Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: MU bedroom
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max had passed out in the medical beds the previous day. The excitement of M-Pox, death, and using his powers had began to exhaust him. He laid there till later in the night when Echo would send up a clone to grab him and place him in his bed, tucking him in and watching over him for a moment. This disease wasnt fair. Max had shifted during the night. Small kicks and twitches with huffy of breath as his body not only fought the disease but also his mind. He laid there sleeping as he saw Waverlies mom die. The nail crashing into the car again but then there was a flash of lightning. It was so bright it blinded him for a moment until his eyes readjusted and Waverlies mom was gone, it was now Casper laying there lifeless. Two singed marks on his chest as he lay there dead. Max wanted to get away from it all. Just run. When all of a sudden he wasn't there anymore. He had closed his eyes and everything went cold again but it was different. That same cold he felt the day he awoke in the Mutant Underground. He didn't dare open his eyes until he felt warmth once more and when he did...

He woke up. Max was gasping for air as a cold sweat poured over him and his hair stuck to his face. He looked around the room and saw he wasn't back at medical. Did he teleport here in his sleep? Was that a danger he had to face now? Or was it only a danger because of M-Pox? His breathing began to slow as Max gripped his chest, sitting up in bed with his back against a wall. Max heard Waves scream. Wondering what Sunshine did to make her own roommate scream in such a way in the morning. But then there was another scream. Jack? What had Jack done? Suddenly he recalled something from before

"Oh really? You make a living by tricking others and conning them. We are more similarthanyou think."

The words echoed in his mind, what Jacks father had said. But he knew nothing of twho the man was or how exactly this could fit. He doubted it but a small part wondered if this was Jacks idea of a punishment for what she had done. Even she didn't deserve this, no one did. The fog of his mind was too thick to allow any real connections to pass through, just jarbled ideas and thoughts that fit together as well as a puzzle whos pieces were all the same shade of brown. There was a connection somewhere but it would be more work than Max could handle to find it.


Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Self Multiplication

In the early morning of the next day, Harry had found himself leaving the underground to gather a few ingredients from the stores. As soon as he made it back he stood at the trunk of his Jeep, hand confidently placed on a cocked hip. "Boys, lets harmonize." For once, in a very long while, all the boys showed up for practice. Berry and Jerry helped with the groceries, taking them into the kitchen as Harry placed on a pair of sunglasses over his eyes. "I'm not going to be like those parents who say 'Look who finally showed up' because I know how that only pushes people further away. What I am going to say is...It's good to have you back." Harry placed his hand on his typically absent clones shoulder and gave him a smile before heading into the Underground with the rest.

All five of them placed a bright pink apron with white trim over them denim tops and each began to get to work. Unbeknownst to them, Jack had spirited away Sunshine as they prepared to make a breakfast to lift both her and everyone else's spirits up as they fought loss and a virus. Harry, Berry, and Jerry were all in the kitchen, with Harry working on omlettes, Berry was holding a white mixing bowl and pink whisk making batter for waffles, and Jerry was washing and rinsing various types of berries to be played and displayed later for all. There was powdered sugar, real Canadian syrup, whipped cream, honey, anything one could imagine to have a sweet and delicious breakfast. It was all he knew to do to help the others. He wasnt a doctor, he knew he rubbed some the wrong way, and he had to at least try.

Berry began to place some batter into the waffle maker when they all heard Waverly scream. Terry and Larry where off cleaning the dining area. Sweeping the floors and making it look nice and presentable for all, or more so than usual. They both turned to view the direction in which Waverly was; Harry telling the others to stay where they were and keep working on breakfast while he went to go find out. He ran towards Jacks room and stood there, watching as she pounded the door. "Hey hey hey. Deep breaths deep breaths. Explain to me whats going on. What happened."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 26 min ago

James Kingston

Location: Jack and Casper (and James)’s room
Skills: N/A

Despite the nightmare of yesterday, James slept like a rock. He’d barely had enough time to curl around Casper before he passed out into a blissfully empty sleep. No dreams, no nightmares, just a long comfortable silence while he spent the night with his boyfriend in his arms. He woke to Casper cuddling up behind him and his body heat seeping into his back pleasantly. James normally woke up early to run and work out before everyone got moving but he thought it was only fair that he slept in. He yawned, pressing back into Casper a little as he stretched and took the opportunity to tangle their legs together a little more. Honestly, all he wanted to do was soak in Casper’s presence and refuse to acknowledge the day but if Casper was hungry, James could consider getting up. He had thrown up a lot the previous day.

“If we have waffles, yeah.” James agreed, sleep making Casper’s conversation with Ben slip in one ear and out the other. He protested with a tired grumble when Casper threw his pillow, rolling around in Casper’s arms so they were facing and giving him a sleepy smile before kissing him. Now that he was waking up, James was very interested in showing Casper exactly how happy he was that he was back in his body and alive before breakfast but of course something had to bother them.

He shot up when Waverly banged open the door and started shrieking about Jack, irritation and concern bubbling in him in equal measure as he glanced over at Jack’s empty bed. The last vestiges of sleep disappeared and, taking a page out of Casper’s book, tossed his own pillow at the door. “He’s not fucking here so shut the god damned door!” James snapped, the combination of the interruption of his fantastic morning and the lack of coffee making him grumpy. He looked over and his boyfriend and slumped onto his chest.

