Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 18 min ago

“Yeah, totally, I’ll pinky-promise you!” Calypso’s smile lit up her face as the two of them locked pinkies. “Now you have to keep your word. Or else…” That last part was said ominously, before she wiggled her eyebrows right back at Caleb. Her playful side was definitely coming out today. Noticing her pancakes and coffee were gone, her eyes lit up with an idea. She could totally show off with that! But in a second…

She nodded along enthusiastically. “Oh, telekinesis! Sort of like a superhero… that’s super awesome. I’ve never been much of a pranker myself, but I can see the appeal, sort of?” In truth, she could not. Breaking the rules just for fun sounded anxiety-inducing, not fun. But she didn’t want to let this new guy know that she was lame right off the bat, did she? “I’m pretty sure Dakota likes pranks, though. They can go a little… far, but they’re funny sometimes. Yours are probably funny, too. I’m just not the best at pulling them, haha!”

Calypso glanced at the trash can all the way across the room, smiling. Time to show off a little. “Here, watch this!” With maybe a little more pomp than was necessary, Calypso cast one of her favorite spells- Magic Hands. Bright yellow arms took her plate and zoomed over to the trash can, dropping it in and zooming right back to her, where they dissipated back into her. She turned to Caleb again, noting Alayna’s comment. “Not divination, but it’s a pretty gentle spell,” she told them, putting her hands on her hips in triumph. “Aw, Alayna, don’t sell yourself short! You’ll be just as awesome as the elders someday, I bet. They were like us too, once. They’ve just had a lot more practice and a lot more time.”

Looking around at their surroundings, Calypso noted the clock. It was getting late in the morning, and she wanted to unpack and catch up with her new roomies before noon. She grabbed Alayna’s hand, giving a final smile and a wave to Caleb. “Come on, we should really go unpack and talk to Maggie before the elders make us do anything. I have a ton of cool decorations to put up. I call top bunk, though.” With that, Calypso raced up the stairs, taking Alayna with her.

June 22nd, 2020
1:30 AM
Baltimore, Maryland

Two figures stalked the streets, illuminated only by the faint, choked-out stars on the night of the new moon. It was a Sunday night, which meant they were almost alone out on the streets. Most of the people of Baltimore had turned in for the night, but not these two. The night was their time, and they had work to do. One was carrying a large, heavy-looking duffel bag, and the other a tightly-sealed bottle of liquid. They walked quickly down the street, purpose-filled.

The figure in the red blouse checked her smartphone, tapping through the passcode and getting into Google Maps. “Make a left here,” she told her partner, putting her phone back into the pocket of her jeans. “The cemetery should be just right around this bend.” Her voice was soft, subdued, and young.

Truly enough, when they made that left, they came face to face with the cobbled stone walls of Baltimore Cemetery. The figure on the left, a tall, dark-haired, ashen man in a trenchcoat, gazed up at the walls. They weren’t there for sightseeing, that was for sure. “Alright,” he said, graveled, in a light Russian accent, “we’re going to need to climb.” In a flash, the man had climbed up onto the wall. He offered a hand to the young woman with the duffel bag. She took it, and in merely seconds, they were up over the wall and standing in the long grass of the cemetery.

Once they were over the wall, the young, pale woman pulled out a piece of paper. There were numbers and a name on it, and she peered closely at it. The man leaned over to read with her. It took her a moment to place themselves in the cemetery, but once she did, the woman pointed to the right of them. “He should be over there.” Her voice was a whisper, low enough for only her partner to hear. “Let’s go. We should have him dug up and the grave covered again long before the sun rises.”

The overhanging trees along the side of the walls shielded them from the eyes of anyone that might have been in the cemetery that night. They walked in the shadows, careful to avoid anything that might make noise. It wasn’t a long walk to where they wanted to be. 15 minutes at most. Arriving at a newer-looking gravestone, dirt freshly overturned, the woman deposited her bag on the ground and zipped it open. Without much of an effort, she pulled out two heavy-looking shovels, keeping one for herself and handing the other to the man standing beside her.

The younger woman, shovel in hand, walked up to the grave. She, too, had once been buried, had been dug up, just like they were about to do to this young man. Although it was dark without the light of the moon, she could still see. The gravestone read: Here Lies Brett Miller, 1996-2020. A short life, she mused, but an even longer unlife for Brett.

“Do you think he lived a full life?” she said, not quite to the man but not quite to herself. “Brett, I mean. He was young. A little older than I was, but still young.”

The man looked at her, furrowed his brows with annoyance, and shrugged. “I do not know,” he said, and dug his shovel into the dirt. “Marie told me that he was 24. Medical student at Johns Hopkins University. Smart man.” With an easy shove, he dug up an entire shovelful of dirt, flinging it to the side. “He will be useful to us. We can’t be picky nowadays.”

“I suppose,” she muttered, and began to dig herself.
Quickly, they dug. Slinging dirt to their sides at nearly inhuman speeds, they reached the coffin within half an hour. They barely even seemed to break a sweat, only the young woman looking winded at the end of it.

“Alright,” said the man, glancing around the cemetery. “We will have to be quick about this. Ingrid, pull him out.”

Ingrid- the woman in red- huffed. “Why does it always have to be me?” she muttered, before rolling up her jeans and climbing into the hole. She leaned down, put her hands on the rim of the coffin, and then, with a heave, popped it open. She was greeted with the smell of death, and made a face. “Ugh. Hopefully he’ll stop smelling once he wakes up…” With another heave, she threw him onto the grass, and climbed up after him.

“Do you smell?” The man joked. “I do not think so. The smell will fade once he comes back. Now, let’s fill the grave in. If all goes right, no one will ever know that he is gone.”

With a body besides them, the two began to fill in the grave. It was easy work, but Ingrid couldn’t keep her eyes off of the boy. He was young, buried in a plaid flannel and jeans. The bite marks were in his collarbone, only visible if you looked for it. He had been a medical student. How surprised would he be to be brought back to life? How repulsed to feed on others? Ingrid wouldn’t say that it was cruel to bring him back in this way. It was cruel to have bitten and killed him in the first place. But they had been decimated by the witches in Washington, and their group was down more than half of their members. They needed more bodies, more fighters, especially after they had split up.

Suddenly, footsteps came from the opposite end of the graveyard. Light pinged off of far-away headstones. Ingrid yanked her head up, on alarm, meeting the eyes of the man next to her. “It’s the groundskeeper,” she whispered. “What do we do?”

He cursed in a foreign language that sounded vaguely Slavic. “I was hoping this would not happen,” he whispered, urgently. “We cannot fill it in before he gets here. We need to take the body, give him the dose, and go. Hopefully, they will not catch us.” Without much effort, he heaved Brett’s body over his shoulder, and gestured for Ingrid to come.

They made it away and into the bushes just before the groundskeeper shone his light on the overturned grave. The man swore, yet again, in Russian. “Give him the blood, Ingrid.” He held out the bottle, looking grim. “Do it now. We don’t have time to lose before he comes over here and we’re found.”

With unsteady hands, Ingrid unscrewed the lid. “Prop his head up,” she hissed, and her partner did so, opening his mouth while he did it. Slowly, glancing behind her to see if anyone was coming, she poured the blood down his throat. The thick, red liquid dribbled out of his lips as she poured, but it didn’t matter.

Behind them, they could hear the groundskeeper coming upon the overturned grave. “What the hell…” he muttered, glancing into the dirt, seeing the closed coffin. Internally, Ingrid hoped he wouldn’t open it, but that wasn’t the case. He popped it open and screamed, jumping into the air. “Oh, hell, no. Hell no.” He pulled out his phone and began to dial 911, shining his flashlight over the grounds.

Ingrid cringed. They only had so much time left. But as the blood poured down Brett’s throat, he began to change. His limp body convulsed, still cold, but moving. She held him down on the other man’s lap, elbow on his throat, and kept pouring the blood down his throat. He’d wake up soon enough, she knew. His heart wouldn’t start beating, his skin wouldn’t become warm again, but he’d be alive enough.

Just then, as the groundskeeper was screaming into the phone for a police car to show, Brett’s eyes flew open. He gasped, coming back to life. Groggy and disoriented, he glanced around, panicked. “Wha-” he started, but Ingrid pressed her hand to his mouth.

“Shh. You’re alright. I’ll explain everything in a minute. We need to go, though. Now.”

The Russian man picked Brett up again, and he and Ingrid leaped over the cemetery walls, a panicky former med student in tow. The groundskeeper saw only a flash of something moving beyond his line of sight, rustling the tree branches. It was the wind, he thought, but couldn’t quite convince himself.

On the other side of the wall, Ingrid pressed the newly-awakened Brett to the wall. He was a pale man, brown-haired, blue eyes. Tall, but not too tall. Glasses. He looked… nerdy, she supposed. He gasped, searching behind them. For what, she didn’t know. Family? The last people he had seen when he had died?

“What… what happened to me?” He clasped and unclasped his hands, marvelling at being alive. “I was… in the hospital. And I think I… wait. Who are you? Where are we?”

Police sirens sounded in the background. With a certain urgency, the man stepped forward. “I am Dmitri. This is Ingrid. There is not much time for explanations. We must hurry now, we cannot be seen. You’re coming with us.” At Brett’s protests, Dmitri grabbed him tight by the bicep. “Quiet. I will explain later. Now come.” Glancing at Ingrid, Dmitri gestured to the street as the red and blue sirens cascaded down.

And then, they took off running, a blur as the two vampires took their new progeny with them.

June 24th, 2020
10:30 AM
The Coven House

The days after the initiation were spent settling into new routines and getting used to their newfound power. The elders allowed the initiates a well-deserved break after the chaos of the initiation, and Calypso spent it mostly getting to know her roommates and playing games with her magic. Dakota and her finally had that tree climbing competition, and, well… Calypso was short a ten dollar bill now. Her fault for challenging Dakota to a competition involving agility. Most of the elders had made it clear to them that, should they want it, they were willing to offer lessons, tips, and tricks about any sort of magic to the initiates. Calypso hadn’t taken advantage of it, too nervous of annoying them to ask, but wanted to. Overall, their first few days at the house were idyllic. She didn’t find herself missing city life at all. Not among the endless forests of the mountain, the wildlife she found here, and the serene nature. And not among her friends. Calypso had never felt it herself, but she started to feel connected to nature, like she was supposed to be.

It was nice getting to know new and old friends, too. Despite Alayna seeming a little intimidating, Calypso came to learn that she was just quite shy. Calypso had actually chuckled when she came to learn that she had gotten the two shy ones. Of course, she didn’t mind. They were her friends. It was just amusing. That party that her, Dakota, and Caleb had been talking about never did end up happening, to Calypso’s slight disappointment. Sister Lark had ended up scheduling a “late night fire chat”, which was oddly summer-campy in a way. Everyone had to show off with their magic and answer a few questions about it. It wasn’t very eventful, but it had run so late into the night that they had to cancel the party because they were all so tuckered out.
Too bad. Calypso had really wanted to win that favor.

That morning, Calypso got to sleep in late, as was her preference. Or, at least, late for the coven house- she woke up at 9:30. Since no one else had wanted it, she had claimed the top bunk as her own. Her comforter was a bright yellow, quilted affair, and she had a stuffed cat sitting by her pillow. Fortunately, Maggie and Alayna didn’t seem to be the type to make fun of people with stuffed animals, which was nice. With a yawn, Calypso awoke, and hopped down from her bed after 5 minutes of trying to get back to sleep. Maggie and Alayna were already gone, which was not much of a surprise. Eager for the day and maybe planning to take a hike (?) later, Calypso popped open her dresser drawer and threw on a yellow tank top and some jeans. She laced up her sneakers, threw on some makeup, and went downstairs to find something to eat.

