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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Master Bruce
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Master Bruce Winged Freak

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A YEAR ONE DC COMICS ROLEPLAY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

G M (s): Master Bruce, Hillan & HenryJonesJr G E N R E: Superhero/Fandom T Y P E: Sandbox with linear and Collaborative Arcs

I N T R O D U C T I O N:

Welcome, fans of the DC Universe. DC UNIVERSE: GENESIS is a sandbox based RP that seeks to allow you to tell the story of the world's greatest heroes from the very beginning. The idea behind this RP is not to embody our favorite heroes to simply retell iconic stories and origins but to take these characters and make them our own. In fact, the goal of the RP is for players to take their favorite characters and re-imagine them to tell their own stories. We only ask that the core of the character remains the same. Players will take the roles of their characters and tell stories either alone or in collaboration with other players in order to develop and grow the world.


It is the year 2020. Thanks to the swift action of President Lucas Carr and other world leaders working in tandem, the world has just started to recover from a viral pandemic, originating from the nation of Markovia, that would have otherwise left the worldwide economy crippled. But this regained sense of freedom and return to civilized life comes a dire cost: rampant crime. In major metropolitan cities like Midway, Coast, the twin cities of Central and Keystone, and St. Roch, some of those left financially impacted by the virus have become desperate, and others look to capitalize on the growing sense of paranoia by targeting the defenseless. While the police are militarized in some areas where crime has affected the populace the largest, non-violent citizens are often becoming the victim of oppression from those sworn to protect them, prompting a wave of backlash threatens to dismantle efforts towards peace on both sides of the political spectrum. Now more than ever, the world needs a new type of hero to stand above these ideologies and make the world a better place.

A few select individuals are ready to step up. A young man of Metropolis looks to utilize his vast array of superhuman abilities to stand between the very sources of good and evil. An ageless demi-goddess, meanwhile, draws upon a life of warrior's training to bring peace to a world she has yet to fully understand. Another young man, spurned on by the memory of his murdered parents, takes to the streets of Gotham as a vigilante. And then there are the budding stories on social media that speak to a crimson blur, leaving behind a trail of unconscious purse snatchers and hostile criminals in it's wake. A glowing green light emanates from the heavens, striking down those who would cause harm to the innocent. The seas find themselves protected by a new guardian, who seems to be controlling the marine life at will to prevent pollution and piracy, among other crimes against nature. And there is even the fringe conspiracy theory that we are not alone, given new life by supposed first-hand encounters of a figure that is unlike anything humankind has ever seen.

Will these men and women, or otherwise, become Earth's greatest champions? Or is there a different destiny in store for those who would be called upon to don symbols of their own making, uniforms of a starkly different era, and disguises that allow these heroes to work anonymously? Their ultimate place in this world lies with you.

This is the dawn of something new - the genesis of something yet to come.

C O M M U N I C A T I O N:

All official discussion and announcements will happen through the OOC, however, for those who prefer a faster-paced place of discussion, or just enjoy getting to know your peers, the game can also be discussed in the former Discord channel for the Absolute Comics RP.

The Discord link can be found here.


  • All players will initially be allotted one Character Concept, to begin with. This concept may be any character from a main stream comic book. If applying as a 'Team Concept', a combination roster may be allowed at the scrutiny of the GM Team. Characters originally appearing in Competing Comic Imprints, Manga or Anime are heavily discouraged because of their incompatibility with western superhero comics. We will judge all properties from outside of the DC Universe (IE: Vertigo and Wildstorm) on a case-by-case basis provided they fit the themes and tones of the game, but the above limitations are definitive.
  • We will grant a second character concept to players who demonstrate a commitment to the game and a consistent posting schedule.
  • Players can compete for characters if an application for your desired character is posted ahead of yours and has not yet been accepted. To compete for a character, you have a twenty-four-hour window to state your intent to compete. The GM Team will then judge the competing applications.
  • In terms of character creation, you are free to overhaul and redesign any canon character from one of the aforementioned publishers. This means you can tell the story of the character how you believe it should be told. However, there is one major limitation, the heart and soul of the character must stay intact. The character should not be changed so much that they're unrecognizable. This means that Superman can't be a cold-blooded killer any more than Green Lantern can be a rich, well off and arrogant playboy. Every aspect of the character that isn't a key to their major identity is malleable, this can even include sex and abilities if so desired.
  • Player characters are claimed on a first-come, first-serve basis. If the parent character (i.e. Batman to Robin), hasn’t been claimed, the legacy is just as available. If another player comes along and asks about playing the parent, it’s requested that both players be as accommodating as possible to allow the other to express their vision. It is understandable that sometimes two visions will not mesh, and in this case, we will give the player who came first precedence. If a GM needs to step in as a mediator or an arbiter, we can arrange this in a group PM.
  • The 'parent character' or 'acting parent characters' have a say in any further legacies being applied for. For instance, if you were playing The Flash, and another player applied as Wally West, as the established 'parent' character, you are able to voice if the concept compliments your own, or if you would rather the character not be accepted. The GMs will take this into consideration before moving further ahead with any legacy application.
  • Absolutely no 'OOC' chatter in the In Character Thread. If you have a question or anything to explain there is an Out Of Character Thread provided. You have no excuse to make an 'OOC' comment in the IC and if done it will be heavily frowned upon. If you require a more immediate answer, don't hesitate to directly ask the GM Team or relevant player in the Discord.
  • Writing expectations for this roleplay are at least two (2) well-developed paragraphs as a minimum per post. Three (3) to five (5) paragraph posts, however, would be awesome so long as you're not simply chewing the scenery. Proper spelling and grammar is also expected but small mistakes here and there are understandable. Blatant offences will be called out.
  • You are required to post at least once per character within a fourteen (14) day period. There will be a post-check-in, once per week performed by the GMs in order to ensure the IC is moving consistently. Extensions will be given in extenuating circumstances. Please recognize your limitations before joining the RP, if you are unable to post once every ten days, then it's highly likely that you do not have enough time to keep up with the RP. In the event that you do miss the deadline, your character will be listed as 'inactive'. After a further week of inactivity, your character will be expelled, and dealt with as necessary in the IC, whether killed or used as needed and then discarded. This whole process is simply easier if you just let the GM know if you're unable to keep up or simply have lost interest in the RP. If you find yourself in a plot with another player and they disappear, do your best to move on without them and quickly finish the arc to the best of your ability, or ask for the help of a GM.
  • This is a Character-Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. There will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be developing a driving plot that will ensure the RP keeps moving and player interaction can become more convenient - however, we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. That being said, we also don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. Like with all pleasurable activities, no one enjoys watching you play with yourself. It's always better to let someone else join in on the fun.

Rules, OOC and Character Application formats created by @Lord Wraith and @HenryJonesJr
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Master Bruce
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Master Bruce Winged Freak

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

To apply for a character, please utilize the Character Concept Proposal sheet located here.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Master Bruce
Avatar of Master Bruce

Master Bruce Winged Freak

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Bruce William Wayne . .Vigilante . .Gotham City, New Jersey, USA . .Unaffiliated
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"The time has come. You know it in your soul."

Fifteen years ago, a double homicide in The Narrows was discovered by the GCPD. When the corresponding address was checked for the tenant's name, few could have imagined a connection to billionaire Phillip Wayne. But the so-called Prince of Gotham did indeed have a brother who had never recieved a cent of their father's blood money, who chose to work towards the betterment of his city by his own accord. And while he and his wife had been taken by a petty thief, the two had a son that survived. A traumatized little boy who would emerge from that apartment forever changed, put on the path towards a quest that would transform him from an ordinary young man into an extraordinary crimefighter. He would learn how to fight against the criminal element that had made Gotham City an uninhabitable hellscape. He would become a master detective, a cunning warrior, and eventually, even a self-styled creature of the night. But like his father before him, he would do it by his own hand, inspired by a legend that has haunted Gotham City for decades - the grim fairy tale known only as The Gotham Bat.

