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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Argo III Upper Deck:

Alannah looked towards Jason for a moment, she wasnt really sure where it actually had come from in the first place either, she just hoped that it was from something that wasnt after all of them. "I'm not sure really, but we will have to keep an eye out on everything just in case something does come up." Alannah said as she watched the beast slowly getting up to it's feet a little bit, and allowing Andy to lead it to wherever she was going. "There are some stables in the cargo hold, orginally made it for any pegasus that we bring onboard one of them should be big enough to let it rest." Alannah said while looking over at Rebecca and gave her a friendly smile.

She was glad that she was able to help tend to the gryphon's wound. "And it's the monsters and enemies of the gods that you have to worry about. The gods though yes they have killed mortals in the past for things that are could be considered petty or small, they still want respect and some tend to have short tempers." Alannah told Arthur, though she did feel sorry for Mona it was her own actions that caused her to become literal weasel food for Gale.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III Crew Deck
Skills: N/A

"But then if you were really old then we can't date then i'll probably be changing your granny diapers instead." Kiera said looking over at Leda and laughed slightly, it would be really funny to see if Dana did come up with some sort of really good prank to get back at Leda for embarrassing her at dinner in front of the entire camp. She turned to Demetri who decided to sit on the floor and not on a chair and at the table was a little bit weird.

"Wouldnt you be more careful sitting on a chair than the floor?" Kiera asked Demetri and hearing the little update on Kristin, Zeke and Janelle and how they were doing with their quest was good to hear. Kiera giggled slightly when Leda chose Demetri to go next, it would be really interesting to see what he would go for, whether it was a truth or dare. "Or Mary could turn into a cow again and sit on you again, that would be really funny as hell to see." Kiera said laughing again, she finished up eating the rest of her food on her plate and got up setting it into the nearby sink.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter: Cohort Barracks
Skills: N/A

Madalyne looked at Nancy for a moment, she knew that her friend really liked Diana more over her father Apollo, she remembered talking about it briefly once before one night. "I'll support whatever choice you make, and always have your back to, maybe i'll join you to to keep you company." Madalyne whispered to Nancy so that way no one else would be able to hear, since it was more of a private thing that she and Nancy talked about. She turned to see Marco with his really adorable pet sugar glider Milo and quickly went over and gently petted the little guy with her finger and smiled. "He's so adorable." Madalyne said, before backing up and looked at them and nodded slightly towards Nancy, despite being a Praetor Madalyne had no clue how to actually drive in the first place.

Waverly wouldnt be able to pick up any kind of train routes that took them to Mount Tam, there were a few bus routes that they could take. "We could take like what do people call it, an Uber or whatever, or Lyft that weird taxi service that you guys use on your weird fancy touch screen phones or those weird tablet things to?" Madalyne asked, she wasnt as tech savvy as any of other members of the Legion, it would take them a little over an hour to take a car over to where Mount Tam was.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Washington D.C. Union Station
Skills: N/A

"Because your pops calls you that and I know it pisses you off." Kristin said towards Zeke and gave him a slight smirk, knowing that somethings did get under his skin and and the name Zekey was a good way to annoy him. Kristin rolled her eyes slightly towards Zeke letting the women do all of the work and find out who their stalker was. "Looks like us girls have to go and check it out then." Kristin said and followed shortly behind Janelle as well towards the restrooms and entered it, drawing out her spear from her bracelet. "Hello, is anyone there?" Kristin asked, when the door suddenly slammed shut behind the two of them.

Both Kristin and Janelle were hit with a sudden force, both of them would slam into a nearby wall, Janelle was okay but Kristin had hit her head rather hard and blood was sliding down the side of her head. "Well drawing you three away from each other was pretty easily." The girl said as she looked at Janelle and smirked towards her as she pulled out what looked to be some kind of staff as well.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Lower Decks

Regret. Instant regret was what Demetri felt as soon as those three words left Ledas lips. Ofcourse Mary further explained that all the giggling and laughter was coming from a game of truth or dare, but he'd never played it with Demi gods, and especially not with others who knew of his powers. He sat for a moment, thinking before looking towards Kierra almoat distracted. "Floors fine for me, allows me to lay down it id like, or stretch if needed. Now then...truth or dare...: It felt as though all eyes were on him as he pondered the decision.

Normally he would choose truth, seeing as how he'd have little to no damnable truths to say. But what if theys asked him about his first crush? Or if they asked him about who he likes at camp or if he knows the mystery girl that may of been spotted or...no. he had to choose dare. It was his only lifeline. "Dare. I choose dare Leda, so what whatcha got?" Hopefully whatever it was was just a small time prank and nothing too off the cuffs.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Argo III - Topdeck

"Uh, okay I'll give it a try." Andy looked at Rebecca nervously when she asked her to guide the gryphon to the cargo hold. It did seem the gryphon liked her. "I definitely am wondering the same thing." She said looking at Jason. He seemed a bit easier to understand the more she spent time around him. She still had a dislike for him since he had been mean to her brother.

She looked between Arthur and Rebecca wondering what Rebecca meant by the sunset and sunrise thing. Did that mean Arthur would live a long time? Was she predicting the future? She wanted to ask more questions. "Can you see the future?" She asked Rebecca. But Arthur snapped. He was mad. Andy didn't blame him. "Stay here." She said to Arthur. She didn't want him to follow the gryphon and upset it.