She ended up pouring herself a bowl of Cheerios, of which there was a suspiciously large amount of. She scarfed it down at the kitchen island, browsing through her phone while she did. Not that she had much success with that. The service was shit up here. It only made sense, though. They were on a mountain, after all. More time to practice magic anyways. When she finished with her Cheerios, she washed out the bowl and put it in the dishwasher, and then went upstairs to go brush her teeth. Today was going to be so much fun! She’d practice magic with whoever, maybe go fishing with Charlie like he kept asking everybody…

However, before she got a chance to go find anybody else, Sister Lark popped her head into the bathroom. Calypso perked up, ready for something to do. “Oh, awesome! I finally found you.” Lark smiled, tight-lipped. She wasn’t wearing her robe (they seemed to be for special occasions only), but she was wearing a mid-length, playful pink dress, her curly hair down. Sometimes Calypso wondered how this woman was as old as she was, even though she was only in her early 30s. She dressed like a college English major. “Deborah wants you all upstairs in her office. Immediately. You’re needed for an assignment.”

Calypso gasped, excited. She couldn’t believe her ears. Her? Going on an assignment, just like her mom and so many of the grown witches did? “Oh my God! That’s so cool… what are we doing? Like, uh, exorcising some place or, or, um, um, helping out another coven or something? All of those sound so cool.” She could barely keep herself from jumping up and down in glee.

Lark shook her head and laughed lightly, seemingly amused at Calypso’s excitement. She put her hand on Calypso’s shoulder, nudging her out of the bathroom. “No, no, nothing like that. It’s a serious situation, Cal. You’ll… well, Deborah will tell you more. No need to give you the whole brief down here when you can get a better explanation upstairs. Come on.”

With Lark walking behind her, Calypso climbed the stairs up to the fourth floor, where Deborah’s office was. She had never been up to the fourth floor of the house, but she knew it was where all the elders lived and worked. When she got up there, it did seem a bit different from the rest of the house. Incense burned on one of the tables lining the hallway, and bundles of herbs, magical symbols, and old decorations lined the walls. There were even pictures and paintings of what seemed like old leaders and groups of witches. There was a window propped open at both ends of the hallway, letting the hot air out. This place was old, but homey. The witchiness of it all was strangely comforting.

Lark led her to a door at the end of the hallway. It was made of dark brown, sturdy wood, and had a “PLEASE KNOCK” sign hanging from it. Calypso shifted, nervous, but Lark was already opening the door. Almost everybody was already crowded inside of her office, having been collected by one elder or another through the hour. She nudged her way through the crowd of initiates. It seemed she was one a few stragglers- apparently, since she had been late to wake up, she had missed the memo. There were a couple other stragglers coming in after her, one or two initiates even looking like they had just rolled out of bed.

The office was cozy. Deborah’s oaken desk, of course, took up the majority of the room. The matriarch of their coven sat in an antique, green-cushioned wooden chair, behind a large desk. There was a laptop in front of her, a printer behind her, and a wired phone next to her, but that was the extent of the modernization that her office had undergone. All sorts of plants hung from the walls and adorned her desk, and the window next to the desk hung open to the sky. It overlooked the forest, and what Calypso suspected was the wellspring beyond. There was a sweet, cloying block of incense burning in the corner. Old spell books and grimoires lined Deborah’s shelves, and there was even one open on her desk. There was a map of the region behind her desk, too, covered in pins and dry erase dots. Portraits and pictures of previous leaders of the coven lined the wall, too, along with all the other things. Two chairs sat in front of her desk, but whoever had gotten here first had occupied them. Bummer. Better get here early next time. Deborah herself sat at the desk, looking businesslike in a blue blouse and a mid-length black skirt.

Now that everyone seemed to be in the room, Deborah cleared her throat loudly. Everyone stopped talking, her presence commanding attention. She smiled at the gathered witches. “Good morning, everyone. I hope it’s been a good few days since the ritual. The purpose of this summer is to fully integrate you into your lives as witches, and there are many aspects to the life that you’ve chosen. Magic is an art, yes, and one of the many parts of coven life is your fellow witches. Those are some of the best parts of our lives, and we take pride in them.” She took a deep breath in. “But, regretfully, there is darkness in our world. And another aspect of being a witch is your duty. Our duty. Our duty to snuff it out. This is how we protect the world. And it’s your turn now,” Deborah told them. The intensity in her voice made chills run up Calypso’s back.

With solemn eyes, she surveyed the faces of the room. “I’m giving you your first assignment today.” She took out a piece of paper, smoothing it across her desk. “Two weeks ago, a group of witches took down a large group of vampires in Washington, D.C. Our intelligence indicated that there were a smaller number of vampires than we actually found at the nest. We only assigned 10 witches to go, thinking there were only 15 or so vampires, but… we were wrong. There were, on estimate, more than 30 in the building. Our witches were overwhelmed, and we tragically lost two of our fellows.” Deborah held her hands in front of her face, saddened by what she had just had to say. “But, what pertains to you is that some of the vampires got away. A good fourth or a third or so, we’d say. They split up, leaving D.C and going somewhere else. We weren’t sure where until yesterday afternoon, when some rather suspicious news began to come out of places close to Washington D.C.

“We’re sending you after them. Left unchecked, vampires multiply quickly, which means they could get back up to their previous numbers in a matter of weeks if we’re not quick about this. Think of yourselves as… exterminators. You are not to leave a single vampire alive.” Deborah stood from her desk and grabbed the piece of paper, reading it. “You’ll be split into two groups for this. The first group will be going to Baltimore, Maryland, and will consist of Rebecca Delacroix, Iris Aderast, Dakota Lawson, Chester Thompson, Arken Stone, Calypso Barnes, Caleb Bishop, Alayna Castellano, and Hana Song. The second group will be heading to Gary, North Carolina, and will consist of Jeremy Lindall, Jean-Luc Laguerre, Cassandra Black, Rowan Moore, Summer Abernathy, Kate Shuang, Maggie Wilson, Isolde Morden, and Charlie Hamlyn.” Opening a drawer, Deborah pulled out two large manila folders. She slid them across the desk. “These are folders full of information about the places you’re going, the vampires you’re hunting, and instructions for field procedure. There’s only one per group, so be careful with it.”

Seeing no one else looking to take it, Calypso shuffled forward and took the file off of the desk, tucking it under her arm. Vampires? Well… she hadn’t exactly been ready for that. Didn’t they suck blood? Just the thought made her want to vomit a little… The folder on Baltimore was fat, heavy. But Calypso noticed that the other folder, the one on Gary, North Carolina, was pretty small compared to the one she was holding.

“Well, there it is. Everything you need to know is in those files. I just need you all to remember that there are real stakes here. This is not a game. These creatures have killed and would do so again providing the opportunity. Be careful. Please,” Deborah told the initiates, emotion in her voice. “You should all be gone by 2:00. This assignment will probably take more than a few days, so I’d recommend you pack clothes, toiletries, supplies… whatever. I’ve set up each group with hotel rooms. 2 for each group, and I expect you will all separate yourselves appropriately." Deborah took a moment to glare meaningfully at the newly minted witches before carrying on. "Information on hotels is in the folders, along with general information about the places you’ll be going. And about vampires. You’ll call the house twice each day to update us. The phone number is also in that folder.” She sat again, clasping her hands on her desk. Calypso noticed that she seemed worried. “Good luck, godspeed, and good hunting. May the spirits bless you and your magic run true. You’re dismissed.”

With that, the initiates filed out of her office, a low, anxious chatter rising. Calypso’s head was spinning. Vampires? Their first assignment? She’d have to fight and everything. This all seemed a bit much, but, as she reminded herself often, she could do it. She would succeed. And hopefully not die.

“Group 1, over here! I’ve got the folder,” she called to her fellow group members, who would hopefully all file over there. “Baltimore, Baltimore… it’s an alright city,” she told everyone. “I’ve only been twice, though. Let’s take a look at this folder.” Calypso cracked open the manilla folder, flipping through the pages. There were a lot of pages. Most were on vampires, but Calypso was looking for something different. “So, it seems they’ve had a string of grave robberies and night assaults followed by death of a mysterious sickness. Indicative of vampires, it says. We’re supposed to be staying at the La Quinta Inn. Sister Deborah rented us… two rooms? But there’s 9 of us? And we have an allowance for food and stuff. And tips for what to bring from the armory. We have an armory?” Calypso blinked, surprised by all this new information.

Meanwhile, whoever opened the folder for Gary, North Carolina would find a dissimilar lack of information. Gary was a small town of around 2,000 people in eastern North Carolina. There didn’t really seem to be a reason for why vampires would even be attracted there- it was small, populated mainly by workers at the nearby coal plant. But it had had a similar string of incidents in the past week or so, so vampires were definitely there. The same general information and recommended list of supplies was in that folder, along with the same allowance and information about where they would be staying- the Williamson’s Inn.

“I have a car. I can drive us all, if nobody else can,” Calypso offered. It might take her a bit of effort to make the car’s size on the inside a bit bigger, but she didn’t see anybody else with a car. “Let’s all meet up by my car at 1:30. It’s the yellow Jeep. Pack up and maybe get some of this stuff from the armory, and then we’ll be all set to go to Baltimore!”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

In the few days after the initiation, Rowan had kept the status quo of her work in the alchemy lab. Regretfully, she had not gotten to talk much to her roommates which was entirely her fault. She just didn't have much courage when it came to people as imposing as that. But that wasn't to say she hadn't made some friends, her first lesson in the dark arts had gone well with Cassandra. Fortunately it was all theory, Rowan didn't like the idea of hands on practice when it came to the dark arts. She also met some great people in the lab. Of course, she knew Kate and Iris well but she also got to know Hana and Maggie. Maggie had even helped to patch up Rowan's hand after a nasty spill in the lab. The spill was Rowan's fault as well, she had been trying more dangerous and risky concoctions than she or someone of her skill level normally would. What could she say, she was surrounded by equally talented witches, the spark of competition and the need to prove herself were both in full force.

On a side note, Rowan also is starting to suspect Iris is stealing out of her garden box. While Rowan doesn't mind people taking from it, she would like them to ask. Not because of politeness or anything, that was a far second to the potential danger her ingredients could do if used unknowingly.

This particular morning Rowan had gotten up early again. She was able to finish her breakfast, showered, and all the other morning routines to make her ready and presentable for the day. As if by clockwork, she returned to the alchemy lab and had just ignited the Bunsen burner for her next project. But she was interrupted by Sister Lark who was calling everyone to Sister Deborah's office. Their first assignment, how exciting.

Rowan was the first in the room, she saw two empty seats but assumed they would be for some of the other Sisters. So she simply stood to the side, trying not to lean on the bookshelf. She would later be proven wrong as she saw a couple of her fellow witches take those seats, Rowan felt silly about the whole thing.

Rowan listened to Sister Deborah detail the assignment. But the second she mentioned taking out vampires, Rowan's mind delved into thought. Much like the times before, she just kind of zoned out from the world around her. She was in her own mind at that moment. 'Vampires? That seems a bit extreme for us, we have only been recently linked to the wellspring. They couldn't seriously be suggesting this, a few of us might end up getting get linked to the afterlife. But maybe this is a test? Maybe they know we are more capable than normal, this could be my chance to shine.' All of a sudden Rowan was reminded of a brew from one of her grandmother's more closely guarded books. 'Yeah yeah, that would be perfect.'

“You should all be gone by 2:00" Rowan was thrust back to reality with those words. 2:00, that her almost zero extra time to brew the potion up. She looked around and saw others already forming groups. There were groups!? Rowan took file 2 and had a look over, learning the groups. She looked up and smiled to both Kate and Maggie. Rowan was happy that they were in her team. She handed the file over to someone else in the group, then spoke to Kate. "Hey, uh, sorry everyone I need to go into the lab real quick. Unfortunately time is of the essence, I'll be back as soon as I can." She said this all in a hurried tone before rushing down stairs to her room. She took a pair of sunglasses out of her bag then begun writing up a paper sign. Rowan then rushed further down to the alchemy lab, slapping the paper sign on the door as she entered.

