Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Christina laughed at having caught Tom off-guard, giving him a bright smile as she piloted Seraph's helicopter through the Kingsdale sky."Smart. I think you have them fooled," she said, tilting the yaw and causing the helicopter to dodge out of the path of a weather balloon, before looking over to Tom again. "I graduated from Hahn with a degree in drama, actually. I was going to be an actress...then stuff happened," she said vaguely. "But I'm pretty good at acting, and I've been trained by Mossad in undercover operations, so I know a few things. I guess that's kind of my superpower, in a way." She smirked. "It also helps that the Wings are a bunch of dumb donkeys...that's really an insult to donkeys, though, if you catch my drift," she added, slowing the helicopter down significantly and lowering it down a couple clicks. The white-and-gold helicopter hovered midair in the sky, and Christina turned to face Tom.

"Powers is OK, but he's out of commission for a hot second. Wings poisoned his coffee with isolene, then they ambushed him in his office. Powers put up a fight, gave Mr. Impressive a nasty bruise on the eye, but they managed to get the upper hand." Christina scoffed. "A bunch of cowards. Anyway, he took a nasty fall...he's alive, thankfully, but he's not going to be fighting the Wings for the moment. We're moving him around the city, not letting him stay in one place." Christina paused, considering whether or not to speak more on the subject, before relenting with a small sigh. "Seraph is working with Zero. It works well...if Zero can get rid of HERO and bring in a new agency that's loyal to them, then that's a big win for them, gives them more leeway to execute whatever plans they have. ICOSA doesn't know, obviously, and they're slow as usual. It'll take at least a week for them to organize and make a decision on EAGLES, and odds are after that they'll just give Seraph a slap on the wrist before giving him the keys." She paused. "And if that happens, we're screwed. So we'll have to change that."

Christina moved the helicopter forwards again, slowly hovering through the wealthy districts of Kingsdale. "Anyway, here's the plan. First, we pick up Starbright. If we don't, the Wings will send two people a lot more sympathetic to them, and I for one plan on milking this disguise for as long as possible. Second, we make a trip to HERO One. This is classified intel, but we have a big vault underground with a bunch of technology, including some tech we have prepared as a countermeasure in case any of you guys decide to go rogue. We'll pick that stuff up; it'll give us a nice edge. Then we take the fight to them." Christina landed the helicopter deftly on the roof of Starbright's mansion. She reached into her shirt and pulled out two devices- a large black gun about the size of a sawed-off shotgun with a black hook protruding from the barrel, and what appeared to be a long black wand with a glowing red tip. She looked over to Tom. "Tom, your face," she said with an eyeroll, putting down the laser pen and picking up a tissue, rubbing at his face intensely. "Holy shit, it's like Priestess has some permanent marker goo in her lipstick, it's not coming off...well, worse comes to worse, I'm sure you two would make a fine pair. Kidding, of course. Stay here." Christina knelt down, putting the laser pen against the ceiling, and she carved out a person-sized circle on the roof. Once she completed the circle, the section of the roof promptly fell in, leaving a clean hole. Christina then hopped in herself, landing inside Starbright's lounge directly next to the couch.

"Nice view," she quipped, looking around, before quickly and very professionally moving towards Starbright. In a split second she had grabbed him by the shirt collar, hauling him over towards her, and simultaneously aiming her weapon upwards, sending the length of wire spiraling upwards and hooking onto one of the rotor blades of the helicopter. Christina (and Starbright) were then sent launched upwards rapidly, pulled out through the hole Christina made and briskly pulled up to the roof once again. Christina then promptly and quite effortlessly chucked Starbright into the bay of the helicopter. "This is for your own safety!" she called before turning back to Tom. "Let's go," she said, hopping into the helicopter and, before Starbright could try to escape, took off, hovering into the air.

"Shit, it's starting to drizzle...Tom, could you be a dear and explain to Starbright what's going on while I focus on flying this piece of crap? Jesus, you would think a millionaire would be able to afford a better helicopter than this..." Christina muttered as she flew the helicopter through the rain. "By the way, Tom, lipstick mark is still there."


Meanwhile at Target, Nero was down and out in less than a second. The transformation was almost uncanny. One second he was winding up with a merciless blow, and then as soon as Jamie had barely touched him with his powers he had been thrown across a few checkout counters, screaming like a baby. "ARRRRRRRGH!" Nero yelled, sobbing hysterically into his helmet as he tried to crawl away from Jamie, though with little success. He looked around for some type of back-up but found that his ally, trusty old Dungeon Troll, was lying in a quivering ball on the other side of Target. Not exactly much help there. Nero tried to continue his escape but found there wasn't anywhere else to crawl, so instead he continued his mental breakdown. "Pleaseeee don't kill meeeeee!" he moaned as he sobbed into the floor.

Meanwhile, out on the streets not too far away, Wire-Man suffered a much less painless fate as Joseph overloaded his wiry body, the electrical shock causing Wire-Man to shut down. The good news for Joseph was that his stunt was not enough to be fatal, and only caused Wire-Man to faint backwards into the road. The bad news was that the roads in Castleburg are very busy, and one particularly rowdy ice cream truck driver gassed right past, steaming right over Wire-Man and dragging him underneath his tires down the boulevard. A few screams echoed out as Wire-Man was violently hauled off by the ice cream truck, but he was made of wires, after all. He would be fine, right? Right.


Meanwhile at Polamor Inc, Snake Pit was really screwed this time. His powers didn't exactly work when he was sealed inside of some type of weird tar goop, and now Sir E. Brum was pointing a gun at him. A laser gun. Well, Snake Pit considered his contract with EAGLES totally void at this point. He was still technically a villain, after all, and villains betrayed people all the time, especially when their lives are at stake. And so Snake Pit decided to sing like a bird.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Ah, alright, man, listen, I don't know much about EAGLES, OK? They just pay me per job I do. I'll tell you everything I know, though, just please don't kill me! Listen, man, it's nothing personal, I own stock in your company and everything, you know, really love what you do, just don't kill me...alright, listen, Seraph told me that he needed you to break an encryption for him. He said that Hugo Powers locked all of HERO One down before he died, put the entire building under lock and key, and that Seraph can't access any of the files...Seraph thought you might have the access codes or something, that's why he wants you! Listen, man, that's all I know, I swear, he just wants to use HERO One but he can't, he's stuck working out of that stupid prison island that looks like a fucking castle, Elspore Island or something...that's everything, though, I swear! Please don't kill me, I have a wife and children and everything! Actually, that's a lie, I don't have either of those, but I have two dogs! You wouldn't kill a dog lover, right?" Snake Pit gave Rumi his best puppy-dog eyes as he pleaded for his life.


Grace's first impression of Pandora wasn't too positive too far, but if she had been in Pandora's shoes, her reception would have probably been similar. Trying to keep her emotions in check, she simply stood there as Pandora wordlessly listened to their plight. She was about to speak again, to propose some sort of plan, but the words ducked back into her throat as she heard a knock at the door, followed by the voice of...a police officer? That was bad. Very bad. Grace nodded at Pandora as the woman commanded her to go upstairs, before going to attend to the officer at the door. Grace didn't need to be told twice, scuttling quietly to the stairs and rushing up into Pandora's little apartment above the flower shop.

Once they were safely removed from the flower shop, Grace closed the door, took a couple deep breaths, and then turned to Patricia, her voice snappish but quiet. "Give me your laptop," Grace commanded, gesturing towards Patricia's backpack with her hand. She took Patricia's laptop, sitting down on Pandora's carpet while opening the laptop. "Purple galaxy? Seriously, Patricia, it's like your begging to look like an angsty teenager," Grace scoffed as she connected to a nearby Starbucks. She was not planning on asking Pandora for her Wi-Fi password. She then navigated to the HERO website. "They haven't touched HERO's website yet...and I haven't seen anything about EAGLES yet. Any official page, at least," Grace noted as she continued to type rapidly. "Nope, not a damn search. Either Seraph has doesn't have editing privilege to HERO's website, which is weird considering Powers is probably dead, or his IT is just awful," she commented quietly, as she continued to search.

Grace dug around the Internet for a hot minute before stumbling across Seraph's personal website. "Ugh, this hurts to look at," Grace muttered with clenched teeth as she scrolled down the page, looking for anything, but again, she found no results. She backed out of the page and was about to call it quits when she was a news article in her recommended bar. She clicked on it, pulling up a large picture of a castle. Grace read the article at a blistering speed, her features growing into a smile as she walked over to Patricia, practically shoving the laptop into her hands.

"Here!" she declared triumphantly, pointing at the news article from CCN. "Look here, this article says that Seraph used to own a private prison called Hawthorn on Elmore Island, just north of Kingsdale...it got contracted out to Coldwater and was used for a few years, but Seraph abruptly ceased operations just after he got his ass fired...but he never sold the land. Which means that Seraph basically owns an empty island. Or maybe not-so-empty." Grace smiled triumphantly. "Of course, we shouldn't rule out HERO One from consideration. It has much better security than some dinky castle that Seraph owns. We should probably split up, maybe scout them both out, and report back, but it might be dangerous to do that...especially now that Seraph probably knows more about my powers, thanks to..."

Grace trailed off, standing abruptly. "Sorry, bathroom," she said a little too quickly, her words coming out choked as she hurried towards Pandora's bathroom, swinging the door shut. Those that paid attention could hear quiet but despondent sobs from behind the bathroom door, which showed no sign of stopping anytime soon.