Forget the familiar story. There is no billion dollar fortune, no lavish mansion, no elitist playboy act to galavant around in during the daytime. There's just a man with no extraordinary means, who worked hard to turn himself into something more - something that will tear away Gotham City's evils by the skin of his teeth, giving every ounce of his blood and sweat to do it. How this iteration of Bruce Wayne becomes The Batman is a story that will be told not only through the donning of the cape and cowl, but by the struggle to rise above the level of masked street vigilante to enact real change in a city that preys upon the innocent. It's a journey that will teach him not only the methods he needs to truly be The Dark Knight, but the allies he'll need to cultivate and the enemies that he'll have to endure.

For right now, however, he's still got some kinks to work out. Some equipment to test, some approaches to refine... and a persona to unleash onto the citizens that still think Gotham belongs to the criminals and the corrupt.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Batman is too significant of a part of me to ignore. He's the focal point of all of my cutural osmosis, to the point of an unhealthy obsession that always brings me back to wanting to write the character and entertaining an endless amount of what-ifs and alternate takes. But the one thing I've never really tackled is how well the character can endure once you strip away all of the elements that make his life entirely unattainable to the common man. After all, the big thing touted about him is that he doesn't have any superpowers. ...as long as you ignore the billions of dollars, celebrity lifestyle, luxury and privilege that allows him to break out the fanciful gadgets and vehicles on a whim.

That's the paradox of his character that drives this version. What is Bruce Wayne if he's not rich beyond belief, shoulder to shoulder with supermodels and escorted by a literal butler that raised him to inherit a dynasty that was never in danger of being taken from him? I don't really know the answer yet, but that's why this take on the origin is an interesting challenge. He's still everything that psychologically and emotionally makes him Batman. He's still a little disturbed and driven by an absolute obsession that puts him back on those streets every night. He still puts on a mask and cape and trys to emulate a giant bat, and eventually he'll start to obtain a few of the familiar elements, like a Batcave, a Batmobile, and even a Rogue's Gallery. He just has to do it without all of the shortcuts that made his journey the great fantasy that it's always been, in a Gotham City that functions even more like the real world than it usually does.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

Salvatore "The Boss" Maroni screamed at the top of his lungs as he was thrust into the open air admist shattered glass. The masked lunatic that had thrown the gangster aswell as himself out of the top floor of the penthouse grabbed onto Maroni hard and produced that same grappling device that had sent them hurtling into an over 50 foot drop towards the pavement. Firing it again, this time managing to snag a stone gargoyle overlooking the adjacent building, The Batman pressed hard into Maroni's back so that they swung into an arch, heading directly for the building just across the street.

All that Salvatore could see was oncoming glass before a very large and leathery piece of fabric shielded him from the impact. He couldn't see them hit the window, but he could feel it, aswell as the hard landing that both men made. By the time the fabric unfurled itself off of his face, Maroni realized that he was on his back, staring directly at his shadowy assailant, who stood above him. Salvatore growled.


The Batman's boot slammed down onto Maroni's chest, causing him to involuntarily keel and roll over in immense pain.


With his prey momentarily incapacitated, Batman searched the room ahead of them. A set of office cubicles greeted him in the darkness, evident of a local business. The employees had long since gone home, leaving no one but a janitor who had already ran for the emergency exit. But The Dark Knight sneered as the heat signature-detection feature of the lenses in his cowl picked up the image of an additional few men heading up the staircase, guns drawn. Evidently, Captain Bolton had managed to round up some of his remaining men to pursue them.

Looking down at Maroni, Batman forcibly grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.

"We're not done."

Maroni wheezed in pain. "What the hell are you talkin' about?!"

Punching the mobster hard across the face with an executed right hook, Batman caught Maroni's body as it fell limp, immediately rendered unconscious. Letting him fall gently, Batman produced a pair of military-grade handcuffs from the back of his belt and dragged Maroni over to a support beam. Propping him up and placing his hands behind his back, the vigilante secured his captive in place, put something into the front of his jacket pocket, and looked towards the door to the spacious room they were in as the heat signatures immediately approached.

Retreating to the darkness on the opposite end of the room, Batman watched in cold silence as the door was slammed open from the outside with a kick. Several of Flass' dirty cops burst into the room, each holding weapons that were far above standard issue for the GCPD. Laser sights, automatic ammunition. The vigilante narrowed his eyes as they searched for any sign of him in vain. Someone had been outfitting Flass' men with the latest in high-tech ordinance. The other precincts didn't have the luxury of such treatment, and it wasn't hard to guess why. Salvatore Maroni had a good majority of the GCPD under his payroll, directly. It was how the mobster had kept himself one step ahead of his rival, The Roman.

"Look! Over there! There's Maroni!", one of them yelled, signaling two of the men to his opposite. "Get him out of here before that freak comes back! We'll stay here and keep watch!"

As the two men approached, The Batman produced a detonator hidden within his gauntlet. Waiting precious seconds as the cops inched closer to Maroni's unconscious form, the vigilante waited for them to discover the handcuffs.

"Uh, Lieutenant? He's bound to this thing. We're gonna need to..."

Hitting the detonator hard, Batman leaped forward with a roll as an explosion of smoke immediately hit the two cops from within Maroni's jacket. Seizing control of the situation as the smoke coated the entire room, The Dark Knight hit the side of his cowl and switched his cowl's surveillance mode so that the lenses could isolate the smoke and make the room clear to him alone. Immediately slamming his knee into the chest of one of the cops with a rising strike, The Batman spun mid-air and sent four projectiles directly into the hands of two of the other armed officers. He'd taken to calling them "bat-blades", though one of his associates had given them perhaps a more fitting moniker: batarangs. Landing behind the officer he'd struck, Batman downed that one with a hard elbow and immediately followed that up with a brutal headbutt, knocking him into one of the cubicles. Shooting his right leg out, Batman spun for a hard sweep, sending a second one to the ground fast enough for the officer to hit the back of his head. Opting for a palm strike against an oncoming enemy's jaw, the vigilante simultaneously reigned a flying high kick down onto a fourth officer's face, knocking both to the ground. As he regained his footing, he looked down to his chest and noticed the red targeting lasers start to cross his path.



Bullets sprayed the walls behind him as The Batman somersaulted forward, counting himself lucky as a bullet barely grazed the armor plating covering his right shoulder. Leaping into the air, he kicked off of the wall to the south of the room and produced his grapple gun yet again, firing a line directly into the northern wall. Directing a spin kick into an officer as he attempted to reload his weapon, Batman pulled at the line hard, catching the two leading figures of the group by the chest and waist as the steel cable slammed them into the adjacent wall. As another officer rose from the ground, still partially unconscious, the vigilante grabbed a stapler from one of the nearby cubicles and launched it directly into the man's head, sending him back to the ground. One remained. And he was firing off into the distance, having already lost the trajectory of his target. A batarang flew from the smoke and forced the weapon from his hands, embedding it into the window with a spiderweb crack. The officer's eyes widened as he looked at his unreachable weapon, failing to notice the figure that approached him.

"Tell Commissioner Loeb. Tell your fellow men. Tell everyone..."

"I'm coming for them, too."

P O S T C A T A L O G:

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

“Once upon a time, I dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes
a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was myself. Soon I awaked,
and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a
butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man.”
- Chuang-Tzu

The 1940s in New York City.

A young man named Jackie Robinson is breaching the color barrier in baseball for the Dodgers.

The BROOKLYN Dodgers.

Joe Louis' career is in its twilight, afterwards the Brown Bomber would retire as one of the greatest heavyweights ever to grace the ring. In the pound-for-pound stakes Sugar Ray Robinson is partway through what would become one of the most remarkable unbeaten streaks ever.