"Wear sunglasses in the lab today"
"Please :)"

Bottled sunlight. That is what it is called. While not literally as bright as the sun, it is jammed packed with all the parts that vampires hate. A good blast on a vamp will just about kill them immediately. It was one of Elizabeth Moore's more closely guarded recipes for a reason. One does not ask the method in which this potion was discovered and perfected, even if they were just vampires. This was an incredibly difficult potion to make, it would be a challenge, but this would finally prove her as a worthy heir of her grandmother.

While Rowan is making the potion, occasional pulses of bright yellow light can be seen in the hallway coming out from under the door.

Talks to: Kate @sassy1085 specifically, but Group 2 at large
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Iris Aderast

Iris woke up that morning in a rather groggy fashion. Sleeping on her usual bed along the back wall of the room as Dakota and Reb took the bunks by the door. She didn't really care what they did as long as she got her comfy bed still. That morning was a little rough on the girl however, she couldn't quite get herself to actually get up and move around, her head just wasn't there quite yet; Raking her messy hair out of her eyes as she crawled to her feet, she sat there looking around. Those two were still asleep, good for them...The light from the morning sun peaked through the dull curtains, it wasn't shining directly on her face or anything, but just looking at it made her sleepy self want to curl back up. She couldn't do such a thing right now, she'd fall back sleep. Iris blinked the sleep out of her face and stood up, there were numerous books stashed under her bed that Dakota surprisingly hadn't screwed around with just yet, books about alchemy, charming, her own protected golemism book, and various other stuff that was relevant to her life. She didn't exactly look presentable in the current moment, she was wearing stuff akin to a sleepover and her hair looked like she was dragged backwards through Summer's personality; Still, she got up and stretched herself across the room towards a spot across from the window, towards an altar she had going for a long time now. It looked like a desk but it was covered in stuff that wasn't really common in witches today. There was a warm red candle in the middle, with numerous small things neatly placed around it, bitter smelling incense, a knife, runes on wooden slabs that looked burned in somehow, and magic charms folded around the candle that looked like the kind Iris made. She had undoubtedly explained this stuff to her roommates already, if not, then surely Dakota was already familiar, they're friends. Iris was a Lokean witch, one who worshipped the wild and uncontrolled god Loki. There weren't many witches who were religious anymore, there was a time when that was much more common, but she was one of them. This was dedicated to him out of respect, it wasn't exactly hard to see when look at a goofy bastard like him and back at Iris, Dakota and Rebecca would be advised to leave this spot be since they didn't need to be messing with it for any reason.

Iris reached over the the windowsill and grabbed a box of matches the forgot to put away, she lit the candle in the middle and stuffed the dead match down into the box. The candle was magic, it wouldn't burn anything if something bad happened. If it were to be knocked over, it would snuff itself out; Iris stood there in front of her makeshift altar for a few minutes as she woke herself up, after that she picked up Corvus and set him on her shoulder. Off to breakfast.

She still looked like a mess when she got a hold of some food, but she was awake; Cereal and toast on her plate, she quickly inhaled it all while some irrelevant music was playing through earbuds she had stuffed in her pockets this morning. There weren't many people awake right now, so she almost considered going back to bed for a while, that was of course before someone - no idea who - swung by her and said Deborah needed her and everyone else. So that's where everyone is. "Fuck." Iris lazily got up and dragged herself upstairs while fooling with her hair to make it look semi-presentable. She didn't care if Deborah was annoyed by her bedraggled appearance - she didn't actually give two shits and a biscuit about that woman's feelings at all - but she didn't like getting yelled at over pointless stuff in the wee hours of the morning. When she finally got up there she slipped in between everyone just in time to hear the whole thing.

“I’m giving you your first assignment today.” “Two weeks ago, a group of witches took down a large group of vampires in Washington, D.C. Our intelligence indicated that there were a smaller number of vampires than we actually found at the nest. We only assigned 10 witches to go, thinking there were only 15 or so vampires, but… we were wrong. There were, on estimate, more than 30 in the building. Our witches were overwhelmed, and we tragically lost two of our fellows.”
“But, what pertains to you is that some of the vampires got away. A good fourth or a third or so, we’d say. They split up, leaving D.C and going somewhere else. We weren’t sure where until yesterday afternoon, when some rather suspicious news began to come out of places close to Washington D.C.
“We’re sending you after them. Left unchecked, vampires multiply quickly, which means they could get back up to their previous numbers in a matter of weeks if we’re not quick about this. Think of yourselves as… exterminators. You are not to leave a single vampire alive.”

Well, that got real serious real quick. Vampire hunting. Iris had read a decent amount of stuff on them, dead, hemophiles, photophobic. She never hunted one, much less tried, but it was good to know she was working with a group, Calypso was good at fighting, and Arken could make things. In her head, she was already planning what she would bring to the group, lots of potions and magical protection, and maybe Ester too. An old avian golem she hadn't used in a while, could be useful in this situation.

Cal got ahold of the folder, and started rattling stuff off, armory, cash, travel, it would work out. Iris walked over to her and chimed in, might as well get involved, right?

"So. Vampires...I have books on them and plenty of stuff we can use, I can make some potions and some charms for us, I'll bring a golem good for this too, he's old and dusty but he can fly like Dakota, and carry stuff too. What do you think we should do, Cal?" Iris wasn't the best suited for direct fighting like Calypso's magic, and she didn't even know who the hell "Chester" was. "They're nasty things, we could get really sick if they bite us..."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 5 days ago

After the brief morning run-in with Charlie and Hana, Arken had mostly kept to himself. His not-so-newly discovered powers were something he needed to learn how to properly utilize, instead of pulling off cheap party tricks and being told to use them to show off to relatives whose names he can't even remember.

Arken has always known his magic would be connected to the earth, and its utilization in constructing things. Thats what his family is known for after all. To that end, Arken has always been able to sculpt and create small constructs on the fly, with minimum effort. But now, as a full-fledge member of the Coven, he needs to stop using his powers in a menial way and actually do some good for once. On this path, he found that he was interested and quite frankly, pretty good, with runes and small feats of divination. Of course, he isn't able to accurately predict any futures or claim to know someone's fortune, but he can guess and determine things like if someone is going to have Italian food of some sort for dinner that day.

Runes, however, was a subject of much intrigue and interest to Arken. It was very fascinating to him that he can just write or draw a symbol and a piece of paper, and that paper is no longer just an ordinary writing medium. It can be made to float, to adhere to things, and even to cause harm. There were so many things one can do with a rune. A combination of runes even. That got him thinking about adding runes to his constructs. What if he was to make a...say...cage, and add a rune that made the object suspend in the air. Would the cage then float in the sky? Or what if he added a rune that made things float on water, to a slab of earth he gathered? What would that do? There were simply an endless amount of combinations and possibilities that floated in and out of his mind.

Of course, his proficiency at this stage of his career, is his biggest hurdle. Often times the two magics conflicted with each other. Sometimes, the results were even borderline disastrous. One particular incident saw Arken injured to the point of badly spraining one of his ankles. He was trying his 'hover board' rune combination. The earthen slab hovered without a problem. As soon as Arken stepped on to it, his foot must have smeared a small bit of the rune that has hastily drawn. The slab shot up in the air a good three feet from where it was hovering, and Arken's weight was simply too much for the unhardened earthen slab to handle and it crumbled, much to Arken's surprise. The result of his fall was a grade two sprain to his left ankle and some minor cuts and bruises from falling. Not too well versed in medicine, and being way too foolhardy, Arken tried to 'tough it out' and walked the small distance that took him five minutes to cover previous, back to the coven house. By the time he had gotten back, it had taken him about fifteen minutes and his ankle had swollen to the point of it being rather grotesque.

His injuries were promptly treated by someone well-versed in athletic injuries. He was explicitly told to ice his ankle and stay off of it as much as possible, for a few weeks. Akren of course didn't listen. The first few nights were annoying, with the icing and swelling. As soon as that became manageable, Arken tried to be as active as his usual self. Sure the pain was a constant, but Arken didn't much care. He was too excited to practice his new found hobby than to let something as small as an ankle sprain stop him...

This particular morning, the dull pains of him shifting his left leg in bed woke him. It wasn't bad to the point of immobilizing him, but it was enough to keep him from enjoying his sleep. He rolled over in his bed with a soft, disgusted grunt. Lifting his blanket and taking a look, he noticed that the swelling and external bruising are all but gone. That made him audibly sigh. The observable injuries are all but healed, so then why does it still hurt so much? Shaking his head, he gingerly climbed out of bed, and headed into the kitchen for a spot of breakfast. It wasn't too late, and he noticed some wet spots on the counter. Someone must have just been here doing exactly what he is about to do. Shovel cold cereal into their mouths and call it breakfast. Giving off a small shrug, Arken carried out what he planned to do, and cleaned up after himself, stashing the rinsed bowl into the dishwasher as well.

Soon after, just as Arken was hobbling towards the door to head into the clearing for the morning, he was rounded up by a sister of the coven, who gave him a small talking to about taking care of himself and staying off his feet more to let his injuries heal more completely. To that, Arken thought to himself "Well... If you want me to rest and heal, tell me to go back to bed and not head to Sister Deborah's office then...geez..." In any case, Arken was one of the later witches to arrive, choosing to stand closer to the door than the middle of the gathering.

He listened intently to Sister Deborah brief them about their first official mission. vampires. Baltimore. Those were two very foreign terms to him. Previous to this, he thought vampires to only exist in works of fiction and he thought Baltimore was in North Carolina, not Maryland.

The sister bid them godspeed. Why did that feel so odd? It was as if she knows something bad is going to happen, but needed to say those words. No matter. They now have a task to do, and people to save, hero stuff. Calypso took the file for their group and started delegating tasks. Arken spoke up about a car, "There are nine of us. I don't know if we'll all fit into your car? I have a car too, I can take a few of us. Besides, not saying that your car will break down, but its good to have another in case something happens to one of them, right?" Arken shifted slightly between his 'teammates' "And yeah, we should pack. The drive from here to Baltimore should take a least a few hours, right? But anyways, we should pack. Clothing, equipment, gear and all that. We have hotel rooms, so thats nice. But, somehow, I don't feel like we'll be going back to the rooms at night to shower, change and have dinner, if you know what I mean. Somehow, I imagine us having to be out at night, in our cars, and chase these things down, because, like, don't vampires have super speed or something?" Arken said with a shrug. "And yeah, armory. Maybe Iris and I can make some runic charms or something. Also, do we have like... wooden stakes and holy water? Does that sort of thing even work or is it just movie magic?"

God. Saying movie magic here made him feel so gross...

Replying to Calypso and Iris @canaryrose@Blizz but also addressing the rest of the group.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

David had enjoyed the days after the initiation. Although the ghost party didn't go through quite yet, he did have a good night on the sauce that first night. He remembered waking up a few metres into the forest from the clearing, beats some dingy urban rat hole any day though. He had made some good friends (namely Kate and Caleb) and his exercise routine was well under way. Things were looking up, well, except for one thing. The Sisters were still looking down on him, just cause he didn't have a huge grasp on magic yet. Not that he was putting much effort into it, but he would be damned if he would give the Sisters the satisfaction on asking them.

David ending up offering a trade to Caleb, he wasn't comfortable with asking someone for something and offering nothing in return. It was a simple trade, David would procure for Caleb a fake id of his own and in return Caleb would help him with magic. The other condition is that the magic tutoring would be on the down low. He didn't mind the others knowing about it. But if the Sisters caught wind of it, David would be pissed.

