Things have gone more then a bit haywire since the wedding. Of course, how worse could things get then Magneto showing up to cause problems. Though now everything really seemed to be going whacko, as during the following month, there was a superhero Civil War revolving around a controversial Superhuman Registration Act. Unfortunately, that was the least problematic thing, as the world soon ended up being invaded by a race of aliens known as the Skrulls, who had replaced various heroes and other people around the world with their own.
Luckily for the world, they Skrulls were able to be beaten back from the invasion and Earth was defended. A few things have happened since then that are worth noting, and we are not just talking about Guin and Pietro's honeymoon.
One thing that many around the mansion would note, is that Lance seemingly would disappear for a while every so often, without a word, so when the Skrull Invasion happened, he wasn't actually anywhere near the mansion but off somewhere else. Where he had gone, he wasn't going to really tell anyone that one. A few other things of note would be that Lance's father, Bruce Banner, seemingly disappeared after the Skrulls' attempted invasion. No one knew where he was, and that could be considered a good or bad, depending on how you viewed the Hulk being MIA.
Now it was the beginning of July. A new member had joined the team at the mansion in the past few weeks, Edus Penior, who also is now the oldest member of the group. Things had quieted down regarding world ending things, which was a nice thing. However, that wasn't going to be the case much longer. As if from out of nowhere, a box appeared on the front steps of the mansion, as if waiting for someone to find it.

Location: Outside Garden
Skills: Chlorokinesis
Mary wasn't really doing all too much, considering the fact that for once they had around a month of quiet, without the chaos of someone trying to blow up the mansion. In her opinion they were getting a bit overdue for another instance of it, but she was really hoping to have it not happen at all and to just skip a year for it. The past few months had more or less been hectic. There was supposedly a mutant nation that had been founded called Genosha, a superhero civil war, and an alien invasion, all in the span of a few months. Things were definitely more then a bit strange.
At the moment, she was outside in the garden, since typically it was a rather calming thing for her, not to mention during the warmer months it needed to be taken care of more, since the plants tended to dry out and die quicker. She waved her hand over a few of the plants, the flowers perked up from their wilted state and burst into full bloom. With nothing really going on at the moment, there wasn't much else really to do.
"Maybe we should see about doing something, cause let me tell you, this whole situation right now? It's insanely boring! I mean yeah, being in the garden is fun and all, but it gets so boooooring!" the voice in the back of her mind started saying to her.
"Well you could stay quiet and just leave me alone for once in your existence." "But where is the fun in that? Oh right, the things I say are fun to do you have to always be the goody two shoes boring person and hate them and think they are dumb!" "Yeah, because you always want to go on a murder spree and kill people." "Well duh, half the time you are around idiots!"

Location: Electronics Lab
Skills: N/A
Mira was more or less trying to be off by herself for the most part, since there was at least one person she actively avoided at the mansion (
cough cough Iris) and she figured that the electronics lab was the last place most people would go. Well, except for Guin really, but she wouldn't mind it if Guin stopped by. Their friendship was sort of drifting away, since she hadn't really spoken to Guin in a long time just the two of them, but that didn't really matter. Sure they were a bit distant friends more then closer like they used to be, but no matter what she'd always consider Guin to be her friend.
Currently, she was messing around with a few different circuit boards that she had, not really sure what she was going to do with them quite yet or what piece of tech they were destined to be a part of. However it was rather calming for her, and it gave her something to do that was away from everyone else. Otherwise there was a chance that she'd punch someone, a particular person who was a bit crazy and high all of the time instantly sprang to mind. Mira wasn't one to go pick fights, but if Iris showed up right now and started talking to her she probably
would start a fight and beat her to a pulp.
"Ouch, die een het seergekry," she muttered under her breath as she accidentally caused a circuit to fry and it zapped her. She instantly went about fixing her mistake, and hoping not to make another one like that again.

Location: His Room
Skills: N/A
To say that the past few months had been hell for him was a bit of an understatement. He still didn't tell anyone where it was he went off to whenever he disappeared for a little bit, and he was planning on keeping it that way. Lance had just gotten back from another disappearing act the day before, and he had been staying more or less in his room, alone. In the weeks that had followed the Galactus incident he had been doing better at controlling his temper, to stop himself from smashing the mansion apart and all. So that was something good that had happened.
Then his dad decided to pull a disappearing act of his own, and no one knew where he was.
He hadn't even been in the area when the Skrull Invasion and superhero civil war happened, but when he got back, he was told that in the aftermath of everything, his dad was gone, just completely gone. Losing track of the Hulk was not something people strived for, SHIELD literally kept tabs on him constantly it seemed like. So how the hell was he just able to disappear like that? Lance had no idea, and it didn't help anything at all, considering the fact that just in the past few months he had been repairing his relationship with his dad, and now the guy was just gone. He couldn't help but keep asking, why?
At the moment he was sitting in his room, the lights more or less off and he was sitting at the desk in the room with his arms fold and his head resting face down on them. His hair over the past few months had grown a bit longer then he typically had kept it, and it fell in front of his face. Lance had a book under him that was opened and it was what his arms were resting on. He didn't seem to have a care in the world regarding everything else, and seemed to more or less just want to be alone.