“We should probably be responsible adults and figure out why Waverly wants your brother’s head on a spike.” James grumbled, taking a few more moments to cuddle with him before pushing himself out of bed to get changed. He stretched and yawned again once he was on his feet, pulling on a fresh change of clothes. James looked at Casper all cute and cozy in bed and smiled. “Actually, why don’t you stay in bed and I can bring you some food? You’ve got to feel rough still after yesterday.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground: Room 7

Andy loved the bed. It had a pillow and a blanket and was in fact warm. Veil hadn't been lying about that part. It was the first bed she had had since December. Miraculously that meant she slept okay. Even with the caffeine that had been running through her veins after the weird conversation with James, who seemed nice enough, she had passed out. And not a single nightmare. That was unusual for her, especially after a fight.

She was quite content to continue to sleep, but someone was yelling in the hallway. It sounded like Waverly. Andy pulled her pillow over her head. It sounded like some weird drama. She sighed and pulled the pillow off of her head and looked at the other two girls in her room. It was cramped, but at least it wasn't with any of the people mourning. These two were the ones who had met Veil at the same time she had.

Her attention paused on the green-haired girl. Andy wanted to apologize to her. She sighed. Zarina was tinkering with the metal face robot thing. "Hey, um, Zarina. I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. I was confused, you were saying a lot of things I don't understand as if I should, so it was upsetting."

Andy could imagine Jammie telling her he was proud of her for apologizing. Especially since Andy wasn't bringing up the part that Zarina had been asking what Andy saw as basic questions while expecting her to know weirdly specific things. Maybe it was the good night's sleep that had made her less confrontational that usual.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Veil and Sapphire's Room
Skills N/A

Sapphire hadn't slept at all that night. Her mind was focusing on what had happened the day before, and more specifically on Cayden. No matter what she did, she couldn't stop thinking about what if. What if she had thrown up a shield of ice? What if she hadn't screwed up so horribly when it came to freezing his injury to stop the bleeding. She just couldn't shake it from her mind, and it made her start questioning everything that she even really did. It seemed like her powers were only good for causing pain and hurting people, they just kept proving that they only wanted to help cause the death of people, no matter what she did.

Her hair and skin were their typical color, despite her usual ways of staying in the white and pale skin even while she slept, as she wasn't wanting to really use her powers at all, knowing perfectly well that she could potentially hurt someone from her emotional state. "You alright Veil?" Sapphire called over to her friend once she noticed that she was awake, before she heard the shouting not too far away from their room. "What was that?" she asked as she sat up off of her bed, her brown hair falling along her shoulders as she stood up, and headed for the door, before opening it up and poking her head outside. "What's going on out here?" she asked them.

Location: Mutant Underground HQ
Skills Technopathy

Zari had a hard time falling asleep, but once she had managed to, she was out like a light, but she had fitful dreams, revolving around what could potentially happen with her in this strange world, and a few that were caused by her missing her home. She really wanted to go back, but she knew that she couldn't, not with what really was at stake. It wasn't just her own existence that was really at stake, but much of the future of this reality too. If she wasn't going to exist, were her parents never going to head back to their home reality? There were just so many questions that she didn't really know the answers too, and because of that she had to be careful about everything that she did.

She had woken up somewhat early (though in her mind it was more or a little late considering she typically woke up really early) and was sitting on her bed at the Mutant Underground in the one room that she had been put in with Andy and Kristina. Zari still wasn't all too sure what to think about Andy still, given their last interaction the day before, but she didn't really care as she sat there tinkering with Mr. Jaws, trying to find a way to make the robotic head shoot out lasers or something like that. She was so focused that she didn't even look up from what she was doing when Andy apologized. "It's okay..." was all she really said, before hearing the commotion going on nearby. What the hell was going on? Mr. Eyeball perked up from where he was on her bed and started floating over towards the door.

"01010011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01110010 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101!!!!" the eye beeped at her.

"Mr. Eyeball I can hear that, you don't have to point out the obvious."

Location: Jack's Office
Skills N/A

He hadn't been thinking all too much when he had decided to take off in the middle of the night and dragging Sunshine along with him. Jack's mind was just racing, not all too sure what to really do at this point now. They were away from the Underground now, and he was more or less counting down the minutes to when he was probably going to get a phone call from someone asking him where he was. Though he didn't really care about that at all, he might ignore it, he might not, who knew exactly? The truth was he didn't even really know what it was that he was doing, or going to do really at this point.

Jack had gone out of his office and gone to get some food (and coffee of course, the stuff he couldn't live without) and was walking into the office when he heard that Sunshine was awake and he walked over. "Hey hey hey there Rookie, calm down okay? No one's going to hurt you, hey want some doughnuts or something? Just got them from a nearby bakery," he said to her, setting the box down on his desk and going to sit in the chair behind it, "So, glad to see that you're awake, how are you feeling?" he asked her. Though to be fair the main reason he was sitting down now was that he had a bit of a dizzy spell, as his illness from M-Pox and his symptoms continued to be a roller coaster and get worse and worse.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Room 3 -> Outside of Room 5
Skills: N/A

Calie hadnt slept well at all the night before, spending a lot of time tossing and turning in her sleep due to her symptoms the night before she had been acting very loopy all night. She slowly opened her eyes and slowly stood up, wiping a little bit of dried blood out of her ears. She suddenly got a wave of dizziness, and leaned herself up against the bedpost somewhat looking over towards Luna for a moment, when she heard Waverly yelling from just down the hallway.