That trade was made yesterday and it was scheduled to start in the afternoon of this particular morning. David rose up at a reasonable time, same time as yesterday and the day before. His sleep schedule was settling in quite nice. He went down stairs and out the front at a brisk pace in his exercise gear.

Upon exiting the front door, he saw a familiar blue jay sitting at the edge of the bird bath. Again, much like the days before, it was not drinking even though the bowl was full. He had first met this bird in the forest near where he woke up that first night. It couldn't fly so David just looked after it for a few hours, then it seemed better after a while and flew away. But now it seems the bird has a strange affinity toward David, he was seeing it pop up all around the place. Something told him it was the same bird every time, and he couldn't help but smile when seeing it again. David looked around to make sure no one was watching, then poured a bit of his water bottle into the bowl. The bird drank up and he gave it a short and gentle pat on the head before continuing on.

David was lucky to be able to set up his punching bag, even if it had to be moved well out of the way of the coven house. In stark contrast to how he was with the bird, the bag was taking a world of punishment. But he was interrupted by Sister Lark ordering him to report to Sister Deborah's office for an assignment. He had expected to be issued work at some point with in the following days. But he wished it could have been given half an hour later, he had just built up a light sweat. Nevertheless David toweled himself down and jogged back to the house.

David was the latest to arrive to the meeting. He was likely called in last because of how far out he was. Luckily it didn't look like people were waiting too long. He stood leaning against the doorway to Deborah's office, paying half attention. Hunting vampires, the concept of it put David off a bit. Not because he was afraid or anything, but because the nature of the job involved killing. David ended up coming to this place because he just about almost killed someone back in Melbourne, now the coven were asking him and the others to murder multiple people. They were technically vampires, but the two didn't have a huge difference in David's mind. He would do it, especially if they are a risk to people. But it still left him feeling uneasy and David tried not to show it. Fortunately, his position well in the back meant he didn't have to be good a it.

"Chester Thompson" and he returned back to regular David just like that. That shit really got his back up, but he wasn't going to make a fuss about it here. At least it helped get his expression back to normal.

After the presentation, David gathered with the group. "Yeah, I'll be taking my pick up truck. I should be able to have 1 other person, 2 if we squeeze a bit. The back should be able to take everyone's extra gear." He turned around to leave the room. "Anyway, I was in the middle of something. So just chuck all your weapons and stuff in the back. I'll get a tarp over it and tie it down a bit later on." David had initially thought to ask Caleb if he needed a lift. But hearing Calypso offer first, David wasn't going to contest. It would take an idiot to not notice that Calypso liked him, and David wasn't going about to get in the way of that, even if by accident.

David exited the room and the coven house, quickly returning to his exercise. He would begin packing about a half hour later when he was done. Someone who pays attention to his actions would know he is not handling the situation with the seriousness it deserves, considering he is delaying any personal prep for the assignment ahead. But David was also using the exercise time to think over those uneasy feelings early. Maybe help settle them a bit. He could only hope.

Talks to group 1
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vampires. Of all the possible things they could through at the newbies, it was going to be freaking vampires. Rebecca shuddered, she'd hoped it would be something more sneaky and underhanded, places where she could put her intelligence-gathering skills to good use. Combat, well... let's just say there was a reason she preferred to avoid direct confrontation.

"O=Okay." It was Rebecca's turn to look at the files, and the further she got, the worse it looked. "Um, Sister Deborah? You're sending after vampires with no experienced backup, and in the bad part of Baltimore? Where the mortals might be more dangerous than the bloodsuckers? I mean, no offense but when I think friendly locals, The Wire doesn't exactly come to mind. Are... are you sure about this?" Truth be told, the redheaded witch was this close to asking for a pistol to save the vamps a little trouble and time, but she wasn't quite that tactless.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Can't the assignment wait? I'm sleeping!" were the first words Dakota had uttered that morning. Dakota was most definitely a night owl, and definitely, definitely not a morning person. She had spent most of the previous night out in the woods, practicing her flight skills, and hadn't gotten into bed until nearly 4 AM. Now, she was alone in her room, on the top bunk, as usual, her bed already overflowing with clothes and other doodads. Dakota had not left her bed yet, and so the Elders were forced to come and find her. Dakota, of course, protested vigorously, insisting that the assignment wait until later, but the Elders would not bite. And so, Dakota was reluctantly forced to get out of bed. She wandered into the bathroom like a zombie, looking at herself in the mirror. Dakota was not exactly looking too pretty at the moment. She had bags underneath her eyes from a lack of sleep (a problem that had compounded over a previous couple of days), and because she had foolishly not taken a shower before going to bed the night prior, she still looked (and smelled) disgusting. Twigs and leave in hair, mud on arms, burrs on legs...she looked entirely unpresentable. Dakota was not the type to always go out all dolled up and perfect-looking, but she did have standards, however low. "How the hell did this happen again?” Dakota asked herself in the mirror, before shaking her head and sighing. "Deborah is going to kill me if I'm too late," Dakota said, again to herself, before sighing and turning on the shower. "Ah, well, I'm screwed either way, right?"

A shower, an extensive brushing of hair, and a few pounds worth of deodorant later, Dakota looked back to her normal self again (or at the very least, she didn't look like a corpse anymore, which was good). She had adorned a neat black leather jacket with a high collar over an airy, sky blue shirt, and had put on a pair of ripped jeans (not store-bought ripped jeans, actual ripped jeans) and leather boots. She dragged the comb through her hair one more time, winked at herself in the mirror, before taking the stairs two at a time up to Sister Deborah's office.

Of course, she was one of the last to arrive, but at the very least she was fashionably late, as they said. Dakota listened eagerly as Sister Deborah explained the assignment, overjoyed at what she had heard. Vampire hunting. Now that was some cool stuff right there. Dakota had more expected to be raking leaves or brewing potions, but vampire hunting was much higher on the list. Almost as high as getting in a couple more hours of sleep. She listened as Deborah assigned her to be heading out to Baltimore with a group of other witchlings, including Calypso, Iris, Arken, Hanna, Rebecca, and a couple of new guys, including that Caleb kid that Calypso had a palpable crush on and some other Chester fellow that she had never heard of before. "Good team, good team," she said with a nod as she huddled up with the rest of the group, noting with a great deal of relief that it was sans Summer. Good. Dakota didn't think she had enough altruism built up yet to save Summer if, or when, she inevitably ended up in trouble. "Sounds pretty legit," Dakota noted as Calypso described the accommodations and assignment. "Callie, you've obviously never been at a slumber party before...we could probably squeeze all the witches into one room if we wanted to. Also, I call shotgun on the Jeep."

She smiled, the thrill of the oncoming adventure getting her pumped up, as she took a couple of peeks at the case file that Calypso was holding. "Alright-y...well, let's get packing! I'll go pack a bag and get ready," Dakota said, tapping her thigh with her palm as she thought of what to pack. "You should totally bring your golem, Curly! They're so cool...and they're like, totally adorable." Dakota as she started to walk out. "I'm going to have to bring Astro...he can't stay alone here for a few days, one of the Elders might throw him out," Dakota said with a pout. "Astro tried to sneak into Brother Lucien's room the other night...he left the window open anyway, so you can't blame poor Astro!" Dakota said defensively. "Anyway, I guess he's coming with. He can stay in the hotel room...some traveling will be good for him anyway..." she said aloud as she made her way over to her room.

Dakota grabbed a duffel bag from the closet and stuffed it full of clothes, toiletries, ferret food, and money. She then put in some more unorthodox items, including what appeared to be a few dreamcatchers (they were magically enchanted, of course, with a variety of purposes), a thin book about vampires, a pack of Menthols, a Swiss Army Knife, a much larger knife, and a silver revolver with Dakota's initials engraved into the side. "That should be about enough," Dakota said, roughly tugging the zipper. The bag could hardly close, as it was so jam-packed with stuff, but Dakota eventually managed to zip the bag mostly shut, swinging it over her shoulder. She walked out of the Coven House, bag in tow, towards Calypso's Jeep, a wide smile on her face. "Remember, I called shotgun!" she yelled as she tossed the bag into the trunk. "Alright...road trip time! Woohoo! This is gonna be great, y'all."

Jean-Luc, meanwhile, was awake much earlier than Dakota had been but didn't leave his bed any earlier. Instead, he had engrossed himself back into a book, this time a very old, very dusty, and extremely fragile book about advanced charms that Jean-Luc had borrowed from the Elders. Though the book was very archaic and written in slanted, messy, inky script, Jean-Luc didn't really mind at all; in fact, the antiqueness of the book made it all the more interesting to him. He was so entirely absorbed in the thick book that he didn't even come down for breakfast on time; he was only liberated from his trance by the sounds of the Elders coming to fetch him. Jean-Luc lifted a velvet bookmark from his side, slotting it into the book neatly, before responding with a "right away" and hustling over to the bathroom to get dressed.

Jean-Luc got dressed into a cream-colored linen shirt and khakis, giving off both a casual and more formal vibe, as he made his way to Sister Deborah's office. He looked over at the rest of the group with a calm, almost blank facial expression as he joined the rest of the newly-inducted witches. Jean-Luc had, in the past few days, made extraordinary progress, at least compared to himself. He had not once criticized any of the other witches in front of them, and he had so far been on fairly good terms with his roommates. He had yet to complain about the abundance of yellow that had sprouted up in the room (despite a deep desire too) and had even complemented Watford FC in the past day. He surely wasn't going to be walking the aisle with any of the group yet, but he had painstakingly attempted to assimilate with the group.

He listened to Sister Deborah as she described the vampire brouhaha, and promptly split the group up into two. Jean-Luc had been assigned to Group Two with Charlie, Jeremy, Maggie, Summer, Kate, Rowan, Cassandra, and Isolde. Jean-Luc was thankfully at least familiar with most of them, though not necessarily on great terms. To his chagrin, though, Jean-Luc had been assigned the smaller case file. Shame. Jean-Luc enjoyed reading, especially case files. As soon as the file touched the desk, Jean-Luc sprang into action like a pouncing tiger, snatching up the file and opening it up. He read through the file with remarkable speed, his dark focused eyes rolling back and forth like a pendulum as he leafed through the case file, putting it back on the desk after a brief moment. "I can't say I'm fully familiar with Gary, North Carolina," Jean-Luc explained as he stepped aside to allow the others to access the case file. "Shame, I should probably get out more...anyway, it's a small mining town, not much interesting going on. It seems like a strange target for vampires to nest in, considering a limited population and all...but the signs match up, so we'll head out. We're going to the Williamson Inn. It looks like our accommodations are rather frugal on the behalf of the Coven...so I hope you enjoy sharing," Jean-Luc said with a hint of a sigh. "In any case, I'm going to go grab a couple of items from the armory that Sister Deborah listed. I have them memorized, don't worry," Jean-Luc said casually, stepping out with his arms folded. "I suppose we'll meet outside once we're all packed to figure out our transportation situation. I have a car, but it won't fit too many, especially with luggage, so I hope a couple of you made your way down to the DMV recently," Jean-Luc noted before he was off.

Jean-Luc headed into the armory, removing several knives, daggers, and stakes from the wall, before heading to his room to pack. Jean-Luc made his way down to the room. His bed and area were impeccably neat, almost inhumanly so for a teenage boy, and it was easy for him to remove some neatly folded clothes and put them into a backpack. He then put in a box of toiletries and then some items that would give a customs officer a good scare- a variety of handmade puppets and voodoo dolls were next into the bag, followed by two curved throwing daggers and a wooden stake, then a few of what appeared to be keys and other strange talismans, and finally a strange little statuette of what appeared to be Vlad the Impaler. Jean-Luc zipped up his bag, which was filled perfectly to the top, and then threw the rest of the items he hadn't taken- a couple of handguns, some knives, daggers, stakes, and more- into a string pack, which he held in his hand. After slinging on his backpack and throwing a few mice into Ghede's tank, Jean-Luc headed outside. He loaded his items into the trunk of his car- a 2017 Audi A8, jet black, before leaning against the side of the vehicle, arms folded.

