Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Some weird room -> More Pipes!
Skills: Hacking, Computer Systems

Zari wasn't too sure about this entire situation as more people were joining them somewhat, and the alien person sounded like they were wanting the group to kill them. That was not something that she wanted anything to do with, and she glanced at the device as the alien decided to mention that they could potentially switch the language into English and not the weird not English alien language. "...Think you could help me out a little bit here and help me switch it into English please?" Zari asked as she moved over slightly and held the device out to them. Y92-6 switched one thing into English for her, the icon labeled as settings and from there she managed to figure it out for the most part.

"...Whoa," she said as she saw all of the information pop up in English, and she flipped through before she eventually found a map. "I'm going to follow this map, see ya," she said simply as she headed towards a different set of pipes, shutting the water off as she went, before climbing into them. She was heading towards another part of the area that appeared to almost exactly mirror the part of the area that they had started in. Eventually, she found herself at what looked like the Atrium that they had started in, but she knew that it had to be the other one. Of course she had the slight problem of the grate, since it was exactly like they had initially opened up. It meant that it could only be opened up from the other side unfortunately. "Helloooooooooo?" she sort of called out before she slipped slightly and fell a little bit, and she did seem to notice that there weren't really anyone in the room, so that was fun. She was really starting to hope that there actually were other people in the area and that they could help her out and remove the grate.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Atrium -> Water Processing Room/Catwalk

"Shit," Cal hissed when Manny informed them of where the others had gone off to. Part of her wanted to start barking at the bigger man about how he shouldn't have let them go in alone without discussing it as a group first, but she quickly came to the conclusion that trying to follow the group would be more productive. Still, she made sure to keep 'scold Manny for not stopping them' as a plan B, especially when she caught sight of the small opening which she was positive she wouldn't be able to fit through. Still, she forced herself to try. She climbed in after Raynor, pulling herself in, and to say it was a tight fit would be an understatement. Even when she sucked her belly in - which was actually a belly and not some six pack stolen from the gods - she was still too big to be in the pipe. She could feel every inch of her body pushing against the cool metal as she slowly inched forward.

If she was being honest, she probably spent more time stuck than she spent moving. But eventually her inchworm strategy worked, and she finally pulled herself out, finding herself in a strange new area. Not even stopping to catch her breath, she began scaling the ladder with the spirit of an Olympic level athlete saving a baby from a fire. Her body didn't match such a spirit, however, so as soon as she got up to the catwalk and saw a cluster of familiar faces doing all well and good, she bent over, hands on her knees, out of breath. She took a few seconds rest, before raising her head, taking a second look at the group. She quickly noticed something worrying.

"Where's the kid?" she asked, the concern in her voice only slightly masked by the annoyance that accompanied it. It was then that she looked down at the figure slumped at their feet, tall and androgynous. She didn't recognize them from their own batch, and quickly figured that it was them who the scuffle had been against. "And who's the lanky fuck on the floor?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: +6:45 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Water Processing Room

Luke was still pretty confused about what was going on as well. Near as he could tell the tall being had been asked to be murdered. He looked to Cal and shrugged slightly at her questions. "She got some device from this person and wandered off following a map. Someone should let Ryanor know she isn't dead. I think he's going to have an aneurysm."

Tessa volunteered and went back down into the pipe. Luke considered following her, or even Zarina. But Noah and the strange being were talking to each other. Now that the being was no longer pinned they stood up. Their height was a little disconcerting and it made the stairs make a bit more sense. The ladder had been built of someone much taller than any of them. And since they were so thin and stretched out the pipes weren't claustrophobically small for them.

"I can make it look like you slipped, but with the device missing they might suspect we are behind it even still." Noah said. The being nodded and turned to Vinnie to answer her questions.

"It is part of my programming." They looked a little uncomfortable saying that. "When I was flesh and bone I had never heard of humans. But I was stolen from my planet like you all were. When I awoke I had no memory of who I was. I with several others of my people were put through some tests. They all died. When the Vendri were done they took my essence and put it in this body. I had use to Them. If they find you are useless you will die as my people all have."

