Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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She paused in her journey for refreshments as a silky voice exuding confidence rang out over the crowd, hushing everyone for a brief moment before a reply of ‘good evening’ was returned to the owner of the voice. Sister Deborah continued with her speech, an introduction to not only the importance of this day to the coven as a whole but how more special it was by bringing the initiates into the fold as true witches by the bonding to the wellspring. It was at this time that the crowd's attention turned to them, applause of happiness ring out around them. Hana tucked her empty cup behind her, the praise of everyone’s clapping being a bit embarrassing if she was to be honest so it was almost a relief when Sister Deborah drew in their attention once more. She spoke of those they had lost and her heart felt heavy in her chest. It clenched painfully as she thought of the names on that list and how the families must feel. It was a fact though, they all knew this could happen when signing up to be part of the coven just as the initiates did. It didn’t make it any less horrible when tragedy struck.

She felt her eyes close, taking a moment of silence for them, to thank and remember them even if she might not have known all of them personally. Hana only opened her eyes once more as Sister Deborah switched tones, moving the focus back onto the future and of lighter topics. The feeling of excitement bubbled up again at the thought of being part of the coven. Ten minutes, in little more than ten minutes it would start and she couldn’t wait. The nerves she felt earlier faded a bit to be replaced with the hope of what the future would bring. The list of names was staggering for the amount of new initiates but it luckily wasn’t as surprising when you looked at the table that had been laid out. It was more impressive and surprising to have them all listed by name and in alphabetical order nonetheless. She could barely hear the applause as they wrapped things up, her mind racing on if she should just head to the house early or if she should just refill her drink as planned before finishing up her meal. Instead, her thoughts were thrown off by Iris who ended up teasing that she had somewhere to be. Hana chuckled a bit and gave a light wave goodbye while replying,”Alright Iris, catch ya later.”

She had every intention to just head back to her seat, either to finish her plate or clean up the mess when she felt someone brush past her. She was about to apologize for standing in the way when her voice left her at exactly who she had light bumped into. Why in the stars did it have to be him? Hana had been careful to completely avoid any and all of the long standing coven families. It wasn’t anything against them personally but was more like she had no idea how to behave around them and wanted as little trouble as possible. The last thing she needed was to be in Summer’s presence and say exactly what she thought or do something that would completely embarrass the person she was hanging out with because of something she had done inappropriately without her knowledge. Plus, when you were with higher standing families...they just naturally drew in attention and that just made her feel awkward. She took a deep breath to shake off her thoughts, hoping she hadn’t looked like a deer in headlights for a moment and was fully prepared to speak when Arken’s words took her completely by surprise.

Hana found herself nodding softly at her own name, confirming that he indeed had it correct. Her mind was frantic though as he spoke, filled with curiosity and awe at what was even taking place right now. It was actually really sweet of him to wish her luck though she had no idea what could have prompted the gesture as they had never spoken before this moment. It was the wink though that made her instantly blush, gripping the cup in her hand like a life line since she had no idea what that was about or how to really react. Was he teasing her or something? Was that flirting? No, no, it was probably just his personality since she had seen him do that kind of thing before. She didn’t want to be rude though when he had been kind enough to take the time to wish her luck and introduce himself even if she actually knew who he was. She noticed he had started to turn away to head for the gathering location and blurted out, ”You too!”, before composing herself a bit and lowering the tone of her voice,”I-I mean, g-good luck to you too. On the ceremony t-that is.” She felt her fingers playing with the ends of her hair nervously and she slowly moved herself backwards a few steps before turning on her heel and heading the opposite direction while stating, ”I’ll see you around, Arken.”

Hana plopped back into her seat, setting the cup down before placing her forehead on the table and covering her face with her hands. What the hell had that been?! What had just happened?! How did he even know her name? If someone had asked her if Arken Stone knew of her existence, she would have honestly said no until today it would seem. She lifted her head, looking at the plate before her and sighed. There was no way she could eat now with all the nerves from the pathetic attempt at talking to someone new and excitement for the gathering that would take place in mere minutes. She gathered everything up, dumping it into the trash bin before making her way to the location like the rest of the group. It seemed like everyone was doing the buddy system, going in together that it made her think that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad making some closer friends. It wasn’t like she liked being a loner. She wanted to talk to people but when she tried to start conversations, she felt all tongue tied and anxious. Hana shook herself, clearing the negative thoughts and looked towards the positives. She had a nice short conversation with Iris, she had at least tried to respond to Arken, and she was about to become a full fledged witch. Things were going well and as long as she was trying her best then that was all she could ask for.

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Speaks With: (Iris) @Blizz, (Arken)@Infinite Cosmos
Mentioned:(Summer) @Danvers

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Hm, how interesting..." Summer replied nonchalantly when Jeremy began to explain his situation. She had an elbow propped on the table and was idly resting her chin atop her hand as a stream of other initiates began to introduce themselves to him. The witchling couldn't help but find his formal nature a little boring. The guy was a teenager like the rest of them right? Perhaps it was just because he was nervous but regardless, Summer still found herself stifling a small yawn. She'd hoped he would be someone fun to play with but was becoming increasingly unsure of this.

Her stomach rumbling at least provided a momentary distraction and just as she was considering standing up to get food, Sister Deborah strolled up to the podium. Even Summers attention was instantly drawn to the elder witch, who seemed to easily captivate the whole audience. Resting an arm on the back of her chair, her gaze passed over the witches who had crowded round. She couldn't immediately see her family but she was glad about this. Summer was under no illusions that no matter how smoothly the initiation process went, her mother would still point out something she'd done wrong or compare it to her sisters perfect day. Of course, she was excited to be a witch but this was mingled with a tinge of apprehension. Any other witchling might have shared these worries but Summer just swallowed her feelings. Luckily, her attention was diverted to Arken as he leant down to speak, a smile tugging at the edges of her lips at his words. "Stop trying to ruin my fun, Stone." She quipped back, tucking a piece of hair carefully behind her ear as he walked away. Summer had forgotten that Arken was actually fun to be around. Or at least someone she could tolerate without wanting to pull her hair out.

"Well, I hope you're excited. I've heard the wellspring is an amazing place." She commented as her focus strayed back to Jeremy. Before he could respond, however, Calypso had returned and for some strange reason, wanted her chair back. Summer watched the interaction between the two with mild amusement sketched across her otherwise calm features. She hadn't been able to resist the temptation of switching over the name cards. Everyone had been far too distracted and deep in conversation to notice the slight glimmer in the air when they'd moved, and it had been equally as easy to put them back. "It was just a simple mistake I guess. Easy to make." She shot a half-hearted smile at Calypso before her attention was diverted by Charlie proposing that they walk to the house.

"Sure, why not. I'd say you should join us too Jeremy but you wouldn't want to miss out on the zucchini now, would you?" The edge of sarcasm in Summer's voice was undeniable and although it was annoying to let the newcomer fall into someone else's hands, Alexander seemed determined on introducing him to every single witchling present. It was probably for the best anyway. She'd end up being far too tempted to push him into the Wellspring if he started to bore her.

"Anyway...you coming, Maggie?" Instead, she called over to the quiet girl who had been studiously reading her book, briefly looking her up and down. "I totally love your dress by the way." It really was very difficult to tell if Summer was being genuine, her expression betraying none of her true thoughts. To anyone who didn't know her it would come across as a friendly compliment but whether this was true was another issue. "It really suits you...doesn't it suit her Charlie?" She continued on as they began to walk to the house, treading carefully so that she didn't dirty her sandals whilst they crossed the field. "Have you seen what some people chose to wear? You'd think they were going to go work on a farm or something. It really is kind of embarrassing." Summer let out a light laugh at her own comment, her gaze straying over a few of the other witchlings who were walking ahead of them.

