Location: Atrium -> Top of the Pipe
Skills: N/A
Vinnie breathed in and right as she exhaled, memories came rushing back to her in a flood. She could barely attach names to the faces, but two in particular knocked the wind out of her -
Dad and Pops. She remembered Pops spinning her at the roller rink the night of prom. Tears welled up in her eyes as a funeral then flashed through her head -
Dad. He had lost his battle with drug addiction. Vinnie swallowed thickly, hoping to remember more, but it was just mostly important people and events in her life - her college graduation, her first day at Buzzfeed, brief blurs of Tessa and Sophia who really was her cousin.
"Sorry what was happening?" Vinnie asked, drying her eyes. She was pretty used to having to ask that question by now - she was a spacey person by nature, but thus far it hadn't been due to remembering the tragic funeral for her dad.
"You need someone to go into there? And swim? And nearly die like Luke did?" she asked, her eyes widening. The guys were way too big to fit in there. Tessa wasn't in a mood to do it. And the thought of drowning sent an electrifying chill into her heart, but somehow, Vinnie managed to swallow her fear.
"This is why men are useless and women should rule the world - we get stuff done!" She took a deep breath and wiggled her arms and legs, as if that could shake away the fear and anxiety that she was about to go swimming in her grave. Did dead bodies float? She had to assume that they did, so at least she wouldn't be lost in the depths... but wouldn't that mean that all the shipwrecked sailors should have floated? Would they clump together? Was there an island of floating bodies of people who died at sea somewhere in the ocean? Did birds use it to make nests? Was that how coconuts migrated, via a raft made out of corpses?
Vinnie made her way in through the opening, the cold water instantly hitting her system and shocking her. It was like a painful sugar rush and Vinnie nearly slipped, but she regained her balance. In the process she got a mouthful of cold water and Vinnie screamed, bubbles spewing from her mouth as she struggled to get her mouth to be water free. The rushing water of the pipe was extremely difficult to navigate against. With gritty determination - and wishing that she had a video so she could record this and make a video out of it - Vinnie fought her way up against the pipe, the cold water chilling her to the bone. It was probably the quietest she had been in her life, since the roaring water inside the pipe wasn't ideal for keeping her mouth open beyond gasps for air.
She thanked her lucky stars when she saw a ladder up ahead. She grabbed one bar after the other, thinking at first that she hadn't managed to get it. She then realized with shock that she couldn't feel her fingers! Her eyes widened, wondering if they were going to freeze off and just fall off - would her fingers end up floating back to everyone? Would they know they were hers? Pure grit and determination was all that kept her going as Vinnie forced herself to move herself up the ladder, each movement harder than the last, and the sensation in her hands pretty much gone. She made her way up to the top of the pipe.
"Hey uh is it normal to not be able to feel my hands? Because I think my fingers got replaced by popsicles and I am reeeeally scared of drowning so please be nice and help me up, Greenie!" Vinnie pleaded, too exhausted for her usual word vomit.
Back on dry ground, Raynor was trying to communicate with Zarina via the radio. He was too big to fit on through the opening to go into the pipe. His memories had largely rushed back to him, helping him to identify just why he cared so much about this kid. She looked so much like Lana, his missing best friend. He didn't care about protecting children after all - he just cared about saving Lana, or her near doppleganger in Zarina.
"Kid, you better answer me or I'm going to lose my shit," Raynor said gruffly through the radio. There was no response as the radio was set to the wrong channel, but he didn't know that.