Luke winced. They hadn't been joking when they said they saw their past in the group's future.

"Please, grant me this mercy and I pray for you all to find mercy in the future."

Sector Two Group Containment - Galley

A heated argument was being had in the Galley. One of their numbers had been discovered to be a robot. They were awake and alive but had cut their hand when they dropped a ceramic cup and gone to pick it up. Paranoia was rampant. One of the men was waving a knife at the young woman turned robot.

Sector One Group Containment - Pipes

Raynor was alone. Tessa started to climb down the pipe and found Raynor at the base of the ladder. There was just enough room to maneuver around so they were half-crouched half-kneeling near the ladder. "Situation is under control. Turns out the being Zarina ran into is just a technician. Their name is Y96-2 or something like that. They straight up asked for us to throw them to their death off the catwalk. Zari took off again though. Following a map on the device, she got from Y96. I'd say join everyone in the main area in the water processing area. It gets us out of here. I'll let Gordon know." Tessa said and crawled toward the atrium.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 21 min ago

Sophia Harris

Location: Water Processing Center -> Sector Two Group Containment (pipes)
Skills: N/A

Sophia turned to look at Zarina as she took the little tablet device thing and quickly started to make her way towards one of the pipes and stopped the water from flowing there. She closed her eyes slightly and groaned Zari really needed to stay still and not run off like that who knew what else was there. When Y2K mentioned the race that had taken them, and that they would most likely end up having the same exact fate that he was subjected to. "I'm going to go after her, and make sure that she is okay, find out whatever else you can from it." Sophia said and quickly got up and started to make her way towards the pipes that Zari had gone into.

She started to climb down the ladder as well, and managed to catch up to her rather quickly seeing a little bit of a grate that Zari was trying to open. "Zari, we should be going as a group, we cant go off alone by ourselves we dont even know who we would end up running into." Sophia said, when she could hear was some kind of argument at the moment which wasnt a good thing at all either.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Location: Catwalk
Skills: N/A
Raynor had joined them all on the catwalk shortly before Cal, as he had entered the pipe before her. He was so relieved to see that Zarina was alright, but he kept his face guarded. It was instinct to do so. The more people knew about him, the harder things could be. He couldn't trust them. With the limited information he knew about himself and his old life, creating distance between himself and other people had been key for his survival. His knuckles ached from pains long forgotten and as he glanced down at them, he expected to see them stained with crimson blood. They just looked like ordinary hands, hands that he now knew a large portion of history for. He quickly followed after Zarina and Sophia, almost too buff to make his way down the ladder in the pipe. He was partially still on the ladder at the end since the space was cramped. "We are a group, group of three," Raynor pointed out to Sophia.

Back at the main processing place, Vinnie was looking at Y2K skeptically. She didn't want to fill in Cal on everything, since she didn't trust her at all, but a small part of her did feel bad. No one seemed to be answering Cal's questions. "Cal, this is Y2K. Y2K, this is Cal," she said, waving her hand to facilitate the introduction. Y2K then dropped a few bombs of information. The Them were called the Vendri. And apparently, the way They worked was scooping out people's brains and putting them in robot suits. "That sounds like a lot of fucking work and kinda stupid. Yes, I get that most societies need a slave caste, but if they're able to integrate people's minds with tech... why not just build a robot? What skills are they lacking? It's not like this is Ancient Rome and they need slave labor, robots can do anything people can, hell robots can probably outpace humans all the time. And why are they seeing if we're useful by putting us on a weirdo ship like that? If they can scoop our brains out, can't they get Siri or whatever to give them a summary of our skills?"

