@Morose@KazAlkemi@BlueSky44@Natsu@Trainerblue192@Kirah@Framing A Moose@kittyluna45
7:30PM EST Argo III
12:40PM Camp Jupiter.
Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III Upper Deck (Outside of Kansas City Missouri)
Skills: Hydrokinesis
Kiera looked over at Leda and couldn't help but smile and blush a little bit more and nodded towards her. "I would love to work with you then." She said smiling at Leda, as she watched the others starting to pick their pairs, and listened to Rebecca as she told them a little bit more information on the venti. Or the greek term that she used for them Venti sounded a lot easier though actually in her own opinion, the weather started to get a little bit worse as the rain started to come down rather hard as well. She started to get a little bit of an idea as she held a hand up in the hair, as she made a little shield of water for herself and Leda.
"Cool, so we have me and Lauryn, Kiera and Leda, Mary and Rebecca, Arthur and Andy, Jason and Demetri." Alannah said looking at them all, an then Lauryn made her way over towards the wheelhouse and moved the entire ship to land on the ground, there was a slight thud as the ship landed. "Just stay close and work together, just kill them and use the packs to suck up their remains Venti are still really tough to kill and dangerous to happy hunting." Alannah said, she didn't really mind that Rebecca had given some more information to the others, Kiera wrapped an arm around Leda's waist and smiled towards her. "Lets get going lovely." She said as Kiera made her way towards the rope ladder and started to climb down it.
Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Coffee Shop
Madalyne nodded as she wrote down the gem on the list of things that were in Alexandra's painting of the Prophecy that she had seen, the gem did make her feel uncomfortable when she used it once when they were on their quest together. It really did feel like a lifetime ago when they were just simple centurions, Niah was really lucky she didn't take the praetorship role either. Maddie didn't like the idea of the titans and giants all working together either. "We could ask the greeks if they are willing to give us a ride back to New York maybe." Madalyne said looking at both Niah and Nancy as a suggestion it would save them on resources and time having to make the trip across the country.
She then started to get a little bit of a weird idea, there was a titan literally at their doorstep cursed with holding the weight of the sky. "A little bit of a crazy idea, but maybe we can pay a visit to Atlas maybe he knows something whats going on?" She suggested Atlas was trapped in Mount Othrys which wasn't to far from Camp Jupiter, and it was the titan's former equivalent to Mount Olympus, they did occasionally send groups to check up on things over there from time to time as well. "I don't like the idea of the giants and titans working together one bit either."
Kristin Reynolds

Location: Greyhound Station, Washington D.C.
Skills: N/A
Kristin made her way over towards one of the little brochure and maps of the DC area, as she started to switch over towards the maps finding some local restaurants. She looked around there was a Chick-Fil-A nearby and a few other places as she looked over at the two of them. "Well theres a pizza place called WiseGuy Pizza, but that's a about five blocks away, and then theres a Chick-Fil-A that's even closer that's a lot cheaper to. And then a few coffee places around here as well, and some bars but I highly doubt that they will let some minors in." She said looking at them Kristin didn't really mind they did have some money that Chiron had given them before they all left to go on this quest.
Kristin was really craving for something more than just a bag of doritos or soda as well she was still a little bit curious the girl that Zeke had mentioned earlier. Kristin looked around and scanned the area some more there hadn't been any monster encounters yet and they were in the capitol as well she had a feeling that they would encounter something soon however.