@Inkarnate Well, i'll take back my compliment and leave then.
There is no content in the Aquaman sheet outside of a picture of Aquaman.
Last time was the new record.
Makes it nearly as interesting as his comics.:
You know what, fuck it:C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L
THE FLASH“If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.”Bartholomew Henry Allen ♦ Crime Scene Technician ♦ Central City, Missouri ♦ Flash FamilyC H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
Born in 2002, Bart Allen is the oldest son to Barry and Iris Allen. His younger brother Wally was born in 2003. Barry Allen was a famous detective with the Central City Police, solving the famous Murmur Murders alongside his partner, Jay Garrick. Finding himself always a bit of a social outcast, Bart always had a love comic book superheroes and science. During his senior year in high school, Bart was working late at the high school science lab when an accident happened. The accident granted Bart mysterious super-powers.
Remembering the comic heroes of his youth, Bart took up a costume and became one of them. The Flash. Bart attends Keystone University as a freshman and plans on majoring in criminal justice while being the fastest man alive.C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:Straight up, this is me taking an old character I ran with (phrasing) ten years ago and trying a new approach. UDC Flash was easily one of my favorite characters I've ever RPed, so I'm going to see if I can make it better now that I'm older and far less wiserC H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Supporting Characters:
Barry Allen - Bart's dad, police detective.
Iris West Allen - Bart's mom, newspaper editor.
Wally Allen - Bart's younger brother.
Jesse Quick - Wally's girlfriend. Daughter of a famous athlete.
Ralph Dibny - Bart's best friend, away at Ivy Town U.
Valerie Perez - Freshman in Bart's bio class, he has a crush on her.
Jay Garrick - Family friend and Barry's boss.
Lenny Snart - Small time criminal.
Michelle Rory - Snart's girlfriend, total firebug.
The Top - Mysterious Central City crimelord.
Grodd - Equally mysterious crimelord. The Top's competition.
Edward Thawne - Bart's physic's professor.S A M P L E P O S T:Barry's unmarked car skidded to a stop just outside the police blockade. Civilians were crowded around the cars and barriers, some of them muttering nervously to each other, but most staying silent. Barry pushed his way through the crowd and towards the front. Grouped with the rest of the cops was Barry's partner and best friend.
"Jay," he said as he approached.
"Barry," Jay said in a low voice. Jay led Barry away out of earshot from the rest of the cops.
"Why aren't we out there?" He asked, pointing over Jay's shoulder to downtown. "Bar-- The Flash needs our help."
"That nutjob out there said if the cops or anyone else even gets close, he'll blow the city up with some funky ass IED. Commissioner Dolan said we were to make a perimeter around downtown and let Flash take care of it."
"Have you seen what they're doing?" Barry asked with raised eyebrows. On cue, a loud sonic boom echoed from two blocks over. The boom shook the buildings and sent screams and murmurs through the crowd.
"I can see it," said Jay, looking his friend in the eye. "I can see what he's doing to Bart."
"Do something!" Said Barry through his teeth. "I thought you were some hotshot hero back in the day?"
"I... I can't," said Jay, swallowing hard. He looked down at his feet and back up at Barry. "My speed... It's gone. It got burned out last year when I helped Bart out. I can't help him."
Barry shook his head. He looked back at the crowd, and then back at Jay.
"I'm going in."
"You can't!" shouted Jay. "You don't think I want to be out here?! Watching as he gets his head kicked in?! Powerless to stop it?! NO! But I have to do it, it's my duty as an officer of the law to protect these people over the one person."
"Well, here," Barry said, pulling his badge off. He put it in Jay's open hand and began to walk towards downtown. "As a father, it's my duty to protect that one person."
I crawled across the pavement, Thawne skipped along beside me. He was having his fun, like a cat playing with a dying mouse. I started to get up, only to have my legs swept out from under me. I smack against the pavement and was crushed by a flurry of super-fast fists smacking my chest.
"Come on!" Thawne yelled out. "You want to show these people you deserve their love and their respect, then you have to earn it. Save them, hero."
A kick in the ribs, this one knocking a few ribs free. I screamed in pain as I could feel a rib poking my lungs.
"Get up and fight me. Fight me, save the day, and then reap the rewards. Either you fight me, or I kill you."
Powerful hands grabbed my neck and I was up in the air, Thawne in my face.