Vinnie didn't know if she believed Y2K. The being seemed to be hovering perfectly on the line between sincerity and insincerity. Maybe they were telling the truth or maybe they were being really creative in wanting to be killed. But at any rate, Vinnie wasn't going to let them yeet themselves off of the catwalk. They were a source of information. "Also again, not going to kill you. I don't care if you're Jenny the Teenage Robot, you know stuff about Them and we're sure as hell not going to throw the device down with you, so suck it up. You're our prisoner now. So what do They want? What's Vendri's endgame? Is it anal probing?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Sector Two - Atrium
Skills: N/A

"I know where I'm going and what I'm doing!" Zari protested somewhat, looking at Sophia, "You do not need to patronize me! The map leads to another set of 12 rooms, very similar to the rooms that we were all in, so I instantly thought that there might be more people trapped here like us!" she responded to her, more of shooting a glare before she glanced over and saw that Raynor had popped up too, "Oh, hey there Raynor!" she said with a slight wave towards him with a bit of a smile, before she glanced down at the little map that she had on the device again.

"From what I can tell, this should be an area like the Atrium, which is connected to the 12 other rooms, so that's likely what's on the other side of the grate," she added, before she listened and heard the arguments that were going on nearby, not all too sure what they were fighting about though, "And now it seems like I was probably right, any other questions before I try to get their attention? No? Good, now keep quiet while I see if I can get any of their attentions thank you!"

Meanwhile, Sparky wasn't too sure what it was that was really going on. She couldn't even really remember how it was that she got there, and now the group was fighting and arguing considering the fact that someone in their small group was apparently a robot. "Good god I am surrounded by idiots," she muttered under her breath as she stood back and watched the chaos unfold around her. This place was definitely strange, that was for sure, but apparently they decided to toss together a group of dysfunctional people to see who rips each other apart first. That was something that seemed to be for certain.

"How about you calm down and shut up, yeah, she's a robot, so what? For all we know, you are a robot too and just don't know that you are one, or does that seem a bit too insane to you given our current situation?" she snapped at the guy with the knife, more then a little bit annoyed with everything that was happening. This place was just flat out weird, and they didn't have time to argue over every little thing, they kind of had to figure out what the hell to do, and not what was going on at all. That's when she heard a voice coming from somewhere nearby, and she stopped and started looking around.


Following the sounds, she eventually went over to the grate in the Atrium, and looked at it, "Uh, hello?"

"Yay someone noticed finally!"

"Who are you and why are you in a grate pipe thing?"

"Zarina Patriya, came through a few of the pipes from a different part of the area and found a map that led me here! So, who are you?"

"Lana Sparks," she responded, a little bit surprised at her own willingness to just state that up from, "Just warning, now is probably not the best time to be popping up unannounced given most people around here are a bit on edge."

"Look, I can give you guys the specs for a screwdriver that can open up the grate! If you have one of the replicator thingys you can make it since there is a setting that lets you craft your own stuff!" Zari said happily, glancing back towards Sophia and Raynor.

"Yeah, well easier said then done I suppose."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
Avatar of Framing A Moose

Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Water Processing Room/Catwalk

Cal took a break from her panting to let out an annoyed groan when Luke informed her of Zarina's location. "For fuck's sake, does no one know the bloody meanin' of 'stick together'?! It's not that fuckin' hard!" she exclaimed, her exasperation ringing clear in her voice as she spoke. It took a few moments for her exhaustion from both the physical task of climbing through the pipe and the mental task of keeping her head from exploding from the disorder of their little group, so she didn't register the conversation they were having right away. She took it in bites. First the name of the tall individual offered by Vinnie, Y2K, then the general idea that Them, now being referred to as the Vendri, put creature's consciousnesses into robots, and then finally, what the robot wanted the group to do to them.

It was that last realization that had the most effect on Cal. At the mention of suicide, images of the memories that had surfaced in the Galley flashed behind her eyes, and her heart pound harder against her chest. She lowered her head, hiding the panicked expression that had crept back onto her face. Her trembling fingers dug back into her pockets, pulling out her lighter and a cigarette, not caring that she had one not long before. Bringing the latter to her mouth, she lit it, taking a deep breath in. It helped a little, but it by no means banished the thoughts. The best thing for her to do was get away before the lean machine got out of Vinnie's grasp and threw themself off the catwalk.