Callie slowly stood up, and made her way towards the door and out into the hallway looking over towards Waverly giving her a little bit of an annoyed look. "Arent you a little bit to loud what the hell is wrong?" Callie asked crossing her arms over her chest slightly, a thought came to mind of she used her empathy she could make Waverly calm down. But she knew that was probably a really bad idea at the moment, her condition wasnt the best at all really. "Some people are sleeping." Callie pointed out.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Room 7
Skills: N/A

Kristina laid in her bed having her phone out, after sending a text out to her sister letting her know that she was safe and didnt need to worry about her at the moment. She had slept alright for the most part, the place certainly wasnt a fancy hotel but at least she had a roof over her head at the moment. She slowly sat up looking over at her two roommates Zarina and Andy for a moment and waved towards the two of them. "How are you guys?" Kristina asked, Andy she didnt really know to well other than that she seemed to be some kind of loner or something like that. And Zarina who was pretty interesting, and a little bit weird to as well, hearing her talking to the weird robotic eye thing as well was weird.

When she heard Waverly's voice yelling. "I'm going to go and check out whats going on." Kristina said as she got a little bit interested as she got up and made her way out of their room and stuck her head out slightly. "Do you know what exactly is going on right now?" Kristina asked looking over towards Callie who shrugged slightly as she looked over at Waverly wondering what her actual problem was right now.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground Room 3 -- Washington D.C.

Luna had eventually gotten to bed, although she had no recollection of how she made it there. She did remember hearing her father's voice and the sound of roaring before Negasonic had the phone and was asking for help. Luna also remembered asking to come. Clearly that hadn’t happened.
Luna was laying in her bed the next morning, staring up at the ceiling as she listened to Callie sleep. Both of them had been up several times through the night while their symptoms leveled off from severe. Luna’s whole body ached, her stomach more so. She was hungry but everytime she thought of food, her stomach would roll. There was nothing left in her system so she couldn’t throw up anymore and she was now over tired from the lack of sleep and food that she couldn’t sleep. Not to mention the lack of oxygen from having to breathe so shallowly.
Suddenly there was screaming outside their door and she recognized it as Waverley’s screams. Luna turned her head the other way and shut her eyes. She wasn’t ready for the day, she wasn’t ready for screaming at nine in the morning. She wasn’t ready for another rollercoaster day of symptoms changing from the disease. Luna felt weak, tired and helpless. Useless.
She turned her blood shot eyes back to Callie’s side of the room when the door opened and Callie left their room. She could just make out Callie’s words but not enough to fully understand. Luna slowly sat herself up, she couldn’t lay in bed all day even if she begged to. Her condition wasn’t severe now, she could help some maybe. Luna had to sit on the edge of her bed for a moment while the wave of dizziness passed.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

February 17th, 2021 - 9:10 AM

Casper Theriot

Location: Mutant Underground: Jack and Casper (and James)'s Room
Skills: Mediumship
Casper's mind was far too groggy to process what was going on. He had been about to drift off to sleep again, hopefully to reawaken shortly with waffles, when there was a large BANG BANG BANG! on the door. Someone was screaming something about Jack. He couldn't even remember who the voice belonged to, as Casper was so sleepy he barely knew his own name at the moment. Dying of M-Pox really took it out of him. Thankfully, his genius boyfriend was able to supply helpful details - unfortunately, those details meant that Ben had been right and he really did need to get out of bed.

"Urgh... He probably just rejected her or something. Jack's the worst kind of slut," Casper groaned. He rolled out of bed - quite literally, hitting the ground hard enough to bruise. He was all tangled up in the sheets, completely nude otherwise. He hadn't recalled going to bed naked, but he usually woke up to find his clothes on the ground so it wasn't entirely unexpected. "Yeah, I should have stayed in bed, that was an amazing idea," he admitted, stumbling to his feet. The sheets had twisted around him and looked like a toga. "Ooo, I'm Caesar! Hail me, James, and I'll not let the lions eat you in the arena."

He hopped in his get up on over to the door and opened it up, thankfully his private parts were well covered. "Whaaaat iiiiiis it? I haven't had my waffles yet," he complained.

"I told you so," Ben said with a sigh. "I told you Jack did something and now Waverley is going to tell you the same thing."

"Shhh, Ben, I can't hear Waverley not tell me what's going on!"


Location: Mutant Underground: Veil and Sapphire's Room
Skills: Perception
Veil nodded at Sapphire, running a hand through her wild mane of curls. "Yeah, just processing things. I'll live. And if I don't, well, I guess it won't be my problem then," she said with a bit of a weak laugh. She did tend to be rather blunt and honest, but Veil wasn't in the mood to share her feelings. She didn't really know what there was to say or talk about. People had died on her watch and it was her fault no matter what anyone said. There just wasn't anything to discuss. Of course, they'd need to provide funeral arrangements for Cayden and find out if he had any next of kin to send his body to... But those conversations would have to wait.

Someone was screaming bloody murder.

She briefly noted that Sapphire's hair wasn't its usual ice blonde and decided to ask about it later, as she quickly stepped around her roommate and friend to go out into the hall proper. She was dressed in a hoodie and sweats, the only pair of PJ's that she owned. The knees both had gigantic holes on them and the fabric was discolored in various spots from old stains. "What's going on?" Veil asked. "Feedback - everything okay? Are you injured? Do I need to go pummel someone?"

There still wasn't a peep from Havok and Polaris. "Uh, Casper? Please put some pants on."