@Rabidporcupine @KaijuBaragon @Infinite Cosmos @Canaryrose @Melissa @WanderingSpirit
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“What could go wrong?” Oh, how Rebecca rolled her eyes at that statement. Every witch in the world knew far better than to tempt the fates like that. Still, she managed to keep her spirits up- though she did a quick search for a four leaf clover, just in case. “Don’t think like that, Rowan. If you believe you’re going to fail, then that’s what will happen. But if you believe you’ll succeed…” The medium tapped the side of her head. “It’s all up here, Rowan. That’s what decides how you do.”

It was then that Kate came up, making a crack about summoning Satan. “I hope not, Kate. Besides the obvious problems with calling up the Lord of Evil- and how would you put him back down- I don’t want to even guess at the cost we’d have to pay. Whatever it is, I’m pretty sure it’s not that.” Thank god.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 10 days ago

Kate feel really satisfying when they hear Rowan let out a very short burst of laughter, they never hear her laugh before, it sounds rather cute. Then Kate let out a big laugh when Rowan tell a joke about Summer. "Yeah, you're right, Summer won't probably hear us from her demon ears" Kate joke back to Rowan. Even though that Kate was joking about talking to spirits, they were kinda that spirits are quiet about the initiation, like their parents but why are both of them being quiet about it?

"What could go wrong?" "I shouldn't say that if I were you, Rowan. When people say that phase, things could go wrong" Kate say "I mean, a lot of things could happen. Like, what if group of vampires and werewolves decided to show up at the wellspring and be 'We are going to eat, blah, blah'. What if aliens show up from the sky and take us to mars? What if evil spirits came out of nowhere, possess all of us and make us go crazy?...But those are only possibilities and like you say, Rowan, What could go wrong?" Kate jokingly say to Rowan and then gently elbow her arm. Rebecca then ask Kate on how would they put Satan back down to hell, Kate smirk "That's easy, with the 'magic of friendship" Kate say sarcastically while imitating making a rainbow over their head with their hands and then chuckle.

After that, Kate then look down at their feet while walking, their heart nervous once again and start thinking about the place called the wellspring that Sister Deborah mention. What are they going to do to Kate? What are they going to do to everyone? "Soooo, um, that wellspring place that Sister Deborah mention. I hear stories about it but...What's that about? the wellspring and bonding ritual I mean."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Rowan stood a bit more upright with the two others' encouragement. She then brought her attention to what Kate was saying, clearly teasing Rowan a bit."Oh ha ha very funny, you know a guy just moved in down the road who swears aliens are real." She looked around presenting her surroundings. "No joke. If he saw any of this he would lose his mind."

Her jokey demeanor turned to somewhat more serious now. "I guess I'm beating around the bush a bit here. Yeah I have some clue about what happens at the wellspring. I mean my grandmother was one of the most important witches in protecting it, how could I not right?" Rowan were addressing both of them equally. "All you really need to know is that if you have made your mind up about joining the coven. You shouldn't have anything to worry about." Back to a more chipper mood now, "I think the main thing you need to worry about is how all 20 of us are going get along in one house. Now thats worrying." Rowan was clearly trying to bring the mood up and keep the twos' minds off of the initiation.

Speaks with : Kate@sassy1085 Rebecca@blackdragon
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Speaking with: Charlie @KaijuBaragon and Summer @Danvers

As she approached the initiate table, Maggie could feel her stomach begin to turn. Something about the situation seemed so forced- all of the witchlings required to sit together and make small talk. Usually, she preferred social interaction when it was on her own accord, but she’d have to make lemonade out of sour lemons and suck it up. The blonde offered a warm smile to those who had noticed she appeared, but didn’t say anything. She found her seat at the end of the table, mentally thanking the elders for giving her the spot with the easiest escape route, and opened her book once more and continued from where she left off.

It wasn’t long until Sister Deborah approached the microphone and drew attention, including Maggie’s. The girl set down her book on the table (this time remembering to mark the page where she left off) and listened intently, mulling over each word the woman said to the crowd. Although it didn’t seem like it, the blonde was quite excited for her initiation. She was looking forward to gaining a new sense of belonging to the coven and forging her own path, both literally and figuratively. Of course she was nervous, but for some reason, she felt more at ease than anxious knowing that she would be initiated as her family was before her. This would be a new adventure, and above all else an opportunity for Maggie to come out of her shell and mature.

As the elder announced the initiates would be meeting at the house in a few minutes time, she wished she had just stayed over there in the first place. Uaithne just had to come over and guilt her, and she could have avoided all of this had she just stuck with her gut. But it was too late for regret now- she had already seen her mother practically beaming from across the field noticing her daughter socializing. At least it made one of them happy.

A voice calling her name drew the blonde out of her thoughts, and Maggie looked over to find Charlie speaking to her in his lovely accent. It took her a moment to process, but when she realized that he was inviting her to accompany him and Summer back over to the house, she nodded in response. “Sure, I’ll join you.” Standing up and smoothing out her dress, she leisurely strolled to where they were standing, matching their pace as they began to walk towards where she had been hiding out previously.

Summer’s reputation definitely preceded her, and the blonde couldn’t exactly figure out if her compliment was sincere or not. Even though they had known each other for quite a long time and were amicable, Maggie knew that the girl didn’t get along with some people and it was best to stay on her good side. Deciding in her own mind that Summer’s words were genuine (even if they truly weren't), Maggie looked down at her gingham dress and back up to the girl, and smiled. Today was not the day to hyper analyze. “Thanks, I figured that it's a special occasion, so might as well look the part.” After a pause, she motioned to Summer’s yellow and white striped ensemble. “Your dress is lovely as well.”

Looking up at Charlie, as he was much taller than her, she noticed that the fading golden hour sunlight seemed to catch his hair, making it look even more red than it truly was. “So what do you think the wellspring is like? I’ve always wondered.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dakota sighed in relief as Iris picked up the (mostly) unharmed golem. "Oh, good. I was worried for a moment that I had-...I mean, that Astro had broken it." Dakota looked down at the squirming ferret sternly, before her eyes flitted back up to iris, a smile returning to her face. She nodded enthusiastically as Iris mentioned Astro, proudly lifting the struggling creature up again. "Astro's super playful. He just likes to mess around, grab small things, play with them, do all that." Dakota gestured over to Corvus the golem. "I guess he thought that your golem was a chew toy or something. He loves squeaky things. He's the best, though! You can pet him if you want! He doesn't bite!" Dakota paused for a moment, looking down at the ferret in her hands before biting her lip. "Alright, so he does bite, but normally only me. Still, he's a bit feisty today...maybe once he's more accustomed to the house and all that, you can play with him. He loves playing. I'm sure he'll get along fine with your golems once I train him not to eat them." Dakota smiled confidently at this idea, even though she knew full well that such a task would be nigh-impossible to complete. "He's really the best possible pet. He's great," she proclaimed boldly as she finally released Astro from her grip, the ferret scuttling up her arm and perching on her shoulder, his head twisting as he looked around this strange new place

"Anyway, nice seeing you again, Curly. The...denim look really suits you!" Dakota complimented, giving Iris a chipper smile before turning over her shoulder, her eyes locking with Summer's for a brief moment before wandering elsewhere. Pretending to instead focus on an owl in the distant treeline, Dakota's eyes occasionally flitted back over to Summer and company a few times, as inconspicuously as possible. She had swore that Summer had shot a look (a look not in the positive sense) over at Dakota, and she did not like that one bit. So what if her clothes weren't super formal? It was summertime in Virginia; Dakota needed clothes with some breath-ability in them. A tank top and jean shorts were both perfectly acceptable options, thank you very much. As somebody who liked to both run and fly, Dakota saw several significant issues that would come about with wearing high heels and a dress respectively. She looked perfectly neat, anyway, and she was perfectly presentable! As Dakota mulled over these thoughts, she plucked a burr that was stuck to her shirt off and tossed it away.