But it was the mythology of fighters outside of the squared circle that would captivate many.

In 1948, rumours spread like wildfire about a 'Mystery Man' clad in a long coat, old World War I gas mask and brandishing a 'gas gun' which he could use to either put bad men to sleep or give them nightmares. Claims of drawing out confessions and truth from the lips of criminals in a sleep state also spread amongst the good people of Manhattan.

A silent protector, watching over Manhattan whilst she would sleep.

A Sandman of the folklore borne to a city in need. From time to time there were sightings. Claims of a masked face turning, a figure disappearing in a plume of mist. An urban legend. A civilized city's Chupacabra.

Then the random appearances became few and far between. It was the fifties, and J. Edgar Hoover had diverted resources to generate a concerted effort for an elite investigation taskforce. Clean-cut men who specialized in methods of criminology at the forefront of innovation! J. Edgar spurned the terms "Science heroes" and "mystery men", he wanted a team of good men without flashy standouts seeking fame. He would have them... by any means available, and would be willing to use the full weight of the United States Federal Government.

These men were each brilliant in their own fashion, but would remain faceless. It would be the unit as a whole that would be the aspiration for a new young generation of clean-cut American kids. There would be no Flash. All substance. No names. Just the squad. All glory to the "J-Men", Hoover's Justices for the Society of America!

Now it is well over half a century later. Legend of the Sandman's past has largely been relegated to the darker conspiracy-based corners of the internet.

Wesley Dodds still has his money. He still has his house. His big empty house, and the voices, ghosts and dark dreams of a life more lived than most.

His memories are rapidly fading with age and now his waking moments are becoming more and more consumed by the chaos of dreams...

...and when Wesley Dodds is confronted by the violent murder of one of his former squad, there's only one way he knows how to respond.

But what hope does an enfeebled hero, furthermore one grabbing so desperately to the fast-fading threads that connect him to reality, have for one last chance at glory and to get justice for a fallen comrade?

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

The character's motivations will become clear as the first arc drops. As they do, I intend to add to the CS on the go, so I'm not spoiling my stuff.

As for my own motivations, I'm looking to delve into a man who is himself collapsing INTO the state of dream itself.

And as for how/where the character's story is going to go? It'll be set in the backdrop of a classic ol' pulpy murder mystery.

Cliches exist for a reason.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Origins of the JSA
I'm thinking '50s-'70s. With the Justices for the Society of America, also known as "Hoover's J-Men" being an elite group of "Mystery Men", conscripted often against their will by Hoover to be the indomitable elite force he first envisioned the FBI to be.

The team dissolved after a less than completely successful incident involving a mysterious figure the JSA archives name as Per Degaton (after which, if reports are to be believed, a number of team members experienced considerable resistance to the usual aging process).

Numerous JSA agents were scattered across short term time, making it impossible for theif handlers to track them down. Those conscripted against their will seized the opportunity to slip away, and by this time Hoover had left, his replacements' influence had waned after a revolving door of Acting Directors and Watergate. The FBI's shadowy reputation left so much to be desired that new FBI Director Clarence Kelley made no attempts to track them down, as he instead focused on repairing the damage done to their image by his predecessors.

Former J.S.A. Agents
Jay Garrick
Ted Grant
Rex Tyler
Alan Pratt
Ted Knight
Johnny Thunder
Terry Sloane
Charles McNider

S A M P L E P O S T:

January 17th, 1949 - Manhattan, NEW YORK - Light snowfall

1948. It had been a hectic year. Truman had signed the Marshall Plan, which would provide $5 billion in aid to 16 wartorn European countries in dire need in the wake of World War II. It would give a boost to infrastructure and business, remove trade barriers and form the base capital to modernize industry…

...particularly when combined with foreign investment.

The next four years would see the most rapid growth in European history. And would form a large part of my own personal holdings over the next decade. I had invested in the region because I saw it as the opportunity to do the most good with my father’s legacy, the potential for growth merely sweetening the pie.

Truman had also signed Executive Order 9981, ending racial segregation in the US Armed Forces. Five years before the desegregation of schools would make any major headway and allow equal opportunities to live and learn, it would be made the law of the land that all men who can bleed red for this land can fight side-by-side.

Between brutality and life; this country, this city still has questionable priorities.

That brutality is why I find myself there, on that fire escape, whilst the rest of the city slept. One man, facing this city’s darkest nightmares, so that the innocent could dream peacefully.

Senator Margaret Chase Smith had the gall to speak out against the witch hunts that were being perpetrated in the name of Senator Joseph McCarthy and his HUAC. Senator Smith was the first woman to be elected to both houses of Congress, and is a lively driven woman, reminding me very much of Dian.

At least she had been a very lively woman prior to her abduction…

She’d passed comment to the wrong person at a fundraiser, prior to making her public denouncement of the HUAC’s activities, and the wheels had been put in motion to remove the dissenter before she would have the opportunity to make a problem.

Again, that’s why I found myself there, on that freezing fire escape, counting the kidnappers and waiting for the right spread across the upscale apartment building to make my move with the minimum chance of the Senator being caught in the crossfire.

I watched as one particular criminal crossed the floor to go to the kitchen, giving an opportunity to put myself between the bound Senator and the rest. I watched as my moment fell into place.

I crashed through the window and took the space in front of her. Thick gas dispersed into the crowded apartment.

Shouting and calls of “Get him!” and “Shoot him!” gave further proof to the brutality of these men and the world they would inhabit given the choice.

I heard a voice emanate from my mask that I barely recognized as my own, the ethereal tones the final thing these brutes would hear before drifting into unconsciousness.

“< There is no escaping the Sandman’s Dark Dream… >”

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Obviously, to be expanded as we go.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

Twenty-five years ago in Smallville, Kansas the sky fell. It wasn't a major event, the sole meteor that had apparently arced across the sky barely made the local news. Just a momentary light show in the early dawn hours noticed by a scant few.

Of those few, it was Jonathan and Martha Kent, newlyweds, who noticed the falling object suddenly halt its descent, hover, and slowly lower to the ground. It was they who discovered the young boy, bundled in red cloth, nestled within the egg-shaped, metal craft. And they were the ones who later dragged the ship away to conceal its presence.

The couple decided to keep the newborn and pass it off as their own flesh and blood, isolating Martha at their farm until the child's "birth." They raised the boy, Clark, as they would any other, keeping the knowledge of his true origin secret from all.

Clark had an amazing childhood by all considerations. He had doting parents. He had his friends, especially Lana Lang - his next-door neighbor - and Lex Luthor - who he would consider almost an older brother. In high school, he would join the Smallville Crows and follow in Jonathan's footsteps as a star quarterback.

It wasn't until his early teen years that Clark ever had reason to suspect he was different. He discovered his near-invulnerable skin one night while cliff jumping. Clark had misjudged the angle of his leap, overshooting his target by a dozen feet, and collided with a large boulder. While he had suffered no damage the rock wasn't as fortunate.

Subsequently, his parents sat him down for a long conversation where they explained he was adopted. That they didn't know his birth parents but they knew Clark was special and unique. Over the next two years, Clark's abilities further developed to which Jonathan and Martha stressed the need for him to be careful and secretive. His secret didn't last for long, however.

At sixteen, Lana discovered the dangers of texting while driving. She also discovered her new boyfriend was more than meets the eye when Clark saved her from colliding with a tree with not a moment to spare. Worried about how she would view him now, he was happily surprised to find in her the confidant he desperately needed.

That same year, Lex graduated and left Smallville. Although the two promised to keep in touch, Clark knew the two would be heading in different directions in life. Lex, brilliant beyond belief and already starting his own business, would make a name for himself in the world. While Clark believed his future was destined for a life on the farm.