Location: Jack's Office
Skills: People Reading
Sunshine looked at Jack suspiciously, her eyes darting between him and the box of doughnuts. Her stomach growled loudly, making its plea for her to accept the food from him. He had always been pretty nice to her and she had gotten used to having him around - not that she thought of him as her father, even if that was biologically the case. Her hand darted out rapidly and she snatched a doughnut from the box, as if moving slower than possible would somehow result in serious bodily harm. She shoved the doughnut into her mouth and ate it in three big bites, swallowing thickly.

There was one plus side to all of this - the bizarreness of the situation was distracting her from thinking about Magik. "What happened, Hufflepuff?" she asked him warily. Someone had come into her room and drugged her, only for her to turn up in Jack's office. Her eyes narrowed. "Did Purifiers get in or something? If they did, I'm going to kill them. You always say I need to practice my powers more anyways so..."

Something was off about Jack, though. He looked gross - probably from the M-Pox, that or she figured he might not know how to shower properly. That wasn't what was bothering her though, she was used to people not smelling the greatest or looking a bit out of sorts. She couldn't place it, but something was different about him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground: Room 7

"I'm doing okay. Let me know what's going on, and if they have coffee, or any caffeine really. I finished the monster Echo gave us yesterday in the van." Andy said to Kristina. Looking back at Zarina she added, "What is your eyeball thing saying anyway? You talk to it like it is saying something, but I just hear 1's and 0's."

Andy stood up from the bed and stretched. She was used to people randomly yelling from the time at foster homes, the homeless camps, and of course the damn school. Her stomach grumbled. Food also sounded good. "I'm gonna see if there is food here. Care to join, or do you wanna keep uh, tinkering or fixing, or whatever it is you're doing."

Andy headed out of the room and slid past the chaos that was gathering in the hall. She realized she didn't know where the kitchen was. Her experience so far had been two of the rooms and the hall. She could guess what the hall rooms all went to bedrooms, especially the ones that people were coming out of or banging on the door of.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Outside Jack, James & Casper's Room
Skills: N/A

Waverley only ceased her pounding when she heard James shout from the other side. Of course Jack wasn't there. You don't kidnap someone, drop them off somewhere, and then come back to the scene of the crime. But some part of her had hoped that he'd be in there, waiting with a logical explanation that ended up with him innocent and Sunshine safe. That part of her was gone now. She slumped her head against the door, shutting her eyes tight. With the loss of her small bit of hope, the shortness of breath set in. Her intakes of oxygen became erratic, gasping for air as if she'd been plunged deep under some invisible lake no one could see. Then she heard a voice beside her. She didn't even register who it was, or what they were saying, just that it was someone she could tether herself to to stay grounded.

She pushed herself from the door and looked, seeing Echo in front of her. She grabbed onto him, her grip tight on his upper arm, and used it to find her footing. Listening to his voice, she forced herself to follow his instructions, pulling in as much air as she could, and then pushing it out. Her breaths were shaky, but they were calmer than her terrified wheezes. When she finally calmed herself down enough to comprehend her surroundings, she caught sight of the audience that surrounded her. Despite most of them being friends with most of them, having known them for a few months, she still couldn't help but feel crowded. This caused her to unknowingly tighten her grip on Echo. When she eventually spoke, she was looking to Veil. She'd seen the woman carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, and as much as she hated to add to it, this was something she needed to know.

"J-Jack went fucking nutso! I-we were just s-sleeping last night, and he-he came in and took her!" Waverley explained, her words coming out chopped up and anxiety-ridden. Even in her panicked state, she quickly realized that what she'd revealed wasn't enough to display the urgency of the situation. Jack was Sunshine's dad after all. So she clarified. "He fucking chloroformed me, and when I woke up, Sunshine was gone."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Outside of Room 5
Skills: N/A

Callie leaned herself up against the wall slightly and tried to pick off dried blood from her ears which was really annoying to deal with and uncomfortable as well. She listened to Waverly as she started to calm down, she didnt have to use her empathy to know that she was really stressed out about something that had happened last night. Callie was shocked to hear what Jack had done according to Waverly and turned to look at Veil. She was feeling a bit better than she had been yesterday, the day before was really bad having to deal with M-Pox as well as the death of two people in their group.

"We will find him, just calm down okay Waverly." Callie said looking over towards Casper who had his bedsheets wrapped around his waist, and cringed slightly at the sight of it. "I'm with Veil, could you get some clothes on please Casper, and any idea where your brother could have gone?" Callie asked looking over towards Veil. "Veil if you want, I could try and help out finding where Sunshine and Jack are." Callie said, she knew that she wasnt in the best shape right now, but for now she was feeling alright for the most part.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Outside of Room 5
Skills: N/A

Kristina stood there a little bit awkwardly as she watched the scene unfolding in front of her as she watched Waverly knocking on the door to Casper, James and Jack's room. "I think there should be some more stuff that was given to us last night." Kristina told Andy as she turned her attention back towards the scene down the hallway seeing the door opening and Casper with bedsheets wrapped around his waist which made her look away. It was something that she did not want to see after waking up so soon in the day, and rubbed the back of her neck slightly as Waverly started to talk what had happened last night.