@Duoya @Zoey Boey @canaryrose @Amethyst

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Chad flinched when he heard the knocking at the front of the store, and began to nervously sweat in his suit when he heard the person responsible for the knock. He didn't recognize the person, but what they were saying made Chad realize the severity of the situation - Aria and her friends were in pretty big trouble if the SWAT were after them! Then again, it'd make sense - they'd at least need a SWAT team to take down a rogue Hero, if no one else was powered. Then again, considering the guy gave a code name, he probably had a superpower as well-

"Go upstairs. Now."

That was probably a good idea - it would really suck for Aria and Bypass to get arrested by the cops right off the bat. Plus Chad could offer backup in case the cop got wanted to explore-

Pandora pointed at Chad without looking. "You too."

Chad nodded briefly to himself. That could work too - just, uh, wait by the stairs or something in case he started going up? A bit more incriminating, but hey, Chad had already said he wanted to help in any way he could. Chad turned and started walking towards the door leading upstairs, allowing the fugitives to enter first.

Chad closed the door behind him, eliciting a quiet thud. He deliberated on waiting right behind the door and listening in on the conversation, just in case Pandora needed backup - he quickly dismissed the idea, however. Pandora turned his IDD into a rock and could probably do the same thing to most other objects. Chad thumbed his pocket, thankful that the woman hadn't bejeweled his phone as well.

Besides, if the EAGLE Scout was really too much for Pandora to handle, she could just swim away in the ground. Chad nodded to himself, gently stepping up the wooden staircase and trying to avoid any creaks. As he reached the top of the stairs, he could barely make out the sounds of conversation the floor below - they'd probably want to be quiet if they wanted to hide.

Turning to Aria and Bypass, Chad noticed that they were messing around on a laptop. Chad sighed in relief at the sight of the electronic - looks like the only real problem when it came to tracking them was the IDD, so he wouldn't have to worry about buying a new phone again.

"Nope, not a damn search. Either Seraph has doesn't have editing privilege to HERO's website, which is weird considering Powers is probably dead, or his IT is just awful,"

Chad pulled out his phone, looking up HERO's official website. As she said, the website was untouched - Chad was very familiar with the layout, and they didn't even remove Powers from the website. Chad continued scrolling on his phone, moving onto reading Powers Wikipedia page after he couldn't find anything from the HERO website. He couldn't find anything that might hint to the director's whereabouts, and he frowned beneath his mask.


Chad turned to the pair again, this time seeing Aria holding the laptop. Chad walked over to them, attempting to get a better view of the screen. Chad quickly read what was displayed on the screen while Bypass talked, focusing completely on her words when he finished reading and realized he wouldn't be able to scroll down without taking the laptop. Chad had watched several of the shows that Serpah appeared on regularly, and he had never heard the man talk about owning a Prison Island. Chad bit his lip - god, it was a little hard to hate Seraph when he had a badass prison island.

"I can-"

Chad began speaking, attempting to offer his help when Bypass had suddenly gotten up and made her way to the bathroom. When he started hearing sobs, Chad had to ball his hand into a fist and bite his tongue. He had nearly asked what was wrong again - he was lucky they ignored or didn't hear him the first time, but now that Bypass was sobbing in the bathroom, Chad felt the worst thing was for a total stranger to try and comfort her. If she needed help, Aria would be much better suited for that - they actually knew each other, and it would probably be much easier to sympathize since they were both falsely accused.

Chad turned to Aria and spoke softly, not wanting to be heard from downstairs.

"If you need someone to help scout, I don't mind - I'm pretty fast, y'know?"

Chad paused, before speaking again, more rushed

"I-I have super speed, you probably don't know, my power is super speed."

Chad had to stop himself from continuing. God this was really awkward with someone crying in the bathroom... Chad started inching his way back to the stairs, deciding to wait near the top in case Pandora needed help or the Cop heard Bypass crying. Or, at least he would tell anyone who asked that - the real reason was that he wanted an excuse to exit the conversation before he made more of an ass out of himself.

It was times like this Chad wished he was running. It was a lot less complicated to weave between streets and sidewalks than it was to navigate conversations. He pulled out his phone again, looking up Elmore Island on his GPS. It was significantly smaller than Savior Island, was further away, and was probably a lot harder to get onto... But god, what was cooler than a Prison Island?

A Secret Lair.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Patricia didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as Pandora uttered the words, the girl skittered to the door and up the stairs. She was the first to make into the house above and held the door open for everyone else, waiting until everybody was inside before closing it. Still trembling and blinking tears out of her eyes, she observed the room, focusing on the new environment to calm her down.

It was… kooky. That was the first word that came to Patricia’s mind. Although Pandora appeared to be around Christina’s age, her home reminded her of Patrica’s grandma’s- without the old person smell, of course. Patricia paced around the room under the guise of exploration, running her hands along the walls. Everything here seemed… old. The carpets seemed as if they were from another century, and, when Patricia paused in the kitchen, she noticed that it was empty. There was no microwave, no dishes piled up, no dishwasher running. Pandora was one odd person. Remembering the cake in her hands, she swung open the refrigerator and put it in. She blinked as soon as she noticed it, surprised- there was nothing in the fridge. No food, no drinks, no nothing.

Patricia shook off the skeeved-out feeling she had and headed back into the living room. She sat down on the rug against the couch, setting her bag down. When Grace came up to her, asking for her laptop, she nodded silently and unzipped the bag for her. The news played on in the background of her thoughts, making her despondency rise by the second. Finally, while Grace was still unlocking her laptop, she found the remote and pressed mute. She didn’t want to watch that shit anyways.

“HE-” she began to protest, loudly, before realizing that she needed to be quiet, goddamnit and clapped a hand over her mouth. “Hey!” she whispered this time. “Am not.” She shoved Grace and then peered over her shoulder, watching her browse the Internet.

Nodding along when Grace spoke, Patricia itched for her phone to browse through. She wanted to talk to her mom, or somebody else that could help. “Mmm,” she responded to Grace’s plan. “I don’t know. Maybe we should-” but before Patricia knew it, Grace was gone, heading to the “bathroom”. Patricia just sighed. Wasn’t she the one who was supposed to be upset?

When Chad spoke, Patricia glanced up to him, eyes flicking to his face. “Who are you again?” she asked, a tired expression on her face. He looked familiar, but… she couldn’t place him. Then, realizing that what she’d just said might put him off protecting them, she hurriedly added, “O-oh. Sorry. Long day, you know?” She laughed insincerely. “Y-you look familiar. ...Chase, maybe? Anyways, Chase… it’s… don’t bother. Doesn’t matter anymore. I’m gonna go see if Grace is puking up her guts or just crying. You can browse around on my laptop if you want, I don’t mind. But if I catch you snooping, I will end you.”

With that, Patricia headed to the bathroom, bursting in without knocking. She wasn’t expecting Grace to be naked anyways. Just like she had been expecting, Grace was on the floor, sobbing her eyes out. Patricia sighed, and plopped onto the floor along with her. In a very much not Patricia-like move, she wrapped her friend-one of the only people she could trust- in a massive hug.

Patricia sniffled, barely holding back tears herself. “Maybe we should leave the city,” she proposed, voice cracking. “We can hide out somewhere in- in Chainstown, or something, until this whole thing blows over and everything is fine and normal again. I couldn’t- I can’t go to Coldwater, Grace. I can’t. And I know, like, Tom betrayed us and everything-” she sniffled again, “but I know you’ll always be on my side. That makes you better than him.” She spat the word out with contempt, and then buried her face into Grace’s arm, trying not to cry again.

Jamie scowled at Nero, stalking forward to his broken body. She stood over him for a moment, examining. For a moment, she had thought she would need some bungee cord to tie him up, but it seemed that she had broken a little more leg than she had intended. Glancing over to the troll dude, it seemed that he was the same way as well. Shrugging, Jamie grabbed the plastic Target bag from her cart. “Don’t worry,” she reassured Nero, “I’m not going to kill you. At least, not today.” She smiled wolfishly at him. “Stay out of me and my friends’ ways and it’ll stay that way. Okay? Okay! Bye!” With that, Jamie walked off, heading out the doors and back to her car. She popped the groceries into the passenger seat as she got into the driver’s seat, turned the ignition on, and drove.

She drove aimlessly for a bit, not sure where to go. Obviously, even to Jamie, her house was out of the equation. They would be looking there, especially now that she had defeated the first reinforcements. She needed somewhere safe to go. Her first thought, as it always was, was her parents’ house- but she ruled that one out as quickly as it came. They hadn’t wanted to see her in six years- why would that start when she became a fugitive? HERO One, of course, but HERO was apparently done for. The idea was shocking, but she had faith that it would come back. Maybe… she was friends with some of the Destiny Knights. They might let her crash for a few.

Then, as she was thinking, Jamie saw something on the side of the road that surprised her. Her mouth formed a little ‘o’, and she slammed on the brakes and parked messily, scrambling out of the car.

“Joseph?! Oh, thank God! These two dudes attacked me at Target…” Jamie went over to him and started yammering on about Nero and Dungeon Troll. “Anyways, we should probably get out of here before somebody else finds us. Hop in. I got ice cream! It might melt soon, though…”

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

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Alien Angel

The pink monster then watched the hero she was told about. Before arriving at Castleburg, one of her "Infinite" team members had given her a general rundown on some of the hero's from Hero One to keep an eye out for. Not just Patricia. But as she watched her take down the Roman-looking villain with some earth-based shock wave, she instantly knew she was looking at the one called Quake.

Then again, who didn't know about a S Class Hero with a destructive power as hers. She remembered her having a low I.Q. number now that she remembered but the way she handled that fight was professional...she had half expected her to bring down the whole store around them.

But then again, the way that she ignored the "pink monster" in the room and just left like nothing happened...

"...few french fries short of a happy meal that one", the monster said.