Andy gently guided the gryphon down into the hold. It followed her with no issues. She was a little stunned by that. Why her? Rebecca seemed like the type of person who the gryphon would want to follow over her. Down in the hold, she tried to help it settle down in the stable that was there.

Location: Camp Jupiter: Area between Barracks

"I don't know how to, sorry. I mean I think I drove a car maybe five times, but I came here pretty young and couldn't drive legally yet." She turned to Waverly, the girl had come to camp fairly late she might know. Emily knew Marco didn't either. She supposed he was hoping someone else in the group knew. "Waves do you know how?"

"I've got the armor if all else fails, but I'd rather keep both feet on the ground." Niah said. She wasn't afraid of heights, but she didn't revel in them. Niah also wasn't keen on giving the armor a test with an additional three people compared to last time.

Emily smiled. She had no fear of heights and could be a bit reckless, or adventurous just depended on who you asked and was intrigued at the idea of flying armor. She glanced over the armor that Niah was wearing. She had seen it before, but that was because it was the armor that Niah was known for, and had worn it into several of the mock battles. That being said Emily didn't remember Niah using the armor to fly, well maybe make big jumps. But from the implication Naih's armor could give sustained flight.

"I don't have a cell phone though. I don't know if Emily can get one with her laptop." Niah said. She didn't know if any of them had a cell phone. Though Niah would have put money that neither Nancy nor Mads had one. She'd believe if Marco, Emily, or Waves did though. "Do any of you have a cell phone?" Niah felt a bit better that she at least knew it required cell phones to get an uber.

"I don't" Emily said plainly. "And we'd need wifi for my laptop to order anything. Camp has some wifi, but outside the camp there isn't any. At least not for a while. And getting an Uber to pick us up from camp...well I'm just gonna guess is a terrible idea.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bus Depot -- Washington D.C.

Ezekiel rolled his eyes and watched the girls walk off the bathrooms. He wasn’t going to get harassed for going into the girls washroom and standing there like a creep. Still, he walked slowly after them, taking his time and kept looking around. The girls disappeared into the bathroom and he was left outside, wondering and waiting. They should get some sort of message system for things like this. Iris' message wasn’t always reliable and it took a few seconds too long to find a water source, create a rainbow and throw in a drachma.
He slipped his hands into his pockets and wandered back and forth by the bathrooms, looking over at the bus schedule every now and then to keep track of the time. He glanced at the girls washroom for one moment, hoping everything was going well and not too concerning. But then again, when was anything in their lives just so. Ezekiel decided to wait for a few more minutes and if they didn't come out, he would suck it up and put up with the harassment and try to get into the washroom.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - The Barracks

As the travelling directions changed hands from Emily to Niah, Waverley shifted from Emily's side to behind the two of them, straining her eyes to try to get a good look at the paper. She wasn't able to catch much of it during the quick transaction, so she lingered awkwardly behind Niah, reading it over her shoulder. As she read the set of directions, she scoured her mind, flipping through her mental directory of train routes she remembered from her time as a vagabond, hoping to find one that would get them close to Mount Tam. Unfortunately, none came to mind. A frown overtook her mouth when her hopes of catching a train for this adventure were squashed. Her pouting was interrupted, however, when she heard Emily say her name. Her head popped up, and she took a step back from Niah, looking over to Em.

"No, I don't. I left home before I could get a permit, and after that it was all hitchhiking and freighthopping. Sorry," Waverley said, giving an apologetic half shrug. Her expression perked up, however, when the conversation shifted to the subject of a phone. She shoved her hand into her pocket, an act that was a bit of a struggle given it was on the side she was holding her suitcase on, and pulled out a phone. It wasn't exactly pretty, with the screen being home to an abundant amount of cracks, nor was it particularly valuable, looking to be a model released a good few years back. But despite its battered appearance, it seemed to still work, a fact demonstrated by Waverley when she hit the power button, causing the it to light up with her lock screen. "I've got one! And it's already got Uber downloaded on it!" she exclaimed, happy to be helpful. Her eyes then shot back over to her fellow fivers, and her expression dampened a bit. "Oh, but, uh, before we go, it was suggested I wear armor, but I don't have any stored inside. Would we be able to stop by the armory before we go?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: Camp Jupiter: Area Between Barracks -> In front of Barracks
Skills: N/A

Marco was picking up quickly that none of them really knew how to drive, which did make sense. Him and Emily were pretty much living there year round, and it was not like they offered a New Rome Driving school. Maybe if they survived this quest he would figure out how to petition so they could make one. It was a handy skill for people in this day and age. His thought train was derailed when Madalyne started cooing over Milo and Marco couldn't help but swell with what was akin to fatherly pride. "He really is the cutest little thing ever, aren't you Milo? Well... after Emily. Second cutest thing." He smiled, even as the little sugar glider just looked more confused as another strange person cooed over him again.