"I kill you, this ends up worse for everyone. You die and then I go to town on those you care about. Your mother, your cop dad, little brother, that old washed up police captain, sweet Valerie Perez, stupid Ralph Dibny, All of them dead by my hand. And if you think this is the worst I can do, then you are wrong."
"No," I mumbled, my hands reeling back. "NO!"
I brought my hands up at the speed of sound, clapping right in Thawne's face. A sonic boom split the air, sending both of us back reeling. The blow disoriented Thawne and sent him twirling backwards while I shook the cobwebs from my head. By the time he rights himself he finds my fist in his face.
I slammed him towards the ground with the punch, kicking him sideways before he can hit the pavement. His body spins to the right and smashes into a parked car. He tires to get up but I knock him back down. I hit him again, and again, and again. I ignored the blood making my hand slick as I punch. I'm in my own world, imaging what he would do to my family and those I love. I'm wrapped up in my hate. All my rage and frustration, anger at Thawne's evil, my dad's disowning of me, the Justice League and their moral compromises. My own feelings of being powerless. I put it all into my fists as I pound Thawne through the car and into the ground.
What brings me around isn't the sound of the smacks against Thawne's head, or my own sobbing... It's the laughter.
"Hehehe," Thawne wheezed between blows.
That noise, the sound of him... enjoying it. That makes me stop. I look down at the bloody and bruised man, my fist still suspended in the air. He looks up at my fist with swollen eyes expectantly, and then back at me.
"Do it. Kill me."
"No," I said, stepping away. I talk between ragged breaths. "No matter what you do, or what you say, I will not do what you want. Killing you is what you want, isn't it? Pushing me over the edge. You want to ruin me... you won't."
"DO IT!" He screamed. "Do it or I'll destroy that atom smasher, the backlash will--"
There was a shimmer in my movement. Now in my hands were a clump of wires and cables.
"--create a chain reaction that--"
"--Will destroy Central and Keystone. Got it. But, not much of a chain reaction can happen with this," I said, holding up the plug of the deactivated atom smasher. "Come on, Thawne, you hid it in that storage locker you rent in your own name. I found the key when I was rooting through your house a few microseconds ago. That reminds me, you need to water your plants."
"You couldn't have moved that fast. I... I saw you."
"Yeah, world's fastest man over here. Sorry, buddy, I'm calm and collected now, I got my second wind, and I just saved the day. You lose!"
"NO!" He screamed. He lunged out at me. I went to step away, but I misjudged Thawne's trajectory. He grabbed my knee and twisted. I heard a pop and crumpled to the ground.
I saw it all in slow motion. Thawne scrambled to get on top of me. I batted him away, but he recovered quickly. His long, bony fingers wrapped around my neck. Spittle flew from Thawne's mouth, his face frozen in a snarl. His hands began to ring my neck and I struggled against his hard grip. I thrashed and struggled for oxygen, doing my best to throw him off me. Black spots formed around my eyes, my eyesight dimming. The last thing I saw before it went to black: Ed Thawne, the Professor, with a twisted grin on his face.
Mom, dad, Wally, Val, Jay, and Ralph. I'm sorry I failed you.
He won.
I gasped, air rushing back to my lungs. I coughed violently, my body shaking as my lungs gulped down the oxygen it had been denied. Through watering eyes I looked up. To the side was Thawne wth his eyes staring forward in an unfocused stare. He had a bloody hole in his forehead. CSI 101: An exit wound. Standing in front of me, clutching a smoking gun, my father.
"Get up, Bart," he said. Over his shoulder I could see a fleet of police cars rushing down the street towards our location. "Get up now!"
I sprung to my feet as he yelled. Suddenly, I'm eight years old again and I'm in trouble for trying to take Nancy Jones' Tamagotchi.
"What did you do?"
"Go," he said, the cop cars getting closer. "Run, Bart. Run!"
And I did the only thing I seemed to be good at lately:
I ran.
I ran from the scene, I ran from Central, I ran from Missouri and America, I kept running across the world. Running, and running, and running. Running from something I knew deep down I couldn't outrun:
Myself.P O S T C A T A L O G:TBD
You know what, fuck it:C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L
THE FLASH“If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough.”Bartholomew Henry Allen ♦ Crime Scene Technician ♦ Central City, Missouri ♦ Flash FamilyC H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
Born in 2002, Bart Allen is the oldest son to Barry and Iris Allen. His younger brother Wally was born in 2003. Barry Allen was a famous detective with the Central City Police, solving the famous Murmur Murders alongside his partner, Jay Garrick. Finding himself always a bit of a social outcast, Bart always had a love comic book superheroes and science. During his senior year in high school, Bart was working late at the high school science lab when an accident happened. The accident granted Bart mysterious super-powers.