Now, to wait for everybody else.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 6 days ago

Jeremy Lindall


Jeremy had been one of the first to get word of the briefing, having just returned from training out in the forest. At this stage, the training was unfortunately quite easy, as the gauntlet he'd set up didn't quite have the same effect when he knew where all the traps were. It hardly kept him on his toes when he was expecting everything, after all. The only redeeming feature was the fact that, every now and then, he'd get attacked by the local wildlife, forcing him to adapt a situation he didn't already understand every last detail of. It had only happened seven times over the three days he'd been there though, so it was hardly consistent enough to call actual training.

That wasn't important at the moment though, as he now found himself sitting in Sister Deborah's office, subtley observing the others and wondering whether any of them knew why they'd been called in. Thankfully, he'd been able to get along decently with most of them, although that may have just been because he hadn't really spoken up much. It wasn't for lack of interest or anything, he was just never quite sure of what he should say, and didn't want to accidentally say the wrong thing. Hannah used to tell him that other people their age actually found his silence intimidating, but he hoped she was joking. Making his companions nervous was the last thing he wanted...

It was at that point that Sister Deborah finally started speaking, the last stragglers having finally arrived in the office. Jeremy listened in growing interest as she briefed them on the situation, and their first mission; vampire hunting. The idea brought out feelings of both relief and nervousness in the boy. On the one hand, it was something he'd done a few times in the past, so he at least had a decent amount of experience in the area he could rely on. On the other hand though, it seemed rather likely that he was the only person in the group who would have that experience. After all, most of them had been a part of this coven their whole lives, and had only just been initiated along with him. He doubted they'd send witches who hadn't bonded with the wellspring yet into such a dangerous situation. Meanwhile, his own coven hadn't had a wellspring of their own, so he had already been deemed ready to play a role in their hunts as soon as they thought he could handle himself in a combat situation.

So essentially, he was the most experienced vampire hunter of his peers. That meant they might need to rely on him for advice, which was a horrifying thought because he wasn't entirely sure if he would be able to give them the right answers if they did. Not that he wouldn't help to the best of his abilities, of course, but it was just a little nerve-wracking. He definitely didn't think he would be capable of leading the team if, god forbid, they asked him to. He'd only ever played a small part in the hunts he'd been on, usually in a support role. No, he'd stick to just helping as best as he could, and leave the leadership role to someone who understood everyone better.

Thankfully, it looked like Jean-Luc might have decided to take up the mantle, reading out the basics of what was in the dossier to the rest of the Carolina team. Jeremy nodded when the team parted to prepare. He didn't need to go to the armoury like Jean-Luc had, having already brought a number of weapons capable of fighting vampires and other supernatural nasties along with him when he first arrived. A number of different firearms, a few knives, and even a large chain whip, all of which where heavily enchanted. In addition, the knives, whip, and at least a few of the bullets for each gun had been coated in silver. Realising he still had a couple of hours before he would have to leave, he placed the knives and whip in a nice, sunlit spot, where some of the enchantments would allow them to soak in sunlight to be released later. He then moved on to packing some of the less suspicious items, like clothing, and other essentials. Finally, he rounded it off with a small sewing kit, a set of inkbrushes with a few vials of ink, and a couple of notepads, which he neatly packed away into a small backpack. All in all, he somehow managed to fit everything into just one large travelbag and the aforementioned backpack, although it was likely this was due to him eventually deciding he didn't need more than two changes of clothes, along with a few nifty enchantments on the bag itself.

Once he was done with his packing, he put some extra food in Bertle's enclosure, gently patting the small turtle on the head. Realising he still had about an hour left, he spent about thirty minutes of it painting a small series of runes onto a couple of rocks he'd picked up that morning, before finally collecting his stuff together and heading down.

He saw Jean-Luc again waiting by his car, walking over to join him. Best to discuss strategy now, rather than waiting until they were all at the hotel.

"We'll need to be careful." He began. "It's a small town, so any large groups of newcomers will stand out. We might be able to use that to our advantage in tracking them down, but it will also make it dangerously easy for them to find out about us as well, especially if they're already expecting more witches to come after them."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Following the elder down the narrow corridor, Caleb found himself blinking wearily as he tried to adjust to the morning light. Until only 30 seconds before, he had been happily tangled underneath the warmth of his duvet, only to be disturbed by the dulcet tones of Elder Lucien. The sunlight did little to quell the chill that brushed against his bare torso and he quickly moved to pull his navy ‘Ferndale Wildcats’ hoodie over his chest, appreciating the thick cotton as it laid to rest against his skin. He could sense the presence of Bast behind him, the Savannah Cat moving so lithely that her tread could not be heard, but when they approached Sister Deborah’s office she stopped, taking to nonchalantly licking the fur atop one of her back legs. Watching her fondly for a moment, Caleb then moved to open the door into the office. Unfortunately it seemed that he was the last in the room and he found himself having to squeeze his body into the jam-packed space. Eventually, after muttering several apologies as he stood on a couple of peoples feet, he made his way in, the corners of his lips lifting into a bright smile as he glanced at Hana, who he had found himself next to.

“Morning!” The teen said cheerfully, cupping a hand to his mouth to block the sudden yawn that escaped from his body. “What dya' think this is about?” He whispered conspiratorially to his fellow witch as he leaned in towards her, raising his eyebrows when Sister Deborah began to speak. It didn’t take for her long to get to the point and Caleb found himself letting out an involuntary, and rather loud, groan at the word vampire. Grinning sheepishly as a glare was tossed his way, he couldn't help but let out a small laugh, raising his eyebrows slightly at Hana. It wasn’t that the mission didn’t sound cool, but well, he had been hoping for something else. Maybe werewolves or ghosts or...or mermaids! Well, he wasn’t entirely sure if mermaids were even real but it would be awesome if they were! Vampires on the other hand, had been an endless topic throughout his childhood. Caleb theoretically knew a lot about them but he also had a habit of daydreaming when his grandfather began to regale them with his ‘war stories’. Sure they were interesting but after hearing for the 50th time about how he’d been locked in a coffin for two days straight, he found his attention swaying elsewhere. Luckily his elder brother Mason had been enraptured by vampires since being a kid and he would more often than not enthusiastically chat along with their gramps, often trying to convince him that some of the more modern methods of dispatching of the bloodsuckers were just as effective.

A small pout had graced his features for a moment but Caleb wasn’t one sulk for long, and he soon forgot his concerns as he bounded over to Calypso. Peering over her shoulder to get a closer look at the folder, his eyes scanned over some of the information scrawled across the page. He'd never been to Baltimore before. In fact, apart from New York and now Virginia, he really didn't know the East Coast all that well. Guess this was as good an excuse as any to see more of it! Briefly distracted by thoughts of places he had never visited, his attention was soon drawn back to the present by the mention of a food allowance. As his face lit up and his eyes widened in excitement, he moved to lessen the gap between himself & the other witches. “We should totally get snacks for the road! Popcorn maybe...oh or chocolate pretzels!” He glanced at his fellow soon-to-be vampire hunters, hoping that they would be in agreement. He loved road trips and road trips were always 100% better if you had snacks and good music. "I hope you're excited for my excellent singing Cal." The teen grinned at her jokingly before he was once more distracted by the mention of shotgun. Damn, he should've thought of that.

But it was okay. Caleb had six siblings. He was well versed in the rules of shotgun and knew that it didn’t count until the vehicle was in view. So when Dakota suggested they pack their bags, he shot off to his room, narrowly avoiding tripping over his own feet in the process. Grabbing his duffel bag, he hurriedly stuffed a mismatch of clothes, toiletries and other knick knacks inside, before zipping it closed. For a brief moment he considered taking his sketch pad — which was hidden carefully under a pile of some of his other belongings — but decided against it. It was something he didn't want the others to find out about and although there might be some cool stuff to draw in Baltimore, he figured he might be able to do it from memory anyway. Of the knick knacks he had collected, only the silver bullets seemed to be vaguely useful, although he had not included a gun in his chosen items.

Not wanting to waste any time, Caleb grabbed the duffel and began to bound loudly down the stairs, leaping over them two at a time in his urgency to get outside. He grinned apologetically at one of the elders as he nearly bowled them over when he ran over the terrace, his eyes darting about eagerly as he looked for Calypso's car. Luckily the yellow jeep was easy to spot and seeing that he was the first downstairs, he couldn't help the grin that quickly spread across his features. He wouldn't say that he was necessarily a competitive person but a lifetime within a crowded family home had meant that getting to anything first was either a rarity, or virtually impossible. Heck, even half of his clothes were hand-me-downs.

“Shotgun!” He yelled to no-one in particular, before darting over to the front passenger seat. Trying the door handle, he was pleased (and slightly surprised) to find that it was open. “Nice one Cal...” He chirped happily as he plopped himself onto the seat. Peering around the vehicle, and trying & failing to turn the radio on, it was only a couple of minutes before he heard the familiar voice of Dakota. Whilst she busied herself with throwing her bag into the back he twisted in his seat, offering her a cheeky smile as he was unable to hide his pleasure at having been first to the front seat. “Oh hey Kota! Excited about the trip?”

@Akayaofthemoon @canaryrose @Hitman
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KaijuBaragon
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KaijuBaragon Victoria Concordia Crescit

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Charlie had enjoyed the last couple of days in the Coven house very much. Rooming with Jean-Luc and Jeremy had so far turned out to be an interesting experience. Jean-Luc had so far not taken down any of Charlie's decorations, but it still seemed like the boy was at least somewhat annoyed whenever he talked, even though he hadn't done anything actually insulting, so Charlie supposed that was an improvement. Jeremy on the other hand was pretty nice - he hadn't got rid of his habit of calling people by their surnames only, but that was a minor thing, and the two had enjoyed some decent conversation and friendliness over the last few days. And, of course, Charlie finally had a chance to have a good explore in the area around the Coven house. He hadn't gone fishing, but he had explored a bit. He had found some nice trails and some cool stuff, and some creepy stuff - at one point he stumbled upon what looked like a small graveyard (all the words on the stones had been weathered off), and he had quickly turned around upon seeing that. '

This particular morning, Charlie was out on the porch, enjoying the morning air (and a cereal bar) when one of the Elders came out to tell him that all the initiates were required up in the office of Sister Deborah. Charlie quickly finished his cereal bar, stuffing the wrapper into his pocket to correctly dispose of later, before walking inside and heading upstairs. Luckily he had already showered earlier, so he just popped into his room for a moment to change into a more appropriate shirt for the meeting, before heading over to Sister Deborah's office. He wasn't one of the first to arrive, nor was he one of the later arrivals - he got there comfortably in the middle of the pack, managing to grab a seat before the last ones were snatched up, sitting and engaging in some idle chit chat as the rest of the witches filtered in.

When everyone was in, Sister Deborah began. The new coven initiates were going to be going on a vampire hunt. That was a little more serious of a first assignment than Charlie had anticipated, but he supposed that they were going to have to do some like this eventually, so why not just start with it outright. Charlie was just relieved that their task wasn't to hunt down some werewolves. Charlie listened as Deborah split the group in two - he was going to be with Jean-Luc, Maggie, Rowan, Summer, Cassandra, Kate and Isolde. That was a pretty good group. Maggie, Rowan and Kate were nice, Summer was nice on the inside, and Cassandra and Isolde he didn't know very well but hadn't heard anything bad about them, really. The only slight issue was Jean-Luc - but a mission like this would be good for him, it would force him to work together more and it might warm him up a bit.