Days before his high school graduation, Clark's life was rocked by the revelation of his true nature. The Kents finally revealed to their son the spacecraft that had brought him to Smallville. While he didn't blame his adoptive parents for keeping this from him, Clark knew nothing would ever be the same for him. Needing to discover himself, Clark followed Lex's path two years before and left Smallville.

For seven years, Clark traveled the extent of North and South America. He paid his way by writing travel blogs for The Daily Star and sent weekly letters to his parents back at the farm. Throughout his journey, Clark found many people in need and did his best to help out in any way he could. More often than not, he would find himself needing to use his abilities to save or improve a life. In these circumstances, he would always take great care to avoid detection, remembering his parents' words of warning. Any evidence or trail he left behind he ensured would appear as natural circumstances or sheer, dumb luck.

It was these moments where Clark felt he truly belonged to this world and could reconcile his alien heritage with his given humanity.

Recently, Clark has decided to end his travels and begin to settle down into a proper life. After a return to Smallville to spend time with his parents, Clark now makes the move to Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow, where he feels he could make the best start at his future.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

NOTE: Bare with me, there's important changes to discuss.

I used to love Superman stories when I was younger. I was such a fan that several of my earliest internet handles were Superman-themed. But as I got older I grew bored with the character. His stories were always the same, and, for the most part, I saw they were relegated to simple tales of "strong man punches another strong man" or "near god does miracle that invalidates everything else." That's not what first drew me into the character when I was younger and not what I wanted to see.

I've never tried to play Superman before in one of these games. Not that I never had an interest in reimagining the character but because these RPs always, always have had history to them. They would start in a world that has been super for years. But with this game, with a true year one approach, I recognized that I finally had the opportunity to approach Superman as I feel is the most interesting. Which isn't the story of Superman wrestling with his humanity. It's a story of Clark Kent coming to terms with his alien nature and the powers that come with that.

I hate that most Superman comics approach the character as Superman first with Clark Kent as the alter ego. That's not the heart of the character, I feel. And it's not how I will be writing him. Clark Kent is the true character and the center of his existence. Superman is just the identity he dons when necessary. As such, my Clark Kent is different from the classic versions. He's not meek and bumbling. He doesn't (yet) wear glasses or purposefully make himself less interesting. While he's naturally soft-spoken, this is a Clark who isn't trying to conceal another identity. Not yet, at least.

I do plan on having him don the suit. He will become Superman. And soon. This isn't Smallville, as Hound feared, I'm not going to keep him away from the cape forever. In fact, by the end of the season (if those exist here) I want him to accept his role as a public hero. But, until then, I want to build up to that moment. I want it to feel like Clark is coming to terms with what it means to be a hero. I want it to feel like an earned moment and not just an inevitability.

To that end, the start of this story is going to be following Clark Kent as he starts his new life in Metropolis as a reporter for The Daily Planet. It's going to show Clark learning to balance his real life with his extracurricular life-saving adventures he's now gotten used to over the last seven years. He's going to meet new friends and adversaries in his daily life, and reunite with Lex Luthor. And, until he becomes Superman at the end of the season, he's going to primarily be facing the seedy underworld of Metropolis and the inherent, human dangers within. After all, this is year one and I don't want there to already be a dozen metahumans and supervillains running around the city. Again, that's something I want to naturally build up to.

Overall, I intend to approach playing Clark Kent and Superman both in a modernist, grounded manner. I'm stripping Clark of several of his abilities, some of which he will develop later, most of which will be depicted to a lesser degree than is typical for the character - though still super. Starting off, Clark can't fly nor does he possess heat vision. He can bend steel with his hands and move fast enough to appear as a blur, but he won't be bench pressing any planets. He will face real physical challenges and he will be in danger. I want you the readers to actually wonder if he's going to make it out of a situation unharmed and not just expect him to breeze through without worry.

This is not going to be a traditional Superman tale. But I hope it is viewed as a good one.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

NOTE: This will be updated as each post reveals new characters and plots. Otherwise, things will be basic to as to avoid spoilers.

To be updated.

S A M P L E P O S T:

The bright, flashing colors exploding above the Metropolis skyline caught Clark's attention as he typed away. The Fourth of July celebration marked not only the birthday of America but also the day the virus rampaging through the country was finally and totally stomped out.

Tens of thousands afflicted with hundreds dead in America alone. If not for the swift actions of President Carr the loss of life could have been astronomical. Clark was thankful for people like Ted Kord and organizations like S.T.A.R. Labs who from the start of the pandemic openly and loudly encouraged for safe, responsible measures to be taken. While he was sure he would have been largely safe from most Earth-born viruses, having never gotten sick a day in his life, the young man had been worried for his parents.

Though, even without his apparent immunity to illness, he'd have been perfectly alright in Metropolis. Lex Luthor had ensured that.

From the earliest moments, the City of Tomorrow's most famous resident had pledged tens of millions of dollars to the cause. And as the days went on, Lex proved his actions weren't purely for the good publicity as he continually devoted resources to supplying the city with as many appropriate medical supplies as could possibly be needed. Metropolis had had just one case of the virus in the very first week, with the individual quickly recovering, and then for the remaining several months not a single other reported case. Unlike the rest of the country who had still been undergoing quarantine procedures until just a month earlier, Metropolis had managed to safely reopen in the span of just three weeks.

Lex Luthor was without a doubt a hero to this great city, Clark thought.

He cast a glance out of The Daily Planet's windows. From his spot in the bullpen, even without his superior eyesight, Clark could make out the outline of L-Corp's tower off in the distance. Its constant soft glow like a beacon of hope, the golden explosions of sparkling lights above it giving a halo-like appearance.

If someone had told Clark over a decade ago that Lex Luthor, the frail, socially awkward boy from Smallville, would go on to save hundreds of lives... Clark would have told them those numbers didn't do his friend justice.

As the new, junior reporter for The Daily Planet put the finishing touches on his story about Metropolis' savior, he leaned back and smiled in his chair. Grabbing his half-empty glass from the desk, he raised a toast to the building across the skyline.

"Here's to you, brother."

P O S T C A T A L O G:

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 20 min ago

I've been frantically smashing my fingers against the keyboard for about four hours to get this out quickly, and I think that I'm content with it now.

EDIT: Sample post now up.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago


C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I am the Shield Of Solidarity. The Sentinel of the Starheart."

Alan Scott is an average 30-something Engineer when his world collapses in front of him. Not so much in the non-literal sense of "My world came crashing down" as it was 'the train me and my fiance are in is exploding'. Alan's Fiance is pronounced dead, as is every other passenger on the scene. He survives, and he isn't completely sure why. He remembers the fire. But he doesn't remember it scorching him. He remembers it soothing him. Saving him. Giving him purpose.

He remembers the green energy-battery he found on that train, how he reached for it as he jumped out of the train cart he was in, onto the next. How holding onto the lantern had saved his life.

He didn't understand any of it. Hell, even in time, he couldn't believe it. He's now left in a world that doesn't make sense to him, given new purpose. A purpose he perhaps doesn't see yet.

And the strange old man in the blue and gold he keeps having visions of sure isn't making things any easier for him.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want to write Alan because frankly, I know nothing about Mr. Scott. I've never gotten the chance to tackle the Lantern Mythos, and I think I have a upheave of content to provide on the subject. It's such a deep lore that often goes unexplored, in my opinion. And most of the unused concepts focus on Alan, not on Hal or Kyle. Everyone's written stories about the Green Lanterns being intergalactic police. Very few have written stories about a Green Lantern being a novice mage tapping into the fact that the Green Lanterns are steeped in magic.

Alan is a skeptic. He doesn't believe in magic. He's a realistic and believes in things like math, not sorcery. At least in the beginning. He's given the power of the Starheart and with it, he possesses one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the universe. It's his job to figure out how to use it, and use it for good. And in doing so, he'll come across the old man who will serve as his mentor and guide him through his foray into the unnatural.