Her mind snapping back to present swiftly, Dakota looked back to Iris, her thoughtful frown once again being turned upside-down. "Anyway, I can't wait to see the wellspring! It sounds super cool..." Dakota trailed off a bit, before energetically adding, "And staying here all the time is going to be great too! I miss all of you guys, anyway, so it's going to be a blast to get to hang out with you! Ooh, we can be roomies and stuff! Wouldn't that be fun, me and you? Ooh, I gotta show you that hair brush that I charmed! I was gonna give it to Callie but it looks like your hair could use some straightening up too. Looks like you've been living with the wolves for a while." Dakota giggled. "Kidding! Your heart looks great. Really lovely. Seriously, though, I'm looking forward to hanging out with you! And everybody else!" She paused, sneaking a very noticeable glance at Summer before looking back at Iris. "Almost everybody else."

Speaks to: Iris Aderast @Blizz
Mentions: Summer Abernathy @Danvers

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cassandra looked down and realized she'd forgotten her purse. Cussing up a storm (cursing was something extremely different, in her experience), she went back to the food table. As she found the black leather bag, she also saw Hana there, lagging behind the rest of the witchlings. Huh. I thought everybody was already up at the house.

"Oh, hello, Hana. I almost didn't see you there."
Cassandra gave Hana a warm grin as she went up to the potioneer witch. "Mind walking down to the house with me? I could certainly use the company, and I've got a few ideas I want to talk to you about, if you'd be so good."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Charlie smiled as Maggie accepted the offer of walking up to the Coven house with him and Summer, quickly standing up and joining the two after taking one last sip from his water glass that was sitting on the table. He arrived just in time to see Summer, hopefully genuinely, complimenting Maggie's dress. Charlie smiled warmly and nodded, definitely making sure to hammer home the point that his compliment was 100% genuine. "Oh, yes, it definitely suits you, Maggie... Certainly apt for this, I mean, it is probably the biggest day of our lives so far... Rather frightening to think about, isn't it?" He mused, joining the girls in his walk. He knew it was a bit of a risk bringing Summer and Maggie together for this brief, in regards to their conflicting personalities, but so far, it seemed to be going well. Summer hadn't been snippy to Maggie, which was good.

Charlie enjoyed spending time with Summer, but it wasn't as if he was completely naive to what she could be like. While originally they had bonded loosely over the fact that they were both ginger in a region that generally had very few of them, it seemed Charlie was one of the few that actively put up with Summer whenever they were brought together for coven purposes. Perhaps it was the fact that she'd never actually been rude to him... at least not when he was around. But Charlie was also a believer in the idea that people are generally nice at heart, and he hoped that Summer was no different. But even then, he did have the slight worry that by being one of the few people that would willingly spend time with her, he might be associated with her and the comments that she made, and he didn't want that. Especially when she did things like insult the clothes of people nearby.

Charlie winced subtlety, and he looked down at Maggie for a second, before back at Summer. In a loose attempt to stop Summer talking about people that way, he responded - "Well Summer, I do suppose it doesn't really matter what people are wearing no? I mean, it's not as if the elders are going to be judging us on our attire... And if they did, that would be rather inappropriate of them, too." He said, trying to put things as gently as possible. Things went silent for a moment, before he became aware of Maggie talking to him. He looked down at her, catching her eyes taking glances at his fiery hair, to which he glanced back at the golden sun for a moment.

"That's a good question... The landscape of this region doesn't lend well to large lakes, so it's probably smaller, tucked away somewhere... Like, a pond, or something like that." Charlie's face changed, which meant that he was about to ramble on about some vaguely related fact. "I've heard there's a wellspring in Tibet that is right on the top of a mountain, so all the witchlings have to learn how to fly a bit, you know, like Dakota can... And then there's apparently a very interesting one in Ethiopa that you can only get to after travelling through a deep dark cave for several hours... But I doubt our one is anything as extreme as those..."

@Danvers @Melissa
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

”Mhm...Looking forward to it.” Iris didn’t actually *know* anything about the wellspring, since no witchling ever gets in unless it’s for one reason in particular, but all she knew was that could think of was how the wellspring had to be really important. There’s no reason the coven would go through any amount of trouble it does to protect it if that weren’t the case. ”Been waiting for this day a while, actually.” knowing full well how important this ceremony would be, Iris didn’t exactly come dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a denim coat and sweatpants, not really the first thing that comes to mind when you’re preparing for a ceremony that binds you to an esoteric source of magic energy, the likes of which Iris couldn’t even imagine. She leaned back against the porch steps she was sitting on, the night grew dimmer and dimmer as the glow of Corvus’ heart stood out more and more in his chest. Come to think of it, imagine the kind of golems you could make with that magic...

She wouldn’t bore Dakota with the details, but she pulled out a black book with a pen stuck to it to write something about that down, she also made a note to clear that idea with the elders first, wouldn’t want to piss a magical authority figure off by taking sacred energy and putting it in a tin suit, would we? The book Iris was jotting something down in resembled a fancy sketchbook, and it was filled with things pertaining to golems. The reason for this handmade guide for golems was because Iris hadn’t ever heard of any other witches practicing any kind of magic like this. She asked some of the higher up witches before, but none of them could ever give her a straight it answer, it all lead to the saying it was either impossible or it was necromancy, which was morally impossible, but they weren’t entirely right. The front of Iris’ book has a painted on image of a stick figure with what looked like charms stuck to the front somehow. Curious looking glass lenses with magical items underneath them, three in total in a triangular fashion, all the size of an eye, to keep any nasty types of creatures from getting a hold of the knowledge on how to creature a magical construct. Iris hasn’t been told by anyone that this knowledge needs to be kept secret, but she knows better than most that being able to make an extra set of hands to help you with literally anything can be problematic when your supposed enemy is trying to take the wellspring’s power.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 6 days ago

Arken was near the gathering spot for the ceremony when he sort of snapped back to reality, realizing he was just wandering around, waiting for the ceremony to actually begin. It also looks like some of his fellow witches were doing the same. However, the whole being alone and in silence just didn’t sit well with him.

Slowly, he wandered back to where the younger coven members were gathering before. Off to the side, he spotted Hana, still at the table, looking sort of flustered and unsure of herself. A thought flashed in his mind, and he decided to approach her again, perhaps to just strike up more idle conversation.

Or maybe it was something more...mischievous...

Sitting down next to Hana, Arken tapped her shoulder softly and spoke in a gentle tone.

“So, Hana. What sort of magic are you most familiar with?”

He said, as he idly shape a earthen ball into a disc, then into a small mug, then back into a ball.

“As you can see, I’m an Earth magician. My family all are, I suppose. It’s...kind of what we’re known for.”

The earthen ball seems to dance in his palms, now changing from a small star into something heart shaped.

“Ah. There. Thats what I wanted to make. Here. This is for you. It’s a heart.”

He said with a soft smile. The earthen heart slowly hardened until it was dry to the touch. He leaned closer to her, and whispered softly to her

“I don’t often give away my heart. Be sure you take care of it, yeah?”

He leaned back and gave her another wink. He was holding back a grin, knowing that Summer probably saw this and won’t let Hana live this down. Was this act a little devious? Perhaps. But, to Arken, it was just a harmless cantrip, designed specifically to fluster Hana and maybe to incite something in Summer.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 1 day ago

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She found herself pausing mid-step, the nagging feeling she was forgetting something clawing at her brain until she reached up to adjust the strap that should have been on her shoulder. She groaned, realizing that she had indeed forgotten her purse and turned right back around to make her way back to the table. She plopped back into her assigned chair, trying to look around without getting on her hands and knees to do so while trying to determine where she might have put it as her flustered mind wasn’t working in her favor in providing that information. Hana heard more than saw the person that had decided to grace her with their presence in this brief moment and figured it was probably Iris since that had been her assigned seat earlier. It was entirely possible that the other girl might have forgotten something too and was about to ask if she might have seen her lost item when she felt a gentle tap. It instantly drew her attention but her surprised and wide eyed gaze did not in fact land on Iris but instead on the person who had flustered her barely a few minutes ago. ’What is this? Twice in one day?! Why is he doing this? Why the sudden change now?!, she thought frantically to herself. She forced her expression to relax, listening to his question as he attempted to make small talk with her though she still had no idea as to why. Maybe she was reading too much into it and he was trying to make new friends?