"Brilliant, keep up the good work, interrogate them, see what you can find out. You're one scary cunt when you wanna be mate. I'm going to bring back the others, if they haven't already gotten themselves killed," she mumbled out to Vinnie, not really thinking about the words as they came out. She just needed to focus on getting away from the suicidal automaton. She followed where Sophia and Raynor had both disappeared off to, eventually coming upon a ladder. When she looked down, though, she found that the space below was already filled up with her associates. It didn't look like there was much space for her to fit down there, so instead she stayed at the top, reaching out her cigarette and and giving it a shake, letting the ash from the tip slowly descend upon them in a rude attempt to catch their attention. "Oi, what the fuck was that all about? When we make decisions, we ought to make them together! If we're constantly seperatin', we're gonna end up either dead, or joyless slaves to something called the Vendri," she hissed in a harsh whisper, loud enough for them to hear, but hopefully quiet enough to not get any unwanted attention from possible nearby hostiles. She then looked to Zarina, who was talking into a vent. "What's she doin'? Did she find another dismembered body part to keep her company?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: +7 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Water Processing Room
Skill: N/A

Tessa and Gordon came up out of the pipe and joined the group on the catwalk. She had given Gordon a bit of a brief of what had been happening in the water processing room. Y92-6 looked upset from the first glance. Tessa had a feeling that Vinnie wasn't being compliant with Y92-6's wishes. She agreed though. Y92-6 was more valuable to them alive where they could answer questions.

"I don't know. They don't tell me their plans. They certainly haven't gone around telling me why they've enslaved a bunch of people into robot bodies." Y92-6 sounded frustrated. Tessa could make a few guesses as to why. Her first guess was that Y92-6 was already a slave and here Vinnie was saying they weren't going to let Y92-6 go.

"I can't help you. I don't think you understand that. Not I don't want to help you. I'd love to. If I could help you and everyone else imprisoned on this ship I would do anything. But I cannot. Where we stand is one of the few rooms I'm permitted. I've only have minutes more before my absence is noticed and checked. Killing me is the best way to keep it from being noticed. Get out of sight, back to the rooms. Then give it an hour and you can come back and exit out through the main door there." They pointed off behind a tank. "You can't access everything on the ship from there, but you'll be able to get to most places."

Tessa was about to say something, but Noah pushed off from the railing and hit Y92-6. Tessa reached out on instinct but she was too slow. Both Noah and Y92-6 were tumbling over the railing. It felt like it was in slow motion as her fingers brushed the cloth of Noah's shirt. Part of Tessa hoped that Noah had done it on accident. The other part of her knew he hadn't. Noah had had a strange sadness since his memory had returned. He also had sympathized with Y92-6 more than anyone else.

Y92-6 didn't fight it, they let themselves tumble over the railing. Neither screamed. They just both fell the hundreds of feet to the hard floor below. Surviving would be unlikely.

Sector Two Group Containment - Atrium

Sparky, having left the Galley, was followed by no one. For her sake that was probably a good thing. She missed the man with the knife slitting the throat of the robot. A fight was breaking out. Some of the noises could be heard through the echoing hallway that connected the three areas of the ship. Considering that it might not be a good idea for her to go back. At least not until things calmed down. However, the noise might cover up the sound of someone particularly strong trying to kick the grate in.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 21 min ago

Sophia Harris

Location: Water Processing Center -> Sector Two Group Containment (pipes)
Skills: N/A

"I'm not patronizing you Zari, it's smarter to at least have someone backing you up rather than doing things solo. We all should stick together, it's better to have the numbers in case there is someone hostile here." Sophia whispered back towards Zari, hoping that it would at least get Zari to trust her. When she turned her head slightly and looked up seeing Raynor coming down onto the ladder as well, and nodded towards him. She adjusted her grip on the ladder slightly as tried to make sure that she wouldnt tire herself out by holding herself onto the ladder when she heard Zari calling out to someone.