My goals with Alan is to tell pulpy Supernatural stories. Equal parts Doc Fate from Earth-20, MCU's Doctor Strange and straight up detective stories, all mixed into with the Green-Ringed hero we all known.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Additional Cast:
Rose Forrest: Fiance and love of Alan's life. Taken from him, and with it, any chance he had at a normal life.

Starheart: The sentience given to the magic captured by the Guardians millions of years ago. It was locked away on earth, only now revealing itself. Confined to the Green Lantern Battery, it's will is felt through it's chosen champion via the ring worn on his hand. The Starheart is doing what it can to influence Alan, albeit subtly at first. Like someone who's just woken up, the Starheart's actions are vague and without direction, but will in time pick up speed. Becoming Alan's greatest ally. Or his most impossible foe.

Kent Nelson: The Former Doctor Fate. Now hunting down the shards of Nabu in an effort to reforge the agent or order and the protector of Earth from magical threats. A role that he will teach Alan to fill-in for him while he's looking to restore Fate.

Molly Mayne: Ex-Girlfriend from College. 'The one who got away'. Find Alan after his apparent demise, she works as an independent journalist and is out for the story on the Green Lantern, and to rekindle the flame between her and Alan, unaware that the two would be the same.

Richard Swift: Lab Partner and friend since High School. Swift and Scott have drifted apart in the years since they both left college, Swift is now working as a tech-based thief, going by the dark web alias 'Shade'.

Elaine Belloc: Granddaugter of the Pressence. Daughter of Michael. Nephilim and destined to rule all of the cosmos. If there ever was a personification of 'out of your league' it would be Elaine. She teaches Alan about the occult and makes him a far better warrior, and man.

The Seven Demons: The evil that's primarily the focus of Alan's first foray into magic. They are spreading mischief, discord and chaos across the world, forcing Alan and his posse to hunt them down and try to put a stop to them.

The Guardians Of the Universe:
The 'wisest people in the cosmos' they call themselves. Alan doesn't know them, but the Starheart does. It will projects those feelings onto Alan when prompted.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"Rose Irene Forrest, will you marry me?"

Standing on his knee on the floor of the train. They were in first-class, the train heading towards Gotham City. They were currently somewhere outside of New York. The trip was supposed to be for business. Alan was going to Gotham to work for the broadcasting company, working on the 6G-masts that would bring on a revolution of communication. Rose tagged along to go see her parents in Gotham, at least that was what Alan convinced her to do.

The blonde man was sweating, his pulse was beating in his ears and his hands were a little shaky. Rachel had known him as the most confident and headstrong man in the world, and seeing him this scared to ask her to marry him was perhaps the most surprising thing of all.

The coming six seconds of anguish and uncertainty, of hope and love were perhaps the longest in Alan’s life. She looked at him in shock first, and then her face cracked into a smile, and he felt his heart burst with joy. His stomach fluttering like butterflies and a big-dumb-grin on his face as he said the best three-letter word in the English language.

“Yes.” Tears falling down her face as she hugged him. Putting the golden ring onto her hand, the ring Alan had gotten from his mom after his father had died. They kissed and all seemed well. The passengers that overheard them cheered them on and Alan ordered a bottle of champagne for the two of them. This was the best day of Alan Scott’s life. The train was reaching the bridge, that lead into the Gotham Tunnel, making them about 40 minutes from their destination.

That’s when he heard it. The brakes of the train failing, followed by the ear-shattering explosion in the Train’s front, echoing all of the way to the very back of the train, where they were seated.

The coming nineteen seconds of carnage were among the longest in Alan Scott’s life.

P O S T C A T A L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AndyC
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AndyC Guardian of the Universe

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Clark Joseph Kent Freelance Journalist Metropolis, Delaware, USA Independent
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"I do what I can, same as anyone else. I can just do a little more."

The town of Smallville, Kansas, appears by all rights to be the sort of down-home, Mom-and-Pop, baseball-and-apple-pie image of classic Americana that more cynical folk might sneer at as they pass by to a ‘real’ city. Earnest, simple men and women who might have had big dreams once, but settled for marrying their high-school sweethearts, having an average of 1.5 kids, and enjoying the small things like a cold beer after a hard day’s work. The kind of wholesome, almost corny sort of town that anyone who’s been out in the world assumes the worst of-- that big friendly Billy-Bob secretly beats his wife, that the good old boys at the general store have white robes stashed away in their closet, and that kindly Father Brown shouldn’t be left unattended around children. And those cynical, sneering, worldly people would be half-right: Smallville does indeed keep some very big secrets. But not the kind they would ever imagine…..

It was a warm night in April of 1995 when Jonathan and Martha Kent’s truck broke down on their way back home from the doctor’s office, where they had been told Martha was infertile, and their dreams of starting a family had been dashed. It was almost a bit of mercy that a blown tire let Jon get some time by himself, where he could work with his hands and straighten out his thoughts before he said something he would regret. There had already been words, implications, insinuations, and tears, but while they never shouted or accused, the silence in the truck’s cab told both of them that their marriage was as good as over. As Martha stared into the night sky, she quietly demanded the stars justify themselves, asking fate or God or whatever was out there what the point of it all was. And the stars, or fate or God or whatever was out there, provided an answer in a flash of light that nearly blinded them both, followed by a blast of wind that knocked Jon off his feet.

For the next two or three years, the people of Smallville found themselves bombarded by visitors poking around, asking questions. Federal agents just wondering if they had noticed any suspicious activities lately, land surveyors who suddenly had a great amount of interest in soil samples, census takers going door-to-door just to be sure there weren’t any mishaps in the last population count. And of course, tabloid reporters and internet crackpots who had the honesty to come out and ask directly if anyone knew anything about the mysterious “Kansas Lights” that had illuminated the sky over Smallville that one April night. The good people of Smallville all said the same things. Nothing strange happens in a place like this. The “Kansas Lights” were probably some kids who had gotten their hands on fireworks, and everyone was making a big fuss over nothing. And they all remember visiting Jon and Martha in the hospital when their baby boy Clark was born-- the papers must have been lost in the hospital records somewhere.

Time passed, and the people of Smallville moved on, suspicion giving way to complacency and eventually indifference. Clark Kent was a nice boy, after all, just a little odd. He kept to himself mostly, never played with the other kids, would either go straight home from school or spend his free time in the library. He was smart enough, did well in class, but always came off a bit….puny, and shy. While nobody ever talked about it, everyone knew he was different, and Clark started to take that personally.

Throughout his childhood, Clark was never content. His parents were wonderful to him, provided the best life for him that they could, but most nights he found himself staring out at the stars…..even when he was inside with a roof over his head. He saw how the grown-ups looked at him, how they kept him at arm’s length and whispered when he thought they couldn’t hear him. When he asked his parents about it, Jon consoled him, saying “They’ll understand some day. When you’re older, and when….well, when you learn to become who you are.”

Pete Ross had been his best friend ever since Clark had saved him from drowning in the river, and Lana Lang from the farm nearby had known him so long that most of the town assumed they would be married the second they were both eighteen, but even they could only see the bits and pieces of Clark’s life that he wasn’t afraid to tell them about. He couldn’t tell them about the time he bolted out into the road to save the family dog from an oncoming eighteen-wheeler, went under the wheels, and came back up without a scratch. He couldn’t tell them about the time a jack slipped out from under the tractor as Pa was working underneath it, and Clark held the whole thing up with his bare hands. Or how he knew Ronnie Marsh had robbed the corner convenience store because he could just look right through his ski mask. Or how when Clark found out that Lana’s father had abused her, his clothes caught on fire when Clark stared at him.

Or how one night, when no one was looking, he snuck out into the back field and jumped so high that he didn’t come back down.

