Bartolomeo PeckishAlias: Pandor

Due to the nature of Pandor's signature power, no one actually knows what his original face, form or even gender is for certain. Whatever it might have been, he seems to prefer being male since that will generally be the gender he falls back to and generally uses the most. While the flesh and body might change, what remains consistent is the red hood and the white mask that he wears when he isn't pretending to be someone or something else.
Impossible to tell from appearance alone, but he's actually in his early to mid twenties age wise.
Complicated, but seems to identify as male.
Mutant Human.
Numerous, through they were generally unaware of his true identity at the time. Check Backstory for details.
Skills/Meta Abilities:
Shape Shifter: Pandor is naturally gifted as a shape shifter, being able to alter his body to take on the appearance of anyone or just about anything mundane that he wants provided that it is a living creature. While he is taking a non-human form, he gains access to the abilities that it has access to... provided that they are a result of a physical characteristic of the body in question. His shape shifting does not allow for the use of any magical abilities that the creature may possess.
For example: If he was to take the form of a spider, he would be able to climb most surfaces easily because that is a physical trait. If he was the take the form of a venomous snake, he would have venom because the venom sacks are a physical part of the snake. If he took the form of a cockatrice however, he would not have its death stare since that is a magical ability and not a physical one.
He has experimented with partial transformations (IE, shifting a limb into that of a different species while keeping the rest something else), but the results of this have been... difficult to maintain to say the least. He also needs to understand the biology of what he is transforming into in order to get the benefits (and weaknesses) of it; He could look exactly like Aqua Man if he wanted to, but without understanding the biology behind being an Atlantian and what makes them so powerful it would just be appearances alone.
Mixed Martial Arts: While he earned them individual under teachers that any civilian can have access to, Pandor is a brown belt at Taekwondo, skilled at American Kick Boxing and practiced at Muay Thai. While individually not that impressive, combined with Pandor's innate shape shifting makes him a very dangerous person to fight in close combat.
Biology Minded: While likely a side effect of his powers, Pandor has taken the time to learn about biology. He is not one of those professors who understands seemingly everything about what the field has to offer, but his education has given him a solid foundation and the ability to figure things out as he pushes ahead.
Pandor is one of nature's actors and thus it is really difficult to pin down a personalty... at least, pinning down what his actual personalty might be. Some suspect even he doesn't fully know what kind of person he is at heart, since when someone asked him what it was like to be a shape shifter he answered "You have to be careful. You spend too long pretending to be other people and sooner or later you'll forget who you're meant to be when you're not wearing the mask."
While he would never admit it, the reason he wears his trademark mask when he isn't required to pretend to be something else is because he no longer remembers what he originally looked like and the mask... comforts him. It gives him a sense of identity that when the mask is on, he is himself. As such, he will come down on anyone who tries to steal or damage his mask with anger and furious vengeance that will be shift and brutal. Even allowing someone to touch his mask is an act of trust that goes beyond words for him.
When Pandor is wearing his mask and is being himself, he is rather civil and generally aloof to the problems of people he doesn't know. His views on some of the work he does (stealing, spying and assassination) is that it is just a job to him; The universe is cold, uncaring and the capitalist system of America punishes those who can't make ends meet in a largely stacked game. Interestingly, he doesn't wear the costume while working: The mask comes on when Pandor is off the clock.
Pandor is not the kind of villain who blows open a bank vault, grabs as much as can be carried and leaves; Quiet and subtle are his watch words. A good job is one where no one knows anything happened until sometime
after the fact.
That being said... while Pandor isn't generally social those few people who he considers friends he treasures highly. Loyalty is hard earned but once he offers it, Pandor will always be willing to help a friend out.
As far as he is concerned, Pandor is Pandor. Whatever his name or identity was before, it's dead now.
Likes: Professionalism, Video Games, Table Top Role Playing Games, Fan Forums.
Dislikes: Unprofessionalism, Hackers (in a Video Game context), Power Gamers, Internet Trolls.
Pandor has told numerous tales of his origins. He has claimed to have originated as one of many children born to a farmstead up near the frozen north of the world whom joined his father one day on a business trip down south and simply never returned north having been born with the ability to change form at will, the son of a doctor who lived in the far east who uncovered the secrets of how to change his form in ancient occult texts before before forced to flee his homeland due to a war... and one interesting tale about being a noble born from a distant land whom had come across the occult when normal experiences and sensations grew boring. Which, if any, of these tales are actually true he keeps completely to himself.
The sad truth is that Bartolomeo was just a normal kid born and raised in a strict religious household who did well at school, played basket ball on the weekends and when to church on Sunday. That life changed as he started puberty and his mutant power to shape shift developed. His family rejected him, with his father driving him to the nearest city, giving him a tent and five dollars before abandoning him on the streets to fend for himself.
Bartolomeo disappeared, like many other children abandoned or forced to flee from their homes and live on the streets. Pandor appeared shortly afterwards and the rest, as they say, is history. Using the funds he started to build up from his life of crime, Pandor invested it into further his education; False identities were created for those activities (such as schooling) that required such things, but for the most part all he needed was the money to pay for the class and an eager face to learn and he would be accepted just about anywhere.