Seeing that the villain was obviously not going anywhere and his Ogre scared out of it's own mind, the "Infinite" vigilante member, Alien Angel flew out through the hole in the way the Ogre made and began following the Hero One member Quake from the air. After some time, she saw her car suddenly stop.

Alien Angel then took note of the person in the middle of the street with another one with...some whips? Probably another villain. The chaos that Seraph's televised announcement made did look like it was drawing out more than just EAGLES members.

Floating down behind Quake, she tried again at an intro.

"...ok again, why hello there!...are you by any chance Quake from Hero One?", she asked but slightly annoyed tone.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Immediately Pandora could tell he knew at least something of her past. Usually coppers didn't stand at attention when interviewing potential suspects. She had sneered slightly, slightly repulsed by a display so many had done to her in the past and she had done to so many others. If only because Christina had most likely been the one to tell. Or at the very least, HERO. And Christina worked for HERO, and Christina was awful so...this was probably Christina's fault. It didn't really matter.

I thought I would have been able to keep my secret for at least a little bit...I suppose a few decades isn't so bad, relatively speaking. Has it really been a few decades already?

Pandora nodded along, trying to act cordial and respectful. "Right. Yes, I had been. But it looks like I'm going to be with EAGLES now, hmm?" She shrugged haplessly. "I haven't seen anything suspicious. If I do though, I'll-" The florist paused, narrowing her eyes.

Pandora then knew something was up when he saw a "glow" of sorts around the sides of the cop's...ears? He looked up slightly...then back at her...

"...she's crying...", he monotoned.

Pandora shook her head, furrowing her lips. "No," she said simply, formulating another lie. "No, that's..." She trailed off. After a moment she paused, leaning back into her flowershop. Then she stuck her ear into the wall, using it to hear the above floor slightly better. She retracted and """"smiled"""" at Alpha, squinting her eyes and scrunching her nose.

"So she is. Why don't you come in? I'll put on a spot of tea." Pandora said, her voice dripping with bitter sarcasm. She opened the door to let the officer inside and then closed it lightly behind him.

So, he's probably not with EAGLES, then. He would probably have played it smoother had he actually detected the dumbass upstairs. No doubt an arrest order would have already been given. I suppose we'll all have to take the risk on this one.

Pandora walked into the middle of the flower ship, her hands on her hips. At this point, the polite florist act had faded completely. With an annoyed look on her face, she glanced toward the ceiling and looked as if she was about to shout something, but decided against it. She looked towards Alpha and opened her mouth to say something, before she decided against deciding against it.

"Really! Crying!? Fuck's sake!" She shouted, her voice easily carrying to the folks on the second floor. Then she glanced towards Alpha. "Alright, cop. What do you want?" She said, raising one eyebrow and giving him a hard look.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Grace held her sobs in as Patricia came into the bathroom to comfort her. Her ceaseless tears were replaced by heavy, distressed heaps of air as Patricia, much to Grace's surprise, gave her a big hug. This was not usual Patricia behavior; then again, this was not a usual time. She heard Patricia suggest, “Maybe we should leave the city...we can hide out somewhere in- in Chainstown, or something, until this whole thing blows over and everything is fine and normal again. I couldn’t- I can’t go to Coldwater, Grace. I can’t. And I know, like, Tom betrayed us and everything...” The words were like a punch to the gut for Grace, “but I know you’ll always be on my side. That makes you better than him.”

Grace felt Patricia's face lodge into her shoulder, and a wave of guilt washed over here like an ocean wave. This poor girl was wanted for a mass murder she didn't commit, and here Grace was crying over what? Some boy? Wiping her face again, she lifted herself off the ground, patting Patricia's back. "It's OK. It's OK," she said, giving her a gentle pat on the back. "Listen, Patti, if you want to go, that's your choice. I won't make you fight against your will," Grace said as calm as she could be. "But I...I have to stay here. Things aren't going to change, Patricia, you don't understand. ICOSA has wanted to get rid of HERO for a while. Seraph's coup is unorthodox, and he'll probably be fined or something, but EAGLES is here to stay unless somebody does something about it. And so long as EAGLES is in charge, you'll still be wanted, and they're going to hunt you until they find you, and they will find you," Grace said grimly. "Leaving now would just be giving up HERO, giving up on the city, giving up on Director Powers, giving up on yourself," she continued, her breath shaky but still holding onto conviction as she spoke.

She heard Pandora yell at them for crying from downstairs, and felt a pang of embarrassment, but continued on with her speech nonetheless. "If you want to leave...I'll get you out of here. One of my old teammates is Australian, and he's a good guy, he'll keep you safe and you can start a new life down under as an American transfer student. New name, new identity, new everything. If Eliza wants to go I'll take her out of here too. It's a long portal for sure, but if that's what you want I can do it." Grace wiped her eyes with her sleeve, though she wasn't crying anymore- she had found her stride now. "That's the only way you can escape for good, otherwise some overzealous hero will recognize you, and you'll be back here again. If that's your choice, it's your choice. But...I have no plan of running away. I'm going to bring that winged bastard and all his friends down...whatever it takes. And if you want to get everything back to normal, we're going to need everybody we can get," she said, looking Patricia dead in the eyes. "'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' Five hero organizations have that as their motto, for good reason. You're a hero, you make the change," Grace said firmly. "Being a hero isn't about the money, or the glamour, or the news coverage and media pampering, or about your hot new winged model girlfriend," Grace added pointedly."That's what Seraph and all his lowlife friends do it for. But that's not what it's really about. Being a real hero isn't about doing what's right when everybody loves you and the cameras are rolling. It's about doing the right thing all the time no matter what. The right thing right now, Patti, is to help me kill those bastards. OK, maybe not kill, but you know what I mean."

She took one last deep breath. "If you want to go, then this is the best time to say goodbye. I won't judge you. Promise." Grace waved her hand, opening a portal next to her. "But you have a commitment to HERO. A commitment to the Director...ex-Director...and that's not a commitment that can be easily broken." She looked at Patricia, a fierce fire in her eyes that was very rare in the young Korean girl, before adding, "and you know that I would die before I let them take you to Coldwater, Patti. No joke."

"Now, wipe your eyes and make your choice. Every second counts."

@Duoya @Zoey Boey @canaryrose @Amethyst @DarkRecon

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

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Waves of relief washed over Tom as Christina talked to him about how she fooled the wings so easily in part due to her drama degree. He briefly considered asking her what exactly that "other stuff" was, but concluded that it probably wasn't the time or the place for that kind of question, and Christina probably wouldn't answer the question anyway and instead scold him for asking it to her in the first place. "Fuck..." He shook his head. "Powers is never gonna drink coffee again after this..." He gasped at the mention of the name of Zero. "Damn, why the fuck are Zero getting involved in everything that goes down now?" He groaned, looking out of the helicopter window as they approached Starbright's mansion.

Tom looked over impressed as Christina retrieved the two complex looking devices, before touching the part of his face where Priestess had smooched him and realising the lipstick mark was still there. He panicked a little bit when Christina's efforts couldn't rid him of the offending lipstick, and he rubbed at it frantically himself while Christina went about her high-tech business and carved a nice sized hole in the top of Starbright's roof. After about a minute he assumed that it must have been gone by now, so looked at Christina more closely, before she simply hopped into the hole, leaving Tom on the roof to peer down into it.

The scene below didn't last very long - he heard a few muffled words before he watched Christina grab Starbright and pull him up, throwing him into the helicopter with ease. Tom quickly scrambled and got into the helicopter afterwards, before the vehicle swiftly took off. Considering all the fiascos that had happened recently, it was nice to finally have a mission that had gone successfully. He looked at Starbright, prepared to explain to him what was going on, then Christina told him the lipstick was still there. "Damn!" He shook his head, rubbing his face for another 20 seconds or so.

"So basically... Seraph has taken over HERO in a coup. Powers is alive, apparently, so don't worry about that... Me and Christina are going undercover in EAGLES to help take it down... And we were told to go and kill you by Seraph... And now we're gonna... Tom paused. "Christina, what are we doing now?"

@Hitman @Jumbus
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Patricia blinked, stunned. Grace’s offer was unexpected, and she didn’t know how to respond. She simply stared at the portal for a moment. Of course she wouldn’t leave Castleburg. It was her home. She had only suggested going to Chainstown because… well, she had been hoping it would all blow over. That everything would go back to normal soon, because, well, there were other heroes in the world- ICOSA would certainly fix it, bring Seraph to justice so that they wouldn’t have to. But Patricia was wrong. The entire world was against them, against her. There was no one to save them but her and her friends, and the possibility that they might be wrongfully imprisoned and never exonerated seemed to be… too high for comfort. But she could leave. There was an opportunity, right here, and it might be her only one- to say goodbye to Castleburg, to this nightmare, for good. She could walk free. She could become a new person, unburdened by the crimes of her father and her own power. The idea was tempting.

But Patricia couldn’t imagine living out the rest of her years without the people she loved. Without the job she loved. Without the city she loved. And her mom… Patricia’s heart broke to think of what would happen if she left. So it wasn’t even a choice.

Patricia wiped her teary eyes, as Grace had said, drew herself up, and spoke again. “You’re an idiot if you think I’m leaving now,” she told Grace, trying to sound as strong as possible. “I- I couldn’t go to Australia while you and everybody else are fighting those bastards. No way.” Patricia grasped Grace’s hand in hers, squeezing it. “I’m not about to leave all the people I love. My mom, my girlfr- I-I mean, Eliza, you, Brie… you’re all here. If I left, I’d never be able to see any of you again. I love you all too much to just- to just up and leave. I couldn’t give up hero work, either. I couldn’t stop using my power.”