Marco did pull out his cell phone at the mention of it and smiled a bit. "I've gotta be able to keep up on my fashion trends even when on a quest. But seems Waverly has Uber already. I do agree we should at least put some distance between us and the camp before ordering an Uber. I mean... this place is a secret from mortals. We can't have them come here... so we head for the nearest town?" Marco knew they were going to be an odd looking group, that was for sure, but thankfully the Mist would at least cloud the mind of whomever got the honor of being their Uber driver.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Rebecca nodded, concurring with Jason's assessment of the situation. While healing the Gryphon had been incredibly important, they couldn't overlook the question of how it was injured in the first place. Some sentient being had been responsible for its injuries, she knew that much due to the weapon that had caused the wounds. It easily could have been some god or demigod, or perhaps even some flavor of monster that fought with weapons rather than tooth and claw. But before she could voice those opinions, she was caught off guard with Arthur's burst of rage.

Her eyes narrowed a bit defensively. She had been dancing around the subject, but her nature was to be blunt and candid. Her anger at his slight towards her mother prompted her to forget to have caution and restraint with him. "All the gods can be cruel. They can curse their children with madness, turn us into trees and flowers, transform us into inhuman beasts, and even slay us. I hadn't wanted to be so blunt with you as to preserve your innocence, but I'll be candid - power makes might on Olympus. Righteousness rarely plays into it." It didn't bother her personally, the lack of distinction between absolute good and evil, but she knew that some young demigods had trouble accepting it as truth. Rebecca dreamed though of power, so the system made sense to her.

"And no, Andy, I cannot see the future. I don't have that gift. Some demigods do, though it is largely the Oracle's talent."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

Leda grinned happily, glad to see that Demetri had chosen to take a dare. Her mind instantly flickered to the performance of him as Hannah Montana, singing and shaking his hips from side to side. It was enough to make her preemptively giggle, although simultaneously, she was mentally jumping up and down slightly at Kiera mentioning them dating. She had managed to lock down the cutest girl at Camp Half-blood in less than two weeks pretty much. It had to be her defining accomplishment of her career as a demigod. Her mind flickered back over to the dare for Demetri, wondering if she could do anything to improve upon her idea.

"I dare you to shapeshift into Hannah Montana and perform Best of Both Worlds," Leda announced, pleased with her choice. Her other idea had been to have Demetri lick the floor or do his best impression of Mr. D, but neither of them were more amusing than seeing the Disney Channel Star come to life. It also probably was the safest option, as it didn't risk him getting sick or being turned into a dolphin on a permanent basis.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Jupiter - Cohort Barracks
Skills: N/A

Nancy shook her head when the conversation shifted as to who even owned a cell phone. They technically had been around in the 80's and sure, some people had them at the Lotus Hotel, but Nancy never really understood how they worked. From what she could tell, they didn't have buttons anymore and she had no idea how people managed to dial anyone like that. They also seemed to have turned into computers? It still shocked her how the tiny things were supposedly more powerful than the video game consoles she used to use growing up, but so many things about the mortal realm confused her. She couldn't imagine trying to live in that world, leaving Camp Jupiter and the gods and all behind.

"Yikes, yeah, we ought to get you fitted with some armor," Nancy said. Waverley looked like a gigantic squishy target to her, so some armor would likely be a good call. "And we should be able to cross the Little Tiber and head on out of Camp Jupiter and call a taxi or whatever it's called now from there. The mortals won't be able to get through the barrier, so it isn't too much of a concern," she added. If she remembered correctly, the walk out of Camp Jupiter to get to the mortal realm wasn't even that bad.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

"Oooooh, let me just say choosing a dare when Leda is the one deciding your fate can only end in total embarrassment for you," Mary said towards Demetri when she heard his choice. "And are we really going to talk about the cow thing all day long? Though to be fair in that instance he totally deserved it and was annoying as all hell since he would not shut his mouth, seriously," she said towards Keira with an eye roll as she leaned back slightly in her chair to watch the chaos that undoubtedly was going to unfold right in front of her.

As soon as Leda said what her dare was Mary couldn't help but crack up out loud laughing, since to her it was just brilliant. It would be a bit embarrassing to Demetri (he was in a group of girls of course) and it would give them a good source of entertainment for them. She didn't typically watch TV or keep up with anything relating to that, but she knew who Hannah Montana was (or more of really Miley Cyrus in a blonde wig) so this was definitely going to be funny. "Come on Demetri, gives us your best shot at it."

Jason Gauger

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Jason wasn't too sure about what all was going on, but drama kicked up again, and this time it was relating to what Rebecca had said to the Gryphon and Arthur's reaction to the entire thing. He let out a bit of a sigh, not really wanting to get into the middle of the arguing and fighting, but he was sort of just awkwardly existing in between the two. This was not a good thing, and he was trying to think of the best way to interrupt what was going on. Arthur had a reason to be mad, given the fact that Rebecca had mentioned her mother who turned someone into a fish and killed them, but Rebecca seemingly had a few good points too. Nothing was ever so simple was it?

"Look, you bot are right, but we all 'ave to get alahng ahkay? Arthur, I dahn't dink she meant to upset you, sence dat's joehst 'ow she tends to do dings ahr whatever. Rebecca, naht everyne is so used to de idea o' deat so you can shut your mouth about it too and maybe tryin to be a bet nicer about it. You two dahn't 'ave to be friends, and if I 'ad to guess, you prahbably never'll be, but can you at least try to get alahng. Sence fightin is naht goin to 'elp anyone, and Arthur, I know de idea o' deat ahr people dyin isn't a good din to dink about, but well..." he said, before he leaned down enough so that he could look Arthur directly in the eye. When he spoke again he was talking a lot softer and more calmly towards him. "I'm goin to be 'ahnest wit you ahkay? A lot o' dings dahn't make sense, but one din I can tell you is dat you need to at least get to de point where sahmeone always 'as your back, and you can at least sahrt o' trust dem. Sence if a situation pahps oehp, and it's you and Rebecca against who knows what? It could mean de defference between life and deat..."