Jean-Luc, of course, dived straight for the file and picked it up to open. "I've never been there either, but I'm sure it can't be that bad. I've always found small towns somewhat charming..." He noted, glancing his eyes over the file. He didn't mind sharing, he was expecting to share with people the entire Summer after all. Now he was just going to be spending a few days sharing a room that was slightly smaller than the one at the coven. Jean-Luc had the right idea, so a little while after he left, Charlie also headed over to the armoury to see what he should take. He was familiar enough with vampire lore... So he knew that knives on their own wouldn't do anything. But he may as well take a couple just to be sure. He took 2 knives and 3 stakes, carrying them over to his room, seeing Jean-Luc down the hallway who had just finished packing himself. He slipped the weapons into his back, before grabbing a change of clothes, some pyjamas, toiletries, his book and a little extra money just in case. That should do it.

When done, Charlie hoisted his bag over his shoulder and headed out towards his car. When he reached, Jean-Luc, however, his smile faded a little bit. While Charlie had an unglamorous but certainly reliable Ford Fiesta, Jean-Luc somehow possessed an Audi. As a teenage boy. It didn't really matter, of course, because Charlie was just happy to own a car, but it certainly made his car look much less cool. He threw his bag into the trunk of his own car before walking around and leaning on his hood, giving Jeremy and Jean-Luc a wave, waiting for the others in their group to arrive.

@Hitman @Rabidporcupine
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by sassy1085
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sassy1085 The Queen of Sassy

Member Seen 16 days ago

The last few days after the initiation were rather peaceful toward Kate Shuang, talking with friends, exploring around the house and of course, brewing some prank potions, just because Kate is a witch now, that doesn't their pranking days are done. Since Kate is going to be here for awhile, they learn some new potions to add into their potion journal, like Anxietyo-Begoneo, a potion that relieves anxiety from the drinker and Marionette Hours, a potion where one drop of it, will make that object alive for twenty-four hours, Kate make up the names on their own, the potions original names were too boring. Despite having a good time here and preparing for the ghost party, Kate does feel a little homesick, they never been separated from their dog for so long and their parents haven't send any letters, Kate just hope everything is ok back home.

Kate woke up around 9:30, seeing that their roommates are sleeping, maybe it time for Kate to make something to eat. What should Kate eat? Moon waffles? Nah, Kate have some the another day, coffee cake? As much as Kate loves coffee cake, they don't feel like having coffee this morning, a bagel sandwich?....Hell yes.

After making the bagel, frying the egg and putting it together with a slice of cheese and turkey slices, Kate have made their beautiful bagel sandwich, they were about to take a bite until Lark came out of nowhere, telling everyone to go to Deborah office for a special assignment, can this Enby enjoy their bagel sandwich in peace? Kate sigh, they guess they can eat it in the office, what so special about a assignment anyway?

…..Their first assignment is hunting vampires....Kate should be surprise but knowing that crazy shit is about to go down like their parents say, they are not that surprise. It seems that Kate group, group two, Gary, North Carolina, even though they are not familiar to that place, at least they are traveling somewhere, so that good. As for the group that they are in, they know Cassandra, Rowan, Isolde and....Summer, Kate doesn't know Jeremy, Jean-Luc, Maggie and Charlie that much, sure they talk to Jeremy and Charlie but only of a little while, so probably during the trip, Kate would have a chance to interact to Jeremy, Jean-Luc, Maggie or Charlie.

While everyone is talking their plan on traveling and Rowan went to her lab, Kate already know what they are going to do. "Ok, everyone, you hear what Deborah say, we leave by 2:00, so pack some things you want to bring, get some weapons in armory,that we have for some reason and we meet outside to see who is driving us there, later." Kate say to the group. Before heading toward armory, Kate see that Rebecca being nervous about the assignment, they could give her a drink of Anxietyo-Begoneo but they run out of some key ingredients "Oh come on, Rebecca, you have witches who have very useful and badass magic. Plus, you can talk to ghost, you tell them to freak out the vampires or they possess them, they can do that, right?" Kate say to Rebecca but it feel like that didn't help, Kate sigh and take off one of their rings and hand it to Rebecca "Here Rebecca, my grandma give me this ring for good luck, so probably this will help you and the group fighting vampires. Good luck in Baltimore" After saying their farewell to Rebecca, they headed toward armory to grab some weapons.

After grabbing some daggers and stakes, something spot Kate eye, it was a crossbow, a little idea pop inside of Kate head, how about instead arrows? How about firing potions? "Well, I guess my potions will come in handy after all" Kate say to themself with a devilish smile.

With weapons and a crossbow at hand, Kate walk towards their room and put the weapons, few clothes, their crossbow and yes, their toothbrush into bag. Kate put on their green camo jacket and put few potions bottles into their pockets, what they need now is what potions they are going to need. Kate pull a drawer and pull out their journal. "Hmmmm, let's see which one of you can hurt or kill a vampire."

Damn, even though Kate did bring Mad Dog 357 Plutonium No. 9 (for prank purpose) and they know where other ingredients are in the house, they don't have Tropaeolum Speciosum, Sarcodes and Belladonna...But maybe Rowan does, her strong suit is plant magic and she has a garden, she got to have one of those flowers.

Kate almost walk the lab, that when they notice a sign on the door that reads "Wear sunglasses in the lab today" "Please :)" Kate chuckled "Well, since you ask so nicely" Kate quietly say the sign. Since Kate didn't bring any sunglasses, they steal borrowed one of their roommates sunglasses and head back to the lab. With three knocks, Kate open and close the door, that way everyone in the house won't be blinded by the light "It's just me and don't worry, i'm wearing safety sunglasses" Kate say. "Sunlight potion? Nice, while you are making that, by any chance, does your garden have Tropaeolum Speciosum, Sarcodes and Belladonna? It for potions that I'm making." Kate ask Rowan while hoping that she doesn't think Kate is a crazy witch that want a poison flower.

Group 2, @blackdragon@Jumbus
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isolde Morden

Vampire hunting? That sounded great. Isolde was one of the first ones at the meeting, hearings about the witches who had fallen in battle before now made her want to take them down even sooner. She knew nobody on her team except for her roommates that she spent a few nights with now. She woke up before the sun was even in the sky; Isolde had a funny sleep schedule- magic mountains do that to you- and she just sat in bed watching the birds fly around. She was dressed comfortably but presentable. A tank top and sweatpants and very straightened hair uncharacteristic of someone who’s probably been electrocuted more times than she can count. Deborah’s office was nice and atmospheric, but Isolde was apprehensive when the woman said they’d be hunting creatures of the night. That was the point of being a witch, however. Nobody in her world lives easy. Most of the other team had began to run around and prepare gear and transport, meanwhile a couple from her group began to stir. She listened closely to what the dude with the info said. But it didn’t make sense. Why would vampires go to a small mining town? What could they be looking for in a place like that?

But perhaps that was the point, she pondered. Gary was quiet, only 2000 people, that was nothing compared to what the other team had to account for, it’s the last place one would expect vampires to be causing a scene, because it’s too quiet to expect a scene. They’d notice people coming into a small town like that...small towns talk a lot so word of a bunch of weird kids with weapons marching in would spread like a fire. ”Anything happens in a town such as that, everyone knows...” She said in the middle of her group, to no one in particular. At the mention of an armory, Isolde’s eyes perked up. ”Weapons. Good.” Isolde made a note of that, and as soon as the meeting was done for, she scrambled to find her way to the armory, and when she did she stayed a while. She need not rush something like this. Isolde needed an actual weapon other than electrons at her disposal.

The only type of actual magic Isolde knew was lightning. Everything else she could do with herself wasn’t magic, but a regular skill. She could find her way through the dead of night with a clear sky, but navigation doesn’t kill vampires without magic. Lightning doesn’t kill vampires without magic. Isolde’s magic was devastating by its own nature, and to add the wellspring into the mix would only further terrorize the enemy, but to bend the storm requires power, power requires magic, and magic requires energy. If Isolde were to rely solely on the fury of the clouds, she’d burn out before the day was over, so when all else becomes risky, pack lead. On Morden Mountain, Isolde had experience with guns, particularly handguns, when it came to getting rid of angry animals and target practice for the worst situations. She made sure to weigh her options, and came out loaded. A revolver with a rather large number of silver bullets not yet chambered, a silver stake for finishing the bastards off, and a meaty looking knife that looked capable of turning a vampire’s skull into a dinner piece. The others would pack things they could make better use of than her, so she didn’t spring for potions or anything if that nature.


Shortly after the girl came out of the prep looking like a right wing Gadsden-junkie bumpkin, and putting on some better clothes to hit the road, she found herself outside. She had a backpack with some things in it slung over her shoulder; Bare minimum first aid kid for emergencies, her camping stuff for the long nights outside they’re sure to experience, the snacks she didn’t finish off before she arrived, her phone and her charger. Her camping stuff was just a small tent and her hammock, she didn’t think they’d have to use it terribly often - she was hoping they wouldn’t have to at all, it won’t fit everyone - but they weren’t able to bet on coming back to their hotel every night for a warm bed. It was good to have something you don’t need then that need something to don’t have. She was dressed in a denim jacket (she didn’t steal it from Iris they just look cool stfu) over a tank top and some old faded jeans. Her lengthy hair had been smoothed back behind her shoulders neatly, she was ready to vampire hunting. Isolde had never been out on a vampire hunt, her mountain was pretty big but that was it, she read that vampires didn’t like garlic much and silver less, but she never had the chance to go and kill any, this was definitely going to be an interesting time for them all.

She made her way out to where a team member was, the dark skinned guy with the car, a guy who didn’t standout and an orange with a backpack. She never caught their names, but they’d be making Abe Lincoln proud together so she might as well talk to them. They were very clearly packed up and ready, good. ”Hello. I don’t believe we’ve met before, I’m Isolde.” She said as she walked up to them, ”You three are here for the team going to North Carolina, right? I haven’t ever been there, but it seems odd for vampires to go to a small place like that.” She didn’t know any of them, and they didn’t know her any better, but they may know more about hunting vampires than her, so Isolde wasn’t going to shy away from communicating with a team.

Orange Juice
Jeremy Lemon
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 23 hrs ago

. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .

Last night had been a plague of continuous nightmares and repeated awakenings to the point that Hana had left her slumbering roommates multiple times to seek escape elsewhere. She found herself wondering the night close by, feeling the grass under bare feet but avoiding the dense forest of her home. More than a few moments were on the porch, under the light that was created to guide her home from the previous walks and taking time to sketch. She even found herself in the kitchen at one point making carrot cake muffins with cream cheese frosting in the early dawn as others started to rise to start the day. It was all in hopes that she could tired herself out enough to have no dreams or at least try to do the things that relaxed her and made her happy. It had worked far later than she had hoped it would but at least she got a few precious hours of sleep before she heard Kate stir and begin to start her day.

She lay there, strongly debating if she should snuggle deeper into the mound of pillows and sheets to try and claim a few more moments of sleep or if she should admit defeat and start the journey of the day. Unfortunately, the decision was ripped from her as loud knocks echoed on the door to their room, with a statement from one of the Elders that they were all to meet in Sister Deborah’s office as soon as possible. Hana had an involuntary groan escape her as she kicked the sheets off of her, lazily dragging herself from bed to switch out her pajamas for a black crop top dappled with small yellow sunflowers and a pair of overall shorts. She didn’t even bother with shoes, just throwing on wacky patterned socks of bright colors and placing her hair in a messy bun instead of needing to take the time to style or brush it. She quickly took a moment to at least brush her teeth before making her way into the office, knowing for a fact that she wouldn’t be able to snag enough time for breakfast just yet or at all depending on what the Sister has to say.