“And you’re right, Grace. I did make a commitment. And maybe it wasn’t meant to last through a coup and being framed for mass murder, but I wasn’t planning on breaking it today. So close that damn portal, because I’m not leaving. I’m scared, yeah- terrified, really- but I’m no coward. You can count on me.”

Patricia’s eyes welled up with tears again, and she tackled Grace in a full-force hug. “Now let’s beat those bastards. Together.” Patricia held her there for a moment, squeezing the skinny girl hard. Then, she separated herself from her friend, and wiped her tears from her eyes. “Now, before we do anything else, we probably need to deal with that cop downstairs before he storms up here and arrests us. What should we do?” Patricia looked up at Grace, eyes still scared but with a determined glint in them.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Noticing the woman drop from his ceiling, he was initially shocked. But then he reverted to the regular Starbright playfulness. "Hey look you're on TV." Pointing toward the news story. "But if you were really a hero you would at least have the respect to kno..." He was interrupted as he was getting grabbed, immediately he put on an overblown act as if he was being hurt. This only stopped as the two were just above the ceiling, smiling smugly toward her. "How did you know I like it when women are pushy." He teased hoping to catch her off guard.

But as the star lay back in the bay of the helicopter, he listened to Tom explain what was happening. "So you put a hole in my roof and kidnapped me because you are on my side and want to help? I was joking at first but next time please just knock." He gave of a short laugh before continuing. "Either way, this all worked out well enough. You see I watched a movie a few years ago called the Truman Show. I thought to myself, how could someone who looks so... average get a show like that. It just didn't make sense, so I had a camera system set up all around my house. With EAGLES coming to power, I decided to convert it into a security system and the footage of my 'kidnapping' should be released upon my disappearance or death."

"It should give me some good leeway with Seraph given your association with him and the footage's capability to take down EAGLES. So unless you two have a better plan, I'll be going with my own. You don't mind a bit of jail time do you? I'm sure HERO will be able to get you back out after the fact."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 39 min ago

Rumi's weapon never left its position the entire time Pit was spilling his guts about EAGLES' plans. Not much of it was very good news to him, but it was important information. Powers had locked down HERO One and he was targeted for potential access codes... Rumi was almost disappointed that EAGLES thought so little of him. Rumi had expected someone like Nero to come, as his metal manipulation power would've been a hassle to deal with. Instead, he got... Snake Pit. To send a single low ranking villain armed with so little against him at his home base was nothing short of folly. Still, Rumi had always kept a low rank for precisely such low evaluations from would-be enemies. It served its purpose here, and Rumi was reaping the benefits.

Once Pit was done, Rumi responded with, "Well that explains a lot." before shooting Pit in the face, knocking him out and leaving some minor burns on his face. Rumi retracted the nanobots around his head, giving him some fresh air again. Rumi looked to the side and saw that the group of reporters and heroes were still around. "Well don't just stand there. Anyone with fire or heat abilities, heat up the Tar. It'll crumble once it's dry enough. Anyone with damaged equipment can look through our wares, seeing if they can be repaired or replaced. Polamor employees will assist you in these matters," Rumi ordered. Turning to the employees who had been hiding during Pit's attack, Rumi added, "When Pit's free from the Tar, get him out of that suit of his. I want to examine the tech personally."

Pit was eventually dragged away by the heroes and Rumi took Pit's suit away in a cart, eager to see what secrets lay within it. He returned to his office, only to find Chris at the desk, sorting through paperwork. "I see you finished taking care of that mess outside, sir. Well done," Chris said absentmindedly as he kept working.

"I see you've been busy yourself, Chris. Keep it up," Rumi chuckled. "Anyway, how about a status update? There anything new?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Chris responded, turning the computer screen around to face Rumi. It was another news article, showing Tom's apparent betrayal, having joined EAGLES now. There was also something about a Priestess, but Rumi didn't particularly care about that. "Well that's certainly interesting. I wonder what's going through his mind."

"Also, I've tried to contact Firebird, but he hasn't answered my calls," Chris reported.

"Tsk, that idiot always answers. EAGLES probably got to him already," Rumi theorized. "Dammit." Rumi had found the tracking device in his own phone ages ago. He had decided not to tell the rest of the gang because he wanted to learn what the goal of the Wings of Law were, and hopefully even find a way to use it against their plans, but they had acted far more boldly than he had anticipated.

"I'm planning to contact Bypass next, but I'm a little swamped here," Chris said. "Would you like to do the honors?"

"No, if I know Grace, she's probably caught on to the tracking devices by now and ditched her phone," Rumi said. "No way of contacting her from here. I'll just do what I can and see what I can learn from this tech."

"As you wish, sir," Chris said, placing a hand into the scanner and opening the way into Rumi's underground workshop. After making his way inside, Rumi began to spread Pit's suit onto the table. "Initiate scan," Rumi commanded, and the table began to slowly scan the suit. Rumi could tell it was a little much for some noname villain like Snake Pit to obtain, and he wanted to be prepared for whoever was supplying tech like this to EAGLES.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

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Joseph ran. Even though he'd managed to deal with Wireman, with some fairly unintended and honestly kind of upsetting results, he couldn't quite manage to get his scooter working again. He had briefly considered trying to figure out how to jumpstart it, but he quickly realised that would take too much time. He had to move now.

And that led him to his current situation, running towards the Target Jamie had mentioned in the text and hoping she was ok. Of course, Joseph knew that at least in terms of raw power, Jamie was probably the member of their group who could handle an attack the easiest. However, so did the Win-... EAGLES. If they were smart, they would've sent a good chunk of their forces after her, and while Seraph had many, many flaws, Joseph at least had to admit that intelligence wasn't really one of them.

How far was it now? It must've been a little over five minutes that he'd been running... Maybe around ten minutes? If he sprinted, that would probably be possible. If he did though, he might end up too tired to actually help out in the battle. But if he didn't, he might end up getting there too late, which he refused to let happen. Maybe... maybe he'd just have to apply some runes directly to his own body if he really didn't have any energy left by the time he arrived. He would just have to try and ignore the backlash until later, when they were all safe. With that in mind, he pushed himself to run just that little bit harder and faster. He had to be faste-

And then he heard the sound of screeching tires, as a familiar car skidded over to the side of the road.

"Jamie!" Joseph shouted, all but sprinting over to her. "You're... You're completely fine!"

His shoulders sagged in relief as he let out a breath he had only vaguely been aware he'd been holding.

"Thank god..." He sighed, before blinking in confusion as she explained the situation she'd been through. "They only sent two people after you? That's... really stupid..."

Almost too stupid... Joseph thought to himself, beginning to wonder just how much more there was to Seraph's plans. However, he was snapped out of his thoughts when Jamie made the probably wise suggestion to leave.

"Right." Joseph said with a nod. "The Hag said we could hide out there if we need to, and she could probably help us find the others too."

However, just before he could actually get in the car, he heard an annoyed voice call out to them, or at least, calling out to Jamie. Turning to look at the speaker, he had to hide his surprise at the vision of... whatever he was looking at. A pink woman? Probably? Not quite human, clearly, but he supposed that wasn't entirely unusual because, you know, superpowers. Still, considering the situation, this could still be a less than stellar situation.

"Heeeyyy... Person. Probably." He said slowly, almost unconsciously shifting to prepare for another fight. "Just to check, you aren't planning to try and turn us in to the Wi-... EAGLEs, are you?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

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Alpha / K Nine

K Nine knew they were here after that crying as well as Pandora's outburst towards them for crying. He also knew for certain that Pandora...didn't want to be involved perhaps...as he had thought earlier, she was just a worn out HERO who had seen more than one lifetimes of happiness and sadness.

For any Hero or even a soldier...sometimes the toughest battle of all...is when the battles are done. At least, that's what he learned from his parents and others growing up a training with. You have to know when to retire.

But for Pandora...her special circumstance made that choice rather difficult he surmised.

Another thing K Nine knew...his personality right now wasn't helping. But...making an effort to be friendly...would that even work here...

"...what I want...is to resolve this whole matter...there's an idiot out there right now...using terror tactic's to point fingers at a most likely innocent hero who's trying to prove that she's nothing like her family origins suggest...all because the idiot wants to be popular...what I want ma'am is cooperation..."

That's when, after sixteen years of keeping his feelings and emotions sealed and closed to himself...he briefly lost it in front of Pandora. Taking off his SWAT helmet and holding it in his right hand, it revealed the upper part of his face above the mouth with his orange hair and brown eyes showing determination while the lower part of his black colored hood covered his mouth.

"What I want, Ma'am, is your answer! 'Yes' if you want to help or 'No' if you don't! If not, then I have to at least get them out of your shop before another unwanted guest kicks in your front door!", he suddenly said in a slightly annoyed tone.

@Zoey Boey

Alien Angel

Seeing the unknown individual address her first, she actually waved.

The pink monster was wearing a pink t-shirt and matching color sweat pant along with a mini-backpack with the same color as well.

"Uh no. Try again...but then again, a lot of people think I'm trouble just by looking at me", she said.

But then she took a bow before introducing herself.

"I'm called Alien Angel. I'm a Vigilante working for the "Infinite" group...yeah I know you won't trust me but let's just say I'm here on bosses orders. That and even said boss got fed up with Seraph's ego trip he has going right now. So he sent me to protect anyone from Hero One as well as doing "recon" work", she explained.

But she then looked at Quake.

"Though I was having trouble finding anyone on Seraph's televised hit list because I showed up to the party rather late. Good thing I ran into you...by the way...did you have to blow that poor guy's leg's out? Yeash...now I see why Hero One usually has a large 'destruction of property' bills when you go all out", Alien Angel said to Quake.