Then a few seconds later she heard a woman's voice coming through the grate itself, she remained quiet for the most part and looked down at Zari it was her show really now at this point as well. Sophia turned her head up slightly hearing Cal's voice calling out to them, she didnt really have a reason to trust her, but Zari really hated her. She already knew what was going on with the others interrogating Y2K who Vinnie had dubbed and hoped that they would get some kind of information on whats actually going on this ship. "No there is someone else on the other end, just stay quiet." Sophia told Cal, as she waited to see what was going to happen next.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Location: Catwalk
Skills: Roller Derby
Vinnie did her best to absorb the information that Y2K gave her. She tried to come up with some sort of funny device for recalling where the main exit was behind the tank - Thomas the Tank Engine departs from Water World in one hour maybe? It was the best thing that she could come up with, but she still figured she would have a better chance of remembering that than just straight up memorizing what Y2K had said. What happened next was purely driven by instinct and reflex honed from slamming into people at the rink. Noah had charged and slammed into Y2K, sending both of them toppling over. Tessa failed to grab them.

Vinnie rushed forward, her hand latching onto the right arm... of Y2K. Noah had plummeted to his death. Her breath caught in her throat as some sort of sob as Vinnie desperately tried to pull Y2K on up, ashamed that she had basically forced Noah's death to be meaningless, but she wasn't going to let Y2K go. Y2K was their best chance at getting the upper hand in this situation. "I need some help," she pleaded, struggling as she tried to pull Y2K on up over the railing, but her grip was starting to slip.
Raynor's throat went dry as the name Lana Sparks came back to haunt him. He had lost his best friend years ago, setting off on a fruitless quest to the United States in order to try and find her again. He had lost hope that he would find her ages ago, never daring to dream that he would find her again on some sort of alien ship or colony. He forgot how to speak for a moment, before his senses flooded back to him. The sounds of a fight were echoing down into the grate and Raynor's body reacted before his mind had even processed everything, as he kicked the grate open. "Lana? It's me.... Raynor..." he said uncertainly, crawling out of the grate and rising to his full height.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Sector Two - Atrium
Skills: N/A

Zari glanced backwards when she heard Cal's voice, and she made a bit of a face. She really wanted to stay far far away from Cal, and the fact that Cal was being more then a bit annoying and seemingly following her around when she had said she needed to stay away from her was really really annoying. "...I told her to leave me alone so why won't she leave me alone?" she couldn't help but mutter, not really talking to anyone in particular as the sounds of a fight seemingly broke out from the direction that Sparky had come from. Things certainly were getting to be a bit interesting, first they ran into an alien or whatever the person had been, and now more normal people were breaking out into a fight.

"Uh, how many are in your group or whatever? And how many are in the pipe right now?" Sparky asked, raising a bit of an eye brow at the group that was talking to her from the pipe. She only had been really talking to Zari, but she heard other voices to indicate that there were more people along with her. That was definitely an interesting sort of thing and made her wonder what was going no with their group of people. If there were more of them, how many were in the group? She had a few questions, but right now was mainly the issue of getting the grate opened.

"Whatever you say... But can she not tag along or whatever?" she said to Sophia before nodding her head towards Cal once more. She really really really didn't want to be anywhere near her, and it would probably just be better if she didn't follow after her. "There are 3 of us," she added, answering Sparky's question and ignoring Cal's existence entirely. Zari moved out of the way slightly for Raynor to just kick the grate out, which was something she hadn't even really been expecting. "I mean, I guess that works just as well as using a tool or whatever to open it," she commented as she crawled out of the pipe and stood up fully. "Wait you know her?" Zari asked Raynor when it was clear that he recognized Sparky.

Lana hadn't had much time to really move out of the way before the group kicked in the grate and started crawling out of the pipe entirely. She gave Raynor a weird look when he spoke to her, as he seemed to know who she was at the least. "Um, is that name supposed to mean something to me? I don't even know who the hell I am aside from my name, so why the hell would I seemingly know who the hell you are?" she asked him, shaking her head before glancing towards the doorway for a moment. "Someone turned out to be a robot and some weird lunatic dude is waving a knife around last I checked before I left the area, so that's what that commotion is," Sparky commented to them with a shrug.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
Avatar of Framing A Moose

Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Water Processing Room/Catwalk

"Seriously?!" Cal harshly whispered when Sophia explained who Zarina was talking to. The woman cocked her head back, letting out an exasperated smoky sigh, before taking another inhale from her cigarette. She had what some would call a resting bitch face, but the expression held on it at that moment as she filled her lungs with smoke was even more annoyed than usual. "Only a few hours ago we were stabbing each other to figure out who's human, and now we're willing to sit down and have a coldie with any random vent dweller we come across? You understand how unbelievably sketch that is, right? They're just as likely to be a Y2-Whatever as they are to be a person." Once she was done, she let out another deep breath, trying to calm herself down. When the green-haired kid actively and bluntly excluded her from the group, she couldn't help but snort in amusement.