Janelle Gauger

Location: Washington DC
Skills: Heightened Hearing

Janelle didn't think anything of it really, considering the fact that they were sort of separating to try and figure out what the hell is going on with this random girl whoever she was. She didn't pay too much attention to the fact that Kristin followed along after her into the restroom, and decided to loudly announce their presence. "You know askin dat loudly is a bet ahn de suspicious side," she couldn't help but comment, before suddenly the girl from before attacked them, sending them both flying backwards and slamming into a wall. Taking into account more of how much that hurt, Janelle could tell that she herself was okay, of course she couldn't tell anything regarding Kristin.

"Yup, let me tell you dat was incredebly rude," she said to their attacker, before pulling out her own staff, listening to try and determine where their opponent was. She could tell that she was still in front of them, and she tried to smack her in where she assumed her head was. Unfortunately her attack missed, but that didn't dissuade her as she whirled and hit her with the opposite end of the staff, using the momentum from the spin to power her attack as she slammed it into her, managing to knock her out. Janelle couldn't really tell though, so she still held her staff at the ready. "Is she down? Ded i get 'er?" she asked, her question directed towards Kristin.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck
Skills: N/A

Arthur huffed at Rebecca, crossing his arms, and looking away. It didn't feel fair, and he said, "Then it sounds like there isn't much difference between monsters and gods." It was complex, and he was confused, and hurt. He always thought these higher beings, should they exist, would be nice and kind, or at least not cruel and capricious. He softened for a moment, "I'm... sorry." He mumbled, averting his eyes. "It doesn't feel fair. I didn't ask for this, I don't wanna be a kid of one of these monsters, I wanna be normal. I was normal." He said, trying to keep himself from shaking.

Arthur looked Rebecca in the eyes, and continued, "It just... It felt like so little." He said, gripping his hands, "She barely said anything, and she was killed. H-how is that good?" He couldn't think of anybody he ever met who would murder somebody for the few words that were imparted by Des, especially so quickly. It was hard for him to find light in this new world, it felt like even with the gods and magic, there still was no good, just power. He supposed that was what Rebecca said, but it felt so wrong, it felt evil.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Argo III Cargo Hold & Top Deck:

Inside of the cargo hold Lauryn was just coming out of the engine room, her hair looking like it had gone through a lot of static electricity, or some kind of bedhead as well. "Where the hell did the gryphon come from?" Lauryn asked, she had fought some in the past before, and she wasnt expecting one of them to somehow get into their ship. Lauryn quickly made her way towards one of the open stables, there werent any animals in it luckily which was a good thing, and helped lead it inside before closing the door. "So, are you alright?" Lauryn asked Andy.

Alannah looked at Arthur for a moment and sighed slightly she could understand him wanting a normal life, there was a time when she was younger that she wanted a normal life as well. But being a Half-Blood you never truly ever could get a normal life anymore really, and it was spent constantly fighting for your life. "Sometimes the gods are very quick to anger, which is never a good thing, you always just have to watch what you say to them." Alannah said gently resting a hand on his shoulder.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III Crew Deck
Skills: N/A

Kiera looked at Leda and giggled slightly as she told Demetri his dare it would be really funny to see him suddenly transform into Hannah Montana. "This should be really good." Kiera said, though she wasnt a fan at all of Miley Cyrus, she wasnt a fan of pop music in general either. Or it would be really funny to see him fail at the transformation as well to, as she looked towards Leda for a moment and smiled slightly, still thinking of their little sparing match and kiss earlier.

She got up and set her dishes down into the sink, while looking over at Mary and shrugged slightly, it was still really funny as hell to see when entering the wheelhouse. "Okay i'll stop talking about that, but it was still funny as hell." Kiera said while turning to look at Demetri expectantly to see if he would actually transform or not.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Camp Jupiter: Cohort Barracks -> Caldecott Tunnel
Skills: Mystiokinesis

"Yeah armor wouldnt be to bad, we are going to visit a titan after all." Madalyne said as she thought for a moment, she didnt really want to go with the hassle of going through the armory to get some armor and thought of an idea and smiled. She waved her hands slightly as they all were except for Niah were covered in a bright light. When the light faded, they would have standard roman armor and smiled towards them, admiring her work a little bit. "It's not super fancy like Niah's where you can fly and stuff, but it should give you enough protection from monsters and stuff." Madalyne said smiling brightly some more.

"We just need to go through the Caldecott Tunnel and we can do that uber thing from there. The driver probably wont notice that we are all are wearing armor or anything like that." Madalyne said as she started to leave the cohort barracks and then crossed over the Little Tiber River, where there was the tunnel that would take them towards the nearby highway walking through the tunnel reminded her of her first time coming to Camp Jupiter with Nancy.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Washington D.C. Union Station
Skills: N/A

Kristin slowly started to come to, letting out a slight groan as she stumbled back up to her feet running a hand over her forehead she could feel a little bit of blood and noticed it when she looked at it. Their attacker was still knocked out cold which was a good thing as well she looked at Janelle and smiled towards her and gave her a quick nod. "She's knocked out." Kristin said as she slowly started to make her way over towards the girl and dragged her out by the arms while looking over at Zeke.

