Name: Natasha Zhang
Age: 34, but looks 25
Physical Description:

Art originally of Melissa Mao from Full Metal Panic.
Important items:
Vacuum Suit - A spacesuit that allows her to survive in space for prolonged periods of time, and which acts as body armor in a pinch.
Monomolecular Longsword - A blade sharpened to a molecule-thin edge and can chop through most materials; contained in a special sheath that can withstand said molecule-edge.
Coilgun Pistols - Two Coilgun Pistols.
Omni-Tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking.
Galactic Credits - 100,000 Galactic Credits in both digital and material form.
Short Bio: Natasha Zhang was born in the frontier world of Qingdao, on the edge of Ascendancy space. Qingdao was a rustic world, mostly dedicated to farming, mining, and providing raw materials to the Ascendancy Core Worlds, who provided protection in the form of naval forces. As is usually the case in these kinds of stories, Natasha soon grew tired of the podunk homeworld she was stuck in and dreamt of greater things, to be a captain of one of the starships she saw on the HyperNet. And so, once she grew old enough, she went off to join the nearest Recruitment Office to join the Ascendancy forces in their escalating hostilities against other species.
Starting as a midshipman abroad a Corvette, Natasha soon encountered the glass ceiling that prevented those from the frontier colonies from ascending to high rank in the Ascendancy Fleet, as well as the favoritism shown to those from the Core. Nevertheless, out of stubbornness, she ignored it, and even hoped for a war against the Rau've in order to give her opportunities to prove herself. Piloting a starship was her dream, and she wasn't going to let go of that just because of some opposition. And so she waited for war, and when it came, the rapid series of battles against the Rau've and Kaisoken gave her multiple avenues for promotion.
Finding herself in command of the Corvette she served in, then a Frigate and a Cruiser, Natasha's rise then stopped due to the Battle of Proxima, where she lost several of her crew to a Rau've broadside when the Grand Admiral in charge of the Ascendancy Fleet used her ship and several others held by 'frontier-born' officers as bait to draw a Coalition squadron into a space minefield. This drew her ire, especially as in the aftermath of the battle, she and the other 'frontier-born' were blamed for the battle's loss and dishonorably discharged. Shocked by such ingratitude, Natasha went back to her homeworld for a while to take up farming but grew bored again.
This is why the secret message from Moonstrike, sent through the dark web, was music to her ears. The resistance group, tired of the Ascendancy's lies, propaganda, and totalitarian tactics were gathering people for a guerrilla campaign against the Ascendancy. And yes, they can provide the ex-captain her own ship: It would merely be a light freighter, but it would be enough for her; at last, she can soar through the stars again.
She remembered smiling as she pondered her vengeance against the Ascendancy; it will come swiftly.
Personality-wise, Natasha is a hard-drinking woman who loves loud music and surprisingly, history (mostly of the military type). She loves tales of old battles but has branched out to hearing about economic and social causes of warfare; she also loves a good tale of poisoning, assassination, and deliberately engineered 'accidents'. She is also a gun and sword enthusiast (unsurprisingly), but ships and navigation are her true love.
Character Traits
Ship Captain - Despite everything, Natasha knows a lot about piloting a ship, and is proficient in navigation and astrography, while also knowing her vessel and its systems like the back of her hand.
Frontier-born-and-bred - Natasha is also a rough-and-tumble person who knows how to pilot and drive atmospheric and ground vehicles, can hold her own in a fight with guns and swords, and physically strong with great bodily resilience.
Smuggler and Trader - Even before joining Moonstrike, even before her military career, Natasha knew the ins and outs of trade and barter from her farm girl upbringing. Same for her involvement with the black market, which provided some necessities to her homeworld due to the Ascendancy's neglect. And now that she is part of a rebel group that also engages in smuggling, her nascent skills in commerce, legal and illegal, can now be trained to blossom...
Age: 34, but looks 25
Physical Description:

Art originally of Melissa Mao from Full Metal Panic.
Important items:
Vacuum Suit - A spacesuit that allows her to survive in space for prolonged periods of time, and which acts as body armor in a pinch.
Monomolecular Longsword - A blade sharpened to a molecule-thin edge and can chop through most materials; contained in a special sheath that can withstand said molecule-edge.
Coilgun Pistols - Two Coilgun Pistols.
Omni-Tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation and small-scale hacking.
Galactic Credits - 100,000 Galactic Credits in both digital and material form.
Short Bio: Natasha Zhang was born in the frontier world of Qingdao, on the edge of Ascendancy space. Qingdao was a rustic world, mostly dedicated to farming, mining, and providing raw materials to the Ascendancy Core Worlds, who provided protection in the form of naval forces. As is usually the case in these kinds of stories, Natasha soon grew tired of the podunk homeworld she was stuck in and dreamt of greater things, to be a captain of one of the starships she saw on the HyperNet. And so, once she grew old enough, she went off to join the nearest Recruitment Office to join the Ascendancy forces in their escalating hostilities against other species.
Starting as a midshipman abroad a Corvette, Natasha soon encountered the glass ceiling that prevented those from the frontier colonies from ascending to high rank in the Ascendancy Fleet, as well as the favoritism shown to those from the Core. Nevertheless, out of stubbornness, she ignored it, and even hoped for a war against the Rau've in order to give her opportunities to prove herself. Piloting a starship was her dream, and she wasn't going to let go of that just because of some opposition. And so she waited for war, and when it came, the rapid series of battles against the Rau've and Kaisoken gave her multiple avenues for promotion.
Finding herself in command of the Corvette she served in, then a Frigate and a Cruiser, Natasha's rise then stopped due to the Battle of Proxima, where she lost several of her crew to a Rau've broadside when the Grand Admiral in charge of the Ascendancy Fleet used her ship and several others held by 'frontier-born' officers as bait to draw a Coalition squadron into a space minefield. This drew her ire, especially as in the aftermath of the battle, she and the other 'frontier-born' were blamed for the battle's loss and dishonorably discharged. Shocked by such ingratitude, Natasha went back to her homeworld for a while to take up farming but grew bored again.
This is why the secret message from Moonstrike, sent through the dark web, was music to her ears. The resistance group, tired of the Ascendancy's lies, propaganda, and totalitarian tactics were gathering people for a guerrilla campaign against the Ascendancy. And yes, they can provide the ex-captain her own ship: It would merely be a light freighter, but it would be enough for her; at last, she can soar through the stars again.
She remembered smiling as she pondered her vengeance against the Ascendancy; it will come swiftly.
Personality-wise, Natasha is a hard-drinking woman who loves loud music and surprisingly, history (mostly of the military type). She loves tales of old battles but has branched out to hearing about economic and social causes of warfare; she also loves a good tale of poisoning, assassination, and deliberately engineered 'accidents'. She is also a gun and sword enthusiast (unsurprisingly), but ships and navigation are her true love.
Character Traits
Ship Captain - Despite everything, Natasha knows a lot about piloting a ship, and is proficient in navigation and astrography, while also knowing her vessel and its systems like the back of her hand.
Frontier-born-and-bred - Natasha is also a rough-and-tumble person who knows how to pilot and drive atmospheric and ground vehicles, can hold her own in a fight with guns and swords, and physically strong with great bodily resilience.
Smuggler and Trader - Even before joining Moonstrike, even before her military career, Natasha knew the ins and outs of trade and barter from her farm girl upbringing. Same for her involvement with the black market, which provided some necessities to her homeworld due to the Ascendancy's neglect. And now that she is part of a rebel group that also engages in smuggling, her nascent skills in commerce, legal and illegal, can now be trained to blossom...