Hana took a breath to steady herself and smiled lightly before answering while watching the earth he had with him bend and mold at will,”I specialize with water elemental magic and healing though I could have been an excellent potioneer if the subject interested me more.” She nodded, rubbing her arm softly as he spoke and feeling awkward that she knew that fun fact about his magic since well, it would be surprising to see a Stone not be an earth elementalist. She knew that he didn’t know her though and maybe he didn’t realize just how much people paid attention to or shoved unwanted information about the older coven families to everyone. She certainly wasn’t going to be rude or the one that pointed it out. It was why instead, she chose to focus on the different shapes he made. Hana blinked, taken back when he stated a heart was what he had been trying to make but even more so when he said it was for her. She found herself holding out her palms and letting him place the hardened earth in her hands but was startled once more, a blush lighting up her face instantly as he leaned into her personal space and dropping his voice to a whisper. She felt her breath clog in her throat at his comment, not sure if she should take it literally like a confession and be flattered, be happy that maybe a new friend wanted to give her a gift, laugh it off as a weird joke, or be hurt that maybe she was just being used to be laughed at or maybe to make someone else jealous. There were definitely so many possibilities as to why and sadly, most of the bad ones made more sense to her.

She watched him for a moment before her gaze landed back to the heart shaped earth in her hand. She grazed her thumb over it gently, wondering what she should do with it now. If she left it there and he was being sincere then it would hurt his feelings which she was not willing to do even if it was just a slim chance. Honestly, she didn’t know how stable it would stay and she kept a lot weirder gifts than this from Strath. Hana stood carefully, making her way over to the food table so she could grab some napkins and maybe make a kind of cushion for it so it could safely go in her bag. She carefully wrapped it up, about ready to resume her search when she found it next to the trash can. She knelt down and retrieved it, carefully slipping the wrapped up item inside before checking to see if it was broken at all. When everything appeared to be in order, she realized it must have slipped off her shoulder since she probably hadn’t had it crossed over her chest like normal. She slipped the strap over her head, planning to head over to where the others were when she heard her name. A smile lit up on her features as she noticed who it was. ”Hey Cass! Same here. I guess I was caught up in my own world for a moment.”, she replied with a light chuckle before continuing, ” I wouldn’t mind at all, in fact, that sounds great. I would love to hear your ideas and help in any way I can.”

. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .

Speaks With: (Arken)@Infinite Cosmos,(Cassandra)@blackdragon
Mentioned:(Iris) @Blizz

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isolde Morden

It took a while to get here, but Isolde made it.

Two days of walking down across the Morden mountain to get to the Dying Branch coven had paid off after all, the house was nearby, and Isolde was closing in. She could see a few other witches on the steps already, presumably for the ceremony she was just in time for. The sky was dark, and the most visible thing she could see walking towards them was the blue glow of something coming from a girl’s shoulder. A familiar, perhaps? She’d have plenty of time to get to know them, no doubt. The taps on the ground from her staff companies by her footsteps were the only noise one could hear in the quiet night.

Isolde was chosen by elder witches, both from the Mordens and this coven, to become a proper witch, it was an honor from both to be given the right to come all this way and learn from one of the surrounding covens and expand her knowledge of magic. Isolde was quietly excited to be here, even if she seemed a little out of place. Shouldn’t she be looking for the elders to let them know she arrived? Well, time to make some friends. She approached the porch steps where two girls were talking, one with a book. ”Hello, is this where we’re supposed to meet?” Her voice was steady, and formal to the girls. Her staff at arm’s length, barely visible compared to the three of them in the moon’s light.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 1 day ago

Dakota nodded in response to Iris. "Right, well, we might not have seen it, but we're going to see it very soon. Unless, I mean, we aren't. Then we won't be seeing it soon. Ooh, imagine if the wellspring was just a scam the whole time? That would be cool." Dakota smiled thoughtfully as she watched Iris remove a black book, like some type of sketchbook, and began to write in it enthusiastically sketch in it. Dakota was tempted to peak into the book and see what Iris was writing about, but she knew that it was really none of her business (Dakota would hate to accidentally stumble upon her diary), so she instead sat down next to Iris on the porch step, looking ahead absent-mindedly as Astro scuttled down from her shoulder, running down her arm and then leg before curling up and nesting on top of Dakota's sneakers. Dakota smiled as Astro curled up there, and she subconsciously leaned over, her shoulder up against Iris, and she felt her head start to lean towards her direction before she snapped awake as another witch approached them.

She was an electrifying young woman, with stark black hair and a rather pretty look about her, determination in her stance. Dakota grinned. She had good vibes from her. "Right! This is the coven house. We're meeting here in a few," Dakota explained while simultaneously distancing herself a few inches from Iris. Personal space was important. "I don't fully remember seeing you around? I'm Dakota Lawson. Or Kota." Dakota stood from the porch step, extending her hand towards the newcoming witch. "You made it just in time! We were just about to meet, and I think we're going to the wellspring soon? It's gonna be great!" Dakota bounced eagerly on her feet as she made her way down the steps. "By the way, you have, like, really nice eyes. They're so cool. All blue and stuff." She smiled genuinely at this compliment as she walked down to greet the new witch. "Oh, gosh, I can't wait for this initiation...gonna be so cool."

Speaks to: Iris Aderast Isolde Morden @Blizz

Unbeknownst to most, Jean-Luc was in attendance the entire time. He had gotten to the gathering hours in advance, ate as soon as the food was put out, and then promptly found a nice spot to shelter in. That spot was a tall tree near the Coven House, and Jean-Luc had promptly nestled himself inside a nice space between two thick branches, resting his back against one branch and his legs against the other. He had heard two of the other girls, Dakota and Calypso, planning to scale the tree, but Jean-Luc paid them no mind. He simply continued to stare at the book in his hands, reading, as he sat comfortably in the tree. His clothes, admittedly, were not made for tree-scaling and the like. He was dressed to impress, wearing a dark navy button-down shirt and similarly-colored slacks, a leather belt with a golden skull buckle wrapped around his waist, a pair of brown loafers on his feet. It was surprising he was even able to scale the tree in the first place with such unathletic footwear, but Jean-Luc had his ways. Lastly, in his hands, was a thick, hard-covered book. It looked vintage, with a beaten black leather cover wrapped with a silky gray ribbon that hung from the cover, used to keep the book shut. A deep scarlet skull and crossbones was drawn onto the front cover, and a coat-of-arms with two tropical birds and a hibiscus engraved on the back. These were not just decorative elements, they were curses that were woven onto the book. The thick book was a collection of both Jean-Luc's various curses and personal thoughts, in essence a goldmine to his thought processes, and so he made sure the book was protected. Anybody that tried to open the book that was not authorized to do so would have...bad things happen to them.

Jean-Luc leafed through some of the pages, reading with focus, as he sat in the tree. The pages were worn and crammed with ink, Jean-Luc's scrawling handwriting filling nearly every inch of free space on the page. Jean-Luc was currently reading through a very interesting bit he had written about a special type of curse when he heard Sister Deborah speaking, immediately closing the book and looking over. So the game was finally afoot...

Jean-Luc hopped down from the tree a few moments later, with the two girls that were once planning on scaling the tree now gone. They must have found better things to do, then. It was for the best- had they gotten to the top, Jean-Luc would've certainly sent them tumbling back down. Dedication clear in his eyes, he made his way across the lawn towards the Coven House, his grimoire/diary clenched firmly in his right hand. His goal was to become a witch, and this was the day, the time, that his dream would be fulfilled. Though his unmoving features did not show it, ecstasy filled his body. He was ready.

"Li se tan..."

