Hōshasen: The Plaguemother
TIME: Many years ago
LOCATION: Somewhere in Roshmi City
"When I was a little girl, I had a hatred of spiders."
Hōshasen grew up not knowing who her parents were. The House of Sunspring told her she was left as a baby at their doorstep one night and she had been in their service for as far as she could remember. They were all light elves with long flowing locks that were as gold as freshly grown wheat and eyes as green as the first sprout of leaves in the spring. They were elegant and refined in anything that they do as they were one of the upper-class families of Roshmi City back then.
As for her, the thing that made her different was Hōshasen being a demihuman. Her hair was white as the moon and her skin was a pale shade of blue. People would often look at her in awe because they saw how beautiful she looked from the waist up, but their look of admiration turned to that of horror when they turned their eyes to the thing below her waist. Where her legs should have been, there existed a large arachnid with grey hair all over its body along with two pairs of huge, black, glass-like eyes. Children would throw things and laugh at her while saying mean things. Even her own kin, the other demihumans, would look at her like she was unnatural. She thought they were her people, yet they were disgusted and appalled to even call her as one of their kind just because she looked different from them. It led her to hate herself, especially on her spider half for being the sole purpose of making her life a living hell.
It was a good thing that the Sunspring family took her in. They treated her with kindness and took care of her every need though their idea of kindness was making her one of their housemaids at such a young age, making her clean every crook and cranny of their humungous house every single day. Every supper, they were kind enough to let her eat even just a portion of their scrumptious food. Sometimes, the food they gave her smelled funny and was covered in a layer of grass-like green fuzz, but she thought they loved her so much that they gave her such unique foods. She often ended up suffering from diarrhea and vomiting but she thought it was just her body rejecting the food as she was not being used to such luxurious meals.
There will be times where Hōshasen made a mistake, did not wake up in time, or did not do her duties well enough to their standard. They would scream profanities at her or often harm her by whipping her back and her abdomen. As their vine made contact with her skin and leave a mark on her, she chided herself in her mind for being such an idiot. The House of Sunspring took her under their wing, who was she to be so incompetent in doing her duties as part of their family? At least, they said she was part of their family. They even included her in their social gatherings and they tasked her as their main entertainer where they ordered her to dance around on her eight legs. Hōshasen pushed through even if her whole body was in pain, just so she would not bring shame to her family.
When her duties were done for the day, she returned to her room late at night. They provided her with a pile of rugs to use as her bed and a small candle to serve as her light. Her favorite hobby was combing her silver hair; it used to be flowy and long just like theirs but the Sunsprings cut it because they said it would look better on her. She was heavily thin but they said it made her look prettier. She was conscious of the scars on her body but they said the scars suited her. She combed whatever's left of her hair every night while smiling at the mirror. Tears would start rolling down her cheeks before she knew it but I still did her best to lift her smile up. She was very thankful for everything they’ve done to her but as the years went by, their feeling of gratitude was beginning to get more and more tainted by sadness, anger, and hurt.
One day while accompanying the Sunspring matriarch to the market, Hōshasen collapsed to the ground due to exhaustion from carrying all the matriarch bought in addition to the chores she did before leaving. Luckily, a hooded figure was able to carry her. Hōshasen could barely see what the stranger's face looked like but she could tell it was a woman. Despite having no pupils, her amber-colored eyes showed her kindness and her smile was sweeter compared to those given to Hōshasen by her family. The stranger put her hand over Hōshasen's forehead and mumbled something incomprehensible. The stranger then helped her back to her feet and whispered to her ear. "Your home is poison." She said as she walked away.
Her words left a mark on Hōshasen. It was all she thought of while doing her chores and of course, the Sunspring family grew irritated by her aloofness. With every word, punch, kick, and scratch they threw at her, Hōshasen was starting to feel nothing but an impending hurt in her heart. After all these years, she thought everything they did to her was their way of showing how much they loved her. Now that she had grown up, the stranger's words made her realize that what she thought was her home was not it after all. Perhaps the stranger has put some sort of spell on Hōshasen to make her mind clear so she could finally see all the hurt she's been through under this family. Nevertheless, she was thankful for that person's words.
That night, while all of the Sunspring family was peacefully asleep, Hōshasen silently crept into their rooms and studied their slumbering faces. The public thought their hearts were as beautiful as their faces but their souls were rotten to the core. Like it was in her nature, Hōshasen began released bright blue spider webs from her mouth towards the sleeping elves. Her web had become poisonous and corrosive from all the painful years she endured under their wing, making the elves scream in agonizing pain as their flesh began to burn. Some more of the family members rushed towards the sounds of screams and they too were covered in blankets of Hōshasen's webs.
She felt no remorse as she proceeded to cover the entire house in her poisonous webs, basking everything in sickly bright blue. She didn't stop until all the screamings became silent, and the only sound she could hear was their skin being burned to a crisp by her webs. Hōshasen sat in the lounge area, tears streaming from her eyes not due to sadness but due to happiness. For the first time in her life, she laughed freely and out loud as it echoed throughout the webbed hallways. Suddenly in front of her, the stranger from earlier appeared. She reached out to Hōshasen with her hand while smiling sweetly at her, and without hesitation, Hōshasen took the stranger's hand with an evil smile on her face. When the authorities came the next day, they were greeted by the foul stench of the corroded corpses of the entire Sunspring family covered in spiderwebs.
"When I was a little girl, I had a hatred of spiders. I was told I was as ugly as a demon and I will always look like a monster, but I knew the truth. At the moment of being free from the hell I was in, I have never felt more beautiful."