@canaryrose @Rabidporcupine
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

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Pandora listened the officer speak dispassionately about the idiots in charge of EAGLES. Terror tactics and what not. Secretly it helped Pandora to know that other people thought what EAGLES was doing was wrong. She wasn't entirely filled in on the situation herself. Though she doubted that little girl with the cake was a mass murdering pyscho path. She had been wrong before. Infact, she had been wrong about just exactly that- a little girl with a cake did turn out to be a supervillain. Still that was only one time and- hold on, she was getting side tracked.

Suddenly, this monotone man came alive infront of her. Pandora narrowed her eyes and nodded along, pursing her lips. He seemed to be annoyed with her.

"Look-" Pandora cut herself off with a sigh and then pinched the bridge of her nose. "I am...I am helping, okay? I'm here to help. I'm helping! This insurgency is officially sponspored by my god damn flower pots. I'm here for it, all right?" She gestured broadly to her flower shop, seeming frustrated.

Frustrated at what? That you can't treat everyone around you like garbage and expect them to trust you?

Pandora glanced over at Alpha. "We're on the same side, then. If you had found us out, I'm sure your fellows would already be busting in here." Pandora spoke quietly, almost as if she was talking to herself instead of Alpha.

"Bypass? Aria? Bullet? This cops on our team. He's a traitor." She called up to them, looking at the ceiling as if she was searching for the soles of their shoes. She looked over at Alpha again and shrugged. "Nothin' wrong with a bit of treason, mate." She 'reassured' him that she wasn't insulting him. Pandora waited to see what would happen next, her hand on her countertop.

This is a mistake.

What, trusting the cop?

No. Getting involved.

Pandora didn't have a good answer for that. Or a good answer as to why she was thinking to herself like she was another person. Maybe it helped to have someone to talk too, after all, even if that person was yourself.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Grace smiled as Patti rejected her offer to get portaled off to Australia, before being enveloped inside a giant hug. She gave Patricia a few comforting pats on the back, both to signal her approval and tell her that she was squeezing way too damn hard. Regardless of being crushed slowly to death but Patricia's hug, Grace was still highly pleased. She was pretty sure that what she had said would be more than enough to not have Patricia leave, but these were uncertain times. "I'm glad," Grace wheezed out as Patricia crushed her ribs, before audibly gasping as Patricia let go (she was really out of shape). "You are one of the bravest people I've ever met," Grace mused as she nursed her ribs. "If I was in your shoes, I might've caved in already, really. I feel so sorry for you...but now isn't the time for a pity party, I guess," Grace quipped as she looked over towards the closed door that led to the stairs. "You're right, though, " she commented she gave a nod. "We should deal with that police officer. If we get the drop on him, I can suck him into a portal quickly, though if that doesn't work you could probably hypnotize him...odds are, he's equipped with some sort of contingency against you, though, so it'll be mostly me..."

As Grace thought up a plan for how to best incapacitate the police officer, she heard a pissed-off sounding voice that she remembered as belonging to Pandora's calling out to them again, saying "Bypass? Aria? Bullet? This cops on our team. He's a traitor." Grace looked down at the floor, as if she could see Pandora through it. "Well..." Grace began quietly. "Unexpected..." Her eyes laid focused on the ground. She didn't exactly trust Pandora, but the young(?) woman was a hero, as burned-out as she seemed to be, and she was would certainly have had reason to assume the mysterious officer was a traitor, or else she would've have publicly yelled it out. There was the possibility that Pandora was selling them out to save her own skin, and unlikely as it was, Grace was still aware of the possibility. She had been betrayed once already; another one seemed natural.

Regardless of her misgivings, Grace still opened a portal on the ground, giving a nod to Patricia before jumping through. She materialized on the other end as though she had fallen straight through the ceiling, landing gracefully on the ground next to Alpha. Stepping out of the way of the portal, she lifted her hand, purple energy sparking around her fingers as she pointed at Alpha threateningly, in case he tried anything. "What do you want?" Grace asked, a stern look on her face as she stayed locked-on to Alpha, ready to blast him in a moment's notice. The girl that had fallen through the ceiling was not the same one that had come into the shop, and while her makeup was messed up, the expression on Grace's face displayed a thousand times more confidence than it had before.

@Duoya @Zoey Boey @canaryrose @Amethyst @DarkRecon

"Just about. We're making a quick stop over to HERO One before we head over to have a lovely chat with Seraph. I have some new judo moves I've being dying to try out," Christina said ominously as she piloted the helicopter through the rainy weather. She tilted her head as Starbright spoke. "That's an old movie, you know...but interesting idea. I think you might be underestimating Seraph, though, he'll just have his lawyers strike the footage down under some bullshit law, and he'll probably pocket some money for libel on the way. But hopefully we can keep stirring the water. The more things are messed up for EAGLES, the better." she said, tapping her thumbs against the yaw as she piloted the helicopter. "Besides, I'm too cool to go to jail. Tom, on the other hand..." She snickered, but quickly regained her composure. "I did have a better plan, if I might say so myself. We get some gadgets and secure HERO One, then we head to their little castle and clobber the ever-loving shit out of them," Christina said as the helicopter flew towards HERO One, but instead of moving towards the heli-pad, shot right past it, instead going towards the coast of Passenger Island. "Anyway, I wouldn't say that we really needed your help, more that you needed ours. If we bailed on the mission, the Wings would've sent somebody much more devious that would probably have finished the job." Christina shrugged. "Would've been more work for Seraph to shelve, true, so that might've actually worked out in our favor, but probably not in yours, which means that you owe us. Luckily, part of my master plan could use somebody of your...special talents," Christina said after a moment of consideration. "So considering that we saved your ass, you should probably come with us out of honor. Plus, if you do survive, which is most likely, you'll be more famous than ever before. They'll make movies out of you. Well, they already do, but they'll make better movies about you. Here's the landing."

Christina pulled the yaw, bringing the helicopter down to the ground and landing it right by a small park bench and trash can that was facing HERO One. She stepped out of the helicopter, giving a longing glance to HERO One before looking back at the passengers. "This is highly confidential stuff I'm showing you, OK?" Christina asked, looking over at the two. "So don't blab about it to anybody you don't trust. I'm looking at you, Noah. If word of this gets to any publication, news source, anything, I will put you through a world of hurt. Ever tried starring in a movie with two black eyes and missing teeth? Make-up can't fix everything," Christina said darkly, before smiling again almost too suddenly. "Alright, follow me!"

Christina walked over to the trashcan, looking around as she did so. "Nobody here...the perfect spot. Nice treeline blocks off the view, and no path means no old people really use this place...Powers knows his stuff," Christina said admiringly, before coughing and speaking. "Samantha, this is Assistant Director Christina Lavender, here with heroes Spacewalker and Starbright, under my authority," she said, speaking to what seemed like the trashcan, and miraculously, the trashcan responded in a chirpy, light female voice. “Greetings, Assistant Director Lavender. The tunnel is ready to use.”

"Excellent," Christina said, and then she did something very strange. She stepped into the large trashcan, submerging herself about halfway into the can. "Follow me after. Don't worry, there's no trash in here," Christina explained, and then she suddenly vanished, like the trashcan had sucked her inside. She was gone in the blink of an eye.

Where Christina went was probably the single most exciting thrill ride in all of history. She had gone down a streamlined white tube that shot down and then across at rapid speeds, like some sort of extremely high-speed intense tube waterslide, zipping across parallel to the water at high speed for a longish period of time before rapidly dropping them into a chamber with a stretchy foam floor to cushion from the fall. Christina was leaning against the wall, smiling. "Fun, isn't it? Powers just wanted to have a walking tunnel, but I figured this was much more time-effective and much, much cooler," Christina briskly guided them into the hallway beyond the bouncy room. "Welcome to HERO's negative third floor. Advanced weapon storage," Christina said, guiding them into the hallway. "We have some gizmos we need to pick up quickly."

The -3 Floor of HERO was made of stark white walls and corridors. The walls were covered in all sorts of high-tech weaponry, including all manner of futuristic-looking pistols, rifles, machine guns, swords, shields, everything. Christina seemed mostly disinterested in these gadgets, though, only briefly stopping to snag a silenced pistol off the wall and holstered it on her waist. "Nice gun...but we have bigger fish in this lake," Christina said as she approached a large steel door. She pressed her palm against the scanner, and in a second the doors slid open, revealing another corridor. "Welcome to our Contingency Hall."

The Contingency Hall was a long hallway that looked similar to a museum, with glass exhibition cases lining the corridors. Inside the cases were a bunch of varying items, some that looked like weapons, but some that looked like household tools and everyday items. There were labels in front of the cases, but instead of describing the items, they had hero names on them. Christina walked in front slowly like a docent, speaking informatively. "This is where we keep all of our specialized gadgetry, in case any of you decide to betray us like Seraph just did. It happens very rarely, but you never know. Plus, some of the villains we face can be subdued using the gadgets, and Coldwater sometimes reverse-engineers the gadgets for their cells. It's some top-tier tools in here, though hopefully we won't have to use most of them anytime soon. Here's Piranha Man's, it's a fish repellent, we got the idea out of an old Batman TV show," Christina explained as she walked, elaborating on the various strange gadgets found in the hall as she continued on. "As you can see, the hallway is ordered from B- to A+. We don't have anything designed for most C-tiers, we just keep some general equipment in a storage room over there, it would be too expensive to make gadgets for every single HERO, so we cut back a bit...here's yours, Starbright, it's a camera whose flash causes your skin to turn green and makes you all ugly, it's a fun bit of tech..." She continued walking. "Here's Patti's, we call it the Anti-Mic, it looks like a microphone but it actually absorbs most sound within about 15 meters, pretty cool stuff. We also have Grace's, but I'm not sure what it does exactly, all I know is that it messes up her powers, makes it so her portals don't work, and we have Brie's, it's a mini lightning rod...and here's the A-tiers!" Christina slowed down a bit as she looked around. "There's Blake's, it's basically a freeze ray that functions as a fire extinguisher, cool stuff, and here we have yours, Tom, there's some anti-gravity grenades, they make a bubble where gravity just doesn't work...a-ha!" Christina stopped at three adjacent cases with various equipment inside.