As a teenager, Clark’s introversion and isolation gave way to a restless energy, an ever-more-powerful need to go out, to go to exotic places, see and do incredible things, find a place where he belonged. He became a dreamer, in more ways than one. In his sleep, he saw incredible visions-- a world far from home, full of men and women who worked miracles like they were nothing, who braved impossible odds and stared down evil with a confident smile, garbed in striking skin-tight blue suits with bright red capes, emblazoned with a shield and a curving sigil that looked for all the world like the letter ‘S.’ A world where he could truly be himself, and finally belong.

The power of these images, the yearning to be like the incredible people of his dreams, clashed with the mundanity of Smallville more and more with each passing year, until just after his high school graduation. In the summer of 2013, a massive tornado ripped through the heart of Smallville, threatening to destroy the town and everyone in it. Jon and Martha had urged Clark to stay inside, to keep his secret safe while they went out into the storm to get people to safety. When he saw their truck overturn, he couldn’t restrain himself any longer, and quite literally flew into action. Righting the truck was just the start, as Clark became a blur of motion, catching a child who had been picked up by the wind, holding up a collapsing church roof, shielding a family from a derailed train car. For the better part of an hour, in full view of the town, Clark Kent fought the very forces of nature itself, and by all accounts, he won.

Still, when the storm finally broke and the dust settled, no one would look Clark in the eye. He had saved their lives, but what he had done was….unnatural. He had reminded them of those inexplicable lights in the sky all those years ago. He’d shown them that the nice quiet boy from the Kent Farm wasn’t one of them. Maybe he was some kind of experiment from the Army. Maybe he was an angel, or a devil. Either way, he had shown them that he didn’t belong.

The next day, Clark was gone, hitchhiking down the open road, looking for a purpose and a place to belong. In his search for the truth about himself, he became fascinated in learning the truth about the rest of the world as well, leading him to take up journalism. He would enroll in a class here and there, eventually gathering enough credits to earn a Bachelor’s Degree, but he got the most experience in the field, finding places where he could put his abilities to use, reporting on the human side of the story while being careful to avoid his own role in events. Still, others were all too eager to follow rumors about some mysterious “Angel in Blue Jeans” who would show up out of the blue to rescue survivors from natural disasters or pick a fist-fight with heavily armed warlords, only to disappear just as abruptly as he arrived. In particular, a pair of freelancers always seemed right on Clark’s heels, forcing him to take increasingly drastic steps to keep his secrets: an excitable but talented photographer named Jimmy Olsen, and a tenacious investigative reporter named Lois Lane.

After seven years of wandering, Clark returned to Smallville when he learned his father had developed a malignant tumor and had only months to live. Over those months, Jon and Clark connected again, the old man imparting as much wisdom as he could while fighting the disease as long as he could. Martha talked to her son about his visions and dreams of those incredible people in bright red capes, and about how those bright red capes just happen to sound an awful lot like the blanket he had been wrapped in the night they found him. When Jon’s body finally failed him, the last words he said to Clark were “you’ve got to do the hardest thing anyone can ever do….you’ve got to become who you are.”

Clark Kent is now twenty-five years old, and has landed a job interview at a newspaper in Metropolis. He has packed everything he owns into a suitcase and a backpack, including the old red “blanket” his mother had been keeping in the old linen closet, and an outfit the two of them had put together to go with it. He has no friends in the city, no plan to fall back on if he blows it, and no idea where he’s going to sleep at night. But he cannot hide his excitement, or his eagerness as he fidgets with nervous energy in the seat of a cross-country bus.

He is not one of us. He does not belong here. But he knows he has a purpose. And he is ready to become who he is.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Anyone who knows me knows I’ve got some very strong feelings and opinions about Superman- he is, without question, the one character I have spent more time and thought and energy on than anyone else in all of fiction. And while doing the seven trillionth origin story might be a bit tiresome, I want to present a ‘Year One’ Clark without all of the worn-out clichés that so many tellings of the story run into: people just telling Clark that he’s the proverbial Chosen One and has a special destiny and yadda yadda yadda. Clark knows he’s different, he has a vague idea of the kind of person he wants to be, but right now he’s got no idea how to get there, and is going to be making things up as he goes. This will likely be a version of Superman who’s a little more rough around the edges-- not for the sake of being ‘edgy’ or turning a wholesome kids’ character into a radical anti-hero, but just to reflect where he’s at in his life, a young man full of piss and vinegar as they say, with a head full of big ideas and no real plan to see them through.

To this end, this version of Clark doesn’t have the Fortress of Solitude or his computer-ghost-father, no knowledge of Krypton except for half-remembered dreams. Any “destiny” he has is one he forges for himself, the identity of Superman and the meaning of the S symbol are things he will create over time. His journey of self-discovery will be more about creating a purpose rather than finding one.

All that, however, is the top-down overarching “big idea” journey. In practice, I want to tell energetic and fun stories with intrigue, romance, frightening villains, and kick-ass action, while leaving the door open for team-ups and crossovers with other players-- after all, Clark can’t exactly “find his place” in the world if he’s not interacting with the other people in it. While Superman is many things to many people-- a comfortable nostalgia act, an inspiring role-model, a secular stand-in for God or Jesus or Your Dad or whatever-- he is first and foremost, above all else, an Action-Adventure Hero. And I plan for Clark’s journey to “become who he is” to be full of action, adventure, and heroics.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

“I don’t know who the hell you are,” scowls the aging crag-faced man in a suit that likely costs more than the whole farm back home, “or why you’ve decided to inconvenience me. But I do know that inconvenience stops right now.”

“You’re right about that, Mannheim,” I say, casually tossing aside the unconscious form of an armed guard into the pile of rubble and dust that used to be the palatial mansion’s main hall, “because I doubt I’m going to have any reason to keep bothering you in prison.”

For the past twenty-five years, Bruno Mannheim has been the undisputed ruler of the underworld in Metropolis. Drugs, weapons, prostitution, extortion, kidnapping, murder, you name it, he’s either done it or had it done for him, and all without the slightest consequence. Anyone who’s ever tried to oppose him either wound up under his thumb, in his pocket, or sinking to the bottom of Hobb’s Bay. Whether it’s cops, lawyers, judges, mayors or senators, nobody has had the power or the conviction to go after Metropolis’s king of crime.

Nobody until today, anyway. It turns out, it’s hard to threaten someone whose skin deflects bullets.

“Laugh all you want now, Boy Scout,” Mannheim sneers, “But you’re going to pay for every last cent you’ve cost me.”

“And you’re going to pay for every drop of blood that’s on your--*hnghhh!*”

My muscles begin to twitch and spasm as a million pins and needles prickle and stab all over my body. The air fills with the smell of ozone, and an angry buzzing like a swarm of bees. Electric shock….the floor….he’s electrified the floor!

“Ha! I knew you had a limit somewhere!” he laughs, his sneer giving way to cruel triumph. “Oh sure, you’re strong, and fast, and can do things that would give my old science teacher a heart attack. But everyone’s got their limits, Superman. Even you.”

As I struggle to keep my senses, I see him pull a small remote control from the inside pocket of his jacket.

“That’s over two million volts running through you right now,” Mannheim gloats. “A very smart friend of mine tells me that’s the most any man-made electrical source has ever been able to generate. He also tells me that this floor we’ve had installed can crack a billion volts, the same as a bolt of lightning. The thing is, my smart friend says, a bolt of lightning only lasts a millionth of a second. So if I turn this all the way up to maximum, it will be like hitting you with a million bolts of lightning every second.”

He takes a few steps back, and a thick transparent screen drops down from the ceiling between him and me, keeping him safe as the air starts to crackle. A smile of sadistic glee nearly splits his face in two.

“So let’s see how long it takes to turn you from regular to extra-crispy.”

He presses the button, the angry buzzing becomes the deafening roar of man-made thunder, and the world explodes into light and pain. Every nerve in my body screams, every muscle seizes and locks. My heart spasms at random, and my lungs fill with smoke. My senses reel as my brain starts to short circuit.