"Well thanks for the help." Kristin said shaking her head slightly giving him a bit of an annoyed look as she found a nearby bench and laid the girl on it, and started to search through her pockets. Pulling out tiny bags containing various kinds of herbs, that Kristin wasnt even sure what they were used for either.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Lower Decks
Skills: Vocal Mimicry, Shapeshifting

Demetri looked towards Mary with a grin. "Choosing dare with this precarious prankster is definitely a sure sign to be embarrassed. But I'd rather be dared by her than see what truths she may try to unveil." when he heard the dare he looked about the room and hung his head in defeat. Hannah Montana? Really? Well it was Leda after all and the only guarantee was that her dares would bring forth some amusement for herself. He stood up and coughed, clearing his throat before starting his performance. Typically he either shifted then spoke or sang, or he would speak then shift. Rarely did he try and do both as he was about to try. He closed his eyes and began to sing.

"Oh yea
Come on
You get the limo out front
Hottest styles, every shoe, every color"

The transformation hadnt worked but he definitely sounded like Hannah Montana. He knew how to work it in and try to salvage this mess.

"Yea when your famous it can be kinda fun
It's really you but no one ever discovers.
Who would of thought that a girl like me
Would double as a superstaaaaar?
You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show"

He transformed into Miley Cyrus, shifting into Hannah Montana as he sang the last two lines. Staying in Hannah he completed the rest of the song, giving pause at thr end for any applause that they might give. Though he doubted they would. Hannah Montana sat back onto the floor and looked at Leda. "Well was that everything you wanted?" he said with a bit of a country twang. "I believe its my turn to pick and I chooooose...Mary. truth or dare."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Ezekiel Kel

Location: Bus Depot -- Washington D.C.

Ezekiel looked back at the bathroom quickly when Kristin walked out, carrying the unconscious girl who had been following them and set her on a bench. Ezekiel looked around them but no one seemed to be paying attention to them. ”What? You girls clearly had it handled. If I ran in there, guns blazing, you’d be upset I didn’t give you two a chance,” Ezekiel defended.
He watched Kristin check her pockets and then noticed Kristin was injured. ”Do you want me to look at that for you?” They should probably save the nectar and ambroise for more serious injuries, Ezekiel was thinking. He looked back at what Kristin had found and it happened to be a few items that looked like herbs. He took them from Kristin, examining them and trying to discern what they were. He sniffed them and was about to pull out his notebook to see if he had them written down or drawn out somewhere.
”These are typically used in poisons or potions rather than teas or as is. It depends on the combination or amounts they are used to determine which they would be,” Ezekiel offered. He slipped the herbs into a bag before he kept them in his satchel. ”What are we going to do about her,” he asked, nodding to the unconscious girl.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Argo III - Cargo Hold

Andy looked at Lauryn as the older girl helped her settle the Gryphon into a stall. "I don't know, I don't trust the situation, but they all told me to bring it down here. I was the only one he'd let near enough to try." She shrugged as she said that. She was frowning a bit thinking about the conversation Arthur and Rebecca were having. Andy didn't know how else to answer the question about how she was doing. She was frustrated and scared, but that was pretty normal for her so she didn't know how to explain that. She opted for letting what she had already said be her answer.

Andy kneeled down in front of the Gryphon. She wanted to say something to the creature but she felt weird about talking to it, especially with Lauryn there. Instead, she held out her hand let it sniff at her. Then she looked back up at Lauryn, "Do we have like hay or something for the guy to munch on? I bet he's had a rough day."

She looked at the Gryphon. "You probably like me cause I know what it's like. Running and hoping someone will care. They never seem to huh? I promise I won't hurt you though. Just don't hurt anyone else on the ship okay. They are...with me."

Location: Camp Jupiter: Area between Barracks

"Smart man" Emily smiled and winked at Marco. She did love Milo a ton though so she would have let it slide. Emily was impressed with the armor that appeared on her. She gave Mads an approving nod. "That's cool. I never got the hang of the magic stuff. My gifts are cool in their own right. And the driver will probably think we're cosplayers or something." She laughed at the idea. She also imagined he just thought they were LARPers but she wasn't going to make that joke. Only Marco had any idea she was into RPing. It was a good escape.

"Hey, the armor will be good though. Because it will protect you from harm and that's the part about armor that matters." She looked up at the sky, it was passed noon now, they should get going. "Doesn't the Uber app require a bank account or something?" She looked at Waverly. She wouldn't be surprised if Marco had the money in an account on hand. Niah's father often sent her cash, but since he didn't live in America he had never set up a bank account for her to use.

Emily started walking. They had a bit of a hike to get to where they could get an Uber to actually pick them up. It was a much better hike than what they would have to do to get to the bus station. The cost for Uber would balance out most likely too. With six of them, they'd have to order the van type over the usual car, but she suspected it would be cheaper than six bus tickets. "Niah you've spent too much time around Mads and Nancy." Emily shook her head, she was grinning brightly though. She was clearly joking that Madalyne and Nancy had worn off on Niah with their lack of technological skills.