"Samantha, open cases 37, 38, and 39," Christina said, and the glass slid open a second later. Christina removed what appeared to be an awl, a paper bag, and a dart gun from the exhibits, before closing the cases. "These are for the Wings of Law. This pointy thing is made of some really weak metal, so it turns Mr. Impressive into a melting heap of crap, it's probably hilarious, actually...this bag is full of hyper-absorbent sponges, good for any water user, so you could shrivel up Will pretty easily with this as well, and this dart gun has a nerve agent that turns off wings. It's for Seraph, but you could use it on Priestess if you want, it'd probably be funny," Christina mused, clipping the awl to her belt and handing the bag of sponges to Starbright. "Don't drop those..." she noted as she moved over to a second door, this one a large dark vault door with a giant golden S on the middle. "This is the S-Tier vault. We'll use the private access elevator to get up to the top floor, and we'll take one of the jets over to Seraph's place," she explained, opening the vault door in the same manner she did the last. After releasing some steam, the vault doors slid open, revealing a large chamber that was lined with a variety of gadgets. Each S-Tier hero's name had an abundance of gadgetry underneath it. Jamie's had several suits of armor and a variety of futuristic-looking weapons underneath it, while Pandora's had a terrarium and a few sniper rifles there. More troubling than these measures, though, were the two three individuals standing in the middle of the room, facing the heroes with looks of victory on their faces.

The man standing in the middle was the unmistakable figure of Perfected Physique, a 6'3" hunk of a man with massive pectorals, a chiseled form, wavy brown hair, and a face that was very clearly modified to be youthful, but still betrayed his age. Perfected Physique was a member of the Wings of Law that transitioned successfully from a career in superheroism to one in modelling, and his fame had gifted him an upper-echelon position in the Wings of Law. Gifted with super strength, Perfected Physique (real name Bradley) dazzled the ladies for 20 years, and if he had his way he would be dazzling them for 20 more. He was, like most of the Wings of Law, a notorious womanizer, having had a long list of ladies to his name, but he had fallen out of the limelight in recent years, replaced by the younger heroes, whose attractiveness did not have to be kept with plastic and surgery. Standing at his flank were two (former) villains of familiarity. Devious Dingo was an Australian migrant with a propensity for explosive firearms that had run bazookas to crime families before being taken down, and The Illuminator was a villain that had tried to make a superweapon out of household lightbulbs, after having succeeded in creating a super-suit that could absorb light and fire energy blasts with it.

"I knew you were too crafty to be dead, Miss Lavender," Perfected Physique said with his syrupy, annoying voice. "The same with you two...I knew Seraph was wrong to trust you, Spacewalker, Zhenka is far too cozy with the younger heroes. I knew I had to go out on my own, find out what you were up to, so I snuck a peek at the phone reader, and I found you here...well, I guess it's time I let him know your true colors, eheheh?" Perfected Physique reached for his phone, but before he could put it to his ear, Christina had drawn her pistol and, with pinpoint accuracy, shot it out of his hand, sending it skidding to the floor, a perfect hole in the middle.

"Snitches get stitches, Brad," Christina quipped, but before she could line up another shot, Devious Dingo had rushed into action, drawing a baseball bat and smacking her roughly. Christina just avoided the blow, and rushed at the villain, pinning him against the wall and struggling to keep him still.

"Tom, fuck these pricks up!" Christina shouted as she wrestled with Devious Dingo. Meanwhile, the Illuminator approached Starbright, cracking his knuckles, and Perfected Physique cracked his neck as he stepped towards Tom. "Get ready to go down, pretty boy!" he said with a growl, before charging at Tom, aiming to tackle him to the ground.


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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Starbright couldn't help but laugh at the suggestion Seraph could avoid the footage. "Ha ha ha, as if anyone is going to forget the kidnapping of America's sweetheart." Referring to himself. "Yes he might get away with it if it were one of you normal people but I'm a star in the height of my popularity. Either way, its not like I can release it at the moment you didn't let me grab my phone before 'forcefully rescuing' me. So it should release in about 3 days from now. If we fail in your plan that's our back up." As the helicopter landed, he didn't comment on the suggestion he would become the most popular hero if this was a success. He simply stretched out of his relaxed position, "you did save me though, so I will help you out with your plans."

Without even saying anything on the matter, Starbright got an earful about keeping it confidential. "Oh my lips are sealed." He said in a way to worry Christina the most. Of course he wouldn't actually tell anyone but he started to get the idea he would enjoy teasing her, much like Patty. After that he thoroughly inspected the bin before getting in. As in like a minute of looking at every part of it to make sure it was clean. Even then Starbright swore he was pushed by Tom before he actually went down.

Was Starbright not supposed to get a little weirded out that HERO was keeping back up plans to take everyone out? Because that is exactly what he felt. It gave him a sense of unease to it all. His own contingency plan was horrific, changing his appearance would do so much worse than just killing him. At least if he died beautiful he would be able to be a martyr, him looking average to freakish would just make him nothing. But he got a laugh when he saw Patty's one. "Hey, its not called plagiarism if the product 'never existed' right? I wouldn't mind this Anti-Noise thing for a bit of self protection against her. She ain't a murderer like Seraph's saying but that doesn't mean she is an angel by any means." As they carried on down he accepted the sponges given to him, but some part of him really wanted the dart gun for Seraph. It wasn't his place to make genuine demands though, teasing around was fine but when it came down to actual fighting it was best he just listened.

"Oh my god! Is that Perfect Physique? More like saggy physique, am I right? Ha ha ha, you remember that right? About two years ago? Kind of ended your career, good times, good times." After Starbright's relentless teasing he saw the match ups form, he was against bulb boy. But Starbright would like to think he is smarter than that. After the fight with the leftovers a good few months ago, he can recognize an opponent that draws power from his and he wasn't going to stupidly blast at him like the Starbright of the past would do. "Look, Bulb Bongo or whatever right? Here's the deal all I have to do is stall you long enough for Christina over there to absolutely demolish your Australian friend and then its only a matter of time before she comes over to put the lights out on you. Frankly, I would just hate to see it. As you may or may not know I have a fondness for light powers, and I would love to see you shine more in future. EAGLES doesn't really have a future left. So that being said, how much money do you want to join my friend over there" pointing at Tom "and gang up on super sag instead. I'm sure I can make it much more worth your while than EAGLES ever will."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 1 day ago

“Y-you look familiar. ...Chase, maybe? Anyways, Chase… it’s… don’t bother. Doesn’t matter anymore. I’m gonna go see if Grace is puking up her guts or just crying. You can browse around on my laptop if you want, I don’t mind. But if I catch you snooping, I will end you.”

Chad felt the need to correct Patti and tell her his actual name, but he still had at least some common sense. Now sure as hell wasn't the time to comment on someone getting his name wrong, considering the person who got it wrong was being chased by supervillain cops from all across the city - Patti had enough on her plate. Besides, she didn't get his Hero Name wrong, so she probably wasn't a troll. The thought of browsing Patti's laptop briefly crossed Chad's mind, but he quickly decided against it. Even with permission, Chad never felt comfortable using other people's things - he had a nasty habit of accidentally breaking things, which his power has only exasperated.

Chad heard voices coming from behind him in the bathroom, causing him to move to the wall on the opposite side of the room. He might accidentally hear something he wasn't supposed to if he stayed over there, and Chad had always been taught that eavesdropping was wrong. Instead, Chad continued to browse the internet and examine his GPS, looking for routes to HERO One and Elmore Island. HERO One was pretty easy from Pandora's Potts, almost a straight shot really - Chad was starting to think that it would almost be better to search there first, rather than the much cooler alternative.

He quickly excised these thoughts. Elmore Island lacked many of the fortifications that made HERO One a bastion, not to mention the fact it was far less conspicuous to assault than the alternative. That wasn't even including the fact that there were most likely few innocent heroes at Elmore Island, and they probably had a lot fewer resources over there as well based on the size difference of the structures.

Of course, Elmore Island was also the most likely location that Powers would be kept, if he was kidnapped rather than killed retired. It'd be hard to keep the previous director locked up in his own headquarters, right?

"Really! Crying!? Fuck's sake!"

Chad's head snapped up when he heard Pandora call out. He quickly closed the various tabs he had looked up while waiting and slid his phone back into his pocket. Chad turned to the bathroom door, but still hearing talking from behind it, he chose to not interrupt. They probably heard Pandora, she yelled kind of loud...

Chad tensed, muscles straining against his improvised suit. This was it - he was about to enter real, actual combat... Not the fake stuff that he had gone through in tests, but a real bad guy this time...

Chad slowly made his way to the staircase, continuing to amp himself up for the imminent (and imaginary) fight. That was when Pandora called out again.

"Bypass? Aria? Bullet? This cops on our team. He's a traitor."

Chad sighed in relief. Normally traitors were bad, but since they were helping a falsely accused fugitive, they were good! ...Right? Whatever the case, Chad's mind almost immediately shifted from relief to agitation, and he briskly marched down the stairs.

