Location: The Galley - the Atrium
Skills: N/A
"...Eh, killing people doesn't seem like such a bad thing if needed," Zari said with a shrug, looking over at the others as they talked about it. She wasn't entirely sure why she seemed to be perfectly fine with the idea, but the idea of being able to watch a body decompose or something like that sounded like an interesting idea. Or maybe she'd be able to see what their internal organs looked like? She wasn't sure, but just thinking about that sort of thing made her even more comfortable with the idea of killing someone.
"...Maybe, who knows? You'd be surprised what sort of uses you can find for things," she said with a shrug as she got up and headed out of the Galley and to the Atrium, as she heard people going on about needing a screwdriver or something as she walked over and looked at what it was that they wanted to open. "I'll be right back," she said to the others, before she took off out of the room at a run and went back to the Galley and the machine. "Okay... Let's see what we can do here..." she muttered as she started messing with the machine again, making two items from the machine. One was a tool that they'd need to open the thingy up, and the other was something else that might be useful, a flashlight. "I now dub thee as Glowstick," she said, talking to the flashlight for a moment before she raced back to the Atrium.
Heading back to where the grate was, she pulled out the specialized tool that she had made and went to see about opening up the grate. "Righty tighty lefty loosey..." she muttered to herself as she turned it to the left, trying to open it up, but it didn't seem to be working very well at the moment, even though she knew that the tool was right for the job, "Damn it why isn't this working?" she said out loud, looking at the tool in her hand.