Speaks to: Himself lol
Mentions: Calypso Barnes @canaryrose, Dakota Lawson @Hitman

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


As the other witchlings slowly drifted away from the table and to the house, Calypso sat in her chair and wolfed down her food. It wasn’t that she was starving, per say. She just figured that it wouldn’t be great to go to the ceremony on an empty stomach. But it also wouldn’t be great to be late either. So she ate as fast as she could, only finishing half of her plate before realizing that she was the last one at the table and that everyone had started congregating on the porch. She blinked and glanced down at her plate, stomach roiling. Am I ready? She didn’t know if she was, but she had to be. Or else… she didn’t know what else. This was her life, her purpose. If she wasn’t a good witch, what was she? On the drive to the coven property, Calypso had done some tarot readings for herself, and the results had been a bit… mixed. She was self-aware enough to know that, even with magic involved, the readings weren’t always the most accurate… but it was still concerning.

The last person at the table, Calypso stood from her seat and tossed her plate in the garbage can. She walked over to the porch. She waved at the other witchlings standing and chatting before going up the steps herself and sitting down in a cushioned wicker chair by the window. Being a little too nervous to join in on any specific conversations, she kind of just sat and listened to everybody else talk. It was really just normal conversation for the most part. Summer was being snide, Charlie was trying his best to counter her, and Dakota and Iris were messing around with each other. Kate was trying to freak Rowan out, and there was some… new girl? Calypso blinked and leaned forward a bit, interest piqued. Two new people in one day- in a community that rarely accepted outsiders. That was unusual, to say the least of it.

Before Calypso could introduce herself and possibly interrogate this new girl with the stick, however, the front door opened up and a woman popped her head out. It wasn’t Sister Deborah- rather, it was one of the younger elders named Sister Lark. The woman smiled warmly at the witchlings. She would’ve waved if she could, but she was carrying what looked like a stack of black clothes in her arms, similar to the robe she herself was wearing.

“Isolde!” she said, smiling at the girl with the stick. “You made it just in time, sweetheart. We were starting to get worried you wouldn’t make it before we set off.” After speaking exclusively to Isolde, the woman then seemed to remember herself and turned to the congregated group. “You guys all know me of course, but this is Isolde Morden.” She gestured to Isolde with her otherwise occupied hands. “She’s from one of the… independent witch families. They have a wellspring of their own, but Isolde decided she wanted to join us instead. Give her your warmest welcome, please!”

Lark paused for a moment, smiling, and then launched into something else. “Well, let’s get this show on the road! What I have here in my hands is the coven’s ceremonial robes. You don’t have to take off your clothes or anything, but you’re going to put these on over your clothes for the ritual.” She held out the stack of robes, waiting for everyone to take one.

Calypso shuffled forwards first, taking one and muttering a thanks to Lark. Then, she unfolded it and shrugged it on. It… wasn’t that bad! Loose and baggy, sure, and the sleeves extended a bit past her wrists, but it looked… witchy? It was black with white markings, and covered her entire body. She fastened the row of buttons going about a quarter way down the robe, fumbling with them before finally getting it right. Fully buttoned up, the robe started at her collarbones and hit at the ankle, covering up Calypso’s entire outfit. It wasn’t too flattering, but it was a tradition, apparently.

While everyone was putting on their robes, Lark spoke up again. “Oh, and since I’ve gotten everyone’s attention, we can’t bring any of our personal things to the wellspring. That includes bags, phones, and any magical items. Oh, and familiars. That goes for you especially Dakota, you can’t bring Astro. Put your things by the door, and you can get them once we come back.” She gestured to a spot next to the front door, and waited for everyone to put their things there. Lark especially eyed Uaithne, with his giant bag full of weapons. Calypso took her phone out of her pocket and unclasped a pendulum from her neck and put the two on a small end table next to a chair.

As everyone put all their things down, Lark watched in silence. “Well, if that’s it, then I guess we’re ready to get this thing on the road! Woo!” she said, once everything had been put down. “I’m going to head inside and get the other elders so we can get going down the trail. If you still have anything in your pockets, take it out! Please and thank you.” At that, she disappeared into the house again, seemingly to get a few other elders.

A few minutes later, she reappeared with two other people in the same robes as her. An older, gray-haired and stern-faced man named Lucien and a middle-aged looking woman named Claudia. As far as Calypso could remember, neither was particularly important in the grand scheme of things, just like Lark. Of course, each was a member of the Elders’ Council, but neither was particularly high-ranking. But they were important enough to escort them to the wellspring.

“Well, I’m sure you’ve all met Brother Lucien and Sister Claudia before… or if you haven’t, I guess you have now. Now that we have you all ready, we can start walking down to the wellspring,” Lark said. She grabbed a lantern from a hook on the porch. With a few muttered words, its fire flickered to life. The porch lights were on, so it didn’t do much to light up the area, but it would probably illuminate a fair amount of the trail. She also lit two other lanterns and gave one each to the other elders. “It’s going to be a long walk, and it’s nearly dark,” she explained. “Now, let’s go!”

With that, Lark turned around and started to walk towards the forest. Calypso followed close behind. At first, it seemed like she was walking right towards a giant oak tree- which was certainly confusing. Calypso herself raised a brow, about to mention something. Then, Lark spoke an incantation under her breath. The illusion of the thick undergrowth vanished, and in front of the group appeared a thin opening into what appeared to be a skinny dirt path cutting downhill and through the forest. Lark turned to the group of initiates and gestured for them to follow her- and then entered the forest.

Calypso followed, but quickly realized that the path was not suitable for anything but single-file walking, and the group of witchlings was in a disorganized blob of people at that moment.Once they had all organized themselves into a single-file line, the group went through the first fluidly. Lark and the two other elders held lanterns aloft at the beginning, middle, and end of the line. As the lights from the party and the house faded, Calypso grew grateful for the lanterns. The trees blocked any of the remaining light of the sun from lighting their way down the mountain, and by god was the trail steep.

The walk took about 30 minutes. For the most part, Calypso was quiet as she went down the trail. Although there was definitely some chatter from the other witchlings, she was uncharacteristically silent. Walking to the wellspring really cemented it in place for her- it was her time. Her place, her day. She contemplated this reality in her head, the reality that she was about to become what she had always wanted to be. And she was scared. Excited, yes, but scared.

As they walked, the scenery around them began to change. A witch good with magical energy would begin to sense the air around them… shifting. It became heavy with magic, however that particular witch might interpret that. Calypso felt a heavy feeling like a weighted blanket settle over her, as well as a tickle in the back of her nose. Plants were larger and stranger, and psychedelic flowers started to pop up along the path. The soil grew darker and richer, and strange sounds echoed from the depths of the forest. The noises of rushing water became apparent as they walked down the path, and grew louder and louder until the path opened up and into the wellspring.

For a single moment, its majesty stole Calypso’s breath. The wellspring was a lake, which she had already, but its pure blue waters looked out of place in this world. It looked like water, yes, but it shone with something other. She could smell the magic in the air, feel it heavy on her skin. It smelled like a basket of fresh strawberries, or a bushel of roses. Enchanting and powerful. Mountains rose up all around the lake, concealing it from the world. Ancient knotted trees stood tall and mighty next to the lake, their branches vigorous with life. Water lilies of vibrant, unearthly colors dotted the surface of the lake, and reeds grew up along the sides. It was almost something out of a fairy tale. A buoying sense of wonder rose in her chest, and a smile bloomed on her face. She could see why they protected this place. It was truly something else.

Sister Deborah stood in front of the lake, hands clasped neatly in front of her. She stared at the group with a warm smile on her face. “I would like to first say,” she started, voice firm and confident, “that I am so proud of you all. Really. You have chosen to take the next step in your lives as witches of this coven- bonding to our wellspring. It’s a remarkable, crucial choice, and one that will shape the rest of your life. Taking on this kind of power and duty is not something to be scoffed at. But you are doing so today with the full knowledge of the magnitude of it in your hearts. Today you cross the threshold from witchling to witch, from child to adult. Congratulations!”

“The bonding ritual is one of our most sacred rituals,” she continued. “It is a well-kept secret, which is why I am just telling you about the specifics of it now. As witches, you are expected to never expunge the secrets of our ways. This is one of them.” She gave a meaningful stare to the group for a long moment, and then gestured to the ground behind her.“Step forward, please, and kneel on the pillows we’ve set up for you.”