Remembering the comic heroes of his youth, Bart took up a costume and became one of them. The Flash. Bart attends Keystone University as a freshman and plans on majoring in criminal justice while being the fastest man alive.C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:Straight up, this is me taking an old character I ran with (phrasing) ten years ago and trying a new approach. UDC Flash was easily one of my favorite characters I've ever RPed, so I'm going to see if I can make it better now that I'm older and far less wiserC H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Supporting Characters:
Barry Allen - Bart's dad, police detective.
Iris West Allen - Bart's mom, newspaper editor.
Wally Allen - Bart's younger brother.
Jesse Quick - Wally's girlfriend. Daughter of a famous athlete.
Ralph Dibny - Bart's best friend, away at Ivy Town U.
Valerie Perez - Freshman in Bart's bio class, he has a crush on her.
Jay Garrick - Family friend and Barry's boss.
Lenny Snart - Small time criminal.
Michelle Rory - Snart's girlfriend, total firebug.
The Top - Mysterious Central City crimelord.
Grodd - Equally mysterious crimelord. The Top's competition.
Edward Thawne - Bart's physic's professor.S A M P L E P O S T:Barry's unmarked car skidded to a stop just outside the police blockade. Civilians were crowded around the cars and barriers, some of them muttering nervously to each other, but most staying silent. Barry pushed his way through the crowd and towards the front. Grouped with the rest of the cops was Barry's partner and best friend.
"Jay," he said as he approached.
"Barry," Jay said in a low voice. Jay led Barry away out of earshot from the rest of the cops.
"Why aren't we out there?" He asked, pointing over Jay's shoulder to downtown. "Bar-- The Flash needs our help."
"That nutjob out there said if the cops or anyone else even gets close, he'll blow the city up with some funky ass IED. Commissioner Dolan said we were to make a perimeter around downtown and let Flash take care of it."
"Have you seen what they're doing?" Barry asked with raised eyebrows. On cue, a loud sonic boom echoed from two blocks over. The boom shook the buildings and sent screams and murmurs through the crowd.
"I can see it," said Jay, looking his friend in the eye. "I can see what he's doing to Bart."
"Do something!" Said Barry through his teeth. "I thought you were some hotshot hero back in the day?"
"I... I can't," said Jay, swallowing hard. He looked down at his feet and back up at Barry. "My speed... It's gone. It got burned out last year when I helped Bart out. I can't help him."
Barry shook his head. He looked back at the crowd, and then back at Jay.
"I'm going in."
"You can't!" shouted Jay. "You don't think I want to be out here?! Watching as he gets his head kicked in?! Powerless to stop it?! NO! But I have to do it, it's my duty as an officer of the law to protect these people over the one person."
"Well, here," Barry said, pulling his badge off. He put it in Jay's open hand and began to walk towards downtown. "As a father, it's my duty to protect that one person."
I crawled across the pavement, Thawne skipped along beside me. He was having his fun, like a cat playing with a dying mouse. I started to get up, only to have my legs swept out from under me. I smack against the pavement and was crushed by a flurry of super-fast fists smacking my chest.
"Come on!" Thawne yelled out. "You want to show these people you deserve their love and their respect, then you have to earn it. Save them, hero."
A kick in the ribs, this one knocking a few ribs free. I screamed in pain as I could feel a rib poking my lungs.
"Get up and fight me. Fight me, save the day, and then reap the rewards. Either you fight me, or I kill you."
Powerful hands grabbed my neck and I was up in the air, Thawne in my face.
"I kill you, this ends up worse for everyone. You die and then I go to town on those you care about. Your mother, your cop dad, little brother, that old washed up police captain, sweet Valerie Perez, stupid Ralph Dibny, All of them dead by my hand. And if you think this is the worst I can do, then you are wrong."
"No," I mumbled, my hands reeling back. "NO!"
I brought my hands up at the speed of sound, clapping right in Thawne's face. A sonic boom split the air, sending both of us back reeling. The blow disoriented Thawne and sent him twirling backwards while I shook the cobwebs from my head. By the time he rights himself he finds my fist in his face.