Niah snorted at Emily's joke and shook her head. Niah started after Emily who had taken point for heading for the exit of Camp. It had been a while since Niah had left Camp and she was a bit nervous about going back out into the mortal world. She did know she was less nervous than Nancy though. Niah supposed if they got to fight a dragon again or something as equally awesome as Nancy blowing up the heads of a biker gang of werewolves Nancy would be okay with it. "Anyway, let Waverly answer the question, Emily."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts

Location: New Rome - The Barracks -> Caldecott Tunnel

Waverley's whole body tensed up as she began to feel the armor materialize around her. At first she didn't know what was happening, only that Madison was doing some magic hoodoo stuff. And despite how much Waverley liked the magical praetor, trusted her even, she couldn't help but start to panic as the light filled their eyes. It felt a little invasive to suddenly be surrounded by magic without any word of warning or anything of the like, but any feelings of breached personal space faded when Waverley looked down to find the shining armor now affixed to her body. As much as she didn't like the feeling of the extra weight on her body, she couldn't help but amusedly knock on the fake metal abs, a stark contrast to the soft, fleshy form that it covered.

"Man, I've never had a six-pack before," she mumbled, primarily to herself. After a few seconds of finger-drumming on her new set of armor, she quickly switched her attention to Marco, who she playfully poked in the ribs with her elbow. "See, I told you my magic powers could've taken care of it," she bantered, a small smirk dancing on her lips. The smirk faded, however, when Niah asked about the bank account, and was replaced by a uncertain frown. As the group began to walk, Waverley followed behind, staying silent for a few moments, lost in thought, only speaking up when Niah spoke up a second time.

"Uh, yeah, that's gonna be a problem," Waverley answered, the unspoken apology prevalent in her voice. Originally, she'd used her mom's banking information for the app, but not long after running away, she'd purged her phone of everything that could be used to track her. And, of course, she'd never been able to open up her own bank account. "I don't have a bank account or anything. Stuff like that requires proof of address and all sorts of other bureaucratic bullshit I don't have." Despite her harsh language, her tone was more worried that her lack of paperwork would cause their whole plan to fall apart.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by kittyluna45
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kittyluna45 Your Friendly Black Cat

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Location: Camp Jupiter: Barracks to Caldecott Tunnel
Skills: N/A

"Honestly, we can just use my Uber account guys. I have one set up for when I go to the city. It is even tied to a bank account, I promise. Dad likes to make sure I don't have to rely on public transportation all the time. Besides... I never liked it down in the Subway. It always feel like there was something down there. In fact, New York and I have never really agreed for reasons that made a lot more sense when I realized what I am." Marco sighed a bit as he gently pet Milo in the little papoose. He knew that most of the others might not have a working Uber account, but he did.

He turned to head towards the Caldecott tunnel and sighed a bit as they walked that way. It had been a while since he left the camp, and even longer since he had really seen his father. He did talk to him weekly, that was the least he could do for his dear old dad. His hand slipped into Em's and he made sure to keep pace with her even as she took point as they headed to the tunnel. He pulled out his cellphone and started to pull up the app they would need. He mentally cursed his dyslexia for a moment as he tried to find the Caldecott tunnel on the map. He spelt it several interesting ways first before finally landing on the correct one. What kept bugging him more was that spell check kept insisting it was wrong.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

✨ Rebecca Eventide ✨

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: Trivia Knowledge

Rebecca's expression only changed slightly as Jason scolded her. She disagreed with his assessment. She had been trying to be sensitive towards Arthur's feelings, but he had insisted and she shared the truth with him. She also didn't see why Jason was so certain that Arthur would never befriend her. Perhaps he was projecting his own issues. She had enjoyed working with Arthur on his powers so far. "Jason, thank you for sharing your views, but you're misinformed. I have no ill will towards Arthur and I would be delighted to continue to tutor him in necromancy. I understand this is all rather new to you as well, so I won't hex you this time." She smiled ever so slightly to indicate that she was joking.

"Also, fun fact - the average person will shed approximately forty pounds of skin in their lifetime," she shared. She then shifted her thoughts back towards Arthur. She looked at him sympathetically. "When monsters die, they are sent to Tartarus and slowly reform over the years. By contrast, it's exceptionally difficult to kill a god, if not impossible," she explained. He had been asking about the difference between gods and monsters. "You were never normal, Arthur. Ignorance of your true nature does not mean it was not yet there. You were born half human, half god. You came from Hades' loins. You are a child of the God of the Dead."

"Personally, I don't put much stock in good and evil. I think the system is designed to limit us from reaching our true potential," she then admitted. "But I suppose to think in that system, by and large the gods do far more acts of service towards Western Civilization than they do misdeeds. The same could not be said for the Titans or the Giants, those who ruled before."

🌈 Leda Storm 🌈

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

"Bold of you to assume that I need to know anything about your personal life," Leda teased Demetri. She was sure that he had some secrets, everyone did, but she didn't really care to learn about them. His business was his business and she wasn't about to lose sleep over missing the chance to ask him who his childhood crush was. Nah, it was much better to take advantage of the situation and get him to make a fool of himself. Once they were friends - or better, close friends - then learning his secrets would become more relevant. If there was anyone whose secrets she wanted to know, at the moment it would be Kiera.