She looked towards Veil to see what she wanted to do, she didnt interact with to much of these people aside from her new roommates as well as Sunshine who was grieving over the girl that had died. She was willing to do whatever she could do to help out if asked, she didnt have anything else to do really at the moment either.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 26 min ago

James Kingston

Location: Jack and Casper (and James)’s room
Skills: N/A

James watched with fond exasperation as Casper rolled off the bed and onto the floor with a heavy thud, the concern washed away when he popped up demanding to be hailed as Caesar. James was too busy chuckling to stop him from popping open the door but honestly, what did they expect pushing him out of bed before he was ready? James definitely did not take a moment to admire his boyfriend shirtless despite Veil mentioning his lack of clothes. He definitely and immediately went to convince Casper to shut the door and put real clothes on but he may have paused for Waverly to calm down. His irritation at her for bothering them on an easy morning was gone as he watched her try and calm herself.

James frowned at the idea of Jack chloroforming anyone really. Maybe if he was on a job if he had to but one of his… Oh fuck. What if the M-pox hallucinations were doing something to him? Maybe made him think Sunshine was in danger or something. James wasn’t really sure if the M-pox could do that but considering it was just discovered over the past week and a half or so, it could turn into anything. Of course, the real concern here wasn’t what Jack was going to do with Sunshine but rather what Sunshine was going to do to Jack. Their relationship was mending but Sunshine’s default processing emotion was anger and it very quickly turned into violence. James wasn’t sure how getting another illness on top of m-pox would affect Jack’s recovery.

“Babes, wanna get some clothes on and then eat with me? See if we can get you a little more energy after yesterday.” James said, pulling his boyfriend away from the door and pushing him towards his stuff. “Give us a moment and we’ll be right out.” He said to everyone as he shut the door and turned his attention on Casper, stepping away from the door and speaking softly. “Hey, can Ben confirm or deny any of that? I just want to make sure she didn’t pick up m-pox and it was some hallucination or something. And please, no channeling. I don’t think I can handle you on the brink of death twice in two days.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: MU bedroom >Hallway
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max sat in the bed staring blankly at a mirror as he felt the fog in his mind lift up. Dizziness filling it wake as the room began to spin causing him to turn and face the bucket by his bed. He went to go vomit but all that happened was dry heaving as his stomach curled up into him and nothing came out. The force of the act brought out his veins again to be on display as Max shuffled backwards against the wall and began to cower for a moment. Was this what life would be like now? He made his way towards the door and cracked it open, listening in to what was going on outside. Jack had taken Sunshine and there were only a handful of people Max new he could ask. Sunshine, Jack, or his father.

Sunshine would no doubt yell at him for using his magic on her and then continue on about how he should be dead instead of Magik. Jack wouldn't tell him, why would he? After how he was acting back at the old MU after Max saved his ass, or given the fact that he just kidnapped someone? The last person was his father, they didn't seem to get along but maybe he knew some places close to Jacks heart. Places he'd frequent or take someone if kidnapped. Surely he could try Doctor Strange but the man was probably busy saving the world from extradimensional beings or chaos witches or something. Who knows. Finally Maxs stomach growled in protest as he heard about the food and he slowly stepped out of his room weakly saying "I may be able to help in finding her..."


Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Self Multiplication

Echo could feel his body shake alongside hers as she took in deep breaths. Her fear, her emotion, prevalent and worn on her sleeve. His arms were pinned to his sides but he managed to T-rex his hands around her back and give her a few light pats as he just whispered to here "There, There." He wanted to say it was alright, thar everything was going to be fine but...the news she broke was anything but. Echo wasn't sure how to handle it or why someone from the Underground would do such a thing to another member. Had it been to Max he'd understand seeing as how there appeared to be tension there but this...this made no sense. Echos attention was pulled for a moment as he saw Casper out in nothing but a bedsheets and his eyes immediately darted upwards incase there was little to the imagination left below. Granted the view up top wasn't any less appetizing.

Like a saviour Terry began to make his way back to alert Harry that breakfast was finished when he spotted the display before him and a lot child to boot. The newbies didn't need to see any of this and perhaps 3veryone would feel better with food before them as they discussed what was to come next. Terry cleared his throat before speaking to gather their attention. "Breakfast is served in the dining room for everyone. Perhaps the conversation can continue there with some hot food and full stomachs?" "I think thats a great idea. C'mon waves, lets get you settled down with some warm waffles, Canadian syrup, and a smorgasbord of berrie options including bananas. Oh and French pressed coffee to help stimulate the mind and kick out any nasty grogyness left behind by the drug ok?" Terry nodded, cupping his hands together as he yelled out "ALRIGHT BREAKFASTS READY FRESH AND WARM IN THE DINING ROOM"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Luna Braddock - Glimpse

Location: Mutant Underground Room 3 ---> Hallway -- Washington D.C.

Luna had made it to their bedroom door before her legs went jelly and she slumped against the door frame. She stared at her hands on the floor a moment before grinning tiredly and started crawling into the hallway. She looked up in time to hear Waverley’s testimony. She sat back on her heels but eventually slumped over to the side, not being to hold herself up. ”My head’s heavy,” she complained. She couldn’t quite comprehend why they were upset Jack and Sunshine were gone. ”Maybe they are having a daddy daughter date! I miss those,” Luna blurted.
Luna scratched her ear, feeling it was itchy and when she pulled it away she was bleeding again but Luna started to panic. ”Why am I bleeding?! What happened to me?” Luna tried to get to her feet but she couldn’t get her legs to work and hold her up. She was having a very hard time standing, let alone trying to walk.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 1 hr ago

February 17th, 2021 - 9:20 AM

Veil & Casper

Location: Mutant Underground: Second Floor Hallway
Skills: Perception, Mediumship
Veil's eyes sharpened as Feedback relayed the events that had happened. She wasn't surprised that Jack had done something like that - he was a good person, but his family seemed to be crazier than a sack of cats. He had siblings in mental institutions and his other brother was Casper, who was... well, Casper. Sunshine's deep set aggression and abandonment issues likely had some sort of genetic factor. And of course, Jack's father was Mister Sinister, not the ideal parental figure. "Don't worry, we'll find them," Veil promised Feedback.