"That's so fuckin' petty, mate. I'm almost proud," she replied, Zarina's slight causing a smirk to stretch across her lips. She then raised her hands defensively, letting out one final huff. "Alright, if you three want to do this on your own, go right ahead. Sorry for making sure you weren't dead. Won't happen again." It was another lie, of course. As much as she didn't want it to be. Even devoid of her memories, there was some instinct hidden in her cloudy head to protect the kid. She raised her hand in a lazy parting wave as she stepped away, but her relaxed posture suddenly tensed up as she heard a distant, all too recognizable voice calling for help in the distance. Vinnie. Cal tossed what remained of her cigarette onto the ground, stomping on it as she sped down the catwalk. Unfortunately, due to the physical activity her body had already endured in recent times, combined with her general lack of physical fitness, she wasn't making very good time, being almost breathless as she ran.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Kirah
Avatar of Kirah

Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: +7:15 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Water Processing Room

Luke reached out and grabbed at Y's shirt, he was able to stabilize Vinnie holding them up, but he couldn't pull them up any more than Vinnie could, but at least Vinnie wasn't going to topple over the railing after Noah. Luke's face paled as he saw Noah. It was clear there was no surviving the fall. Luke had liked Noah well enough. The guy had been quiet but kind.

He turned his eyes to Tessa who looked like a deer in the headlights. She stepped forward gathering her wits and pulled at Y92-6. Between the three of them they got Y92-6 to safety. "Thanks." Luke sighed. He still felt like he wanted to vomit. "Don't look down there. Not pretty." He gestured vaguely down where Noah had fallen.

Y92-6 knelt on the catwalk. They stared down at their hands. "I'm sorry. I didn't know he would do that. I tried...I tried to stop him." Y92-6 looked back up at the group, their vision stopping on Vinnie. "I'll try to help. I don't want you all to die. Not like that. Not like my people. You have to do something though. There is a limiter on me. It keeps me from doing things contrary to the programming. If you remove it, I can help you."

Sector Two Group Containment - Atrium

The fight in the cafeteria seemed to be escalating. Someone was screaming. It was unclear from the screams if they were injured or injuring someone. Through the screams, a male voice could be heard "You bastard you will burn in hell for that. I will kill all of you."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 21 min ago

Sophia Harris

Location: Sector Two Group Containment (pipes) -> Sector 2 Atrium
Skills: N/A

"Just go and tell the others that we found another group of people." Sophia called out to Cal seeing her turning around and heading back out of the pipe letting out a slight sigh and shook her head slightly. "Sorry about her." Sophia said towards Zarina as Raynor went and started to kick out the grate and quickly started to climb out of it as well. Stretching slightly looking between Raynor and Lana the two seemed to have some kind of history by the looks of it. "I'm Sophia Harris, like all of us we had some sort of amnesia which will wear off." Sophia said looking at Raynor hoping that it would at least reassure him.

Sophia tensed up slightly hearing the fighting going on over in the other room, she didnt really like the idea of getting involved or anything like that. She turned to look over at Lana for a moment, wondering how many people in that group who would be really dangerous. "Is it the one guy in the other room that is dangerous right now?" Sophia asked
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Location: Catwalk
Skills: N/A
Vinnie choked back a bit of vomit coming up as she saw Noah's lifeless body on the ground. For once, her hyperactive brain didn't have issues focusing. She couldn't stop looking at him, not until Tessa and Luke had helped her pull Y2K up to safety and she could force herself to turn around. But even then, the image was burned into her mind. She couldn't forget the battered mess that had once been a living and breathing person. She looked at Y2K. If they let Y2K die, then Noah would have died for no reason at all. If they let Y2K live and they all died, then Noah's sacrifice similarly would have been wasted. He threw his life away.