Hana carefully maneuvered through the crowd of people, picking a random spot which she hoped would avoid too much a danger to her almost bare feet. It seemed that they were going to wait till the mass of new witches was accounted for which gave her a bubble of excitement but also a bit of dread. What could be so important that all of them were needed at one time? She bit her lip, wishing she had left her hair down to fiddle with but instead was clenching her fingers together as she waited. A movement of someone arriving next to her caught her eye as she glanced to the side to see exactly who it was only to freeze a bit. Caleb was one of the new people within their coven, one she didn’t know very well out of the small group of newest coven members but had seemed very nice in the few days she had been around him. She felt bad for her automatic nervousness around him and some of the others. It was like she became a mute around them who could only smile or just stuttered so bad that it became an embarrassment.

She still felt her fingers twitch with the urge to touch that face of his again like so many other times. It was a scar, nothing she could do now but it still pulled at her need to worry and touch. At least she hadn’t been dumb enough to do so yet or even ask about it. Hana felt that bright smile of his before she even exactly noticed it and felt her own smile pull to the corner of her lips in return. She quickly pulled her attention away, trying to focus ahead and wait for the meeting to begin but it seemed fate had other plans. Caleb greeted her with a cheerful ‘morning’ which had her moving her attention solely back to the man next to her. She felt her word trap in her throat for a moment, her mouth opening a bit but no words coming out until she stumbled out a small,”G-g-good morning.”.

Hana wanted to pat herself on the back for small accomplishments but that quickly deflated when she found herself much closer to Caleb as she had previously been. She blushed, knowing her was just leaning closer so he could whisper and have her hear but she couldn’t stop the reaction, nonetheless. She turned to lean closer to his ear and answered softly,”I-I’m not sure b-but it must be important f-for them to want us all at once.” It was barely even a moment later, that Sister Deborah began to speak, which had her removing herself from Caleb’s personal space and once more focusing on why they were all here. She didn’t know how she felt about vampires and didn’t even know how useful she could be other than maybe a few fighting moves or support but it didn’t mean she would run away or turn it down. She didn’t have much time to dwell on that though as a loud groan next to her which had her raising an eyebrow to Caleb at what that was about only to have an eyebrow raised to her which actually had her pathetically holding back a chuckle. It had helped fight off any nervousness that had tried to grip her again.

The groups and missions were assigned, each one the same goal but different locations. Hana considered herself lucky that out of the two groups she had gotten the shorter trip. It gave more opportunity to prepare at the location before nightfall and to get fully settled into the new surroundings. She wasn’t sure if they would start right away but at least it was choice or option. Calypso called to their group, saying she had the file and kind of taking the reigns as the leader. She listened to the details of the file and made a note to do a bit more research, maybe grab a book on vampires before they left. Who knows, might make for an interesting read on the way there. They agreed to meet up around 1:30 or at least no one seemed to object and it was better to be on the same page. It seemed that Calypso, Arken, and David had cars so they were at least easily covered there. She didn’t stick around the group long, working on packing up essential items like toiletries,clothes, and chargers.

Once that duffle bag was filled, all the regularly needed items for a trip, she started working on the not so needed items. Hana grabbed a backpack, playing in a few different pencils and art supplies for sketching, a book or two, some cards, iPod, headphones and other items to keep herself entertained. Sure, this was a mission but it was also a chance to see a place she had never been and maybe have a few good memories other than the nights filled with hunting vampires. Speaking of that, she knew she still needed to find some more information about them and get down to the armory to pack some useful weapons. It wouldn’t hurt to make some potions either or at least help a few others in their group make them since more hands were always a plus. Instead, she grabbed the half full backpack and headed for the kitchen to pack up some snacks as well as to get something to eat while she still could. This was going to be a long day, that was for sure.

. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 5 days ago

Seeing as there was not much more for him to do in the office, Arken set off to pack for the trip. He had some time. As it was still rather early in the day. Arken first made his way back to the kitchen to grab himself a slice of toast. Biting onto one corner of it, he made his way back up into his room.

"Right. Road trip, but with more vampires. What do I need..." He thought to himself, idly chewing on small bits of toast. First thing that popping in his mind was clothing and toiletry. Sure, they were going to stay at a decent place, so packing towels and washcloths was probably not necessary. But he obviously needs to pack and bring personal items. He was not planning on sharing things like that... He dug through his belongings that were about three quarters of the way unpacked. He dug out his waxed canvas dopp kit and unzipped it. Of course, the contents inside had been emptied. He shuffled over to where his personal items are kept and grabbed them. "Skin care, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair gel, deodorant, and...a small bottle of cologne. Ok, thats that sorted." He thought again. Setting the dopp kit on his bed, he sat down on the floor, staring at an empty duffle bag. "Well. Clothes. I'll pack enough for a week I suppose."

Rummaging through his dresser, he haphazardly tossed bits of clothing in the general direction of the duffle bag. Undergarments, t-shirts, and jeans made up most of the items. A couple of sweaters (Jumpers for your British folks among us, kinda sus tbh), a water-proof wind jacket and socks rounded out the rest of the selections. Towards the bottom of his dresser, he noticed an unassuming leather pouch. "Ah. I'll bring that too. Mom would kill me if I told her the mission and also forgetting to bring that ." With a small sigh, he took out the leather pouch and carefully opened it. An well-weathered, but clean, handle inlaid with trims of gold, silver, and a small blue gemstone can be see. Gripping the handle, he drew out the eight inch bowie knife. The blade itself was mad with obsidian, causing it to be pure black, with small shimmers of gold flakes that seem to reflect the sunlight. Arken gently brushed his thumb against the blade, almost as if he is confirming the blade to be still sharp. If one was to closely examine the blade, they can see some very old runes seemingly carved into the interior of the blade itself. Setting the pouch into a backpack, instead of the duffle bag full of clothing, Arken started to gather some of the non-clothing items he would need. Things like a small jar of red ink, a fountain pen, notepad, parchment paper, a small felt bag that held a handful of small bamboo talismans, charger brick and a small bundle of various cables, his laptop, his canteen, sunglasses, and earbuds. "Hm. I think that is about it. Maybe I'll head to the armory to check out the vast selection of vampire slaying tools the coven is sure to have." He thought, chuckling inwardly.

Slinging the backpack over his shoulders, and picking up the duffle bag, he made his way into the armory, which was unusually quiet for the time being. There were a few coven personnel shuffling around, doing things. Arken offered them a small bow/nod as he made his way into the actual armory and took a look. "Welp. This is sort of outdated. It'll have to do I suppose..." He thought, idly browsing and picking things up to examine as he tried to discern which tools might work for hunting vampires. "Silver and things like that ought to work, right? So, lets see if there is anything silver here..." He thought, continuing to browse and walk around idly...

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Unexpectedly, Alayna had spent her break trying to be a lot more courageous than usual. She'd taken the time to get to know both of her roommates, beyond just knowing their first names (or, in Maggie's case, finally knowing what they looked like). And while she is still pretty much her anxious self, her daily goal has always been to improve on yesterday, her progress resulting in two new friendships with girls she knew she could trust.

Yet, while her social situation had slightly changed, the witch still kept up her usual morning walks and can be found presently replenishing her stomach with a light snack under a tree near the main house. From her position, she can see the house and its grounds, some of her fellow witches roaming about or sitting on the front porch chatting and drinking the tea served that morning. Alayna herself had been tempted to linger in the main house, but the sun outside had seemed too good an opportunity for her to remain inside. Not even the tiredness she'd felt this morning because of the previous night's camp sesh could keep her in, although she is no late sleeper.

As if taunting her, a yawn escapes from the corner of her mouth, making the girl wince. Her walk had given her, at least, the energy to shower and dress, her hair done up in its usual bun and her shoes a pair of simple black flats. But the rest of the day she can already tell is bound to feel like a day-long vigil. Oh why, oh why did she not simply ask to go in early? Because that would be strange obviously. We're trying to make ourselves appear less strange to others, remember, her mind reminds her. She may have developed a good relationship with her roommates, but with the rest of her peers, a lack existed. Still, that could always be changed with a good push, no?
"Right then," she accidentally says aloud in response to this thought, surprising the elder that had approached her without being heard.

"Oh...I'm sorry," Alayna mumbles, her cheeks heating, "I'm guessing I'm needed somewhere, huh?" And needed she had been, her face filled with excitement once she'd made it to the meeting place and heard the assignment being read out to her. Vampires, for a fire user such as herself, should surely be a piece of cake. Or, at least, that's what she'd thought at first. But, upon further reflection of Sister Deborah's warning, fear leaks into her veins and she's rendered into speechlessness as Calypso provides the details given in her team's folder.

It is only when in the privacy of her room that Alayna allows her hands to tremble and a few tears to fall, ones that she quickly wipes away to avoid any evidence of her state of doubt. All that she can think, as she stuffs a small bag with necessities for the trip, is that this may be too soon and things were bound to go wrong in some way.

The young witch could feel it in her bones.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

David put a great deal more into every blow into the bag after the meeting. Just what were they asking of him? They say the person and place and send him in to kill like a dog? Was he just supposed to lay his life on the line for on the request of someone he only met recently? Was his dad right and the covens beliefs? Were those true beliefs rearing their ugly head now that he had been drawn in? David wasn't just angry, he was frustrated and confused about it all. But the worst part is that he couldn't write their choice off as all bad. Vampires are similar to humans, but they also are a life threatening danger to the people around them. Only the coven could really stop it, and that was the worst part, they were in the right. But the feelings still remained, and with no one to let it out on that deserved it, it was best to let it out on the bag. Just like many other times.

David would hunt down these vampires, that was a promise to himself. But he wasn't doing it for the coven. He was doing it for the lives that would be lost without action. Maybe he could bottle up some of the aggression to make sure he would follow through on that promise.

Either way, at the end of the workout he was far too tired to dwell on it too much. He strolled back to the coven house, toweling himself down. He went inside to do all the 'I have just worked out and now I need to do other things for the day' routine. He then quickly packed his duffel bag with enough clothes to last and chucked in the toiletries bag. The whole thing took about a half hour in total, a very fast time. But this was less because of efficiency and more because of lack of things to really pack. He was back outside in no time with a black jacket, white shirt, jeans, and sneakers on. He strode in a much more upbeat and happy tone than what could be seen earlier from him. He chucked his duffel bag in the back and... holy s*** was he taken aback by what he saw.

"Bloody hell mate, you witches are crazy. How many weapons to do have back here?" He said jokingly "look if I get pulled over you're all gonna split the fine right? Or pay the bail, probably paying bail." He laughed it off as he begun to get out the tarp and drape it over the new armory that resided in the back of his car. He wasn't actually worried about getting pulled over, David wasn't much of a speeder. Plus he could make the whole thing look inconspicuous once he had a cover over it. Frankly, it just looked like a pile of gardeners tools now. Though the main reason for telling the joke in the first place was just to get his mind, or at least his outer expression, off the turmoil it was in before.

Although, as he was tying down the tarp he had a look at all the weapons. They were bringing all this into the fight and what did he have? Nothing, that's what. Could he really just relying on fighting skill alone? Probably not. It was at least checking out the armory everyone was talking about before heading out.

David could separate the armory into three sections. There were the guns, who David had no idea on how to use and frankly didn't seem like a good idea to learn under life or death circumstances. There were the talismans and 'wacky witch s***', which David had even less of an idea of how to use if they did much at all. He wasn't going to rely on those. Lastly there was the section that teleported him back to the middle ages, the place was stocked with maces, swords, and whatever else you could think of. But frankly that did not seem appealing either. There had to be something David could use to get the bloodsuckers running. Then an idea popped into his head. He left the armory about 5 minutes after he entered and went over to the gardeners shed. David quickly came out with the chainsaw and a bit of fuel. He forgot what movie it was that he saw, but if he could make the vamps into mash they didn't have much chance to coming back before the sun came up.