"Jack kidnapped Sunshine?" Casper repeated. He made a big deal out of rubbing his eyes, his face looking a little bit splotchy from the M-Pox coursing through his system. From a certain angle, it just looked like he had a horrible birthmark or sunburn - or that he was cosplaying as Prince Zuko. "Jackie? My little baby brother? I wish I could say I didn't see it coming, but my family is fuuucked up. Like seriously, one time my brother David tried to go back in time to kill Magneto... and I think maybe our dad too? I forget. I was super high at the time."

"Just a few minutes ago you were denying all of this and what, now you're playing the stressed out and responsible older sibling?!" Ben pointed out. Casper's hypocrisy made him feel physically ill - an impressive feat, as Ben had been dead for years.

"Hush, Ben, I'm processing. Now as for my clothes, I'm actually really feeling the toga right now, it gives a lovely breeze around the bits if you catch my drift," he said, before giving a little twirl. By some miracle, even as he moved his arms away from the sheet, it stayed firmly attached, preventing anyone from getting too much of an eye full. They would, however, be able to see his extensive tattoos.

Luckily, as James gently pushed Casper over towards his stuff, he didn't trip or fall over his own two feet. He was out of view of the door and Casper peeled out of the sheets, throwing on some underwear, a tank top, and a long black skirt. He put on a pair of socks and then some sneakers, before returning to James and doing yet another twirl. "I'm feeling this today. I think it screams time to rescue my brother and niece from my brother and niece."

Ben hit his palm against his forehead, mirroring the same exact action Veil took. "James asked you something."

"Oh, Ben saw the same thing happen I think, he mentioned it earlier," Casper relayed.

Veil looked at Max, quickly trying to size up how aware he was. He seemed like death warmed over. Glimpse's condition didn't seem to be much better. She wished that Havok would emerge to help deal with all of the chaos going on, but it was probably better that he hadn't come out with Polaris. She had no idea how Lorna would react to being back here. "Glimpse, stay still okay? James, Sapphire, one of you please help her," Veil requested. She needed to put together a quick team to go find Jack and Sunshine.

"Okay, the group coming with me to find them will be Feedback, Max, Spark Plug, and me. James and Sapphire, you're in charge. Max - can you make a magical tracker or something to find them?" Veil then asked. If Max couldn't do things by magic, then the next best thing would be to do traditional investigative work. They'd need to visit the locations Jack had frequented before moving to the Underground.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground HQ - Veil and Sapphire's Room
Skills N/A

"I mean, best you can do at this point right?" she responded to her friend with a shrug as she followed after her into the hallway to hear what all was going on with Waverly and why the hell she had decided to start screaming. It was giving her a bit of a headache, and she already had one from before all of this started happening. Going over, she crossed her arms as she listened to Waverly go on about how she had essentially been drugged by Jack who had supposedly then kidnapped Sunshine. This sounded a bit weird to her, but eh who knew, weirder things had happened then that she supposed.

Glancing towards Veil, she nodded her head at Veil as she started stating what it was that the groups were going to be doing, and she wasn't too thrilled at the idea of being stuck at the Underground. She would prefer to not have to deal with some of these idiots who drove her nuts or whatever, but she wasn't really going to argue, at least not right now. For once she wasn't really in the mood to argue so she nodded her head, and more or less ignored Casper's rambling. When Veil asked for either her or James to help out Glimpse, she shook her head slightly, "I can't do much, so he can do it," was all she said, before she walked away from the area, and wasn't really too hungry as she walked away from what was going on and down to the main entrance area.

Location: Mutant Underground HQ
Skills Technopathy

"He speaks perfect English to me! Or would it be Norwegian? Guess it doesn't really matter since I know everything he says and understand him. And how? That's easy silly, it's called Technopathy! I can control and manipulate electronics, as well as talk to them! It's rather simple really, so to everyone else it just sounds like a bunch of beeping or numbers or whatever, but to me it makes perfect sense," she responded simply to Kristina's question about how things worked or whatever regarding her talking to the robotic eye as she tossed her tools to the side, and walked after everyone else still carrying the robotic head. Oh, and Mr. Eyeball was just floating along after them.

"01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110000 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001 00100000 01000100 01101111 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101000 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01101111 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100001!!!!!"

"I'm not going to leave you behind don't worry," she responded with a giggle, making sure to leave the door open so that the robotic eye could follow along after her as she went to see what was going on. Hearing the groups assigned to do something aside from sit around in the Underground waiting for them to show up. "You people sound like you're going to have fun with that ooooh did someone say the word food? I'm starving!" Zari said, instantly getting distracted and her brain switching to focus on something completely different in the span of a few seconds as she took off for the dining room area now.