"H-how do we get to the limiter thingy?" Vinnie asked quietly. Unlike her normal onslaught of words with fifteen different tangents, she was quiet and straight to the point with her speech. Her hands were shaking ever so slightly and she looked a bit pale, likely due to the shock of witnessing death first hand. It was different than what had happened with the alien zombie robot person. She hadn't even known Noah that well, but she was incredibly shaken.

Raynor nodded at Zarina, as the full weight of his memories came rushing back to him. He had never expected to see Lana again and with her in front of him, his life felt complete. He felt like a dazed kid at Yule, in awe of everything beautiful in the world - definitely not the macho persona he had carefully crafted for himself. "We were best friends as kids - I'm Raynor Baldursen. And you're Lana Sparks... I thought you had... Well, I thought you had gone to Valhalla." Unlike earlier, when his words had exuded confidence, he now seemed more timid and uncertain. He snapped out of it though once he heard the commotion and Raynor drew his knife, the one token he had found in his room. "Let's get you out of here, before a bloodbath starts," he said to Lana.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Sector Two - Atrium
Skills: N/A

"What are you sorry for? You can't control the idiot who won't listen to a damn thing anyone says or anyone's wishes or whatever, she's just someone who probably doesn't care about anyone but herself, seemed like that when I knew her," Zari said towards Sophia with a bit of a shrug. She wanted nothing to do with Cal, and the fact that Cal didn't seem to respect that and had seemed hell bent on following her around said a lot about her as a person entirely. Though she was definitely glad that Cal seemed to be going back to where the others were and far away from her.

"I mean glad to know I'm not the only one, but who knows? Though thinking that there has got to be a reason for it right? There has to be a reason why whoever stuck us here took them away, for all I know it could be a good thing," she responded to Sophia's comment about her memory. Sparky was a bit weirded out by the fact that Raynor seemed to know more about her then she did, and she had no idea who he was still. Her memories weren't exactly popping back up at the moment, so she was insanely creeped out by his words regarding supposedly being her friend. "Riiiiiiiight," she said towards him.

Zari glanced towards the doorway due to the very loud commotion that seemed to be coming from the galley area. "...Uh, did you wake up in an area or whatever with a psychopath? Cause it sounds like someone over there is a bit of a crazy person..." she asked, clearly more then a bit concerned by the sounds that she was hearing. It actually was a little freaky to her, to hear that sort of thing, in an area where she felt like they might try to kill them. She really didn't want to find out what was going on over there, since she was concerned that it might end with one of them dead.

"Eh, pretty sure that is the only one causing problems, not anyone else, I mean one person was a robot and all, but pretty sure it was just one when I left the area," Sparky said, before she looked at Raynor again, and it looked like she was getting annoyed with him. "Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do? I can handle myself thank you very much and don't need you telling me what I need to do or whatever!" she snapped at him, before as if to prove a point, she instantly headed out of the Atrium and headed towards the Galley to see what was going on.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Location: Water Processing Room/Catwalk

"What happened?!" Cal managed to wheeze out between her panting breaths. She'd done her best running to get to the others, but she wasn't what one would call an Olympic-level athlete. She wasn't able to get there as fast as she would have liked to, and when she did, she had to take a minute to lean on her knees and catch her breath. After a moment or two, though, she lifted her head up, getting a better look at the group who appeared to be pulling Y2K away from the railing. Cal curiously stepped up to it, peering over the edge. There, at the bottom of a long drop, she could see a broken body.

