Location: Outside Garden
Skills: N/A
"So nice Guin, I mean... That sort of thing would be amusing, but I would definitely win," Mary said with a bit of a smile in regards to a sort of competition revolving around gardening and such. She meant it for fun, since she had been raised around gardening and botany, even before she had discovered her powers, she had always been interested in plants and flowers. "I've been just messing with the garden, what I typically do generally... But over all I'm doing alright, I'm also hoping that next time you decide to fall from the sky try to do so away from the flower beds, I really do not want to have to fix things if you crash into them."
"I still find her extremely annoying why do we keep her around again?"
"Shut the hell up."
Suddenly there was a gust of wind nearby and Pietro appeared right by Guin and took a look at her armor, "Hey there Guina, what exactly are you up to? And what did Mary mean when she said falling from the sky?" he asked her, raising a bit of an eyebrow at her as he pulled a Twinkie out of his pocket, unwrapped it, and started eating it while he waited for her to answer his question.
"She was just testing out her armor Pietro, she really just needs to work a bit on her flying that's all, practice makes perfect," Mary told him with a bit of a shrug as she walked over to the main path and out of the flower bed, thinking about what sort of thing to do now.

Location: Outside
Skills: N/A
Mira looked up when she heard Ed's voice and shrugged slightly in response. "Don't worry, you're fine, I mean, at least you think to go outside to smoke. You can always tell when Wolverine is around since the air inside the mansion smells of cigar smoke. The Professor typically argues with him over it, as does Hank, but he still does it anyway, sadly you kind of get used to it though. Since no one wants to get into a fight with Wolverine let me tell you... Or have to deal with a training session with him for that matter," she commented quietly towards him.
She had never really talked to Ed before about anything, he had only really been at the mansion for the past few weeks really, and since she typically spent time in the electronics lab, in her room, or maybe in the library playing D&D, she had never really talked much to him. "You get used to a lot of things around here, not sure how much stuff you were told about what goes on around here before you decided to come to the mansion. You get used to everything, from cigarette smoke, having downtime, getting to know people, and the mansion potentially blowing up around you, I mean... Everything is just sort of crazy, and you get used to everything."

Location: The Kitchen
Skills: N/A
He just shrugged slightly when several people asked how he had been doing lately. This was one of the main reasons why he hadn't really wanted to leave his room and just wanted to hide in there and maybe no one would notice that he was back at the mansion, however it was impossible, that much was obvious. Especially when you had Guin for a friend, since she didn't really tend to want to leave people alone and he figured she probably thought something was wrong with her. Well in truth she probably wouldn't be too far off with that, but he never was going to admit that to her, or anyone else for that matter.
"I'm fine, just sort of tired, but that's about it," he commented, saying nothing else in response to her when he watched Bethany read a letter or something that had been with the game, and her response to it. "What's wrong?" he asked her, before she held out the letter for everyone else to examine and look at it. "...Wait a minute... Loki? What the hell does Loki gain out of this whole thing? Also way too many people, I thought Jumanji was a 4 player game, so why are there six pairings? I mean, guess he could make it have more players or something... But this is just... Really really weird on so many levels..."