On returning, David chucked his selected weapon in the back. Of course, he wouldn't plan to use it willy nilly but he had to do something about the vampire regeneration. Best to use a tool that can make it next to impossible. "Right, lets get this show on the road aye. I am keen for a road trip after being cooped up in this place the past few days." He pointed behind him with his thumb toward the coven house with, again, a positive expression on his face.

Talks to group 1
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

In the days following the initiation, Maggie grew more comfortable and accustomed to her new life at the coven house. Although camping had left a rather sour taste in her mouth, that negativity lessened as she got to know everyone better and settled in. Her days became routine- mornings were spent in the library reading, afternoons in the alchemy lab and outside practicing spells, and evenings alongside her fellow witches attempting to be social. The blonde was trying her best to break out of her shell, but it was harder than originally anticipated. But she continued to remind herself that with time things would get easier… or so she thought.

Of course they were being sent away, as soon as the blonde was gaining her sea legs they were throwing another curve ball at them. Completely unexpected and absolutely terrifying. As she sat in the meeting with Sister Deborah, Maggie couldn’t believe her ears… vampires? She knew that there was a possibility that the coven would send them out on business, but she didn’t think it’d be this soon. Once handed the folder, she mused over the paper thin pile that her group was given- there were barely any leads! How were they supposed to put two and two together on their own? At least she was in good company- Summer was (shockingly) beginning to grow on Maggie, Charlie was always a nice person to be around (and not to mention look at), having Jean-Luc there meant she wouldn’t be the only bookworm in the bunch, and she had spent time with Rowan in the lab. As for the rest of the group (Jeremy, Cassandra, Kate, and Isolde) everyone seemed to be easy enough to talk to, which was a start.

As soon as the meeting was adjourned, Maggie disappeared back to her quarters and began to pull things together for the trip. Without knowing how long the group would be away for, it was difficult to pack- she tried to think about what they’d be doing and where they could possibly be going to determine the contents of her luggage. Eventually clothes, toiletries, and a few personal items made their way into her duffle, but before zipping it shut the blonde walked over to the pile of books she had compiled in the corner of the room and took a plain looking novel from the middle of the stack. Flipping it open, it revealed itself not to be a real book after all, but a safe.

Carved into the middle of the book was a small pocket large enough to fit only a few important items. In Maggie’s case, the compartment held extra cash for emergencies, a swiss army knife for sticky situations, and a small dagger for both emergencies and very sticky situations. The blade was a family heirloom that had been passed down over the past few generations and intended for use only in situations where spells and craft could not overpower brute force. Shutting the book once more, the girl placed it in the open duffle and promptly zipped it closed before turning off the lights in the room. But instead of going directly outside, she made one more stop- dropping her bag and slipping on her sunglasses at the request of the paper sign, she turned the knob to the alchemy lab.

Maggie quietly opened the door, nodding at Kate and Rowan as they stood over the cauldron, and walked over to the corner of the room where she had stored the latest potions that she had been working on. The blonde selected specific vials- various healing tonics and concoctions that might help them if needed and stuffed them into a pouch. Looking back at the two witches (who were both in her group) as they mixed up what looked like to be pure sunlight, she smiled. “That’ll be useful- I’ll let the others know you’re finishing up in here and then we’ll be on our way.” With that Maggie exited the room, propping her sunglasses on the top of her head, and headed towards the door with her things.

Once outside, she noticed her group was gathering near two cars. Anxiety took over, but the girl tried her best to take a calming breath before walking over and making her presence known. “Did anyone stop at the Armory? I picked up some healing potions and tonics I made over the past few days from the alchemy lab- Kate and Rowan are finishing mixing some last minute things up and will be over shortly. Who’s driving?” Trying to stop herself from rambling, Maggie inhaled once more and then spoke sarcastically, something the others probably weren’t expecting. “The elders are sending out the newest and most unprepared witches to try and stop the big bad vampires… this is going to be great.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by blackdragon

blackdragon An Ass Wiser than Yoda

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cassandra was stoic as the mission was announced. A small group of vampires. Judging from the intel, they can best us one on one, but we've got the numbers if we move quick. Could be a lot worse. As the intel dump was concluded, she stood up and looked over the rest of the team she had been assigned to work with.

"Do we have any idea where these vampires are holed up? I was thinking I could do a big entropy hex on their base, blow everything on one haymaker. But to do that properly, I'd need to know where to drop the hammer." She gave a small chuckle- those bloodsuckers wouldn't have a clue what hit them, and once they were disabled, the team could sweep in and finish the job with minimal risk. Everybody gets to come home, and that was the most important goal of the mission by far.

"Granted, the first step in this whole thing is to actually get there. Anybody willing to volunteer to drive?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Danvers
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Danvers boo

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Summer was maybe the second or third person in the room, which meant that she had managed to find herself sitting comfortably in one of the two chairs. She muttered a few cursory hellos as some of the other witches began to enter the room, quickly turning away when she saw the unwelcome sight that was Dakota, but otherwise remained content in staring impatiently at Sister Deborah as she waited for her to begin. Luckily she’d managed to avoid interacting with the former over the last few days. It wasn’t like she was scared of confrontation but, if she were honest with herself, she had enjoyed her newfound freedom and she didn’t want anything to spoil it. Her phone, whenever it managed to catch the spurious moments of signal, would ring near constantly with messages and phone calls from Olive. Thankfully, she could now just roll her eyes and ignore it. Sure her mother would be angry when she next saw her but she’d deal with that bridge when she met it.

When the elder finally began to speak, she sat upright, straightening her dainty floral skirt whilst listening intently. Although the time at the coven house had been admittedly relaxing, and she perhaps had found that a couple of the other witches were tolerable, she still was keen to have a chance to actually do something. Anything. Her whole life had been spent with days full of studying, extracurricular activities, practicing magic. To just be sat idle was such a foreign concept to her, and she could feel the impatience welling up inside her. But...vampires? Summer raised an eyebrow at this, wondering why the elders had deemed it sensible to send them on such a seemingly reckless and life-threatening mission. Surely it wouldn’t do the coven any good if they were all killed straight away. “Seriously?” She muttered under her breath, moving to twirl a piece of ginger hair between her fingers as she listened to the rest of the rigmarole. She couldn’t help but wonder if her sister had been on such a dangerous mission on her first go. Summer wasn’t sure, Olive having always kept the covens secrets close to her chest, but if she had she wanted to make sure she did even better.

Standing up from her seat as Sister Deborah finished, she meandered over to her group, folding her arms across her chest when Jean-Luc began to read from the folder. “Well this is dumb...” She finally piped up, the scarce details of the mission making the ridiculousness of the whole thing even worse. “Anyway, I for one refuse to get killed on my first assignment, so I hope you all know what you’re doing.” Despite herself, Summer was studious and she knew bits & pieces about vampires from some of her readings. Her mind began to wander, slowly making a list of what she might need for such a trip. Maybe a gun would be useful. Her father had taught her how to shoot one (whilst laughing at the idea of how Summer would respond to someone threatening her) but she’d barely had any practice since then. It couldn’t be too difficult though. She’d managed to hit most of the targets they’d set up…

Realising that she had become distracted by her own thoughts, the redhead looked up when Cassandra spoke, asking if anyone was willing to drive. Fuck, why hadn’t she brought her car? Damn her mother on being so insistent about driving her up here. “My cars at home.” She replied bluntly, inwardly cursing herself for not having thought about this beforehand. “Hopefully one of the others has theirs...” Summer added after a few moments of awkward silence, in which she had just taken to staring at her sandals. She’d barely interacted with the witch and honestly, the girl was the complete opposite of the people she’d hung out with at home. The teen doubted that they’d have much in common...Cassandra really didn’t seem like a handspring and roundoff type. Because of this, idle small talk seemed all but pointless to her, so she’d simply shrugged her shoulders and wandered off after deciding that the conversation was over.

After having grabbed a bag and gathered all the items that she deemed essential, she made her way outside. It didn’t take her long to find the others, who had crowded around the cars. Pausing, she folded her arms over her chest as she glanced between the two rides on offer. An Audi or a...a well, a car that looked like it might not even run. Or that she might get tetanus from. And although Summer found Charlie more tolerable than any of the other witches, she still didn’t want to have to spend half a day in a Ford of all things. “...I’ll go with Jean-Luc.” Summer finally said after much deliberation, striding over to the Audi and tossing her backpack into the trunk. “I hope you’re a good driver.” She muttered pointedly to Jean-Luc as she passed him, sliding into one of the backseats without another word.

@blackdragon @Hitman
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Jumbus
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rowan looked up from her work at the Bunsen burner in surprise at hearing the door open. Although she knew that other witches would probably come in for preparations, she also worried that they may have not seen the sign. Temporarily blinding and doing serious damage to the eyes of her fellow witches was not something she wanted on her shoulders. But as she looked up, Rowan was relieved to see Kate wearing appropriate eye wear. "It's just me and don't worry, i'm wearing safety sunglasses" She smiled "no I'm not worrying, just glad to see the sign was big enough. Rowan carefully placed the conical flask to the side on a nearby windowsill, it only really needed to settle now and absorb some solar heat. Hearing Kate's list of plants, she took a little bit to process it then furrowed her brow a bit. Those were some incredibly potent ingredients. "Strange selections, can I have a look at what you are trying to make for a sec?"

Rowan had a look at Kate's home brewed recipes, the names definitely gave her a chuckle too. "I like the names, its a good touch." In terms of the three recipes themselves, they all seemed to revolve around the properties and effects of the flower with some add ons to perhaps improve the effect. It did peak Rowan's curiosity as to the effect of the other components also what flavor of frozen yogurt it was. Did it even matter what flavor it was? But all those curiosities were best left for Kate to know and Rowan to find out for the time being though.

"You can find all of those ingredients in the coven stock if you need." Rowan walked over toward her garden and plucked a single flower from the box. Kate would recognize this as a Sarcodes flower, but it wasn't quite that. Much like everything in her garden, Rowan had manipulated it with her magic to differ from the natural plant. "But if you are feeling adventurous, you can try brewing with this. I must say, I haven't quite had the time to test it properly yet. So it could do just about anything as far as I'm concerned. Have fun with it." Rowan gave the strange flower over to Kate.

Rowan noticed Maggie come in and grab a few potions and tonics. “That’ll be useful- I’ll let the others know you’re finishing up in here and then we’ll be on our way.” Finishing up? Rowan was barely halfway and Kate hadn't even started. Were the people outside really looking to head off so soon? This put Rowan in a small panic mode but of course she tried her best not to show it. "Thanks Maggie, yeah we will be out soon. My bags are already packed so it isn't too much of a worry." She had not packed her bags at all and it was absolutely a worry. Rowan waited for Maggie to be out of earshot as to not worry her or anything. "Alright we need to get a move on, we don't want to hold the others up do we?" Although, in reality, there was still a reasonable amount of time. The situation got blown out of proportion in Rowan's mind. "I still have a few things to finish up but I can help you get these done if you need."

Potion making montage later

Rowan made the finishing touches to Bottle Sunlight by adding a pinch of black salt and swirling. She poured the mixture into 3 identical capped vials and placed them in an empty pouch of her coat. The potions looked perfect, perhaps her best work yet. Rowan turned to Kate "I still need to pack my bags so I should probably get that done before they leave without me." She gave off a laugh with only a slight hint of nervousness. Rowan ran up the stairs to pack.

Sometime later, Rowan met up with Kate and Maggie outside. Seeing Summer enter Jean Luc's car, Rowan took a small gulp. "Should we, uh, see if Charlie is driving anyone?"

Talks to: Kate @sassy1085 Maggie @Melissa
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