"Fuck! Is that-" Cal began, but she didn't have to finish her question. She new who it was: Noah. He'd been there when she'd gone, and was gone when she came back. It was the only logical explanation. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, pushing herself away from the railing as she went back to taking deep breaths. She could feel herself getting sick to her stomach, but she was too focused on keeping hostile memories from re-emerging to pay it any mind. "...How are we going to give a funeral to a man we barely knew?" she asked herself, trying to piece together how they were going to honor their newly passed aquantance. He was the first person in their little posse to die. Even though Cal didn't know him all that well, it was still hit her hard. She was too distracted by the knowledge of this tragedy that she didn't seem to be paying too close of attention to the conversation happening between the others.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: +7:30 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Water Processing Room
Skill: N/A

Tessa was doing her level best to follow Luke's recommendation and not look down where Noah's broken body was. She looked at Cal confused. "Not sure how we are going to give him a funeral. What do we even know about him? I don't remember his last name even. I remember he said something about an older brother who was dead." She felt bad about it. She wished she had paid closer attention and had learned enough to make a worthwhile eulogy.

"It is inside me. Right here." Y92-6 said and tapped the nape of their neck. "It'll have to be cut open and removed. If you're not careful though it can sever a cable there and kill me instantly."

Sector Two Group Containment - Atrium/Galley

Upon entering the Galley Lana would find a blood bath. The girl who had been a robot's throat had been cut. She was on the floor - unmoving. Green 'blood' pooled around her. One of the guys had been stabbed in the gut and was leaning against a wall. He was trying to hold his stomach, but blood was still leaking from between his fingers. Another of the men was already dead too, blood pooled around him. Several Roombas had come out of the wall and were trying to clean up all the blood, but it seemed to only be spreading it. The Roombas almost made it comical.

The rest of the group were backing away terror in their eyes.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 21 min ago

Sophia Harris

Location: Sector Two Atrium -> Galley
Skills: construction, engineering, and first aide

Sophia could hear the chaos going on in the next room, as she watched Lana going off towards the Galley while looking at Raynor and Zarina. "She seems to be a stubborn one, i'm going to go and help her. One of you guys if you can go and get the others, we may need help." Sophia said, and quickly started to make her way towards the galley and paused for a moment as she watched the chaos right then and there. Seeing two bodies on the ground, one was obviously human with the red blood while the other was pretty much a robot seeing the green blood.

She didnt really care if the stabby person was going to attack her or not, Sophia saw one of the guys injuries wasnt looking good at all and quickly ran over towards the replicator thing. Sophia went over through the options, using the skills that she knew and managed to make a few bandages though it was pretty difficult to do. She quickly ran over towards the guy looking over at him, trying to give him a smile to try and reassure him. "Hey, i'm Sophia let me just help you out alright?" She said as she removed the hand seeing the blood, and started to patch him up, the guy looked really pale from the blood loss. "He's going to need a blood transfusion, I have no idea how to do that.." She said mostly to herself.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Location: Catwalk
Skills: N/A
"We don't even know what religion he is... Like, would he want to be cremated or buried? I guess that doesn't matter since... I don't think we can retrieve his body. Maybe... maybe we should just hold hands and make a flower arrangement or something with the vending machine, that might be nice?" Vinnie mumbled. She couldn't remember Noah's last name either. She couldn't remember his face before he had fallen anymore, every image of him just reducing to the battered corpse at the very bottom. She blinked, wiping away a few tears that had fallen. To honor Noah, they had to escape from here.

"...Manny, you've got a knife, can you get the thingymabob out of Y2K? Greenie isn't around and I don't think I'm qualified to do it," Vinnie asked. She didn't want to accidentally kill Y2K, then all of this would have been for nothing. Noah would have died for nothing. They would all end up dead or enslaved or something worse. Maybe Noah had made the right call, jumping down there. If they survived all of this... what would they find on Earth? What would they have to go home to?
Raynor's eye twitched as Sparky yelled at him, going on off to make an incredibly stupid decision. He supposed that he should have expected her to be stubborn, but suicidal and reckless? This was the sort of behavior that was probably behind her disappearance in the first place! He hurried off with Sophia, making his way to the sector two galley. Entering the galley, he quickly looked around for any hostiles. There was one deceased robot, several people cowering in fear, and then a madman with a knife. He didn't hesitate as he dashed forward to disarm him, his movements almost flawless. He slashed the knife man's throat with his blade, killing him. It was only after his body dropped that Raynor felt the screaming pain in his arm, as blood gushed from his artery. The madman must have slashed him before he went down.
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