"C'mon, I keep saying it's THE BULLET, you have to say it w-"

Chad stopped mid-sentence and jumped back as he reached the bottom of the stairwell, seeing that Grace had already appeared on the ground floor. Chad mentally reminded himself that, yeah, everyone here had FREAKING SUPERPOWERS!!! Chad wouldn't have taken the stairs either if he could be cool and just fall to the lower floor! Chad's fascination with superpowers made him forget that he was freaking out over his name again.

"What do you want?"

Chad winced beneath his mask. It made sense that she wasn't in a good mood, since she was a fugitive, but being aggressive with a cop was probably not the best idea at the moment. Of course, Chad didn't think about how only a minute ago he was ready to fight the cop as well. Giving Alpha time to respond, Chad spoke up a greeting.

"It's, uh, really nice of you to help us out! Since you're not here to beat us up, it'd probably be a good idea to introduce ourselves. I'm THE BULLET!"

Normally Chad would have worked in some epithet or metaphor to really emphasize his name... But it really didn't seem like the right atmosphere for it. A young woman was crying only a few minutes earlier, and everyone in the store seemed to be upset in some way. Not to mention, those funny little add-ons to his name were usually easier to make up when Chad was in a good mood, and so far today had sucked pretty hard.

Chad leaned in slightly, miming a football huddle as he spoke again, this time addressing the group as a whole.

"Oh yeah, before I forget - what's our plan so far?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 26 days ago

Alpha / K Nine

After hearing Pandora making her decision, K Nine decided to calm himself down and act like his usual self.

"...with all due respect, I'm no traitor...the CPD isn't exactly on the EAGLES side in all this...", he monotone.

And that's when he saw a portal open from the ceiling...and Bypass dropping in on them. Most likely somewhere from upstairs.

After hearing her ask for what he wanted, he then responded.

"...I want to help you...as I just told Pandora, the CPD isn't exactly on good terms right now with EAGLES...put bluntly, Seraph is also wanted on...'terrorist' charges...hijacking general media outlets like T.V.'s and radio's just to broadcast his finger pointing isn't exactly legal...it's no different when Caustic did the same thing to execute then Wings of Law member Rainbow Dancer...though that happened while we were kidnapped by Nero...but please, can I come upstairs...I promise to not call your location in to dispatch...plus I have to fill you and anyone else with you in on what's happened so far..."

He then noted the other rookie he was told about who had also came downstairs it seemed.

"...Bullet...that pizza delivery guy with the heroic blog...while your help is appreciated, this isn't like any of your super hero fanfictions or fighting some Saturday morning super villain...this is real...we could all get hurt or worse...you can leave now if you wish but...the choice is yours..."

@Duoya @Hitman
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Tom scoffed. "Come on Starbright dude, you know we're not with EAGLES, and you're definitely not gonna get us put in jail because we're not gonna kill you!" He looked at Christina, who was now giving a much more compelling reason why Starbright couldn't have that kidnapping tape published, and then nodded. "Yeah... That too! Fucking lawyers, it's such bullshit how Seraph's been able to get around justice for so long just because he can employ a bunch of snooty lawyers. That's not how the justice system should work..." Tom mused angrily as the helicopter thundered through the sky towards its destination, which was, as was becoming more and more evident by the familiar route, something in the general direction of HERO One.

Tom hopped out of the helicopter, happy to be putting his feet on some nice soft grass again in the looming shadow of HERO One. He raised an eyebrow as Christina stepped over to an innocuous looking trashcan after not-so-subtly threatening him and Starbright (mainly Starbright, Tom thought) and then started... talking to it? "Christina, what the hell are you- oooh..." He trailed off as the bin started talking back to her in a robotic voice. Then Christina proceeded to get in the trashcan, and within a few seconds she had suddenly disappeared, the bottom of the trashcan seemingly dropping her down, and off she went. "Woah!" Tom exclaimed.

Starbright went up and hopped into the trashcan, but he was taking his time, looking around with an unsure look on his face. Tom tapped his foot impatiently, before sighing and walking up, giving Starbright a firm nudge on the shoulder, which seemed to dislodge the singer who went shooting down the tube. After a few moments, Tom hopped in himself, excitedly forcing his foot down which sent him on the ride, whooping with excitement as he went zipping underground - it really was like some kind of theme park ride. Soon enough, he landed on the soft cushion at the bottom and stood up.

Tom caught up to the other two as they began their walk deeper into the secret underground bowels of HERO One. He couldn't deny, seeing all the stuff that was meant to stop them if they went rogue was definitely a little creepy. Tom shivered a little as his own device was pointed out to him - some anti-gravity grenades. It was a damn miracle that the Wings of Law didn't know about this, or they would be totally and utterly fucked and probably in Coldwater already. At least they were leaving his area and heading into the S-tier vault... Ooh, that was pretty cool. The doors slid open, and of course, there were some less than desired people already standing there.

He knew vaguely of Perfected Physique (terrible, terrible hero name, Tom thought) but thankfully he had never met him until now... And now he was being ordered by Christina to fight off the corrupt hero. Damn... What were his powers again? Tom had no idea. He could hear in his ear the noise of Starbright trying to... reason with The Illuminator? What a dumbass. Anyway, back to his fight. Tom stared down Physique for a moment before suddenly hovering over to him, and doing a trademark move - when he was about 6 feet away, he suddenly flipped gravity for the pair, sending them up onto the ceiling, Tom landing on his feet with ease. And then he flipped it back to normal, sending Physique sprawling onto the floor. Hopefully he could just repeat these moves until Physique was out for the count.

@Hitman @Jumbus
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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“Don’t be silly. They probably just under-esteemed me or something. Wait. Did I say that right…” Jamie let her thoughts wander for a moment, contemplating her word usage, before snapping her head back up. “Right, car! Ooh, I don’t think I’ve ever been to your place before. Do you maybe have a freezer that I can put this ice cream in? I really don’t want it to melt, B and I wanted- wait, B’s in Utica. I guess I just wanted to have ice cream and movie night,” she rambled on as they walked to the car. Jamie put her keys in the door handle and had it already popped open when they were rudely interrupted.

… Woh. And she thought she had seen it all! Jamie’s eyes practically popped out of her skull as she stared unabashedly at whoever this pink… woman (?) was. Jamie had seen people of all sorts of colors before (she had once arrested a woman with orange skin- although she was pretty sure that was a spray tan and not superpowers), but she had never seen one quite like this before. She jumped out of her skin as her name was called, but waved all the same.

“Uh, yeah, that’s me! You can call me Jamie if you’re a friend, though,” she told Alien Angel, smiling cautiously. She listened to their litany of information quietly, nodding her head at what she felt were the appropriate intervals to do so. Glancing at Joseph for assurance, Jamie finally spoke, “Well, I mean, Angel- can I call you Angela? I’m just gonna do that- we don’t really need protecting, but alright! Don’t know what Infinite is, don’t really care that much as long as you’re not trying to murder us, but we’re kind of in a rush right now, so…” Jamie pointed to the half-open car door. “If you wanna come along, hop in the backseat! I’m not entirely sure where we’re going, but we’ll get there!”

Before Alien Angel- or ‘Angela’, as Jamie had affectionately termed her- could say no, Jamie hopped into the front seat and put her key in the ignition, beckoning Joseph into the car. “Was that a good idea?” she whispered to him, out of earshot of Alien Angel. “I’m not sure. Also, where are we going?”

Patricia nodded resolutely at Grace, drawing herself up and taking a deep breath. The idea of facing a cop, especially right now, scared the shit out of her, but she couldn’t just hide forever. “Right, yeah. Hopefully he’s dumb and won’t have a contingency. I trust you, though. I’m alright in a fight, so maybe I can try punching him? I can get Eliza to go invisible and steal his gun or something, that might work-” Patricia’s anxious litany was interrupted by an annoyed voice from downstairs- one she vaguely recognized as Pandora’s. Her ears strained to hear through the floorboards. "Bypass? Aria? Bullet? This cop’s on our team. He's a traitor."

Really? That was… unexpected. Good, but unexpected. Patricia let out a breath, although that tension wasn’t entirely gone. He could still do god-knows-what. She nodded back to Grace before the other girl jumped through. On a normal day, Patricia would have used the portal, but Patricia didn’t exactly feel like jumping a story down. So, instead of going through the portal, she headed out of the bathroom and onto the stairwell, traipsing down it to meet Chad at the bottom.

In typical Patricia fashion, she sent her best death glare at Alpha. She wasn’t exactly in the mood to deal with cops at the moment. “Mhm, help,” she interrupted their conversation. “Aren’t you sure you’re going a bit vigilante here? I don’t buy all that crap about Seraph being ‘wanted’ or whatever. I'm thankful that you're not tackling us immediately and loading us into your SWAT van, but it’s my life on the line, not yours- how can I be sure that you’re not lying? I mean, sure, there’s mind control…” She didn’t provide a ‘but’, instead leaving the sentence hanging. She leaned against the wall casually. She knew she was being sort of irrational, but now was not exactly the time to start a policy of universal trust.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Police officer. Trust. Right," Grace said, her face taught with visual reluctance, but the facts of the situation did not lie. Alpha was sorely outnumbered by the rest of the group; Grace considered the idea of a single cop/hero overpowering four other trained heroes (alright, three heroes and Chad) rather improbable. He could call for backup, which was a lingering threat, but as Pandora had said earlier, there was no reason for Alpha to risk coming alone to the flower store- if his plan was to come and arrest them, it was likely the group would either be busy fending off hordes of SWAT intruders or in the back of a police van already. Considering that neither of those options were the case, and that Christina had already confided in Alpha, Grace figured it would be reasonable enough to give the cop some trust. Not too much trust, mind, but enough. Grace turned to look at Patricia. "I think it's safe to trust him. For now," Grace said, looking over to examine the man again. He seemed very dignified, monotonous, and respectful- something that Grace would normally find to be superior characteristics to have, but in these times, she saw them as much more unpredictable. At least with somebody like Jamie, you can instantly know who you're working with.