I don’t know how long Mannheim continues to pour voltage through me. Seconds, minutes, hours? Time seems to lose its meaning. It would be easy to quit struggling, to escape the pain and slip away into eternity now.

But that would mean that Mannheim wins, and gets to keep hurting and killing good people.

And that won’t do.

I grit my teeth. I clench my fists. I open my eyes. And, with the power of a million thunderbolts coursing through my body every second, I take a step towards him.

And then another.

And another.

“.....n-no,” Mannheim stammers. “That’s not…...no! You can’t! E-e-everyone has l-limits! E-e-even you! You have to have a limit!”

I take another step forward, and I grin.

“…...do I?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


"Your day of reckoning has arrived."

Given the clean slate of Batman, I wanted to try something different compared to the other versions of the bat. It's that Gotham is more corrupt than it ever has been thanks to the wealthy families living in the Palisades. The GCPD, led by Commissioner Loeb, has become the second most corrupt police force in the nation with their record high cases of police brutality and rumored connections with the crime families. And Mayor Hill does whatever he can to make the rich richer and poor poorer. With folks, like Jim Gordon and Michael Akins, getting punished for attempting to fix the problem. It seems like the citizens have lost hope.

But, one man plans on solving Gotham's problems: Bruce Wayne.

After losing both of his parents, Bruce was placed under the care of Alfred Pennyworth and Leslie Thompkins. Both his caretakers tried to hold onto the wealth amassed by his parents before the city took it all. Wayne Manor was left abandoned while Wayne Enterprises was left in limbo until the Cobblepots entered the picture. There wasn't much Alfred could do to stop the city from stripping apart what the Waynes built. Leslie, a close friend to the Waynes, offered them a place to her home. Still mourning for his parents, Bruce made a graveside promise that he would avenge his parents' deaths.

Bruce sent his later youth and teenage years training whenever possible. He was active in several clubs at his school, helped Leslie and Alfred at the clinic, and worked as a mechanic with Earl and Marva Cooper. Once he was done with high school, Wayne gathered his savings and announced that he was leaving Gotham to travel around the world. He didn't know how long it would take, but it was something that he needed to do. With his foster parents' blessing, Wayne departed and spent six years moving around and learning so much.

During his travels, one memory reminded in his mind upon returning to Gotham. During his time in New Mexico, he learned survival skills when he got lost and suborned upon a cave. But once he entered the cave, it became clear that he was lost. It felt like he had walked for hours until he found sunlight. When he started running towards it, bats were awakened and began attacking. At first, Bruce was terrified of them and tried fighting back. It didn't work. But it wasn't until remembering the lesson about maintaining fear that he was able to escape.

Besides the numerous bite marks and the medical bill, Bruce remembered how terrifying the bats were. And he wondered if it was possible to use that terror to his advantage, especially with Gotham's current state. Police corruption is at an all-time high with stories of their brutality being heard across the nation. Bruce understood that nobody was going to do anything to stop it. So he decided to do something.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S

Look, I am going to be honest. I despise rich folks, especially billionaires, for various reasons (capitalism). So, I am going to write Gotham City as its truly meant to be written: a cesspool of greedy wealthy people that brought out the city. The City Council, filled with the same folks, maintains the status quo while avoiding pleads for meaningful change. And the current commissioner makes sure the police department protects the rich while punishing the poor severely. There's no way someone could make it to the top of the social ladder without getting their hands dirty. Money absolutely corrupts.

Bruce Wayne never grew up as Gotham City's wealthiest since the city took it from him. He had to live in the shadow of Gotham's skyscrapers along with everyone else. It was filled with struggle, but his custodial parents did everything to give him a good youth. Yet, Bruce still struggles with his inner demons. He wants to uphold his promise, but at what cost? That will be the question that he has to find out.


Hamilton Hill: Mayor of Gotham City.
Gillian Loeb: Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department.
Rupert Thorne: Councilman on Gotham City Council.
Carmine Falcone: Don of the Falcone Crime Family.
Salvatore Maroni: Don of the Maroni Crime Family.
Oswald Cobblepot: CEO of Wayne Enterprises.

Alfred Pennyworth: Surrogate father of Bruce Wayne and nurse at Park Row Community Clinic.
Leslie Thompkins: Surrogate mother Bruce Wayne and head doctor of Park Row Community Clinic.
Earl Cooper: Engineer and owner of Gotham City Collision.
Marva Cooper: Engineer, technician, and co-owner of Gotham City Collision.
Lucius Fox: Head of Research and Development at Wayne Enterprises and close friends of Alfred.
Vicki Vale: Reporter and Photographer at Gotham Gazette.


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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Won't be able to sit down and create a character sheet for a day or two, but wanted to reserve a space for the Crimson Avenger. Not that people are falling over themselves to play as him, haha.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Tackytaff
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H E L E N A R O S A B E R T I N E L L I | P A M E L A I S L E Y H E I R E S S | B O T A N I S T G O T H A M
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"That's omertà. When blood cries for blood, you answer the call."
"You seem to have me confused with some warm-blooded damsel in distress."

Gotham City has always been at war with itself. Between the crime, the asylum, and the social divide between classes, not many make it out unscathed. Helena Bertinelli and Pamela Isley are two of the city's survivors.

The Bertinelli name was once as much feared as respected in Gotham. Helena's father ruled over his families, both business and blood, with an iron fist. There was no room for error or insurrection in his domain. Her mother while still kinder to her child, was no less ruthless: For her no slight went unmatched tenfold, even if it came from her own husband. Thus, when it was discovered she was seeking comfort from one of the other five families in retaliation for her husband's unfaithfulness the problems began. Fearing Don Bertinelli's reaction, Santo Cassamento approached the leader of the Mob, Stefano Mandragora who sent a kill order on the Bertinelli family. Expecting Don Mandragora to come for a visit himself, the entire family was waiting outside when the assassins arrived, leaving an eight year old Helena as the only survior.

She was sent to Italy, the home of the Bertinelli name, where she learned from her uncles and cousins the history and the way of the Cosa Nostra. As time went on, her interests grew with her, and eventually she began to train in combat, stealth, and espionage with her male cousins. Now, nearly two decades after the night that defined her life, Helena has returned to the city to avenge her family and return the Bertinelli name to its former glory.

Aside from their differences in wealth, Pamela Isley's family story isn't all that different from Helena's. Her home had been small, but her mother made up for it. The most kind and nurturing woman Pamela ever knew, she taught her daughter how to garden and care for plants until their tiny front yard bloomed a different colour with every season, and window boxes spilled over with different vegetation. The darker side to their life lay with her husband and Pamela's father. For all her kindness, Pamela's mother was not a strong woman. She her marriage had been hurried and ill-considered, as her husband's abuse began shortly after Pamela's birth. Anytime he lost his temper, there would be a gift of seeds and flowers the next morning as though to wipe the memory away. It was a terrifying existence, that only reached its true low on Pamela's seventeenth birthday; when her father killed her mother. He was arrested and charged guilty with murder but was far from enough to quell Pamela's yearning for justice.

In hopes to put her past behind her, she left Gotham to go to NYU to study biology and botany. She lived in the city for six years, received her masters and began a relationship with her colleague and former professor Marc Legrand. After years of developing spores that could effect the central nervous system, Pamela made a breakthrough which she was rewarded for by being poisoned and left for dead.

When she awoke, Pamela was changed. While she is constantly learning about what she has become, the betrayal of her former lover was enough to re-ignite her anger and her first course of action was the poisoning of her father in prison. From there she returned to Gotham, taking a job at Gotham university, where Helena found her and promised to help her find and kill Legrand in exchange for Pamela's help returning order to Gotham's mob families.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

With the goal of the roleplay forcing characters to start fresh, I decided to take two well established characters with dated and inconsistent backgrounds and give them a fresh slate in the modern age. How will Poison Ivy's environmental messages be reacted to in the global-warming age? What if instead of being inspired by Batman, Huntress set out only to return the Bertinelli name to glory? While they may seem an odd pair at first, I believe there is an interesting dynamic between two strong female characters both of which were originally created to be tacked love interests.