Location: Jack's Office
Skills Bluff, Manipulation, People Reading, Charisma

"I'm glad that you're okay Sunshine, since you were out of it for a while," he said to her, giving her a smile as he took a sip from his coffee cup. "I'd offer you coffee but I'm honestly not sure that caffeine would be a good idea, since you half the time are a bit on the energetic side anyway," he said with a bit of a small laugh as he looked at her still. "Feel free to have another doughnut or whatever, I bought the box figuring you'd want to munch on something or whatever." He grabbed a doughnut from the box and munched on it until it was gone.

He was thinking of the best way to respond to Sunshine's question about what had happened. One thing was for certain, he wasn't going to flat out admit to Sunshine what he had done. "Yeah, something like that probably, I'm not entirely sure what happened. What I do know is that I was up and about since the idea of sharing a room with my brother and his boyfriend was not exactly ideal when I heard a few doors opening and slamming so I figured someone else was awake and went to go see, saw what looked like a cloth and a weird bottle of some sort, found you unconscious and was fairly certain you weren't asleep, so I brought you here until you woke up again, and figured you'd be hungry so I went and got you some food. Figured I startled whoever it was since the person didn't seem to realize anyone else was up. No idea who it was or wherever the hell that they came from that's for sure."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Mutant Underground: Dining room

Andy blinked. She wasn't certain she understood half of what Zarina said. Sure she knew the words, well most of them, but she didn't get the concepts. What was Technopathy anyway? Andy considered asking, but she wasn't certain if she wanted an extended tirade about it.

Andy picked up a bit on the conversation that was going on. It was explaining why Feedback had been yelling and woke everyone up. It sounded like someone had kidnapped someone else. The names meant nothing to Andy since she barely knew anyone in the building. The list of people she knew could almost be counted on one hand.

And one of those people's clones was telling them that there was food! Blessed food. And the coffee was mentioned too. That was a very welcome item. She followed the clone of Echo down to the dining area. Andy had been around enough mutants to not be totally weirded out by clones and stuff like that, but this group was on top of the list of the weirdest group altogether. She wondered how much of that was the M-pox getting to them.

She gave a bit of a yawn. "I'd like a cup of coffee too. The biggest one you can make." She had never had a French press coffee before, but if it had caffeine she was all for it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Outside Jack, James & Casper's Room
Skills: N/A

Waverley would be lying if she said Veil's assertion that they'd get back Sunshine soothed her. She'd come to trust the leader of the Mutant Underground with her life, but a few simple words weren't going to be enough to overpower the awful, anxious thoughts that rang in her head. When Casper spoke his piece, Waverley couldn't help her eyebrow from twitching in annoyance. She was usually all for Casper's playful attitude. It relieved the Underground of some of the tension that it so often held. But in this case, it just put her more on edge. To her, this was as serious as matters could get: one of their own had been kidnapped by someone who at best was an MU member going through some mental problems and at worst was a traitor. Luckily, James pulled him back into their room before he could say anything else.

"I'm not hungry," Waverley mumbled to Echo, though her stomach disagreed. Her nerves had robbed her of any desire to eat. Even though her stomach was doubly empty from the previous day of starving herself out of grief for Cayden, she doubted she'd be able to touch any food that was put in front of her. Her gaze shifted down the hallway, where a couple of the M-Pox victims had shambled out of their rooms, looking like Walking Dead extras. Among them was Max. The usually well-dressed, elegant young man looked like...well, he looked how one would imagine a sick man living in an underground abandoned building to look like. As much as his words surprised her, she only let it show with her wide eyes for a second, before she turned them back to the floor, where they stayed for a short while, ignoring the children racing down for food and the loopy Luna. She only brought them back up to look at Veil when she announced their expedition team. She looked like she was about to protest, but instead, she just hesitantly nodded. If this was the team Veil thought could bring back Sunshine, then she'd suck it up. She was quiet for a few more seconds, before she looked back over to the disheveled warlock.

"Do...do you really think you can find her?" Waverley finally asked, her voice quiet and cracking, just barely audible from the distance she stood from Max.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Callie Johnson

Location: Mutant Underground - Outside of Room 5 -> Dining Room
Skills: N/A

Callie looked at Veil as she told them the team that would be going out to search for Jack and Sunshine and nodded, she didnt mind going out she was feeling a bit better now which was good now as well to. Though she was sick and she wasnt sure if her symptoms would get any worse or better. She looked between Max and Waverly for a moment, the two didnt like each other so that would be an interesting way to see how they would get along on the little mission. "Sounds good to me, though i'm probably not in a good condition to drive at the moment, the symptoms could get worse for me." Callie said looking at Waverly and then over towards Max, he could open portals so he could probably get them to where they need to go.

Hearing the announcement for food she was pretty hungry at the moment. "I'm going to grab a bite real quick then we can get going." Callie said as she started to head down the stairs and towards the kitchen. Seeing the food there she smiled, as she started to fill herself a plate rather quickly. "Thanks for the food." Callie said as she turned around and headed back to meet up with the others.

Kristina Smith

Location: Mutant Underground - Outside of Room 5 -> Dining Room.
Skills: N/A

Kristina wanted to see if she could help out, but decided against it seeing as Veil was the groups leader and it seemed like she had the numbers that they needed. She heard the announcement for food and her stomach growled slightly, she hadnt had anything really real since the day before so she was really hungry. "I'm going to go and get some food." Kristina said as she didnt really want to feel like she was intruding on anything at the moment and started to head down the stairs.