"Let's go upstairs. I have a plan...well, I have the fledglings of a plan, which I guess will be enough for the time being," Grace said, rubbing her temples to let the thoughts flow as she made her way up the stairs. Once she ascended back into the apartment portion of the flower shop, Grace made her way across the room, crossing her arms and tapping her foot in a way that indicated 'I am the one with the plan, I am in charge, listen to me.' Once she was reasonably sure everybody was paying attention, she spoke. "Alright, so, with a little bit of research, there are 3 locations that I think are crucial to EAGLES at this point in time. One of them is Seraph's private island, Elmore Island." Grace put a potted bonsai tree on the table, apparently to indicate the island. "All indications suggest that this is EAGLES' temporary headquarters and a sort of meeting place for the organization, and for good measure. The entire ground floors are insulated from an intrusion with heavy security, so no boating in, and Seraph likely has some measure of air security in place to prevent us from flying in. I've also never been to Seraph's private prison hellhole before, so portaling in would be a crapshoot, and considering that the whole place is probably secure, it's not one that favors us. We'd probably just get arrested on the spot, so for now, I think we should save an invasion of the island for later." Grace draped a handkerchief over the mini tree.

She then, continuing on this motif, removed two more potted plants and put them on the table, in front of the now-covered bonsai. "I think our better bet is to focus on two other locations that the Wings have their eyes on. HERO One and Club 27," Grace continued. "Club 27 is where Patricia allegedly murdered a whole bunch of people, but that's an obvious lie, so I think if we want to get Patricia off the hook, we should go there. It's probably still crawling with cops, and it's likely going to be a trap, but we'll be prepared for it. Hopefully the club will give us a clue as to how the Wings of Law managed this coup in the first place, anyway. I have a sneaking suspicion that they aren't working alone. The last time they tried to kill us, they dumped us on a movie set full of ogres. This attempt seems too serious and successful to be just Seraph's handiwork." Grace pushed the pot of magnolias next to the covered bonsai before moving over a nice pot of daffodils. "The other location of significance is HERO One. Seraph probably has some heroes set up around there, but from what I've seen he's been locked out of the tower, and considering that his HERO clearance was revoked, I'm fairly certain that neither him nor the other two of his head cronies could get in. " Grace surmised. "He'll probably have some old heroes on his payroll at HERO One, and maybe some...old friends," Grace finished weakly, before taking a deep breath. "Sorry...anyway, HERO One has a lot of weapons and gear to make use of, and it also probably has floor plans of Seraph's island, considering that Seraph used to contract his prison out to HERO. Both locations carry a lot of significance, so it might be wise to split up, divide and conquer. Of course, if any of you are going to duck out, now would be the time to speak up. I would hate to drag your personal life into our mess for no reason," Grace said solemly.

"If anybody has anything to say, or anything to add..." She looked to Pandora, then Chad, then Alpha, "...your information would be much appreciated. If not, we should get ready to go. The longer we wait, the more time it gives Seraph to prepare himself, and the more time it gives to his henchmen to hunt us down and haul us to Coldwater."

@Duoya @Zoey Boey @canaryrose @Amethyst @DarkRecon

The Illuminator (also known as "Bulb Bongo") stared at Starbright in a combination of suspicion, disbelief, and plain hysterics. This guy thought that he could just BRIBE him! Hah! That was sad! The Illuminator laughed heartily, now confident that Starbright was just dumb, before charging up his power suit, preparing to blast him to oblivion. Just before he could do so, though, he was hit in the side by his Australian friend, who Christina had roughly thrown off of her, and the two crashed in tandem into the wall. Meanwhile, Perfected Physique had just as little luck. After being slammed up and down several times, he had managed to get close enough to sock Tom in the face, but before he could do it, he was thrown into the ceiling again, and that was one too many flips for him to handle. Perfected Physique's perfected physique fell to the ground with a thud.

Christina dusted off her hands. "Nice work. Lucky thing that ol' Brad here's ego is much bigger than his brain is," Christina quipped as she casually picked up Perfected Physique and put him inside one of the large armor suits underneath Jamie's name. The armor suit slid shut, encapsulating his body inside. Christina explained, "The AQS only operates with Samantha's permission, which Perfected Physique doesn't have. So he'll just be stuck inside this impossibly heavy suit of armor. Hopefully he doesn't have claustrophobia," Christina said as she tied the other two heroes/villains together with a length of cord. "Anyway, let's go," Christina said, walking over to the elevator. Unlike the regular HERO elevator, the elevator in the vault was smaller, glass, tubular, and even more advanced-looking than their regular counterparts. "Private elevators. They move unseen behind the regular elevators. Get in," Christina explained as she stepped into the elevator. "Samantha, take us to the executive offices."

The elevator whirred and carried them upwards, moving silently through the floors of HERO undetected. As they passed by unseen, the group could hear the words of some of the HEROs (or more accurately, EAGLES) as they passed along, statement such as "wow, can you believe Powers is dead? I can't," "I mean, I didn't LIKE Aria, but I didn't think she was a mass murderer...apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess," and "how many abs do you think Starbright has? I mean, he's gotta have at least an 8-pack...maybe a 10-pack," and other assorted nonsense. The elevator stopped on the 14th level, and slid open smoothly to reveal...the inside of a broom closet. Christina swung the broom closet door open, though, to reveal a familiar hallway. The hallway was where Christina and Powers' offices were. Right down the hall was Powers' office, the common destination for any miscreant behavior, but Christina made a right and opened the door to her office instead. Christina's office was nearly as spacious as Powers', but much less meticulous- there were papers strewn about everywhere, all manner of forms spread out across the table like a blanket, a couple framed pictures of Zoe and Christina together sitting on the desk as well. Around the room on various racks were a variety of guns. Christina sat down on her desk. "Place looks as neat as ever; EAGLES haven't been able to get here yet. Good thing. Alright, here's the plan. Step one: we take back HERO One. Take out the actual traitors that actually jumped boat, you know, and get this building back. I'm going to activate the flare up on the roof, which'll signal for any of the other heroes to get the hell over here. Tom can hopefully help me out- the flare is tough to activate, don't know why, but it is. As for Starbright..." Christina rummaged through her draw and pulled out a Macbook a moment later. "Take this and make a video. Get people rallied up against Seraph, put it on YouTube or some other streaming site," Christina said, giving him a serious look. "If we're gonna take out Seraph once and for all, we need people to really hate him. Seraph is empowered by success. So, go do what you do best and make the people swoon. And also, don't look at my personal photos, please. There's some very private stuff there. Now, come on, Tom, let's go."

Christina guided Tom back to the broom closet and tapped on a few bricks of the wall, like she was playing piano with the stones. The hidden, private elevator slid open again, and Christina stepped inside again, directing it up a few floors. The doors swung open again to the crisp air of HERO's rooftop, way up in the sky, overlooking much of Castleburg. It was raining, but not heavily, a light drizzle and cool dusky air making the summer heat much more tolerable. There were two guards standing on the rooftop, but Christina didn't even need Tom's help with them, quickly incapacitating them both before they could say "jackknife." Christina then ushered Tom across the rooftop, gesturing towards a large metal cube jutting out of the ground. "Here it is. The HERO flare. If you remember, it's only activated during emergencies, when all heroes are needed at HQ," Christina said, pressing a button on the top of the box. The sides of the metal slid down, revealing an old, cannon-like machine beneath, halfway inside the roof of the building. "Grab onto the side and pull it up...this thing is halfway inside the fucking roof, and it's heavy as fuck, I don't know why Powers insisted on keeping it, it's from, like, the 1990s," Christina said condescendingly as she grabbed one side of the cannon, pulling up. Even with their combined force, the cannon only moved up slowly, creaking along as it did.

As the two pulled the cannon out of the roof, Christina looked at Tom. "You look worried about something, and you aren't hiding it well...is it you-know-who?" Christina asked, raising an eyebrow. "Listen, I'm sure the two of you will hammer things out. You guys have great synergy. Bounce off each other really well. Let's just focus on the here and now...Grace won't hate you, I'm sure, once she realizes. And she's smart; she'll figure it out quick," Christina said comfortingly, as the cannon creaked to a halt, now positioned atop the roof at an 85-degree angle. "You need her, anyway. I'm not sure how you made it for so long without somebody taking care of your ass..." Christina said with a smirk, bending down and putting her finger on a button on the cannon. "Now, cover your ears, and watch."

With a loud bang, Christina sent the flare soaring midair, a sparkling red star of fire that hovered way up in the sky, as if my magic, red sparks fluttering down from it in the rain. Christina smiled proudly as the flare glowed brightly in the sky. "Alright, good news, that'll probably get some attention. Bad news...that'll probably get some attention," Christina said, before spontaneously ducking behind an air vent. "Deal with it!" Christina whisper-yelled at Tom."You're still in their good graces, play the part!"

Two heroes ran out of the normal elevator, running over to the flare cannon, and seeing Tom. "Spacewalker! Tom!" one of them, a young woman with shiny blonde hair in a latex suit named Brightside, called out, waddling over to Tom's location. The other hero, a heavily mustachioed man named Beardman, was examining the cannon. Brightside looked at Tom, a bit suspicious and a bit confused. "What's going on here? Who fired the flare? What are you doing? You know Seraph gave specific orders not to touch that thing, right? Arrrgh...you've screwed everything up, I'm going to call Seraph right now, he's going to be pissed..." the woman ranted, grabbing her phone. "This is a fucking nightmare, Seraph is going to KILL US...uggh..."


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