I slammed him towards the ground with the punch, kicking him sideways before he can hit the pavement. His body spins to the right and smashes into a parked car. He tires to get up but I knock him back down. I hit him again, and again, and again. I ignored the blood making my hand slick as I punch. I'm in my own world, imaging what he would do to my family and those I love. I'm wrapped up in my hate. All my rage and frustration, anger at Thawne's evil, my dad's disowning of me, the Justice League and their moral compromises. My own feelings of being powerless. I put it all into my fists as I pound Thawne through the car and into the ground.
What brings me around isn't the sound of the smacks against Thawne's head, or my own sobbing... It's the laughter.
"Hehehe," Thawne wheezed between blows.
That noise, the sound of him... enjoying it. That makes me stop. I look down at the bloody and bruised man, my fist still suspended in the air. He looks up at my fist with swollen eyes expectantly, and then back at me.
"Do it. Kill me."
"No," I said, stepping away. I talk between ragged breaths. "No matter what you do, or what you say, I will not do what you want. Killing you is what you want, isn't it? Pushing me over the edge. You want to ruin me... you won't."
"DO IT!" He screamed. "Do it or I'll destroy that atom smasher, the backlash will--"
There was a shimmer in my movement. Now in my hands were a clump of wires and cables.
"--create a chain reaction that--"
"--Will destroy Central and Keystone. Got it. But, not much of a chain reaction can happen with this," I said, holding up the plug of the deactivated atom smasher. "Come on, Thawne, you hid it in that storage locker you rent in your own name. I found the key when I was rooting through your house a few microseconds ago. That reminds me, you need to water your plants."
"You couldn't have moved that fast. I... I saw you."
"Yeah, world's fastest man over here. Sorry, buddy, I'm calm and collected now, I got my second wind, and I just saved the day. You lose!"
"NO!" He screamed. He lunged out at me. I went to step away, but I misjudged Thawne's trajectory. He grabbed my knee and twisted. I heard a pop and crumpled to the ground.
I saw it all in slow motion. Thawne scrambled to get on top of me. I batted him away, but he recovered quickly. His long, bony fingers wrapped around my neck. Spittle flew from Thawne's mouth, his face frozen in a snarl. His hands began to ring my neck and I struggled against his hard grip. I thrashed and struggled for oxygen, doing my best to throw him off me. Black spots formed around my eyes, my eyesight dimming. The last thing I saw before it went to black: Ed Thawne, the Professor, with a twisted grin on his face.
Mom, dad, Wally, Val, Jay, and Ralph. I'm sorry I failed you.
He won.
I gasped, air rushing back to my lungs. I coughed violently, my body shaking as my lungs gulped down the oxygen it had been denied. Through watering eyes I looked up. To the side was Thawne wth his eyes staring forward in an unfocused stare. He had a bloody hole in his forehead. CSI 101: An exit wound. Standing in front of me, clutching a smoking gun, my father.
"Get up, Bart," he said. Over his shoulder I could see a fleet of police cars rushing down the street towards our location. "Get up now!"
I sprung to my feet as he yelled. Suddenly, I'm eight years old again and I'm in trouble for trying to take Nancy Jones' Tamagotchi.
"What did you do?"
"Go," he said, the cop cars getting closer. "Run, Bart. Run!"
And I did the only thing I seemed to be good at lately:
I ran.
I ran from the scene, I ran from Central, I ran from Missouri and America, I kept running across the world. Running, and running, and running. Running from something I knew deep down I couldn't outrun:
Myself.P O S T C A T A L O G:TBD
Makes it nearly as interesting as his comics.
If only you had friends you could waltz in and be buddy-buddy with.
... I never wanted this life for you and I hope you can find it within yourself to forgive me for what I have done. Although my actions cannot be excused, I felt that the Books were no longer safe in my possession and knew of only one who I trusted with all of my soul that I could pass them down to. Please know that everything I have done since the day you were born was with you in mind.
I can no longer shield you from the threats that have been lurking in the shadows. They will come for you now and you must be prepared. Read the tome and educate yourself. Knowledge will be your greatest defense now.
And, above all else, do not come looking for me. You take after your mother so I know your first instinct will be to charge forward, to take action, but I implore you to fight against your nature. If you are reading this then my plans have failed and it is already too late for me. Following in my footsteps will only put you in further danger.
I love you, Zatanna.
Forgive me.
I hate it. She has pants now. That's practical.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>
I put it together in ten minutes. If you want needless sexualization and gratuitous booty shots, I'll need at least an hour.