Calypso stepped forward and up to the shore of the lake. There were red, tasseled pillows lying on the shoreline- one for each of them. Laid next to each of them was a vial full of assorted herbs and a dagger. Calypso knelt on one, eyeing the dagger suspiciously. What would they need a knife for? But she folded her hands anyways and raised her head to listen to Sister Deborah.

Calypso could see the elders behind them shift to face the wellspring and the backs of the initiates. She gulped- even Lark’s generally cheery face had turned solemn. “In front of you, there is a cup full of herbs with special, magical properties and a ceremonial dagger.” Sister Deborah stepped forward to take the knife from Calypso’s area, leaning over the girl to get it. “I want you to fill the cup with water from the wellspring. And then you’ll take the knife and… well, I’ll demonstrate.” She backed up a few paces, still holding Calypso’s knife. Then, while everyone was watching, she took the dagger and dragged it across the inside of her wrist. She didn’t cut herself- but the intent was clear. “Then you will let the blood drip from your wrist into the cup, mix it together, and drink the mixture. You’ll also let some of the blood drip into the wellspring.” She smiled thinly. “It will hurt, but afterwards you can heal it yourself. Now, when you drink the mixture… well, it always has some odd effects. But after this, you’ll be able to call on the power of the wellspring to perform magic. I am excited to see what you’ll do with its power-”

“Um, Sister Deborah? I have a question.” Calypso interrupted Sister Deborah and raised her hand, sweating profusely. Her hand shook a bit.

Sister Deborah grit her teeth. Her eyes flicked to Calypso. “Yes, Ms. Barnes? You know that it’s rude to interrupt someone while they’re speaking.”

Calypso’s eyes went wide. She gulped. “Oh, well… you know, I was wondering…” Her voice squeaked. “If there was maybe another way to do this? I mean, like, w-without the… the blood?” She giggled and offered a nervous smile.

That smile was met with a furious glare. Calypso wilted under Deborah’s fury. From behind Deborah, she saw Lark silently gasp and motion for her to cut it out.

“You would like me to- hold on. You want me to find another way to do this ancient, sacred ritual so that you don’t have to see blood?!” Her voice shook with anger as she walked forward to wag her finger at Calypso.

“N-no! Of course not, m-ma’am, I just… you know. I just wonder… is it sanitary?” Calypso was not in fact thinking about how clean the knife was- rather, she was thinking about her crippling fear of blood. One of two things happened when Calypso saw blood: she either fainted or hurled. And she wasn’t quite in the mood to do either today. Just the thought of blood made her feel faint around the edges, like she was now. She was feeling the fullness of her stomach acutely at the moment, and was not a fan.

Sister Deborah made a noise halfway in between a scream and a groan. She pressed the dagger into Calypso’s hand with force. “Just do it. I promise you won’t die, okay?” With that, she stepped back. She smoothed her robes and her expression back into something resembling calm and happiness, and took a breath while Calypso tried not to cry. “Please feel free to get started now. If anything happens while you’re… doing the ceremony, we’ll be here to take care of it.”

Calypso held the dagger in her shaking hands. It’s okay. You can do this. You’ve got this! You’re almost a witch- you won’t let a bit of blood get you down! She took a deep breath. Then another. She grabbed the cup with her left hand and dipped it into the wellspring, making sure to fill it high. The water shone and sparkled in the cup, but also shook along with Calypso’s hands. It smelled of magic, but she couldn’t really appreciate that right now.

Calypso had to close her eyes before she dragged the dagger along her wrist. The pain was slow to come at first. She didn’t open her eyes, just thrust out her wrist to where she thought that the lake might be and let it stay there until a sudden, stinging pain bloomed on her wrist and she thought it might’ve dribbled into the water. Then she took her wrist back and slowly opened her eyes to the sight of a bloody mess. Her vision went black around the edges, and she had to put one of her hands down to stabilize herself at the sight of it. She made a noise halfway between a whimper and a yelp. This was why she never did healing magic. Aiming to keep her eyes open for as little time as possible, she extended her wrist over the cup and then closed them tight again. She only opened them again once she thought there might be enough blood in there, she closed her eyes tight and yanked her wrist out of her sight, only opening it once it was behind her back. Calypso stared at the glass of now bloody magic water, face turning a green shade. God, she had to drink that.

She didn’t think she would make it. Reluctantly, she picked up the cup, fighting back the urge to regurgitate her dinner. And then, she tilted it bak and chugged.

The change was immediate. She barely made it through the first sip before feeling a sudden burst of magic energy, an ethereal feeling. That feeling you get when you’re dropped on a rollercoaster, or when you swing as high as you can. The potion was bitter, irony, and salty going down, but it gave her such a good feeling. Her head cleared and her fingers grew tingly, and she could swear she was floating on a marshmallow cloud for that moment. This wouldn’t be nearly as bad as she has thought, she thought.

But once she finished off the cup, something violent ran through her. Chaotic and beautiful and horrible and… oh God. Her vision was fading, blacking out. Foreign power swept through her, and her muscles shook involuntarily. The cut wasn’t even the worst of it anymore. Now, it was… everything. Everywhere and nowhere all at once, like a magical ache. Vaguely, in the back of her pain-filled mind, she thought that her body was trying to reject the wellspring’s power- it did that to most foreign substances, right? But why would she reject the wellspring’s power? It was supposed to help, not make her feel like this. But it did. Her eyes shined white like a flickering lightbulb at different moments, making her feel even worse.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to her but was probably only 15 seconds, the pain stopped and her body returned to semi-normal, but with a strange, different feeling. Once she was sure that she was normal again, she shakily stood from the ground, clasping her bloody wrist in her hand. She did not feel good. That had been an intense, strange, bad experience. The nausea was still there, but she didn’t feel like she was about to die anymore. Which was… good. Calypso glanced around at the other initiates. There was one girl laying face down in the water (which was weird), but other than that, everybody seemed okay.

Calypso glanced at her wrist, which she was hoping had miraculously healed. It had not, and another wave of nausea raced through her. Instead of healing, her entire forearm was covered in bloody streaks, and so was her right hand. Physically unable to contain her dinner anymore, Calypso leaned over and… vomited. All over her robe and the ground. She came up for air after a few seconds of horrendous retching to the sight of Sister Deborah looking at her, disgusted.

“Sorry,” she muttered, and then leaned over to hurl some more.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
Avatar of Blizz

Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris Aderast

Iris remained silent until sister Lark came out. A girl she hadn’t heard much from in a while, she was well known but not very important, at least not as far as she knew. She got up and sauntered over to the pile of robes and threw a pair over her clothes, it was uncomfortable over her denim coat, but that’s what you get for trying to look nice. She fastened a few of the buttons to make herself look presentable, before taking off her charms. One was a necklace to help channel magic into an object, and the other didn’t come off until she sat Corvus down on her Golem Book. ”Corvus. Stay here.” She said to the golem, she had to wait until he knew what to do before she took her arm band off, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to talk to him. She slid the dainty looking tanglement of flowers and vines off her wrist and laid it next to Corvus, who was resting on the book that he owed his existence to. Her phone was next to him, as was her earbuds. When Sister Lark lit the lantern, Iris fell in line towards the back, walking in silence. Finally, she’s become a witch.

Iris has been running around the fields for years, but she never would have guessed that any witch would cast an illusion in the brush she walked by an unimaginable number of times, the wellspring was impossibly beautiful...Deftly dropping to her pillow and hearing Deborah tell them what to do, it made sense. The herbs in the bottles made. Iris recognized at least two or three of them thanks to her potions. Dragons Blood and Elicara’s Leaves. How did they get something like that to mix? She thought it was strange, the oils in Dragons Blood were acidic, so they had to be stored in water, but here it was in open air. Clearly someone was better with potions than Iris. Bleeding into it and adding water, Iris wasn’t terribly surprised by its taste, Elicara’s Leaves always tasted like a day old cigar after all. Elicara Tea would be great right now.

