@Morose@KazAlkemi@BlueSky44@Natsu@Trainerblue192@Kirah@Framing A Moose@kittyluna45
8:30PM EST Argo III
1:30PM Camp Jupiter.
Argo III Upper Deck:
Alannah looked towards Jason for a moment, she wasnt really sure where it actually had come from in the first place either, she just hoped that it was from something that wasnt after all of them. "I'm not sure really, but we will have to keep an eye out on everything just in case something does come up." Alannah said as she watched the beast slowly getting up to it's feet a little bit, and allowing Andy to lead it to wherever she was going. "There are some stables in the cargo hold, orginally made it for any pegasus that we bring onboard one of them should be big enough to let it rest." Alannah said while looking over at Rebecca and gave her a friendly smile.
She was glad that she was able to help tend to the gryphon's wound. "And it's the monsters and enemies of the gods that you have to worry about. The gods though yes they have killed mortals in the past for things that are could be considered petty or small, they still want respect and some tend to have short tempers." Alannah told Arthur, though she did feel sorry for Mona it was her own actions that caused her to become literal weasel food for Gale.
Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III Crew Deck
Skills: N/A
"But then if you were really old then we can't date then i'll probably be changing your granny diapers instead." Kiera said looking over at Leda and laughed slightly, it would be really funny to see if Dana did come up with some sort of really good prank to get back at Leda for embarrassing her at dinner in front of the entire camp. She turned to Demetri who decided to sit on the floor and not on a chair and at the table was a little bit weird.
"Wouldnt you be more careful sitting on a chair than the floor?" Kiera asked Demetri and hearing the little update on Kristin, Zeke and Janelle and how they were doing with their quest was good to hear. Kiera giggled slightly when Leda chose Demetri to go next, it would be really interesting to see what he would go for, whether it was a truth or dare. "Or Mary could turn into a cow again and sit on you again, that would be really funny as hell to see." Kiera said laughing again, she finished up eating the rest of her food on her plate and got up setting it into the nearby sink.
Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter: Cohort Barracks
Skills: N/A
Madalyne looked at Nancy for a moment, she knew that her friend really liked Diana more over her father Apollo, she remembered talking about it briefly once before one night. "I'll support whatever choice you make, and always have your back to, maybe i'll join you to to keep you company." Madalyne whispered to Nancy so that way no one else would be able to hear, since it was more of a private thing that she and Nancy talked about. She turned to see Marco with his really adorable pet sugar glider Milo and quickly went over and gently petted the little guy with her finger and smiled. "He's so adorable." Madalyne said, before backing up and looked at them and nodded slightly towards Nancy, despite being a Praetor Madalyne had no clue how to actually drive in the first place.
Waverly wouldnt be able to pick up any kind of train routes that took them to Mount Tam, there were a few bus routes that they could take. "We could take like what do people call it, an Uber or whatever, or Lyft that weird taxi service that you guys use on your weird fancy touch screen phones or those weird tablet things to?" Madalyne asked, she wasnt as tech savvy as any of other members of the Legion, it would take them a little over an hour to take a car over to where Mount Tam was.
Kristin Reynolds

Location: Washington D.C. Union Station
Skills: N/A
"Because your pops calls you that and I know it pisses you off." Kristin said towards Zeke and gave him a slight smirk, knowing that somethings did get under his skin and and the name Zekey was a good way to annoy him. Kristin rolled her eyes slightly towards Zeke letting the women do all of the work and find out who their stalker was. "Looks like us girls have to go and check it out then." Kristin said and followed shortly behind Janelle as well towards the restrooms and entered it, drawing out her spear from her bracelet. "Hello, is anyone there?" Kristin asked, when the door suddenly slammed shut behind the two of them.
Both Kristin and Janelle were hit with a sudden force, both of them would slam into a nearby wall, Janelle was okay but Kristin had hit her head rather hard and blood was sliding down the side of her head. "Well drawing you three away from each other was pretty easily." The girl said as she looked at Janelle and smirked towards her as she pulled out what looked to be some kind of staff as well.