. The more Beth read through it the more worried that she got, Bethany remembered Loki all over the news when he invaded New York with the Chituari army. "So does anyone know where Mary and the others are?" Bethany asked as she showed everyone the letter.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 21 min ago

Antoinette McCarthy

Location: Kitchen
Skills: Enhanced Intuition;

Antoinette looked away from the box, seeing Iris walk into the kitchen and proceed to the oven. She looked back at the box and the game inside. If Bethany didn’t order it, who did? She looked back, seeing candied pecans that Iris had made and then Lance walked in. Antoinette smiled warmly at Lance and watched him for a moment. He had been even more distant than usual and most of the time he wasn’t even in the mansion. She wondered if it had something to do with his dad but Antoinette wasn’t going to ask him that in front of everyone. She couldn’t ask him privately either because she never knew where he was.
”Oh, I would love some,” Antoinette said and took a couple candied pecans. They were perfect in her opinion and very tasty. As she chewed she watched Bethany open up a letter and read it. Once she was done, she let the others read and Antoinette took it, thankfully the paint on her hands were dry. Loki was a well known Asgardian, Thor’s brother to be exact and him sending this game did not seem like it would actually be fine.
She read the pairs and smiled a little. Ed was new to the mansion but Antoinette liked him just as well. He had an intense focus that might make him an asset in this proposed game.
Antoinette looked back at Bethany when she asked if they knew where Mary and the others were. Her blue eye started to glow faintly before she spoke. ”Mary is most likely in the garden,” she said, her enhanced intuition helping a bit to determine the obvious.
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