Isolde Morden

”I am honored to be here, Sister.” She told Lark with a smile, it really was an honor to be given the title of a true witch, and when Lark passed out the clothes, Isolde gracefully donned the robes with little regard for the flowing nature of them, she was used to clothes like this, clothes that flowed like water. She walked over into the soft grass and thrusted her staff into the dirt, slinging her backpack over it, it was waterproof, so everything inside would be fine, and she’s come back for it soon. She took a spot among the congregation up front, taking in the beauty of the land. She had never seen such a terrain, living in rocky mountaintops covered in clouds. The trick of the eye to hide the entrance was quite clever, and the whole time Isolde couldn’t tell the herbs by name, since she knew nothing of alchemy, but she trusted they would be safe. The air felt unnatural, it was almost as if you could breathe and make a flower sprout. Rolling up her sleeves, she made it a point to not cut her tattoo, and bled from her right arm. The water mixed with her blood and the herbs, creating an ethereal purple liquid that tasted like tar, it was the kind of thing a non-witch would have to hold their nose to drink, but Isolde managed, until she didn’t...

Iris’ head began to swirl like a pound of brinks, she didn’t make a sound, but she blacked out into a hallucination unlike anything else, she had been in similar situations as a result of miscalculations from making potions, but this was unbelievable, she was alone in the wellspring, nauseated and at her feet, the water of the lake was gone. Bone dry. The only sign of life was Iris. ”H...D-dako-“ Her speech was slurred as she tried to call for her friends. Nothing. But the ground reacted, vines raised out all around her, in clumps of 3 to 7. The pale dirt cracked and gave away as trees twisted and contorted into humanoid shapes, fingers, eyes, arms. They outnumbered her greatly, almost like everyone being initiated brought a friend, but Iris couldn’t move. She’d fall over. Eventually, the shapes began to manifest bodies, the kind Iris recognized. How? She wrote the book on them.

Golems. All around her. They all started at her, there were at least 20 in the wellspring’s absence and Iris was confused. None of them had a heart. A heart was meant to be glowing blue in their chests, none of them had one, not that she could tell entirely, but they were fully alive! ”H-how...” It didn’t matter. This isn’t. Real. You’re not here. You know a real golem. Wake up. They were reaching for her, oaken hands outstretched like they wanted her. She couldn’t move.

Meanwhile, Isolde’s head was in the clouds. Literally.

She was floating in the skies, her body was numb and she couldn’t move in the thunderhead’s glory. All around her in the vast cloud were flashes. Blinding to anyone any closer than Isolde. Booming noises like a god clapping their hands sounding off at any time. It was lightning. She was in a lightning storm. Feeling slowly crept back into her weightless body, as she moved in place. She could see the bolts striking downwards, into the nothing mess. In reality, Isolde lay unconscious on her knees with her head fallen backwards. Small bursts of lightning arcing off her bleeding arm, but in her mind, she floated peacefully in a grand thunderstorm. To be so close to the cornerstone of her magic. To be in the eye of the storm...it was beautiful. The chaos surrounded her, she was the eye of the storm. She was at peace. Isolde, in her torporific stupor, drunkenly hummed an old song of her people in the middle of the raging clouds that swirled her.

On...the mountain’s tree
For all the rain, that...you...can see
I am on the...the mountain’s clo-

The thundering grew louder and the lightning grew closer, until Isolde could almost reach out and grab the lightning...of course, that was until she was struck. A flash lasting as long as the blink of an eye shot Isolde cleanly away with a light gasp, she took in here surroundings as another girl a little way’s away, Iris, shot awake more violently, heavy breathing and a racing heart as she fell forward on her palms, almost into the water she was staring into ”...It...it’s okay...they can’t do that...they need a heart... She reassured herself, only a stone’s throw away from Sister Deborah, who likely heard her words, did they mean anything to her? Did she have any idea what heart Iris referred to? Possibly, but Iris was too busy trying to get a hold of herself, admittedly, a golem without the restrictions of a heart would be quite worrying to Iris, mainly because she wouldn’t know how to stop such a thing, but also because golems require power. What kind of golem can get power without a heart?

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Rowan didn't have a good feeling about it. A witchling from another wellspring coming in, she could have negative intentions and she was welcomed with open arms. Instead of saying hello, Rowan couldn't help but just stare. This wasn't a Kate situation, Kate's family didn't possess a wellspring of their own. The only thing Rowan could think about is what is Isolde planning. Though, of course, she tried to not show the suspicion on her face.

Rowan was far from Isolde when the line went to single file. Because of this it got her mind off of it a bit, and she let her hand brush against the trees. Rowan felt her grandmothers presence grow stronger as they continued down the trail. What she needed was faith, faith that her grandmother, even in death, is capable of defending the wellspring from those that wish it harm. And as the trail continued with nothing of note happening, she realized that Isolde was probably no threat. Coming to that suspicious train of thought made Rowan feel bad. Even after being taught the same type of lesson with Kate, she still reverted to the same mistakes.

Throughout the journey, Rowan's expression expression was a very stern one. She was determined to bond with the wellspring. Wading through the water of the wellspring, Rowan found the nearest cup and knife. At the sound of "please feel free to get started now" she spent no time before proceeding with the ritual. Sure, the pain was harsh and the mixture was far from tasty. But it was the ritual of bonding, the same one her grandmother did. Nothing was going to stop Rowan.

The surge of power from the wellspring was immediate, it felt fantastic. But Rowan would wait before testing her new found strength out. Hand pressed against her wrist to stop blood loss, she looked around to the witchlings around her. Or should she call them witches now, wait... she is called a witch now. Rowan couldn't help but smile.

Rowan turned to Kate, who was near her. "She? Uh... Nothing to fear. Right?" Hoping she was handling the ritual alright. "Would you.. uh.. be able to patch this up after? If you aren't too busy." Rowan raised her wrist up a bit and back down to gesture toward it. Her other hand still held firmly on it. While she didn't like needing to grab help from Kate, her wrist started to hurt like hell. Plus, Rowan couldn't easily reach into her coat to do it herself. The rivalry could be put aside for now. They were at the wellspring after all. She gave a comforting smile to Kate, Rowan knew this ritual was far from pleasant so hopefully it would help encourage them.

Rowan shot looks to Rebecca as well as Hana and Iris who were also close. Watching to see her fellow witchlings become witches, more out of excitement than anything.

Speaks with : Kate@sassy1085
Mentions: Iris @Blizz, Rebecca @blackdragon, Hana @Akayaofthemoon
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Summer was stood on the dimly lit porch, occasionally piping in with the odd comment, but otherwise remaining quiet. She loved the moment when day slipped into night. It was peaceful and one of the only times that she didn't feel controlled by the sea of emotions threatening to overtake her. Sure she still felt nervous and excited and frustrated, but they were all just that little bit less. It was at times like this that she knew she was ready to be a witch. It was the only way forward. There were no other options for her. And although her stomach was in knots and she could feel her heart beginning to race faster, she was certain it would be okay. It just would.

Twirling a piece of hair between her fingers, she was soon dragged out of this moment by the arrival of one of the elders. Lark to be specific. Summers gaze strayed over to the young witch, raising an eyebrow at the bundle clasped between her arms. It looked to her like a pile of very questionable fashion choices.

"Really? We're going to wear that? Great." Summer rolled her eyes as she was handed the extremely unflattering robe, still slipping it over her head in spite of her protests. "Didn't realise we were still living in the 1700s..." She muttered this last part to herself, not really having any great desire to upset the elders. Lark also requested that they leave any magical items behind and she briefly fingered the simple silver bracelet that was clasped about her left wrist, before reluctantly handing it over. It wasn't something she liked parting with but she wasn't stupid enough to argue the point.