Kristina entered the dining room area and looked around seeing that the food had been made and quickly started to grab herself a plate and then sat down at the table. "Thank you for the breakfast." Kristina said as she started to dig in rather quickly and leaned back slightly as she enjoyed the food. "So, how are you guys doing?" She asked looking at those who were in the room.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Maximillian Gray

Location: MU bedroom >Hallway
Skills: ConjurationNew Outfit

Max watched Waverlys eyes widen for a brief moment, no doubt a flash of emotion from seeing him again after they've tried to avoid each other so many times. There was a sharp surprised gasp as Waverly asked him if he truly thought he could find Sunshine. He hadnt expected her to speak to him, let alone agree to work with him. His voice was weak from the prior days vomitting and the illness that had been plaguing him for what felt like years now. "I can try my best. M-pox isn't helping but I'll do what I can." He looked towards James' door, glad that he wasnt out there to hear him...hopefully. James was one of the few underground members to have seen the lengths Max would go through to help others, he watched how he exhausted himself in HoM and still pushed himself to help find others like Casper and Jack. "If i could find the X-men, Doctor Strange, and Jack and Casper while they were in Louisiana, I should hope I can find her."

Max gave Waverly a weak smile and thumbs up in a vote of confidence. His stomach growled again but this time louder for all to hear. He look past the group and towards where food was held. Asking them for a moment, he stepped away from them and made his way over towards the table. Grabbing two plates he set one up with two Waffles, a small side of syrup, sliced bananas on top, and an Omlette on the side. The other was essentially the same but the bananas were replaced with blueberries and strawberries, each playe with their own fork and knife. Max made his way back towards Veil and the others, handing Waverly a plate of food. "I know I'm no good when I'm weak with hunger, especially when a disease is tearing me up from the inside. Don't go into this hungry, we don't know what we may face ahead. We'll need all the strength we can get."

Max took a couple bites from his food and then sat down on the ground in the same meditative stance he took in HoM. Searching for Sunshine as he attempted to ignore the bite of hunger and pain of disease. He spoke aloud as he continued to concentrate "Shes still in the DC area, so Jack hasn't gotten his hands on a Jumper or Teleporter. I...I see filing Cabinets and I can smell...stale pastrys." His nose twitched as he smelled the air and the connection broke, leaving him back into the Underground. "Sorry, Thats all I was able to get before-" Max began to have a coughing fit bringing about a light headedness and headache. "Casper! You know anywhere Jack may be with filing Cabinets and stale pastries?" If anyone should know its his brother.


Location: Mutant Underground
Skills: Self Multiplication

The quadruplets were all upstairs helping to serve those thst needed it and handing out mugs of coffee to those that requested it. Barry gave Andy an inquisitive look before handing her a mug of coffee. "Sorry only got the one size here. Milk and Sugars in the center of the table if you need it." Harry ended up lifting his hands off of Waverly and began to watch the scene play out before him. He gave his sister a nod before heading up to the rest who were now dining by the table. She appeared to have this matter handled so he would see to another. Once he entered the room the other duplicates looked towards him. All five then spoke in unison. "Just a heads-up. It isn't always like this here, both the missing person as well as the food. We thought we'd help lift some spirits after yesterday with a gorgeous breakfast." Harry made his own plate of food and sat down at the table with the others.

He looked across towarss Kristina as he daintily cut his waffles without looking. His fork and knife making nary a clatter on the plate. "It goes without saying but you're welcome for the food, you're all welcome. Its the least I can do really. I hope you each found your first night here restful? I know how it can be sleeping in a strange bed and new room. How alienating it may feel. But in time, if you so choose to stay, it can become home and these people your family. There will be ups and downs but...its good work." There was a pang of self-hate in him as he spoke, knowing all the years he neglected to do anything because he didn't believe the fight had anything to do with him. He felt ignorant for thinking otherwise and now knew that this is what Xavier meant, this affects all of us.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 26 min ago

James Kingston

Location: Jack and Casper (and James)’s room -> Medical
Skills: N/A

“Let’s just hope everyone looks as good as you or they’re just going to drag you down.” James said fondly, used to Casper’s wild swings in demeanor. It may have made him more than a little nervous that Jack was the target. Jack knew Casper better than anyone here in the Underground―including Casper himself, in James opinion―and that meant Casper was a sitting duck for any little mind games Jack was up to. Jack would know exactly where to bend and poke Casper until he managed to deceive him or break him. But James also knew it was hopeless. Casper had gone into big brother mode and he knew Casper would do what he wanted, how he wanted. The only thing he could was make sure he stayed safe doing it. He cupped Casper’s face, kissed him quickly, and opened the door to rejoin the conversation still happening outside their door.

“Yep, I got her.” James said, unsurprised at Sapphire’s quick dismissal. They could literally do the same things. Keep them hydrated, laying down, and medicated when necessary. His healing factor only made things worse most of the time so it was just a waste of energy to try. He knelt next to Luna, gently coaxing her up so he could support her. “Okay, up you go. You can do this. We’re going to get you to medical and get that blood cleaned up and see if you can hold any food or water down. Then you can relax your head and you don’t have to worry about bleeding, okay? We’ll get you taken care of, Luna.” James spoke softly as he herded her to the medical room. His own stomach protested moving away from the smell of breakfast but that wasn’t really an option. He bit back a sigh but the idea of breakfast reminded him of something.

“Make sure you eat, babes! You got your appetite back so take advantage of it.” He said before he pushed into the medical room and deposited Luna on a cot. He immediately set to cleaning up the blood trickling out of her ear. “Did you managed to get some sleep last night?”
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