At first, Demetri only had the voice of Hannah Montana. She was a bit disappointed, about to insist that he had to try again and redo the dare, but he managed to shift into her at the last moment. Leda cackled, wishing that she could have put this on Hephaestus TV or something. He pretty much looked exactly at her and Leda could just see him twirling a small glowing wand and telling everyone that they were watching the Disney Channel. "Encore, encore!" Leda cheered. She hoped that Mary would pick dare. She was another shapeshifter, so maybe they could get her to turn into someone else silly, like Bieber. Or Bob Ross.

☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️

Location: Camp Jupiter - Cohort Barracks -> Caldecott Tunnel
Skills: N/A

Nancy grinned, approving of Madalyne's quick trick. It definitely was nice that they didn't need to head to the armory and find things to suit everyone. "It's California, mortals never notice anything here," Nancy agreed. The Mist was extra thick, so most likely the mortals would just think they were wearing gear for a soccer tournament or something along those lines. Of course, it would be pretty funny to one day see how mortals reacted to people wearing Roman armor. She left the barracks with the others, crossing the Little Tiber and leaving the boundaries of Camp Jupiter. The discussion of Uber and how it needed a bank account was giving her a bit of a headache trying to follow. Couldn't they just call up a taxi or something and pay with cash? She was a lot more comfortable with that option.

Although thankfully, Marco seemed to have it handled. "Uber doesn't even make sense. The word has nothing to do with cars or transportation," Nancy complained as she walked. "What happened to just hailing a taxi? Do people not do that anymore? And why can't you pay in cash for one of these Ubers?" she asked again. The mortal world was so odd. No one seemed to use Walkmans anymore, which in her opinion was the superior way to listen to music. Her walkman had been at her side constantly in the Lotus Hotel and Casino.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Marygold Isley

Location: Argo III - Galley
Skills: N/A

Mary couldn't help but burst out laughing when Demetri shape shifted to look like freaking Hannah Montana. After all, there definitely wasn't anything more amusing to watch then see a guy shape shift into Miley Cyrus and start singing. This certainly was an interesting game to say the least. "Wow Demetri, could've been a better performance, but since you were kind of put on the spot I'll let that slide," she said to him, shaking her head slightly as she looked over at Leda chanting for an encore or something, made her really glad she had dared Demetri and hadn't given her a dare.

Her attention turned back towards Demetri when he targeted the game's question towards her, and she thought for a moment, trying to decide on what sort of thing to respond with. A dare would be funny, but so far everyone who had been asked had chosen a dare, and who was she to just go with everyone else's choices. "I'll be the oddball considering both you and Leda picked dare, I choose truth Demetri, so tell me what you want to know," she responded to him with a shrug as she waited for him to respond with his question.

Jason Gauger

Location: Argo III - Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

"I actually dink dat you misoehnderstand what it is I was tryin to say, but sence you decided to go ahff ahn a bet o' a tangent wit a bunch o' info no one asked fahr and what are mahre den a bet eerie sahrt o' random facts and all, maybe you should just stahp sence ahdds are you are naht 'elpin!" he instantly responded to Rebecca, more then a bit annoyed with what her response to what he had said been. She was missing the point entirely considering she was being a bit of a creep and she really needed to stop it, since that was kind of making things worse.

Jason turned his attention back towards Arthur as he spoke about how it hadn't been fair, and unfortunately he didn't have much answers for him. Of course, Rebecca had to be a bit creepy with her words, and then come up with an explanation that probably wasn't helping much with Arthur's concerns and fears. Living in fear like that was insane, and likely would try to drive people mental if they did that all the time. "Who says you can't stell be nahrmal? Can't stell be who you are? Arthur, you are stell you, and nahthin can change dat, just because you know who your father is now, dat doesn't change de fact dat you are stell de same persahn as you were befahre."

Janelle Gauger

Location: Washington DC

"Ahh, cool, alright den let's get goin," Janelle said, lowering her stance and shifting her staff back into being her typical walking cane. She seemed to be getting the hang of using the staff though, so that was definitely a good thing, but the fact that she was figuring that out so quickly wasn't exactly very comforting. Since it meant that they were encountering way too much trouble despite their attempts at not running into monsters or people who would try and stop them or potentially kill them. Yup, that definitely was something that was a thing.

She followed after Kristin, listening to the sounds of her footsteps as she navigated her way outside, and they eventually found their way back to where Zeke was. Her mind started to wander a bit as she thought about what it was that had just happened, since she was more then a bit curious as to what the girl had been potentially planning on doing, since it had been clear that she had before. "I dahn't know about you two but I'm a bet curiooehs as to what it is dat she was plannin ahr even really why she fahllowed us."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online

Argo III Cargo Hold & Top Deck:

"I think they prefer eating fish or something like that, since they are related to birds and lions really more than anything I think." Lauryn said as she watched the Gryphon as it stared directly at her, as if the gryphon didnt like her at all letting out a slight growling kind of sound. "I'll be right back with some food." Lauryn said as she made her way towards one of the barrels in the storage area and then opened up a few barrels, until she was able to find what she actually wanted. Lauryn came back into the stall and handed it over towards the gryphon and it started to eat it rather quickly. "At least he seems to like you." Lauryn said giving Andy a friendly smile.

Alannah looked at Rebecca as she stated a really weird fact which she thought was a little bit disturbing just as weird to. "Ooookay thanks for the really weird fact." Alannah said as she made her way towards the wheelhouse, hearing there was a really loud beeping sound, and then she paused for a moment and looked at the radar. Seeing three large blips on the radar, Arthur, Rebecca and Jason would easily hear what sounded like a really loud roar and would be able to catch a slight glimpse of a figure flying through the clouds Alannah then pressed the alarm to let everyone know that they were all under attack now.

