1. You will be rolling on the Discord server, using our dice bot and typing in !roll 2d6. Be sure to tag me when you do.
2. Only one person in each pair has to roll when it is that pair's turn, first person is the one who gets it.
3. I'll then be rolling to see what outcome you get and messaging you, as well as include a paragraph for the effects. You need to include the rhyme that I will be sending you in your post, and the part that I send you will go at the end of your post and is not to be included when talking about your limits for how much you need to write.
4. There might be an instance (only one I can immediately think of) where I might bump the roll for movement on the game board to be one higher or lower, but only if it comes to that. (there are story reasons as to why this would be the case)
5. Only one pair can roll the dice per round. This is so that the game doesn't end in a few rounds and you can't speed roll for it to make it go more quickly like that. However for some it might be more of 2 or 3 rounds before someone can roll again.
Once the turn order has been decided (the first full round of game play will be determining the order) I will be including it here. And if your pairing's names are bolded, that means that it is your turn or we are currently dealing with the after effects of your turn.
- Mary and Bethany (the Jade Monkey)
- Ed and Annie (Metallic Elephant)
- Elizabeth and Carolina (Obsidian Crocodile) - Lost Turn/Stuck in Game
- Guin and Pietro (Gold Lion)
- Lance and Neil (Crystal Serpent)
- Iris and Mira (Keratin Rhinocerous)
Remember, the only way to win and have it end is when a game piece reaches the center of the board and the winners call out Jumanji
The Jungle
Klara looked over at Carolina when she mentioned Thor, and she had a bit of a sad look on her face, "So you've met my father huh? I haven't really seen him all too often, not since he started traveling to be with his friends on Midgard, but it always was nice when he came back home. As for my uncle being a pain it depends, sometimes he isn't like that, but the problem is he is the God of Mischief, so it is in his nature to cause problems for everyone," she said, changing the subject slightly so that she wasn't talking about Thor for some strange reason.
"Also, it was more of you two who helped me, based on how things were going I was about to be cat food. As for what all I've encountered here, bats, lions, crocodiles, leeches, piranhas, the list goes on and on. There actually were mosquitoes earlier but they disappeared. And unlike my father, I actually know what a bunch of Midgardian animals are." she said as she continued trekking through the jungle, before eventually, they came upon a shelter of sorts that was fashioned from a cave in the side of a mountain, with a blanket of leaves covering the opening. "I'd offer to heal you, but well, my own powers don't seem to really be working here, they haven't since I got here," she added, but it was clear that she seemed to be hurting a little bit, as she seemed to be limping slightly and her shoulder and arm were still bleeding. "Runa? You still in here?" she called as she entered the little shelter that they had.

Location: The Danger Room
Skills: Hulk Form, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Plant Manipulation
Mary shook her head slightly as her mind started to clear and her eyes shifted colors once more to their typical green color. She wasn't sure what she should say, or what she really could say to explain to the others what the hell that had been. Of course half the time she didn't even get what was going on in her head, but she didn't really want to admit that one. Looking at the wall of fire that Iris had decided to create yet again Mary took a deep breath before addressing her regarding the fact that the spiders weren't seemingly effected by them. "Iris maybe try something else since the fire didn't seem to burn them at all."
And sounds like Mary is back to normal again and not being a psychopath, so that's nice.
Lance meanwhile was really struggling to not shift, and unfortunately for him, he seemed to lose the battle as he shifted entirely, and Iris was in the middle of his backswing and she got thrown forwards away from him, hitting the ground hard enough to likely cause a few bruises. He also seemed to be slightly in control of his actions, as he then proceeded to smash several spiders, sending their guts flying everywhere with a loud roar. He was clearly not in a very good mood and was now taking it out on the spiders clearly. At least if he was hulked out he was no longer paying much attention to the fact that there were a lot of spiders.
Mira's voice still hadn't come back to her, and she was whirling around punching at the spiders, trying to kill as many as she possibly could. She slammed her foot into the nearest one, and there was a crunch as the spider seemingly was destroyed. It was a little disgusting to her, but given that she couldn't talk at all at the moment, she couldn't exactly say anything about it, and so she held her disgust back. Mira managed to kill 5 spiders as she went, trying to keep them back still.
Ed's attempts to heal people weren't seeming to work at all. He hadn't even really gotten the chance to try and heal Lance before he had shifted and hulked out. As for his own leg injury, there seemingly wasn't any sort of healing that actually worked, and his injury remained the same. Maybe this had something to do with what Guin had said about powers maybe not working correctly?
Mary summoned vines from her plant seeds that were in their hands (they were back to their standard green and not somewhat freaky type) as she tried to bat as many of the spiders away as possible. This was not going all too well, but now she was at least glad that the whole dice endeavor was dealt with. "We either need to take out all of the bugs, or get out of here and keep playing, but whatever we decide we have to do it fairly quickly."
The spider army were charging towards them, and were trying to bite at the group, even it was somewhat difficult for them to bite the group. Unfortunately for Iris, she managed to get a few very painful spider bites on her arms in addition to her bruises from the fall. As the spiders were easily able to swarm over to her once she was on the ground. A few managed to bite at Bethany's ankles, causing a few painful injuries, and two bit at Annie. The others got a bit luckier when it came to the whole spiders things and them coming in swarms.
Well thankfully no one really seems to be going mental at the moment. Though still trying to figure out why Neil decided to tackle Lance just for rolling the dice. Pietro said to Guin mentally, before he pointed his arms towards the spider swarm, and started whirling them around rapidly, creating a cyclone as he sent a few dozen of the spiders flying backwards and away from the group. This was getting to be an interesting situation to say the least.
"Try birds or something else that eats bugs, that's the first thing I'd think of for an enemy of a spider, since it makes some sense for that one at least in my opinion," Mary said towards Annie as she kept batting the spiders away from the group.