Helena will be returning to Gotham for the first time since the murder of her family, to find the five families close to all out war while the Penguin infringes on their money-making schemes. Under the leadership of her uncle the Bertinelli's claimed area is poorly enforced and constantly overtaken by the other families. She seeks revenge for her family, and to rule over those that killed or stood by and watched. All while unaware of her own true heritage.

Ivy is recently returned from the dead after her partner and mentor attempted to kill her. Still in the early stages of her transformation, her powers are constantly developing as well as her connection to the green. Confused as to what is happening to her and filled with anger she returns to her former home in Gotham. There she has and joined the research group at Gotham University where Huntress heard about her talents and offered to aid Pamela's environmental activism and quest for revenge from a place of power; provided she help her get there.

Both these character are morally gray and will begin as such, at least for the start of their story. As they learn more and evolve I see Helena growing into a more traditional hero, while Ivy's connection to the green grows and empathy for human withers.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

  • Stefano Mandragora: The mafia head of all mafias. He keeps the mob in line not just in Gotham, but for all of the North-Eastern United states. He is also the man responsible for killing Helena Bertinelli's family at the behest of the Cassamento family.
  • The Five Families: The five ruling families of Gotham's mob. While they still claim their territories, new upstart-gangs are constantly infringing on their space, and the respect for them has gone down greatly in recent years.
    • Bertinelli: Helena's family is ruled by her uncle Luca in America, and he has no intentions of giving up his place regardless of his niece's reappearance.
    • Beretti: A family left in shambles after the recent arrest of it's head, Angelo Beretti. He has been supplemented by his young son Antony Beretti the family is scrambling to retain its foothold maintaining the peace between the Cosa Nostra and law enforcement with both bribes and blackmail.
    • Cassamento: Headed by Santo Cassamento, Helena's true father, and the one who invoked her family's murder. Once the closest family to Bertinelli, they used to run arm deals together, though they too have lost a great deal of respect and work in the past decade.
    • Galante: The family most linked to drug movement in Gotham city. Headed by Claudio Galante.
    • Inzerillo: The least liked of the Cosa Nostra, and the only group to have actually grown in the past few years, sharing their space and deals with Cobblepot has proven beneficial to their pockets, but less so for their already poor reputation among the other families.
  • Oswald Cobblepot: The man taking over the organized crime in the city, and has been eating away at the historic five family's power for years. Helena plans to organize the families against him, while Poison Ivy seeks to cease his development projects in the green belt around Gotham.
  • Marc Legrand: Pamela's ex-professor and boyfriend, he once worked researching Botany at NYU before he tried to kill Pamela with a spore she developed, resulting in her turning into Poison Ivy, and him receiving a generous offer of payment if he were to recreate the effects on a larger scale- courtesy of Oswald Cobblepot.
  • Charlotte Rivers: The teenage daughter of Gotham's mayor Sebastian Hady.

S A M P L E P O S T:

Helena still remembered the purple dress she had worn as an eight-year-old outside her family's estate as they waited for Don Mandragora to arrive. She hadn't known who he was at the time, just an important important dinner guest from her father's work. Whatever that was. The dress had puffed sleeves that her mother had to keep reminding her not to play with as a shiny back car pulled up the drive. "But they won't stay down, and my stockings itch." She had complained while her mother clasped her hand to keep her from fidgeting as the door to the car opened, and two men stepped out.

When Helena first arrived in Sicily and come to understand the Cosa Nostra and her family's place in it, she had imagined breaking into the home of every mob family and destroying them each as her own family had been. The reality was much less dramatic, but good things come to those who wait. Or at least that is what she told herself as she ducked out of sight from a patrol; directly into a dumpster positioned outside the 12 foot fence surrounding the Beretti concrete plant. The lights lining the inside of the perimeter meant that cutting through wasn't an option without being seen. It wouldn't have been the best choice in any-case: The less attention there was to a Bertinelli ever being in another family's territory the better. Once the guard's steps had faded to a reasonable distance, Helena aimed her loaded crossbow toward the top of the barbed fence. With a quiet buzz a cable wrapped around it's target and pulled Helena up. She crouched down on her precarious position and scoped out the area.

They hadn't wasted any time shooting, but the only image Helena had of that brief moment was her father falling to the ground at the same moment her mother pushed her into a similar position. Amid the screams someone called for her to run. So she had.

Whether the lack of security was a result of Angelo Beretti's arrest or part of the cause, it was a glaring issue throughout. Non-front factories were harder to break into. Helena shot herself to the top of the flat, square building; directly over the heads of a patrol and was completely undetected. For the moment it was a relief, for the long term something would have to be done. Within moments she had the grate to the building's ventilation system off and was sliding herself in. It was a tight fit, but once she reached a non-vertical passage, she was able to move around enough to crawl, and even reach her utility belt.

The Bernitelli family didn't go down easy. The assassins spent an hour combing through the house, killing everyone in their sight; family member or servant. Helena's mother had forced her into a closet from which she watched as the hit-men intercepted her mother's exit and left her bleeding on the floor. A child, and unaware of her family's profession, Helena screamed. For a brief moment, the killed met her eyes, but turned away. Leaving her to sob as her mother's blood soaked into the carpet until her cousin would discover her the following morning.

There was one final guard standing between Helena and her prize. Under normal circumstances, that would have been a lethal position to take. But in keeping with her cover of stealth and discretion she instead pulled one of Pamela's vials from her belt. With a quick prayer and final inhale she dropped the vial from her position on the vents, held her breath, and waited until she heard the man's body hit the ground. For another few minutes she waited for the pheromones to dissipate before lowering herself to the ground. The guard was still alive, his breathing shallow but even. The key to the door his was tasked with watching was easily retrieved from his hip.

The room they were keeping mayor's daughter hostage in really wasn't bad, all things considered. There were no windows, and the floor and walls were plain cement. But there was a rug, couch, bed, table, even a TV which she was so absorbed in she didn't even notice her visitor until Helena turned it off.

"Who are- Well its about time someone came looking for me. Don't you people know who I am?"

Helena ignored the teenage girl and instead began searching for paper. There was a newspaper beside the couch from two days before, likely used in the original ransom. She picked it up and began writing on it's front page.

"My father will have this place burnt to the ground. The idiots in here will be rotting away in Arkham for years when he..." Her voice finally trailed off as she realized her "rescuer's" free hand was leveling a loaded crossbow at her face.
"Oh darling," She lamented, as though explaining a concept to a small child. Her writing finished, she staged the newspaper in the girl's lap, stood back and snapped a picture."I'm not here to save you."

Charlotte might have yelled after her, but by the time anyone came to check in, Helena was long gone.

P O S T C A T L O G:

A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I am working on two concepts, but I'm not quite happy with them as sheets quite yet. They should be done by Monday.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bounce
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Member Seen 28 days ago

With apologies to @mattmanganon, this application competes with his concept.

However, this sheet is designed to compliment @Hillan's concept and so I'd ask the GM doing the judgment to view them together. Hillan's being the Earth-centric/Starheart focused side of the Green Lantern lore, while my sheet is the space-centric/Corps focused side of the shared story universe.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Mao Mao
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Mao Mao Sheriff of Pure Hearts (They/Them)

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well, I just got done with my sample post. It's a peek of my introduction post so I hope y'all like it!
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 20 min ago

I have also added the sample post to my sheet.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Retired
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Retired "Hayao Miyazaki"

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I'll be honest, Byrd. Wasn't expecting that one.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Byrd Man The legend returns.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Sicario lookin'.
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