Maximillian Gray

Anyone could be happy? Was that true? Max had never fully thought of it before. Between the betrayal of his own blood, having never had someone who cared or loved him, it was almost impossible to think of. It was on par with waking up feeling fully rested, or the ability to fall asleep instantly. Then again, if mutations could exist then he supposed that so could happiness for all. Waverly walked in, her arm looking like it met the wrong end of a bat. What had happened to the college team? It was meant to be simple. His eyes immediately went downcast to avoid her gaze. He knew she didn't want to look at him and he didn't want to look at her either. A constant reminder of the monster he was. He simply sat still and stared into his bucket.
It took Max a second...or several, to realize who James was calling for. But as soon as he did his mushy mind let out aong drawn out whistle. "Ooooooooo you're in trouble. Hehe. Someones getting chewed ooouuuut." He spoke in a sing songy voice towards James. And low and behold Sapphire came up there rampaging as usual. A slighy giggle cut off by an immediate gasp that his only friend may meet his end due to a small mistake. Max nudged the body of Casper next to him as if having a mental conversation. I aM nOt iN ThE MoOD. When is she ever amiright? Breathe wrong and you have major issues. He mentally jabbed with Casper. It was all he could do to hold back the inane laughter that was welling up inaide of him.

Location: Old Mutant Underground > Mutant Underground
Skills: Self Multiplication
Skills: Self Multiplication
Echo tried his best to find a middle ground for the mood. He didnt want to be too chipper and have them think he didnt care, yet too sour of a mood and he wouldn't be helping much either. He placed one hand on Colossus's huge metal shoulder. Feeling the cold of the metallic plating against his skin as he simply said "I'm very sorry to hear about what happened. If you need anyone to talk to you know where to find me. Whenever you're ready big guy." He had thought about telling him he understood. About how he lost a loved one not too long ago and how it clutches to your chest. But why would his misery bring him any joy? No, he just needed support and thats what he was going to give him.
Before Echo was able to tell Callie that there was no need to fret over spilt blood, (even though he was screaming inside) Jack decided to speak up and say what was on his mind. To an extent he understood what he ahd meant. But at the same time ofcourse the man would never understand. His rent-a-PI suit and way he carried himself told Echo all he needed to know about the man. He was about as sentimental with items as a cracker jack prize. No, Echo simply smiled as he went to place his hand on the wheel and tell everyone to buckle up before a slight headache kicked in. He pressed his fingers against his temples and the pain grew stronger. For a brief moment he almost asked his late love for a pill from their bag but when he turned to face them it was Colossus. Echo blinked once as he tried to decern if this was a mental attack but it was too hard to tell.
He cursed himself for not paying more attention at Xaviers, never believing he would join the elusive X-men team. He looked forward about to drive when his vision wayned and he fully knew he was not fit to drive. "One moment sorry." Echo lifted himself off his seat and began to slide backwards into the middle seat of the car. A duplicate taking his place. "Sorry about that. Got a nasty migraine all of a sudden and its making it hard to see. Berry you're good to drive yeah?" Berry gave him a thumbs up before telling everyone to buckle up and driving off, making it all the way to the Underground without a hitch.