Location: Some weird room -> More Pipes!
Skills: Hacking, Computer Systems
Zari wasn't too sure about this entire situation as more people were joining them somewhat, and the alien person sounded like they were wanting the group to kill them. That was not something that she wanted anything to do with, and she glanced at the device as the alien decided to mention that they could potentially switch the language into English and not the weird not English alien language. "...Think you could help me out a little bit here and help me switch it into English please?" Zari asked as she moved over slightly and held the device out to them. Y92-6 switched one thing into English for her, the icon labeled as settings and from there she managed to figure it out for the most part.
"...Whoa," she said as she saw all of the information pop up in English, and she flipped through before she eventually found a map. "I'm going to follow this map, see ya," she said simply as she headed towards a different set of pipes, shutting the water off as she went, before climbing into them. She was heading towards another part of the area that appeared to almost exactly mirror the part of the area that they had started in. Eventually, she found herself at what looked like the Atrium that they had started in, but she knew that it had to be the other one. Of course she had the slight problem of the grate, since it was exactly like they had initially opened up. It meant that it could only be opened up from the other side unfortunately. "Helloooooooooo?" she sort of called out before she slipped slightly and fell a little bit, and she did seem to notice that there weren't really anyone in the room, so that was fun. She was really starting to hope that there actually were other people in the area and that they could help her out and remove the grate.