Kiera Donovan

Location: Argo III Crew Deck -> Upper Deck
Skills: N/A

Kiera watched as Demetri started to sound more like Miley though still as a guy, and then managed to shift into Miley/Hannah Montana and couldnt help but start to laugh seeing the little bit of performance there. "You should totally just stay as Miley until we meet the Roman people." Kiera said teasingly and laughed slightly at the performance. When she turned to look at Mary for a moment wondering what she was actually going to pick would be really interesting to see to. "This should be really interesting." Kiera said looking over at Leda and smiled a little bit.

When she heard the alarm going off and stood up. "Looks like we have another fight going on.." Kiera said, she was hoping to have the rest of the evening off and have some fun in the game still. "We can hangout in my bunk afterwards if you want." She said as she leaned down and gave Leda a quick kiss on the cheek and smiled towards her, and started to make her way up the stairs and towards the upper deck again. Seeing a bright flash of fire in the clouds she could get a better look and saw a silhouette of what looked like a dragon.

Madalyne Crane

Location: Caldecott Tunnel
Skills: N/A

"I dont understand a lot of the new technology either Nancy." Madalyne said looking over towards her friend, at least she wasnt alone in all of this either even if she had been trying to readjust to the whole new age stuff. She continued to walk alongside Nancy and Niah more closely, not that she didnt trust Emily, Marco or Waverly she was just more close to the two of them. They eventually entered the service tunnel and then inside of the tunnel itself, seeing all of the cars that were there driving by rather quickly as she looked at Nancy. "I think cabs are mainly just used in the city nowadays." Madalyne said shrugging slightly as she looked over towards Marco. "So, you got the dropoff location correct to right?" Madalyne asked.

It didnt take to long, until they would be able to see a black Honda Pilot driving down with the Uber sticker stuck in the windshield and it came to a stop on the side of the road. Madalyne adjusted her armor slightly seeing a middle aged man at the wheel, she gave the guy a slight wave as she got inside and looked at the driver side for a moment. She always thought that it was really weird that Americans always drove on the right side, and the driver side was in the opposite side as well to. The driver didnt seem to notice that all of them were wearing Roman armor at all either as soon as everyone got in the driver then pulled out and started to drive forward.

Kristin Reynolds

Location: Washington D.C. Union Station
Skills: N/A

"Yeah then either one of us could have died or something like that." Kristin said crossing her arms over her chest slightly giving him a bit of an annoyed look. Even after going on a quest together they should have each other's backs no matter what, sure she would probably have picked on Zeke somewhat but they needed to work with each other. Kristin eyed the herbs that Zeke had in his hands it wasnt her forte at all so she would differ to his judgment. She sighed slightly when Zeke offered to treat her head injury she simply nodded letting him go and do his thing.

"We should take her with us, and find out who she is and what she wants." Kristin said looking at Zeke and Janelle as she gave their attacker a slight kick to wake them up. Only to receive a slight groan Kristin she then searched the woman once more finding some rope on her as well and quickly tied the girl's arms together.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Ship: Lower Decks
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri took a half bow while sitting towards Leda. "Thank you Thank you. I'll be here all week." He sat and watched the gears turn in Marys head, wondering what she'd pick next. In truth he expected for her to say Truth. Believing that in some cases it was the safer route and thus more along her line of thought. When she did pick it a smirk appeared on his face. He knew just what to ask her. Suddenly the sirens began to blare as it warned them of an impending attack. "Well, before we head off, Mary what animal are you most afraid of?" Figured jt was only appropriate given her response to the horrors of geese earlier. He waited a moment incase she answered as he made his way out of the room to search the skies.

It appeared Kiera had made herself topside so he followed suit seeing the flash of bright lights in the sky as dragons danced and roared a brilliant flame. "Woooah." He gave the child of poseidon a childish smile as if he had a bad idea. Demetri transformed into a deep purple dragon, not large like the ones above but a miniature size like what a baby may look like. He practiced his fiery roar to see if he could do the same as flames poured out with his breath. Demi-dragon huffed small flames from his nostrils as the flared and he prepared for a potential battle.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 5 days ago

Arthur Stanford

Location:Argo III: Upperdeck
Skills: N/A

Arthur had to literally try to process what Jason was saying, but he think he got most of it. He really didn't like the reality Rebecca was laying out for him, but he knew it was true. Even if he didn't know before, he was always Hades' son. It did concern him though, that the landmark difference between monsters and gods was the difficulty one had in murdering them. Thinking a bit on what she said, he supposed that between the anarchy of monsters and the tyranny of the gods, he'd pick their tyranny, as it mostly was in his own interests. It still felt wrong and bad though. "I think I get what you're saying..." He said quietly.

Arthur groaned as he heard a roar in the distance. This again? He didn't want to fight any more, but it was that or die, so he drew his knife, ready to face whatever they had to. Seeing something over the horizon, he had the sinking feeling that, whatever this thing was, it was gonna be big. "Well, let's get this over with then, send the monsters to Tartarus and all, right?" He said, looking down at his knife, and gripping it hard. He knew he had to force himself to do this, but he really, really didn't want to.
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