1. You will be rolling on the Discord server, using our dice bot and typing in !roll 2d6. Be sure to tag me when you do.
2. Only one person in each pair has to roll when it is that pair's turn, first person is the one who gets it.
3. I'll then be rolling to see what outcome you get and messaging you, as well as include a paragraph for the effects. You need to include the rhyme that I will be sending you in your post, and the part that I send you will go at the end of your post and is not to be included when talking about your limits for how much you need to write.
4. There might be an instance (only one I can immediately think of) where I might bump the roll for movement on the game board to be one higher or lower, but only if it comes to that. (there are story reasons as to why this would be the case)
5. Only one pair can roll the dice per round. This is so that the game doesn't end in a few rounds and you can't speed roll for it to make it go more quickly like that. However for some it might be more of 2 or 3 rounds before someone can roll again.
Once the turn order has been decided (the first full round of game play will be determining the order) I will be including it here. And if your pairing's names are bolded, that means that it is your turn or we are currently dealing with the after effects of your turn.
- Mary and Bethany (the Jade Monkey)
- Ed and Annie (Metallic Elephant)
- Elizabeth and Carolina (Obsidian Crocodile) - Lost Turn/Stuck in Game
- Someone else can go
Remember, the only way to win and have it end is when a game piece reaches the center of the board and the winners call out Jumanji
The Jungle
Elizabeth and Carolina were at the edge of a clearing, and whatever commotion was coming towards them was coming from the other side of it, as if something big (or at least loud) was heading their way. At first they wouldn't be able to see anything, however, eventually something, more of someone broke through the tree line with 3 jaguars hot on their tail. A girl who didn't look to be much older then they were was carrying a sword in her right hand, though her arm looked badly injured and was covered in blood. She didn't seem to notice the pair at all as she whirled around to look at her attackers, and she was using her other arm to at least try and steady her sword arm.
"Get away from me already," she said towards them, sounding more then a little bit out of breath before one took a flying leap at her and knocked her to the ground but she managed to throw it off and leapt up to her feet, getting just a slash from the creature's claws across her face. Carolina however, would notice something oddly familiar about the girl, who was wearing armor of some sort, but the last time she had seen her was back in the reality warped world that Wanda had created. She looked a lot like the girl who was with the Human Resistance, and later it had been declared that she was Thor's daughter, Klara.

Location: The Danger Room
Skills: N/A
"Nice job Bethany," Mary said, giving her a bit of a smile when she caused the stampede to more or less disappear as the chaos seemed to dissipate in an instance when they disappeared. Elizabeth managed to at least mostly repair the hole in the wall, before deciding to roll the dice. [color=00723]"Maybe we should take a breather before-"[/color] she started to say, before stopping entirely when Elizabeth rolled the dice, and the result was not a good one. "Okay... Well that one happened... Just great..."
"Soooo... Guessing that result is clearly a bad one? Only way to get them out is to keep playing I guess... But damn that is just bad luck..." Pietro commented, before mentally talking to Guin, I notice how you instantly focus in on what Lance just said about going to Asgard and a little less on what is going on and how chaotic everything is going.
Lance got up a bit as he kept taking a few deep breaths, calming down a little bit but he face palmed when Guin started complaining. "I didn't go there on vacation you know. I was helping Thor out with something and it just so happened to end up leading me there first. Just an accident that happened, not really anything all that important, he said to her, not really wanting to continue the conversation regarding it. "I've been helping him out since not too long after your wedding Guin..."
So sounds like he most definitely does not want to talk about it anymore... Pietro commented mentally to her.
"So... We should keep going, I guess... Who wants to go next?" Mira said, biting back the part of her mind that was going to question how Iris thought a few foot tall wall of fire would help defend against animals ranging from small things to a large elephant. That just made no damn sense in her mind, but leave it to Iris to try to do something when her powers weren't exactly all that under control. This was once again making it obvious why she wanted nothing to do with Iris and was pissed off at being stuck as her partner.
"Well... If we're going off of who all hasn't gone pair wise, Guin and Pietro, Neil and Lance, and Mira and Iris all haven't gone, so someone from one of those pairs feel free to roll the dice, the rest of us have gone, so go for it if you want to."
"I don't care who goes next, as long as we can continue through this game without having to hopefully deal with someone actually dying."
"Not dying definitely is the goal, Neil and I can go if he's fine with it unless he really wants to wait until the last moment to go," Lance added with a bit of a shrug.
Do you want to go next or wait to see if someone else actually really wants to go, I'll let you choose, I don't really care. I also don't get what you were referring to with my powers still, I don't notice anything wrong with them...