Not that there was time for that anyway. The group was soon led off towards the forest, Summer landing somewhere in the middle of the pack as she carefully began to tread the dirt path. Her eyes flitted once, twice, over the spot of land where the illusion had been cast. It was an impressive piece of magic and something which she hoped she'd be able to replicate herself one day. To be able to alter someone's perception of reality, now that was truly magic to Summer. Thoughts occupied by this, she barely acknowledged that her previously pristine sandals were getting dirty, nor how long they had been walking for. It was only when the Wellspring was suddenly upon them, that she took note of her surroundings. Even Summer had to admit it was beautiful. No, beautiful was too inadequate a word. It was magical and mesmerising and otherworldly. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. Summer could instantly see why witches were drawn here, why they stayed with the coven, why they sought its power. In that moment, it was the only thing that mattered.

Eyes still on the water, she carefully knelt down on one of the red pillows, hands instantly reaching for the dagger. Rolling the handle between her fingers, she barely took a moment to think before she had cleanly drawn the blade across her wrist. The blood easily began to flow and she quickly held her wrist over the cup, watching as the droplets began to turn the water a deep red. Picking it up, she resisted the urge to smell the bitter metallic liquid, before swiftly downing it in its entirety. She shuddered at the foul taste, stifling the urge to wretch. But, this was soon overtaken by something else entirely. Something that completely dulled her awareness of any discomfort. At first, she felt ecstatic. The rush of power was intoxicating and she could feel her body thrumming with magic. It washed over her like a wave, and she freely let herself be taken. Yet, this was soon replaced by what she could only describe as a sense of impending doom. It scared her, it truly did, and for the briefest of moments, she thought that she wouldn't be able to tolerate it. It was too much. Too powerful. Too overwhelming.

But just as soon as it had begun, it was over. Summer was dragged back to reality, her mind once more aware of her physical body. Although she briefly took note of the girl who was floating in the water, her attention was soon drawn to the pulsing, aching pain that was coming from her wrist. Gritting her teeth, she clasped a hand over the freshly bleeding wound. Her head begun to spin and for a couple of seconds, her vision lost focus, the teen teetering on the edge of consciousness. Waving a hand uselessly at the spots of light that had gathered in front of her eyes, she somehow managed to keep herself awake. Just. So this was why they encouraged them to eat first...dammit Summer.

Woozily, she glanced down at her hand, taking note of the bright red blood that was smeared halfway up her arm. It was messy and the cut stung, but she would refuse to ask any of the healers for help. They'd probably mess it up anyway - she didn't trust newly initiated witches not to do a botch job. And besides, it was a matter of pride. A couple of years ago she'd sprained her ankle whilst trying to do a particularly tricky move in one of her gymnastics class. It had been excruciating but even then she had refused to let her family heal her. Better to grin and bear it than to submit to them. Never.

As she tried to stem the flow of blood, her attention was abruptly snapped away from the pain by the sound of retching, Summers already washed out complexion paling further. Tilting her head up to see where the offensive noise was coming from, she couldn't help but let out a blurt of laughter as she saw Calypso vomiting all over herself. All over herself. It was gross sure, but also kind of hilarious.

"Ew! That's soooo disgusting. I can't believe you just vomited! That's super embarassi-" Her words were suddenly cut short. Forgetting the predicament she had been in only moments ago, Summer had abruptly stood up and before she could taunt Calypso any further, a wave of darkness had fallen heavily about her. Her legs buckled as she slipped out of consciousness and the newly initiated witch had one last thought as she left the waking world. That, even though she had fainted, at least she hadn't thrown up everywhere. Yeah, at least she hadn't done that.

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Blood magic. Ugh, really? At least we don't have to sign away our souls... Rebecca rolled her eyes at the idea of drinking her own blood. Sure, she'd sacrificed a drop or two to open a way to the afterlife before, but this just felt a little too macabre. And that was saying a lot for Little Miss Death Magic. She looked back at the rest of the witchlings. At her family. At her friends.

She stabbed her palm, letting a trickle of red fluid slide into the cup. "Over the lips and over the gums, look out stomach, here it comes." The redhead downed the drink in one gulp and saw... well, she wasn't sure what the hell she saw. Flames, great castles, various kinds of entities that twisted her mind. A vision of the world beyond, perhaps? Finally, after what seemed like years, she came to face down and half drowned in the lake. Sputtering, she hauled herself out of the drink, her robe absolutely ruined beyond all hope of repair by pond scum. "Um... I think that could have gone better, couldn't it?" she quipped, her face the same tomato-colored shade of her hair. But she was a witch, she was a sister, and nobody could ever take that away from her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Charlie shivered with excitement as the trio finally finished their walk over to the house. This was followed shortly after by the appearence of Sister Lark from within the old abode, which only made Charlie more excited. Up until now, this whole thing had almost felt as if it wasn't real. The days leading up to today had possessed a strange feeling in the air that only anticipation and excitement for a large event like this could bring. He said nothing as Sister Lark broke out the cool-looking witch robes they were going to be wearing for the ceremony, and simply walked over and grabbed one. He had a small internal debate over whether he should take off his hoodie to put it on, but decided against it, still holding onto the idea that the elders wouldn't like seeing him wearing a football shirt. So, he simply slipped it on, looking over himself to admire how it looked.

Charlie then calmly took his phone out of his pocket and put it in the designated area, double checking all his pockets again to make sure that nothing was in there, before taking off his watch and putting it there too. He nodded at Brother Lucien and Sister Claudia before joining the mass of witchlings for the first part of the walk down to the Wellspring. He was buzzing with excitement inside, but on the outside he did his best to maintain a serious, stern and determined visage. The walk down to the wellspring itself was very pretty, and he looked around admiring the setting before he felt a strange tingling wash over him - he knew with a jolt that they must be getting very very close to the Wellspring now. It was magic rushing through his body.

And then, they were at the wellspring. It was a gorgeous blue lake... well, it was more of a pond, Charlie noted internally, but still, it was indeed very gorgeous. He took his spot quickly, kneeling on one of the red pillows that were strewn about by the side of the wellspring. His eyes immediately glanced down to the dagger. Huh... That was odd.. He hoped they weren't having to prepare a potion or anything for this, that could cause some trouble. And then Sister Deborah went and revealed the nature of the ritual - they were going to have to cut themselves, and spill some blood into the cup, then into the wellspring. And then drink the potion, and then it was done.

Charlie inhaled and exhaled deeply as he pondered the task. He didn't want to cut himself or anything, but that was the task at hand. He carefully filled up the vial, shaking it a little, before inhaling and exhaling again. Then he brought the knife across his wrist, immediately feeling weary, but with steely determination, let it drip into the wellspring for a moment before holding it over the vial, glancing at the changed mixture before quickly moving his hand away, bringing the cup to his lips and drinking deep.

The feeling came immediately, washing over him like a churning ocean wave. He could see bright lights flashing in his vision, which only made the feeling stronger. He felt himself lean back against the soil, and for a moment, it felt as if the rocks and the soil were moving around him. Then the feeling changed. It was painful, so painful, and he was writhing, fleeing from some unknown magical enemy as the deep strange pain ran over him in excruciating waves.

After around 20 seconds, it suddenly went away. Charlie sat up suddenly, realising he was holding and brandishing a stick, and that his arm was still bleeding profusely. He quickly put his hand over it and did some quick healing magic. The wound closed up, but it was still red and hurt like hell - he wasn't great at healing magic. He then became acutely aware of the sound of someone throwing up. He glanced to see Calypso throwing up everywhere, feeling a deep swell of pity for the girl.

He then heard the familiar derisive laughter of Sumner, and some mocking comments from her. He was about to give her a tutting and a stern when she fell over and fainted. Well, serves her right for mocking Calypso in this hour, Charlie supposed. He then looked down in alarm as he saw a girl lying face down in the water, but breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the person suddenly move, coughing, revealing themselves to be Rebecca. He nodded and agreed with her statement.

”Yes, that was certainly… An experience.” He looked down at his still painful and red arm, his face looking even paler than usual. ”I do wonder how much blood I lost… and why is Calypso regurgitating everywhere?”

@blackdragon @canaryrose @Danvers
1x Laugh Laugh
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